.,o i WroA'''XiTmsT r k ijtm wwi)ifORTr5rrrn rammm, MrcniroitT), omwon, PG15 HVK' i i i J T HOUSE Reported by Jnkin County Ah irnrt Co., Sixth Hint Kir Utit. , CilTHlt tVimi 1 1, (I. ,une, IH IniblCt', s (I M.VI'I'H'OI III., Illllllllltllti Stair .Mniviiiitllu '"., n mi pm n -lion, m, Vim Onsen V I.udtvig, cu iiiiIiii)h, order. I), II, llolilnsou vs. I'. (I. Iliilin, I. H. lWgitr, I-llln M. IMgur, .1, liiilxo Wnllinir, Hhnl'cr Walllnij (I. K. Hob. instill, 1 1 tinnier iI' judgment lioni Multnomah. W, II. Xuk'hh v, lino. A Mill, uNlilitWI. II, ('. Mtiv dci llvllru v, I 'urn I V. lliili'liiiMiin. uosl Mil, Mm v Ailam vs. I.VIIu lluiwii mnl Albeit T. Iliown, cost bill. Kiiiniit T. Whllney ft id vs. W. A. 'riutiiiMiui, K. II, Pum-ll, iilfiduvlt. rioii'iirt' II. I.oimliila vs. (lcorgn Wallace Lonsdale, leluiu r Mint- 1111111. Itusscll Uraliuni, l.y II, l'. Wheeler, liU guardian, v. It. V. I'lnuey, re- (lit II III' sUIIIIIIIIII., Mcilforil Nnilimnl llmik'-v. Al mini VIIxiii, return of summon, Aijiih Davidson v. It. T. IhiviiUmi, hfftilmU for Milllcnti'ii. Prolmtc Court Kiladt if hihiii Wright, ilcci'ined, unlitr iiulhorl'liij- new bond. .MltlllT lf gtiaillillUhllip llf TIlOllMN IMjjar Scuntlln. Jr., order reducing bond. rMnle of .lull a Itergmuii, affidavit mnl repot t of nnl' of tfiil propciiy. t.- Ileal I-MiMe Trnfrr W. A. I'neknr.l, Jr. to Knl.li IS. I'nckahl, 22.511 neres in I). I., t II", twp. :i8-l-V. VJ.OOII Isabella HihUoii rt vir to (HimUs Iiiihmt, lot ItiKx .Ml in Park Aibl. to .Miiiriri ('. (). (Inches it ux In l.illie Kinder, 21I.H5I neie in sec. to :is-2W. .. . , ico i,:tiin it ('. Sli'iul t'l tu tn Itulli Wat IMI'I' I'l III., lot t In Itlvcrsitlu Subdivision . . . . 10 I TABLE ROCK TABLETS I Wien IDruui mnl -'roii Hoero have returned (rum tbo Coo lUy country, W. T lllgglim of (Irldloy, Cat., n brother Ui-luw of J. II, l,)inril who linn lirni litlt ttiK nl tho f.ydlnrd home left Sniiituy evening (or Ilia Iminc. Jrmw lYndlnnd nmt llnry Greg ory returned Tuesday from ilw Uui. qua roiinlry with four fltio t"icK. KMiik Itii) of Mi'ilforil lias n criv of men tmtllnu iii nomn 'JOO roilit of tvucv on the JuiiiiIiikh rnncli. .' 'I'lie electric IroiiH urn niiprcclatiM, tluM lint iIii)m by tboHu fortiinnlt) riiotiRli fo own them. .Mr. Illnln nmt fmnlly who lmvo been eiiiilooit for n Ioiir t lino' lit tlw inilor urrlinnl In now IIvIiir In Tn Him. W'hkIi 0 IC WnllliiK linn returned from n liuulliiR trli but wo did not notlco nny muell of inlou nbout liltn. Hurry llyon who wallowod gniuiiil kIh koiiio tlmo nRn l much llilliroteit nml will noon ho nbout bin "work u toil n. IIIh hun bcou n ronmrk rtblo riixo (inrtlelen of Klnnti hnvtnt; worKeil out through hU nKlit In nbout n ilneii pliireR over bin limly. Tnblo Kock lnltom Hiunlny were Weblnii H.ine. Will l.yillnnl, Smul ford Itlchiinliou mid It. Wnlorn nml fmnlly nil of Mcilfonl. Mra, J, II. Montgomery mid iliuiRliter, Mm. I;. IloherU or IIiikIii Point, Will KldrlitKn of Cold Hill nml Curl lluubo of Alinto, Tho rlvor I potting to" bo ft very popular pliun on Sunday uftnrnoona. A Inrgo numhor woro out Sundny with lmlliliiK hiiHh tukiiiR ndvnntaKO nt .tho flno wiler wliU-h la much wnrmor .thin cnr thmi uaunl. t (IIiikh llroH.' threililiiK outfit U duo heio thin wreli. It Ih ciitlmntcd that ilivro will lio Uioie thmi 11,000 hUKh iU of Kniln In thin neighborhood thU yenr. Tho lienvleiit irniliicurn nro tho Modoc archurd. Connor Land Co., II. 1j Norwich, A. K. Vincent mid son nml Hurry Nculun. A hiiiiUI llvulilua outfit IiOIoiikIiik tit Tot III brothers of tho Moilow punned through hero Moudny ci routo to Agutc. (irmulmit Vincent 72 yeiira of no who wutf (trlclion with pamlyulB sonto tlmo ago Ih cutting n now not of. tooth four of Ilium holng through at thin t lino. Although not bothering luir nu in u eh nu tho f tint not hIio cut tholr tic thlllvH en ii bo plainly felt, Another turkey on tho Neulon rmirh Ih followed by threo InoqdH of turkoyH nil being bur own nud nil bo lug Idhi) Hun. ii yvur old. Tho olduvt were hit jelled In October, 11) 13, (ha iluxt litter In .Mnicli IhU your, whllu t'ho hint wiuo hutched u week ugo. U'orldiion nro pluclug nropii uiulcf Uo brmiohcM of th liunvy liulni ill 'i tl'eoH ut tho Tnblo Hock orcliiifii, f.liilin Ml'IIi'IiIu'm fulhur who In uluy. Ili'g nt tho Mcllrlilu hunio In tnported lif lui In ii rrlllc'ul riiiulllloii nuffDr Inn wllli cMiicur. Vh Me( iIm Ht Thorn Ii wIikh yuu muk Ior, Jtlm- mi tliiiri u4 wlrvuhto hum Mn CDU NEWS IAL WAHIIINUTON, Auk. 1 1. -Cup. (iiIiih iif fliiminj nud Induntry con (erred today with I'renliluut Wlleon mid Ijflcrctnry McAdoo on luunnuicH to uphold tho coiiniicriu ami crodlUnf Hie United HliUfti during tho Kuro icmi wnr, lleiidud by J . Morgnn, .lumen J. Hill, Jntneii Hpo)er mid other proinl nunt flgurnH In tho iiiiUoii'h htulnerti llfo they dlHciucecl inentiM of rtmtor lug America' trmiu-Atlnutli! trmbi mid the flnmiilnl ullimtlon nt homo Kvuernlly, Tho roiiferenco ngrced tlint tho firm move miml bu to find uhlp to curry rurKoen coiincnllng rnllroadu mid turmliittlii. Do It Todity. Ilenohe In ntuqko (lov. oliunon il guiit, tint bent, nud thereby pnlronlzo homo Induntry. if FINE KINGS IN CONFERENCE WIIH SAY W DO Amazon River of Wonders U'im tlie Kw York World.) The emergence oT Culoiiel llio-.e-clt fiom the interior of llrur.il di reeli'd public iitteiiliou more tliiin ever to u Journey probnbly the iihM weinl mnl pieturi"ipie in (he world. Il in '.M.Vi mlti'H from the moulh if Hie Aiiiit.on in Iipiifoi, where Hie i!oeriiioeiit of I'eru miiintuiiiH ji huge iloekanl, luirraekx, iron works iiineliine nhopi, etc., titiil'tm inland imvv eniftuii; of two gunboat. If one wilicK to travel from tlie I'acille bide of Peru lo Iiputon, only "(ui milei it purl, he ilcM-eutN the wo-t eonl in a Kteamer, erosijeH the Nth mii of I'nnumii, (uihurkt ut Colon for New York mnl tninx-liips here for lipiilot up the Ainar.oii. Ilher of U'omlri-n I'uw liue auv idea of Hie lieinen doil oiime mnl eolonuc of the Am aou eiitieul, itx influence iiptui the Atlaulle, the iiuuiciinc iliiluuee it ear. rii'H nearly frech water into the hriue of the oeiNtli, il serpentine wimliugx, its oicrhmiginir vegetation, its rapldh it M wild life, (Ik ptvl", peiiN, plenn. inert nud nil oorU of hliango MgliU. Koiitu of (lie (lihutiirtcM of thu Aimt- r.ou nro mightier Hum Hie ,MiHN.ippi. Two lloolli line Hkippeiv, ('aplmii . I. Ik-ek nml L'iid(iiii .1. V. Coiicli (the IIooHim ndieie Iheir muhler mur- lllern by heudlliK' llieni nu leuMi In Kuglnnil' after a eeilaln iiumher ol tiiw into (lie South Amerienii inter. Ir), wive ii iirt of duel In the lia'r ralioii of the wondcrx of the Aiuii'mui on bou nl (ho Ucnk iceciilly. They hpoko nUo of their hlnps, their pe. culiar eiirxoeH, their cligihilily to Jlv the Ameriemi fln if they choose, nud their mUeiitiires mi the river of riv er. They cluiriiclcrjr.cd Alexander P. Hogcr' ilcKcriptiou of the eouiilr ux faithful and hiueorc. While t In v were talking in (lie cabin of the Denis 'loiighliorciuen were hhoM'IIJng- out of her hold Kill!) ton of ltrar.il mils ut the old Itohert pier in llrookl.Mi. Only JUOl) toils ol the iiutii were iinpoitcd ilmin the year JUia. VllltlllV ltlltM Caplaiu Hcek, who wild jut pnek in tip to catch the Ciinunler for Liverpool, denied that I he mosquito wn u pot ov Hril on tho Auiiuon. Ho nnU that for about three davw in llio muigalioii of the. river it was ncee-Miry to shut up Hie pao-eager ami iiho the. nuMipiito iMrt), hut Uiis wiik the only htretch in the lonv' jour- ney nut and hack for nine weeks in which (here wuh any mosquito tight-iiijf- "There is honictliin worse lliaii tlie mosipiito," uii faiftaiu Couch. "I refer to thu vulture hat, which nl ways uttuck either vour bald licutl or the soles of Vour feet. It nlwuys hilcs you in the tendcrost spots nud ilruwH blood." t.'aptniu Couolt did not my how lliu viilhire hat wan circunivcnted. "Yes," Mtid (,'jpluiu Peek, eoutiii niiiK the dialogue, "IheroV nnotlier pIcAHiiut litllo hubitifj of tle Amu koii, the 'htnoll Iuik-' If you situill him once yiiti.imxur forgot him. He's hrown, less Himii nu inch lung- mid hnlf ilcuil when he comes aboard on fechlo wing-. Put seen them nivcr I hn deck seven inches deep nml wo had to shovel lliem overboard," r Huijill I'M) (lot lllui Mvcrybotly look u fresh h wallow of claiet 1111111 litis bloiv and Captain Couch turucil o n-jiilu, "ll's agalusl ihu rules of (he com puny for any niiiii to i.'o ivvihotiid i or ii pwiifi pi lii'l Moiaroiii t'liu in our men tlji-obeyeti (his rule, oneo nml was inner seen nller he iliopieil over Hip sitlc. t) lay nl, iiMchur ut llio liiie. "II uuv pliilily a kiiill IMi Hnil not him," ji'JiuiiUi'il Cuplulii lleuk, 'A immI1 ih hi Ilia Aiiuumi, nboiil or suvcii luchen Ioiik, nlfi'iuU ntluml Ui ihiuiiitk, Tkv 4mi1 m mu GERMAN AVIATORS DUTCH LAND AMHTUHDAAI, vln London, Aur 1 1, ii p. m. Two (lurmmi iniviil nvln tor offliorH wvru iiii'mlnil nud din iirmud toiluy Oil the .'Jutcn IhIiiiuI of Schlurmoiiutk Oog, off tho count of KrloHlnud. . llollmul. Tho nvlutori hint loft tho (lormnii liilnnd of Ibir kiim In thu North Kcu thm luonilni!, prenumnbly on u Hioutlug expedition mid hud boon forc.'d to iIchcciuI by motor trouble. HltlKHKLS, via Loudon, An. II, S:l." p. m. Tin1 IIcIjjIiiii with picnt gtiMtu ure iciciitiiig a Hlory to Hie effect, tlmt when a member of tlie ilijilomnlle eniw ut HrusHel ex irctMi'( Hiirjirifif Hint (lie Oenumi iiiIiiImIit Inn not left the Ileluhiu i'iiiitul, promptly nfi r )u leclnrn lion of wnr, the iiiiiihIit leplieil: "Il inn't worth while. Tomorrow tlie (leiiiiiiim will hy here." The HcliiiiiH point out flint ten Iii.vh lmve eliw'il since thu nllegeil eoiiverjullbn.look place. hundred of place mid he never rines. "A 'hncn' jft him. I think." re joined Captain Coueh. "A linen is a black lih, about or seven feet loiijr, with in teeth, hut with rows of stickers in each long- jaw. The buuii htuffn 11101 alhe." Ilcntlly K11U mid ICunkc "Or it might have been elect tic eels that shocked him fo denth," mi. gestctl Cmilaiti Heck. "I wit dining with Jack Andrews, pi evident of the I 'am Trmuwuy voinisipy. (In kept an electric eel in 11 tank for 11 pel. "I'll lay voi" unit! Mr. Amliews, ''Hint von can't lake hold or that eel,' "'I'll Jul ou I i-nn.' savs I. Then I grabbed the ecl with holh liaiuN. I was knocked over as if I huii been hit with 11 club. Tlmt eel upit have been chnrccd with uboiil filld volts of elcetricitv, I iuk." "Kver see any snnksT" Captain Couch was askctl. "Well, I've never seen a boa con st lietor up there, hut I've seen what the unlives eall it Nukiinu.u.' ll's 11 water snake. I'vo scon Hit 111 lltiily feet lotur." The talk Iuiiiik) l uatunil phc iiomeua. mal Captain Heck said the diffeieiifC between liiuh nml low-water u( .Miinaon vvito. aboiil roitv-two feel. iThcre i an idil -jlorjj iijioyl a.t'rcvv that vveie ilvju of thfrsl whvii their ship hue bored' !u I ho iiiiiiith of the Amadou nml (he skipper didn't know it, ami uiiolher cuplriiri, nuehoreil neaibv, bellowed Ihrotigh his trum pet: "Let down oiir buekcls: you're in the mouth of the Amairou." I'rc-li Water at Sen ')s thai story imijt" Caplaiu (.'ouch was nsked. A "'It I," ho reijlied. U learned nl school Ilial llio Amar.on earriml fn-sh water scawaid, ami 1 nut il to the lest once, 1 wiis 1(17 miles titun the mouth of Hie Aiimron. 1 noticed that lite water was discolored around the ship. 1 dipped some tin it ml tc-tcd it in the hydrometer. That water dipped fiom the ocean wjih three foil it lis fresh." Speaking of the. "mountains'1 of lliail nuts on Hie pier, both cap tains ngrcciUhnt it w'as a pity (hat the sapaciiya, or paradise iiut, could not he gathered in taiflivicut tputnti tics for coiiiuiereial )airpase.. Cailaiu Coucli dcjcrihcd the re murkiihlc coiistniclion of (he pod of the itaradisu nut, who.i meat is while nud very svvcel, -while the shell, resembling thut of the Ilnml nut, is committed. ' Vfi mVS ln srr .."' t RTRl 'f m tuiumil iUul, SULTAN'S AOTIOH OFFEND Hi iK il mm ip (Continued from pM 1,) cdiiiij it sfroni; woitpoii In tho hmidn of Tutkoy If CoiiHlniillnojilo abmiil onud llu atlltudo of iioiilrnllty. TIcj bollof wnii iixpruKRtM Hint thu pur cliuim prcliidcB u now ponlllon on tho pnit of Turkey and In favor of nor mally mid Auntiln-lliiiiKiiry, which Is (jBitoclnlly luiportnnt im benrlug on I liv Interimtn of the llulkmi ntntos. Tho Trlbunn wiyti Hint tho prctinrn tloii mmlo nt Mean Inn for "n npblo ileiith" by tho officer of tho Ocrninti crulHur who beforo mlllng from Hint port mmlo their wllbi, loft tho public "unpropnred for ibU farce," "Kci'liiR tho ImpoaalbllUy of n cnio from tho Angla-Kn-iicli fleet if they followed thulr original Men of moleatlng the transport tuovlnt; I'rench Afrlcnn troojia, llio (Icrmnn trul-icrii aoiiRlit rofiiKo In tho Aegean Hen, whtro "with tho complicity or Turkey, which continues to mako lovo to (Icrmony, tbo two vchboIh contcm Plated how thoy might parnlyzo llrlt IhIi connncrci In, tho Medlterrnncn.i mid Interrupt trnfflc with India. Vlolnlr nil ltulcs "Hut. cloiioly puriiied, tlicy had no nllernntlvn to takhfe rofugo In tho Dnrdmiclloa and dbinrmlng. lntcurt, Turkey purchaacd them. Thin U net coiiHldcrcd pornilKMlblo according to llio law of nation. Never has a na tion at wnr Hold her own uhlpn which already had been used ngalnat nn enemy. During the Itiifno-Japancao conflict, ninny ItuKslan idtlpn entered Chlncio nnd American neutral port, but thoy woro dliurmod nnd there nwnltcd the end of tho wnr." LONDON. Aus. M, 9:63 a. m. A doapntch to tho Dally News from Home nay: "Turkey's purchase of tho Gorman cruiser llrcslaii' and Oooben ha made an unploawint Impression hero Italy will probnbly demand an ex planation nn to tho futuro use of theso shlt nnd nlo wnrn Turkov Hint ho will not allow tho equili brium of tho lower Mcdlterrnncun to bo threatened, ns Italy Is dotertulncd to prevent complications." (irmc Is Ilvrllctl LONDON, Aug. ll. C -20 a. in. -A di'Mmlch to tho ICxcluinpe Telegraph compmiy from AthcnH guys King Con- stntitlnc nl llio nuggnntlon of tho pre mier nud minister of wnr. K. Vcnlic Iok hud called n conference of al' former premier nnd imrty lentlers to dclermlno tho nttltudo of OrHco la tho face of TurkeyVjiureliaso of tho crulwers (loebeii nnd llrculau from tlormaii. LONDON. Aug. II. II n ni A Heaters New Agency despatch from nrls u ndvlccti received hero from tho Dardanelles decnre Hint, contrary ... T WHY? 8TOCK IIANCII t: It la my business to know tho best buy in Jnckson county and hnro It optioned at tho lowest cash'nrlco. Tlmt best buy today is n 190 aero stock ranch, 100 acros loam roll, Ir rigated, cow In grain, nnd nlfnlfa. No better nlfnlfa land In Jnckson county, ditch built covering 1-10 ncrcs, perfect vwitor right, alone worth $10,000.00, Thl land He bqtween tho Apple gala river nud tho foot hills, nil bot tom lnnd, best of rnngo, most do llghtful climate, no snow or fog. Modorn, now buugnlow, burns, fences, corralls and orchard nil ready. This place should brlug $35,000.00 will soil for J1S.Q00.00, hnlf cash. 2000 worth of machinery nnd stock with place Ideal homo nnd stocl ranch. Hcst I lmvo over offered. First Nat'l IlHnk Hldg., Phono 1UO-J J. C. BARNES IhlttJ SutCUlniVI TmtI 411 0S wAnlik -ImI M Sk S-lMl. IWC( Mr. 3A -r --, , Ikti by Umim iistrU kr matt Ibi 4 ym WHATEVER mk of pistol or revolver your port utM, you r pr-Hy uro lo find him shootW RsmlniliMfUKk: aNiwyalUon, Net'U fr vw 4d rt (or tur flr, accuracy, prcclilon. tfl jJMCJ J..l.r. .Vwiir0ltiiw l.lw b U. M(iiJu. iau(niwil-nll'isvilii Ihtnulnull Mnl JttXf.Ulvul m lt n4 UWI'I4 (, wi Hw(il. ilt tw puviti ftUiHl, ! HttrsliHf, 4 puslUUl. 1.. . ,i, ...... i.,.,..i 1..1, ., ll-iii r-.i,Li. n.. '"'"K7uZ;r prMr7' j t& to tho Mnlommil of tho TurkUh gov ern tnant, (ho (Jcrnmn flng hn not been lowered on tho Oormnn crulnnr.i Ooclicn nml llrcalmi nor lmvo their crow been landed bIiico thulr nr nrrlvul In Turkluli wnlar. M)HT LOBTLudlcn' hnndbng 011 Boufli Illvonldo, near public market. Ho ward. Lcuvo nt Mull Tribune. 125 -.--. HTHAYI2D- At my plnco In wont Mod ford, ono black nlock liojt. weigh nbout 200 pound. Ilox "Xt. phono f.:i-.r. ' 130 I'OU HA Mi riKCi:iLAN KOL'H roiiHALlilllnlf grown" "turkoyV, .Air. K. V, Duttoii, Alcdford, phono 7-K2. J20 FOIt HALU Mulr pencho for enn nlng, prices very rcnonnble. Phono S08-H. - 12fl KOH SAI.I-: HotiMlold furniture chenp, goltiK nwny. 501 South Central. 120 FOIt 8ALK I'cnclicii, good for can ning, 1 Vt rent per pound delivered Phono n,.13V. 124 I'OIt SALB Ulcyclo, nearly new'. Kn oulrc of Frarcc, First National Hunk. 12J FOR 8ALK Hcrrlc, phono 392-M 12S FOIt HAMS---Flno Knrly Crnwford IKiachc nnd crab npplca dcllvcroJ or telephone order. Herkcloy Or chard. Phono 1-F2J. 125 FOIt SAMS Or will traao nt kooo alfalfa hay, 10 choice Holateln cowi. Leonard Orchard Co., Grants Pans, Oc. Phono C12-F1. 12b FOIt HAMS Chenp. iO horso powei Voile -nuto truck, capacity 1000 lbs, ha both truck and touring car bodies; also a three ton Velio truck. Leonard Orcnaras Co., Grants Pnss, Ore. Phono G12-F4. I2e FOIt SALE Oh conio and toe what a beautiful foundation for a lovely homo nnd so chenp, for I must and will go nnd bo with my children rt'sardlofH of cost. Conic today ana seo my homestead relinquishment. 1 '4 miles from Tolo. II. C. Hutch inson, Tolo, Oro. 127 1 I'., fat1-.. ' f. T- . FOIt RK.NT IIOCSEf. FOH HKNT Four room house. Phono 370-J. modern 129 FOIt ItKNT Modern, six room bun galow, enst front, flno shndc, rnn?o connected. Phono 930-X. "128 FOIt Itn.S'T FIvo room bouso. part ly furnished or not. Phono 717-H. 133 Fon itEvr FuitNisiiKD Arrs. FOIt ItKNT - Furnished rocuntng house. Sco I. W. Thomas, 718 W. Main. 129 KOIt RKNT Largo sleeping rooms, and modern honsokcoplns; apart ments, prlcoa very reasonable. Phono 247-b. 222 South Holly street. ' FOIt UISNT Two or four nicely fur nlshed housekeeping rooms. plumbed, lighted, lower floor. 729 W. Eleventh. FOIt BALE. lilVrSTOOK -N-JS.MW''-VW FOIt HALE Steel folding bed. couch, rug, wicker chair nnd tnblo, screen mirror, etc. Used three months, must bo sold nt once. 401 Gar- nctt-Corey Hldg. 125 FOH SALE A good team, wagon nna harness. Inqulra of or write Mra. Poo, Roguo Hlver, Oro. 223 FOH SALE Driving team, had:, light buggy, harness, excellent cow, nlso lieu, laying pullet, young ducks, w. O. Collins, pnono roi- 115. 12C FOIt SALE Oentlo liortfe. buggy nnd harness. Phono 1C-F11, C. Carey. 12D FOH SALf: Four good Jersey milk cow. Call or write Lloyd Qolver, Phoenix, Oro. 31 FOIt SALE 100 head hogs. J. U. Siplth, It: 1 D. 4', Hox 10. m WANTED MISCELLANEOUS wTNTElPartner with $200.0o" Dig money, box 522, city. 12G WANTED Plnlu bowing. 329 North Riverside Ave 129 WANTED Three or four good mllca cows. Inquire 213 North River side. 12C WANTED To ront furnished house nbout five rooms, with garngo pre ferred, 110 chlldrou. Address box 100 enro Mull TrHjuno. Yil WANTED To buy socond bund fur niture lu excellent condition. Ad drok bo 32, Talent, pre. 125 WANIED Position, as oH ico clork or nssistnnt, AddrotiS Hox 53, euro of MallTrlbuuQ. 120 X I'OIt EXCHANGE EXCHANGE Want to sell or buy anythhiRT II O Rudor, IH N. Front St Pl'onoJ'-, Nuff Sod.' "KI-!! V!N??"-r?l-A.y.K.'' W A NTK D-good H vn gon t fort h Indian History of tho Modoc Wnr, good comiuUslon. D, L. Momw. Yuluinx, Oregon. ' ) 25 WANTED Good sorlei, prorerably 0110 who bus worked with urudluu iiiiii'hliio. F00H1IIU Orchurd, phono 113-J. WANTED Murilyd man wIsIiim nost rr lion nu ranch. Xporlonco, U-8 N, Cunt I nl Ml) WANTED -rHslwiimn lor our hurdy count grown uursory klock", Cuslt ituli) wwt;y, paclfli; ,NUsry Co roiiiuuii, yjv, lit wme y imiw WANTUD - CdlhpbiiV b'acknth (r wurk uh Miirb, well mwlNld ItAllTLKTT I'ISAim WANTED Mr. Perry of tho Rogiro,RJvo'r Co operative Fruit Grower association, to mado n fnvornblo contract -with n California cannery for Dartiott pear for canning purposes, and can hnndlo them cllbor orennrd run or second grndo. If Interested como In nnd talk It ovor. ' stir to peitcci.OKi: a contract di:!lari the ha.mis a si out. ;aoi-simmonh. W. II. Norcroau and U)In M. Nor cross, his wife, Plaintiff, v. George A. II11U, DoferWant. To Gcoreo A. Hutz, tho nbovo named defendant. IN THE NAME OF Till HTATR 01' OREGON, you nro horoby required u appear nnu nnswer pmintiris' corn Plnfnl now on file nrnlnst vnn In Mm nbovo entitled court nnd cnuso on or ocioro iTiuny, tito lsth day of Sep tember, 1914, which dale Is subse quent to tbo expiration of six wcokH from tho 7th day of August, 1911, which Is tho dato of tho first pub lication of thl summons, nnd you nro horoby notified If you fall to ap pear nnd answer, for want thereof, plaintiffs will apply to tho ourt for tho relief prayed for In tho complaint, to-wt: ' That plaintiff do have and recover Judgment against you for tho sum of 3t8G.88, with Interest thereon from Juno 7, 1913, at the rnte of C per cent por annum, together with tho further sum of $300 attorney's fees, nnd cost nnd disbursements herein nnd In said suit Incurred, together with such other nnd further sum as upon an accounting had for the caro and conservation of tho fruit trees nnd fruit crop on said premises as may be fouud duo unto plaintiffs; That tho contract attached to plain tiffs' complaint and marked Exhibit "A," bo decreed to bo a mortgage In security of tho above mentioned amounts:, that tho premise therein described, situate in Jackson Coun ty. Oregon, to-wlt: Dcglnnlng at a point whlca Is six teen ami 19. inn ri.nino vn.it .1,- Southeast corner of the Thomas Hop- woou wonanon i.aml Claim number Flfly.flvc (55) In Township Thirty seven f.17) Knilth- nnntrn IV. tn West Willamette Meridian, and run ning inenco .-vorth flvo and 23-100 chains to an Iron post In tho County road; thenco East Elovcn and 10-100 chains; thenco South Flvoind 23-100 chains; thonco "West TSIcvcn and 10 100 chains to place of beginning, con- talnlng flvn and SO-100 arrm nt lam! Save and excepting thcrqfrotn a sinp 01 lann twenty (20) feet wide extending along and taken from the west side of above described tract, tho samo being reserved for public road purposes, bo sold as upon exe cution for tho purposo of satisfying said several sums and Interest there on; that defendant be foreclosed of all right, tltlo and Interest tn and to said described premises, or any part or narcol thereof, siihlopl nnli- tn thn right of redemption as by law pro vided, and that, dfendant bo debarred nnd cnjolnod frqm .asserting any Iji torcst therein, -subject only to such redemption right ns provided by' law; that plaintiffs bo placed In possession or said promises nnd tho whole there of nnd Hint, they have such other nnd further relief ns to tho Court may seem In gootl conscience Just and equitable. This summons Is published tn tho Mcdford Mall Tribune, a newspaper published dally and rogntarly at Mcd ford, Jnckson County, Oregon, by or der of tho Honorable Frank M. Calk ins, Judgo of tho nbovo entitled courr, mndo on tho Cth day of August, 1914. directing said summons to bo pub lished onco n week for six succcsslvo weeks, the first publication thereof being on Friday, tho 7th day of Aug ust. 1914. W. I. VAWTER. Attorney for Plaintiff. I1USINKSS DIRKOTOPy Auto Supplies LAHER AUTO SPR1NO CO. We aro operating the largest, oldest and best equipped plant In tho Pa cific northwest. Uso our spring when others fall. Sold under guar antee. 20 North Fifteenth St., Portland, Oro. Attorneys PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEALEY Attorneys-nt-Lnvv. Rooms 8 nnd 9, Medford National Hank bldt;. A. E. REAME3, LAWYER Corey hldg. -Garuott- Wni. M. Colvlg. George M. Roberts COLVIO & ROnERTS. LAWYERS Medford National Dank Building. D. F. MULKEY & GEO. W. CHERRY Attorneys nt Law, Jackson Coun ty Hank Duildlng. j NEWTQN W. HORDEN Attornoy at law, room 7, Sparta building, Med ford, Orogon. CLASSIFIED BUSINESS AND TELIPHQM DIRECTORY A Quick, U.ndy, reference tot; Besy PrH)l listed Hay, Flour, Feed, Grata L. U. Drown, Huas Mill, also , poultry supplies. 139 South Riverside Phon C 3 9 Chinese Laundry On June first, I will open a first class laundry. A trial will con vince you of our ability to please. All bund work. HI Siting. 123 South Riverside. Phono.,........18 Oivll Ksglneers Osgood ft Ilrqwa. T. W. Os good, Ao. M, Am, Hoc, 0, JO. A, Theo Brown, deputy county urvrtvar. Msdford National Hank lHdg...u.-M.-.......l'boue Sill Elwtrlc WMhv, Fhtures, HuiwUee KoMthcm OfSgQU Kleairlc Co., Mssna Limjis, 0 naiitK ctmtrsi AvtiUMf M.........M......l,eUi Hit ,mmmmmf f epWem nwUN BtutHers. mil m ef Juku IXHTK WkH. ' SM" alal uibim imi W 11 aim IH PITHINESS . tmiKOTOKY Si Ik-fttfeto DR. W. M. VAN HCOYOO Dn. O. ' C. VAN SCOYOO t, I)cntlta ' Gsrnett-Coroy Bid;., anil 113 Mcdford, Oro. Phono 855." Trawlers i-i -v ISADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO, Off Ico 42 iNortb Front St. l'hono 315, Prices right. Service guar tntccd. Chiropractor DR. A. U. HEDGES, Dr. I-oulno K. Hodges Mechano-Thernplsta, Chiro practors, SpondylotheraplsU. Thoso systems, Including dietetics, cura tive gymnastics, hydro-thcraphy, etc., produce rosultn In both acuta and chronic dlscnsc. Consulta tion free. Over Dcncl & Co,, cor ner Main nnd Harllo'.t. Hour 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Other hour by appolntmont. Phono 170. instruction MR. FRED ALTON HAJOHT Sum mer term. Teacher or piano and harmony. Tho Halght Music Stu dio, 11C South Laurel St., Fhoa 17G-R. DR. R. J. LOCK WOOD,, Chiropractor, nerve specialist Rooms 203-204-205. aarnctt-Corey bldg. Vapor bath and scientific massage given; needle spray, head nnd shoulder shOwor In connection; advice In dietetics, medical gymnastics, hydropthorapy. Lady atteadant. Phone, office 543, residence Gll-R. KmsJoj stsit Aireaef -.1 -.ii. We are hero to helfr people 9H r llable, competent help. We tar nish help In almost all lines of bustness. We make a specialty of competent men and wive tot ranches. We solicit your patron age. Dinner's Real Estate and Employment Dureau, Rooms 8 anal 7 Palm Bulldlnr, Medtord. Phoae 858. Mrs. Hyrd Caster, llaaager, accessor. Garbage GARBAGE Get yonr premises cleaned up for the summer. Call on the city garbage wagons for good service. Phone 325-L. t Y. Allen. SB Notary lkMte HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary pub lic. Bring your work te we at the Riga 'of the Mali' Trltone. Phf eelclsHM surtl Bargeo DR. V. G. CARLOTV. DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteoaathle physicians, 416-417 Garnett-Cerey bldg., phone 1036-L. iUsldeaee 30 South Laurel St. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathle , physicians, 303 Garaett-Ceref building. Phono 904-M. DR. J. J. EMMEN8 Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, car, nose and throat. Eyea scien tifically tested and glasses sup plied. Office 228 East Mala St. Hours S:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Phone. E. B. PICKEL, M. D. Office Jack son County Bank bldg. Offlee phono 43-R; residence phone C8-R. DR. MARTIN O. BARBER Physi cian and surgeon. Office Palm block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hours 10 to 12, I to 4. Phone 110-J. DR. R. W. CLANCY Paysklas aaJ surgeon. Phones, offlee 36, resi dence 734-J. Office hours 10 te 12, 2 to 6. DR. a A. LOCKWOOD Physician and surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Practlco limited to diseases of women. Office 232 E. Main. Phonos, rcsldoiice, 814-J2; office 814. R. J. CONROY, M. D. Physlclaa and Surgeon. Over Hutchison & Lums den, 215 K. Mnta St.- Phone 77. DR. MC M. M. DOW Physlclaa astd surgeon, Dr. Lydla S. Dow-Os-tcopathlo physician, offices 3-4 St. Mark's block, Phono ICO. Resi dence the Dow Hospital, Ceatral Point. Printers and rulU!iers MEDFOlD PRINTING CO. has the best oquipied printing office lu southern Oregon; book binding, looso leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc, Portland prices. 27 North Fir 8t. Stenogra pnet ELLA M. GUANYAW Palm block. Stenographlo work done quickly and well. SHOE REPAIRING First class shoe repairing, on modern electric machines whilo you wait. E. N. Riden, located lu Kldd's Shoo Store, Phono 313J. Plumbing and Heatlnc Van R. Peirson, 38 Nortk l Q rape.......... Paos tlf Bakery Royal Bakery, bread. 4es, v cakes. Corner, Main sad Orsse. .......,............siss) 27 Furniture New svMd Umwi.Hfd Sqott Woolf, mecesser to M doff ft WoQlf, com pie te. aeissi furnishers. Hpeelal low nrlees on Axmlnbrter rugs sad frI ture. Hi South rir.. ..Hnni Kwlugs Bun ttUtf, ftsMu tackle, iportlux !" Is luta. sviImUvIsIiiss JSlSH.,.MWM,,,t..,.M,.,..,'.Ptdl) SvB ' '9ttQmJmW 'i,' .V4 ' '4.,-. ,-.-Jli mivf M tm Wv Ww Ui mm m)i ..umZTsMsh ii