- h i PAQB.uttWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MlWrXHtD, OR .WON. TPUSDAY, JULY 28, 10M E)CAL AND PERSONAL i 't MUw Alice Cyphers ot Nob,, oml Mil's Dolllc Pfunder or Kansas City,, Mo are Visiting nl llu homo of their undo K. W. Wall, or South 'Central. AAir. nil, Mrs. l-4red Colvlg, -nd eon, Xfiia MakolK lliancho Wood, n.-jUlr? ffiintler,"Allee. Cyphers nnjt Herman JPjowgU left Sunday on h camptlfg'rt'j rtn'TBvWii creek. -V Scou! H. McCurdy $ Aetna Fi delity and Surety Ponds'. Thft Packard excursion car toftk load to Cenirnliynlnt over tho noil rwiu ii iiiKiii. i I 'KaollKo 'ftllVknown launttry wajrnnlrlyriretirned Sunday morn- Inlt "frbni Saw Kranclsito. whore ho a pent ten 'days on tulsluess In connec tion with his position n Rogue river valley correspondent tor a Japanese- American newspaper, and Visited the JnVaii concession at tho 1915 fair. ' Hay for salo. W. II. Everhard. Seven cars of watermelons passed through Medford on a manifest freight Monday night. The melons were consigned to Pugct Sound and Portland commission houses. It. Ji. Cndy, Is acting as policeman on thought shift during tho tempor ary absence or officer Clngcade. Kodak finishing and mppllea at Weston's Camera Shop. Over lata Theater. The forestry service has a force of ten men building a trail from thn mouth of Cook and Green, through Low Pass In the Slsklyous to. the mouth ot Said creek In the Klamath river country. It will oncn un con nections between the upper AppIegaF country, and tho Happy Camp art-t Klamath districts. Residents of that district hope that some day the trait will develop Into a wagon road. A pack train out of Jacksonville three days a week carries food to tho trail force. Try a "Spltx" cigar, beat Be cigar on the market. The building occupied fay the tsls Theater lias been leased to onas Wold who wll occupy the room with his drug store. Jointly with Martin Heddy the Jeweler. Manager Whipple ot tha Isis. Theater will give tip his occu pancy-nest Saturday. August 1st, and Is undecided on his future Iocatfon'nr plans. Tho work of remodeling tho front of tho building will begin next week. A "King Spitz" cigar Is hona made Try one. Be. t - Harold Cochran Is planning upon entering tho University ot Oregon next fall. Charles Hover has returned from a trip to the Illinois valley where ho bought cattle. The P. W. Shaplelgh Hardware company has the best and cheapest hose lit town. Prices on everything reduced. Charles HIrschberger of the Wil low Springs district was a business visitor In the city Monday. Dr. J. J. Emmons, Attorney Ous Newbury, Tom Kuson, Jess Houch spent Sunday fishing on the Apple gate. Only one kind or kodak finishing at Weston's Camera Shop, that's the best. Over lets Theater. A, Zike of Crescent City, landlord of a hotel In that city, is in town vis iting with Mose Barkdull and othrr friends. Interest In tho major leaguo pen nant races occupies local fans, with tho majority picking Philadelphia tj win In the American league, and hop ing Chicago beats out New York In the National, a faint hope. The fight fans are eyiug the bout next Friday Bight at ' San "Franclseo between (leorge Chip and Sailor Pttroskey. Tha finest equipment In Oregon for printing fruit labels. Medford Print-' Ing Co. Miss Docla Clay of San Francisco Is visiting friends and relatives In this city for a few weeks. Emerson Morrlck, George Oates, Tommlo Scnntlln anil Nod Vilas ro turned last night from an auto trip to Crescent City. Carkln & Taylor, lawyers. (John II. Carkln, Glenn O. Taylor). Ha-klws-Boyden' Bldg., Main street. IDf. j; F, Heddy, who has spent th-4 last couple of days In tho city on business returnod lam night ro Crania, ass, ' kM. Carter -and party of friends jnolorciMo tills cljy from Ashland Monday oywiilnp. MyWjruli. ,ab?lfl ot the Med ford Printing Co. and keep tho money "at home. ' ' County, Clerk Gardner was over from Jacksonville Monday attending tho opening 'sessions of tho Good Jtoadg convention. Screen doors at Medford Lbr. Co. Mrs. Chas. It. Miller ot San Jose, Cak, and daughter Dorothy and llaby Charles, who have been spending their vacation with Mrs. Miller's par. ents; Mr.,r,nd Mrs. George V. wal- t.. ... i !.... '. . ;.. J.i imii'i the tbfi jf King's highway re(i lmhfe Monday. TheJ hftvfc only ValontlneRl'Ishest praise tor Medford, aV-' i-iiii .. Weeks McGowan Co. UHDIRTAXIRS Idtf &aa1mA Hay rumt -f W, W. Wwa JM-J Mud ' 7 " A. K. .On VlMt W r - KoUak finishing tho best, at Wes ton's Camera Shop. Over lata Thea ter. F. It, Cowles. representing the Per jnntlt couipnny of New York for the state of Washington, Oregon and California reports that tho firm Is planning a fine exhibit for tlie Pana ma IMclflc expiwlllon n which both t-olnmerclal arid household water softening filters will be exhibited. Owing to the unusual scientific na ture of tho Permutlt process tho authorities In charge ot exhibit space hate, assigned a' prominent pldce tl this firm. In addition it Is reported the entire water-supply of tho poscr .plant ot Machinery Hall will be IV unitized In order to prevent scale formation In the boilers due to In rrusllng solids, Fruit labels artistically printed In any and all colors. Medford Print ing Co. ' Judge J. H. Neil of Jacksonville Is in the city today attending the Goo-t Hoada convention and vHltlng friends. F. It. Cowlc, the flro protection authority, while chasing hogs out of his orchard Mondayf mornlnt was bitten on the shank by a ferocious sow. The swine have been making dally jnvaslnns or tho Cowles pro perty, and . Monday the owner re sisted with a, club. The teeth of tho hog tore the leg of the trousers and inflicted superficial wounds. Groceries at Da Voe's. ' Among the stars billed for the thea trical season fay Manager Page of tho Pax.e.T.hcatcr. are .Maude Adams anil at .Goodwin, and George Cohan a tiio "Seven Keys of Ilaldpnt." County Commissioner Joe Smith of Kogtio River Is In the city today at tending the Good Roads meeting, and atendlng tto oftlctal business. E. Rhoten, discoverer of the fam ous Rhoten pocket at Gold Hill that yielded $3!,000 In gold, was In tho city the first of tho week fron hiskey Peak country, where ho has several pocket Indications. Medford Conservatory reduced pri ces for music lessons begin July 1st. Advanced students will be taken at tha same low price aa beginners. Open all summer. 31 Grape street. Tlie 'grass burning brigade Is burning the grass along the east bank of Rear creek today. Visitors returning from Crater Lake report that the record showa over 210a so far this year, against COO for the samo time last year. Prof. Leiand Beveridge, who has accepted a position with the Port land Y. M. C. A. will leave with his family about August 1st, to prepare for hls.ncw duties. J. O. Oerklng, tha best all around photographer In southern Oregon. Always reliable- Negatives made any where, time or place. Studio 228 Main St. Phone 320-J. The seventh grass fire of tho month occurred near tho ball park Monday afternoon, endangering for a time tho ball park fence. Ren Rasor of the Dig Ilutto dis trict was a business visitor In the city Monday. A. S. Hilton spent Monday even ing In Medford. coming from his farm on Griffin creek. ir you want a lithographed fruit label Instead of a printed one, seo us, we are agents for Schmltz Litho graph Co. Medford Printing Co, Elmer Thomas of Grants Pass was a .business visitor in the city the first of tlie week. Charles' Palm and family are spending the summer at tbolr sum mer cottage at Pelican Day. Demonstrators of two applo grad ing machines are In the city today ahovtlng their wares to local grow or 8, J. A. Westerlund and family and Carl Tengwald will leavln the morn Ing for Crater Lake by auto to be gone a week or ten days. The Ells lodge are making pre parations to socure the next meet ing of the state grand lodge in this city noxt spring, and the' arrange ments for tho dedication of their new building may Do changed to con form to this date. We have a $3ri00 press, recently Installed especially for printing fruit labels. Medford Printing Co. Tho Boston Ideal Opera company will open tho rail season at Wichita. Kansas, August Uth. Art and Frank Durgess are now In Chicago marshalling tho principals and chorlis, Thoy will tour Kansas, iHsourl, Oklahoma, Texas and tho southwest. Mrs, Art Durgess and son Ralph nro In Chicago Tho big Packard sight seeing car for moonlight excursions, Sunday school picnics, etc. Phono 300. 109 A summer day HiiggHtieu: Thd big Packard 30 passenger car and u picnic. Phono 300. 109 A, I). Helms of Medford has pur chased ho lbunoii plunlng, mill pro purty at Lebanon, Ore,, uml will coil vert It into u tannery, Jack Merrill of Him (tlvorslile or t'liurd, lull Tiiisduy fur Klamath Fallf, ' Arthur Hnielrlgg Is confined to his home as a result of a hemorrhage of the lungs last Saturday, lie wn ascending the stairs a( the Nnttitor- lum, to secure a drum, wlnn ho ns stricken, and for 'tllue his condi tion 'was sbrlous, but Is now out or danger (hough Mill weak, and unable to attend to his duties as dork at Mann's store. II. R. Troiison of Kaglo Point spent Tuesday In Medford. Advance agents ot the Raruuin and Unlley circus haxo made application to Cltv Recorder Foss for a llcenrej to abpear In 'this city August 29th. Advertising car No. Is due to ar rive In UiW city tomorrow.'. The police and railroad detectives are looking for a gang of tramps, who locked In n merchandise, car at llose- hurg proceeded to at and drink up Saratoga chips, crackers, cheese, whiskey, soda pop, and bottled beer consigned to local merchants. Thb car was sealed while the wanderorJ were Inside, and no one would take the responsibility of breaking the mBl to let them out. Finally thoy" took, un Iron bar, and rammed a hole 'i tho end ot the car large enough t) Crawl through. Police Judge Gay and Chief Hltt son stood aghast with amazement till morning, when William Aiken an I George Saunders, arrested for speed ing Monday night, without quibbling or equivocation admitted they wer guilty, and paid their fine of $10. This Is the first time In tho history of the city that a speeder has admitted that he was going faster than the law allows. Generally, they have ma chines geared lower than the law Aiken was riding a motorcycle anil Saunders was driving nn auto. Hitter complaint on the part Of ttturlts because the Crater Lake road Is not plainly marked so that anyone can find It, has led Ralph Cowglll of the Rogue River Canal company, to place home-mud" signs hlohg Intersections. The county court has been appealed to by tho Commercial club to mark tho road Arguments are being made todav In tho suptemu court at Salem upon a rehearing of tho McClaugheny damage case against the Rogue River Electric company, In which the plain tiff was awarded $12,000 dumages for tho death of his son, a lineman, employed at the Prospect power plant Attorney A, B. Reames represent the plaintiff and Porter J. Neff. the de Xendant. Harry Hultt, age nine years, living On the Central Point road, was In jured Monday evening, by leaping from the running board ot an auto mobile driven by Lloyd Corey. His face and head were bruised, and he Is In Sacred Heart hospital under tha care of Dr. E. R. Seeley. Young Hultt leaped off the machine, unbe knownst to Corey. His companion Paul Dodge told him of the accident, nnd he drove the Injured lad to Tom Taylor's home, and called medical assistance. IP TWO-BT PIECE si H-xH ; . GRANTS PASS ROAD NFARINT, COMPLETION GRANTS PASS, Ore., July 2S, The completion of tho muitlclpnl un't for the Grant HisWV Crescent City railroad I now a matter of only nbout ten ds. The plledrlver has finished Its work on the Applegate brttlgo and wilt be brought hack to further strengthen the Rogue river bridge. With tho dellvon of the angle Iron. the absence ot which has arenlly i""wr n' hampered tho work of the track- iUiu7i"ai Invlnir crow. ttu first unit nf ib.t ' HIBERNIANS IN ANNUAL ..-.-.,-. --- . ,.. ..--, - SENATE CONSIDERS WASHINGTON, July 28. Tho sen nto banking and currency committee had before It today a hill Introduced by Senator Thomas of Colorado pro viding for the coinage of quarter dol lars to commemorate completion of lliV Panama canal and the hundredth ntinlorsnry of peace between English speaking peoples. A feature of tho bill was tho sections of a provision which would fix tho ratio of gold mid 'i'i to I z DRIVEN tl)ltla wo.uld follow iiinuy'ti ik'cUliMt OUT BE FEDERALS!; $ iU 4 any solitude of inqdljitljip, I'mi tier tium foreign office hnd Md thin road to the const will be completed The building ot tho line was mado possible by the voting or SiiOri.OOO municipal railroad bonds by tho res' dents pf Grants Pass T CHICAGO. Jul 2S Mayor Harri son today look a hnud In the vlco crusndn being waged by tho police when ho revoked tho licenses of two or tho best known saloons In th South Side levee district. The ac tion was taken on recommendation of Chief of Police Glnason, who said ho would ask the mayor to close everv saloou In the dlttrlct (lint violated the I o'clock cloning ordinance. SESSION AT PROVIDENCE IMMVlhKNVi:, II. I., Jlv UH. Cunnihi, Ireland ami nil weellon of the rnltfd Stales were repieentod ill the npeiihiir todnv of Ihe geneuil eouvenlion of the Ancient Older or Itihoriiintift, lloniil of Kriu. The convention will lie in M'ttiou until Thursday tiiglil. It was expeeled Hull u lender of llie oiunuixutinii in Ireland would liriiur n incroge on IrWi enitdillotw, nirtieulnilv with ie Rttrit In the I'Uter viliuilUiti. FRISCO WINS H0AD MEET ' (Continued from Page 1) WASHINGTON, July 3g.--llrlga. iller General I'unstnn reported today that tho Mevlcnn federal forces In Mexico City had taken tho offensive against the Xnputliitaii and drive,! them from nearby towns. Hrt , say.i there are III). 000 federals In, Dm Mux lean capital. Constitutionalist tloi)m lnmi Im-i colli- nrttvo along the railroad he-' tween Soledad and OrUalin. hut aio! acting In Independent hands Hliarj do l.opex, at tdo head of n hand of! some .00 ptloufc, Is until tl he laving wnsto (0 tho section mmth of Vein I'nu, towards the sea coast uulrhjy nu Her-llnm'alVflfnini ljvU,np. It oiiforoiH'o Of nirihiiwiidurti would In Its opinion servo no useful pui'pnsn while "conversations'' between Vienna and SI. I'o'orhurgii weio hIIII In ptd Kleifs. Tho attitude of Russia watt walched cniefMlly today In offlrliil rlretns here, mid the firm belief was ex pressed that Russia would enter tho ilstit In support of the tittle llluvio kliigdom ns noon M flghlliig miirted hi eiii'inut. T KING AUSTRIA DECLARES WAR I Continued from ps i.) CHECKS . LEFT Colonel Minis of Seven Ouks elec trified the nitdlenee by u routing ipeeeh, the keynote of which was Ihht II didn't make any iliricicuce where the next convention wn held or which wn.v Hit' mud mil, ns Ion. ii there wii ii convention inula load. Delegates VMt .-lilillnl MADAME CAILLAUX ACQUITTED This nfternoou the deputes visited Asliliind, going hv iiulo, um vi!lin? (leoi.o hove, eolini'il, wlm run o Imolhliiek hIiiiiiI on South Cunt nil avenue, lias vitiuhc1, nod llie xdoe ulleso he hits left hehilol sotn eheeKK for which Ihoro h un ftititU ill the hluih. The Aleil elftir Store wiih touched for $'h llie 4 'nUforiMii - and Austria refused, (lnrinaiiy sup porting her ally In tho contentlo'i that It' would he undignified for u great power like A nutria to appear before u tribunal of European powoi on tho same status ns the little Hai tian nation. AiMiluii Arnly Mnhlllmt Austrla-llungnry In the Interval 1 had proceeded rapidly with the mo hlllsatlon of her, great army. Tho entire railroad system was utllUcd tor mo movement oi troops irnius, . . mm At r t tho telegraph s)Stom was virtunllyl HUVI.6 ItKHhT f S ITiefKJ mouoolleU lor goveriimeui iiiisiiiom u i v It s xi ff,tly Mfe ti um Oiegou Power I'ninpnuv lor '."i, inn I the iimiiiI vieliiiix f lou-ii- ilie -ii-looiis for .mull nttuiiilihs ie-erlv. lions of Mr. Love have Immh 'iil iiurili, and iiulh in nu effoit to ni irehend him. i ' Experienced Women .i1 nX i (Continued from Pskd I) much for the prisoner. Sbgrull.ipne,l and fell In a heap on tho floor of tho prisoners' enclosure. "I will speak of nothing exrept tho asKasslnatlnn of M Cnliuette," Maltro Chenu was saving. "I will nik llie necn-ed whether, when su Mtke of her love for her iliitiuliter. .she lluniIit of llie two children oT M. Ciilmrtte, vvhoe jiie tures never left him. 1 shall not at tempt to pi into tin1 biography of Mine. Cuillnii.x. She is a cool, sou-t-ible vvomiiii, without rmutioii or pity. She ha t-nr only for herself." scenio sptJ. This moruiiitr Iho In dies of the Greater Medford club en tertililicil the vi-itiui; Indie nt Invok I'iihI nt I he Medford hotel. The -'-e'ml side of the convention will eloe this cveiiinif. Toesilnv tiflernOou was devoted to! speeches oil good romU, at which fcdcnil aid and state construction of liiuhwnvs, cliiuiimtiut; eoulrnelor was favored. W. II. (lore delivered the ndilrcK of welcome. Speeches I were inude by Judge C, II. WoUmi of uml n mI rift ciillMortthlli WrtH llllimseil , ll 'sivil Of sull murtl ll.v I-. d Servla has also mutilllxcd her force ii ..- ,Zh iti?.7"' and had withdrawn the garrison of ' KK2?.)fj lAp"' "'i,",'i ' llelgrude. the capital, to tho Interlo', FS''!T ji.l. "Tuts-'T. as tthi) chief city of Sorvla occupied I .J l'tjM l"n U.J ,i!ihi,s a position too vulnerable to ho held. Q (Pl 'llTimM xtsr-uy Kvcry vvar offlco and admiralty M y I ' J tl"1 rtti.Moi.ii Kurope was occupied In preparations, IxAfJ J ,M,,Jp .,1lflCrp;,,t:: for oveiitualllleH, even the smaller, vnuiun ttniim uii countries such as ......and. Delglum Jffl MS!$ SS and Hwltiertand tnklilk precaulloiinry fn, n Mtvieik of nnn nmn ihr4 measures I"'"' ""' Kntl, nHtiMruf emlirosailon, Then todny caiiio the formal dcc-u,rfUalo ,nn WitfUi4r ni.rr as to swu laratlnn of war by Austria-Hungary i il" uniiwesunry and ctmllnuous lM.sle .' , .,. ... ... ,.i..i.. i l"n. ioi miiisn ni n'xvn. .tiipiim i, "" " " "" - ' - fine nniin u nn lit 11 iniiirr uiatja In Pftriil niVlns. ' Thufo Is NvmiMit)' n. wl.tnjMl ilnis slum onywbrru but wlmt you ran rmiiy . elitnln tiotll- of "MoIImt1 friend" and ' I. k..l ......M ...u.. I ..111.. I- Te notification of the fuct was Brnijllu, wj, hfrif u,m-.i ii o. M,nrt yrars Titiwcisni inoitits nto unci ti llaiice, the other two countries which are Germany and Hal) Dcrliirntloii of War ... . .. . i.ni (lila nrtiiriKirt In I fin Scrvlnn mtv- . ywlf A-llllltlil, t OUIIIV.IItilie . . Wonielir " u f rr Itils siilrailM a-aUtsnt. nfKlnmillh Killls; Walter Cogch.ll ".irni. ".ri. i.n. .- .-".,,. ni-n.l H. - ,Wl-rl ..r r..r.,t.. iv I n v W..I.I. r heai iimitenat Kragn)evatx. by Urn. rtei.t Jtwiliior rn. sta Um.,i of r.ureku, till.; u. A. ueiiii oi ' " ' .... HMs;. Aitsau, k., fr nmiiy initf n mid S II. Moore ol " w"' anupaieii uere wioi n (.,,. si.. f.,r valiwtU mil, tvk u declaration of Urn b.mlnnlnif of i- tMnt uioiims. ('recent City Corwilli. OMAHA, Xeli., July '8. Mrs. Leah R.ewnter, widow of the late Kdward Itnscwnier, founder of the Omaha lice, and mother of Victor nnd Cluirle- C. Ro-ewnter, present owners of Jmt paK'r. died today, nged 71. Mrs. Rosewnlcr came to lhniilni with her liu-liand in 1801. She was liom in Cleveland. Von Get the Best There Is when yon smofc Gov. John son clears and patronlzo homo Indus tries. 4;X K:4sss4 - RED LETTER. DAY Wednesday, July 29th f -HA---r?-l C 10 S. & H. Green TratflriR Stahips FREE. No Purchase Required. Premium Parlors Second Floor Given nt (lie McCall Patterns, Exclusive Agents M. M. DEPARTMENT STORE RELIAHLK AIHUCIIANDISK. l.KLIAI.KMKTllOr)S ffiiOIC. AfAINSTWI-l-T Munsing Undorwoar, Exclusivo Agents TOO ITK 1X5 CLAHSIFT FOR SAI.K OH TltADB Seven Pekln ducks and one work horse. Mrs. I,. Klndor, Medford. 1 1 1 FOR KXCHANGK Stock ranch in good range country for Medford property, IC000.00. Clark Realty Co. FOR SALE I am offorlns; Mr sale IS Jersey, Durham and Holstein cows at from J 1 0 up. Must be sold at once. C. C. Hoover, phono 4C--Y. iin STRAYED Dne 'Duroc Jersey boar -weight about 0u pounds from Ilea'r creek on Carlton & Kee ti nmen north M'edford. If seen or taken up by any one pleaso notify Tom Frlecks. Phono 300. 110 FOR SAI.K 300 ncro hay and stock ranch by owner, 815 West Main streut. Ill NEAREST TO EVERYTHING Via -B-- 1 W fWM PVH-av Iit locatsd. ant) mot tK(iuIar hotel In the Cltyi clrcubtinB Ice water In every room. EMi-l altantUa U-Ua UavaWaa alna. . ICircllciit, icaionably priced etiiu Meet yo'ir fiirndt at llie Mstu. turepttn rln Hal 11.80 tap, Menittimtitt, ChitUr W, KiHy flropii Tnulinj' CREPE GOWNS 98t "Whito and bliic niul pink, extra full cut, pxlra Tino I'lolll. S. & IT. .Stamps CREPE DE CHINE $1.7.5 All .shades, full -10 indies wide, suitable for even ing I'tmttiinc.s. R. & G. CORSETS $1.00 to $3.00 Newest fall models, liu-o or hook front. DEVONSHIRE CLOTHj 20 YARD The only fabric on the market piaranf eed not to fade by simlfjrht or washing. New fall stoek j.isl arrived. RENFREW DEVON SHIRECLOTH 9 -,- f r JAP flILK WAISTS $1.08 These ineliule values well worth $1.50, new styles, HTfen, philc blue, yellow, while, a'll sizes. - L.'.fc hrfirt fiMA ar5f LrlflL ?ll Uri liil I W- m baf $2.75 $2.75 $2.75 $2.75 1UB PROOF SON. PROOF SALE LADIES' LOW SHOES $.'l..r)0 Velvet Pumps . .. '$.'.f)0 Patent Piiiiiim . . .. sji.'l.fl() Hat in Pumps .. . .'!)() Gun Metal Piunps . S, k II. (.ircoii Tradiii,' Stamps CAMPING BLANKETS-08 Clrav nnd tan, jilst the thinif for tho cool nights in ilio hills. S. & 11. Oreen Trading Stamps APRON SALE 5 "Wo place on sale big assortment of Slip-On Aprons, gingham and percale, today 69o, 60c, 80c S. & II. flrocii Trading Klnmiw KOVERALLS 75( Suit The only tiling J'or chil dren's play suits, all in one Kal'tncut, im '"'N red, while, nicely Iri'in nuid. H; & II. (Ireen Tnnlln Stamps t BOYS' HOSE 15 Double hceb Iriplo knee, fast black, as 'tfjiod as many 2.V hose on tho market. S. & II. flreen Trading Stamps MEN'S OUTING SHOE SALE I.Haelc Vici . .., Tan iMuleskiu Elk's .11 itle . .. S. & II. (Ireen Stamps $2.50 $a.oo IVadin m CHAMOIS GLOVES '18 I'Yciich finish, full 10- butlon length. S, & II, Oreen TratlliiK Stamps FREE Alcf'all Doll Palleru Kree to anv little trirl rnlliiitr on Wediii'Hthiv. No pur cIiiihii rooiiired. Rvtu---k .-Wiixf-. ftflHH9IEB OARHART OVERALLS Wo carry I lit coinplolo lino of Ibis famous iiinke, Once worn, alwavs worn.' SPECIAL SHOWING OT NEW rALL COATS, ALL OP THE NEWKtiT STYLUS 1ihlWW4 i y y y y y y y V t y f y y t y y y y y y y y f y y y y y y f y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y T y y y y T y (1 V . A. 4 ' t -tWT-