y v SJ Jerry On J V NOT Gowtfl tJDTT-11fW.toO,i 1VJE COT iOI RJB.'WOVUATCyoF tCF CBGAM AU.tNAttTtaDOC ITIAW VT OWNEfc.- WUGET IT l MCK IM AM WCAIR.. , E Heportml by Jnckon County Ab tract Co., 8UU1 nnd Fir Ht. Circuit Aliro Mmmriitlil v. J. B. Mannflold. Mwirro. O. V, CUmmlng vh. MnHIo Cum mliig. HlliiiilMtlon, J, I'. llann v. A. II. Bobbin Aitionilod niinwor to niiionded mio pia In L F'loronre II. Lonsdale v Oro. W. Imhiliilo. Affldnvlt of plnlntirr. W. )i, Cot VH. II. IC. BpnlillnR ot nl. Stipulation. Huet'F. Cmmbolt vm. C. W. Cane holt, Motion of prop ll'ti for farm Inlior. IVoImip IMtnto of II. II. Triplet!. Motion nml order for ronflrinnlloii of unto of rent property. Mart-Inge f.lipitM' A. 'Tlioritp'snii nml Edith .M. Win. rinli. Heal Folate Trnnfer i:. A. Merrill et vlr lo Willi A. Ilulley l ul, H. H of BV of BW '4 of .'. R twp. 39 B. It. 1 B. W. M.. deed W. A. Join, sheriff to I.. A. Askew, NW of B. 32 twp. as B. It. S i:., certificate of sale I. J, Wnlitstroin, single lo 01 Evelyn Carlqulsl, S. 4 BW of BV noo. 6, twp. B. II. I i:.. 0. C. I) J. A. Carlqulst et ux to IC. of an A. 1 Merrill, B. tt of BW of BW of ec. S, twp. a B. It. t B. nml 1 nrro In until T. nml II. W. I) II. IIiihIi el ux to Wnltor llmh t nl, land In twp. 39 II. I k.. w. n Iiln WerU to II. F. Wert, Innit In nop. 10, twp. 3C, B. It. I , W. I). .... (loo, A. Ilulx, single lo flpo. lint. Iiiiul In see. 2 twp, .17 B. It. 2 W., W. I) I.oiiIr DoiIro tit ux to J. I'. DuiIko tit ux, Inml In Ah Innil, W. H Horiio lllvor Timber Co. to B. B. Alteon, Br.. 30 ncru In hop. 27 twp. 32 B, It. 3 !:.. W. I) ClnroiiPo l.nno ct ux to II. Until Inml In twp. 39 1 i: V. I). Wllllmn Ulrlrli t ux to A. It. ZiliiniiTiuiin, tot C. or Ulrlch Aitil lo Knnlo rotnt. W. I). . 10 ror. 10 to 10 300 I EAGLE POINT EAGLETS I j lly A. 0. Mowlelt. I 4 : . f Nov, M. V, DnvlH will hold i-erv-Ire nt'Tolo on next Buudny nt II a. in, nml S p. in. I moo llint In my iitnntlon of Mr. M. M. Hoot of Tnhlo Hock bolni? hero thin I inndo a terrible blunder. In npeakliiK or hi Idea of the future do. veloptuontn of thin vnlloy I wroto Hint bo wnn very peMliuUlle. when I luteiideil lo nay Hint ho wnH very op tliiilHtlii for ho thluliR Hint thorn Ih a hrlKbt futuio for Itoii. river vnlloy He phoned (o u friend or initio Hint tt took nil or hi llmo to explain IiIa vIowh on Hint Hiibjert lnce that Item uppenrod In thn Mull Trlbiiiiu, A, Corhln'H ten in went out, of horn with it loud or lumber u few dnyH nco and on Inquiry I learned Hint ho was Mill hulldliiK. thU tluiu a wnrolioiixo to put thlliKH uwny Hint' ho don't uood ul preHeiit. .ItiHper Mnxfletd null wife of Weed, Cnl wero In town Wednesday thoy were looklim fur ft locution In thl lielKlihorlioiul nml vMHiik Mr. Mnx rield'H brother-IU'lnw nml wlfo, Mr. nml Mr. Chnrley Clnacude. i Mr. mid Mr. l.eo HeHHlor ot l.alfo rroolt wero duliiK hUHlneuM with our ineirhi'iit rednedny, Fred I, lloulh, onii or our nier I'liiint Iiiih Jul received n cnrlnnd r flour from I'oiulleloii o you mm Hint wo will mil mo huuKiy 'or u wlillu If our fuiiil hold nut. Tim uliirk lm uiey Immui hiiy In llilu m'cllon of I he ciilinli)' fui' Hm put veel( ii will liu m-eu Ity Hm W ' hlrlliM heiewllli Mlluelied lloin In Mr. iiml Mr J'iNiik AMmiHi AohmhI it, a mi ami h( Uu wu'vunt V f" YKjf saT COURT HOUS NEWS the Job Sn .-- I , -1, ."f'tS A V- motlior nml rlillil worn itolng well. t)r V. V. Holt report tint follow liiK lilt (h up to noon lodny, Kntuntuy: To .Mr. nml .Mr. Mnrnhnll of Awnto, n Klrl; horn Buuilny, AiirIinI 10. To Mr. nml Mr, ltolior.1 It. I)awon, of Trail, OroHon, n OniiRhtor, nnmnl IIiupI (Jwoliilotyn, AiiKiin UL To Mr. nml Mm. Ooo. It. Drown, of Hrown horo, AuKunt 21, n iMiir.titcr. No rncn kuIpIiIo In tlimo part. Clinrlo IJ. nml ttnlpli K. Btovpn of Boitttti) woro with iik WViliiiinilny nlRht nmt on Tliiirmlny inornliiR thry epuroil n rl nml ilrlvor lo o (o the Dpnil I Mil In n Boitn Bprltiit, thry worn hpro looklim fnr'lnml to locnto on or lo purchttHo. I unilorMAiul Hint tlin KarIo Hotel I about to rlinmw hnml DKiiln thl llmo 11. W. OwIiir tin trntlPil the property for n fnrni In NVvndn to J. I). Dowmiy, Mr. OwInK I now In N'nviulii itml no hoon n I tin ititotl Hint Mr. OuIiik hn hIkiioiI horo run hn forwnnli'tl to Mr. UwIiik for hi hU: niitiiri. nml tho th'Pil pxrhniiKoil. Mr. OttliiRH will r.o to Novmln nml Mr. Downey will coino out hero nml tnlto poelon. Win. .VfiwuhttUin of l.nko creek nml hi lnter, Mr. O, M. StpAilhnin nml her two chllilren of (Irani Fax were hnr lnt Friday. Mr. Btemlliain nml her rhllitren wero on their way homo. They hml been up to vllt hor parent, brother anil Mttcra for tlio pnt two work. Mr. O. IC. Nlcliol formorly of till plnce who hn been vUltlni; her brother In tlio I.nk creek country wn vIoltliiK relntlve In our town Friday. We hm! two of the prohibition enn itlilntc hero with tin Frlitny nfler noon. Curtfn F, Coe, cnmllilalo for coiiRreti nml II. B. Btlno, cnmllilnto for the United Stnte ennte. They r kpoko In the park whoro were con uroKiited nhoul id of tliti voter of Knxlo 1'olnt. They hml n very dr ! crowd nml amniiK tliein wero n doxen or inoro Indies, but whllii the crowd wn dry the pceche were no wlo dry, hut they each npoko nhoul 40 tiilnutei nml held the nudlenre nml Ihey eeined loath to hnvo them top I 'hpenkliiK. Otio thliiK Hint I notice) wn thai tnero wn noi n miikio wc; voter ninoiiK theiii.' They eem to lis nfrnld to rouio out nml henr tlio other mIiIo or the qucntlon. Mr. nml Mr. W. ' II. BImou of IIoriio Ither worn with u Inst Fri day nlRht. They wero hero looking nroiiml for u plnco to ettte. NOTICK. Notlro I hereby given that tlio tin derlmiod will apply to the city coun cil nt It ineetlni? to ho hold Boptem bor lt, 1911, for n llcenso to sell omit, Rplrltuou nml vinous liquor In quuiitltlcn lena than a gallon at It plaro or tiiulno on lol 11, block 20, city of Medford for n period of fllx mouthy. Dated August IS, 1914. W. M. KUNNHDV. NOTICK. Notice I hereby glvou Hint tlio un dondmiod will npply to tlio city coun cil or tho city of Medford, Oregon, nt It next regular modllng, Boptein ber iKt, 1914, for u IIcoiiho to noil limit, vliiotm nml Hplrltoim llauora nt It In place of IiuhIhoxh. No. 30 N. Front Htnnit, Medford, Oregon, for n period of nix inmiHiH, Dated Aug. IS, 19 1 4. II. B. UADCUFF. HoqucNt for IIUIh, III tho dlHtrlct court of tho United BtntoH for the dlHtrlct of Oregon. In the matter or M, J. 1'llclior, bankrupt In bankruptcy. Tho umlerHlgiied tru(eo In tho nbovo entitled imitler will receive Healed IiIiIh for n ntock or iiiorcluiu- dlan, eoiiiUIIni; or uuw good or tho Inventory Vuluo of II27.K4 and oc- oud hand good of tho Inventory vnluu of f 4 IS, 24 up to 12 o'clock of noon of AugilBt 37th) 11)14, Halo subject to Hm couflriuntloii of the court, Inventory of lhn above niorrhuiidlnH run ho neon nt thu officii or llio uiulerlKUed. Ami tho xnino can ho limpecltnl by apply lo Hm un ienilKii'il, A rmliriuil ilieck or Id per fUHl inuM lw deiDi Willi Mil hil, AilKiml I7H, mi. ISO' WILLIAM HUIKIII, V. M . SKY, --'IS . - ttA3 wrdfotid urar; tuibonui, jf lCKrAY-LOO.. m-oN AAm-OKC TEACU cot'XTV foritT FitocFcni.vns. The following 1 a clieilulo of ex penditure of Jnckion county, ureuon, toKether with n llit of clulmnutn nml artloli'n or mtvIi-.j far which tins clnlm I made, nml which were pasd upon by thn rounty court for Jnckon coun ty durliiK Hie inoiith of June, l.'lH t'oimty t'oui-t nml t'oinnilHiloiierN Jn. M. Croneinlltvr, Minmp. .$ 3.fiS Clin. II. (Iny, probation offi cer, n.nlnry 2S.00 Home Tolophouo nml Tele- Krnph Co., teltiphuiio bill. . 2.70 Medford Bun, prlntln court proccedliiun 11.02 Medford Mnll Tribune, print- Inx court proceedliiK 121.07 F, l. Ton Velio, county Judge, nnlnry iso.on F. I. Ton Velle, irnrellni: ex pence, county JiiiIko 20.00 W. C. louver, roininlloner' coinix'itiiatlon m 17 00 J. C. Bmlth, coiiitiilKMloner' ronipennatlon 22.00 Total 37:i.:i7 2S.00 24 Ul) Circuit Court F. Itoy Duvln, court reporter A. It. Tliompiioii, Imlllff . I. W. Ilagxlinw, itrcmllug Walter Zeldler . . Mr. Ilert A. Admit, grand Jury wltne II, W. Andrew, petit Juror.... M. F. Hrltt. grand Jury wlt ne Aubrey Hrltt, grnnd Jury wli nei - .. I). II. Ilrniieburg, grnnd Juror 10 00 3.70 21.40 . 3.70 3.70 0.40 0.80 3.30 21.47 IS. 00 s.oo 1C.S7 1C.S0 IS. 07 4.30 3.30 3.30 2.00 3.40 7.00 13.00 J. C, Ilarnard, grand Juror. . J, K. Hrown, circuit court wlt ne . . - (loo. II. Hrown, K.tll Juror.... William llybee. petit Juror ... F.uuuott lliH-Hon, petit Juror .. Den. M. Collin, petit Juror.. K. Calhoun, ik-HI Juror Mile Cautrall, petit Juror I. B. Coltroll. grnnd Jury wit neiH . . Tom Clngcnde, wltne Henry Chllder, wltucwi Orl Crnwford. wltne Chn. Dunfor. Br., wltnci Knlph Ii. Darling, petit Juror I). W. Drlnkell, petit Juror.... V. W. Dlnkeu, grand Jury wltne C. F. Dennl. grnnd Jury wlt ne It. I. Bwlng, grnnd Jury wlt ne It. U. Bwlng grand Jury wlt ne It. U. Bwlng. wltne Floyd Bdillng. wltne . . . C. It. Font, grand Jury wit lien J, II. Fuller, grnnd Juror .... (1. K. Fox, grnnd Juror Clint flnltatln. grnnd Juror ... W. V. Oregory, grnnd Juror I). D. Oood. grnnd Jury wlt ne II. C. Clurnoit, grnnd Jury wit ness . II. C. Gnrnett. petit Juror Vern OrlgKby, wltne (1. It. Harper, bringing priso ner from Klanuith Fall.... F, W. llollln, grand Juror Fred W. llerrln, grand Jury wIIiicr - Chief Illusion, wltnonn Ij. II. Hughe, witness Fred I. Heath, wltne 4.30 3.S0 2.00 2.00 4.00 2.90 2.00 r..so 10.20 13.40 11.20 3.20 2.00 17.S7 3.30 t2R.9S 10.00 3.20 2.00 2.80 3.30 22.47 2.00 2.00 2.B0 2.00 2.00 3.30 17.R7 i7.s; 2S.0O 19.00 lfi.40 7.00 2.90 C. WW. Iloldrldge, potlt Juror Home Telephone mid Toie grnph Co., tolophouo bill.. . I.eo Jncoli, grund jury wit ness . . .". Jesso Ichor, wltno It. M Klncnld, wllne Frank Mudley, wltnesa Frnnk I.owl. wltne 1). T. I.nwton, petit Juror Wnyno Leovor, petit Juror .... II. II. I.atupman, petit Juror Frnnk I.nwrence, petit Juror.. W. F. I.onmls, potlt Juror Anderson leo, grand Juror ... D, II. Miller, circuit court WltllOKg It, II, Moore. wltnoRH V, It. Mathews, wttuex 11. A. Morse, petit Juror (1. F. Merrlniaii. petit Juror. (Irant MntlhowB, petit Juror Bain Murray, petit Juror II. 11. Myer. Br., petit Juror H. .1. McQuold, wltnesa Jack Molnlyro, wltne F. (1. MoWllllani. pollt Juror I. K. Nnlloy, pollt Juror F. J. Nowumn.'grnhd Jury witness R. .1. Odell, wltiies W. W. l'arkor, iirtiiul Juror . Geo. II. Falerlck, grnnd Juror Sylvester I'ntterson, grnnd Juror C. C. I'lerce, grand Jury wlt nOs Clenient M, l'nrker, pollt Juror .Inn, Perdue, wltuos It it 1 pit lltHel, grand Jury wltnes ,.,..,. D. II. Ileuine, grund Jury wil lies ...... It B. Ilobliuin, grand Juror. . I. (V llobiielt, grand Juror. .. Hd Hpencer, wllims 15. F Binlth, wllnoss W. II Hllckel, wllne,. Mi. W. II. Hllclml, wHnnM. II. II Huh nil. wllne A B Hlionu, wit iiiih F M HIiihhiI. Hllue A J.T. Hiollli, pel It Juror ICK Htlililj'II.MMH'U'Ty wit- A, H. blrMtUf M)il ut 2.90 3. .10 17.10 20.S7 21.00 19.00 22.87 3.30 3.30 21.40 17.87 2.00 2.40 17.00 7.00 0.40 3.00 15.07 2. r.o 4.30 2.00 5.00 10.20 3. r.o 2,00 a.uo :t,:io 3,30 it nt) M.t'i IiJH) MA HA I ttlkJD. i " WTS V""t- It SZ 1 ' ft .., r . --.- . -. i r i y - - j i cj l f i leu f f r'.-S -tv x-f rV j, '. .Jf-t -1 SZJi?, . V ' ,, AVC3 S.SX 0& ?A :-A Tl MTlfo'ZmMr. 7 r. . . f7!1 AKt V AN.l7i,-V trto " xai VU TT?7 m. WiTrWMi mbpfqbw, , , oil p. iox, , But Only the Crickets Chirped 5 glaot'do it I rl cwa3 ? 1 TaTsT) vun OrBAiJ VAY Em. cKcAwitr. uxz AtirTr O." ) f rfo ' - ) .ZnAi i .... . - ..-..... &.. a m a itttii-ia tttttiMnnf Jury 4 r.r, 17.40 13.80 3.30 3.30 13.St 8.92 10.20 19.00 13.87 3. no 3.50 3.30 4.30 2.00 I John Thrasher, petit Juror .. . W. H. Venablc. petit Juror ... Thou, Vestal, wltncsn Win. Von dcr Molten, witness J W. Wilson, clennlng court I room B W. Wilson, conveying prl I oner to Halem . . . . W D. Welch, grand Juror ... .Frank M. Wilson, petit Juror tin, 11 ,t Minn, ,vii juiui .. . Chrl Wooley, wltncft Wnlter Wood, wltnesii Win. Wlnklo, wltn.it Binnia Wyland, grand Jury wltne ,.4.. Harry h. oung. grand Jury wltne ,4.... Total - 1917.20 Jiihtlrr- Court H. (). Dox. balance due drnw- Ing Jury lltu. 1.00 II. O. Dox. Juatlco fee ... 3.3S Hlirrirrv Offlco Ja. M. Cronemlller, ntainti . 15.38 (Iraut 1'as Lumber Co., tele- plioiif cull .... . . .20 Home Telephone ami Tele- Krnpli Co., telephone bill 14.30 .Incksouvlllo Font printing .7S Medford Hook Btore, mippllc.H 7.20 I'ostal Telegraph and Cablo Co., telenrani .. . ... .71 W. II Blngler. sheriff salary 333.33 W. II. Blngler, balance duo traveling expense for year ending 3 4. 9S W. II. Slnglcr, cash ndvnnced for expreM nhd office sup pile 1.11 Western Union Telegraph Co., telegram ....a 1.97 Total 1410.03 (To bo continued.) llOAlin 111' KQUI.I.ATIO.V XOTICB. Nottco Ja boroby Riven that on tho ; second .Monday In September, (14th day), 1914, tho board of oo,ulllza- ' Hon will nttend, nt tho court house In Jacksonville, Jcksou county. Ore- 1 gon, nnd publicly examlno the as nonMiieiit rolls, ami correct all error In valuation, description or qualities ol lands, lot or other property as sessed by the assessor. And It hall bo the duty or person Interested to appear at the time and place nppolnted. Dated thl 24th day or August, 1914, at Jacksonvlllo, Jnckson county. Oregon. 149 W. T. Oltir.VB. Assessor. FOR RENT HOrSHKEEPINO ROOMS F0in?NT Fiirnlsliel hoHsokeep Ing apts., thoroughly cleaned, re novated, now management. Rent reasonable. Tho Oxford, 223 W Main. 153 FOR KENT FUltXIHIIKU APTS. FOR RENT Large sleeping rooms, and modern housekeeping apart ment, price very reasonable Phone 247-L. 222 South Holly street. for sAi.tr--Mouses FOR SALE 1 rppm, Iioubo and lot 1700. 1100 cnah and 15.00 per month. Gold Hay Rontty So. FOR BALE Hesldenco nt 215 B. Jackson street, ten rooms, largo liv ing room, full attic, full cement bnsement with furnace, porches, garago, largo grouuds, easy terms. Mr. J, B. Watt. . 133 I I M f i I t M To loan on Improvea ranchea. Interest 8 per ceat "Insurauco That Insure." II. H. STINB Buy your Insuranea or a taxpayer WHY? B1X1CIC RANCH It la my business to know tho best buy In Jackson county and havo It optioned at tho lowoat cash price. That best buy today la a 190 ncro stock ranch, 100 acros loam soil. Ir rigated, now In grain and alfalfa. No bettor nlfalfa land In Jackson county, ditch built 'covering 140 acre, porfect wutor right, alouo worth $10,000.00. This laud lies between the Applo gato rlvor and the foot hill, all bot tom lmul, host of range, most da llglitful clliuute, no snow or fog. Modern, new btiimulow, burn, fence, corralli and orchard all ready, This place sliuuld bring f 36,000.00 will ut fur flMUQ.UQ, hulf cashi 13000 wertli of iiiucliliiery and flock Willi plnce. Meal dome unit tnel rsncli, HiI I Mvu ijVilr offered, l'iit Nsl'l lUiib HltUfii ThoHH !) J J. C. BARNES mqk day,, , At'ouffr, . ai , I'Oll HKXy IIOUSK?, MUM' XVAXTXU -ri'..MlliK liuniiwn iiiiir.wiuitK FOIt HBNT Modern, six room bun galow, i8Ht fron fine hnde, range connected, I'hono 930-X. 131 FOIl IlKNT Flvo room house, part ly furnished or not. riione 717-Jt. 133 FOR HBNT Six room house, mod ern nnd sleeping room. Call 7.15 Alder St., O. F. Chelgrcn. 137 FOIt HBNT Houbo. now xeven room house, 6 mllo from good country high school, will rent nt reason nblo price to right party. Address box 29, It. D. No. 2, Central I'olnt. 133 K)lt SAM IIOMKSTIJADS FOIt SAKB Oh come and sco what n beautiful foundation for a lovely home and so cheap, for I must and will go and bo with my children regardless of cost. Come today and m:o my liouieAteud retlmiulHlimen. 1 Vi mlleK from Tulo. II. C. Hutch Iiikoii. Tulo, Ore. 137 FOK H.U.R TdVKSTOCK r'0iTsAlK--ari head of liog. weigh t from 100 to 130 lb.; 30 head or shoats, weight front 40 to" 50 lb.; 10 head brood sowa. weight 250, all to farrow within 30 to CO days; 9 hoad ot cows 150 up; 5 two-year-old heifers coming fresh In March; 8 spring tcalves. For particulars call or phono 481-R, White Velvet Ice Factory. 130 FOR SALE Duroc orsey boar, IS months old, weight about 400, price 135.00. Inquire. S57-L. 135 FOR SALE Registered O. I. C. hoar, weened pig, sow and pig. F. B. Uarneburg, It. F. D. No. 4. Medford. 133 FOR SALE Driving team, harnes. and buggy, excellent family cow, young ducks, furniture, hot frame sash. W. O. Colllils, phone 201 ,115. 133 FOR SALE Maro and hogs, or trado for barley. Wilhlto & Son, Sams Vnlloy, Oro. . 133 FOR SALE Twenty-four Luy Colver, Phoenix, Ore. shoats. 132 FOR SALE A good team, wagon ana harness. Inqulro ot or write Mrs. Poo, Rogue River, Oro. 223 FOR SALE 100 head hog. J. R. Smith, R. F. D. 4, Dox 10. 141 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 22 Winchester repeating rifle good condition, phone 241-R1. 132 FOR SALE Cndlllac car In fair con dition, now tire, will sell if taken at once for $350. Wrlto box II.. caro .Mall Tribune. tt FOR SALE 1913 Twin Excolslor motorcycle for sale, good n now. Address Y caro Mali Tribune. 134 FOH SALE Cheap, two cylnder. 5 passenger Maxwell uuto. Inqulro Valley Garago. 133 FOH SALE Slnglo cylinder motor cyclo, $75.00, little used. Phono G0S-L. 13 FOH SALE Pure millc nnd cream nt White's Velvet lco Cream Factory. tt FOR SALE Very cheap, flreloss cooker, sideboard, desk, tabic, fine pluno. 323 So. Orango. 132 FOR SALE Fdur-passongor Over land good condition, will make terms to right party. Till la a blirgaln. B. B. Kelly. 133 FOR SALE Flvo passongbr Bulck nuto, 1912 modol. a bargnln; now top, now bearing. In fine condition. Call nt tho Medford Gitrnge or phono 4t3. 132 FOH SALE Jennings Crlspotto busl lies. 200 Coltagu utroet, phone 119-X. 130 FOH SALE Two horsepower Fair banks & Morse engine In good con dition. Prlco $75. Mrs. W. II. Junto, Auhland, Oro. Phono 349 L, resldcneo 530 Ashland St. 133 FOll SALE Borrles, phono 392-il 138 WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED WoTfdigKliiK uuy Uo, Chldgreh Ilros., 735 N, Alder Bt 137 IIKI'II w,AN?yilr"MAy,-K WANTED BxperleiirPd, single man for permanent ponltlon on raueh. Must bo willing to milk. Itefur eure lequlted. 1'liuim CD, Jack nonvlllii. 134 WANTBD Married limn w I slum lul Hon un rauvli, Xpui lento, t)3H N, Ulrl HM VVANTBI)- Hlrl for eiiWr bVii'ii.' Morli AlV till Wt( 'i'l'i 4ll. . . . -r ,i,i;i. WANTBD Women, sell guaranteed hosiery to friends), neighbor and cnnnral wearer: 70 tier cent nro- fit; make 10 dally; experience un-! necessary. international .Mills, West Philadelphia, I'a. 14a WANTKD SHSC-EMiAXKOUR WANTBDlJuggy or small hack; limit bo bargain. Addrcsg J. A. M caro Mall Tribune. FOK KXCIIANflr; FOH THADB General merchandlso stock and fixtures, also two store building and other city income to trade for ranch property in tho Hoguo river valley, something for diversified farming, prefer to deal with owner only. Address Own er, lock box 110, Zlllah, Wash ington. 133 BXCIIANGE -Want to sell or buy anything? U C Itadcr. 114 N. Front St. Phono 12S. Nuff Scd. FOH EXCHANGE 100 ncres good, laud partly cleared, small housok and. barn, near llend. Ore., forj nouKO ami 101 or oiner property, j. M. Judd. 132 So. Orape St., Med ford, Ore. .133 BUSINESS WRKCrOIlT Attorney PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MBALHY Attornoyc-at-Law. Rooms 8 aad 9, Medford National Bank bldg. A. E. REAMES, LAWYER Garnett Corey bids. Win. M. Colvlg, George M. Roberta COLVIO & ROBERTS. LAWYERS Medford National Bank Building. B. F. MULKEY & GEO. W. CHERRY Attorneys at Law. Jackson Coun ty Bank Building. NEWTON W. BORDEN Attorney at law, room 7. Sparta building, Med ford, Oregon. Chiropractors DR. A R. ilEDGES.'Dr. Louise' E. Hedge Mecbano-Theraplsts, Chiro practors, Spondylotheraplsts. Tbeee systems, Including dietetic, cura tive gymnastics, hydro-tberaphy, etc.. produco rosUlta lu both acute and chronic disease. Consulta tion free. Over Deuel & Co., cor ner Main and Bartlett. Hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Other hours' by appointment. Phone 170. DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD,, Chiropractor, norvo specialist Rooms 203-204-205. Garnott-Corey bldg. Vapor baths and scientific massage glvon; needle spray, head and shoulder shower In connection; advice Id dietetics, medical gymnastic, bydropthcrapy. Lady attendant. Phone, offico 543, residence 511-H. Employiuettt Agrncy We are here to help people get re liable, competent help. We fur nish help In almost all lines of business. Wo sia&o a specialty ot competent nion and wives for ranches. We solicit your patron ago. Blttnor'a Real Estate and Employment Bureau, Rooms 6 and 7 Palm Building, Medford. Phoue 858. Mr. Byrd Caster, Manager, successor. Stcnograpncr ELLA M. GUANYAW Palm block. bteuograpuio woric done quickly and well. SHOE REPAIRING First class shoe repairing, on modern electric machines whllo you wait. E. N, llldcn, locuted In Kldd's Shoo Storo. Phono 313J. CLASSIFIED BUSINESS AND TELEPHONE DIRECTORY A Quick, Hiuidy, reference for Busy People Haled Hay.-Flour, Feed, Grata L. 11.- Brown. Husa Mill, also poultry supplies. 139 South Riverside.. . ....Phon C29 Clilue.s Lauudry On Juno first, I will open a first cits laundry, A trial will con vluco you ot our ability to please. All hand work, lit Suing, 133' South Riverside. Phoue.....,..l89 Civil Engineer Osgood & Brown, T. W. Os good, Asio, M, Am, Soc. 0. K. A. Theo Brown, deputy csouuty iilrvoyor. Medford Natloual Hank Bldg 1'lieae 241 Kleilrlo Wirlutf, FUtuie, HuwUwt Houtlivru Oregon Kleetrle Co,. Mai4a Lamps. 0 sleuth Central Avenue.,,,,.. .r,w, I'iiuue H1SY farlHM lHl4UMHM Hubburd Wroth w. Kull Hue of Juku Deere wake. Fw h Hl PIMMM PU bUs44aV ' K MIIMIWM IIMMTHPa) XI TAPE yiV By Hoban Auto hopflle LAIIEIt AUTO SPHINO CO; We aro operating thn largest, oldest and best equipped plant la the Pa cific northwest. Use our aprlng when others fall. Bold under guar antee. 26 North Flfteenta St., Portland, Ore. DentMa DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists aarnett-Corey HMg., aalte 318 Medford, Ore. Phone X&G; TraMfer BADS TRANSFER ft 3T0RA0B CO. Office 42 North Front St. Phoa 315. Prices right. Service guar ntecd. Garbage GARBAGE Get your premises cleaned up for the summer. Call on the city garbage woTgons for godd service. Phone' 325-Ij. F. Y. Alien. Notary ..bWc HELEN N. YOCKBY-f-Notary pub lic, unag yoar worx to me at tae Iga of the' Mall Trtbua. kMCTMCtlM MR. FRED ALTON HA1GHT Sum mer term. Teacher ot plaao aa4 harmony. The Halght Music Stu dio, lie South Laurel St.. Pkoae 176-R. Phyeslctami mta nwrfeo DR. F. 0. CARLOVT, DR. SVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia physicians, 416-417 Garnett-Corey bldg., phone 1036-L. Kealdtae 26 South Laurel St. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia physicians, 303 Garnett-Corey building. Phone 904-M. v DR. J. J. EMMENS Phyelclaa and urgcon. Practice limited to eye, ear, note and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses sup plied. Office 228 East Mala St. Hours 8:30 a; m. to 8 p. m. Phone. E. B. PICKEL. M. D. Office Jack son County Bank bldg. Office phone 43-R; residence phone 68-H. DR. MARTIN O. BARBER Physi cian and surgeon. Office Pala block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phoue 110-J. DR. R. W. CLANGY-L-PhysiclaB and surgeon. Phones, office 30, resi dence 724-J. Office hours 10 to 12, 2 to 6. DR. 8. A. LOCKWOOD Phyilciaa and Burtrpoii. MYRTLK S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. rractice limited to diseases or women. Offices 232 K. Mala. Phone, residence, 814-J2; office 814. R. J. CONROY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Over Hutchison It Luras deu, 215 E. Main St. Phone 77. DR. MO M. M. DOW Physician and surgeon, Dr. Lydla B. Dow Os teopathic physician, offices 3-4 St. Mark's block, Phono 1C0. Resi dence the Dow Hospital, Central Point. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTINQ CO. has tho best equipped printing office lu 6uthern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf lodgers, billing systems, etc. Portluud prices. 27 North Fir Bt. - - - . . -- ..i PlamblBg anil IleatUg Van R. Petrson. 28 rforta I Grape......... ....,..,.M..Phoae 911 Bakery Royal Bakery, bread, plea, cakes. Corner Mala tad Orape; feft e4rlOIM 47 FurMlluro New aul Scua1 Bcott wooir, uccor to Mer doff & Woolf, complete Houm furnlsliers. Special Jow ayleed on Axmlnioter rug aad faraN ture. 22 Mouth '(r........ifc Gmh, AiUmiiMlttoa, MMiirii ' KwIuih' mft Hikhti taekle. speHtHg aw i til Wet Main ...,........,. e4i 4M UdtAl Mmtnim fiiMiiai -- v-M--fj. It hum I lCdLJLLalL "-""-"J bajJl WllMn'''lIMflHrHtMMt'W;rPWi sVPP "n ' ' - ''. .! i- M m i I .t n v-l 1 si 1 4 vrt i