r. . Ml An In fH Ml & I.! -'! If in I1' I! E i 1 f .11 r '' TWO JHivjMtfcf IOCAL AND L PERSONAL Knrl Hubbnrd and eoiinin ltolnhd lio'vb returned from qn extended visit Mil 'cKslerri Oregon. Tlicy inn do tho trlp,by attto, Kolnnd will leave Uii .lubriilnK for Kltuinrth county Inj Tearcii ror n norso wnicn no iosi some tlkiSVRb. ! 'Aft loso, It. C.'Kentnor, Jr., Wil liam Cnnton, Lloyd Wilton nntl Hnr vory,EliiK employed oh tlio Slsktyoa road' sp-onl Siintfay In Mcdford. Sco R. II 'McCurdy for Aetna Pl ilollty and 'Surcljr "Bonds. 'iieardsloy '& Cray of Phoenix, liavo i old tllclrtrtock of general merchan dise tb I'lrlch & Ryan of this city. Kvorybody Invited to Moose picnic. 'qol&Uu, July 2(1. 103 , The nombers of tlio Christian Jcfiiirch Mil rIvc a reception In the cliurch Wednesday evening, July to Harry K. Tucker, the new minister nnd his family. All members and Ihelr families arc urgently Tcqlicstcd to bo present. A program will be given. 1 havo a little freight for Crater l.aVc .Park, on which there ts a small nllotment, which I will pay somo one going that way with a team and no load. Apply room 302, Rnrnctt Corey building. Will a. Steel. 103 Demonstration Manager Balrd of tlio American Tobacco company an.l four "assistants arc in Mcdford giving demonstrations how to use Bull Dur ham tobacco. The four assistants are expert cigarette rollers and they ex pect to show tobacco users of tliU city how to becomo proficient at cigarette- rolling. For sale, confectionery, old estab lished, best location in Medford, rooming house In connection If de sired, low runt. Will H. Wilson. 12C X. Front. 103 Tito steep slope of tlio Slsklyous has proved disastrous to several au tomobile parties on their descent Into Rogue Titer valley. In two cases In the last few days auto smash-ups re sulted when brakes refused to hold, ami .tlio drivers were forced to turn their cars Into the hill side. In one case the wheels were broken and In the other the car was broken up and left br the roadside. No otic was hurt. Tho "now" meat market at tha pnbllc market Is giving the people iohic "cheap prices. 10 Albert. Wiescndanger. who came down from the Portland forest serr ice offices to superintendent the ship ment of mules to the Crater Lake na tional forest, is In Mcdford again on his return trip. He spent a day fish ing at the Lake and caught the llmltj He was highly pleased at tho recent development work done In the Cra ter national forest. He reports that the Crater Lake hotels are crowded to nearly full capacity, and the fish ing at the lake is tho very best. Hay for salo. W. H. Everhnrd. Alex J. Rosloroiigh was up from Oakland, Cal Tuesday on tho Inter-' csts of business. Kodak finishing and supplies at Weston's Camera Shop. Over Isis Theater. Robert Tolfcr, manager of the Clark-Hcnery Construction company, is hero to establish tho paving plant, for Pacific highway work. Try a "Spits" cigar, best Be cigar on tho market. A. Stranahan of Portland was among Mcdford business acquaint ances Tuesday. Don't forget to pntronlso .Jones meat market. Every Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday. 103 J, K. Wilson of Sacramento tran sacted business in Mcdford Tuesday. A "King Spits" cigar Is homo made Try one. Sc, Paul II. Soulo of San Francisco was a business visitor In Medford tills week. Tho F. W. Shaplelgh Hardware company has the best and cheapest hose In town. Prices on everything reduced. Andrew Reardon of San Francisco left for Ashland Tuesday after n short stay In Medford on business. Only ono kind of kodak finishing at Weston's Camera Shop, that's the bofct. Over Isis Theater, L. Allen was down from Eugene Monday In tho Interests of business. Tho finest equipment In Oregon for printing fruit labels. Medford Print lng Co. M. Blgelow, a Portland business man, spent Tuesday In thlB city. Jones' linvo veal, muttou, beef nnd pork. They are bound to cut tho cost of llyi'ug, ior. K. Alien b'f Hilt wn's a buslncM vtejtorJln Medford Tuasijay, i Co oieflfn, fluty -SO. 10a J. Scott was umong those up from Shh Francisco Tuesday on uusiiies "'- WedstMcGowinCol imDSftTAXIRS & -vt&m iAnlc i4 I I I I I H I fr The caso ngnln George Hilton, who wagchargod with driving n wagon' ovc'rfn rond t before It was, ready for ibcims boon dismissed. Jolm. Perl, whb jvRg up onlheVamo charge will bo Mard fit a few days.' It Is re-, ported that he will plead guilty. For sale, confectionery, old estab lished, best location In Mcdford, rooming hOuo In connection If de sired, low rent. Will 11. Wilson, 120 N. Front. ' lOa) J. .McXultv of this city will bo "J brought up before Justice Taj lor td marrow on the charge of falling to provide for his little daughter, r-oven or eight years of age. Carkln & Taylor, lawyers. (John H. Carkln, Glenn O. Taylor), Hat-klns-Boydcn Bldg., Main street. George Waddcll was down from Prospect Tuesday attending to busi ness Interests. Order your fruit labels of tho Mcd ford Printing Co. and keep tho money at home. ' "Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Leas and Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Thomas of The Dalle woro Medford visitors Tuesday morn lng. Ever body Invited to Moose picnic. Colestln. July 26. 10.1 Mr. nnd Mrs. R. E. Smith. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. S. Mack of Klahinth Falls,, visited with Mcdford friends Satur day and Sunday returning by way of Crater take. For sale, confectionery, old estab lished, best location In Bedford, rooming hom-e in connection if de sired, low rent. Will II.. Wilson.' 12(5 N. Front. 103 Miss Harrlngtoi of Los Anreles In a recent arrival Iu this city. Groceries nt Do Voo's. George Brock of Hilt was nmom; those lu Mcdford this week on busi ness. Kodak finishing tho best, at Wes ton's Camera Shop. Over Isis Thca tor. ' II. M. Plckham was down from Portland Tuesday attending to busi ness interests. Fruit labels artistically printed in any and all colors. Mcdford Print ing Co. Sonhla Schmidt of San Francisco was the guest of Mcdford friends tbc early part of the week. Medford Conservatory reduced pri ces for music lessons begin July 1st. Advanced students will be taken at tho samo low prlca as beginners. Open all summer. 31 Grape street. " E. C. Daggett of Portland arrived In Medford Tuesday for a short stay. Leona Moore of Weed, Cal., vis ited friends in this city Tuesday. If you want a lithographed fruit label Instead of a printed one, sen us, wo aro agents 'for Scbmltx Litho graph Co. Medford Printing Co. J. Forsytue, a Portland business man, spent Tuesday Iu this city. We have a $3500 press, recently Installed especially for printing fruit labels. Mcdford Printing Co. O. O. Steele ofYreka, of the California-Oregon "Power company, tran sacted business in this city Tuesday. Screen doors at Medford Lbr. Co. Mr. and Mrs. C L. Hawlcy of Mc Coy are Medford visitors today. , J. O. (Jerking, the- btii all around photographer in southern Oregon., Always reliable. Negatives 'made- any where, tirao or place. Studio 228' Main St. Phono 320-J. J K. WeathcrfoTd was down from' Albany Tuesday on business. X, Hill, a Portland business man, spent tho early part of the week In this city. For salo, confectionery, old estab lished, best location In Medfort, rooming 'houso in connection If de sired, low rent. Will II. Wilson, 12C N. Pront. 103 Hamlll and Patterson defeated Rbthermel and 'Kbbcrts In one of the fastest games of tho tennis tourna ment yesterday. This eliminates Rothcrmcl and Roberts. Clark fprung a surpriso by defeating Kgnn In tho singles C-3, 0-3. Tho championship lies apparently botween Connor, Adams, Clark and Blnglmm. 4' GANGSTER PROVES GUNMAN (Contluued from Page 1) n plot to put W. C. Dannenberg, in spector of morals In Chicago, and the men on bis staff, out of the way so that tho vice district In .Chicago would not bo Interfered with. Eight years ao, according to the Information obtained by tho "tale's attorney, Venllle, who Is a cousin ' John Torrlo, business manager for James CoJIslmo, levee district cafe owner, shot and killed a man Iu Billings, Mont. The victim, the state's attorney suld, wan named Bastlsstlck. Venllle fled to Butte, was arrested, tried and sentenced to 00 years. After solving less than eight years he was released. M'DERMOTT SEEKS VINDICATION (Continued -from p 1.) distinguished position ho holds, nrid added that "his training and asaocla tlous hove not given hjm the ethical perceptions and iitaiidards relative to public office that usually characterise public mon," Tlio caso was to come before ho house, for a vole Tliuhhlay, ftiEDFORD MAIL TRTHUNK. WlJuCREK Fl STIll RAGES The forvi Uw nt lltimhmr creek, in the Applesiute section, reported o lie 'under con t nil e-teiln.v. W Mill nigini; mill i belli fouuht liv u Itirge grtiijr of fire'fiitliteVs under tin iliiee Hon of the Jueksim t'onnty Kiro Pa trol nssoeiiuion ntiil the loivtrv ser vice. It nlivmly m burned out six sinuirv mite- of territory, iletroius vnlttmile timber. I nle u limit wind starts, the association hope to have tho fire under control, today. The fire ill Koor i-'rctfk is iil-o proving lmril to control. It U tliuuglit that it will be under control late this afternoon. A new fire ha- been, re ported at Tulnw Box moitiitaiii (hut has already burned a tract over three miles hut;, and one at Wellington Unite. To make the fti-o-fiplitinjx sn more efficient, n trail is beinj; con structed nlom; the I'miniuu divide to shorten the di-lance to ranger sta tions in ease fire should break out in that district. This trail will also lirins the I'mp qua national forests and the liopic luittoual forests In more close union, so they can work together in case of fire. KING APPEALS TO LEADERS (Continued from Page 1) result in lite joy of pence and tin honorable settlement." LONDON. July 31. While the leaders of the Liberals, Conservatives, Nationalists and Ulster Unionists were In conference today at Bucking ham Palace endeavoring to find a solution of the home rutc pftblcm preparations were being mado by the chief Unionist organizer fiu a genera, election. He sent orders to nil the constituencies to prepare for an elcc- tlon three weeks after tho conference . as the leaders aro convinced that nniliuls Latsarus, who gave, a vivid de matter what may b done at Bucking- jfcrlptlon of tho. scene whou Mui". bam Palace, the House of Commons iCalttauic shot Catmctte. soon niusCbc dissolved. During tho tlmo the conferees snt around the tabic In Buckingham Pal ace, they found an opportunity to dis cuss many points of difference and before adjourning touched on the question of the exclusion of tho coun ty of Tyrone from the operations of tho Irish homo rulo bill, a point whlcii everybody recognizes ns the most thorny one of the whole Subject. Conference to Decide The general Impression prevallr that the conferenco will settlo thU matter, since nobody believes thai the question of tho exclusion of one connty will be allowed by 'eight poli ticians, possessing the ability of tho conferees, to turn t"ho Scales foi civil war, , At the same tlmo it Is not thought that parliament will accept any com p'romlso going beyond the offers nt ready mado and refused and If the House of Commons did so, Ireland Itself would not fall Into line. T.lltfral Itark up IrciniHl A Liberal caucus summoned, ns one of the leaders put it, to "buck up" the British government, was attended by upwards of 10b Liberal member of tho house of commons. A resolution Was passed fo the ef tect that tho members iinHwcrVlugl) supported tlio claims of Irclnnd ns pin forward by tho Nationalist and em bodied In th6 Irish home rulo bill arid the gathering showed 'a determi nation to sco the cause finally won. Tho meeting further expressed tile opinion that It was tlio duty of the government to complete Its wliolo pro gruml-ofbro making an appeal (o the constituencies. King George with Huron Stamford limn, his private scerctnry, received the statesmen in the chamber where the privy council always meets-, mui he shook hands cordially with all oV tlient. , 1-Vleinlly, Not Cordial Probably this was the first time that John II. Itedmnuil ami John Dil lon, the liibh national!! leaders, had ,nir .ej..;)M-J-g-'.-). greeting-,, .w;h .tjiejr TOO 'DATE TO CLASflftVr. FOR SALE Heavy teum workliorsea cheap. Jas. Campbell, ICfng'a Highway. 105 FOR BALE--Cheap for cash, six T room dwelling house, modern, fur nislietl and on fino lot 'with largo shade trees. See this proposition before you buy elsewhere. En quire 518 King itreet. FOR 11ENT Modern, six roOni bun galow, cast front, fine shade, range connected. Phono MO-X. IQft FOR SALE My rendering business with equipment, two 400 galjou tanks, 20 h. p. boiler and engine, und all other necessaries; also good general purpose horse, one horsa wagon, hack, cooking range, chlckons. Medford Reduction Co , Wobt Ma(a Bl., phono 2S7. 105 KOIl sALEFJne 'range with' Water connections, 'used "but little, C, V PWer, Hi N. Ohktlnle, 107 MKDFOKI). OKIOTOK. MH'KSDAY. ,'HMirV'.2b-WW - . . . ,- , - sovereign, as It hail been (liV'inu'- lice or llioiinlutiinlwf mfibhbrs ol inrllniiien( 1o tvmain away.l'Hun all funotlons -where iiteiiihcw of the house of i'oi.TiiTons w?ie likely, to he lirmt:lit ihto ejutittiel Witlrro.Vi'llv. Tho ineeliiii;' of- the conservative and liberal leaders on such inliuiate foot Ini; was aiijhhvutlv friendly, llul eould not hnu been eoiili, as Pre mier .sfiultli alnl Amliew IHuui'fil l.liv tunc liedlf liiifclv on suontfnb. teim. as Mh Law luaciicullv accus ed the )iivuiler fii the lurtiso of com mons of I.vIuk a'hmit icc'i'iit g(iveru meiil plans tovs'iipprrss the I'Ut'er voluiiti'efs. The Maripiis of l.uiisdowuc, leader of the unionists in the house of lords, mu! David l.loyd-dcorjjo, chancellor of the evcheqiicr, two of the other conferees, rcprocVut the most etretne nrlstocititii' and doiiio. cratic schools of Uriti-h Hilil!os, and are vreiemlly believed to he bittei personal enemies. . Atinosplicic I'bllly Since tersoual feelings niiionir pot - ..:. :.. .1... ift....i i.-: i... Itleiaiis in the United Kingdom uccr run so liigh as t pu-seut, the ntiiiw plietv of the gntlienne could not hne been otherwise Hum extremely chilly nnd formal. After a brief eotneis-ation. King Oeorge withdrew from the meeting. The conference." after being in s. sioii for only ulmut mm Injur niul n half, adjourned until tomorrow. WANTED TO KILL CALMETJE (Continued from Pam- 1.1 Maitre taliuri xm- n-gardc.l liv .!-1 serving lawyers as u muster stroke. Mail re l.nliori's voice w.is musienl mid full of dm mat ic feeling. When he hnd concluded. Paul llourget te am rked: 'Literature is not lire." He agreed, however, that private letters ought not to he published and said he did not believe Calmetle had intended to publish the Cuillnux let ters. Other members of the staff of thi Figaro then testified, .among them (.atzarus said ho heard shots nid rail to Calmette'a room where Cal mette had sunk iu a stnto of collapse lu a chair. M. Slrac. he said, was holding u woman u? tho wrists. She cried: "Let me. go. 1 am not going to escape." Slrac then let.Jicr go, raid the wit ness, and sho stood near the door. clenr-cyed and with lier face neither pale nor flushed. Sho semed l'nt The East Side Dairy lias puivluiHi'd W. Mull it's .Jfi'.spy herd and route and has added it to the dairy. They have also made iniproveiildiits in the dairy ham, added a new pooling and airator-niaehiiie, put in a Kewauee water system and are now Hot lor prepared than ever to handle their increasing husiness. WE GUARANTEE OUR CREAitf TO WHIP Auto and wagon delivery to all parts of oily, Morning jjnd evening. Reynolds & Stevens Props. Uairvat Ros's Lane. raea -u AZEROL1 (or Evertii Moior Nge4 2ERdtNE nic'totidard Oil for Motor 'Car?, ZEROLEN&CHeiivy) I"or ue yncf 9 ji heavy oil is desirdd. ZEROLENE(Lig1$t ' lor Iror4 Cats. t ZEROLENE Trsmsloh Lubncant "A" , Ah Qjl-hwvy hodicM. ZEROLEjE Transmmibii Lubricant "BB" A, Qieaic si'ini-fluid. ZEROLEfE tranomissibn lutjr'Iciiht "BBD" A Greaseheavier than "JJB" ZEROLENE Cup Grca'so For Grease Cups, etc, ZEROLENE Fibre Grease lor use wjierc a fibrous urease 'is 'desired. Standard Oil Company (CAI IFOHNIA) ' wafora f' T" troubled by tho in editors who qtlluli- ly gnthevo'd nrmtfttt her, ' XI Jitstlco hi IVhiicu'' , "She bgnn to s'lieak,1' snhl the wltiicss, "snylhg; ,''HlhV"o there Is 'no, Justlcu lh Frnutfoi - ' . ' i " 'Shut your mouth,' snld one of tho editors. 'After what you have done, keep unlet.' " 'I w'iir Hot upehklliK Jo you,' unlrt Mu'ie.' Ctillhmx." ' ! ' l.atjt'arus diVlaiWI tllal Male. Hill laiiv Was (ierfccl mislrcss of herscll when he saV her after the erlille, lie tulmfttcd thai he hud IblKVd hhdiit the Cnillnux ease many times with I'al mette, tiiblhig: ''My chief said lie had iliplouultu iloeiiineulH iinportnht I'liouglt ahs'o lulvly ii ehMi Calllnux:" After (.'nlmotte hntl. itiiiicd the 'Thy Joy" letter, nccouliiiK In l.al sards, he rcinnrkvM: ''.Mypoekets aie i'lnpty. I have nothing more."' Why She Was IWni .liiilge Albaii'el then nfketl Mine Cnilliiuv if she htiil niixtlilni; to sny 1 about the Victor I'ahro dociuAcnt, and 1 m i..!n..... ......H...I . .Mllll. 'llllllll IVHirn "I had no fear of llutt, because I knew the part itiv husband hud taken iu the lloohetto affftir." Then, alluding to her calmness nf tcr the shooting, Mine, t'nllliiiiv snid 'All the world knew that night the condition of Calmctte except myself. nnd 1 did not Know until Hie next da (hat my action was irrepanilile." Mnitre l.abori remarked lo the court that two of the"" documents found on the tvioit of (IiihIoii Cal mctte had been sent lo President I'oineaie mid that all the otheis hud '- wt to dcorqes Pi,-stat, the president ofthe board of directors ol ihe Figaro, "I see t Ins t M.' I'ri'stnt i mining the sieclutnrs," continued Muitiv l.a- bori. "Perhaps he can tell Ihe court what wus done with tho-e paprr." Burned (he Lelteis "The in pert. I received," said M. I'restat mi arising, "wure onlv cop ies iu the haudwtilitur of M. Cal mctte. One was the l-'nhrc doeummit, then nlready published; tho norouil was the 'Thy Joey' letter, from which tho intimate nines hnd been ex purgated. I considered I had (lie right to destroy tlne papers, and I binned them." Then, tiintius toward, the jury, M. Preslat uiil: "Thev had ot the life of my rvlativc" AL half past four o'clock the court took a recess. .Mine. Caillau.v took frequent note of the te.-tinion dunng the da. writing on n pad placed on her knees, mid sl, itcciimuhiled unite a large nort'olio. . .. Phono 241-.lt .r Is Coming 7jgg isaMfeo.v t 'a '. - iBMii. Put tho difference ill the ImnU. The saving helweeu I'Vird etsl and heavy car cost is "velvet" for tho prudent huyor. lie knows the Kurd not only saves him dollars hut .servos him host. It's a hotter car sold al a lower price and liaolcod wtlh Kord sOrVio:' and gtmrantoo. Mir Is tho price- nf lint 1'ord runnbou't; th'o tourltiK rur Is ff.ir. --f. o h. Medlord, romplnin with oijutpmeiit. (let i-iitaliu: und pnrtlculur from n i? ratRS Xa JL- V - siwuT.i urii.uiNo. rmszsamrwr :&t v -- v " f L Vf"" ANNOUNCEMENT Hotel roMtoitr IOi) ItlMIIIH 1:1ft i(ir Sei t bv Hot imd cold ruuiiliii: tvator, private phone, stouni bout ami outside ftlhdon-s In nil roem: Kxitilslto Lohliy and Mexzanluo, Kxcellsnt Uiilstuv- Splendid H-iinplo Itooms. Tlio Commercial Traveler mtiUea this his hotilo iiuil the Tourlots usnnlly'proloni; their stay. Tariff Itm.'iii ttlthout prlvnto bath, per tiny, f 1. 00 and up. Itoutu with private bnth, per day, $2,011 nnd up. HI'KCIAI, ItATILS HV WIM.'K Oil .MONTH Hotel This (uy hotel Is now open iirsIii and ou lll bo a home, tho moment uu enter. , This hotel Is particularly noted for Its homelike surroundings, and Its nrtJstlr furnlshines. Hot hnd rold riiniiliiK water nnd ileum hent In nil rooms. Itntcs wr day: Itoutu without lintli, 73o nnd $1.00. ( Ito'o'fn with prlvnto shower bnth, $1.25, Itoom with prlvnto bnth, $t.fU mid up. One room loft at ten dollars for mouth. si-ix'iAii i.ow it.vrirs nv wi:i:k tut .month Hotel Clean rooms, clean bedx and ovorythlni; kiiullnry, Itu'tpd por il'iy f'Uc and 7re. I respectfully Uvr, to nniiouiiro Hint tho nboto hntiils are all npur ated under my nolo ownnrnhlp and mnuticoiuent, luid I ttlih fo thank )ou for your hind patrouuKo In the past and I hope to doservu utiu cess In tliu flituiu, Your obedient servant, UMIli MOHK ltd you I'lutoernt, Aulocrnt, Arlstorrnt or Democrat malien no dlf fureiiro to us. You are welcome. Sunday Excursions TO CRATER LAKE $13 Rbund Trip llexInul'iK next Sunday tho Hall Taxi company will run Sunday auto uxciirsloiiH to Crater I-alto with Crater l.alio auto Htnu. No, 'A. Tlio conditions nru wo uimtt hnVo flvp or moru piiHuunKurs buforu inuliliit; iIioeo trips, l'liHsenKors can return Monday or at Inter ilii(en on Crutor, Luho auto stnuo No, 1, whan not flllud with piisseiiKurs pnyltiK renuliir faro, feHONE 100 AND. RESERVE SEAT ORDER Tim Iittll Taxi company has nlxo IIKUVCIIII I'JtIOKS ON TO'UIII.NO ('Alt SlIflVlCH Four pusBotiBor ears $3.00 for first holr, $3, 50 for ench hour.. thereafter. f , ', Six and Won passoniter cars $:i.li0 por hour, To Jaihsonvlllo ono, two or threo phsHoriKurs, $1.75 each, mlill tlonal pussoii(irH, 50 conls, ' ' To other towns nnd points, prices In proportion. J 1 0,00 pur day oltjlit hourn for four pnssoiiKur cur a. tir oxcurslons to Horiio river (Ilybeo's brldRo), Icuvn overy Sunday at 0 n. ni return. ubout 8 p. in. $1.00 round trip, rosurvu' seat order, y i , Hall Taxi Co. Phone 100, g F A Jk. A M-r k Mian tutu, out:. vwm tfMHwmwauww atU . 'risrxac:T05'anETi rwn , mmrm mmwvh)H'm Mcdford The Hotel of siaivin: uiuurrv 10 Willi filiate Hutti . Holland Moore Sooly and Cuiirl !llall, Mgrs, A Ak V Ip wwiwvTT-rm l ll'l IBHW r,.,i.-