Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 20, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    MEDFORD MATTi TitlBtlNli). MliTOlPOR.). OREC10N, TTIUnSDAY, AUCWST 20, 1011
Everything In ttio storo reduced ex
cept Dig ami Wltlo Hens nt Martin J.
Hcddy's moving salo.
Robert A, Telfcr of Kugeno Is I"
tho city for n fe,w days on bUBlnow
connected with tho Clark-Hciicry. Co.
Order It now, Mountain Meadow
nnttor at Foul's grocery. 12S
Workmen under the direction of
Suporlnlendent V. S. Collins are jntU
ting tho school liiitltllnRR In shape for
tho opening of the school year Sep
tomhor 7th.
FIRST clans jrtWtojoam and board.
IPC South GrapcSj' :-, ?
Charllo Yodhg 4wtirhd from
a short auto, tflp ha reck.
Automate 'hViso tall, that brand
new out door fcamo, has arrived la
Medford. Sco It at DoVocs tonight.
Just west of Hotel Medford.
Arthur llarelrlgg has recovered
from a went hemorrhage attack.
Authentic war news received by
Mall Trlbuno leased wire will be
posted during tho day at Hotel Med
ford. ,
A. O. (Doc) Dennett Is exhibiting
Newtown apples grown on his place.
which ho claims refutes tho charge,
that tho apples aro not siting. They
arc tho first grown dn his property.
Trco props at tho Medford Lumber
Tho first cloudy day since July 1 t
came this morning, due to clouds and
banks of smoko from forest fires,
which hid tho sun. About noon the
sunlight broko through. There were
25 clear days In July and every day'
bo far In August has been tho same
There havo been 30 days of consecu
tive sunshine.
No files on the Pennant wrappod
Bread. Wo aro not advertising It,
Just letting It havo Its way with the
peoplo. Positively contains no alum.
Made at Newtown Bakery. H2,
Salto, tho local Japanese who
fought In tho Itusso-Jap war, and
battled for tho Mikado at Mukden, Is
prepared to tako up arms against tho
Kaiser If needed.
Only one kind of kodak finishing
at Weston's Camera Shop, that's th
best. Over Isig Theater.
J. D. Thornton of Kugeno spent the
first of the week in Medford on, bus
iness. Kodak finishing and supplies at
Weston's Camera Shop. Over Isis
Tho two gents who havo bo assld
iously worked for their board, foe the
city, were forced to find a new
meal ticket this morning, their jail
sentences expiring yesterday. Though
given plenty of opportunity they
would not run away.
If you want a lithographed fruit
label Instead of a printed one, see
us. wo are agents for Schmltz Litho
graph Co. Medford Printing Co.
Hunters aro beginning to return
from tho hills in pursuance to Gov
West's proclamation closing tho deer
Hotel Medford dining room now
opens at six a. ni. and Is open all
Mrs. William I)udge who has been
visiting her parents in Colorado for
tho last two months, returned last
night Her daughter. Miss Jt:an re
turned Monday from a vacation at
Groceries at De Voe's.
Sheriff Slngler was in the city from
tho county teat this morning attend
ing to official business.
It pleases everyone, Mountain
Meadow button For sale at Fout'e.
It. II. Herrlck of Akron, Ohio, is
among the out of town visitors in tho
city this week.
J. O. Gerklng, the best all around
photographer in southern Oregon.
Alwaya reliable. Negatives made any
where, tlmo or placo. Studio 228
Main St. Phone 3 20-J.
Alfred Scott, tho young reporter
desirous of covering tho European
Svur, suffered a delay Wednesday, be
ing unable to get out of town, owing
to poor train service.
Call J. W. Mitchell for lawn mow
er troubles. Phono, 2C.
Miss Vera Olmstead has returned
from a vacation spent at Colestln.
See It. H. McCurdy for Aetna Fi
delity and Surety nonds.
Among Medford young people who
will attend state and California col
leges this year: Herbert Alford,
Harold Cochran, William Vuwtcr, Kill
son Marshall, Kinerson Murrlnk,
Dolph Philips, Misses I.enora Vance,
Willie Howard, Nelllo Mlteholl, Caro
lyn Hlttson, Mildred Antle, Vera Olm-
stead and Inn Cochran.
Are you "Holmes protected." in
surance service combined with 16
strongest companies. Holmes tho In
surance Man,
Weeks it McGowan Co.
UHf 4sUlsM
Vf rlMMMMf
l'KKIX, An;?. '20. China inquired
todny of the United States what St-
hlttndo toward the cession liv Ger
mar!'to the United Slate or the ter-i-lliirv
nt Ivimi ('Iiniv' for immediate
$e-Mim thereafter hark lo Chum.
Tho inquiry of the Cliine- ioern-
Itncnt was made to I he American
Mint-go d'affaires nttd il wax to be
based on intimation from Germany
that such n course, might ndvo the
jjrTlio Chinese government W not sure
Hint such n program would meet with
the approval of Japan or (Iron I Hnt
nin nnd the "opinion is freely cxprevj
ed that it will not. Hut China hn- in
formed the United States that, no
matter what action Japan may take
ns n result of her ultimatum, the Chi
Yiec republic will preserve mi abso
lutely passive attitude.
. ST, rKTKRSDUHO, Aug. 20 (via
London, 12:30 p. m.) A body of
Itu-stan troops, according to nn of
ficial conihiunienlioii given out today,
has occupied Qumbinnen, twenty
miles from' the. !(ninu frontier of
Knst Prussia, capturing at the name
time twelve Germnn guiw and n large,
number of prisoner.
With Medford trafte is Medford made.
j Dave Wood, tho baseball forecaster,
has withdrawn his first prediction
that the New York Giants would win
the National League flag hands down.
The sensational spurt of Iloston has
caused a wavering In his fort-cast.
The Dean Raters are two games 1"
hind New York.
Arthur Spraguc ot Klamath Falls
Is In the valley thls'wcek on cattle
William Von dor Hellen ot Eagle
Point spent Wednesday evening in
the city on business
Uuil Anderson Is convalescing from
his recent operation at Vancouver,
Wash., and expects to motor with his
mother to this valley early In Septem
Cede- Hall has returned from Fish
Lake whero bo superintended tho
construction ot Ed Urown's hunting
' '"The Candy Shop" was presented
at the Page Wednesday night to one
of the largest houses of tho year.
The scenery and cast were good, and
tho spirited musical comedy made a
hltwlth tho audience.
Kodak finishing the best, at Wei
ton's Camera Shop. Ovor Is Is Thea
ter. Joe H. Wilson ot Talent Is In town
today on his regular weekly visit.
It pleases everyone. Mountain
Meadow butter. For salo at Fout'i.
A wheel was stolen from tho back
ot Noah Lyon's Cigar store ou Frout
street Tuesday night.
We have a $350fc press, recently
Installed especially for printing fruit
labels. Medford Printing Co.
Mrs. Laura Gardiner denies that
she was fined $5 for allowing a dot;
to be unmuzzled. Tho police records
name Mrs. Gardiner, and aro evident
ly In error.
Walter Merrick left this afternoon
by auto on a business trip to Pros
pect. Will Steel, superintendent of Cra
ter Lake park, has returned to the
lake. The travel record up to Aug
ust IS is: 4591 visitors. 839 autoes.
For the same period In 1913 there
were 2S08 visitors and 3C9 autos, an
increase ot 2083 visitors and 470
Play ball at DoVoes' tonight. '
The forest, flreo reported Wednes
day on Sjkes creek near Wlmer, on
Ward creek, and In China Gulch on
tho Applegate, are all under control
The opening shot of tho prohibi
tion campaign In this city will be fired
tonight on Haymnrket Square ny Cur
tis P, Coe, candidate for governor.
Tho talking will begin about 8 p. m.
Fruit labels artistically printed In
any and all colors. Medford Print
ing Co.
J. M. Kllgore of Itoguo Iliver has
moved his family to this city, placing
his children In Medford schoolB,
Miss Helen Purucker returned the
first of tbo week from a vacation trip
to uorthurn California.
Miko Wopiack, Injured In an t
ploHlon on tho Crater 'nku road la
reported as out of danger.
H. M. White of Trail la attondlng
to business matters In this city.
The grand Jury for tho fall term of
tho circuit court will bo called Mon
day, Octnlifir 19th, and tho petit Jury
a week later. Among thu esses to
be lieurd will he tbat of Paul Dodge
of Ashland, charged with umnHlauKh
ter lu connection with tho killing of
Huniy Olson, his guide, for it dr
August 1st, uud thut ot Mujor ''un
ion, Tlitiru urn wivorul cum of bur
gluey lo Im liuurU,
BBHBBsflHKSiiBmSPPVSsW'-', -Turti KrSlsssWssssLsssB
MMnHr jwTOHmI'i-i .LssJsJWMssW BM
BBBBWfifleSf site. v WfKftBfWi MHibbbbH
Ix-BT Bk sibbHbVbbBbbbiLbibbbIj
Field .Murxhal Sir John French U commanding tho llrltlh army now on
the continent. It Is reportetl h lus Joined Gem-nil Joseph Joffre. the Freuoh
eoinmamler-lii-chlef. nt tin headquarters of the nllled armli", lh ligation of
which l not dlclo'!pL
CIIICAOO, An. 20. -V. C. Ilnxcn
of Koehe-teiv X. Y., equalled today
the course reconi of C8 in the first
round of the 72 holes fimiU for tho
national open final golf champion
ship, now held liv Francis Ouiinet, llw
Hoolon amateur. Oiiimet and Charles
Kvniw, western amateur champion,
both played well thu first nine hnlc,
Ouimct mnkiiiir 3! and Kvnns .'17. K-
nW irons were better than UnitiielV,
but he missed three short putts.
Among1 the morning ncores were:
Louis Herrien, Salt Luke, 78; C. P.
NeJ.on, Oklahoma City, 77; Wnrren
I. Wood, Ifomewood, 77; George
Sargent, Chevy ('linne, 7-1; George
Simmon-, Omaha, 7.'l; Louis Jncnliy,
Dallas 7!l; A. G. Ilcrq. Lincoln. 80;
Jack Neville, San Francisco, 78.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 20. How
the European war Is causing an In
crease In the prices of certain metals
and affecting tho production of oth
ers Is told by tho Geological Survey
today. The war ban raised the New
York price of tin to C5 cents a pound.
In July tin sold as low as 30.5 cents
a pound. Tho rise In price Is at
tributed to Insecurity of ocean
freights which aro carried largely In
English and German bottoms.
Antimony, ordinarily one of tho
cheaper pietals, has reached more
than 20 cents a pound, a price higher
than that of aluminum. This Is dun
to the fact that practically all of the
metal used In the United States Is Im
ported from European smelters.
With tbo greater part of white ar
senic used in America coming from
European countries Imports will un
doubtedly bo seriously diminished.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 20. At tho
queM of President Wilhon, Seerelnry
Hryuu sent today tho following tele
gram lo thu Vatican :
"Tho president dcnireK me to ex
press bin m-iiso of thu great )oh
which the Christian world Iiiih huh
tuiiicd in I lie death of his holincKH,
Pius X. Ily his pure mid ccntlo nnd
uiiuffeelcil piety uud his broad and
thoughtful sympathy with his felolvv
men, lie udoiued Ids exalled station
and attracted to liiinm-lf llio jiffoc
tioimle regard of nil who felt his
world-wide influence."
PAHIH, Aug. 20, 1 p ru. Amorl
cuu officers In charge of the relief of
strumlcd Americans In France, a I'
ll veil hero on u Hpeclul (ruin from
Cherbourg U'duy, bringing with them
iv sealed maku ,wcli containing
iiwi.oqo in cold ami wtfixJilug ihvt
MIAMI. Ariz.. Aug. 20. The fight
between Mexican borsethteveti nnd a
posses of Amorlcaus which began near
Kay became a battle today nt IHfvll'H
Canyon when tho fighting was re
opened nnd another American was
added to tho four slain entcrday.
Twelve Moxlcaus, It was reported,
also wero killed.
Further casualties aro expected a
a poftse, composed of citizen of Itay,
a mining town, prepared to nstatilt a
house In tbo rniDon whore tho ban
dits had taken refuge. Thu Ameri
can dead: Deputy Sheriff Drown,
Peter Smith, Early Miller, timekeep
er for tho Ha.Consolldatel Mining
company; Frank Miller, hi brother,
and a boy. The youth was killed to
day. After thn first brush between tho
horso thletes and thu Pokm. Ua
citizens drove all Mexican out of tho
J. I). Jackson of Eaglo Point, sends
to tho Commercial club field com 13
feet In height, with two cars to the
stalk, 13 Inches In length.
A dalomau with a field of corn
like this running 50 to r0 tuns to thn
aero, a silo to tako caru of It, need
not worry during an unusually dry
summer and fall about keeping up tho
milk flow of his lierd,
Tho cost of sllago should not ex
ceed $3.00 a ton and tho economic
production of a valuable succulent
dairy food at a reason when It Is ur
gently needed should bo taken ad
vantage of, according to reports soma
of tho best corn ever raised bore will
bu shown at thu fair.
MEXICO (MTV, Aug. 20.
General Vcuubtiauo Curruuza,
tho supreme chief of the Mexi
can revolution, uud from today
provisional president of the ie
public, euleivd t list capital at
iiooil lie was given an cnlhus
instio reception by the crowds
on (he htrccts..
John M. Root. Porter J.Os'eff, It.
II. Parson, niul A. Count Kloro loft
this illuming by auto lor Crescent
City whore limy will confer with thn
board of army engineer reganlliM
harbor lmprovemeiitH at that point.
Tho Uronta 1'iih.m delegation of 'i
citizens left Wednesday. The army
engineers are due at Crescent City
Friday, being conveyed by Orescent
Cltv cltUeiiH In autos from liuiekn.
On tho return trip arrangement
have been made for n banquet to bo
held at Gasqiiuta for tho engineer
mid dulegate. .
Tho object of the army engineer'
visit U to view tho Crescent City har
bor, and report on the feasibility l"
making It nnvlgablu for ocean traffic.
This would glvo a water outlet to the
virgin prospect of southern Oregon
niul thu llogiin river valley In lumber,
mlnernU and fruit.
You Oct Itie Iteot
Thero Is when you smok Gov. Joun-
ton cigars and patroulto homo Indus
(Continued from Page 1)
Giimhiuine, u German oui twenty
miles from the llus-lnn frontier, lias
been occupied by the llux-duiiH, who.
neeordiug to l(ustnu official ndvicci,
captured German field guns and took
many prisoner.
Positions a Secret
News of developments Issued liv
Bald Breezerb'
We Can Do Yoo Good
At $10.00, $12.50, $15.00, $17.50
per t-u it.
Dig values nt $3.50 urn! $4.00
Your choice from one table of llaK
values to '-00, at $1.00
Aidu f i om this lot, we have a nice
nt-Mirtiiient at $2.50 lo $4.00
75c each for -?1.00 nnd $l,'J5 Shirts.
$1.10 each for -f l.f.l) lo 'MI0 Shirts.
We are closiuir out thU line, 11.00
Shoes nt $2.39
Less than cost. Wo will buy no more
when tin-so uro gone.
F. K. DKAKDON', Jfgr.
s4f -1
the official liuroiiu hceonum inure
brief iih Urn groiil iiiukmim of (leiiuiius
nnd AiPMrlmm nnpioaeli tilt) opposing
forces of lite HelglmiH, Ficneii uud
llrilNli, niul hiillenllouH of tile pnsl
lions oceiipli'd nu entirely mippiem.
imI. This inoiiiliigV nolo hciiI oitl'l
by llie Fieneli will' tf lio Jusl men.
lions that impoiluiit events itie oc
curring in Itelgium, niul itdds that
llieie is uotliiiig new iiloug llio fioilt
In Alsiii't'-Loiliiliii!.
Kreneh ol'fielul iitlvictw miliouuee
llio rapid progress of Die I'leneli mil
iiiiiii iuvmiiiig l.oruiine in llio diiee
lion of .Meti-e.
Two sons of I'mperoi- William,
Princes Kilel IViediicli mid Angied
Williitlii, uie uld to linvti iased
lliroiigli l.iege on the way lo Hie
A corps of AuuirnuH is icporled
being raited In lleilin, necording lo
n talemeiit made liv Chinese medical
The Packard
rsMkCl AiVHiPVrflB'B'i'H sK BTls'aPVBft B
for Special Parties to tbo Rulpbur Ilaths. Vlttlng Ixidgcu. Clubs, Picnics
nnd Moonlight Kxcumlon. Arrnngoby Phone, Medford 300, or Ashland
u9VrA ',v" vfj
Medford Commercial College
H. II, llauninii
til .Vorlli
Kchool ot llnokkcoplng, Rhorthaud and Typewrit
ing, llngllitli Doiiarttiient, lliislueiis Prnctlrn and
. Peumaiii-hlii, t'omtuerclal Law and Arithmetic
.Sen Pupils .Miiy tinier at Any Tlmo
to Tiioijoirni'ii Yoi'.va pkepi.i:
If you aro seeking a business cdiicatluu that la practical,
thou Ud shall hopo to hnvo you with us,
Hlnco tbo primary object which must young peoplo havo la
ntteiidlng a comuinrclul school Is to x re. uro available pro
paratlon for buslnors llfo, It Is Importnnt that they select a
school which has a courso of study omliodjlng tho largest
.imniiut of practical lnformntlnn--crystalUcil facts, which
will bear directly uud rffecthnly upon the work which they
will linvn to do, and which can bo mastered In thu sborts
posslhlu tlmo.
CAM, PHONIC 1 .1.1, OU Wltli'ti
Itov lM:i, Mislfonl, Oregon.
Gates Specials
1 Nearly New Saxon Car . . $375
1 Buick, Especially Built, Electric
Lights, etc . . . . 350
1 Studebaker Roadster . . 275
1 Large Touring Car good for livery 350
1 Good Horse 900 lbs. . .45
1 Horse, Buggy and Harness (fine) 125
1 Roan Team 2500 lbs., Brass Mount
ed Harness and Wagon Costing
$400, practically new,whole outfit 275
1 New Oliver Typewriter . .75
men wliti litivn arrived In llolleiiliun
from Hie Germnn capital.
Montenegrin iiivimlnii '
Montenegrin Iroops tut vo iuviided
Austrian territory in llenegovhiit,
whero Ili(iy Imvo been Ineurpurnleil ns
mi jinny etiips tu Hut Scivlnii iiiin.V.
Tim Htiiull Geimiiu ami lliitMi
forces Hlntloiicil In llie African col
ontos tun currying out raids in each
other's lerillory, Tho (lei minis lu
Must Africa today Inwiilcd llio III It
inh iirolectoiate.
Thn ipiostlon of providing win It
for tlioM, tlirouli out of employment
by the war occupied (In tilleiilioii of
tho I'leiioli cahlnet conni'il, which de
cided to stall wnilediopi niul labor
I.u Croix of I'aiis allcuei llie blind
bishop, KuiilieugiessKi', mi Alsltllnii,
WHS "hot liv Girinnut who believed
ho possessed plans of llie slroug
foitress of Isleln-dlotry lu linden.
Excursion Car
A. S. AMES, Proprietor
Willi ntw bulldlog. Mllfl qul
nirnr. toUnttd ounttt, irnl maay d.
dllloni lo In faculty, lb Univcrtlly
ol prt-jrob will bnla In thlrty-aJatn
7r1urtJty, &pimbfr IX
SptcUl tralalng for l)utlni. Jour.
i.,.-v7 rt. "T."'r' i ?"'"f
Pliyilcsl Trtlnlnit a.f fin An..
..Vf,., .no ''Bit urjjti
ci IlhcraJ edutiilon.
I.l'ry l v-inc ifciA It.lll ,, I
MCIM'I' Nw IIHIH A4lliit
Siui4a ta trM tMiiruaiM
Tultlwi f t,aitllla tul tp tni
t Wlm !. l-tl
Mitlr Itt riuU (i4 IIUtlMllJ lklt, I
(rns Street
It. I. VanOlblrrv