& "tjs A n Medford Mail Tribune SECOND WEATHER Mnv. in Mln, KJ Ilel. Hhw. BO. VI EDITION V r k pV V '' ! f I'orly-fniirlh Yr. Dully Nlnlli Yunr. i.ij - SUIT FILED TO OF Attorney Gcncr.il McReynoltls Begins Action, Allrnlna Unlawful Monop oly of Traffic Lines of New Eng land Criminal Prosecution to Fol lowAsked to Restore Competition NKW YOKK, July 23.--Civil null lo I'uti'n the separation of the New York, New Hnvrii i. Hartford rail i mill company from it subsidiary mil. trolley anil steamship Hnei un der tin? Bhrimim milMrust net was flli'il In Ihe feilenil court here today liy Alliirnev (leneritl Molteynoldi. The suit begun today has no nclunl connection with Ihft eriminnl indict meiilM, nhleli Ihe iitlnrney general mIII uk n feilenil grand jurv I" re 1 lit II nu'iiiiixt Ncm Haven officials Mini director roncenicd in the upbuild ing of the alleged Wiitnw fill eombiua linn in restraint of trade, The eriin iniil proceeding! Mill he conducted in. Iii IkiiIIv itf the civil mill. Mini the failure or success of one In not ex ieelei lo nffeet Ihe other. Criminal Prix-ceding I'ollnvr T. W, Gregory, special assistant to Ihe iitloruey general, who wrote nml rilcil Ihe brief, nml F. M. Swnrkrr, on e.Mrt from tho interstate com ineree enmmlsiou, Mho has Morkeil ninny months on Ihe case, lire expert, eil lo lay the ciilenee before Ihe grand jurv hern on Mhleh iixlieliurnts Mill he naked. II vvii understood here lodiiy lluil thee officials feel lhe lime Niiffieieni evidence to nmke out it prima facie ene against many New lluvcn officer nml directors, itnd if I hit vieM In eorreel. indict ments tuny bo relunied within a few week. - Such neliou mIII uinrk Ihe begin iiliuf of tthnt imiv timvo lit bn Ihn iikihI iinporlnnt eriuiiniil proceeding ever undertaken under Ihe Sherman iiiililrii-t net In Ihe twenty-four enrs it Iiiih been nn (he slnlulc books. To Ihe civil hull Ihe New Ha ven mil v not offer nnv unnl dcfni'-o, hul government officials Mimhl be greatly surprised If tho nlteuipl to convict directors and officers does not lend lo a emit If mil Imltle, which probably Mill not end thin Hide of Ihe Toiled Stales supremo court. .n Unlawful Monopoly Tlie brief written bv Mr. Gregory ihuigcH Ihe New Haven with being mi unlawful ninnnimly, which eon IihIn moro than till iter eeul of the railroads and trolley Irnflio of nil New Iltighiml mid mole limn 8.1 iter cent of Ihe slenuishlp transportation I in I' fie of that region. The court is nked lo restore oomiiclition bv or tiering the Heparallon of I ho New Haven from thn Ilnwloii .V Maine railroad, from its Sound mid outside steamship linen, and from IIh trolley system in Ithode Island and Coiinee lieut. The brief suggests (hut if the court deems best, It nppoiut u receiver to take over tho uropoity and bring it in bin mou v with tho law, and asks for the iiimdiiiiiiry "general lelief" if the eouit finds it necessary, Tho brief I'utijiM Milh It an exhibit purporting (Continued on piiro two.) I WEATHER OF YEAR CHICAdO, July 'Jib Tho minimi mi'hI today oxpuiieuceil ouo of Ihu liottent day of tho riiimmor, In Dii au Ihu tliorinuiiiiitiT reaehed OJVj dcKices, the lilglieht point of tho year. Indiana, Ohio, Illiiioln, MIkhuui-1, Kiiiihiih and Imvii Nwelteicd in (ho tninperutureH roaehiuK IiIkIi into tho iHU, Rniuo i-cllof wan proai'mcd for loiiimrow. IhumtiHii oC Ilio IiIkIi voHiiko in the air, duo lo approaching hIoiiiih, and tint oxt'nKnlvo humidity, eiiHen of in sanity in ('IiIiuiko huvo iiiniciiHcd in the hint two weeks, aceonliiiK to H 1. DavNi a county physician. Highly cnheH of menial dtHouler worn iIIh poHcd of In tho (limit for tho hmauo liiHt week and fifty-fivo eaweH wero heafa today. UNMERGE LINES NEW HAVEN CENTRAL W SWELTERSINHOTTEST ROUND TABLE CRISIS AS WITHOIITBRFAK More Hopeful View of RmcIiIm a Peaceable Solution of Home Rule Problem Follows Avoidance of Rupture at Today's Meeting Com promise Still Unfound. LONDON, July 'JIl.-Thn InliiiK oxer of lodny'n eillieul M'hlon of Ihn conference at Hiickiuuhnui I'ul aeo on the UMcr ftltuiitlcni Milhuut Ihu oeeurreneo of a ruptuio eiealed a drcidedly more hopeful view iiuiniij; the Rcnernl ptiblie ax to the uiileumc of Ihn illKouNNloim heiMeen Ihe hlnleH iiii'ii repreeulinu' the different par lien, Amoiij.' Lllivriilii and HiiioiifoU (here vxMx nil impreiou that u (.etlleuiPiit Mill bo reaehed, if not by the conference iUelf, then out .iiln of il. The NiilioiinlintH show eH eoufideiiee. The fiudiui; of n holiitiou Ntill IiIiikcn enlirelv on Ihn dineovery Af u cnuiprotuUo in rt'Kard lo tho thorny problem iih tt whether Ihn eountieh of Tyrone and IVnuiiiuiKh chnll ho iiieliiilrd in tho urea Mhich ihn ad. herenlK of Kir Kdwnrd Carnon, the Ulnlrr t'nlonint lender, deuuiiulN nhnll ho allowed lo vole an u whole on the Ktihjcct of cxcIunIiui fnnn tho control of tho Dublin parliament. Tho NntlnuniixtM urn ready to at low tho four enMiteni couiilion of I'l hler lo iin n ninnlc urea, but elMim that Tjrono and Kenniimh nnM eneh be allowed to eat u feparate euiinly vole n MieMed previously by Premier Aiuilli. HEAVY TENDENCY IN STOCK MARKET Ni;V YOHIC. Jul) -:. Itcnewnl of the Kohl export movement mid tiling of Iho New Haven hiiit with u reeoiu. meiiihitiou for iveeiverxbip were Ihe main factum in todaV market. Tin eloho wan heavy. Aguiu lakiiiK itH euo from London, where American Mora Htibstnuliiilly lower, tuihiy'rt hlook market mani fi-Mcil a heavier teudeiie) in the early tlenliiipi. Virlually all UmieH were lower, hnl only Cnundlau 1'aclfio and Lehigh Valley vvem eKpecially heavy, deeliuiiiK a point. Ilaltimire & Ohio fell to its recent low price uud ('lies, ancako & Ohio and Kcniliui; appear ed to bo under prcxMiro. MihMiuri I'ncitio eouvertibloH mcu( lower than yetitorday and a nIIkIiI recovery In Itook Island dehenliirux wiih hooii of. faced. Standard stocks vvenv little changed. Anions NpeeinltieH, Sears Itoebuek roxo three nointH. J OF Ni:V YOI.IC, July U.V Judun Maud of Iho United Slalen district court toduy appointed (leoic C. Holt, a tormer lederal jtulije, hpecial iniihter to prexido at a moetint of tho oredilorx of Iho II. II. Clufliii I'ompuuv lo bo. held hero tomorrow. Tho (special tiinstor in empowered to delermiuu nil ipieHtioim whlcli may nritic, Hiieh uh eliKihility of oruditom lo voto and amount of chimin. POLICEMEN LEND HELPING HANDS TO UNFORTUNATES NKW YOHIC, Muy ffil. A fipoelul aout for tho department of eliari tiuH who, dlHK'uised ay u beK'U", .told u hard look talo to polioemou, filed a report today in which ho (dated that forly-Koven from amoii) fifty approached nro ready to load a help Iiik hand, and Home oven a liolpiiiK dlmo to n poor follvw who in liuiiKiy. Tho Hpecial ajjont visited various IjartK of tho city mid only throu po lieeineii whom io upproaolied refused to listen to hia utory. Tho othern helped him by HiiKestinj,' vvhoro ho oould apply for food ami several tried to ko ii'm u job, MEDFORD. FIRST WIFE OF IS OF EARLY LOVE Mme. Gueydan Says Domestic Life With Ex-Premlcr Was Tender Revenps Herself Upon Prisoner by Referring to Her as Husband's Mistress Case to Jury Tomorrow. I'AltiH, July 23. JiiiIko LouIn AL bntinrn court In tho pnlnco of juatlcc. wtiero Minn. Calllnux, wfn of tho for mer premier, (i nndcrKoliiK trial for tho murder on March 10 of (Initon Calmotto, editor of tbq I'lKuro, was nn crowded nn uver today when tho fourth lionrliiK started. Many of the people hail count lo Reo Joieph Call Imi confronted, nrcordliiR to tho prac tlco of tho French courts, with for mer I'ormlor Iiul Ilarthou, who had tMien oubpoenacd am a wltncm. Tho testimony was to ho concluded today with tho ovldoncno of M. Ilar thou find of Mndamn llertho Uuoydau, tho first wlfo of Calllaux hut before llioy wero duo to coino to tho Mund half n doivn other wituesscft of leg. ser Impurtanco wero to testify. Primmer 1-VeU Strain JoKoph Calllaux and bin friend, Panes! Cvccaldl, lmil visited tho pris oner licforo tho hearlnB beRan. They found that tho lorn strain wnn bc KlnnlnK lo tell on her and that sho foil exhausted and III, but sho showed ntroiiK determination to faco her or deal with calmness. Tho testimony of tho first thrco witnesses today concerned tho two private letters which tho defenno seeks to show (Initon Calmotto In tended lo publish. (laslou Drejfus. a banker and n friend of tho murdered editor, camo lo tho stand and oxplalnod that tho clunlUt, 1'aut I'alnlovo, who had yes- terdoy testified that M. Dreyfus had told him tho KlRnro waspolnc to pub lish n number of prlvato lottcm. must hnvo mltunderstood him. Ho had re. ferred to tho Victor Fabro report on tho llochotto Nwludlo affair mid not to prlvato letters about which ho know notliluc. Minor WllneMie. lleaiil An official or tho trcnmiry depart ment, Aiulro ltolsslcr, testified to bo inr; present during n conversation ot a croup ot Journalists In tho lobb) of tho chamber of deputies when it Is utatcd that letters shortly would bo published, Francis lies Clnux, private secre tary to M, Calllaux when minister of financed, declared that Audra Vcr oort, editor of tho l'nrla Journal, camo to hlih and told him Mmo. Quoy. dau had proposed to hint to publish two lottors which alto produced, lln had, ho said, Informed Calllaux ot this and ho exclaimed: "Dtit tlioHo aro letters which woro stolen from mo. I hopo no newspnp or niuu can bo found to publish thotn." Mine, (lueyibui on Stand Tho rapid succession ot witnesses was Interrupted by tho confrontation of Gaston Droyfus mid Paul I'alnlovo, both ot whom maintained tho ac curacy of their depositions with con siderable heat. Amid much murmuring among tho public, Judh'o Albauel ended tho In cident by saying tho Jurors inuut bo loft to dochlod for thomselvcs nj to tho accuracy of tho ovldcnco. Mmo. (luoydiin, n slender woman of medium height, then criuo Into court. Sho vvaa dressed simply In black and woro n small bluo bat, with blue feathers. Sho looked tq bo 35 or ao years old. llor faro wan drawn In traulo linos, hor black oyca idiow- Iiik from groat eockota lu hor wasted (Continued on Poko U.) L STRIKE OE IRON WORKERS CALLED NKW YOI.IC, July 23. A j-euornl htriko of 0000 Inside iron workers lias been called to w into uffcut next week for tho enforcement of a new whko Betilo and working oonditioiiH, Tho nmfu demands nro a nluo-hour work day, fivo days In tho weok, a fivohoui' workday on Saturday, a minimum boiiIo of $1.0 a week for finishers, $1(1 for hulporn uud ll! for appreiitlues, union aj;iecmoiit and uuuilury bhopa, t CAILLAUX TEL OlimON, jMlUKSfMY, PATHOLOGIST WILL BE Medforil will not lnu il-f weather burrhti, nor will the of fice be separated from that of the putholojcint. The threaten ed U of Iho bureau was due entirely to a iiiisunderxtmidin. The palholoxistV office will re main in tho (larnett-Corey hiiilduijr mid the new patholo gist, l'rofe.tor Heiiilersoii, will also look after the weather. IX PASO, Tex.. July U.'l.-A doubly enforced embargo on miiiii tions ahiujr the Texa-oNuw .Mexican boitl'T went into effect today. Gen eral Georjo Hell, Jr., in charge at Ft. HliKx, i-hiied orders that no revolu tionary officers be allowed lo eioo to this fide of the international line. Thoe already on this side will be deported by the mjlilia. The border patrol also wan rciwrtod as having received new onlers repirdin niuni lions. General Villa, who Ik vibitiuc his fonner iiiouutaiu home in western Chihuahua, has remained silent te pirdiui; what part bin troops will play in tho entry into Mexico City. Villa's force) could not move south within I hive weeks, it was estimated. Announcement thai, Villa would vinit the bonier here before Koim; soinb eompleled Ihe belief that be would tnko no part in tho proeeediuirs. Carnumi's njentt here todav said that Ihe commander-in-chief Mould return from Tampieo, iiliuc Salt illo mid ciihtcrn Texas border points before j;oin: lo .Mexico fit v. It was said that Cnrrnn-a hnd left matters jvci tniinuj; to the situation at the capital in tho bauds of General-, Ob rc;on mid GonruIc.. HEARINGIN AUGUST RAI.KM. Ore, July 2.1 -Advices Vero received today by tho Oregon railroad commission that tho Intcr- stato commoreo cominlslsou will hold a hearing lu Portland on August 7 to dotermlne whothrrthoSopkane. Port land and Bcattlo railroad comivauy shall ccaso oiveratlag Its Columbia river boat lino between Portland and Tho Dalles. Under tho Pauama canal act It Is uulawful for n railroad to operate n boat lino with which it com- polos. Tho act provided that all railroads should ccaso operating such linos on July 1, OF J500 IN STAMPS SAN FltANCISCO, Cut., July 'Jib lita! inspectors hero were iufoimed today thai tho pnMoffico in Danville, Contra Cosln county, miis robbed early today of .f.'iOO and .friOO in stumps. Tho sufo wns blown by cracksmen who escaped in nn automobile. Sup posedly Ihey aro tho sumo nunc which has been operating in small towns of Central California for a mouth or more. marsIlIhoT in liquor search TULSA, Oklu.. July 83. Holmos Davidson, United Statoa murshnl for this district, and William U. J'lunk, u deputy, woro abot and almost In stantly killed hero today by William Uabor, when thoy attomptod to enter tho lrtttor'u roaldoiico 4o aoarch It for coutrabuud liquor, DOUBLY ENFORCED ARMS EMBARGO MEXICAN BORDER .ILihV 2.'?, VM a mm sms FAVORS MERCY FOR CONQUERED No Leniency for Those Directly Im plicated In the Death of Madero cr Who Overthrew Government Car hajal Delegate Leaves to Negotiate Terms of Peace. VICTOIUA, Mexico, July 23. Gen eral Carranxa today advocated len iency In "treatment of tho conquero.l by tho victorious constitutionalists. ' Ills statement was mado In a speech at n banquet tendered by Victoria citizens. General Carrauta said It must bo never forgotten that all Mexicans aro brothers but declared ho could not extend the hand of brotherhood tj thoo directly Implicated In tho deaths of Francisco Madero and Pine Saurcx. No lnlencjr for Atomssln-i No leniency, he said, could be ex pected for those who took an active part In overthrow Ing tho constitution al government of Mexico and the murder of Its president and vice president. Tho law would be observed strictly. ho tald and those charged with par ticipating in tho crcrmo would be Judged according to tho law. WASHINGTON, July 23. A dole gate authorized by Provlilonal Presi dent Carhajal to negotiate for tcrma of icaco with General Carranza waa duo to leavo Vera Crux today for Tamplco. Within two or three days an armlstlco suspending hostilities throughout Mexico is expected. Car ranza already has notified tho state department ho will agree. Messages from Provisional Presi dent Carbajal to that effect were shown today by his porsoual repre sentative. Joo Castcllot, (o Secretary Uryon. No ArmMlen Vet Signed. Mr. Castcllot said tho reports from Mexico City to tho effect thai an armlstlco had already been slgncJ wero rematuro, but with tho arrival of tho Carhajal delegates at Car ranza'a headquarters such a truce would bo nfade. Word was received from General Carranza by his agents hero that ho Intended to spend but a few days In Tamplcco, returning then to Saltlllo. Ho wired that ho had ordered Gen oral Gonzales and tils forces at San Luis Potosl to proceed at onco to Quorctaro to form u Junction with tho forces of General Obregon. DOPE RENDS ASK TO BE LOCKED UP UOCllKSTnit. N. Y July 23 Driven desperate by their Inability to purchaso heroin, cocaine, morphlno and other habit-forming drugs sinco July 1, whoti tho now stato law pro hibiting tho salo ot thoso drugs bo camo effective, eight victims qt drugs, nil young men, applied to tho police yesterday and today and asked to be locked up Several ot tho men de clared that It thoy woro not placed in confinement, thoy feared thoy wouliW cither commit murder or self-destruction. To meet tho situation, stops huvo been taken to opon a hos pital for tho detention and treatment ot tho victims, and others who may apply. TO LIMA, Peril, July IKl.-A enmspir- aoy against tho government was dls- covc.rod last nudit, rtiul u number ot plotters wero Mirprl-oil and captured u tho veskleneu ot uianlo liaiiiueim Ilurraueo. Tho prisoners included sovon military men, all of whom oon- fessed that it wns their intention to overturn tho government. FIRE DESTROYS BUSINESS PORTION OF LA CROSSE LA C'ltOSSK, Wis., July 'J.I. Firo today destroyed tho business seotion of this town, cuu-dii n h8 estimat ed at $30,01)0. Tho fire started iu a hotel. AH bulldipgs burned were of fruoio construction, E LIBEL DAMAGE Statement by Ex-President Attack Inn Political Leader Declared Laok- Inq In Dignity, Self-Restraint and Without Foundation Appeal to Courts Only Recourse. NKW VOItK, July 23. Chairman Wm. Parties of tho republican stato committee announced that ho had In structcd his counsel to bring suit for lllxd against Theodore Roosevelt, based on Colonel Roosevelt's state ment of last night attacking Mr. llarncK and endorsing the candidacy of Harvey I). Hlnman for the noml nation for governor at the republican primaries. Tho amount of damages for which Mr. Harns would sue apparently had not been determined at the time ho Issued his statement. It was said, however, that It would bo for a sub stantial sum. The suit will be brought in tho an prcmo court, Mr. Harries announced within a few days. "I havo nothing whatever to say la reply to Mr. Roosevelt's diatribe, ex ccpt that it lacks dignity, rclf-ro straint and Is without foundation," reads Mr. names' statement. "When an issuo ot this kind Is raised by a person of such prominence one h.u but one of three courses. To submit tho aspersion; to enter into an un seemly personal controversy, or to ap peal to tho courts, In order to enable tbat person who utters tho libel an oportunlty to produce legal evidence. "1 deny tho truthfulness of every statement made by Mr. Roosevelt in his publication this morning and have Instructed my counsel to bring an ac tion for libel without delay ngainst him." STENOGRAPHER BREAKS WORLD'S SPEED RECORD SAN FRANCISCO, Cab, July 23. In a speed trial held beforo Judge Sturtevaut, presiding over tho super ior court ot San Francisco, Lasher B. Gallagher, 20 years old, who has stud led stenography only two years, wroto 284 words a minute, trnich was as fast as anybody In tho room could read to him but apparently not as fast as ho could write, for ho was not flurried In tho least. In tho na- tlonanl shorthand speed contests 280 words a minute is tho highest reading speed, and In the last contest the winner got 2,2 woias correct. Young Gnllaghcr read his notes back correctly, and comparison with tho original, which was a legal trans. crlpt totally unfamiliar to him, showed that ho had not made an er ror. NO HOPE OF AVERTING THREATENED STRIKE SAN 1.K1.NA1.D1NO, Cab, July 'J... No hope for settlement of tho dis. puto between railroad nuiiingvrs and enxinemen of western railroads, now under mediation in Chicap), U held out in a telegram received hero today by local officials of tho engineinen from Chicago. "Prospects settlement unfavor able." tho telecrnm reads. "Wo may leave hero any day. Mediators suj: j;eat arbitration.. We decline." ASK PRESIDENT TO WASHINGTON, July ail. Appeal., to President Wilson for tho release of Herbert S. Hoekin, serving a sentence in Leaveiiwoith penitentiary for hi" part in tho celebrated dynamitu ouc, and who was douuuneed by tho jjov ernmeut as the "lugo of tho conspir acy," are hoiiur presented at Ihu white house ami to Attorney General Mu Itoynolds. Tho ease will coma be fore the president in u few Q)m BARNES SO ROOSEVELT FOR NO. 105 STRIKERS SLAIN DY COSSACKS IN STREET BATTLE Five Workmen Killed, Eiqht Wounded in Flflhtlnq at St. Pdersfaurn, Which Ceases Only at Dawn 120,000 Men Quit Work in Russian Capital Red Flags and Sent. ST. PKTEI.SnUI.O. July 2.1. At least five atrikinjj workmen wero killed nml eight seriously wounded durinc the fislitinj: in the streets of St. Petersburg between striken, and Cossacks, which rontinued through out the night mid coated only tit dawn this raoniinff. Three polico of ficials also are known to have been severely injured. The figures quoted .ire official, but it is generally understood that the casualties nmonir tho strikers wero much henvicr, as it .1-4 believed they concealed n number of their dead and wounded. Offieinl returns of the number of men who have quit work give the to tal of 120,000 in the city itself, These include tho streetcar rtnphiycs, but do not comprise a large number of unskilled laborers in the bunldin? and other trade. Men carrying red flngi spent tho night mnrehitu,' and singing revolu tionary songs in the outlying open spaces of the capital, while in tho Viboru district they cut down tele graph poles and upset n number of vans, with which they constructed barricades nenws the streets, from tho shelter of which they stoned tho police and Cosacks. The mob is also accused of hnviu? fired some re volver shoK Tho strikers, however, 'cytiiituallyilisiterseii and tho barri cades were destroyed, but onlv after ihe Moliee and soldiers had been sub jected to hot attacks with volleys of stones iu four different parts of the, city and hnd fired volleys from their rifles in return. Karly today strikers attempted to set firo to the Summon bridge, across the river to the Viborg district, and they also tried to destroy tho neigh boring waterworks, but n strong de tachment of polico arrived in time. TO RESTORE PEACE IN WASHINGTON, July 2,l.-lWi-bility of American intervention iu Haiti and Santo Domingo to restore peace continued today to bo an ab sorbing topic, of discussion in admin istration circles. Lato official dim patches regarding the situation in tho revolution-torn republics gavo but little hope that tho contending elements iu tho two countries would be to restore order. Tho question of a possible move ment of mnriucs into Haiti was up for discussion at today's conference between Secretaries llryau and Dan iels. Moro decisive fighting at Puerto Plata on tho northern count of the Dominican Republic, was forecasted iu a dispatch today from Captain Kberle, of tho eruiuor Wurdiinelon, saying that the federal gunboat In dependencia bad anchored six miles oast of tho town. General Vasquez also had arrived with a small body of fresh federal troops. WITH CARRANZA WASHINGTON, July 23. Secre tary llryau encouraged by hU latent dispatch from Special Agent Caroth ors today Issued this statement: "Carothors, special representstlva or tho ritate department tete&rapliu from Kl Paso that ho considers it unfounded all rumors ot aaothr' break hotween Villa and Carra., -Also states that border ltuUq J much Improved." INTERVENTION HAIT PROBABLE VILLASTILLFRIENDLY 'M da "i fii .-: t