! 'h h o Ml -, , 1 o V PAQJC TWO IStEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MHDKO.Rl), ORKOONT. AYIUDNESDAY. .1UI.V 22. t$)W fill' I I I, ! f , ,', I Personal Slato damn Varden Kvans, Master TlKh Warden Kspiind, Deputy War den Bandry, .Merrill nnd Hubbard J spent Wednesday In .Medford going over fame protection tin southern Oregon, i k Baniuel ltorfenberg nnd family have returned from Brattle nnd the east to spend the Minynoc upon their fm ottriBrar creek orchard. ir. Hoscn Iwty (hljikR jirospocln for tho valley nns excellent nnd cays that Hear t'.rk has U banher hpplo crop this .pftfton.vduo to heavy smudging, See It. H, McCurdy for Aetna Fl- dollly nnd Surety Bonds. " Alwa)s look for Uanley & Carle tnn'R meat ad. Something good. Judson Lujiton formerly of Mod ford, who was reported killed by be ing thrown from n horse at Staunton, Vn,, writes to Van Ollbcrt that he Is nil right nnd Reed as over, after spending some time In a hospital re covering from hR Injuries. Tho "new" meat market at tho public market Is Riving the people some, cheap prices. 10. J. J, Cole of Ashlnnd transacted business In this elety Wednesday! H, D. Montag was ,down from Port land this week on business. Hay for sale. W Jf.'Everbsrd. C, pulherlnud was among those over from Ashland Wednesday morn ing on business. O. It. Phillips of" New York was a recent business visitor In this city. Kodak finishing and supplies at ( Weston's Camera Shop. Over Isis Theater. J. P. Mlnard, a Los Angeles busi ness man. was a Mcdtord visitor Wednesday. Kthcl Woodcock and Miss Stttli n Holland nro spending a few days as the guests of Med ford friends. Try a "Spit" cigar, best 6c cigar on tho market. J. C. Pendtcton, an orchcardlst of tho Table Rock section, made bui ncss visit to Mcdford Wednesday. Mr. Nelson, foreman of tho Dodga ranch, was In Mcdford Wednesday as a witness of the McXulty case. A "King Spltx" cigar Is home mads. Try one, 5c. It. O, Williams of Sacramento wa among Med ford buHlnens acquaint ance Wednesday. A. Jf, Ferguson was down from Portland Wednesday on business. .Don't forget to patronize Jones' meat market Every Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday. 10S George II. Oakley nnd A. Cohen of San Francisco wcro among those that transacted business in Mcdford on Wednesday. J. N. Pearson and Edward II. Ger, her, Sraeramento business men. spent Wednesday morning in this city. The F. W. Shaplcigh Hardware company has the best and cheapest hoed in town. Prices on everything reduced. F. S. Redfleld or Newell. Iowa, is a recent arrival In this city. W. Crawford and W. T. Prank of Portland arrived In Medford Wednes day lor a short stay. Only orio kind of kodak finishing at Weston's Camera Shop, that's the boat. Over Isis Theater. W. J. Jefferles and J. B. Sandefer were among those down from Port land Wednesday on business. Tho finest equipment In Oregon for printing fruit labels. Mcdford Print ing Co. The condition of F. 0. Wortmati of Perrydale. who was Injured by falling from a horse, Is greatly Im proved today. Dr. Seely is in at tendance. Mr. Wortman was riding by a ditch digger on the Medford Jacksonville road when Ills horse be came frightened, throwing him. Ills chest was Injured by tho saddle horn. Jones' have veal, mutton, beef and pork. .Tbsy are bound to put the cost of living. j 05 Win, fuller has sold his Jersey herd tp Reynolds .& Stevens, proprie tors pf Uio East Side Dairy. . Carkln, Taylor, lawyers. (John II. Carkln, Glenn O. Taylor), Hab-lOaa-pea Bldg., Main, street "iThe absenqo at Councilman Miles caugt'd tho .city .council to attempt llttlu new business Inst night. The nurburban water, question was not discussed. A swfr for Dakota, those heaufjted being required to pay for it, waa ordered. A committee was appointed Jo establish water rates for1 the N'atntorluni swimming anl( Order your fruit Jabela of tho Med-f-I .Printing Co. nnd kjeep tho uiuncy 4, iHHHe., - : p UsrrTo' Mr. anu Mm. Vernon 1) i Marital!. ,t S4th .Medford, a girl.' aSt'j.liDP o'clock Tuesday night. KttAak iiulsliOiB the beet, at Wes Ibh'm ftaraera Shop, Over isis Tkea tC, ' m I. .. .-iiin f ''" WttksiHcGowanCo.l VMSUTAXUS ' 'tisvijr Usslstaat mm. - - -A. Jtf Ofr WHUil Already the decorating for tho Trl-Stato Good ltoads roncntlon In Medford. July 27-?8 has begun lleni;rfrook brldRo nnd tluuclty pnr,X u "i iiiuwfiiaieH. inunprs siruuK ncntss the.sTreef, etc. ItuilnM men nre asked to decorate thetr places of huMnoss. Groceries nt Do Voc's. Tho Inf luv of packers, fruit pickers, etc., for the fruit harvest as well ns n colonization movement from tho eastern states hns caused Medford to Iiavo more of n "live" nppenrauec. Largo crrowds fill the streets every night nnd many merchants report an Increase In business. Only a few days remain until the first of tho ltnrtlett crop will be harvested. The BartMt crop will bp nearer normal than any other varie ty of pear, according to estimate of many orchardlsts. Tho pears will be larxu nnd clean this year, and ac cording to Into market reports will probably command a good price. Fruit labels artistically printed In any and all colors. Mcdford Print ing Co. O. P. Hoff was down from Salem Wednesday In the Interests of busi ness. ; George A. Vrben of Louisiana !s spending a icw days In this city. Joo L. Pennnger, an Oakland liu Iness man, spent Wednesday In this city. Medfortt Conservatory reduced pri ces' for'Wu-lc lessons begin July 1st. Advanced students will be taken at the samo low price as beginners. Open all summer. 31 Grape street. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lewis of Wcl Ion were Medford visitors Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Owen of Oak land are spending a few days with Mcdford friends. J. O. Gcrklng, the best all around photographer in southern Oregon, Always reliable. Negatives made anr where, tlmo or place. Studio 22S Main St. Phono 320-J. Judge Gay saya that tho prosecu lion of violators of the water ordi nances will go on with vigilance. 1U says that since tho last wholesale fining the pressure has Increased, and he Intends to stamp out unlaw ful Irrigating so that good pressure will continue. "The next man brought up before me for violating the water rules will bo fined tho maximum," he said. If rou want a lithographed fruit label Instead of a printed one, see us. wo are agents for Schmltx Litho graph Co. Medford Printing Co. A new personal motorcycle cop has been added and the war against speeders Is to go unrclentlcssly. Sunday was n record reaklng day at Crater I.ake, Forty-three autos and 200 people registered, making the registration to date 1937. The automobiles number .320. We have a ?3Cqo press, recently Installed especially for printing fruit labels, Medford Printing Co., ,Screcn doors at Medford Lbr. Co. Mow? Barkdull is clnflncd to his home by Illness, though his rendi tion Is not serious. , Martin Heddy, the Jeweler, who has been III at the Sacred Heart hospital for somo months with heart troule, . now able to sit up and Js rapidly Improving. F. C. Edmcads and family have re turned from a week's vacation at Ashland. Born To the wife of Dr. J. J. Emiuonsn, a son, July 22. George It. Morrison, formerly of this city, has returned for a visit. He Is manager of a paper at Iteno, Nov, J. McN'ulty, who was brought no before JuHlco Taylor Wednesday morning on the charge of non-support of his wife and child will here after be required to pay 1 12. 50 a month. He has applied for a divorce. Mr, McNuity worked as a teamster on tho Dodge ranch for several months, and according to Mrs. Mc N'ulty he did not do his part In pro viding or the family. POLICE FORCE t VILLAGE ROB HOMESANDSTORES ' " " "i i BALL PLAY! b SPROFESSIOIMSAYS IN K.I ENFR i UOCKVll.l.i: CENTKIl. N'. Y. July 32.--One-hnlf of llnckvllle Cen ter's police orco of nix men nre nc- Jcttsed of burglary by warrants Issued here today. Two or the three men Patrolmen Amos Verltxan nnd Henry Wicks were arrested while on M)st: the third, Uulof Peterson, on his vncatlon, Is believed to be In llolyoke. Muss. The llolyoke police have been requested by wire to ap prehend him. POLITICS PLAYS LEADING PART (Continued from pass 1.) AUTOMOilLE SPEEDER FAILS TO APPEARF II. C. Avent, Jr.. of Ashland ar rested in Medford Sunday night on n flmrgo of breaking the speed limits aud running without a license and who put up $25 bonds and promise 1 to appear before Police Judge Gay Monday morning did not appear thus forfejttng the bond- This Is tho first caso,Jn,tho cUy ccordlPK to author ities in the past year that bond has .been forfeited. It la alleged that 'Avent was going forty miles an hour when caught. Undoubtedly hearing of the new restrictions in regard to the speed law in Medford Mr. Avery evidently thought Jt cheaper to for .felt tho bond, TEBDY NOT TO TALK CANAL 'i-i r iCoatln !! from v 1.1 T" wjuit he luiil jo nay about Coloiphin. It lie hit unylliiii;.' further o my, far iik i inn eoiiferipxl, let liiiu write jt out "ml M'lul il to the cummiUce, 1 urn nut much iiuJ'nvor ,oi' lui'niuf.' the foreign relation.-) committee ofilie hunntu into n town meotingV' Voh G-t the Best There is when you amok Gov, John son cigars und putroulr.0 home Indus- (TIM. Mnitrc Luliori olijecird to the Inn ttnge mmiI by Mail re Cheiiu. O corse l'restnt. n )irolluT-in-hiw of the iniutlereil tMlilor mpl olmirinnn of the Fiuri) eompnny, wns culled to tlie stand nnd emphatically denied tlint the FijinrS had been in the pay of forcipu lintiko. The (lenunns he said, linil never lieM the innjurity of the .vhure of the Fignro. nx linil been nllefred. lie rend lenuthy extract from memoruudn. While Pretnt wn tetif.vimr, Cuil-, Inux tvil eloer to the Imr tt hear; better. Maitrv Clicnu, commentiutr on M. I're.-tutV testimony, Mtil: "I will mid that il docs not be come .M. Cnilnu.x to come hen' nnd endeavor to rfoil the rnve which hi wife mnile." ltrMi and Hivtrs Then followed nn exciting scene. Many of thoe in court rose from their sent, und shouted "Hrnvo!" while others hieil nnd murmured un til Judge Albnnel wiw ohliscd to cull the court (o order with u -evens rep- noiniitl. M. Cuiihinx. in n "tule of exciled nsitntieu: "Since I nui-t take notire of what this lawyer hns said, I w,ill n-k him if he" will tnke Hr-oiml re- sjtiMt-ihility for hi- wonNf" Another sensation was caused nmons the frpertators hy this vxcln maUon, nnd loud "HmvoiJ" for M. Cailhiux were liennl nil over Hie court. When the noise nnd din had Miiueuhnt miIimiIoi, Mail re Chenu re lli'tl: 'i tnke the .entire, responsibility. You cannot mriince me herK, 'Ym iloul)lle-s do not know the temper of the man whom you mldre-." DUonler Is Great The di-onler in court wa- mi trrent Hint Jinlfff Albnnel llirealeneil to clear I lie chamber if the ntnuiff-la- tioiN were reM-nted. When iiiet hn1 been restored, Owirves Fnuncnlin, n snles clerk in the qun store where Mine. Cnillnux purchu-ed the wciiMn l(h which the killed ( alincltc, was called. He look nn nulouinlie pi-tol from it inekiii in front of the judge nnd explained itt action. Mnilre Cliemi wiid: "Aiaaimqe t'aillau- did not when hhu loaded the pi-tol." Madame ('aillaux: "Ah .ooii ns I got into the motor car, before I could forget FnmienliVn explanations." Madame Cnlllaux added: Never Fired n IMsloI "f had never fired a pistol, but I had hunted with my husband, I bought the gun at tho samo nlnco. ' Another gunsmith's employe- said Mine. CalllauxHiad practiced in the range tinder the store. Threo of her six shots struck a target the slzo of a human figure. Madame Calllaux: "I tried the pistol at tho request of the em ploye. IIh wanted me to be suro I lfnow how It worked." Yves Delbos, editor In chief if Le Radical, related that he had met Mine, Calllaux on the day of the shooting. He said. "8he seemed depressed and aged and was lll.o a beaten, hunted thing." Blued With .Mme. Calllniiv Mme, Lluisa Do MeKagne-EHtra- dere, formerly society editor of the Figaro, testified sho had dined with Mine. Calllaux, about two months ho. fore .the shooting, She continued.: "Mine. Calllaux said Mme. Guey- dan, tho former wife of M, Calllaux, was going from ono newspaper office to another hawking let turn against her. I tried to reassure her by say ing that my information was that Mine, Gueydan had refused to sell the letters to Cnlmettn for IGOPO. J know nothing of 'Thy Joe' letter," "Will you not give moro preclso testimony about Mme, Gueydnn's let ters?" Interrupted .Calllaux. The witness did not reply and u moment Inter left the stand. ny SKI.IN'S nilOVr. I'n., duly a.. "llaH'bnll plnyer nn neither miners, hodemriers nor dtlcli di.uuers, They nre prol'cs-inunl men, nnd pmfc-.--ionnl men don't , -iriko," declined John K. Tener, evruor of IVnuxyl- vutim nnd Hrondeut of the Notional lenijiie of hnelmlP in tin iiilervinw on hU nrHvnl henjto in-pcct, jjiitionnl vunrd-uieii in llu-iV camp, "I mu tslnd tliixtrtke U sitllcd." rontinucd GovernTir Teuer. "How ever, I don't think the settlement ur rivrd nt will he pcmuiucut.-mvinj: to the hollinercney of -nine of the hite hall niajiuute-. "A strike Mich n- wns thvenlcncd is .-omethiinj iimV for me, nnd you know I have jdnved hiiH'hull iuid hne heen interfiled in Im-chnll nf I'nirs nil my life. ( I mu prepnred for wnr." declined the L'oeriiiir willi wink, "nnd nfier'.r nni ihioiiuli re- Mewini; Hie soldier- I will see the turbulent Inchon,.." EROM RESPONSIBLE FOR STORE ROBBERY That J. H. Krom was wholly re sponsible or a iricmbcr of tho gamr responsible for the numerous jietty burglaries taking place around Med ford recently Is the belief of Chief of Police Hlttson. He was arrested jc terday as thu urglar who robbed tho Greek section hand of I'd worth of clothes, suitcases' ami' Jewelory. A stick pin that was found on him w-u Identified aj one of the stolen ar ticle, tin aiso nau in his posses sion some stamp and pennies. Hlttson learned of the robbery of the DeVoe grocery' Monday night, and sent for DeVou DeVou nciRnlzod tho stamis anil money ns "property stolen from him," Tho only other robbery yet utiexptalriod wfts Hint of the West Eleventh street grocery. This Wns supposed to be the work of a gang, nnd Erufu professes Ignor ance as to u burglar gang, Erom Is n PorlVsemV- ' N Eerom made a complete confession to Serxeaut Pat Mego this mornltiK. Ho told ho' he broke Into the bunk house and stole tin: artlrlcti, so 1 1 111? them afterward to Ray Toft for 6. Toft, who hail no Idoa the articles had bevn stolen, has returned thorn, losing the f ". COURT HOUSE NEWS .11. .A ill. i . ii. i lil,.illi I, , ,., i .. I Report id by Jackson County All. '.trnrCo., fllxti nnd Klr.Sts. New Cases E, N, Warner vs. John M. Root ot al, undertukluK on appeal. Slnto of Oregon vs. Mnry S. Lau rence, traiwrrlpt from Just court of M. il ford dlslrlcl, llerthn Shiniuuu vs. F. A. Shannon, summons. E, K, Pliikeriim vs. foreclosing lax llviiY H. .. McUnn. I'lolmte In the uintler of tlu KunrdlniiHlilp f,Jonnln Mugruder. Incompetent, eighteenth t.emt-iinuiinl U'purt tiled In the mater of the estate of I'an nle l Smith, deceased; proof of pub Mention of final notice. In the muter of tho estate ot Nnncv Steuher, decensed; report of snliv of rent property. In the matter of the guardianship of Esther M. McErhine, a minor, oath of KUiirdlnn, tmnd filed. In the matter of ttio KUiii'dlaiiKhti of 'Annette K. Wnkemiin. n minor motion for nnd order coiiflriulun sale of renl property. fSASH " i. ir t w it nVW i V A J lWM I MrWmW t. - . I Hra - .V-otw) D00RS Wo satisfy thousands of customers uvery ycsmltliuiir l"IUSP,UUAM i'Y nulciisli, ll'O liii a4 f'"Tfi illm.aii lium k. i ,k il ii.lu.nr iui'.m4 VvMi Hxii.r lt.v li u n kis I....4 &-X Oruis Vnuil noun, lui'cotil, 10 tii i. . . 91.30 CottAf 1'ront Uwri, ninny itnslgti, up wu . . . . ,, . 0.U3 rauy rront Windows.. .. ..... U.Vii HuuirAliii luli . . , Bo up s-iirtiii lutn kasIi, ao.ua tn , ,4j IwihU Poor )'rAm, k. it, . . ,73 riuli, vlndows suit OIam at ii Ui. U.ron pilots ana Wiuilowsuur uwu mux. W't IIIN1M I'M ,!.., IIM nillMilln I" .1. Iwr. ha i'n ii'.i ' V. i.i 11. k. 11 II Mcll Miitirl M 'llilioO. ell 1 )il III . Im. ' Ak luv CRWlClT MO. Il'IYyjjMKIisi'ffl 1 y.TUJi:! 1 iy LTJisUjI tttM. if I D ?LJ. .scaeB DIRECTTO YOU3' $& ft- a , riNti r-u . ." . i" - . r n,,,,,,, .Marriage LIcoiiih Lee F. Hoot nnd Ida Lee Kentner. John W. Stcelmuu and Wlnonn Steelmnu. Heal Instate Transfer I'nlted Stntes to Daniel E. Ncnfhnmcr, patent to south half of southwest and south west of southeast of section 3.1, town 31, nnd northwest of northeast of section t. ' town 35, south ot range .1 west. Clinton Johnson to M. !.. price, deed, undivided one-1 eighth Interest In southeast quarter nud north half of southwest quarter section 12. town 3? south of range 3 west 2 SOU WE LIKE TO FIT THE IIAIII) TO FIT Kamp Tramps Vi It i . I Are the most comfortable outing shoo 'for )(inr .nentlilfi. ..TO wnik In n pnlr Ik to walk on nr.' Tiny nro.Hiailo.ofofj iufuii cult, upii'crs'wlih rMblur soles nud heels. $3, $3,50 and $4 3 p P. 4,QooJ irli 'Tn" 0ro UNITED STATES MAY - ' IWTEIVENE ,N HA,TI WASHINGTON'. July 22 - Armed Intervention by thu United States In Haiti was discussed today by admin istration officials upon the receipt of dispatches from diplomatic agents saying great losses would bo suffered In thu island republic by the ravage of revolution. No active steps had been taken to night .but the situation had advanced to a point where under pressure from Kutopean (lowers, a movement of Marines already mobilized at Guan tananamo, Into Haiti and perhaps the Dominican republic, was among tho KMhl!tleB, POHTLANl). Or., Jnlv J-. Cuttle Receipts .'III; market ."i to 10c) higher. Prime light steers, $7(".:i0; prime henvy, $l).7lKill.U0; pmmI, (!. Illio . II..M-, medium, .(l.',"(iiIJt.1; heifeiv, f IU (l..')0 ; cowm, priiue, f.Vill(i II . ' hulls, i?l.,,l(iv4.7fi; prime veul eiivt,I iWiVSJA; henvy veul cnlvcx. f7(p I 7.'J.'. I lliK KeeeiidM '-toll; strong, tlint tmcliunged. Sheep Itcceipts l2; ftciidy iiml imchiiiigrd. miirkel, miirkcl. GOVERNOR WEST RETURNS TO OREGON, AUGUST 3 SA1.KM. Or., duly '-2.--.lis IVrn Ilohbs, private MTtetitry io fJover nor Wel, ntinoitnccd tmhiy Ihnl I lie executive would iclurii m Siilcm on Aiiul :i. She received ji Idler from him mtiilcd in "ii-liiulon, 1). ('. Tin governor wrote Hint he had visited uiimeiiius penal institutions for the puiHc of oliliiinint; ugi;ilioim for the employment of Oregon convict indoors. BUD ANDERSON. I0XER, VERY ILL IN HOSPITAL VANCOUVKIt. Wri., July 22. -llilJ Anderson, tho lightweight boxer, who submitted to an operation of a serious nature and whnno life hongs in tho balance, according to his physicians, was slightly better today. Only yes terday did ho arouse enough to learn ho had been operated upon. When taken to tho hospital, n host of friends besieged tho building in nn effort to see him before thu operation, and his room was banked with flowers. HOT WEATHER AGAIN GRASPS CENTRAL WEST CIIICAOO, July 22, The Ihcr moint'lcr here registered )U degrees this uflcriiooii, I lie highcs for July, hul im ili'ullin were reported. With Medford trsdo Is Mcdford made. ASQUITH IS RESPONSIBLE CI (Continued rom t'&K 1) i ii . i ;T' tion of thu nren to lio'excliidt'd from the oierution of ilia homo rule bill, were presented in the conferees. As neither Hie nationalist nor the I'lMcr lender pohscs power to inuke finuj nrriingcnicnlH, llm Hiihject uiiiht he Kiihtiiitlud to llieir respective iiitic, Legal blanks lot Trlhunn offlcs sal at th Mall U Are You Going Camping? Wo can supply your needs in our line. Deviled Hum, 'Deviled Meals, Veal Loaf, Corned Ileof, Lunch Tongue, Vienna Sausage, llollod Ham, Chipped Hccf, Vun Camp Ileans, Ilnlnz' Deans, J'roforrcd Stock Jloans, Salmon, Sardines, Tuna Fish, best (piallty Hams, HrcnkfasL Ilacou, Good Under, Fresh Itancli Eggs. MARSH & BENNETT t .Second Door lOist or First Xnl'i ihmk l'liono 'J5U 1 i ' BUTTER-NUT IS COMING . ( S 1 ' Yotir Farm Needs finis Outfit m x mm Tho combination of n Storlinir thrcshrr with an I II C Rnsolinu cnu'ine, lotli mounted on ono truck, in ouu of tha bik'Kcst cxpcnsorcducini; nnd Lihtir-snviui; combiintionn ever brought to your attention. With thin outfit, you can do your threshing practically ulonc, eo littlu hulp i rcciuired. You can also do small jobs for your ncighlrara nnd In thia way pay for thu outfit. When threshing in over, you can dismount tho thresher and mount n saw in its place. Or, you can belt the d or 6-horse jxjwer engine to n pump, corn shelter, grinder, etc., in fact, use thu enginu for a largu variety of purposes. The Sterling thresher is so practical and easy to handle that a boy can attend to nil duties connected with the thresh ing operation. IT WILL TJHUiSII Wlirat. Itjrn, On(, Itarljr, Iliickwlieat, Knfflr Corn, Hordlinin, Flex, Uramm Herd, JlraiiM, Cowpeaa, Soy HeniiM nud l'enlinls. The Sterling is built with the following slcn of cylinder nnd srpa rator resiicctlvely: 31 S)', 21 xlV, 26xXY and 30x3?'. it is auiiiillod unmounted; mounted on an Individual truck, excopt 21 xSa' and 21 xJV: or mounicu on n comiiinntion eni;lno-throlicr truck, ui 3)x37' sixes. Oct a tocial titorlin): thtcshur catalogu uirtia. unuiiit 2(iiU"utid ;uo (or lull panic- HUBBARD BROTHERS '..-' - . - '. i :: . i ' 'i . ' . 'i " .. ' 1 DELIGHTFUL NEWPORT "Tried and Truu" Is this old reliable outing, resort, with a wealth of natural scenery, healthful drives, a splendid bench und uumerniui nenr-hy points of Interest: I.lghthotuo, Dovll'n iMiuchbowl, Hmil Itocks, etc, SmtIiiI Low HolitiiLTrip Keaoon I'm cm Weck-IIiiil I'ihi-m In All I'olutN mid Kiiiidny Mvciii-hIoii 1'iiicm from ,lluj nud (,'oiiiIIN lu the ." ", ! '1?. : WfliS ,f.- -jfli : rsft",r.vs:a v m- .ii'li. i .Z9"i ... ,..... -'iuti v 4f A Zvmuv.-t . ,, ,, itj t,tfiifcM"itwir,i i ' " I I'OIJTI 3 1 1 ".t, ft f ,v5Sw., lot finf n. " it, l.i ". a tl' "' ' V'IW V-'Hiry: ..w,. 'i'lio Kspohilioii. I.luo 11)1,1 , . , DOUBLE DAILY TRAINS .' . , ,. . . , Lnnvo Albuuy, dally , ; ..,,...,.t7:u A, Al.'i Lnuvo Albany, dully except Sunday ..(,;....A'.w1lO0,l. Ml Leuvo Uorviillla, dully ..,.8:00 A. M. Leavo Corvullla, dally except Sunday , 1.10 V. M. Connections inado nt Albuny iiiu) CorvalllH with B. P. trains. Kpeclrul Kxcurslon Triilu will lnuvo Nnwp'ort ovnry Huiuliiy iivonlni; "t tliOQ i nrlvu Corvullla JO; jr. p. iu Alhnny 10: 15 p, in, Good Tishing Streams Along tho 0. & E, At Klk City, Morrison, Toledo and along thn Yniiiilnii river, also on the llrultciiliush ami Huiitliim rlvnro, on tho Ktiat lOud, For FoldeiH UescrlhliiK Newport nu nn oiiHiik place call on our near Agent. .Inlin M, Hi o, (Icuenil PusNcugci' Aifcnl, I'mlliiinl, Oregon, -V : 1 i 1 I a I i IWffliaR'iM -5T 3nvw'-' MfM'n---'i-v-riTTnfcBiinifinnrtiWTiTttai