Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 08, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    . WW ssjts4fcwiqawt li HllWllI Hi I i.ti'WWil.lirtMUiiHl
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Col. II. C, Wasliliitrn ot TrtUio Uook
h i IiubIdow visitor hi the city to
il ny.
Trco prong nt tlio Mnlforil Lumber
ICettHinr -,
IMlo.,0horn l nt Shasta Spring
rccMixiralluK from n rccerit nltnck of
IlllKMUl I
Xtlnt&'on tlie Pennant wrapped
Urcsd, Wo aro not advertising it,
Just lottlnR It Itave Its waj- with the
people. I'onlUvelr contains no alum.
Made nt Newtown Itakory. 142
Mr.and Mm. Allison Jordan are
upending tho week at McDowell, Cat ,
on a snort ncatlo!).
Itcst Iluttcr In town at Tout's
IU A.jTelfer of Knpcno.ia in the
lily nttcndiiiR to mhttcrs In connec
tion with the 'highway construction
wofltot the Clark-HcHory Construction-compans1.
Beat Butter in town at Font's
Forest Tires to the south of the
frlly Rro'djiUK out, and tho sky In
iliat direction cleared rriday night
for tho first time in a week. A forest
fire under control la still niirntng on
' Sardine Creek, and tho nenvy banV
of smoke in that direction la also duo
to lieary fires near Albany.
Leave an order for your Duttsr
at Fout'a Grocery.
' Harold 'jCochran will leavo next
month to enter the University of Ore
gon at Eugene.
Leave an order for your Butter
at Tout's Grocery. M
Joo Wilson of Talent is a Business
visitor in the city for a row hours
Only one kind of kodak finishing
at Weston's Camera Shop, that's the
best. OTcr Isig Theater.
A war meeting aud argument on
Main avenue was dlspcrscc tiu morn
ing hy Sergeant Mcgo. About 50 men
gathered and participated In the talk
feet. The oratory covered slaughter
ing from Napoleon to iho Dattlc of
Tort Arthur. Do fore dispersion the
Kaiser was hanged, tho German army
'driven into tho North Sea, and the
Ilrltlsh fleet victorious on the high
seas. Feeling against tho Germans
was high, ahd there was much shak
ing of fists and high notes.
Tarstan Hair Dressing Parlors,
manicuring, general work. M. F. &
Jl. Dldg., phone 15 7-J.
James Owens of Wellon ts a busi
ness visitor in tho city toaay.
" Hotel Medford Vllalng room ' now
pens at six a. m. and Is open till
midnight contlnoaily. "
Ed Drown returned Friday night
from a trip to Fish I.ako where lie
ia 'building a lodge.
J. O. Oertlng, the best all around
photographer In southern Oregon.
Always reliable. Negatives xnado any
where, time or place. Studio 228
Main BC Pbona 320-J.
Another dull Saturday greeted tho
Medford merchants, owing to the
heavy migration to tho hills. Kev
country people aro in town.
- Some few days ago the Chinamen
of South Itiversldo Avenue proposed
a plan to placer several groups of
claims in the Applegate-country. They
are now preparing to depart for the
gold country.
It will be a month tomorrow since
a drop of rain has fallen in the Rogue
Hlvcr valley. Upon July 12th a heavy
thunderstorm broko over the vnllor,
being particularly heavy in tho Jack
sonville district.
Call J. W. Mitchell for lawn mow
cr troubles. Phono 25.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mann returned
Friday from a six weeks business
trip to Now York nnd Chicago.
Aetna means Holmes the Insurance
;uan, Aetna FJrc, Automobile, AccJ
dont, Health, Liability, Surety Donds.
Outside canneries representatives
are in the valley offering as high aa
$30 a (on for cull pcarB.
Seo It. II. McCurdy for Aetna Fi
delity and Surety Donds.
The caso of Sam aud Joe Date mail
arrested upon complaint of Carl
Jcscko, tho Jeweler, for alleged as
sault, was taken under advisement
by Polico Judge Gay this morn Inf.
Tho caso Is tho result of a feud in
the neighborhood between two fam
ilies, In which the Kalser'a war attitude-
and un argument on tho L'u
lopean situation cuuted tho final
Kodak flntthiug and supplies at
Weston's Cumera Shop. Over Isis
Miss Helen Puruckrr Is spending
the week's end at Colostlu tho guest
of girl friends.
Groceries at Da Voo's.
A number of arrcntB aro slated bv
tlio polka for tho flrrt of I bo week
for alleged violation of the dog muz
zling .ordinance,
Konak finishing tho best, at Wos
Ioii'h Camera Shop, Ovor ls Thea
Weeks i HcGowan Co.
I George Ncwoll ot Albany Is spend
Ing tho week In Medford attending
to hHstncH matters. "
Fruit labels artistically printed la
sny.and all colors. Medford Print
ing Co.
t Owug,to continued spoil of warm
weather Griffin creek la tho lowest
In years, in some places being entire
ly dry.
The finest equipment in Oregon for
printing fruit labels, Medford Print
ing Co.
A. C. Vlnlng of Ashland Is n bus
iness lsltor In the city today.
H you want a lithographed fruit'
label Instead of a printed one, see
us, we aro agents for Schmlti Litho
graph Co. Medford Printing Co.
'J. if. Cochran has returned to hta
summer home at Fish Lake after at
tending to business matters In this
Athletics, tho World's champions.
.lu-nctlon at Star tonight.
Southbound S. 1 trains this morn
ing carried 15 'coaches, two being
Occupied by U. S, soldiers en route
to tho Presidio.
Athletics, the World's champions.
In action at Star tonight,
Mrs. F. 11. Madden Is recovering
trout an operation at Sacred Heart
Athletic, the World's Champions,
In action at Star tonight. '
Vllcary Wclshu ofhe Oead Indian.
country Is a business,. visitor lu the
city toaay.
' Athletics, the1 WoVld's champion.
In action at Star tonight.
Dr. J. F. Itcddy of Grants Pass ts
In the city visiting his family and
attending to business.
The Central Point Feed Store of
Central Point. (Jre., can supply you
with new and second hand grain
lagg at reasonable prices. 122
" J. HI Curry, auditor of the Equi
table Savings and Loan association,
la '.attending to business matters In
rthls'clty this week.
Wo have a $S50t press, recently
Installed especially for printing fruit
labels. Medford Printing Co.
FIRST class private room and board.
IOC 'South Grape.
Automatic base ball, that brand
new out door game, has arrived in
Medford. See It at DeVocs tonight.
Just west ot Hotel Medford.
. tParlsian Hair Dressing Parlors i
twelve scalp treatments for ?5. M.
F. & II. DIdg., phone 1S7J. 121
ij... ii.i.....
n iii
The tragic lie,ws hs been rewlvlM
In this city that Nick Jerry, Holl
known prospector character, and Ml
. i '
V.t$IIINtiTON ,Aui?. S. -Kmnl
tirrungvmoul nuvlo today fur the fu-
lli.l-.ll . I"' lKl W'li.iilrm,. ':i..,.. .ilti.
of the uwwMent. made it eertain IhM H- Mossier, formerly lu bunlne n
the 'senior li.ith nt the vliilo houe t,,,, r,,i' ,uro confined In the Mate
.Muiuliiv'iiiiil lu It.mi... Gi.. TnoxdnA. Insane nslum at H.ilopi. A. letter
will lie'tlie iimU-. rjrfuti will he ''"'" Institution reieUod by F,
made lo eomluet tlie funeral a- if, "Mlwlnklo, 8. I crosMng gunrtls-
the tires ilcwU uen a nrivnlo eiti-.en.l",n o"J" io iiuarmnuoiu
fnmi tlie foils w lieuvy mt vm'H
lilaetid. . .,,.
."TlioilU'lginn ntl(el fiMiiciJIjc nj
tfr'il 'vli(fleon llu lVHrt wiiw eitftrj
t(u Jl'lio fU'iunj I'tfimno moVi'j
gugement tlion Ikm-uiiio h artillery
duel, Hie Hclglmi biiiih IiId ih'itil.
ly eflVel on llio (leiiimji fiii'ct'!
"A.dei'iiiiiiiAiHiluuiu Ml(iiMnir'l'H
llurtilnui Vint'"! uiltMiftoS rtt-Hlinp-
W' hu uiiil Imi to tfio dW'intf liillil
:ill IVllWed riioijiitl 1,1 (iWl. M
"iMiulc fiU' Ilia I'lly.1 full a lli'MIiUi V'y
Hi'ivo liiinmln ili'llveri'it u in oiupt
I'oimtci' nllni'l; mill tluw llio (lev
iniiiiM Imck In uieiil illxuhli;r.. The
lOSil'H VVDI'O vimiiiiflu ,
''Tlio'diuinim liiiii.l,v,lirltll(ry Hio
wiih oiioViilhi It'll iiiiluM I'ti it lir
I'lion, lint hi'oiih'iI luiilly illi'oi'U'il, Tim
lii'avy Jlcluluii aitllli'i'v doiiiluuli'il
tlio (lomiiiu liiuiuiil i!i'hIivi:iI Iimi
of llii'lv liciWv hiiiiw."
-f -, fi-
Seorelnry Tumuli y Niil in mldilioii
to th6 committees of the huuxe uild
KVttntn only, close frieiult nml eiv
nuts would lie in iillcudauce.
N Jerry wa well known, nnd ,ns
called tho "Nugget King," bocnufo
of a penchant for mitoets, always
having n pocketful, lie mndo n litis
Incus ot collecting nuggets and selling
them In the cast. Ho was lu the
habit of learlug Medford. uhd return
WASHINGTON, Aug. S. The iu.
tlonal government represented by
committees from tho house and scnlK after nn absence of from ouu'to
ate, will pa' Its final tribute to Mr.'11 months wltli stories of being to
Wilson, wlfo of the presldeut. nt prJ-the far corners of the earth. Ho was
vate services in the east room of the, vcr " cniinreii, nnu soiuoni
white houso Monday afternoon. i passed a child on tho street wlthdul
.Immediately afterward a spcclatfn RlH ot nickel or candy. Hla fate
conveying Airs. Wilson's body. thcHI c regret to many In this city
president's family, several members n,u' valley.
? V
t ;
lpf JTWWfWP Mi
A, K'Orr IffW-M
Dr. E. R. Parker, widely knonn as
"Painless Parker" and one ot the
famouH dcqtlsts of the world, will
be in Medford Wednesday and Thurs
day, August 12th and 13th and will
deliver a free lecture and give a don
onstratlon of painless dentistry, both
evenings beginning at S p. m. at tho
corner of Main and Front streets,
Tho doctor has an automobile,
which is fitted up with a dentlst'a
chair and Instrument table and all
otur requisite? of -a dental office.
Jn.tho .course ofjils Jecture, he dem
onstrates how the Painless Parker dentistry without pain to
tho patient. His demonstrations arc
free; nothing being offered for sale
Dr. Parker has large dental off!-,
eta In many of tho largo cities of
the country. His eastern headquart
ers are In Drooklyn, N. Y. while on
tho coast ho has largo dental offices
In San Francisco, Los Angeles and
Portland. His Portland offices arc
tft Sixth and "Washington and aro tho
neestjln tho clty ,
'v-In spltsf thofact-that Dr. Parker
Is a graduate of ono of the oldest
and most reputablo dental colleges
of America nnd is llcensca to prac
tice In New York, Illinois, Pennsyl
vania, Maine, California and Canada,
the Oregon Dental Doard has denle 1
him the right to practice Jn this state,
claiming he is not a competent den
tjet., f -He. has brought suit against
tho' board and demands to know wh)
riie Is not a competent dentist. He
asks the court to order his examina
tion papers reexamined by a board of
capable and fair minded dentists.
))r. Parker says that the reason
he was denied a license In this state
is because he Is an advertising den
tist and that advertising is contrary
to the rules of tho Etchlcal Dental
Trust Jn Oregon. He has initiated
a law, which will be on the ballot
at the November election and which,
ir adopted, will abolish the state den
tal board and permit any reputable,
person to practice dentistry who 'a
a graduate of a recognized dental
college or whols Uccnted to practice
In any other state In the union.
"J am making tho tour of Orego,u
for the purpose of meeting the votera
and tolling them of this new law that
T have initiated," nald I)r Parker
today. "I want to tell every man,
aud woman, in Orouon how they aro
being sjatematlcull.v mUled by the
dental trust. I want the people lo
know that thoy will lib benefitted very
greatly by putting this dental trust
out of business. Then they will not
be compelled to go to the ilcntul truvt
noil puy un cxliorbltunt price for
work "
"When we Marled out lo Inlllal'i
this law. wo hud just eight days to
gvt ten thousand iiaiiics signed lo tlio
petition, but In four da), w got
17,100 iittHies, lu My JudglilHlt (hat
hows wlisl Hit iw)pu llilnk of a
ribHluJ board wlilrb Is runlng HU'
ot tho .cabinet and a fow frlond and
relatives -.will leave for Rome, Geor
gia, wjicro" Interment will take place
in Myrtle Hill cemetery Tuesday
With tho selection of honorary
pallbearers and tho naming ot tho
special senate committee, alt arrange
ments for the funeral were completed
today. The houso committee consist
ed of the senior member of each state
delegation. It practically had been
decided that tho honorary pallbearers
would Include tho members of thciot tno nrd.
president's cabinet.
Expressions ot sympathy for the
president's family continued to come
to tho whito house today In lucreas
Ing numbers. Thousands of telegrams J
nnu loiters nan already arrived,
Tho king of Sweden was one of
thoso who sent his sympathy today
The beads of most of tho nations of
Europe have paused in their battl?
plans to forward cablegrams.
The president planned to see no
body today unless pressing official
business needs his attention.
Mossier Is 'also well known In thl
city, where ho ran a fish market on
North Fir street. He was n member
of the Klkif. Ho crcnted a sensation
n jenr ago by filing n suit for fa)),
000 against a local mini, alleging
alienation of hla life's affections. At
tho time divorce proceedings were
Doth were committed from Port
land. Tho letter stntctt that Mess
ier was confined to tho ward,1 but
that erry was allowed tho freedom
Tho mercury Mt two o'clock was
90, the lowest this week. A coot
wind decreased tho sultriness. Many
people left today to spend Sunday In
the hills.
(Continued from Pake 1)
Presbyterian Ctiurcli
Preaching nt 11 a. in., Mibjert,
"The Angel in lid Heaven"; preach
ing at 8 u in., subject, "Neutrality
in War'; Sunday sejiool at 10 a. tii.;
.Kindergarten, nt-J l.u. m. All parrots
coming to church can leave their
children iu the kiiulcrgnrteu during
the service. I'ruyer meeting Thurs
day evening will le diMiiisied for (he
lecture in the city park.
Play ball at DeVocs' tonight.
Notice is hereby given that I will
not be responsible for any bills con
tracted by Mattle Cummlngs after
this date.
Dated August 8th, 19H.- '
' i -vt ; 'i-i' (.
"Adventures ef Kathlyn"
Manager Whipple of the Isis by
making arrangements for the closing
number of the Kathlyn pictures to bo
shown at the Itthcatre today surety
had tho Interest of his patrons In
mind. By giving them a chanco to
see the finish of this most wonder
ful serial story. This plcttiro wus
greeted by a packed houiic last nfght.
The Mlllou Dollar Mystery with the
above makes n very strong bill.
Story, of righting . ,
PAHIS, Aiu.v8.- An official m-
count of the fighting at l.icgc, Hcl-
giuni Usurd today, wiys:
"The German coIuiuum croM(il the
liclgian frontier, during the night ho
twecu August It ami 1. . ,
"German ciivjlrv cnine into con-,
tact with the ).U;Jginii advance poMj-
to theenst of .(kytfo'ts ajitf-o cluck
in llio ul'loruiioi. of, August (.
"The plan n utlnck developed
during the day of August .V Kneli'l
German coluuiu Junl. n different ob
jective, Forts Moron,, Dunlinn nml
Hvegncc con-litiUiig (he iiortlieat-l
crn section, being the tiit point,
while the fccoml coluuiu ntlnckcd the
southciiNtcni spetioti, coinpri-iiig
Korts. Iloundit!o.nd Kmhuurg." '
"The first ultijek.of the northeast
ern Gennaii column1 was made on the
loft. It attacked I'oit Flcnni itself,
iinil the intcnciiiug bpnee hctwis-u
FortH Flcrou and Kvcgnce, ami uNi,
tho inten'al Ix-twcen Forts Heron
and CliailfrtnW. -' '
Attack Without D?$h
"The nllack from the licgmniug
was without, .lush. Tiic artillery fire
Buyers to Share in Profits
.4 v, i . Xower Prices on 'Ford CaVs , , ,
"JOnVftiw fiHiui AiigiiBt. I, IIH-I, lo AiiKttsl 1, HIIj", ami
', jjuamiilcyd tigajiiH ni,v ritluot ion tlnriiig tlut. lime:
' . 'Touring Car . . $490
Runabout . . . 420
Town Car . . . 690
' F. O. II Detroit. All cats rally equipped.
(In tho t'lillod States of Amei lea Oul).
Kiii'llifi'. wo will Ijo nlilo to oMnin llio iiiii.viiiuiiii cITio
ioiioy in out factory jnodtiotion. and ttio minimum cos I
n ovn iMircliasinanil kiiIos tlopai'lmoni.s if wo oan
i'oaclt an t)tttj)nt of JHM),()()() ;aiv liotwoon tin; nliovo
Ailtl should wo roach thin protluction wo nrf'ti'to pay
08 tlie buyer's share from $10 to JOpcr car (tm or
.about August t. l.Mf) to every retail buyer who pur
chases a new .Ford ear August .1, 1911, and
August 1, 191;).
Jfoi' further particulars regarding- these low prices and
profit-sharing plan, seo the nearest Ford ..ranch or
C. E. GATES, Agent
Sparta Building Medford, Oregon
All dbgs found running at large In
to city and not niuzxlfrf will bo lukon
up nnd placed In tho city pound at
West Sldo Feed and Aate Stalifa.
1?Q City Marshal
What Is More Useful
Than an up-to-date jewelry store' Fvory birthday, wedtling niiiiivorsary and
various other occasions all call fr prt sentH or pri'.os. Whol'o would you find
u better place to select sui-h a present or prize titan a carefully soleoted stock
of jewelry, cut glass, bracelet, wit folic.-, the new black jot ear drops- black
enamel neck picoes, ladieH cigarette erses and numerous other things accept
able for all occasions.
. A 4 4 - 4- ' -- - A
T J! i , I
120 acres of laud with 1.5 acres cleared and iit cultiva
tion, balance in timber and brush, small house and
barn, good well; ljay, stock and implements to value
of $1500 go with place. All for $M per acre.
Bennett Investment Go.
An Announcement
Of interest to those interested in
A practical business twining school, which will
be known as the
. ' .1
. Medford Conimc?rcial Golle4ge ,
Arill.l!oj1eiied iitlus 'ify on Tik'sdayf Kept. I, 19M ;
All Commercial and Shorthand branches wijl be '
taught by experienced teacjiers who are iviutieal
buHJiicHs men
Day and Night Senega
( , fJaJJ. leleplnmu or wrilo g- .
' 1 f
'UHt9 4
,'JI XJlyuwHUwi
H. II. JUlIAN-IprioorsB, I. V-JtifmUMI,
St j nggyh?
; jy paini rss
Painless Par
r i
"Care and Preservation of the Teeth"
Corner Main and Front Streets
Weddesd ahq Tliursday, Aug. 12 arid l3f 8 p. in.
This subject k of interest to everyone
ftriw (lie vhiMrea willi you unci hear this Intf reitinx lecture
Vote AkuwisI the Dentil Trwal the Novmbr ruction
(iiiimmru ad Washington sikkktv, vmuM), omkcion
itailsl irusi of J 0tr