CW Second Strut . 1 Medford Mail Tribune .A. , SECOND EDITION WEATHER T I'nlr .Mnt. lOI.Bj ,MI, OBJ ! ltd Hum. 120. K - y fs. -v. s y" rorly-fourlh Yr. IHIIy Ninth Yr. csseeen MEDFORD. OmftlOy, iMONDAV, .JULY 20, 19M NO. 102 mm TO DECLARE TRUCE WUAK Constitutionalist Leader Agrees to Meet Three Commissioners Named by Carbajal to Arrange for Trans fer of Government at Mexico City Huerta DHays Departure. WASHINGTON, July 20.-Consul General lliiiinu at Monterey rrMirtctl today llmt Gcurrul Curratmi had definitely agreed to meet thn thrrn comintfcslonrrH being sent In tho front by I'nn inloiuil President Curhnjal to ariaugu fur thn transfer of iturin ini'iil nt Mexico City. General Curranza, Consul Httnim irimrlod, Iiiim ngrccit to upond kn- lllllles ponding ni'KtilintJfUri with CurlmJnP eoiiiiiiiloiier, PtT.HTO Mr.NK'0, Julv 20.- Gen rrnl lluerln smiled funlrinptuoiialy today nl the lil thai lint furor of llii oonstltutionulistH known Ik lit' n short distance from hero uoulil dare Id nllnek this oily. General Huortu continued In pn imixl nf hi time u tho rnilrutul ear In which he ni rived from Mexico Citv. Slurp hi iirrivnl here ho ha not tnkrii nil hour' exercise, Now (lint iiirnin of gelling away fniin Mexican territory have horn nr rmigcd, thero l n iniirkril ehnngc in Ihn bearing of nil tho fugitive. The women mill children lrpt lute today in nil effort to kill (ho dreary jierinil of wailing for (ho arrival of Dm pas senger rf engaged to rarry thrni nwny. It wa expected to reach hi'rr lute today, Intt it was thought unlikely any of tho party uouhl ru iitiuun) before, tomorrow. CRATER LAKE PARK ROADS ALLOTTED $85,000 FOR YEAR WASHINGTON', July 20. The I'oulViriM'i) I'liiniiiitti'ii on Ihn sundry I'lvil hill loilay ngreoil In tho Chum'. borlniii aiiii'iiilmi'iit, iihnlishiug dou ble fee in tin; fmliTiil coin Is of Or egon mill fixing llio milary or the clerk of tin- federal cuuii nt $XM) itr minuiii. A similar amendment bv Si'inttor Polndoxtor, nlTriiiiK the federal courts of Washington, wit also agreed lo. Tho appropriation for muds in Crater I.ako Nalionnl park vvnu fixed nt $85,001), being ii compromise Im. twncn Ihn Iiimimk mnl somite prnvi Ion. This wu duo to Si'iiulor riianilirrliiiu'rt 1'fforln In forco Iho hill tliroueh for . 1 110,(100. The xnlmv of Will (I. Klfrl, NUpi'riutciiili'nt of CraliT I.aka park, mum ini'icaoi'il from $1000 In $I.VI0. STATE CALHOUN NEWS Of HUERTfl S F: MWM 10 WES1ERN FEDERALS TAPPED TILL FOR IL OVER AM ON Assistant to President and Director of United Railroads Admits Presi dent Withdrew Over a Million Re sides Solano Irrigation Funds, and Had Them Charged Personally. SUMMONED BY BRITAIN'S KING LONDON", July 'JO. Premier A. ipilth at the opening of the hoti!' of I'ouunoiiM loilay iiuuouiit'nl thai Kin;; (ti-orcr, "in ow of (he urn o polit inil niluulioii, han I'onxiili'ri'il it i ilit In summon u cnufiri'urp of Ilia it'i ri'hculutivri of thn political partii'x, lioth llritinh mnl lrih, to OiM'tiiH ko outhtiintlinjr polulH of Hut prohlnu of Iriuli Kou'riiini'iil," Tho prcmlrr uililnl llmt tin.' Kiht Hon. James irfinlhiir, Kju'iikiT of tin Inuihc of I'imiiiioiiN, nouhl, at liin iiiujchly'ri rt'ipicxt, pii'iilo over tlm foufcrviiat1, In iew of Ihlx iluVflopmriit, l'u. uiiiT Ah(tiilh nalil ho would not iM llii' Iioiihu to illmuihH toilay Ilia hill to aiiiiiiil thu IHnIi homo uilo hill, Tho invllatiunK to thn coiiforciicn luivo broil nouuptt'it hy twrf repiehcn tatiu'H each of tho irular oiposi. lion, of tho UNlur uniouihU, of tho IHhh uatioiialiHtH ami of thu p'Vern luont, Prtimivr Akipiitli haiil Iia hopeil ihn lueeliiiRij of tho eonforciiuu wouhl ho Kin lomorrow, Amlruw Ilminr Law, loader of Ihn opimhitioii, on itH hchalf, remarked that It Imil loyally aeeepted tho eom niaiiit of hlu iitnJi'Mty. John Kedmoiid, leader of I ho lii-h natlonallNlH, urarcoly nppcnroil to n. Kuiil tho jiropoHcd confuit'iioo an at Iraollvo. Ho said: "Ary oolloapiuB ami myself take no roipoiihihillly for tho polioy of pull liitf IIiIk eoiivontiou, and I don't think 1 am (tailed on to oxpivnH an opinion ah to wliothor Ilia romilt will pVovo useful or tho contrary, Tim limita tion piiiiio to John Dillon ami my null', in tho form of a ooinmaml from tho MnjTi mid nri HUcli wo Imtli ohoyvd It." J0NE8 TO RESIGN PRESIDENCY OF NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE l'OUTUND, Or., July 'JO.- Pro! dent Floldor Jiitifirt of tho NorthwcHl cru niiholmll Ioiikuo announced loilay Hint ho would lender hin roHijjiuition ua hoiul of tho Icaipio on AiikuhI 1, iih h rohiilt of tho trunsfor of tho Povltaiiil friiiiohlrio to llallaid, WiihIi. Joiiuh nald ho hollovcd tho ixvaldeul of tho Iviikuu nhouhl roHido in a city that Iuih a club and thai ho wiih not projmrod to cIiiuiko hi jeaidenco. O.V IIOAH1) P. H. 8. CAI.II'OIINIA, LA PA, Moxlco, July SO. Now Hint (Ictiornl lluertn hnn left Mexico City rn communltnli'il lo tho fodornl gar rlnon horn todny l P. 1), Moore, tho UrltUli coiuul, In tho hope Hint tho Information might hrliiR nbotli n cot ntlon of hoitllllloi. Tho roamltutloimllit troops under (lenornl Alvnrado outorcil (u)mns lodny, mnl n coiulltutloiiBllnt Kovcrn inrnl tindnr (leuornl Mnyorcnn ni In. niiRiimtoil, Ton feilernl pnrtlinni were liiiprlwnud, mid It U reported Hint their properly will lio coitdt- cntod. AmotiK thorn I Honor Marti Hoi, oait of tho owncra uf thu Nnvlorn l.ltir, of four vcmeU of which tho foil ernt Krrlon Ii McaimIiii; nouttiMnrd. Tho flotllln Ii procooilliiK nlotsly mid prohalily will rench Mnintlan on Mon day. At MnKilHloun, nn American colo nlinllon compnuy, wlilcli h fow enr ko Inuurhod nn nmhltloiiH ilnn to put fho thoimniiil colonUti on tho oll ench your, linn met with n vexntlous rovomn. Ita deedn nnd paponi hnva heen deitroyed nt I.n I'm, durliiK tho prorea of recording thorn, uml It will now hecomn noccMnry for tho comtuiiiy to nccollnto nfreih with tho couMltiitlouallit. TO NI.W YOHIC, July 'JO.- IK-oky 1M oUou, u wommi loader of tho Indus trial Workow of tho World, wiih hou tenced today to bono Ihreo moutlw In tho woikhoiiM) for ineitim; a throni? of hor follow ont to riot in Union Smiuro lnt April, (liven tho choice of a prixon tonn or l'urnialiin a 100 hand to keep tho peace, fcho eloi'toil to ko to llio workhouho. llor friend way him will htart a hunger iitriko. HAN PltANCIHCO, Ca , July SO - In addition to tho 12,10.1.000 clltorte.l from (ho fund of llio Utiltod Hull rond In tho Holnim IrrlKatod Farmn (ouiimny, by Patrick Calhoun, former primliloiit of Ihn United Itnllroadn, It lotulftut'd todny boforo tho atato rail commUklou that hot con 1911 M...I 1 fl .. -- ii 11 1 noro iunn i,ooo,000 win lthdrMii from tho company'n trcai- ury am) In thu belief of Thorn nll MiiIIhII), ncaUlaut to Calhoun, mid a director of tho company, a chaiRvd to 1'nlhouu'n Kraoiml ac- count. Till ua ilurlvoil loilav from llio tentlmony of Mullally boforo tho atato railroad (otiimUi.lon. Tim ordera for thwio lthdrnwnta wen. written by Mullnlly, nt tho ver bal direction, ho told of Prctldent Calhoun. Pnlil Hy Tren.urir Tho number of lllidrunlg mndo nnd tholr exact tola) did not appear from tho tcatlmouy kHuii, but que Hon put hy Coiumlntonor t.'scrton Indicated that they had followed each oilier nt tntervnl, aomellmva, of not mora than two dn. "I never received, handled or drew nuy money," anld Mullally. " pimply nulhorlieil draft under Mr. Calhoun' Inatrucllona." "You novor handled n dollar!" "No air. I never aw any money." "llow (lid tho treaaurcr como t,o haro paid out tho money?" "i don't know, but I bellcvo ho tnuiit haro had an utidorlnudlni; with Mr. Calhoun." "Did you or nny other director over Inaulra of Mr Cnlhoun how much money had been withdrawn by him up to 1913T" "Not that I know or." "Why not?" CnUioiin Out of Stnto "Aa nidilnnt to tho provident with drawn! of monoy woro of no official lntcrot to mo." Although Calhoun wa nummonoJ to appear before Hi commlloii, ho I out of tho atalo and not subject to Ita Jurisdiction. Moreover, tho nub poo nn waa soul out so recently, Hint ho could not linvo attended tho hear ing, had ho so desired. MURDER CHARGE BRINGS TEARS TO MADAME'S EYES All Paris Excited Over Trial of Mme. Calllaux for Murder of Gaston Calmette Recovers Composure After Reading of Long Indict mentAccuses Dead Editor. PAHIH. July 20 -Tim opening to day of dm trial of Mndamc Calllaux for tho murder on March 1C of O an ion Calmotto, editor of tho Klfturo, wnn thn principal topic of conversa tion. Proceeding Mnrtcd at noon In thn Palace of Justice, with Judfto l.oul Albanol acting a president of llio court. The drnmatlc setting of tho affair, Involved political Intrigues In which thn prisoner's husband, a former Prench promler nnd minister of fi nance, waa a protament figure, was Just to thn taato of the French pub- STRIKE LIKELY PLAYERS N LEAGUE TEAMS Baseball Fraternity Send Ultimatum to Big League Magnates of Walk out In Case Commission Refuses to Yield to Terms Demanded Amer ican League Affected First. NKW YOltK. July 'JO. Drnhtie ne- tiou, iHihsihly a hlriki! or wnlkout of hiihehall plnjrrx in thn American mid N'ntiotial IcrigiicH, is contemplated hy the J!iHclmll Plnyer' fraternity, nc eonlin lo n htiitemcut hy Prexident Pultz, in ea-e the nntional rommis hion refimeri to necedo to the term of nn iiltmatum t-ent out hy the fra ternity in llio rae of Player Kraft of the Kewnrk lutcrnntionals." Han Johnson, president of the American lenytie, Iuih called n meet inc here tomorrow of all American leaptic club ounerb. Mr. Johinoii lie. Added to tlili wa tho rumored xniil thin afternoon Hint if n ntrike CROP DAMAG TO SUPPORT PENDING DAM BILLS WASHINGTON, July 1!0. Presi dent WIIboii riimu out In mtpport of tho dam bill mmicd oil at u uorloa of whlto liouuo rouroroaMX and now pondliiK In coiiBrosa'limiKWc'r to ipilrloH ho mild ho bollo'vod thorn to bo In accord with tho host conserva tion Idea and In no soiiso party meas-iruH, REBELS REPULSED AT CAPE HATIEN OAPW IIA1TIKK, July SO. A stronit uttaek wan mndo by tho robots on this oily today, but was eventually ropuluod by tho govornmont troops. Thu fluhtlng Instod from 3 to ft o'clock In tho morning, A largo number ot both force woro killed or wounded, while a number of rebel woro'tukou, nrhjoiiora, ' E DULLS MARKET NKW YOUIC. July 20 Advorso foreign and domestic now, the lat ter Indicating damage to crop in tho middle wost woro tho main factors in today's market. Tho closo was heavy. Porfllgu soiling which waa ono of Inst wool;' disturbing features, wni resumed at tho beginning ot this week's operation, London cabling a deridodly low or rnngo ot quotations. Ouo point losses woro registered by llalllmoro ami Ohio and Krlos, with notable recessions In Canadian Pa cific, Now York Central, Pennsylvania and Missouri, Kansas nnd Tona pro forrod. Now Haven and somt-acttvo Issues also woro lower. Union Pa cific, minus Ita uxtrn dividend 'ot llal llmoro mul Ohio Common and pro-forrod, threat of royalist hotheads to create h disturbance during tho trial mid tho cxtenslvo precautions taken by tho government to prevent an outbreak Long before tho opening of tho palace of Justice, crowd, defying tho drlsxilng rain, had asuomblcd In tho vicinity and special forces of Mice wero called out to keep them in or der. QuotlniK'O Ity Court A moment lafcr Judge Albnuol naked: "What ta jour name?" Mme. Calllaux stood up and her llpa moved. The words "Ocnovlovc Calllaux." could scarcely bo heard A the prisoner remained standing tho prealdlng Judgo said: "You may sit down." The three juilse- awilii Preni dent Albnuol nro Arhillcx Katz, ouW D.U-otirv nHirHfiifiMtMy. The jnrv I eompo-ed of men of mnnv triulof uml irofe.-ioiw, in- eludiu mi eiipmxcr, n Iniildiiitf poii- traelor, a litillcr, nn architect, n teueher. a furrier and n poinmilion ngent, as well as xcveral hiuall eap italinN. When Ihene had In-on nwoni the olerk rend tho lon indictment, nftor whieli Mme. Cuiltnnx recovered her ruutM)biirc. The only women present in eourl wero two hnrritcrs nnd hevenil wit- iipiieii. Hip resit oi tno hpaoo occu pied by 1 1" jeporlers, twenty nrtiiU, hcveutv five witnest.e8, about fifty liarricteri and itohMbly ns many more republican unnlis, detcotivis and pet ty court offcinls. Mndaiii Calllaux WeeH On the Inble in front of tho jus Hop was a brown paper paekngc oon luiniiif; tho pi.tol with vvbiolr Cal mette was idiot and various other ar ticles ponueclcd with tho t'UhC. Madunip Cmllaux wept when the court clerk, while rendinjj the indict ment, reached tho words "wilful mur dor." Sho shook with bobs and look ed around as though Benrchiiifr for n friendly face. Tho clerk tlieli pall ed tho lit of vvitncbbos, cnj'h of whom answered "present" mid left tho pourt. Joseph Calllaux. tho pris oner's huiJmud, answered in n firm (Continued on Page Pour) SHOW II HREATENS LAN PROMISE SPEEDY ACTION BY SENATE WASHINGTON', July 'JO.-Sonalo leaders today informed President Wilson that us soon as tho railroad Hoorities hill is ready for presenta tion quiok nation on thu entile trust projjram will follow. Mr, Wilson said that nioul objeo tioiiH to tho legislation woro bused on provisions of tho Clayton hill us it passed tho lipase, whioji have siueo bcou. e'liwi'wnled.i .. , i WAS111NHTON', July 'JO. Invest 5 gatious hy tho dcpaitment of ngri uiilluro'rt office ot markets indicate that the shippers and carriers aro i!o-operntinj moio doely Ibis year to avert a oar shortugo in tho move ment of tho country's 030,000,000 bushels estimated wheat crop. While it would tuko 52 1,000 ears to movo thu entire estimated product lion, only about 8 per oent of the orop usually is shipped out of tho country where it is grown. On that basis i'l would reUtro approximately :i0!l,0l2fl ems to carry this season's blilpmciits. It k tlio consensus of opinion that tho inoreaso in car supply docs not koop pace from year to year with in creasing need for ears. Tho depart ment says that witli the indications this year for a heavy orop of corn and oats, tho movement of those commodities will still further eompli im(o llio situation, us reurUs wheat, order is obeyed by llio plajers every American lotiguc bull purk will close its tales, nil player' siiluric will bo stopiwd nnd the striking players will be punished fur their action. Mr. Kultz declined tu make the term of the ultimatum. Teniw Not Public It wns rcM)rtcd Hint the eouunis- Moii hail been given until July 22 to reply to the plover' demunds. In the event of nn unfavorable or uu-sati-factary reply, .Mr. Kultz nid, the Players' Kroternily would tnke "drnstic action." Mr. Kultz was un willing lo suy what the nature of thin action would be. The differences between the fra ternity and the national commie i'.'U in the Kraft cno arise from a re c?nt ruing by the commUsioti that Kraft belong In llio Nashville club of tho Southern nooiution. TJie fraternity eliiims ho belongs to the Newark liitcrnntionnls nnd that he is entitled to the snlnry paid him bv tho Kewnrk club, which is higher than ho would receive from Nash ville. Kraft has refused to rcHrt to the Kn.shvillo club. In tnkin? thi stand ho acted on the advice of tho fra ternity. , Ieguo Heady to Close Gates "Tho American league is ready this issue witli n solid front," declared Mr. Johnson. "Our club owners nre a unit for war. It's about timo that this fraternity nonsense should end. We Imvo been very patient with Mr. Kultz nnd his associates, but tliev have gone loo far mid wo intend to call their bluff. "You can say for mo that if the American leaguo players or n major ity of them obey n strike order on Wednesday, ev cry American league club will close its gates, all salaries will be stopped and wo will inflict heavy fines on tiio players who there by violate tho letter and spirit of their contracts. "You can aloo say that this striko will bo tho lust ono conducted by Mr, Kultz nnd his fraternity, for wo nro prepared to keep our grounds closed for tho rest of tho season, no mat ter what it may cost us. "Kraft belongs to tho Kti!hville chilly and that club hub a just cluiui on him. There is no way ouo of the present tnuglo unless a mnjor league club buys Kraft fiom Nashville." TRAVEL TO CRATER FIVE FOLD GREATER THAN A YEAR AGO Crater lake travel for 101 1 prom ises tu break nil record is the ns scrtion of Will O. Steel, HiK'rinlcu ilent of the Crater Lake N'ntiotial nrk, who xpent Monday in Medford. Lp to July 17, the number of visit ors wns l.'l", us nguinst 310 the Mime dnte n year ngo. The number of automobile registered wnf '.t 10, ns ngaiust 41 in 101. 'I. Owiiiff to the failure of congress In pass the civil sundry hill contain ing llio appropriation for Crater lake, work under the huterinteni1eul temporarily cenicd Kridny evening. It will be resumed within a day or two. FEDERAL BOARD n RAILWAY ILL AND IDLE PARKS GIVES UP FIGHT FOR LIFE Despondent From III Health and Pov erty, Laborer Hangs Himself to a Tree en Banks of Rogue Near the Bybee irWge-Tatoe Marks on Body Those ef Pirate. WAG c L DISPUTE CHICAGO, July 20. for n satisfactory ndjii-lment of the wage dUputo between the cngiiiemen of the western rnlronds nnd their employers took definite shnix; today witli tho assembly of the federal board of me diation whose, good offices have been accepted bv both sides. William Ii. Chambers, chairman of the mediation board; Martin A. Ktinpp, federal judge, nnd O. W. W. I lander, nssixtant commissioner of labor, arrived here yesterday to rep resent the government in the confer ence, in which the locomotive engin eers will be represented by their grand chief, Warren S. Stone, nnd the firemen and hostlers by W. S. Carter, president of their brother hood. Tho manager' committee of the uiucty-cight railroads involved i headed by A. W. Trcnbolni of the Chcago, St. Paul, Minncnolig & Omaha railroad. Tho media torn heard first tho side of the railroads, which wiih presented by Mr. Trcnholm, and later were to take up tho employe,' nine. The program calls for alternate meetings of tho mediators with the representa tives of the roods and of the men. GREAT MORTALITY OF MILITIA OFFICERS KING GEORGE LEADS BUSH HOME FLEET POUTSMOUTII, I:nKlnud. July 20. Tho Hrltlsh homo Hoot composed ur moro than 200 fighting ships and an oqual number of auxiliaries li)Cllidlnk submarines, torpodo .boats, d'ctroyj ora and seaplanes, waa led out to boa by King George today. His ma jesty wus ou board tho royal. yacht ,.... .... ... .. ..., .. ,.,. Hccuiiiiiuiii'ii uf iiiu itiiico uc y men, Winston Hponcor Churchill and this othor lords ot tho admiralty. WASHINGTON', July 20. -Application of thn new militia laws to tho National Guard has caused a heavy pajer mortality nionjr the highly or namental offices. The requirement that Hie militia conform iu organiza tion to regular unnv standards has been met by all of tho states except South Carolina, with the stnrtling re sult that there have already been dropped three major gencrrnls, thirty brigadier generals, moro than one hundred colonels nnd n corresponding number of officers of less rank. As n result of thcue changes there has been a great improvement iu the physical fitness of the enlisted force of tho militia nnd progress iu tho in struction of officers who aro now really availing themselves of th. kindly criticisms of the inspection officers of tho United States unnv were nmong iliem. Despondent from Ill-health and falluro to obtain work, I, L. Park, aged 50, whn has worked In and about tho city occaslonalry for the past, few years, committed sulcldo Sunday morning by hanging himself to a trco on tho bank of Kogue river north of Hybco bridge Tho body was found by fishermen at 8:43 o'clock Sunday morning. Inquest Show Suicide Tho inquest was hold Monilar morning. It was brought out that Parks had applied to Chief Hlttson for any kind ot work last week, but was unable to find any. He walked out to Uybce bridge, apparently to get work on tho road, but when ho ar rived his ftlcknes made It impossible for him to work. Without money, and suffering from severe rupture, ho made an end to himself. Even after ho let himself down on the rope ho could havo saved his llfo by clutching two branches of tho oak trco that wero In easy reach. Even tho agony of the strangulation did not alter his Intention. It Is thought that Parks worked here two years ago, driving a team for tho Clark-Henery Construction company. He has been here at dif ferent times since. , A Former Pirate That Parks, waa rormerly a British pirate Is the belief ot A. R. Parker, ex-marine of the United States. Mr. Parker bases hi belief from a taUeo mark found on tho dead man's arm,' which ho say Is bo British pirate's mark according to tho training Ut has received Iu tho American nar. Tho mark is a heart, pierced by an anchor and a sword. Above tho heart Is tho iron mask and a crown. Dclow Is tho death's head and tho cross bones, the ancient mark of tho pirate. Tho coat ot arms Is crudely tattocd. and was placed on the man's arm when ho was quite young. In tho center of tho heart wero the Ini tials L. P. Parks has been around Medford for several weeks. lie has been seen many times on tho city park benches. He wa small ot stature five feet three In hctghth, wearing a mus tache, and about 50 years of ago. Sect Last Saturday When last seen ho was walking toward Dybeo bridge passed a gang ot men working on tho road Saturday evening. Ho told thorn ho was not reeling very well. Ho walked o.i down toward tho brwgo. C. H. Far mer and Everett Acklln, who wore fishing In Itoguo river found tho body at 9:43 o'clock dangling from a limb ot a small oak tree In tho small grovo on tho othor sldo of Rogue, river. He had used a small hemp rope ot apparently little (Continued on Page Pour.) BALLOONS DRIVEN CHILI TO RAISE LEGATION AT WASHINGTON TO EMIAStV WASHINGTON, July 20. The Chilean council of statu ou Wednes day will approve, a bill raising' tho legation iu Washington to an em bassy, according to a report today to thu stato department. Thu United Stutea rooently elevated its legation ut Suutiugo (o uu otubtibsyt LONDON. July 20. Throo of 24 balloons which started from Par's yesterday In the annual raco for tho graud prlzo of tho Kronch Aero club, landed today on tho AVolsh shore having crossed tho English Channel boforo a florco gcje, thoy we.'o obliged to doscond In order to avoll being driven out to sea. Bplre, ono of tho pilots, In Jump ing from tho basket of hla balloon fractured n log and suffered othor In juries. Marlol Foucault and Jean I.auronccau, two Kronch aoronauts, managod to Jump clear mul without Injury, buot lost tholr balloon, which was blown out to sea. Ernest De- NEW HAVEN CHIEFS CONSULTING WIIH ATTORNEY GENERAL WASHINGTON. July 20. -PiuL dent Husits of tiio New Haven rail iond, tho road's counsellors, and President lladloy of Yulo conferred today wiih Attorney General Mc Itoynolds. After an hour's conforenco tho railroad men left for a couforenco umong themsolvcB. It was undorntood Hint thu direct ors hud not changed their position iu regard to tho disposition of thn lloston & Mniuu stock owned by tho Now Haven, which bus proved ft stumbling block to a settlement. Thoy were said to havo suggested that tho question of (ho lloston & Maine dis position bo held iu abeyance with thu idea that tho legislature of Massa chusetts, which has imposed a con dition on tho sale of (he stock, may muytor and Albort Vlomlnck, Del glans. landed safely with tho third remove tho condition ut some future r8,t' . ... .. timo, . , , 4if! t :i