,u fPTKDFOTlT) M3OT; TUTBimE, MEPFORP, OWMION, FIHDAY, JULY 24, 10M -., -ji. PAGE THREE k - r UM-J E CONTRACT LET FOR GOOD ROADS BILL N WE RAID CHINES STERN MEASURES BIG REDUCTIONS ON ALL LOW SHOES At the Sign of t00O SMers" OffOSlTi: POST OFI'ICK SALE OF ASHLAND E CONNECTS PORTERS N E WITH HALF MILLION TAKENTO SUPPRESS AUXILIARY BONDS WITH OPIUM RING OR EVANS CREEK READYFORPASSASE 1 I A hr '? hfT (AhIiIiiiiiI Tlilliiga) TIio disposal tif AkIiIiiiiiI'h AiixII lu t y Water IliuitU, ri'imitly otnt In Hid until of tl7r.,nuo fur Mineral Hprliius tlmloiiiint, will lin talum 1 1 1 with liiwniura direct ninl nccotiw pllahml nt prlviilti nni -It being uvl tliint Mint niurii Hiitlitdictor)' roiulls Mill Hum lin gained, under pri'sntit financial roinlliloiiH Thlit win ilucll fit upon nt Tiii'mlay nlghl'a council ihci'IIhk, nt lilcli tliuo n apodal cum inlllro nn appnlntud to havo tho mnttur In charae. Tho roiiiinltton In tiiiiiiniil of Councilman Cunning linin of Dm f I nunc" rnnunlttt'q. C'liftlr itiiin (Itror of tho springs coiiiinliilon ninl City Attorney Mooro. Tiili nctlon waa docliled upon nftor tonnlilitrntlun of a Mack of eornH' potidcnrn from proapeclho bond liny urn which fulled to produco a satis. factory Itld. TIio lioml market la ap. pareiilly not overly strong nt present, preaumably owing to ueiteral flnaii. ilnl conditions nml tho further fnct Hint money I needed In largo iiunt (Ilea for tlm handling of tlm trcmon doiiN crop throughout tlio country At nny rnto tho bond houses nrn not tilting vrry strong nt tho per cent bonds though tlio Individual lnrt- or looks upon I In-in with fnvnr, JmU lug f"rom tho mans of correspondence received by City Uecorder Olllelte. I'ar anil accrued Interest In thr least bonds may ho polil for nml tlm com mittee ha no ilouht of lt anility to niarkul thorn nt that figure. At nny rnto tlm general NUKgcillon of bond speculator to tho clfoct Hint a five ami-half per cwit bond would ho tnoro aicoplablo, will not ho listened to nt present. WASHINGTON, July 21 .Bmldon withdrawal hy I'realdant Wilson of hi nomination of Thomas I). Jones of Chlrnco to ho n member of tho fed. urnl resonrt hoard Thursday ended tho hitler controversy over hi con flrmntlon lu the naunle. letter Hint passed between the president nnd Mr. Jones ncrompnnlod the executive iiicmbro nnd thawed thnt the Chicago lawyer requested tlm nctlon nod thnt tlm preMdont com piled with tomo regret Hint tho fight could not bo carried through to n flnUh. Senator Heed of Missouri, one of tlm domocrntn who linn opposed tho Jones Appointment, hnd Just flnlthcJ it dlulrlbo against the Internntlonnl Harvester company, of which tho nominee I a director, nod of those responsible for lin origin nnd opera Hun, whon tho withdrawal abut t further dobato. Opposition to tho nomlnntlou had liwn baked on Mr, Junes' connection with tho harvester company, which In tinder Indlrtmout na a trust, nnd tho rieiiato banking comiiilttoo had sub mitted n mnjorlty report adyorao to (Oiitlrmntlou, signed hy nil tho re publlciin nnd two domocrntlo nioin- belli. Nn tliango In Warburg Cae At tho Whlto IIouho It wan aald tho president's nctlon today did not Indi cate that thero wan nny clmnRo In hi dotermlnittlou to InnUl upon tho tonflrmntlon of I'nul M. Wnrburc, whoto nomlnntlou to tho rcuono hoard alto la being oppoited. IN UTS AGAIN CIIICAW), July 34. JiuIko Ilnher of tho appollHto court today rofuiod n petition of tho Cincinnati National tiuit ho Krnnt u uluy of dlmtolullon of tjio Injumtelon prohlbltlnK l'ltchor JohiiHon from pluyliitf with tho Kmn huh City KodurulH. Judge Konll Iiuh dlnjiulyod tho Injunction nml thero In no jCKtil Impedlmunt to Jolitmou'ii plaiylltK.' TWflf CANANEA MINES s NAUO, AlU.i July 81. Two Million of Hiu Can ii nun niinpuny nt CHiiumm, Hoiioni. wro on flru loduy nernrilliiK lo brief nilvlreit rei,elvei hero today Meilruiu woiMiik tlm luliitM leminiuil Hbor' MuHiUy iiHwlilliixly rir u tjrlktf UtiluK w)vrn wwkn, MnUe mllHNi'M liHVw Mm vh( WL SON WITHDRAWS IE NOMINATION The I'lilnii'il pnileM mi III" Kniitli eru l'liclHe IrniiiM i.ie tin ImU thnt eoiini'ct llm iiiiiim ling teeeullv ,uti enillieil nt Viincniivei', tlh .Meilfonl Iri Die heller or H, JJ. . H.imlifor ot llm Mlitle Imiinl of )liitriuiKy. He NiiyH Hint the iiiiiim U 'hiUKuleil in from (he Oiicul nt Vuiieouver, iiiHt.eil (o the purleiH, wliu ileponll it with Cliliiiiineu in llm tntviiK (lull lliev nit throiixli, Thnt u lin-go iimoiint of opium litis been lelt in Meilfonl in llm put. I few .vi'JiiM i hliiiwii hy tin ipiunlily found in tlm poM'h.iiii of the Cliiutimuii in llm ruld iinule lnxl ulglil by the city police on Hie Chin cm) mum iv ninl 11'Nlniiriiiit on hontli ltherlilc. Six of tlm Cliliiuinen hijiu tried he fore .liitlgo (lay (IiIm iuoiiiIiii; nnd pli'iiil irililt.V. They were fined 2." encli. Two nl hern of the llnileen nr- reNteil were lelenhcil on A2.1 honili on Die Muiie charge, J-'uu of lliein nil) lm lunrtllliU uflirnoojioii tlm more Merioiw cjoirv of liuvinu' opium lu their iMihtvioii, Threr if tticnt -.'111 hImi be Irieil 'for uninlililiK. The iiilulmiim niie for Intving opium Ck . 10(1, Tlni enne (luck not come tin tier eilv juiixilletioii, hut U n stale enne. Tim rnii) uiih iiinde nt muluilit IiinI illL'ht Iiv the cit ixillce. nnhUtcd W .Meitri". Snilluir mill Kuiitlefer of the hlnle hoitnl of diiiiiiiuc. Tliir Ireu Cliluiimeii were foiiinl in the luuiulry nnd the retiiumtit. Dlexcn of them were deep in gnmc or fnn tuu, nml Miiucthimr over $700 wu the htnleK, The policemen entered, covcvd the men with uun nnd eon foteiitetl the opium, the money nnd the fnuliin outfit. Wluil wuh loft of Hiu money wiin returned -to the Cliliiiinien nftcr their filled were ptiitl. A ('hlneti wOuinii who nppiirenlly tloei mil hptuk Die KnglMi liingiuige wiik umniij; IhtMo rilllght. DIED DdUAK Mrs. P.. A. Doinii. mother of J. II. I)iruu, Hie niinl ftee ilcliv cry iiuill enrner, died n( the Domn home, Axliliuitl, Tliuixlny, July '2'.. .Mrs. Ilnridi Iiiih Ihcii mi iiivnlid foi fixe jour. She is u nntne of Keu tueky, hut eniiii' to Axliliuitl from .Meilfonl uhout u enr ugo. IV 299 HOE! i - t ( r, Albert Auderion of (IrntiU Pane win the Hiircomiful bldtler for the "n Htrudlon of n new concrcto nrch bridge over tlm mouth of Kviiiih creok nt Itogim Itlver, and wiianwnrd- ed the contract by tlm Jiifknon coun ty court thin week, Hiibject to apccW tlrotluiiM to bo furtiUhed hy Knglneer Wm. HerlK. Tho contract prlco wna $7409, Knch bidder Mibinllted hln own plana, and tlm brldgo upon which Mr. Auderxou tuhmlttcd flgurea en Us for n apan or 110 fret, it will require nbotit three inontliB In tho building. Thero waa but one bid for a nteel hrldse, thnt by W. 0. I'orhnm. BLOODHOUNDS TRAIL I I.OH ANUKI-KB, Cal., July ?. A man giving the name of John Murph) wait arretted today on u l.on AukcIoh bound' Hlerni' Mad ro cr by Deputy thrrlffa aenrchliiB for two handlta who Ian night held up Southern l'a- rifle pataciiRer train No. 22, near llurbank The bandlta took $337 from pamienRcra. Murphy la raid to match dcacrlptlnnn of tho man who carried n awcdoff nhotgun. A iark of bloodhounda waa put on the trail of tlm fugitive today nt Hewitt whero tho robber left tin train. RAILROAD OFFICIALS ANGLING IN ROGUE J. W Metcalf, auperlntcndcnt of tho Blulhcrn Pacific company at Dummulr, la hero In hit private car "Shnata" with . C. Mulr, train mnitcr of the llakcrafleld dhlilon. enjoying n few days flailing In Hoguo rlcr. They were taken to tho river Thuraday evening hy W. V laaacs nnl each caught n atcelhend, Trlday waa alto apent on tho river PeminPtorirUMC ' . . Firearms and nPHE remarkable shooting public to Remington-UMC rifles and shotguns, shot shells and mctallics means just one thing That sportsmen everywhere are becoming more con scious of tlieir desire for the dependability that they find only in Remington-UMC arms and ammunition. So you see the keen sportsman, when buying new rifle or shotgun, so to the dealer who displays the Red Ball Mark of Re.n- hgton'UAlC. Or if he is already tendency is more and more to shoot Remington-UMC shot shells and metallics the ammunition that flatters any make of gun. The Red Ball Mark, of Remington-UMC find the dealer who displays it. Look for it on every box of ammunition you buy. To keep your gun cleaned and lubricated right, use Rem Oil, tho new powder aol vent, rust preventative, and gun lubricant. Remington Arms-Union Metallic Curtridge Co. Broadway fiT111 ' 7Ti 1 . B CI iTSVav I in ijr i fS -mB&k S5c . ""II ssMTilT-nissl am YCirr---52lS. aaa"ssilsBBBB Ul'-ntfiniilllMaMsssssssP MsBKaasssBBBBsSsSsPI aBaHHSBV--B WAHIIINOTON, July 2l.-gcuutar i)r)un'n Hood Ito.iiU hill, a auliMtltutu fur Hut Hlinrklffonl bill, nlrfmlr 'inu'i'd hy tho lioimc. waa ready to be !-...., .,..! i, tllA ., I,. (ml... Til. incioiiirii hnd rocclvetl tlm approval of the reunte committee on pot offlcea 4iKl poat ronda, I'nilur tho ternia of tho Hryan bill, tho federal govern men t would Initio finycar, thrco per rent lionda to tho amount of $r.o0,000.0()0 In lots of $100,000,000 each fur flvo year, lie fore ktato could participate In the funda tho)' would bo required to do poKlto an etiunl amount of i per cent honda which .when deposited In ho troaaury department would uo ex changed forcaih. Tho J. per cent dlfferenco would make uiia:lnkln fund to aid the alatea In retiring- the hundi. .- ff ' Tho creation of a federal highway commission to aUpcrvlite the expendi ture of highway fundi la n feature of tho llrjan bill. Tho communion would bo compOHed of the chairman and membcra of tho senate and house coinuiltteca on roncj, tho director of tho offlco of public roads and a United States army engineer. NO ONE IRAPPED IN BURNING MINE IHHOhAS,' Arir., July 'J I. The Overxight nnd Vein (Irunde minch of the Cuiinuca Concolidntetl Copper company nt Cmiuneu were found on fire early today. The Vcta Uninilc wan hiiriiiii' in several place, Kiviiiff riKt) to the belief Unit the fire was ineeiidinry. Company offieinls Miid they ioeil to gxt the hlnre in that mine under control today, but not much hoH! wan held out for the Oversight mine, to which it conneetH hv tunnel. Allcntiim centered initia lly on meaiiires'to Keep the fire within its present IiouutR The Topper Queen helmet prow of Kcnhonetl men l ell route to the mine becniiHC of firit reports that hvvernl miners were entombed, but it (level oped later (hut no one unx trapped. Ammunition favor shown by the H fitted with a rifle or shotgun, his -g mft New York LUB fV.!l,l rr in- m J. Li. I T-y .i N i'A . fi 8T. I):Ti:il8niMtO, July 2t. Kteru meaaurea wero taken by tho authorities today to aupprcxs tho atrlko rlota which havo been In pro grew for sevoral days In tho streets ot tho capital nnd during which a largo number of casualties havo oc curred In tho conflict between tho polleo and tho Cossacks and tho strike Ing workmen. Considerable leniency waa shown during tho presenco hero of Itaymond I'ofncare, president of tho French re public, bnt Immediately after his de parture four rcglmcnU of cavlary of tho guard and two regiments- of Cuirassiers under tho command of General Kasnanoff arrived from Krasnoyc-Selo to assist In suppress- lag. the disorders. They brought with tacjii. a number pt qulckflrlng ma catae guns. . $ '"A fiuadroB of the ewly arrived cavalry at onfd eamo Into Intact with tho strikers, charging and dispersing a crowd of them. Tho authorities estimate tbo num ber of strikers at 135,000, but It is believed tho total Is greater. Tho street car service, which has been Interrupted for 48 hours, was restored today. This fnct incensed tho strikers, who hurled volleys of stones at tho cars and their drivers as they proceeded through tho streets. Several demonstrations wero attempted, but tho manltestants wero quickly disponed by Cossacks. In tho meanwhile they fired a few ahots at tho wlndowa ot private houses from which stones had been thrown down at them. Ono feature of tho strlko Is that tho movement has been joined by many government employes. DRY GOODS IMPORTERS MAKE AN ASSIGNMENT NKW YOIUC, July 2l.noe.ncefcr Hroe-el & Co., inimrtcrs and denier in dry good-, mni)9 a general uhij;ii ment today for the benefit of credit or. Attorneys lor the firm declared that litihililien wero approximately fl,200,000 and afreets in cxee of that Mini. The nM'-'iiment, according to tho uttonievrf,wn!. eaused by Hie eiirtnilmeut of r l he firm's foreign credit. IHiBI J ". ( ' . "ffl With a good oil cook bother bo luggiac of wood, cod er ashes. There's bo flMke bo waitisc for ing starts at once sad whea yoa're through you siaiply tun off the heat bo fael watted. The Nw Pftr&ctioM OIL COOK stove is sot jtut a "quick laBch", light hoBsekeeptBg afklr. It is a cowplete all 'round stove that yea cam hake. broil sad roast oa just as range and a lot cheaper. overheat the kitchen. Doesn't smoke. Doesn't taint the food. Dealers everywhere. Standard Oil Company for aw xTTTi BEST RESULTS Safcw MCOTord UC PEARL OIL Sunday Excursions TO CRATER LAKE $13 Round Trip Beginning next Sunday tho Hall Taxi company will rua 8uaday auto excursions to Crater Lake with Crater Lake auto stage No. 2. Tho conditions aro we mut have Hve or more passengers before making these trips. , Passengers can return Monday or at later datea oa Crater Lake auto stago So. 1, when not tilled with passengers paying regular (are. PHONE 100 AND RESERVE SEAT OKDEft Tho Hall Taxi company has aiso RKDUCKU MUCKS OX TOUKINO CAR SERVICE Four passenger cars 13.00 for first hour, 2.00 for each hour thereafter. Six and sercn passenger cars $3.50 per hour. To Jacksonville ono, twq or threo passengers, $1.75; 50c for each additional pasftengr. To other towns and points, prlcoa In proportion. $16.00 per day eight hours for four passenger cars. Our excursions to Itoguo river (Dybeo'a brldgo), Icao every Sunday at C a. m., return about S p. in. $1.00 round trip, reserve scat order. Hall Taxi Co. y Phone 100. Seel y aud Coiu-t Hull, Mgi$v VACATION IN THE SHASTA MOUNTAINS Tho Shasta region ottora to tho lovor of outdoor llfo an Ideal pltt to spond a vacatiou. Mountain climbing, fishing, huuting or enjoy ing tho mineral sprlngu with which this region abounds. ? SUNStT oo".a. iXSOj Low Round Trip on ham; DA1KV TO Dull a Lainolno Hliinus Sweet llrlur Castolla Caatle Itoclc ' r Custlo CragK Dunmiuilr Upper aVida atprlHKK Hhusta Hot run t Blianta Spring Molt UUsou Hhata MouutalH Home Week End Fares To kovtirul of Ilia uhflvu iwjlHta (ioit ainHiJalo t AsiiM4 ku4mht. Call wh UintrtM KntWa faaiWfl t fan, (rate vrtfk, 47 U mjf JiiaU W ftaf BBaf W fiMm! m AsBBIBbI. MatBBBBBBBBBBB I Irvf mi api.' lavafai anaiaiaipav sEpaw arwaawsjaa)' m m, "ht VJr ' thetoch Qjk nuttcni store there's bo delay er the fire te "catch tip". Cook vrcll aa oa a wood er eoal Best of all it doeaa't An ideal ramaer Hove. -,-4, jS) cifX Excursion Fares t? r art fr n4H t iim mktt i i iv it ml,