KAfww. swirviiUrwwrfM'iMi mVf,T' - , - "" ft' 1 I, ' r PAQ1C TWO 1KEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, QttKflON. FRIDAY, JULY HI' 1'ifcAl AND i kWRSoM .. . . i f "' '- 1f " ' -' A gcntlflinnu wlio nlil lie hml stomnch trouble wns sliarponlntr IwWrt In (font of tlm Qui Thursday nftcrnoon, -when Officer Crawford mobilised, ana delivered nn nfcnwjjo iUq effect tlint Sijch w'ns lafpratlnV jtlip iftkco nnd lilfenlly of thjtefn JnvnltV. to bo behW nV the We' of ill Ahunr(cn;o(.s llcoiiM. The R" jlhrimn snld U W-oJiVd Ule this re'sf oT Mill llfo nt n sulokel ft blftdts to pay Uit hMJount, and toolt Ills gTlnlston( and trc4 wnnon and Weill downbo ftroei. tteorKe Morrlman 'returned TJiurc dy nftornoou from h business trip' to ifiyKcne. ( Tnrslan ifnir TWsVtnk Parlors,, manlctirliifr, general work. M. F. II llldtf., phono 157-J. The iV'reury rose to 9S Tluirsdav afternoon, and at noon todar regis tered 92 degrees. There Is slim hopo for A rdlii, wlilch wftuld be welcome. lfotel Metirord dining room n6w opens nt fix a. in. and is open till midnight contlnoimly, Paclflfc has under Tbp .police nnd sheriff's offlco have been' notified that thft postofflce, at Oakland. Oregon wa robbed early ftmrstfny niornlng W fonr" eggnteii, wlto Wciired money afid stn'inps. brie lot dTwnsli drosses, values to JUlt.SO safo 2.a'S. Ahrons,' Arthur llnxelrlgg who wns stricken last Saturday with a hemorrhage Is Improving. Wagon umbrellas $ J eneli at The Tocerv (of course.) 1 1 2 irWtolsses KatfierfnV and'Ue'H triido". Blniiott. of Astoria. OreEOn. nrVtlio:'KMsfR of Mr. nnd M.!j. f). The Southern wrfy lU regular seinl-annual work f Klnnoa, The wlfl visit Crntor'l.n'W While here. '' Children's lints values to $2.ro sale floo. AhrenB. A letter tu received by Mrs. Mike Womnch froniUter niiftc who W work ins on it no Crater Lliko road stating that lie was Injured ;iu an explosion of gtaiit powder Wednesday' after noon, H was first Yeported that Mike bad committed suicide, nnd It wns nlso rtu'ifored that his brother had taken the same route ilenr Olen dale. 'it Is the concensus of opinion that nothing has happened to Mlko, and' that he thinks he Is playing a Inkn !i ntinnvmmiA lultnr. yrtlend tbo" sate of silk dresses! ridl,r,nt,1,B frult ,abcls' tnllnrAit suit t.Vlln nnil 10 111) 'nK CO. .ia - , -, ,- .....i i. -..- tearing up the plank on the Malu hve mid trosslng and im(rri'g down new fines. Home of Kabo corsets. Ahrons. Misses Irene McKIHIgau and I Intel 3S"orllng relumed Thursday aftcrnooj from a visit to Portland. Seb R. if. ftcCrfrdf for Aetna Fi delity and Surety Bonds. A. S.Deano of TtoseTmrg Is a bust, ness visitor In the city this week. All parasols on sale one-half price. Abrens. Local golfers and tennis players are manifesting considerable Interest In the middle west tourneys being held In Chicago. Ilay for salo. W. II. Evcrhard.- Kodak finishing and supplies at Weston's Camera Shop. Orer Isls Theater. It. N Foster and wife and W. F. Qulsenbury and wlfo spent Thursday motoring on the Applegatc. Trimmed hats, values to $12.30, sale $2.9S. Ahrons. ' Three grass fires Thursday brought tho total for the month of July up to 11. There were H fires during the month of July last year. There aro still any number of dry grass tracts In tbo city that are a menace to nroperty. Try a "Spits" cigar, best Cc clg&f on tbo market. Basil Oregory lias returned from n vacation trip. A "King Spits" cigar Is homo made. Try one. Cc. Dluejaya havo raised havoc, with grouse, Chinese pheasants and other gamo birds this year, according to re ports from the mountain districts, by eating tho eggs of theso birds. The bluo jay js tho grafter of the blrl world. Grouse and pheasants are reported plentiful but with no younT. Groceries at De Voe's. Order your fruit labels of tho Mcd ford Printing Co. and keep tho monoy at home., " Harvey l.lrtg' of tlfe surveying fdreolof Mia Prictflc highway trough ..... .,1-,.. ..!....- ... .".-I j 11111 iSHIjajin pkmii II lun uiijin in im' cll ti' Hrtt of the week. Mountain Meniiow butter. It's tho best, Font's Grocery. 112 J. M. Kllgore of Itogue Utvr at tended to business matters In the city Wednesday. Only one kind of Kodak fliifihlng at Weston's Camera Shop, that's (he bet'. Over IU TliraTort' ' ' Col. Washburn of Table Ilbrk' wn a business visitor In the city TIium day nfternooo. J. O. Uorklug. the. best nil around photographer In southern Oregon.! Always reliable. Negative made nnv-1 whore, tlmo or plnco. Studio SSfSfl MMn St. Phono 3iftuj. ' . ' Order Monntnln Meadow butler, If will please you. Font's Grocery. US Carkln & Taylor, lawyers. (John II. Carkln, Glenn O. Taylor), Has- klns-Doydcn Uldg., Main street. Over iftS.ftOo.rtOO.OO back of ouf fire policies. Holmes, the Insurance man. Tho finest equipment In Oregon for Medford Print- checks foiv dlfferfnoe ,duo th lug housd hhd been ctjrtlfl th clear ed rail and for members- were Ihvlloiltb drafts: nt the usunl hour, .aH i ,W.UN'h)S, .fnv 'MA Wy tinnnimntm vole The venule Imnk'uu (Mimiiutiee nt ,n. Itttlllv ciilU'il iiiei'l itisx liitn lodiij' rnCuiblv leporletl l the fiihle' n niU imovimr eerldiu restrictions op the i--no of einera Oiiey I'liiieiiey by niitiniirtl hutihs iltf tier the AMfielt'.Vrcehuul ef, Partial law in Germany (ContlBuedffrom -pssVtt.)! 10M PRESIDENT PLANS .11 1.U-.1-L.) LI Ul'U ! IL'. lHl'. I nMi'l"mm'."i'."J'. 'JVJ rMVfMrtT.n inru-i. - YMmm ML! now?, tiiul other ilit-!ilehi' enl j'n fSclilullll In lliln itiltltlll. Otlietnl nimfU'iw fnmM i5iu,)im Kiiiiin ulMo tOilliiii.' iui the iiruiv reserves it.t'urtor whieh jnnly uitgnivrtled (lieMiniiluui nild iiinoliilt ed in their opinion to u diieet ehnl loiisje lo Aii-frni'lltinsnry hnd Or uumy. j s Loading InSiipiipllfi I'enr Hint in 'tne or inohilimitinii ' the nenlinii fnilnuul s.vNlem would I he hlorked ffr oidhinry' tniffio cmted iiuiiiher f illHfireip'dllliix to lake oteii"-. lo inn-eiHe the ntoek WASIIINOTON', Julv l. Pteoi. di'iil Wil-ini phiiH to iippenl to Iho puli'ioti-ni or Hie uiitltitui'tx .niitl inn ployes f ilU) woMi'in rrtllwityo n nvoid n strike hi lh fmio "of u (lirtnleiett genefnl Ihuupittt wur nnd the ileiiiornliriitioit l evop iittivemOnl, Seiintor t'hntiih(iV of the IVilon I niedinlioii hontd, with t'oiiiinloslonei rKtitipp, iiiTiinm'il nt the white hoitoul tiiitny I'tir titimirrow'rf eMireri'tiee hit f IweenMhi' hiutttl nnil te'f1rfoeiitiiH,tt of the men mid the nlllroml; o( which Hie preoiilent wMII m'ok In ( lie the dirtVieiieox. SENATE COMMITTEE f ' W ACT ON LAW -r-tt- lU J ! ASIIINGTO.V, July 111. Clinlriiintt Owen lottlght fi'illed'n intuiting of tho seiutte Iinnklng t'Otiimtttee for totnor vow to mushier a roipinst by rtecro lifTy MeAilto lo teiuovo verliflii io ."shlttlotiH otiMie Issitittico of bniiltti of otnertieiicy fdriency utidor h'AldiUh Vit'plniul act, , NEW ZEALAND OFFERS TROOHSTO BRITAIN NGHAM FROTHI N'mv Z.i uliitlil, I. Alnoey, plilne HUNTING NEAR WEED Abrens. " There was a trace of mtiddlness in the city water early today owing to he heavy drain during the hot weath er on the city reservoir. Fruit labels artistically printed in any and all colors. Medford Print ing Co. v A heavy haze of smoke Is hanging over the valley today due to forest 1 fires In northern California. No no,vJ Nrrfejiavuibeen reported In this dis trict today. ' If you want a rooming house, a big snap, tho Windsor, West Mnln street. See me quick. Will If. Wil son. HI The Central Point division of the Pacttlc highway continues to be n favorite drive for antolsts. and sev eral cases of speeding have been re ported. Medford Conservatory reduced pri ces for music lessons begin July 1st. Advanced students will be taken at tho samo low price as beginners. Open nil summer. 31 Grape street. i carload of fruit box material ar rived Thursday from tho north for local growers, representing an outlay of money that might an well have bocn spent at home. f Screen Coors at Medford Lbr. Co. George Maddok and family have returned from si vacation spent on the uper Applcgate. ",'''Tire,a'e'ervliun1lng season opens fth1rlW,aWMa-'farge number ot hunters are ready' to invado the hills, or are already tbero foe a first crack at the venison. Last year two fa talities resulted from hunters mis taking men for deer In the If you want a lithographed fruit V1 Br," "e ui-iru- wiinin wicr label Instead of a printed one. 0 , jurio.lietton. ''h. Hvrlui eilv eou.i us. wo are agents for Sehmltx Lltho.:'1'1 wnmt,W ',t number o firm, graph Co. Medford Printing Co. j pureb.toe uji.l .bnna gt Mt,.pht .. n ... n. ...l . of ltiiiii nnd flour, nitil inuiiv itt company has tho best and cheapest M1''' ,,,.""' '' 'the frontier follow-j v0d (his uiomlug Ik. . , . ' 1ITI . . noso in town, rriccs on ovcrytning i .." . . . . marKi'i reiieesi"! reduced. The Central Point Feed Store of Central Point,. Ore., can supply you wlfh new and second hand grain .link nt rtinunnnllln lirlrtfta. 1?!S Wo havo a J3500 press, recently Installed especially for printing fruit lalcls. Medford Printing Co. Wagon umbrellas II each at Tho Togery (of course.) 112 NEW CURRENCY CIRCULATED (Continued from Page 1) -- Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS ImAf AtWtetMt Dis rbose Mf NlgW F. if. Weeki JM rboMS) A. E. Orr t7(t-M New York expects to do with regard to his nomination. The president believes It neces sary for the new system to no put 1n operation nt once and legal experts of tho treasury have Informed Secre tary McAdoo that It would be Impos sible to organlio It until all members of the board havo been continued, A reassuring statement by tho bankers of New York, through their representatives and tho clearing house committee, was Issued later. After the meeting of tho clearing house comtnltee an nnnuonceuietit was mado as follews: ed Milt. The fiitniifjul A telegram waa received this nf-. ternoon from McDowell. (nl., aim ing hat Gregg rrotltltighnm' ot Chi cago, a young man was fatally, wounueii in a miming accident uenr Krothlnghntit Ij a lirother of Jnmes Frotlilnglintn, WI'I.I.INCITOSr, .lul II. Wilhiiiii iiiinioit-r hV Net .fiiiitnil, niuiiiiiiiMhl ttnliiy to pnrlliiiiit'iit thnt the unvi'in uit'iil pitrpooi'il in offer I lie imirv of mi expi'ililiniuii v forre to tho hit perhil government if ventH iuc'ii tilted. All the mi'inlien. lheieiipu hIouiI ,iiii1 .iii'! "(IihI ne the Kuiu'" BELGRAD E TAKEN n E IGRN YACH T U'ldl tlt-tutt In thtrf m(v nn.l n ..111 : " .... iivii niiunn in iiiin vii.ik tsiiti nil ill's the aenenil peu,(i,in. Trnditlj; hpt friend of Chris Gottlieb, ami ,ithr giMientled, Oxeepl Tor'Medrurd people Gregc was snendlni: been enolt leoo. nhnoot litHine- nnd eveirthrV IF-?.-1 & . . . I Ikutkcn Statement There was a meeting ot tho clear ing hi use committee In view of tho closing of the New York stock ex- heavy change and Its bearing on tho general brnih.Detr are reported ntcntlfiil In (he upper Applegate and Hutte Falls districts. Kodak finishing the best, at Wes ton's Camera Shop. Over Isls Thea ter. Tho city water department Is dig ging ditches for the laying of wat er mnfns on West Eleventh sirdet. Anus anu imam i;ross ami unas Stewart of Butto Fall before Judge Tou Yellc (his morning to answer to the charge of being bad boys, and were paroled to II. D. Mills of the Hutte Falls' Lumber Co., who will see that they work and go to school.! day afternoon. I Money ftfiitio Kdiee Money .N iiljnnt impiiihlp '" ohlititi nnil it U Liiowu thul.nt leitst tuehe limkemf uml hnukiii firms uro in ilirficultieA, Auifricnti visitor, ufler nt firoi tnatiiig nimoio) tu" wur liuhtly, luive begun to re(iHio the gnivitv !' Hie nil tint ion. 'riieir (lermnii friends o,--t'tipviiig iiiflui'iitiiil piioitions lime iiiKioed them to unit the eonutrv nt j uiii'e, ns n iiihiliiitiiiii order miglit tie up the ruilnmiN nt unv time. The report (hut the Omud Duke I'rnst of Hck.-u in proceeding to Si. rcicr-ounr wis (fiiii-oiiieiuiiv tit nieil today the summer In this tecttoit. Ill Mender uttd Win. Mueller left this nf leruoon by auto for Klk erek to bring back lieu llernnrd who In hunting In that district, to take charge of tho body. This U tho first hunting ac cident of tho seaion In this section. ATIIKN'S, (lie'ece, .Tnlv 31.-Tin-.MiitiliMicyriii n iy nl Mleht Hcglnin wu nlniiist ciiiluriil lixliiv liv the A( tiiuii fieri liloelcmlliitf AiilnVtiri. Tln .Miclit wns nppi-oiii'liiim the poll, li.nj BY AUSTRIAN ARMY I.O.N'DON, July III-- A Heinlln din pnleli to the Hlnudiii'il Kiiys: "Tim AiiHlrlttiiN ciossed tlm Ditiiiilio thirty iiillc-s to (ho enst or Ilclgritdo nnd'Hirt HftVn tolt nillM'lo Iho south. Hi'lgt'iHln haii )n'vn' rnntilroii nitil In now oieiilleiVby .yiKrlnn t'rdops, iuu tho (ortVwhleh liAnded Heivja nt Heiuetidrlii Is ndVAtii'liiK tilling Hi" roud which lends to OMpuiiliii, Mini tillliniitely to Nis'rt. ' '' ' Thtf nefiipntlun of llrlgriul'o.Wns fnV'rlfld'o'iil wltlloill U'rous lllffleillly trWliiYi'itlng trnoVs rrijeil tl'io Hvnr, partly "W'luo'i'iiji oftlilt iliifiifniifs (if the ruflM'ny "Mrfgo tilch 'vJajT'tilhwn Up tlm Kiir Inns, anil parlly by u pontoolt hrhlgtr toimirncten 111111111- Its cover, nnd nilpronrhed the Hdrvlna vnittul' trtim Iho sihitli. The ntfutklnu fortes ndvhnced bf 'a strep b, drlv tug the Mortlaus before tlmui. Tho Kcrvlans relrented, parity along tho road lending to tlrocit, and puilly townrds Popnvlch. Tho lo't.w on both ride itppenred to bnVo been lomparatlvely llghl. Jt ' 'lTho Invtisloii of rUirrla nt Heinnii dTln was n mucli more dlfflcuil task. Tho Austrian built it pontoon bridge under iho cihi'r of tlarkiless from nn Isbifd In tlin'mltldtt) of tho Hnmibe, where the channel 'narrows to two hundred yards unit the rtirfent Is wlft. Tliir coustriietloti of tho brldKo was a luuarifiiiin operation, Tho a'rirk' Win pcrrlved from tho Kervlan Hhoii nud tho Hervlnns opened tiro. Tln attacking fortes were aldeit by when oho oiahicil turned nlul fled. She wns hy Auntiittii destroyer, hut oiifely ot t'orfu. II,, hloeknde ilwllrt,",r,r n:"1 !"'n,,Jrv nm ''"'" pnrmul a nli ed SLAYING OF CHICAGO. July ni rer who murdered Mrs. I nt Volfog:irtcii,f,'it! Henry Spen till. !...., till ..I Hill I'll .nil 1 The, jprnud duke is otil;son Itexroat, a teacher of dancing, at '"I'eror of Itu-sla today gave .! ST PHTI.'ltHliriKI, July 31 Wiiyiie, lit., Mas hanged today 'it Wheaton. III. HiK'iicer lured Mrs. FINANCIAL PANIC IN ENGLAND; Itexroat to Wnuo with a promise of (Continued 'from t'ago I) which regulates (he Umic of bank notes in Knghitu!.' rseeneM in tun titv7 toilnv were like nnv sriiei'Mil )frtAt hnuk fniluro for t.Vi;(lOi,l(M) in ISIKT, wlien the government found it neee. mi Unit not lie mi. -. . ? iiiienirv a professlounl engagement, shot Iit, I through the head, took her ilultrase! laud diamond ring nnd placed tbo body on the railroad tracks tho night of .September 2T, 15M3. Tie ill audience to iho (Seriiinn niub.issndor and iiihciiicmly presided over a full council or milliliters' attended by the cbtr of tho nrmy generol slnff. situation It was the opinion of tho committee (hat the business and fi nancial condition of New York arid tho entire country was sound, hut thnt the situation In F.urope Justified e.xtrcnio prudence and self control 011 the part or the Pnlted States; that the closing of tho stock exchango waz precaution by reason of the disposi tion of all I'nropo (o make It tho ill the big ipiinlningle. market ror wnatevor It wisiictl to sett; and that in this country (here was no occasion for any serious Interruption of tho regular cotirtfo of business, either financial or mercantile" TI16 chairman of tho commKtco of the clearing hbuso announced that all onry to xiihtfiii tlio Imiik net the Ilnnk of Hnghiud wotlhl compelled-to pnvffrnhl for its miles. During the Iinbiin mutiny in 18."." the hank net nlso'tvits siiiH-iiiUmI nnd the rule roo In (-kt cent. The muiii enlriiuee to the Hunk of I'liglnml wns heilccd liylVdileM of notes wiiilim- to hnvo tlirm ehntitfe'l info' gold, nnd iit tht nfternoon th crowd lieeuuie horrent that the o'" llcinls fnnncil the people into liim- RESERVISTS CALLED TO COLORS IN ST. PETERSBURG shore of the Inland, nnd succeeded In lOinpfetlug the bridge, over which they pnss'd.'" QUEEN WlLHELMINA ORDERS MODILIZATION OF ARMY tiii: ii.(in:, .i.iiv :u. Onrm I Wilhchniiiit of llolhuul Hum ufiei j noon i-oueil mi indent decree nnlei. ' iug the genenil molulihlloii of the I Duleh army. Cotton Brokers Susprnil Ni:V VOKK, Julv 31. 'fn. im pciisinii of II. 8. I'cll X ('(i., ciilt.ui, etifleo nml himitr htokeni, wn (hi liouiiccil 011 the llopr of the cotton M'huiige ttiihiy. TRAINMEN STRIKE AUGUST 7 (Continued from pV 1.) Run on Brussels Bank , UIlfSSKLS, Julv .".l.-rCinrd 11T 10,0(10 people li(-i'gill.Ui(-ntioit.l hunk this morning to wiltiiinlw tli ir hnhmecs, hut by pdildny Ihe run had prrnlly subsided.' t t , Htono nnd Carter follews: "Tho schedules In effect prior to October 10, IUI3. with tho nnioiiiN menls thereto and accepted ruling thiireon to be restored mid coiiilnuoil until changed by arbitration. "Tho demands of the two organi sations as set forth In their com jmuiilcntlun of thnt date to the con- ferencn comiultteo of iiinunKe-H, nnd no other iiuestlou or qiiosHons, to be I Submitted to arbitration under nnd I In nccord with the net of congress of I.. I.. r ..... . ... . jiiijt in, tiri.1. commoniy Known us tho Nuwlnuds law. "All sulmerpient demands of the organizations nnil all tho counter do mands of tho managers to bo with drawn without prejudice," ST. IWJ--JIt'(t(lvl(.UNii lciiiil prtHrliipiuliiiu. crtllulv nl the tut I nriuv ieeros in St. IVienlntrc l the eolors wns plucnnlt'il toilnv. Why Not , (lot tho best smoke, (lor. Johnson, and nlso patronize homo. I'dlrwolio Union " lly smoking Mt. Pitt, tho best Cc clenr on tho mnrkot. n .i. ; T TXT TOO I.ATK "! '. I L.M! ciassiKv fiirnlihe! I 'Oil HKNT - Modern rooms. I. Till per week; nlso house keeping rooms. 2 IP Talent street, Just off South Central. Phono CO I. 1IC BIG REDUCTIONS ON ALL LOW SHOES At tho Sign or ("0()0 "sicrr," OPPOHITi: POST OFFICII $4W4t-44 MID-SUMMER OLEAN UP SALE 1 One Week Only Saturday, August 1st W Saturday, August 8th One Week Only Every Article in Our Entire Stock Reduced! ' 1 ? Read carefully the', fcHcwing list of bargains and remember' iRese are but a few of the many startling reductions now in force. Buy early while choice is complete t i r i " " I j - . - 4 ijmUER-W'AstL FABRICS NEVER SO LOW I LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR MERCHANDISE , THESE ARE OME BARGAINS YOUR CHOICE Quo lof. "White Goods, values to 2oe yard., Oiltt lot Red i$0il Oingliains, regular loe values ... Que lot Silk Chills, in black, white and colors Olio lot nO-inch Lawns, now figured and flowered Ono; Jot Sea Tsland Tissues, ?4....!.... One lot Serpentine Crepes, regular J8i values',. One lot t'lain Crepes, short lengths '. Special lot Val. and Torchon Insertions, values up to Vjf'f the yard v.-. 'dq uiu Q w L t -I t r - YARD T )no lot Tvanhio Silk CMoVes, iji black, white and colore, lyn $MM"irfm lair.J.,....vv...VJj5.i.C v-,57 nnints' Coats, values to $;.0(), only ?1V8 Oiig lot Corsets, values up to $2, choice 2J9i All Clossard, Ifoyal Worcester, Nemo and Hon Ton Cored reduced PARASOLS, ONiiTrilRD OFF All iho. newest shapes and styles included Cut Wav Below Cost Final clcnn-up on Summer Suits, sf20.00 to $10,00 valifes, now oiity . ...m" .'.' .' - ,.Jp7J Xew Summer AVash I'resses, In Inwns, voilen, erejjes and rat- Spedallot Kof and Ltice i.stjfi, (Tnlifes to J, clioi(?e.;..9i.tf8 A'll , th(? JateaUind' hc&ttylejr.ii Sutnnier 3Jlous(vs going nt only , 1 "... ..20 Off New J'ifjue and liatino Wash Slcii-I, worej.fl.-'S, $1.7r), now ill. OIUJ , . , J,.'.,....; j iiaC' Cool Summer Kiiuouoj in dainty crepes and Jywns, $1.25,to $1.50 vnlucH, at 4 i,.;..i-i-r 8 CLEANUP PRICES ON NEW MILLINERY One lot Trimmed Hats, values, l'rmu iH5.lo7;"c.!i'oiwi $1. Ono lot Trimmed Hats, values from $7.00 to $10, choice.JJ52. BIG VALUES IN CHILDREN'S DRESSES New Summer Drawn, agefi (I Ut U years, regular $1,2") lo $l.r0 values 8 f)8 08 THESE ARE SOME BARGAINS T'uj 1-lh. cans Talcum Powder..... 'Host Colored Oilcloth, nnc tiriiu. vnrd v ii ....... V ' . !-? 0. N. T. Thrend, 7 8j)00s.. Ono lot .'We Uok Stationary, now f tf t. -ff Vf - 17 ..17i .10 u;e to rm Hath TowC'la cm y Wtn'-4-T-WjS Now Novelty NcoUweav, : yahifs., jRipU....f rf MEN'S WEAR GREATLY REDUCE Q U j Ahsojutely Iho Uwirf pi;ie'k hi "JpidlSiJ lAI tt. ni! AlKr Jllng A juijii n i;iT),i,ivi nuns a 'ii j i 1 Big Reductions on Mn's And BoysJ Sh6ei( Ond'Iot Tilon's and lioy f ais, jVll IflsscW. regular iirieeH $!.()() . Uj,tf2.Q(), nnv ;,;........., .! 50 One lot Moil's Summer Shirts, some silks and crepes included, $2 to $:U0 values, Ihey all go now for $1.I8 ANY STRAW HAT IN THE STORE, $1.00 Valucft I'roiM $2, 1" PfiQ . ., k i F K DPTTFT Rr C.n i-j, .m. w jklj. w jm . w -f s w - W - .- 9 .n. ' Jl" ' n "" T 4WW mm