Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 19, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    .wriOiw mn iiii0iiiii ml
.. j KAb
? - V'
One ypur, by mntl 18.00
On month, by mall .80
Ptr month, delivered by currier In
Medford, Jacksonville end Cen
tral rolnt.-. .BO
ftttimlsy only, by mll, per yenr. 8,00
vTeekly, pr year,.. 1.60
Official l'aper of tho City of Medford.
Official Paper of Jarkrou County.
Entered m second-class matter at
Medford, OrrRon, under the aot of
March 3, 1S?,
Full Tcnscd Wlro Associate Press
With Medford Stop-Ofe
Clinton Khncr and Archie Foni loft
Phoenix Monday to join tlio rest of
their patty in Demi linlinu for ti
Mr. Honn who has A fine pat-Ion
on hi place in North Talent has Iicen
delivering vegetables in Phoenix.
Louie Oolvor nnd wifo returned
lnl week from nn online nt ColoMin.
Ivlrs. Jnnics Alton has been helpless
the pnt week and luvs suffered more
pain limn usual.
Kvcryone feels lonesome in String
town since iho travel hits heen turn
oil off tho Pacific Highway pending
rceond ruction.
Lent Ifnjihr- unit wife nre camping
nt Lake of the Woods for n few
K. S. Stephens nnd wife nre fur
nishing fnsh vegetables to patrons
of tho Medford puhli-j market.
Lloyd Colver nml wife nml family
nro mnnug tho--o who went to Pond
Indian camping.
Mr. ami Mrs. W. S SlnsrKff loft
Tut-day for n few day outing nt
Furrys' summer home in the Demi
Inilian country.
MKs I.uln Ilohcrt. accompanied
her uncle, Dr. Frank Roberts, home to
Myrtle Creek for a few days visit.
Many of the residents of Phoenix
nre having their wells dug deeper
ns mnny of them hnv-3 50110 dry. nml
Iho eily water work4? well has failed
There seems to he a great ,0J, 0f
dissatisfaction over the slow prog
ress made ly the road working crew
nt the rook crushing plant nt Phoenix.
Ove,r two mou I lis work lm? hot ac
complished anything yel, and the
rainy season is coming on.
The Items In tho last week's Issue
of tlio Twlnklcta regarding the sale of
tho Uean property is erroneous.
Mrs. Goodpasture, of Lou Angcloi,
took dinner with John Slaty Monday.
Mrs. Sam Anderson was surprise. 1
a few dayg ago liy tho arrival or her
sister from Portland, Oregon.
Mrs. J. ltlce and Mrs. Hott or Trln
nldad, Colorado were tho guests nt
D. W. Stone and family Saturday and
Mra. G. V. Wcbet, of Tcnlock,
California, left for Pbrtola, Cal.,
where ho expects to meet his brother
and wifo and from tboro , plan to
tour Canada.
Mrs. Hay Nichols has returned aft
er enjoying a pleasant visit with her
mother and friends of lfalsey, Ore
Mr. and Mrs. Dawson, ot Denver,
Culorndo, arrived Tuesday on No. 1C
to maka a short visit with Mr. anl
Mm. Htouo.
Messrs Slsty Taylor was transact
ing business in Medford Sautrdav.
Mr. Tom Hoss Is busy hauling
wood from his timber land In I. anon
Will Owon, Tom Pankoy and Ucrt
ICitdlnclon wero In this district hunt
ing this week.
MIsh Klllott has been tho house
guest of Mrs. Porter of Gold Hill this
Tlio Dittucr and Webber families
plcnlcod and Hulled at lloguo river
near llybeo brldgo Saturday.
Itogular meeting of tho Grange will
bo held Saturday, August 10.
Mr. and Mrs. Cobb Law wero In
Medford on lluslness Saturday.
A minor flro startod Sunda on the
mountain between I.nno nnd Willow
Albert Torgey nttended n party at
Da via Friday ovuuIdk. alto wub 'i
guest Saturday ovonlug at tho Car
top homo on Hosh I.auo.
Two forest fires occupied the at
tention of tho Willow Springs resl
dontH and n fow from Central Point
op Friday and Saturday, The Frank
Tliompltliin homo wan In danger for
several hours and hard fighting was
all that saved It from being destroyed
Tho P.aglo mlno buildings wero de3
Irayed by tho file and a hard fight
whs nuuln to suvo tho buildings of
JUlllloiuIre Mine on Kalurduy,
"lirt l.oyul Nelghlfprs surely earnu t)
H iwteuo whll the ladjes njrv4
(MfftHI HHd llllH'ht'OJI tO OlU flRllterf
'J' neighbors who iie in Iho dung'
f it very KrHteful for Iho prompt
tmiMnw vt f'eHlml Point and our
)H viciHliy,
If ci fc.-isyj WW s Willi f WW
!Mtfc l4fwd trH MiMtfwN mu
Oornisnn is a chi) of tbt' old blook, tho inonnintion
or thu Prussian spirit that has Imrdonod Kuropo with
inilittiPism and brought, on tho world oouflagration that
can only end in Iho eventual destruotion of monaivhistn
and Diilitarisin, the crumbling of thrones, the redrawing
of the map of Europe, and tho completion of the long de
layed work begun by the. Ereneh revolution Iho. eco
nomic and social revolution that will readjust the civiliza
tion of the world.
Tho crown prince having been reared with a sword
as a plaything and taught. lhal productive labor was a
thing to be scorned while the non-productive life of the
professional murderer was the acme of human glory, nat
urallv views with scorn those so unfortunate as not be
clothed with tho divine right
Something over a year ago, the tsrown prince pub
lished a bulky book entitled "Germany in Anna" in
which he advocated the sword as the arbiter of all dis
mites and declared the Hismarckiau policy of "blood and
iron" must rule the world.
Speaking of the German Empire, he said:
Ppon tho German Kmplre, Is Imposed more emphatically than upon any
other people of the earth tho sacred duty ot watching carefully that In
army and Its nny be always prepared to meet any attack from the outside,
it Is only by reliance upon our brave sword that we shall Ikj aide to main
tain that place In tho sunlight which we ought to occupy, and which tlie
world docs not seem very willing to accord us.
Like our own Teddy and his father the Kaiser, the
crown prince ever seeks the sunlight. Ue reflects the
spirit of Prussiamsm, waving Jus brave sword to slice
a hunk of glory by murdering some man unfortunate
enoughto be born across the border, and grecdilv grab
bing by sheer lorce, other
singing the praises of royal
"Any ono who has taken part, at a review. In a cavalry charges fools that
there Is nothing In the world more beautiful, and et tho horseman under
these circumstances feels that there Is something lacking. Ho feels that ho
ought to have at the end of this wild charge an enemy to contend with, nn.l
the struggle for which we are all holng trained, the struggle ror life.
"How many tlmos during such a chnrge have I heard with my ears tho
appeal of a comrade galloping by my side: "Donnerwctter! If only thU
tlmo we were doing something real.' Vou see thero tho spirit of the
cavalryman. AH thoso who aregenulne true soldiers feel In their heart
and sa the truth of the axiom, 'Dulco est pro patrla inorl. "
The crown prince is mistaken in saying that he was
trained for the "struggle of life." lie wjis trained for mur
der. Neither he nor those like him, were ever trained
for the struggle for life. Their occupation iiutkes thorn
messengers of death, not life and the royal lust for
blood promises to be glutted to the fullest extent in the
next few weeks.
While the "struggle for life" so longed for by the
llohenzollern heir, is raging, the harvests stand neglect
ed, stilled ae the wheels of the factory 'and hushed the
clinking flow of commerce. Death is the only tourist
left in Europe. Green hills will soon be whitened ceme
teries and the crystal waters of brotfks flow crimson with
the blood of the innocent.
Tt is the climax of the age of militarism the climav
the soldier empire has prepared Europe for for forty
years the climax and the collapse. The age of recon
struction is at hand.
Belgian Congo
WASHINGTON1, D. ('., Aug. 10.
Uelgian Kon;:o in Afrien, bo frequent-
ly mentioned in recent Furopenn dis
patches ns n Hisible objective point
of the Herman trnop, is the home
alike of the most progre-sive negroes
of Africa nrtd of the inol primitve
nnd snvnge cannibals, according to
n statement issued by the National
Geographic Society, nt Wu-diiiiyton,
I). C, today.
"iins African colony i so cut up
i m . .
by rivers and impenetrable forests
ii. ..i jt. i-M .i... 1. 1. ?. ji
mm uiv mora mumming uie country
vary greatly in liieir customs nml
language," says the society's hullo
tin. "Hul n few miles distant from
the-ie barbarous savages lire endless
plantations of millet and grain of
their civilized countrymen. The can
nibal Hmikutus of Helginn Kongo
iniike u practice- of removing the
upper iuciMir. Their dress cnUth
of a pleutcd skirt, which dues not
miito meet on the right thigh; hut the
into meei on uie right tlngli; hut the
.omen in the soul!- er hide girdle
with n deep fringe of palm fiber " ""P"";."""" - Kromiy Mullen
string. Among this tribe the -lurci'S' "'V"n!vV"0'". "f. UMln
nre compelled j(Mvearng..ecinldr1'',sI."1 "'" ,,,,h0 ' " '"
which i, in Aii. the ordinary cos- Jl' ,,,,,oqM ,fc "T,1 m'1"" n,0,' ' ,0
tmno of the Akoln, to which tribe ;,nr,,VMI!. 1? , " 'ls vil
most of them belong. The Hunkutu ill'" of ,00'i" ' hut 3(1 sorrj"
aro great cannibals, an fr n Ibc ,w,l,lus f " importnncoj
male members of the tribe nre -- -fT w-';'' 'ravati routes
conieil, and the victims nre nlwnys"1' mt,y. "10 f,,ot. ,,0CP ,r""1"
slaves. In fact, nil slave are uhl- ,roiu i,,,e,rI "''(',., "m"nneol nnd
mately eaten, since it is believed lliati n' ""H, 'i"'"'1 JS to"1 "" ! "!
if ii slave were buried his gho.t would f m". "'V""". P ' H-msehe
Hill hm master,
Kiihist as Currency
"Their 'chief weapon is the liow,
poison hoing used on tlio arrows;
(Ahieldrt arc now obsolclc. Ono of tho
most iuterckling points is their use
of a convcnlioiial throwlng-knlre ns
eurieney. The Hiuikuiii ixn almost
the only tribe of this redon who lnivit
heen successful in resistlus: the
iidviinee of the uliito man. This fmil
is duo to their skill in forest wnr
fare. The wuv leading In (heir vil
lages U defended by poisoned spikes
hnhbrnbyloiives. Then' use how
LONDON', Aug,' 19, 3153 a, ID A
flruvttU dlsjiiileli to tho Mull says It
U leuriiod on the hlKhutt authority
that up Monday iho I,(iii foiiH worn
still holding mil. They wcni mil off
frniii Iho Franco III. ImIiiii field font's
Hint Murroiiinloil by (Icrnuiis bill con.
IlilUbd Ilielr heiulv H'Mitw,
of the professional parasite.
people s property. Again
body-guards he says:
and Native Tribes
jnml arrows set like Irnjw in the Torm
of primitive spring guns, nml are
itite ready, if a white man is expect
ed, to bait such trap with u live
hnby, being wire Mint the F.uropcnn
will he nimble to resist the temptnllon
to pick up nn apparently nbntidoned
child. The poibon they use is nho
lutelv deadly.
"Not far from the cannibal region
peace nnd seeuritv reisn. The omllcs
pmnlntions, clean vilhi"on and mill
.kept houses make nn impression of
.. ....
general prosperity. I he llatetela,
also oi llelgmn Kongo, is nn excel-
lent ngrintiltiirist and stock breeder
and very industrious. Uu i not ul
nil conservative; nnv innovation will
tempt him. Rice, Mmlugnscar potT
toes nnd fruit tree imported by the
white man nre found in every illage.
Sleeping Kit kneis
The people nm scantilv clothed.
hut this is of reat advantage in
,, . . ,. -"": " ' "'
''i'? ''".'""'H "'"",,."",M' The havo,
languidly about U)i (ho liit of
liibiintty in their eye-, where one
should seo tho delightful round
bellied nalive childien. And lo ndd
to the horror of tho disease, here
lions and leopanls have becotne man
enters, since the half-fed sick onon,
driten from tlm 11
luges, is the cniest (jame to stalk.
"An inleresting fenhiio of Hatoleln
psychology lies in the fact that
suicide iijpnrs not Jo ho uncommon
mid Is regarded us uu net of courage.
Descent is reckoned on the male line,
and childien me eoiMdcicd us more
closely ukin lo Iho father' uUh:"
LONDON, Auk. Ill, 1 :'.'() p, m. -Tho
(Vnlinl Nmt- puMinlies n ill.
pnlcli fiom Rome siting l(li hi
Dolman umiboul VmU'iIiiiiiI bus heen
fiyrcnl lo ili-uiiu ul Nmilung, f'luiii
'Jliu ,,nuuil t JijJ jvci Iiiiih mid
hi ii i iUu Imuni nt JOU l'b
MEDEOUD, QUKUOX. V101)XKS1),A,Y. AlftWST.. U?.., U)U
California Should Honor Herself
By Returning Congressman Kent
(From the Snetamento Hoe)
Very few if nnv in the halls of
congress have nido n deeper impres
sion or move iovou-''v or effective,
ly fought the buttles of those who
most peed to have battles fmiuhl for
them, than WIIHtnn Kent of this state.
Kent is one of the keenest thinkers
it ltd clearest rensoners in congress.
lie is honest, forceful, mid cour
ageous, lie has the eourmre of hi
conviction, nnd he will back them
with his net even nt gient sacrifice
to his business interests.
Although it millionaire, Kent is'ns
anient n democrat al heart and la I
." vruriT 1
The Merry Go Round of Prosperity
All fanners do not have sil, hut of corn from nn acre of Kiitimd
more and more nre -eeiui; the liht,.,iuounts to !j.'.i.OO. the vnhto of the
ami each year thou-uuiK if IIumc
profit -getting ci!oli-k are being
ereeteil. The value nf the corn ttdk
i'm being widely udveitised. hut Milh
then nre those who do n t ritillro
that it is (be fiitiM auiliniv rougli
nt;e when fed with either ensilage,
clover or nlfnlfa, as a balanced part
of Hie grain ration. For Inrdnnoc, In
n recent experiment at the agricul
tural college of Nebraska It was
found that 'Mover fed with nlfalfn
ret limed a vnlue of ?!.." per ton, lu
comparison with nlfidfa al 0 pec
ton as the ole ruuvhness." In an
other experiment this time nt the
New dersoy stntiou, it was found that
of L'PO pounds of corn stalks fed to
u cow- during ton davs. sixty pound,
or :I0 per cent, remained uneaten.
This eorn wa unshredded, hut care
fully harvonted. The editor of runn
ers'" Hitlletin No. 107 or the 1'niled
Slates depnrtmmit of m;rieiilture -erics,
in summurising the riiH. stiya:
"Shredding would tmi doiibl ri'sult tn
more complete consumption oT Hie
In none of lhee IrinN, hoXvevor,
has it been claimed that tdiicdded
fodder is as good as ensilaice, for it
is not, hut the deumrkatiou line be
tween the two ns fonch feed for cat
tle is elosor than the ordinary be
liever knows.
In the Pennsylvania -talloh Hullo-
tiu No. S!l, corn Stnver nnd com sil-
age were compim-il vvith two lots ot
six steers each. TI v were fed with
the consent nit es, of corn ami colon
xeed meal, lu IL'tl iktvs of the lest
theuverage gain on corn stover wus
JM pounds per strir nml on sllace
2 10 NiiimN. The total cost of the
corn stover ralum was $10.1.7:1 and
and on the corn silage ration .fl I
Husking nnd shredding mm-h lies
will nol effect the on, far from it,
hut they will effect n portion of the
ennnnoiw w-nste nT nir corn rrnn.
both of the silo .pvner nnd of lliei
other-'. How '.'rrai this waste ha
been only can lie conjectured as t
whole, hut liv the acre a pretlv ac
curate culculMlmn can he made. Thus
for example, if Hi" value of the ear
The iMtstor, Rev, Robert William
MucCulouh, I'll. !., will begin a ser
ies of sermons Sunday morning mid
evening on "Humor ureal I'roph
eeies" in the hub! of the European
war, and (ho fln-nt Huslerii Question
in relation to the Kingdom ol flod.
Hiiudnv iiioriiiuir, August -.'I. "The
Jews in I'ropluiv, Their Relation to
the Gentiles and the Church." Sun-
dav evening, ".Nations nt llie liar oi
God." Sunday morning, Aug. .Iflili,
"Daniel's Scventv Weeks"; Sunday
Kvening, "The Grant Hasleru Ques
tion in the'lil of Christ's Second
Coming." September fl, morning,
"Christ jnnity ns a World 1'mver";
evening, "The 'n-ont Signs of tho
Thursday evening of this week the
pastor will be prc-enl lit priiyer meet
ing mid will spent; on "The Religious
Conditions of fli-rmiiu." In a few
weeks he will deliver n public lecture
to the young people of lhc, city. Sub
ject, "The Win Id's Approaching
Stranger are welcome lo all the
services of tin- church, We expect
I'rof, Isaac with us in September.
LONDON, Aug JO. 12:20 n. tn.
An official monsaKo received lu Home
from Vienna savs tho Austrian crui
ser .enta wbr sunk In u naval battle
of Autlvnrl lust Huniliiy acconlliiK to
a dlspali-h to the HxcliaiiKO Telegraph
The rrulKor Zentn, which was built
at I'ola lu 1807 wan 303 feet In leuittii
and illnphucd 2,201 tnim,
CIohIiik out KiornrlcH and confee
llouery at (out to iiihIui room for a
blK lino of Indiei' new suits, cimtii,
sltlrlN and but Will II. WlUon. I2N
John A. Perl
Jitijy AillHt
m n, mmiiwr
mmuum HIh Otf mjr )
net as thero is nuyvhere,
lie is a common man among tho
common people- not for effect, nol
for void, bnl sololv because his soul
Is wrapped up in that true denmeraoy
Which ever lmtlles nntnst speoiul
privileuo and ever frowns upon class
"Hillie" Kent nlvwiyn has been Jut
ns he Is today.
As boy nnd as man. in private life,
in hnint.s uftmr, in the common
council of ChicaKo, In eougvexs
eveiyvvheio mid nt all times has he
ever been the lute, unspoiled, simple
shredded eern stalk from the same
acre would bo iiorumlly $ I.OB.
Multiply Ibis by every nero of onrii
(nnhreddmj) and thu amount would
he ououpli abnot tn support the Hior
of our hi- eltle.
Tho nvernge yield of corn stover
U between two mid three tons per
nero. Weie we nulv to nllnvv it one
third of the nverano feed v-nlue or
good hnyi we should repulre only
thro nen of this fodder .to epunl one
nefe of hay. Now hay U one of Iho
;uost mtiotiahle eouuuodles coming
from the field. Theio i nlvvnyi n
market for it, nnd T Intv years !
has cniumnuded Rod prices, and Vet
in nearly every isiri of the count r,v
wheiv shredded fodder bus become
ctwtomnrv it icouircd sboit hav
crop to awaken th eommuulty to
the fuel that the slirtsldeil stover was
liny or is hay in everything hut imme
and reputation.
Felling tho hay nml feeding the
fodder is one link in the endless in
come. Cheap fond and hlnh-prieotl
butter nnd boor Is the second link.
A third link, so to speak, Is in tho
nature of it rebate. We get lmok
pittt of what wo give. In farming
as in business, w must render unto
fen-ar what we take from him, and
in thi efle Cnesnr is the soil, Willi
out going into detail of soil chemUtry
it i sufficient to sjiv thnt ufilew we
return nitrogen mid suit eouluiniug
hiiines to the field from which wc
gather our com cropi, our corn crop
will grow Ions each our, ut as the
,ieli!s are ili-iiiiinslniK- in iho pruncx.
Tho most, clonnBlng and
gormlclda! of all antlecptlci In
A solublo Antueptic Powder to
be dissolved in water as needed.
Ab a medicinal antiseptic for douches
In treating catarrh, Inflammation or
ulcoratlou ol nnso, throat, nnd Hut
cuuacd by femluluu tllalthaanoeipial.
For ten years tho Lydla U l'lnkham
Medicine Co. has recommended I'axtlno
In tliolr private corroaioudenco with
women, which proves Its euiierlorlty.
Women who havo been cured say
It Is "worth Its weight In gold." At
drtiKKlsts. fiOe. Inrgo box, or by mall,
Tho I'axton Toilet Co., Itoiiou, Mans.
Booth 20
Public Market
To loan on Improroa rsnnhM.
Intorcst R por cent
"Iniuranco That Insures."
Tiny your lnsuraoes or a taxpsysr
Expert Oorsetioro
32G North Bartlett.
Plionn fifi? M.
1203 East Main Struct
Tlio Only JOxoliiHivo
Comniorinl Pliotoi,'rapliairi
in Hoiilhci'i) Oroffon
NokhIIvl'H JSHulo any Hum or
plncn by appoint nioiii
J'liono ,117-J
Wh'JI tlr Ilia vtml
E, .1), WKHON, Pi'op,
.Mrs, tlcrllm t'obley eituudtfi'
hack last Weduesdny to visit a Week
wilh her hiolher, Frank IHtsvvoith,
null other relatives,
Mnrm'rv V5il;luo sponl Wednesdny
with Mr. Hhiiiehnvd.
(Irnudpit VmiKhn of .Inrksuuvlllv
died last Tuesday, nueil 110 vetti. Ill
son, It. H. Vaunhn, of this commun
ity, was with hi rather at the last.
.1. F. Dltswotth and wire, .Mr. and
Mrs. Knlph Young, Ha Lytic and
GeoiKo mid Donald l!uoll left mi
Weduodn lor Crulor nlikci Foil
Klmnalh and other points of interest
Two of Iho Wudell hoys mid Trnoy
Hoothhy went Imme to 1'ioipcct on
Wednesday for Crater l.ahe, Fmt
fis'liting was under control, hut it
limU out av;alu Friday.
"The sudden nml startling rise lu
ujjnr was the subject of uelKhhor
hood eouversalinn Wednesday.
Sovonil piomiiiriit W. C. T. F.
worker of the stale wvnt up In Cm
lor I.nho hist week nml spVnt sevcinl
I'rinli Gordon bmiled u load of luui
lier from WjiNh's mill I'ridny.
Mre broke oul lt ltida.v near .1.
.1. Hrophv'. With the aid of the
phono a uoodlv ixcd crowd was soon
nsiuuhlcd mid the lire wns under
control hv t) p. in.
Mu i gory Krsklno put from Thurs.
dny to Sunday vlslling with Mis
luox Wlllits of Peraist.
Mm. It. H, I'evlnii torverd ehloken
dfnuor lo the lining. mid their hus
bands of the W. C. T. V, lant Satur
lames Sehaffer sut Sunday at
I'Jvergreen niueli.
Several mitoiiiohile parties spent
tho week '' d on lite old grade belos
We have now on hand a largo
mid fresh stock of Id-public,
I'liited Stale and Miehebu
tires, consuming of all sue.
In nil probability there will be
another raise uu tire inside of
forty-five i!hs. Hoy now
while we can save xou money.
Oct Your Next Mill ot
I'ltlCKS ei.o Ul
AUo Cleaning, Pressing and Altering
Auto Stage leaves at H it. in. on
Monday, WediitMidiiy mid Friday.
Round-trip .f 18 tickets honored until
September 30. Spcoiul rules to Crater
Inko for parties of five or more.
Four, five mid Hnven-puHHcngcr tour
ing cars. Keafioiuiblo rates to nil
eilieH and points, Hpenial rates for
nil-day service nnd huge louring
Hall Taxi Co.
Phono 0I),
Seely nnd four I Hnll, Msrs.
WKatLM lUaiaKV
faafliafaVlSl ' lHUHai9iaBaB
Hill 'IsRHH
iHwi'aV W ''( rtf ft'iif
Flounce tiuc.k fishlttu' mid hunting.
Mr. Hnsso! of Notlh FlnUe, Nt'li.,
iinived Halutdiiy lo Julti his fiiinllv,
who nro vlslllug Mts. Russell's
mother, Mrs. Dllswotlh,
Mr. Hiiohiiunou nml family mid
Mr. Strong mid family of IJiikIu
Point went home Monday nfler n
pleasant camping hip In nnd nrnr
Pioxpoet, .Mr. Hiteluiiiiiiiii wns for
tlllinle in seeitriiig two ileur while In
the iiiouutuins.
Miss 1-Mltli Levels of PortlHl spent
from Sunday In Tuesday with Mar
gery Kiskluo of Hoar Spring raitoh.
Flunk, Gim mid Dra Dituwoilh,
Violet Vmiiihu and Francis Allien lot I
Iho first of the week for (!rater nnd
Diamond lalic.
Mr. Mcl.eod nml Furl Poylon are
hiiuliukf MauNfield' I'uiiiiluru fiom
the Htalioii this week.
STAR Theatre
Wednesday jiih! Thursday
The Master Mind
With tin: American Actor
Edmund. Brecse
Famous Players
The Candy Shop
floats, ".'.e, $1.00 and ln
Doom Open S O'clock .
Tomorrow Night
Third Mptsotlc
Trey 0' Hearts
In Two Parts
Thu Price Paid
lu Two Paris
Tito TriiuiKlc MnrrinRc
Wentern Comedy
Adults I lie Clilldrt'ii .c
lloor Open Ttl.1
AUG. 29
rpi.TaJir j
u Ctoniout usriooto ah.inci wns
All Time.
2 1. M.- TWICE DAILY -8 P. M.
iiusr rinxiutu.NiK rHKiKiixo ar
Down town ticket office
Ilnskins Drtifi Store
Tickets on sale show tiny same price
as charcctl nt grounds
, , ' i
HEN in
stop at tho in
comparable Hotol
Benson. Modern,
fireproof, central
Rates Moderate. Sond for
froo booklet.
Hotel Benson
J'wtltind, or, Oitrl Htmiley, Mr,