Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 30, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
Fair Max. M; Mill. JWj'
Itel, Hum, ,
7 f
lib' -
i i
k ,"
Kitrty-foiirlh Yimr.
Dully-Nlnlh Your,
tin many Sends Ulllmatum In Cmr
Ask'imi Oliled o( Mobilization
Pniilhiii flrply Preparatory Ordrrs
tot' Molillliatlon ol German Army
' Isstird Rciilmtnls Assembled.
LONDON, July no. c:r
iiiniiy'" nut totliiy In giving Hun
iu a Unto limit or twenty-four
hunt in which i di-olnio In'i
illtWltiuilM III OIIIIIII'Olloll with lln
mohlliolinti of Iiit tinny, mlili'il
nue more iluugcr Miinl to the
gravely critical l'iintH'iiu situa
tion -alreiulv Iiik il v uoiito.
Tln norioti tension hi nil tlii1
countries of 41m old world luul
..!...... ..... !.... I II. ..I.., ...I II....
it when Hit frrh imtII cropped
At Iho same lime It wn mi
tinmtocd that order linil been
senl to nil the officer und turn
of tin (ionium reserve to hold
thoinsrlw' In rendinc.
HKULIN, July HO. A nolo dis
piitclnil by lliti (Irminii government
In SI. PeleYsbiiVg till morning give
ltiimin twenty four hours to explain
Iht intentions with icgnul to moliit
iiilimi. In diplomatic hrndiitiiirlers here it
Will stilted lllllt I III' llltl tu BllSsill
llkod tlllCC fptl'Miull t1 object of
tlii ninbilliitloii, whether it wn
directed ni-niiit Aiilriullungiiry,
Oiiil whether II u I a unK willing (o
older n stoppage of tho innliiliitiillou.
In tho mcmithnn nil prepnrnlory
older for n mobilinllou of iho Oer
iiiiiii tinny wero Issued,
IIKKLIN' July 30. Tin. resnrvo of.
flier of the Hoard Army Corp,
whoso lin:iiliiiarti'r nrn In Berlin, to
ilny received order to motilllro,
At tlm (loriunn forelmi offlco It
wim Mated that effort toward tho
iniiliitciiniico of poacit worn "till In
proKrvHA nml that Dirmnuy linil not
yrt onltiriul tlm uiolilllmitlou of her
ron i, i
I'rt'llmlunry Inntrut tlonn wiro nnl
loilny hy tho (lonimn wnr ili'i'nrliiU'iit
lo nil offlceiM nml tiolillorn of (lit ro
MHVd to liolil tliomsolvcH In roaillni'HH
lo Join tho colnrH,
Tlm nfflmrn or tho r'i;ulnr army
luul rcrolvcil IrmtructlniiMjcittoriliiy ta
liolil tlionnit'lvrn In rcnillnuHH for tho
inolilllintlou of their uutln.
Slliintlon OnitiN Vnro
ltiiiri)Miuttntlvo nfflclnlfl nt tho
forelKii officii declared thai tho nltutu
(Uontlnuoil on
jisko two.)
LONDON, July SIO. Rnvvrnl Hr.
lions of tho Hritlxli Hpcuiiil ilefuuHd
I'oito wero ' vulli'd to duly today on
llio en ft and Houtli eoiiHtx lo relliivu
Hie ickuIiiih u Kuiirdlui; ImIiIkch nml
railroad hiding and iiiiiiiiiIiik tin)
(lOIIHt lll'fl'llHt'H,
Tlio itpecliil iirmy reHi-ivo milled U
Dm colnrH today liiiuipriHo eleelriu
Ihiih, military oiiKlncer mid iiiIiid
Tlio HrllMi iiilmlrnlly nlmi iciiui'nI
ed I In Ill),' Wi'Mi coiil mviiui'H lo re
lulu lliclr ulneliM of fuel,
All Hi" ol'llii'M vvi'in ii'i'iillcil nml
no leiivn In In ho Kiinliil,
TIlH ll'lll(Hll) llllllflllllllN llUtll ll'I'll
Mlvi'ii i'(.'Ih uidm,
0 A
All British Parties Agree to Postpone
Action on Proposed Amendment to
Present United Front in Case of
General War Grrmany Invited to
Suggest Way Out of Trouble.
l.tlS'ltON", July :t(l. While Au
tiinn iuwiiliM ami Sen'mii (roop
Were HkMIh todiiv tin) nN'llillK
HtncrM of their war on Sertinu terri
tory, Kiiroienu .Inti.intii mid rulem
ele eupiKed ill U hut they lifiililiil
im the iiliiucl liiirliVH nk of tr
laif lo nvert a ueneral elnh of the
mlllloiiH riinii(mlni: the nrniieM of the
i;reiil Kiiropean poweri.
.Sir IMwnrd (Irey, a eenlral figure
in llio emit rot ery, onitiK I" Im
filroiii; effnrli to keep the imwrrrt of
the triple allinuee mid the triple
entente from tljiiii: nt eaeh other')
Ihroiil, wiih not nhle to i;ive liny
eliferin? uew'o lirn ho nopek ahoiit
the erihln to the menthol of the
Moimo of Common..
Tho llrilixh foreign foerelary
"I ref;ret thai I eniiuol miv the
fiituatioii i.H leH i;ino thmi it uiik
IVim- KfrortN Fnlilo
yculrrilny. Tho nnlMmiiliiii; fncli ant
miioli the Mime. AintrinIliiUkMiry
linn hetin her war iiKiiiut Sorvin,
mid Hiiisfn him orderod n partial
mohilirutioii of her troop. Tin hits
not hlthoito led to eorr'poiiduiK
ow hciii),' taken hy the other pow
er , xo fur hh our iiiformation koom,
"We eontiniie to ptirnue our one
prenl ohjoet of preHerviii( the Kuro
pen n pence mid for this piirxiM we
are l,i'i'piii(,' in clu-e loueh uith the
other powers. In tluw keeptnc in
touch with them wo haw, I am glad
to May, had no ilil'ficiillie m fur with
the other powerM, iilthnugli it hns not
heen niHHihle for thoe powei-K to
join in diplomatic action oh wii pn
poHcd mi .Mnmlny lnl.
AMpilili mi Home Itulo
Premier Aipiilh iiIho upoke of tho
extrchii) Krnvity of the situation.
When anuoiiiieinc lo tho House of
t'ominoiiH (he poxlpoiiement of the
Hccond readiii); of the hill to amend
tho IiUh home rule hill, he niil:
''Wo meet loilny under iioiulitioiiH
of Kruvily which am iilmoht iiupar
nllcled in tho opcricuco of any ouo
of H.
''Tho Ihhiiis of pence and war tiro
hniinuiK in tho hahinco ami with u
I Iho lUk of n ciiliiMrophe of whicl,
i( Is impiHrilile to ineiixnic cither tho
diiuenIo!iri or the el'feclH
Nivrt United l-Yont
'In IhoHo clrciiiiiHlanccH it U of
vilul importnneo in tho inttTcln of
Iho whole win Id that this eoiiutry,
which llllH 110 illtlTCKlH of itn own
directly at ntake, should rcnent a
united front mid he nhlo to nponk
and act with nulhorily tin mi iiudU
vi lied ualioti,
"If wn were lo proceed today with
tho amended hill wo bhoiild inovilu
Idy milesn tho delmto woro eonduct
ed in an artificial tomi ho involved
(Contlnuea on pt.a ,)
I'KKINn, July 30. Tho Oorman
troop formliiK tho Kuard at Tlou
Tlu inadu preparation today to pro
coud to TkIiik Tau, which it U uuilor
Htood will bo nttucked front tho ca
hy tho HrltUh fleet linmeilluloly on
Hid dnclurutlon of war In i-uve It
Hliould occur,
Tlio protocllon of forolKiicr
ihroiiKh L'hlua In caw of uewly,
will Iherttforo, lrely ilepeinl on llio
Aiiicilruu mid Jhimh (Ihn nml tlm
foinlKu Iriwiim hi Iku Irnnly pn,
iilw w flAdv' iiiiiiiiHiiHiiHrBi ajMv y 57j'miliftSSv
lilitf WKP iimIiMHUf Hi aX j-s iiiiiiiBF r " IbiU'WBiiiiiiiiiiVKx
II 1 IPPPIPPPPPPH , BMHIIB l Ht h. ppB "llSvtate IBllllllllllllllH m I
WliiH fATAW w : lifSm" MK5.
.. ........ . ..... iiH tiiibiiiiiH
----- i flH HI
LONDON'. July .TO A new dls
pntrli from Home rnyn rhnrp relt-i
nuru U UcliiB offcretl to tho Auittrlaii)
advnuro from tlio imrthwctt by Hiunlli
il:t.)Climeiit of Hervlan troops left to
linpctlo their prdKren. Thi, newnj
romei from Nluli, HtvIb, by way of
Balonlkl. I
Tho Aintrn-lluncarlnn Invntlers
followed tho valley of tho Klvor Mo
rnva and flrnt eiicountereil a body of
Hervlan troop at Smundrla on tlio
Hon Inn Hhlo of tho Danube. Tho
Hnrvlam held their RroirtM until
ulKhtfall and then retired. Iloth
AiutrlaiiH nml Hervlann inittalno I
heavy lone, houtuI hundrod heliiR
On tlio wentern nhlo of Servla an
Auitrlan 'column ramo Into contact
with n Hervlan forro at Lomillxa,
which put up a ntubborn tlofenno and
held (ho fort there unlit dark, In
fllrtlnt heavy louses on tho Aunlrlnim.
Tho touthorn Auntrlnn rolu inn In
Ilomila remained stationary today,
awaltliiK tho inovoment' of tho Moil
tcnoKrln troop.
Tho ancient fortro of DolKrado
was reduced hy tho Auntrlnn artil
lery, whlrh, howovor, caiined only
rIIkIiI tlnmnpo to other partx of tho
Hervlan capital, Tho HrltlnU Icko
tlou wan ntrurk hy nn Austrlnu holl.
Hervlan nhurptdiootorri nrcntly hur
rlfil tho AiiRtrlau nrtlllerymen tlur
Iiik tho hnmbnrdmout.
LONDON, July ao. -Tho leailoM of
all tho political parties In tho United
KliiKtlom woro In conforonco today nt
tho rcnldonro of Hlr Kdward Oroy, tho
Hrltluh farelKti uccrotury, wlioro tho
Intomatlonnl situation was umlor ill
cIbbIoii. It was said that an iiKroo
ment had boon reached by nil pnrtltu
In roferenco to Irlah homo rule.
LONDON, July .10. Frennrnlioim
for n possible general Kuropoan war
went on Hieiutiiy today in every
country likely lo ho involved, nml the
complications of Iho situation wore
augmented by u rumor that Japuii
nlso might join in tho conflict.
Following Iho partial mobilization
of tho HiiKhiMii in my, u step, which
that country officially iiiiiiouuccil lo
(lermiiny mul Aiikliin-lliiiigiuy, an
order wim issued hy (li'imniiy today
lo nil llio officers mid men of Jut ic-
KHIVII fliri'OH III liolil CUM'VC4 III
rcNilliiMri foe ii cull o nun,
KiikIhiIiI iilt-ii litis begun Inlihig pic
OHIlllllW-H, 4t III I lias hl'l'll III ill'! Ill
en h wwr ftwllujf uuiJ lb mvutlvu'il
i-i --- 43
IIAVKHSTKAW, N. V., Julv 30.
The preliininnry hearing of Willinm
M. Clenry for iho murder of his son-in-law,
Kiigene M. N'ewmnu. is sched
uled for next Monday.
Kiigi'iio M. Newmati, n youth IS
yenrs old, wns shot and killed by
Clcaiy, town clerk of llaver.lraw, N.
V., for eloping with his daughter,
Anna. Clcary, who is n prominent
democratic. Ictuler, killed his Min-in-law
when tho young hriilegnnim went
lo tho town clerk's office in Haver
slraw lo tell hih latlier-in-law of the
Wedding. The youth, who hud hecu
led In believe that he was to receive
a parental blessing iiihteud of an as-
snsNin'ri bullet, walked Hinilinglv into
tho I nip, with his nnht linu'd oNtendct1
lor a iricmiiy grasp ami simuing in
his loft hand the uuirriago ecrlificutc
uniting him with Miss Anna Clenry.
Mr. Clcary has been ncciisedif mur
der in tho fir degree.
Within two hour-, after the accusa
tion hnd been made against Clcary,
the complainant being Frederick K.
Newman, mi old friend, one of the
owners of tho Koekhuid County Mes
senger, nnd father of tho murdered
youth, powerful political influences
woro brought into play, with tho evi
dent design of Mixing Clenry from
the full penalty of his crime.
Portland has ordered $200,000 of
paving nml sewer work.
vessels of tho na v nro being brought I
buck lo their haes, Tho Medilor-jing
rnuenn ileet, whuli reached Malta
loilny, found lightera loaded with
coal, which wns ut ouuo token on
hoard (lie wurxhips so that they
could ho moved to uny qiiurter with
out delay.
All tho member of the melropoli
Inn police, which is n government
force, liiivo heen iccnllctl from leave,
ii4 llic men will he icipilrcil lo giiaril
Hid gineninu'iil iliickynnls and niiigiw
lues In ciim the icgtilar gimnl
nIiihiIiI liiiie in join h cr ifgiineiilN.
Tlm rh inail.vU llimui'lioiil
KuniH', wlii'ii lliey mchi not ilnscd,
houcd tiller kliiuiiullvn,
ifVLV ,30, 1f)l4
PAULS. July 30. Poln-
caro res I tied over a meeting of the
French cabinet this morning at which
tho Kuropean war situation exclu
sively was considered. Tho cablnit
I to hold dally councils whllo the
International crista lasts..
Kery military preparation short of
mobilization has now been made In
i-Vancc. Tho principal rallroid sta
tions and all tho slgnnl boxes and
switches aro today guarded by troops.
It ii mors of the wildest naturo woro
In circulation today that President
Polncarc, after an all nlRlit council of
war, had decided to call up 800,000
men of tho French army reserves. A
strongly worded denial of this was Is
sued, together with assurances that
drastic measure would bo taken
against those spreading such reports.
Tho government Ib working In close
co-operation with tho principal news-
'papers to reassuro tho publc.
At tho snino tlmo a veil is being
kept over military operations, as
during tho war in 1S70 when tho
nermann aro said to have obtained a
great advantngo from tho luforniatloa
printed In tho French press.
PORTLAND, Or., July M. -Ralph
Martin leaped from tho second
slory window of a rooujing Jmuo
hero today after ho hnd been arrest
ed with Thomas Wilson on tho char-jc
of perpetrating n series of ilnriii:;
hold-ups last night. Several detoe
tives gavo clmso and nfler tiring
several shots, recaptured him. Mar
tin is said to have served n term It
Folsom penitentiary in Onl.fon.U,
Wilson several months ago shot
Harry Foley, tho fight proni.ite, in
Oolden Onto l'atk, San Fr.uieispo,
tho police sny.
As lo what is going on in the fiiilit
zoiip, tho strict censorship pre-
vents nny details coming thrnuuh,
ltepnrls, however, were in circulation
Hint a Imttlo had lukeii pluco in
lloniiiii on Aulrian territory be
tweeu Iho Austrian I roups nml the
Servians, mid had resulted in great
fclnughlcr. Another reported the full
nnd burning of llic Servian capital,
iMiii ......ii..... i. .i.i ... .... ... i.i.:. ...
iitiil miihiiu'I loin ii on AUIIIOII Ml
luck on Iho Moiileiicgrliiw at Mount
Lovchen, ovcilniikliig Cut I aro.
Tlm JlrilUh war urficii indy do,
cliuvil IIiiti' wns no Inilli fit llic re
poit iiiil.llfchcil In ilio Culled tiuv
Unit llio IliilUh IcriiluilHl Iruop luul
bvvN uhU'H'J to wwlillc, j
Mexican Leader Declares Further
Fighting Unnecessary qnd Asks
United States to Use Influence to
Bring About Speedy PeacePeace
Conference Begins Tomorrow.
WASIIINOTON, July 30.- Kfforts
wor made today by tho United
Htates to Influence (Itinera! Curranza
to bring about an immediate armlx
llco In Mexico This action followcj
an appeal from Provisional President that further Hunting not
only wns "unnecessary out inhuman."
Secretary Bryan telegraphed John
It. Stlllman, personal representative
of President Wilson with Carranza,
urxlng a suspension of hostilities.
The situation from the viewpoint of
Carbajal was outlined In tht follow
ing statement prepared by his person
al representative, Jose Castellot, af
ter receiving a long message from
Mexico City:
"Provisional" President Carbajal Is
fully resolved to carry out negotia
tions In general basis already agreed
on. Ills delegates should arrive loJ.
Haltlllo tomorrow and begin confer
ences Immediately with General Car
ranza. "It Is tho unalterable purpose of
Mr. Carbajal to turn over tho gov
ernment In a peaceful and dignified
way. Mr. Carbajat has urged mo to
mako every effort to obtain an Im
mediate armistice and. If not possible,
the suspension of all hostilities with
out loss of time even though this bo
not formally declared but rc.oreiy es
tablished as an actual fact, since in
view of tho certain success of nego
tiations about to .begin any further
bloodshed not only would be unneces
sary, but quite Inhuman."
LONDON, July :t0. All foreign
pupils nt tho big (Icriunn schools were
informed yesterday that they must
leave (lenunny immediately.
A number of Hnglish students left
last night and arrived hero today.
One who rnme from llouii on the
Ithiiie said that between that town
and Cologne tho train in which he
wns traveling jvasscd eight trains
loaded with (Ionium soldiers going
toward tho French frontier.
Tho bridges nnd all lines were
closely guarded nnd intenso excite
ment prevailed in nil the towns in the
district where it wns understood tho
schools were to he converted into
military hospitals.
PAULS, July 30. The Paris bourse
opened Unlay as usual, but there was
no lir.'iiitcss. Tho nominal ipinlutuii
of French 3 per cent rente, wa.s un
changed. It was miiiouuecd hy tho commit
tee of tho bourse that I he monthly
settlcMcnt for July luul been post
poiied until August 31 for nil itockii,
including rentes,
The French public seems to rrgurd
u general wnr us u i'ciuluy. Tlm
crowds iniUlile Ibu avlns hank lo
ilny were llncu times iu iiiinifiim u
lliit.e of )ccnluy. 1'ilwilc lioniil
lug mul (he piiTiiuli)i lukeii hy Ihe
Hunk of Fi'ii'tcu huvu uliinul nini)U'4
IMllltl'd uoIh I'tow ulivultillvM,
NO. 111
Servians Claim to Hive rVfMlssHl
Enemy and Artillery EnfSfemcnt
New In Prsfress Invaders Ad
vance Twenty Miles South of Bel
grade, Says Dispatch.
LONDON. .Inly .10. A bulletin re
ceived by the Servian legation say
the Austrian attempting to cross the
Danube, twenty mile enst of 11
grnde. wcro repulsed by the Servians
nml that n big artillery engagement
is in progress.
Another message received hy the
Servian legntion snys Iho .Servian
troops successfully resisted the Aus
trian advance nt Losnitzn to the wet
of Itelgrnde.
LONDON. July 30. The Servian
legation here received a message to
night from Nlsh saying the bombard
ment of Belgrade was resumed by the
Austrlans at 0 o'clock this morning.
Shells were directed at the principal
streets of the city.
The telegram added that several
Austrian spies had been captured by
the Servians.
LONDON, July 30. Unconfirmed
reiwrts reached hero from" Berlin
that the Servians had been defeated
by tho Austrinns nt Fotchn, in Dos.
niu, losing 300 men, while the Aus
trian casualties numbered 200. Fot
chn is far within, the boundaries of
Hosnia nml thus on Austrian terri
tory. NISU, Servin, July 30. The in
vading Austrian troops advanced to
day some twenty miles to the south
ward of Belgrade, nnd nn artillery
duel was in progress this morning
near Kiczuicy nnd Semendrin.
LONDON, July 30. The Austro
Kungnrian force invading Servia to
tals 500,000 men, according to n
newspner dispatch from Koine. Of
these, 150,000 nro operating from
Semlin, opposite Ilelcrnde, tho Ser
vian capital; 100,000 from Svornik,
on tho river Drinn, in Bosnia; 150,
000 from Snrnyevo, tho capital of
Bosnia, and 100,000 from Milunovntz,
on tho Danube, in tho eastern part of
HANKOW, China, July 30. The
British gunboats Snipe, Woodcock
mul Kinslm of tho British China
Sfpiudron, wero deserted by order of
tho ndmirnlty today,
Tho crt!W8 removed tho breech
blocks from tho gitns, took uway nil
thu arms and ummunitiou possihlu
mid threw the rciuuiudcr into tlio
It is understood that tho British
ndmirnlty similarly is dismantling nil
the small British gunboats n Chinese
waters, sending their crown to Ilohg
Kong and Wei-Mal-Wei In order to
defend those important po6sesionH
ngniiibt a possible Oonmm attack.
Tho llueo gunboats wero tied to
the docks mid only caretakers left in
charge. Tho crews departed tonight
for Shanghai mid la(r probably wllj
go o Hong Kouic, "
IIKHI.IK, July ;w.-hii tHwy
iwiploycs Hmi wHb writim h4
bull tm)iH v,k iuM Wi W
IimLiv tit u)l ll) ih!J L-i-t..- m
vdvU ikfMutui iimtmy,