cf I KM it 1:1 il i f M 8.) PAGE BOTH MlDfOltb MAIL TRIBUNI ILIRHKD KVKRT AVTKRNC IBXCKrT BUNDAT T THB MKDFOHD PRINT1NQ CO. Office Mali Trlimns Mutlf, tl-IT-tl Horth Fir streets WsptieM ft. M On Tear, br inal -too On month, br mU ." Per month, delivered br carrier la Mrflroro, jacsaonviu ana lu teal I'olnt . ,10 alurday only, by mail, per yr t.00 Wkly, per yar ,. , - -. ,. LtO Official Taper of tha City of Madtort orriciai rarwr or jacitaon county. fcntrrrd aa arcond-claM maltar at MtdforO, Orrcon. under ttt, set of March I. 1". Full lc4 Wire AsaocUtM Proa wm cimcmtATTGir. Dally avcras for tx months ttdtnx Decembor 31, 1U, 2i9. WHh McOfor Btop-Orar DAY SHOW IS DUE HtRE ON MONDAY The vivid Tcenes which were part nnd jwtrrcl of the strenuous life of the frontier n the past jreneralion will lie graphically nnd netcd when the Irwin Ilm. Cheyenne 1'rontier Day Wild Wwl Show comes to Medford. The cowboys nnd cowgirl from the Yd ranch of the owner, Chnrle It. nml Frank Invin, as writ ns other )iart of the ohh country, who have Ix't-n part of the life which they de pict, have made this show fauiou because of it gentunene's. The thrilling contefts between rid ers and outlaw horse?, wild steers and buffalo, the skill of crack pliot., the adroitness of the knight of the lasso and the da.h and vim of the trick riders, who seem part of the saddle, are some of the varied and picturesque feature of the Ir win Bros.' exhibition, which has made it a fascination to the older folk niul an hixtorical revelation to the youngsters. The strenuous day. of the fast fading frontier arc enacted Jy the people who were reared in the environs of the corral and ranch. The atmosphere of the western life i preserved in the performance. The Irwin Bros.' Cheyenne Fron tier day has been an institution in the weftcrn country for more than fourteen years. It was the parent organization of the stampede, round tip nnil rodeo of the reft of the coun try. Most of the cowboy and cow girls with the Irwin Bros, are the winners of 'champion-hip honors in lheir vrioti elapses. The band of Sioux warriors from the Pine Itidge agency, headed by Chief Bed Cloud, depict the pictur fsiue life of the vanishing rcdman with the rugged warfare between the settlers of the western country and the aborigines in all its reckless dan ger. Xot a phase of the old wet is lacking from the Irwin Bros, exhibi tion to make it a veritable passing panorama of the scenes of those strenuous days when.' nature thrived with the bark off. Till: AMIS' OK TIIK KINGS. (My Guy F. Iee In tho Chicago Tri bune.) "We're partners or Him In the Heaven We portion the woe and the weal, To us Is Authority given, Our Might is exempt from appeal; Our reign o'er the land the water Muht be, be it pcaco or the sword" So utter tho kings as they slaughter And waste In the name of the Lord. For thousands of years superstition, Oppression and Ignorance, blent, Have fostered a mocking tradition That millions Hell-headlong has v sent; (reed hold forth Its specious plea, glory, Ami blood-sodden pavement and award lleriertud tho sickening story Of crime In tho name of tho Lord 'Tin tlmo that earth's real rulers Irueklo No more to a fetish called throne, No more ."to the Pharisee knuckle. No more gtvo themselves and their own. 'Tin tlmo that they strike down the savage, Self sanctified, arrogant horde Who pillage and murder and rav age ' And cull It tho will of the Lord! ROTHSCHILDS f IVE $2M,S90 kTi FEEHCH BELIEF FUND LQNfKlN) Auu. H, 110$ u, w The ulerTelwfram wwpsjiy.'s 1'arls mrswtWNilwt MX the Rothschild tMVtktw will Kl 1100,000 lis rpwU Rilul rIJf fund. , CHEYENNf FRONTIER NIID OF HP HE present drouth, stud .1888. is furnishinc nn irrigation. Thqse orchards that are irrigated generally have good yields, lany.of those that are liot watered will have undersized fruit. It. has heen the curse of the valley that, water was not needed the average year. If it. had heen a necessity, long since the entire valley would have heen under water. Con seouently tho annual output is ahout a tenth of what it. should l)e, and m dry years only a miction. The future of the valley lies in intensive cultivation. For this, water is essential. Commercial orchards must have water to mrftitnin the average production. It is tho host crop insurance and fruit raising will never ho the revenue-producing industry it is capable of hcconiing until the outre fruit belt can he irrigated. The orohardist has learned by experience not to trust entirely to one crop. Side issues, such as truck gardening, harries and small fruits, dairying and hog raising must he depended upon as well as tho orchard to insure an income. Yet these also are dependent largely upon water for suc cess. Several efforts have heen made in tho past to con struct an irrigation system. Several times capital has offered to develop water, provided the required acreage of laud to he watered was signed up. Each effort met failure through the inability of property owners to realize that tho water on the .land made the land twice as valuable irom a producers sranupoint ns tnc land without water was. If the present drouth convinces the .skeptical of the need of waiter and hastens tion system, it will not have heen in yam and will have accomplished mpre for the valley than half n dozen wet .summers. Banks Never in (By Oeore M. Reynolds president Continental & Commercial National bank.) The action if the New York -t.wk exchange in olo-inj,', followed by similar action in other cities, pre vented the sacrificm; of valuable e eurities and dmininjr this country of its pild reserve. The bank of Chi cago have never in a fnll season heen in stronger position than they are now, and within a week, through the operation of the emergency currency measures adopted Kjr congress restrictions will be removed by the hank and ordinary business trans action. will go on as before. The United States has in cbundancc food stuffs and other tmpplies so badly needed by the Knropean nations, and Figures Which Prove Everything and Nothing (From the Sacramento nee) No saying is truer than that you can prove almost anything by fig ures. Our prohibition friends are fond of quoting statistics to prove that In sanity decreases in prohlbtlon states and Increase in wet commonwealths, And liquor advocates will bring forth statements from reports prov ing exactly tho opposite. In a recent Everybody's was an article on "What We Know About Rum." Therein was this: In a recent bulletin Issued by tho census department a comparative table ot Insanity Is given by states. There were eight prohibition states at the close of the census peried: Maine, Georgia, North Carolina, Ten nessee, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Kan sas, and North Dakota. Comparing the gain or loss in admissions to in sane hospitals in these states with their Immediate neighbors, wo find the following significant recerds: Maine Increased 21 for every' 100,- 000 Inhabitants, while New Hamp shire decreased 7; North Dakota de creased 'J, while South Dakota In creased 3; Georgia Increased 1, while Florida decreased 8; North Carolina Increased 11, while South Carolina Increased only 4; Tennessee increased 14, while. Kentucky increased 12; Mississippi Increased 9, while Ala GERMANS PREPARE TO E DIIUS3EL3, via London. Aug. 14, 3: 10 p. m, The cashier of a Liege bank who arrived hero on a bicycle to obtain funds says he bad little dif ficulty in getting out of or es tablishing his identity. The German troops, he said, con tinue their preparations for defense In the event the Ilelglau troops take the offeuslvo, but (he Impression In Liege Is that the Germans are pro paring to leavo the Vicinity, as they nre hurrying the construction of pon toon bridges over the Mouse, The cashier says the treatment of the Inhabitants of Ljege by thn Ger man glvtt no special esuse for com plalut. Ho tume i MrusseW by way ut Huy gtid Namur, xl Wank M MM M Ike Mall rVlbuu AfflM. ' tl DESERT MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, IRRIGATION to ho the most severe since object lesson of tho need of the construction of an irriga Better Shape there N no ipietion but that a way Win lie loumi ny winei this commerce can be handled. Whilo the nation of the old world are warring with one another they will all, without doubt, co-operntc with the t'nited State in solving the transportation problem. The t'nited States government .-hould invet $100,000,000 or more to iunll vcuels flying the American flag to handle the commerce of the world. The people of the United States nre maintaining a tpleiidtd attitude in the present emergency nnd the pre e-pecinlly i to be commended for it attitude, tho editorial utterance of the Chicago pnier olr the war situ at ion being particularly commend able. bama Increased 9, whllo Alabama In creased only 4; Oklahoma Increased 20, whllo Texas Increased 15; and Kansas decreased 10, while Nebraska decreased 28. Thus It appears that each prohi bition state has a worse record than Its Immediate neighbor In tho num ber of cases ot Insanity, with tho sin gle exception of North Dakota, As proving anything concerning the point at issue tho connection be tween the liquor traffic and Insanity those figures are every bit as un reliable as those the. prohibitionists are fond of quoting to show the other side' of the shield. Take the statement above, for In stance. There Is nothing to show the Increase here or the decrease there In Insanity was not due to a number of causes, "with which the use ot liquor or Its disuse had no connec tion, Intimate or remote. Protagonists on either side aro foolish who make tiso of statistic! which provo nothing. Detter argue the question solely upon Its merits, throwing Into tho waste basket that kind and character of statistics, which can be used to buoy either side, and not Infrequent !y both at once. BERLIN SILENT ON WAR NEWS RERUN, Aug. 13, (via Rome and London, 12:4G p. in., Aug. 14.) A special train conveying 300 Ameri cans and five automobiles started to night for Ilolland. Ambassador James W. Gerard Is In communication with tho authorities of tho German ports and with foreign governments on the subject of freight and free navigation for steamers fly. lug tho American flag with American passengers on board, 'No important news as to. tho war was made public here today, John A. Perl UMDKRTAX1B Lady AsaMaat m , NAKTfJtTT Mmmmw M, 47 a4l 7M MT3DFORD, OREGON. ClltCAdO, Auk, U. Special agents under orders ot James II. Wllkcreou United (Mates district at torney woro at work here today, trae. Ing Increased food prices to their sources. Sugar went to elsht and ten cents a pound In retail stores hero yeMcr day ntut tho amount that might ho purchased by a slnMe customer whs limited In most of them. Wholesal ers have put n limit on what they will sell to customers, It was stated, A boycott by women's ornnnlra tlons on high priced meats ami pro. visions was Inaugurated today. OF RETURNS GOLDEN FLEECE PARIS, Aug, It, 6 35 a. in. There was a further exodus of Ameri cans today. The- French liner Chlcn. go sailed from Havre for New York this morning and the France of the same tine sails this luternoou. Tho bitterness- engendered ty the war Is reflected In numberless antl German stories. A despatch to the Havas News Aitcncy from Zurich, Swltterland. says the travelers re turning fr&m th south of Germany say the Russian consul at Frankfort, N. Demaler, was forcibly taken from his hotu and escorted to a statue of Germaula. After being compelled to remove his hat and bow to the atatuo he was kicked and cuffed. The Duko of Orleans ha: returned to Emperor Francis Joseph tho Alii- trIa-Hungary ruler the collar of the Order of the Golden Fleece, which was conferred on the French pretend er In 1S96, when he married the Arch Duchess Marie ot Austria. NKW YOItK. Aug. 1 1, -dreeee hn upended the ime nf wirele trl egraphy by ship in her territorial waters, necordiiig to an iiiiuounce incut made today by the Commereinl Cablejrompanv. ra&3pfv I'V iRbaSMxmtf csk; ivitbKISi i - .i rsssz QQfor 10 cents CHICAGO WIN BEGIN BOYCOTT HIGH C lfyurdtaltrcan'l$ptyrm. unJ ICfUr out mr if UO lot u tattcnot tut put km1 ozf IU0O tttmttlft), flag piitmSJ. Ah" tmvklng J tatkal. If Jr4U '( flntl CAMCL3 nf itptfftltJ, ( (.m ihj Uh4f 0 i:lBtn,un J urn UUl nfunJ tntur mvny. Home Fruits ancl k Local Fruits mid Vegetables are noi'o:i)louiiful with . i quality good . FOR SATURDAY WE WILL HAVE Siring Beam,' Oucnmhei'H, Jk'ots, Tomatoes, . Bell Peppers, Eff Plant, Carrots, Turnips, Cabbage, Squash, Green 'fjorn, Peaches, lilaekbeiTies, 'Straw berries, A)l(tf, Cantaloupe, AVatermelons, JMuiiis. Reasonable Prices Marsh & Bennett Second floor cast of Kiwi National Hunk, Pioiih 252 IL MUDAY. AUGUST II. HWWBWBB1.J aiH.WWWrgJ-tti.IUIIUHll'll BATTLESHIP NEW YORK OEF FOR LUS !SLf VKUA CMX Aug. U. The full ed States Imtlleshlp New York Milled today for l.obiw island, In the (lulf of Mexico, and the ImUlefclilps Virginia nnd New' Jersey lur flmtittittiiiiiHi. T Let Us Be Your CJfeaner wAiioW hbwf ' IK f Wo hnvo tho equipment. Wo gitarautco our work to bo equal In quality to 'any In the world. 1'rlres- thai are consistent with quality. Wo employ only white litbor. liet ns havo yotlr business wo are suro w enn please you. Phono 2H mid wu will call. IT Theatre .Mutual Movies Frltliiy.HiM unlay, Ma I lure, Inciting Million Dollar Mystery Episode No, 2, Head Syiiopoln No. 1 In This Paper Ml'TlWI, WEEKLY NEWS Blow-out atSanta Banana Two Heel American Comedy lirnma A Bad Game Keytony Cotmjdy Here Mniuliiy.Tin-.tIn)- Nlglit THE LOST DIAMOND Three Iteel (hand colored) Animal Feature lite AliiM) ine Get Your Next hult of K LOTHES MADE AT L E I N PRICES 92.1.00 UP Also Cleaning. Pressing and Altering Don't Look for Premiums THE cost of the choice Turkish and domestic tobaccos in Camel Cigarettes prohibits the use of premiums or coupons. Here's a cigarette of exquisite flavor that doesn't leave that etiarctty taste nnd simply can't bite your tohg-ue nor parch your throat. Isn't that ust what youre alter? Sold mil along th tin; 30 tor lOe. C. J, REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. WwMm-S), N. C. Grown Vegetables Up-to-Date Service 1011 ' Ul. PAGEUP Cool Ohifoitithlc, Well Friday and Hatmdity A Law Unto Himself In-rwii I'nrl; ,' ; Featuring Hob Leonard niid llnrel llurkhnm Snow Drift , lu.Tpi rivrtfli A l)i'niVn 'ot'thif Nolillwcst A Dramatic Mistake H'enr tho Largo PAGE THEATRE ORCHESTRA IIAHKY IIOWKI.I., Dlrrclor Coolest pluen lit Mcdford ADULTS KM CIllLUItUN fie Hour Open 7:15 t t I t t J To loan on Improve?! ranches Intorest S per csnt "Insurance That Insures." II. M. BTINa Buy your Insurant of m taxpayer MRS. H. L. LSAOH , Expert Oorsotiere 326 North Bartlctt. Phono rm M. $5,000 STOCK OFTIRESON HAND UNITED STATES REPUBLIC MICHELIN and GOODYEAR. Call and got our prices. CRATER LAKE MOTOR CAR CO. THE Lin: CAREER "KrhiAlla In yoolh hoiM UmrLMf 1 dtrmrj la hmi nmm la I Ik Im.1 ft far Ihc l"l tKiifln'nl TUwUlrn lor bull k It v'txblt. C W hltol. Thlt Is the Minion of the OREGON AGRICULTURALCOLLEGE Ferlyililh School Vcar Opens SEPTEHBEk 18th, I9M Write for Illustrated too-pate llooh Ut, "TIIK Lll1!; CAW.I U," JiiJ lor CaU log containing full Information. Dtgrtr Counts AGRICULTUHB . Agronomy, Animal Husbamlry.Ualryllu. bsndry. I'oultry llusbundry, Horticulture Agtlcuttute for lrach, IUKLSTK1. LOGGINO KSGlNI'.f KING. IIOMI' bCO NOMICSt DomotkSclencr, Domestic Art. ENOINEUKINO: iile:trlcal, IrrU.itlyn. Illibwsy, Mechanical, CliemLal, Mining. Ceramics. CO.MMI.KCu. PlIAKMACY INDUSTIUAL AKTS- virui'oiirr-AgflcultiiTe, Dairy ing, Home Makers' Course, ImluttrUl Arts, Forestry, llulne Short Course, School of tf iiuc ifi, String, Hand, Voice Culture. FariTMri Duiinail Court by Mil Fir. AJJlf.. TIIK RltOISTHAM, p.T4(lMl Corllli. Ofo The Accounts of Institutions Tbo security mid kooiI snrvli'o of tin Jackson County llnuk makes It a welMioscu depository for tho funds of Institutions, churches, societies, IiunIiiuss firms mid Individuals. 1 Checklnn nccountH am OVE? 22 VCAHS UNDKft ONE MANAGEMENT' Excursion to Butte Falls PACIFIC & EASTERN RAILWAY l Sunday, August 16th BASEBALL AT BUTTE FALLS BUTTE PALLS vs, FOOTHILL ORCHARD TEAM The trip to Butte Falls in a sconio ono through the mountains and uf fords a pleasant day 'a outing, Take your lunclie5 and enjoy yourself, Good filiing'in Little Butte 'JViin leaven Mcdford H n. in. Kol liming rcachcH Aledford 7i(M) p, in, $1,00 -ROUND TRIP -fl.OO WESTpN'S CAMERA SHOP ? f . r i i!0S .ICiist Mnin Struct jledford Tho Only Exclusive Commercial Photographers. in Southern Oregon Negatives fade any tiiuo or place by appointment Phono H7-.T We'll do tho rest E. D. WESTON, Prop. GUARD Your children's henlllt by feeding milk from lnsxctnd rows that has bcciipro-roiilrd nnd orlslnl with modrrn nppll.inco.i nnd scaled In sterlllicd bottles, EAST SIDE DAIRY Morning nutl Aflrriiomi I li-JU cry. I'Im. no ' L.S.Ackley TAXI DERMIST MounlinKS of All Kinds pidi MJ. MKDFORI) TO CRATER LAKE Auln Klnge Icnvcs at 8 a. m. on Monday, Wednesday nnd IVldny. Iloutul-lrip 18 tlrkcts honored until September M. Hiwoliil rnlcs lo Crnlir Luke for parties of five or more. Four, five nnd soven-passriigpr lour iug cars. KciiMiumblo rules to nil cIIich nnd point h. Hpcelnl rnlcs for nil-day Bcrvlre nud laigo louring liitrtles. Hall Taxi Co. rhouc 100. Kfclv nnd Pourt Hall. Mcrs. SI il invltod, w I fci rirtattif1fftir1WgrflWlftiYrrlrtfli ivr- 'iass'iai-Miaj(MstoisMJr