13 H -i v?" (N I . Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Minimum B8 Minimum 5H; ltd. Hum. 32. Kurty-fourth Yror. Dally -Ninth Vmr. MEDFORD, OK.WION, f)NI)AY, jUWST 10, 10M NO. 120 NV K ,f y ,. BELGIAN FORTS AT LIEGE T DESPITEATTACK Reinforced hy French, Efforts Made tu Cut Off Retreat and Supplies and Completely Surround German Force Before Fortress Railroads Destroyed and Tunnels Blown Up. llltllHHi:UM, Wit bunion, Aug. 10. Tln roininniiitor of Ihn tint nl I. logo, iiii'iintlng In mi official nu luiunt I'tiKMit, nMtiU tliuliill Ihn fuitii III I' lllllllf. TllC MllllIlT ittMitnlim llirm urn In flitn lienltli unit spirit unit tint limply Mippllwl tilth iml luii mill inuiilHoii". There- l no m ico fur nlnrni. 'I In m.hiIhi.ii nf I.Iiki' mlnttii Id. (iitiu mill llm official lcw U tint! Hi.- ltiitlini l ipilto Mllifnrforr. .Ml llm approach lc llrucN arc (it'll K"i"ilil I" present molding In llm nnliiro of mirprlm from room Hollering Mrtl of Urniimi ratnlry. Siimll InhIIim of I'lilmiN hnvn Ikiii lullnl In nil illrrstlnii. llciiorull) iwy luon lct Hii'lr War lug nti'l Mirtvinlrrcil liniiuslliilely mi tiring tliitllngcl. LONDON. A UK. to. The llolglan legation hero declared nt 10 o'clock IliU morning, I" connection with tho nli'Ko of I.lcge: "Up lu llm present everything ' nil rlKlit nt l.lcr.". Tim fort urn llll ImlilliiK mil." llltUHHKLH, Auk. IfkTleporls reached huro today from nmny direc tions of Ilia nilronl of the Herman rnvalry before largo French force which aro unlit already to bore cleared roimldiTtiblo territory. The locality of llm fighting la not revealed. Nu Further lluiilo In official c I re Ion hero It was n hkiIi'iI that there hnil Icon no further uiru-.ir.t inri i x (Continued an j.ago two.) F DRIVEN BACKWARD BY IIUU8RKLH, Auk. 10, vl Paris. Tim llelglan general staff today tiajs llm situation In regard to tho Ger mans linn modified bill lUtlo nlnco 8U nrday. However, tho German forces nro Willi to bo going bnckwnrds bo fori llm advance of tho French troop, H coiiMdoritblo offocllvo forco of which bus got Into coulnol with tho (lonnaii mlvnncn guard, It Is reported Hint tlm 1'ittlro territory to tho Houth of Iho Mmum has been cleurod of Qormnii soldiers. Tlm French nml IlclRlnn armies will tnko tlm uffuiiHlvu HliiiultntmoiiMl) In conformity with a concerted plan of campaign, Tho Kmporor nt Russia lirtR tele graphed King Albert oxprcHiilug sin cere ndmlintlon of tlm bravery of tho llolglnu nriu'uuil tlm biHt wlnhcn for llilKlinn lu ItH vtnUi'Ht fur Inilopuml- I'lll'H, Aflor tlm flornian troopH ronchod WurHiiKo lu llm province of I.Iuko, uc ii i nil n K to poo pi n who tiuw tholr nr rlvnl, tlmy tisimiubloil nil tho luhabU tniitH nml cliono l-i from ninuni: thorn. Of tli 00 nlKht nro unlil to hao boon nlmt nml two IiiiukihI. Tlm mayor lilnmolf wim nrrostoil but uftorwiir.l llliorutcil by (lorniuii offlmrH who hni bi'tiii (iIh kuchIh tlm iliiy licforo, Other liiHtiinrt'H of iiIIckuiI oiitrnitot by (liiruiiiii nolillum nro mlntoil In tlm Mnluluu fmvuriiinuntul prcnit, POPF.'S'ILLNESS DENIED; QRANTINQ MANY AUDIENCES n ! ! ip nm IIOMI', Anil. 10, TIhi Tiilniim In (III)' l'l'll''l llllll Hi'! MI)li MIIN llllIU iohiil, millViInx ii urn it ullulil ml In -riii, lul (In hiin ili'lili'il l llm v j t ll'flll, H lll'l Ii M WHH (lllll'll llU WIIM uiilin' mmy MMdn'inyr ! rvMv iiiK 'irliil4lli)ii mi III' cliM'ilb FOR INC FROM INVADERS GEM ORCES FRENCH ARMY MAP SHOWING OPERATIONS OP WHt uXi7. i J tfrin Yk&jL.J&z : ftmtmiii II i iii iii - i i i. i- .. i.- 1 T' I if . lu V ' V I V . !,. . " I ItCOIlli'T V 1 W ITS. fn rj JCVJjJ 1 I -K V t 1. ir 'i.imj.if.ii BELGIAN MBS IN ANTI-GERMAN HF.ltl.IN. Am;. 10 (via '.ronton, 7 n. in.)- Tlm HruKHula rcpri'M'iitiitivit of llm Offirinl News Agency lioro tilot;riiilirt from dooli Hint martini law wnti ili'clnri'il In IlelKium Satur ilny nml llmt nil foroiK'iit'H lmvi been onlvrcil lo louvc tlm country an HOO1 ItH poHwililo, Tlm oorrcuponili'iit nays what liap pciioil In Hoti'iuia iluriiii; tho mxt Hovcral ilayrt tmriadso3 llm imagin able. , Aflor war wns tloolnroil iiioIim ilo niolinlicil nit biiHinc-Hs plaoott which oilhor boloiiKoil to (loruiaiis or ban illoil (lunnuii Kiil8. I'.vory oiii'tilolu'iin liparin alliminu to (li'iiniiuy was roumvoil, and uuy oiio looking lilm (lunimn wim at tui'koil in tlm Ktrcolrt or niaito tho obji'ot of NiiHptoinn or riiIoiuiKO. Tlm moht improbnblu nnti-floniuin roimrlH woro hpioml, llm eorivKimiil out tnj'H, mm of whioh was that Our man siililiors bml liird to munlcr (li'iioral .omiim, llm Rovonior of l.icBi'. ' i TlmiiHiiiulK of (lorimiiiH liavo luft HoIkiiiiii hIiu'o Thursilav iiihU'p Hio protoolloii of tlm Ainoriouii coiibiil for llollun.l. GERMAN SOLDIERS TO BE INTERNED 1 Mill lWWW AMHTKRDAM, via l.ouilon, Am,'. 10. A Krotip of fil'ly-niim (Ionium HiildioiH frnui Monkli'iilniiKi who woro ililuluoil uflor ttiklnir I'ofiiKn u Uiitoli toiiilniy, urriu'il horn loiluy. Tlmy am lo lio luloruoil ul Allnnnr till llm 1'inl of llm wur, HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR H08S REGISTERED TODAY IvANHAH (MTV, Aln,, Auk. I". Tint IiIkIii'! (iriop piibl 1'mi' lio III llm Iim'iiI iiiHiLut fiui'O Ki'iili'inliMi) J 01 0, iwin i'xlli'inl Imliy wlidi llm moil.i't Jumiw'il turn M In M nfiilit Mini lm ii In' hum iiortl Ml ffji DEMONSTRATIONS CONTINUE TO I,i 1 1 I ZZZkL TOURISTS HELD UP i IN SWITZERLAND NUMBER 15,000 OKNKVA, Aur. 0 (ilolajod in IrniiHiuiKHlnii), -Atnorionn nml Hrit itli coiiRiilnr offioorn mtimnta that about .1000 Americans nml 10,000 KiirIihIi wcro liolil up in Switzerlnml, owiiiK 'o Iho wnr. Tlm SwliH government for tho tal few ilnyH Iiiih prevented nutonmbiles Icuvinu' tho country, nsit iutemls to iii-o them if iii'cctwnry for military purpoioM. A mimbor of Ainerienn cars nro utimim; those hold. Tlm 8wis bankg huvo bemni to iliseoiuit American chockH, hut clinrgo 20 por cent. Tlm Aiuericnu Imukiti) n)oiicics hi'iv iiJho hnvli bcKiui nRiiiu to lake Irnvolorh' eheipies. , GERMANS SEIZE L TOKIO, Auk. 10.- Tho Gorman fleet at ThIuk-Tuu Iiiih already buUoJ tho ItiiHslan utoamer Itluinu, carryliiR llrltUh Biibjecta, ban ilrlvon 100 mor- clmntmoii to tho rufiiKu of Japanese portM mid luiS omhurrntiHuil tho entire Japancno uhlpiiliiK In tho orient. Tlm promt Hlvert proiuliieueo to n't alloKud coinuiuulcittloii from America nil) tin; tliu ulled Btalcn Is uendliiK a fleet to Aula to protect IIh liiterentK, Tho report Ih coiiHliloied bumiloini but ll Iiuh imvcrtlmlciM io-iiwukoimi In I ei out, ii n In Ainoili'a'M uttltiiilo. I'orly iiilnloiinrlcn, chiefly 1'ioiirli but moiiiii of tlmm (Iniiiiuim, nut lcuv Ink for limit' Imam rmiulrlon In nkn lliuir plurtw In Hii'lr Mrmlun. WAHIIINOTDN, Aujr l JWul humy iijl'Hi' mii Au-rin wn niPHH4k4 l,mly by llm poHnluin $fsf rc RUSSIAN INE REPEL GERMANS AS FRENCH ARMY INVADES ALSACE TOE NATIONS IN "THE GREAT EUROPEAN CONFLICT. 1 Sl t ' sf. yr$V . TMmMMM. t.viv r ...:. m Mii:rii x w ii r t... . ni.ifnr - - x. ". r i i uMrm LATEST NEWS OF THE WAR IN BRIEF Official reports from Franco filvo no definite details of tho stranKtli of tlm French In Alsace near the SwUs frontier where General Joffre In believed to bo in command. Austrian troops have been hurried there to tho aid of tho Germans and an Important buttle is believed to bo Imminent. Indications nro that another forward movement of tho main French force i In preparation near Mots, as official roports from Paris say tho German troops have Inundated the Sellle valley be- tween Mots and Nancy to hinder tho French ndvanco but tho quant ity of water is understood to bo Insufficient to prevent tho French forward movonient. Asldo from tho flanking movement through DelKlum by which thj French nssum tho Gorman army was trying to Ret to tho if'ar ' if tho Rrent French fortresses on the frontier, Indications woro to- day that a strong German advance Is to bo made on Franco by way of Luxemburg. A German rooonnolterliiK patrol penetrated 46 miles into French territory. Tho London Dally Telegraph's llrussels correspondent nys that Germany Is mobllllng a million mon opposite tho I.atulsturm or final resorve. Numerous skirmishes aro recorded along tho Franco-German front, nono, however, very serious. ' Tho French troops nro reported lu Paris to linve seUed a German -f noroplano factory nt Muolhauson. I Gorman troops occupy tho town of I.logc, but not of tho sur- rounding forts which woro still holding out today, according to Uelglan roports. A lull iii tho fighting was nnnouncod from Ilrussels. which city occt8 tho iiom clash will occur when tho allied forces havo com pleted plans to take tho offensive ngatnU tho German troops. Germany's cruiser Gooben and lire-Mini hnvo ovaded their llrltlsU and French piusuors and havo nrrivod in tho Adriatic. An Aua- trlan fleet was reported proceeding from Pola to succor thorn. Paris reports that Austrian troops havo fallen back beforo tlo 4 Servians on tho tlosntnn frontier. Montenegrin artillery bombarded tho Austrian fortifications at tho port of Cattaro yesterday, 4- AmUrlun cruiser bombarded Autlvarl, Montenegro. 4 A small group of German soldiers who sought refuue on Dutch territory nro to bo detained at Alkmnar, Holland, till tho end of tho war. Khlps readout; Now York today report hearing wlroless messages that tlm North (lormiin I.loyd steamer Kron Print Wllholm bad boon 4 captured by the llrltUh oruUer Khkox lu tho North Atlantic CANADA'S OFFER OF FLOUHjS ACCEPTED WINNJI'KU. .Man. Auif, 111,-Pun- iiiIii'm I'l'lVr nl ii millinu bit 'f iloui' uiu iuiiii'iiii'il by Iho JlrilUli JjilJl'HlllH'liI III l i'ubli Wi'MK" pt'hi'i) linlii) IJuiiiiiiiii'iil I'lflolaU 'H Hi HUM I'lHiipUh'll BHMMJfi'MWHlis y h)i IU limit' llU" Wi'i'L, 15 i V S lie iS ..v M-ks H T hu.1 -7 & y rfT' i h f 1 T fc j w -t. r.ff m i 7iN&ilj:L-4l- S7 1 I, a". J . Tk Ti"m V X .3". " . - v a - u MHrpnMr . "uu - y v ? A Sfi fsofw , WAHIIIKOTO Anif. JO. JV-I-iliiil Wll-i'ii linn lonimlly Irniuiiiltli'il Id ihn hiimh) llm Nii'iimuiiun Iruuly o uiniuiiii iihiihIiiiiI I'UHtil mshU HIlJ liuvul hImIU'iiv ih llm lluy f Kduwu'i lur t'4,mtm, l i tjw a ' l l .r wv ... & Zoi-BT) h J? it n -S- JL-.-'r uui&iA sento tje 1 gAtrenx exo or ci't NISH, Sorvia, Aug. 10. Tho Aus trian bombardment of lU'Igrndo has continued for the pabt four dnys. Tite heavy guns cnused severe damage to private property, but were less ef fective vesterday, when tho firing wns from a greater dbtnnce. Tho Servian army is being rapidly orgunized and has begun to take the offensivo by penetrating Dnsnia, near I'riboi, and Yisegr.1d. Thu Jlontenegrin forces occupied Spi-zn, l'nchtrovit- and Iludua, on the Dahnutiim const, and also carried by assault Xetalka and Sicnokos, surrounding height;. Tho Oonunn minister, before he left Servia, after receiving ltis pass ports entrusted the care of German nml Austrian subjects to, tlm Ameri can consul. GERMANY CUTS OFF Tl WASHINGTON, Aug. 10. Gor mnuy, by a blanket refusal to carry malls lu traiiBtt to othor countries. has temporarily Miut off postal facil ities to its war ally Austria-Hungary. Tho post otflco department today arranged for despatch of ull tho malls for northern Kuropo, except AustrU by tho steamship Itotturdam tomor row. WAR CLOSES FACTORIES OF TYPEWRITER TRUST IHPIl ! t'TKA, N. V., Auif. to, An iiii. imiiiioi'iimiil vtu muilu Imluy llinl llm lli'inuiuloii ynmilr 1'iu'lory nt lllmi nml llm Moiniiili uml Huillli I'nwloi flll'llllil'l III KHUI'IIMI VVOIlhJ WH1H (Idpi'iI oil tll'i'oillll of llW yUiM wr, . V MAM i V T I l fir BOMBARDMENT BELGRADE INJURES V II mm CLASH N SKIRMISHES WH MAN Small Battles Taking Place AlMfl En tire French Front Troops Rwtal In to Atsaac Germans InwNkite Sellle Valley to Step Enemy's Ad vance Algerians Reach Frrt. PARIS, Aug. 10. DclnchmenlR of the fmnotiH Tnioo; or native troops from the French colony nf'Algeriiv penetrated upjH'r Al.tncc today. I1RUSSELS, Ang. 10. Tho Oit mnns nro proceeding into France chiefly through Ksch, a town of tho grand duchy of Luxemburg, ten railed southwest of Luxemburg, where they hnvo cut down trees nnd dug trenches. They havo razed the vil lage of Merle and erected wooden platforms -100 ynnls long for tho un loading t of horses nnd guns. XumrrotiM SklrmWirs PARIS, Aug. 10 (10:05 n. m.) A statement issued by tho wnr depart ment says numerous skirmished lire taking place along the entire front tf the French army. One clash with tho Germans was violent nnd tho lo-sses on both sidea were serious. The official communication adds that the Gentian troops are receiving reinforcements nnd that the French also are being strengthened. A battle began Saturday evening on the ridges of thn-Vosges tnntnV tains. Aeroplanes took part. Tho French troops, after n desperate en counter, obtained possession of the mountain passes of Bonhommc and Sainte Marie. Then on Sunday morning when the-fighting wns re sumed they took n poVttion domiu njuig Sainto MariuAnx Mines. (Continued on pago two.) COMPLETE PLANS TRANSFER OF CITY OF MEXICO MEXICO CITY. Aiis. 10. Indica tions point to a speedy termination of 111.. .1 . ....vli... -. !i .... ,!.. !.. .. I.5..1. I" uiiiiuiuiuus niiiiiiiiiui in which Mexico found herself inoe tho en forced resignment of Provisional President Victorinno Iluertu. Tho reins of government, it is be lieved, will bo peacefully transferred to a constitutional government, whim the federul army of some 40.0Q0 men will march out of the. capital to n southern city, thero to nwait develop ments after offering their services to the new government in exchange for guaruutcs. If those latter aro not forthcoming tho federal army lead ers insinuate that they will combat the new administration, To Turn Over Government To carry out tho now plan, Provis ional Presiidunt Carbnjnl will turn over the government to Kduurdo Itur liide, tho governor of Hie federal dis. trier, and thu head of the rurnlos. Tho latter wjl be used as a nontnit force to patrol tlm cnoitul during iho interval oi tho Departure of tho fed eral troops and tho entrance of th constitutionalists. Provisional President Carhajal will go to Vera Cm, beforo the entry of (ho triumphant army which is to bo headed by (lonoral Alvnro Obrogou, who is now near Tula sW a forcn of 2:5,000 men. Members of (ho foreign diploinaii! oorps horn will go to (kuerul Obre gull's hciidipinrtcrH today lo dfcauipi with Dm imiktiulenidjt Isndwr phtin. fur tlm proU'en of Die y, '.uit Plan ArHtMto Much iiiixUty (jus mw Mi Un over llm piokimHy vf (Imtwi pl wnd lW hi my, Ul 144 wtm milf rvlkwd Mm Uy rt4 iii)t)inctiiitn Uml Kt4bw (WfCliM, i ftfiMtittisV' p ttt Ut, ud mm4 PfUfs4 I'ltimlrt U if tmmlkm. FO il c r t v , i rJ f Wl& ', iiiiu 'IMU'mmw K-Va