Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 18, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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f y
Lucius Klncnld was acquitted on
Hid chnrRu ot assault and battery
against T, Perdno jesterdoy on tho
Kroiinds tlint Purdue started tho
W, 11. Hokol Of Itojjuo Klvcr Was u
recent 1itiMnei8 visitor In Mcdford.
J?. ICerr wns down from Corvnllll
the Intter nrt ot tho Week In the In
terests of business.
Sib It. H. McCurdy for Aetna Fi
delity nnd Surety P.dnds.
HdPlerson. of Stockton. Cal., left
Medford Friday after a Visit ot sev
eral dajs. lie has business Interests
J. O. GorklnR, the bost nil around
photoRraphor In southern Orcpon
Always reliable. Negatives mado any
dhoro. tlmo or place Studio 22S
Main St. Phono 320-J.
Tim city water doparlnieut con
tinues to brine up violators ot the
water ordinance. Irrigating from
an open house Is tho most frequent
offense, while many nro fined tor Ir
rigating out ot hours. My constant
villgancc tho water department hopes
to ktnnijt out violations ot water
Kodak finishing And supplies at
Weston's Camera Shop. Over Isis,
J. P Patch and !j. G. Patch of
Honolulu arc visiting In this city in
View of locating.
Try . ''SplU' cigar, best 5c clsar
on tho market.
1). G. Mock of Klamath Falls
transacted business In Mcdfoid tli
latter part of tho week.
Hay for aalo. V. 11. Evorhard.
Mr. and Mrs. 1 B. Heath ot Chi
cago, jtpent Saturday among Mcdford
A "King Spltx" cigar la homo mado.
Try ono. Dc,
A. F. Guo. n Los Angeles business
man, was in tho city Saturday morn
ing. Tho F. W. Shaplclgh Hardware
company has the best and cheapest
hoso In town. Prices on everything
Mr. and Mrs. I S. Ileard ot Wheat
land. N. D aro in this city as the
guest ot friends.
Only ono kind or kodak finishing
nt Weston's Camera Shop, that's tho
best. Over Isis Theater.
Col. George P. Minis of Sevcu
Oaks transacted business In Medford
XJlCflnost, equipment In Oregon for
printing-fruit labels. Mcdford Print
ing Co.
L. P. Hennes of Chicago was onioni;
Medford business acquaitanccs tho
latter part of tho week.
New green pastnro with shade and
running water. 0. W. Isaacs, G91-IU.
Get It at DeVoo's. "
A. S. Mack was among tho over
from Klamath Falls this week on bus
Carkln & Taylor, lawyers. (John
if. Carkln. Glenn O. Taylor), Has-
Iclns-ltoyden Bldg., Main street.
A. I.. Stringer, a Portland business
man, was In Medford Saturday.
Order your fruit labels of tho Med
ford Printing Co. and keep tho money
at home.
Mr. and Mrs. It. K. Smith of
Klamath Falls were, tho guests ot
Medford friends Saturday.
Groceries at Do Voo's.
J. C. Fcrbcr was up from Los An
gulea Saturday on tho Interests of
Kodak finishing tho bost, at Wes
ton's Camera Shop. Over Isis Thea
ter. J M. Chamberlln of Portland tinn.
sacted business in Medford today.
Fruit labels artistically printed in
any and nil colors. Mcdford Print
ing Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ellor woro up
from 8n FraucUco Saturday visit
iuKfrlenfu. Medford Conservatory reduced pri
ces for music lessons begin July 1st.
Advanced students will bo taken at
tho same low price as beginners.
Open all summer. 31 Grape street.
W. W. Griggs was among the
Seattle business men In Medford th's
If you want a lithographed fruit
labol Instead of a printed one, see
iiH, wo aro ageuto tor SehmlU Litho
graph Co. Medford Printing Co.
Charlo Sleglor wub recent busi
ness visitor In this city.
Wo have a J3500 press, recently
installed especially for printing fruit
labels, Medford Printing Co.
II, nrounrd of Chicngu attended to
business interests In Medford Satur
day. Screen doors at Mcdrord Lbr. Co.
Thomas JimiBey has sworn out
complaint against Mar' S. Lawronce
on thq chargo or maliciously break
Inj? a head tato of un Irrigation ditch.
ipjtli GnU's creep.
vMwA ,M, Salter of Los Angeles,
enjojed fishing In ltoguo rler Fri
Sltorlff Slnglor motored to Mcdford
from his off Icon at Jacksonville Sat
urday on official business;
I).' T). Brlggs ot Portland arrived
In Mcdford Saturday morning on n
lirlef business trip,
J. P. Coughrnm was among those
down from Portland Saturday on bus
Incsi. Charles II. Ycrceluls of Sacra
mento arrived In Medford Saturday.
He hns business Interests here.
L, M. Stover of San Finncleco vis
ited MeiUord trleuds Saturday,
0. A, Hudson of Chicago was
nmoug the recent business visitors t6
.Mr? and Mrs. W. 11. Pnr'rj ot
Scattto aro lsltlng In Medford today.
Tho Lion's Urlde," a three reel
animal thriller nt tho It theater to
night. Mutual Weekly News and two
other photo plays, 10c.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bowman of
Pendleton aro visiting Medford, hav
ing como by auto la Crater Like.
James Kershaw, the Antelope
rancher spent Saturdav In Medford
Ho reports many poachers already In
tho hills after deer, quail and pheas
ants. Two men on a motorcyclo
Thursday shot over a hundred shots
on his ranch.
Prof. M. P. Henderson Is spending
the first few dajs of his stay In MeJ-
ford In a carotul examination ot con'
dlttons hero, prospects, etc. Me has
investigated the .blight situation and
has fopnd it Mtlsfactcbry there being
Very little Might In tho valley. He
says however, the orchardlsts should
continue their old iltlgance.
C. St. Thomas, tho Talent orchard-
1st rind baseball magnate was a busi
ness visitor in Mcdford Saturday.
John S, Owens, Sam Owens and
Vrank Owens left Friday on a trip of
inspection of the redwood timber
holdings near Crescent City, having
completed an Inspection ot their
Butte Falls holdings.
Jfevv llawu Yailro;i) eao assumed n
new nxpn't (oilo.V1 low it lieenme
Known hero ttutt tbMntd of .Mumi
nlinwitu iitnv Mlc W llitcrfere utter
tho ni u.rpiiieul'H Sbl'fylan law Milt to
Viho1v4 the tMitn) M.lHm:lit, and
nnk the eolirts Id fomf jtloSew Ht
wt to. nmle u o(iiiitui( f-rtlo tf
Its UOHon CJ .MH(lm''WH;p",'',
uhnMitt-j now
xtwk nt tiny
Intiou it preored Hint
cno peruu-MOii to the
Heported by Jackson County Ab
trnct Co., Sl,th and Kir St.
It L. Sabln vs. H C.
Writ ot nitncluuunt.
Weeks AtMcGowan Co.
', pay Hmhm mi
A. Orr iW-M
. I I I KH I AtW
The clght-j ear-old child of Frank
Loder was injured Saturday by rim
nlug Into the barb wire fencing
around tho Pacific highway pavement
north of Medford, her Up being cut.
As a result, the barb wiro is being re
placed with plain wire.
In spite of watrhmen and barri
cades, people Insist on clandestlnely
travellng tho pavement before the
concrete has set, which will result in
permanent Injury.
ine pavement is now lata for a
'distance or 2000 feet south ot Mcd
ford, averaging oer 350 feet a day.
$ .n-nKWpV;rrMV'n.
v l.W thVi HslitR)niv tin'
riKlit nml
New llnven
to sell
The NVw Haven lionnl of ilin.etor
ret'ifCil to ncocpt tlint lcgilittlon mill
now Mu-wiicliuoltt.N iilidei-stood to
he fearful le-t tlint riglil he enilnii
Kcnvl in the inH.ed liti-;ntion. It
i- feared that if tho jw ennneiit wins
it oao the eonrl miRht merelv or
ler the sale of the New Haven's Mo
ton & Maine stock without re-trie-tiom.
If Mnsonehu-ett- inlervened
it would be merely for the purpo-e of
imwerxiiij: it riht of pun-lime. At
torney (icnenil MeKeynolil-, it wn
believed, will not olijeet.
Tho suit whieh t hrou-ht liv the
law firm of !.nnber'i& Iiwioli of thi
eity, U foinewhiil siniilui to action
in Norton, which tlcmmnW re-titu-lion
of 10(1,000,000, of which more
Hum $100,100,000 was alleged to
have been misused.
One of the two claim- made n-k-thnt
the "in-Hi-tin! lefenilaiit be
compelled to necouut for nil miiii- of
money nnd shares of -toek mi-nj-plied
nnd mi-iipproprinleil. and nil
profits which they received liy rca--on
of unlawful iieU."
The second clnitn n-ked that the
defendiuits be enjoined from further
management of tlie .y-teiu.
t Continued from pigs I.)
So, not any more. Xo, I don't
,want to say anything about tho
I am not talking. I
L'nltcd States.
am through."
Tbo photographers present In
chorus then requested tho general to
leave tho car so that they might tako
his picture. The old soldier smiled
and said bis plcturu had been printed
so badly by almost all and that the
world already had such a bad Impres
sion of him as to make him hesitate
to glvo the American photographers
an opportunity of proving Just how
jgly ho was. All the time, however,
General Iluorla was moving toward
tjio .'Uoor. .When ho reached the
far door he began shaking hands and
Give Kiuh a Souvenir
"When I get to Now York tonio
day, you shall all dlno with inc."
Then, 03 an afterthought, ho said;
"I will pay If I have tho money. If
not, I shall not hesitate to borrow
from jou."
Ills mind being on money, be then
Here, I would like to present to
each ot you u little souvenir of the
old man," and after tho custom of
certain other Latin-American digni
taries, he brought from his purse s
handful of gold coins and presented
ono to each correspondent, adding'
'"Mexican money would not buy
much now but thq colnn will iervo us
tokens of remomberanie."
lie'ore n battery of cameias and
moving picture machines, General
Hucrta and General Blanquet with u
group of federal officers around them.
posed, talked together and took off
their hats, all to the command of the
American plcturo men. nnd through it
all the former Movlean president act
ed like a veteran sl;;co perhaps no
lima In Mexico bus been plcturoJ
more often or under more varied cir
cumstances than ho.
Tho plcturo taking over, Goneral
(luerta returned to his ar, In which,
wltli this single oscoptlon. ho had re
malned kinco hla arrival lael night
In Puerto Moxiio.
Before noon tho plans of doparturo
of the refugees hod again become
vague sluco thoko who had Intended
to leave as passengers on tho City of
Mexico refused to do so on learning
tboy would have to stop at Vera Cruz.
NKW YORK. July IS. Selling ot
tho minor railway issues was resumed
at tho putset of today's short session,
with consequent new low records In
that quarter and (regularity else
where. Covering of tho leaders Im
parted .1 better tone In tho Into trad
ing. The closing was strong.
Llttlo change from tho heaviness
which liai characterized most of the
week's operations was observed In to
day's early dealings. Tho general
trend was lower, most Issues of
speculative Importance selling under
yesterday's closing quotations. Union
Pacific preferred lost a point, wlt'i
moderately large fractional recession t
In New York Central, Missouri, Kan
sas and Toas preferred, Amalgamated
and American Locomotive Toledo,
St. Louis and Western Issues, which
are threatened with default ot In
terest on bonds and Baltimore and
Ohio preferred went to new low rec
ords. New Haven was dull nnd
slightly higher. Among minor lion Is
a 2hi point break in Wabash foil is
was noteworthy.
WANTED Practical nurso would
llko nursing by week. North
Oakdale. iul
FOB SALE Five passenger automo
bile cheap, If sold this month. Ad
dress box -170, Medford, Ore. 1UJ
LOST Package between Crater Uiko
and Mcdford, containing ring,
opera glasses, necklaco, etc. Re
ward, leave at Mall Tribune. 103
FOB SALE .My brown driving mare,
sired by David llurum, weight
1100. A bargain for quick salo.
C. W. Potter. 113 North Oakdula
avenue. 100
Tired Eyes
Mean.Eye Strain
i:e strain leads to hcudachc, ner
vous proqtrutlon, cataract etc.
Don't neglect your cos, If you stu
ped an) thing wrong with them, bet
ter havo them examined at once h
Suite 1-'J(M or Deuel's
S. & II. (Jrcon Trading Stamps Glvoi
lu the matter Of tho uMato of Nunc
Stotibcr. ltoud ot ndmlulsttiitor filed.
In tho mnltqr ot tho cstnio ot ,C,J
M. Webber. Inventory of, appraiser
IJella Boper, vs, nines Boner,. Di
Wm. Scott vs. O A. Gardner ot al.
In the matter of tho cstut of c
Webber, , deceased. Qrijor n))t
pointing un appraiser and e.Mndlng
time to file.
. In the matter of tho cstntu ot
Nancy Steubor, deceased. Petition
for letters Do Bonis now tiled.
lu the matter of tho estate of
Nancy Steubor. " Order appointing iul
mlulstrator flle.
v . 1
Bent l-Ntnto Vrnnfci-M
Ira Shoudy vt ux to James It.
Robertson ot uv. beg. nt SW
corner of lbt II, blk. 1 1,
city of Ashland, thence east
erly 123 ft., northerly 10",4
feet, westerly 100 ft., south
erly US feot'tobeg.. W. D...
Wlllard Eaton to Harriet E.
Eaton, SM of lots II and
15. blk. 4. Park Add. to
Medford. W. I.
T. E. Knudson ct ux to J. W.
Andrews ct al. S2 acres In
section 1. tw'P. 37 S, Bl 2
w.. w. n. . . " 30,000
Evn M. Young tit vlr to G. !ti
Hammorsly, lot 13. blk. 8.
hum-rial Add. to Medford,
W. I) t.
Edward N. Butler ct ux to M.
C. Ilresslcr, tract of land In
lot 7. tlnrgadlno tractto tho
city of Ashland, Q. C. I)
W. 11 Slngler. sheriff to 0.. It.
Baker, lots 1 and 2. blk. 3,
of Olson Add to Medford.
sheriffs deed
United States to Levi L. Oden
SW ot SW of sec 3. E. half
of SE of sec t snd NW of
NW of sec. 10 ll- 3'"'. S.
II I W. patent
1 ' r-
. ,
vrriMSONi U.m.. .lulv Ik. lluille
P. WttjKenor, mili'oad nftonn). 1
07 venr- old today nnd there lire few J
children in Northwestern Uun-n wlmj
don't Know it. de.-pilo the I net that
he i ill and confined to hi"V bed.
Although Mr. Wnirgcner hud ie
ceived strict orden from hi- phvic
inns to forego hw iiunuiil l)irlnlu
jubilee this cnr. lie len-cd everv
mnlinii Dicture thentcr 111 1111- niv,
nml nil tho children thon-und- ol
t)ii.iu were nilinitrcd'rrce. Tlint Mr
Wncgcner might rciilixo the uppruei- ,
nliou of the children, hundred oti
the youngiilerrt maili'd him hirthdnv
ennlrt. - t
The first W'lijcner jululee wu
giveii fifteen veiirs-ntfo'ftir-Mr. Vnu-geiier's-
grnnildiuiKlitcr . It wn such
iv miecesrf that H.lKeiime4 mi iininiiil
event. !--
WASIIINUTON, .lulv 18. An
oilier1 lit let hi the voiigri's-iouiil ln
vestigutioii (if tho rulorudo eoul
strike wns JJilcd. toihiv with the house
mini emmniMcc hy K. I. t'osiinu,
intiies 11. lltewster am) loiiuo S.
)luvkii)s. lepr.eseiituit; the st.iiKlli
tuiiiei'!. lj mii i vohiuilumm leply
l,u hrief .MibmUtctl -om Jtitiij uit
Ijy vcHYtriiln,tivoK of tin) iiperii(oiS
.iVimihcl, for tlie uiiiiirN dyclmfl
the operators' brief w n i "-eiiew ot
what wo niul ueewsiirily call nii
Ktiiloiuents of fuel nnd law." The
ininers' hiiof conlulued n lonir hgtd
nrgumeiit lf luw Hint deei-inns of
various emu Is liml not held Ihe full
ed Miuewoikers of Athorleu o bo nil
"unlawful otgnuirutiuo." ''a linef
nl-o attacked riguies suhiuitted hv
the oH'i'utirs i to Droductioii, co-
of labor. vviiL'es and other details ol
operation mid eharai'teilxed as "11! -
tcrly iiiirelinhlo" the statements hv
coun-el for lliv opqrntai-j,
You Get tlie nnt
There Is When you smok Gov. John
son cigars and patroitUu homo Indus
Legal blanks to
Trlbnnn offlrs
sal at in Mall
'i-pycr t-
Baldy Breezerls
ssss l
STAR Theatre
rfulunlny Only
.jtiK.i; 111 n.n's i)i:ciHio.v
l'.T AND I'ATi:
Oilier I'll lines Kuiiilny Only
Kloliio-Clnos, A Great Film
Other hliun lugs, A ' h I Bill Timigli
V lui,V(jroiii' Hpffinli pjU-
UjViis in Mux' Suily w'o Iiuvp
. . '" .
I'uilii'cott to -t1( tt jiinU Tlicst)
jiro I'ygttlaf.ilS.yttil (,'o(-
ops, browns, 'grays sincl
The Wardrobe
Annual Moose Picnic
isvuuYijMfnyxvi'jr'i'jiiv .
. 1
y v ) 1 Mm
Spi'yial train will lt'avti Oj-uiitrl ParfH ul 0 :."() a,': in.;'
i '" c(lfoi'(l, 8:i!0 a. in.
Big Time. Three Bands, Sports of all Kinds for
MaMmTTrtrifcitinontfc now for a big flay ai tlii(
ftiiiiJ'J- PopiiJui'Jlcsort.
ItTU J. V''
1 1
You May Have Enough Money
tor jour present needs hut look ahead Into tho future,
nnd jou will sen tho vvlmloiu of a sprplun tiihd Do tho
rlKlit thliiK now start nu account with us mid du
poult yum money leaulnrly,
I'v Intel cut paid on hiivIiibh nccoimtH..
ovtffrcYCAnsuNornONc manaocment
l .
Pacific k: Eastern Railway
l'3n,jo. a delightful tlay's tailing in Hip iniiui)lains.
(hi'tnf i'i.sliing, pxi'i'lltMit picnic grounds. IMg Hasc
ball (Janio between the Soul hern Pacini and Pacific
& lOastern tennis. No' admission to ganm. Pollow
tlie crowd ami see Hie Southern Pacific get walloped.
Ivountl trip fare only UM. 'I'ickets good going
Saturday or Sunday and returning either day.
Leave Mcdrord H:()) a. in., leave Magle Point 8:lfi
a. in., arrive IJutte Falls 10:10 a. in.
Ivcturning, leave Putte Falls r:0() p. in., Kaglo
Point (5:00 j. m arrive .Medford 7:00 p. in.
Hotel Mcdford
100 Itiuillli
Tho Hotel of ' '
siatvtn: ' ' imAirtv
III Willi Pilvate Unlit
r.lrator Scrvlio
Hot and 'old rUiiuliiK water, private phone, stviim heat and oiilsldu
windows la nil rooms
i:xiuhtlto Mibby and .Mestniilno, '
Hxiollcul Oiilslno.
Splendid Huiuplo Itooms.
The t.'oiiimciclnl Traveler nmkoa this Ills homo nipl thu Touilsls
' usually prolbni; their stay.
Till Iff
Itooin viltlioiit prlvatn bath, per day, $ 1 100 and up.
Itoom wltli prlvntu bntb, per day. IS. oil and Up. "
secern. itATt-w nv wi:i:ic im ,m6j.tii' ,iU' '
Hotel Holland
This imy hole) Is now open iikhIii and jou will bo at lioimi llm
moiiieiit jou enter.
This hoinl Is particularly noted for ltd humellko surroundliiRS,
and Its Hrtlslle furitlshliiKS.
Hot and rold runnliiK water and steam heat In all rooms.
Itntos per doyi
Itoom without bath, 7Jc nnd $1.00.
Itoom with private shower bnth. fl.SIi.
Itoom with private bath, fl.oil and up.
Onu room left at ten dotlaru for month.
Hi'i:;iAii i.ow it.vTiLs nv wi:i:ic oit month
Hotel Moore
OliMii looms, cciin beds and vor tlilnj; saulUry,
Hates ier cl.iy Mie ami "Tic.
I respectfully Iick to aiiiiouiico that the abovn holcls aro all oper
nlnd under mj solo ownership and management, and I wlih to tliaiik
jou for jour (tlud pntnumKo In tho past and I hopn to, deuervu biic
cesu In tho future.
Your obedient servant,
i:mii .moiiu
Do ion Plutoeral, Aulorrnt. Arlstorrnt or Democrat m.iUcs no dlt
ferenct) to Us, You nro wehnmo.
'I'll n BIihhU ruulon offers to tho loVer of outdoor life an piano
to Hpeud a vaiatloi Mountain cllinbliiK. flshluu, IiiuiJIiik or enjoy
Iiik thu mineral sprliiKs with wlilch this reislou abouiidH.
ii A
U 1 H
'i I ill v
1 I ' .
i .
t 1' s
Low Round Trip Excursion Fares
Sweet Hilar.
('(IHtlU Ul'llKS .
Khiista Itotieat
on ham; daiia' to
DuiiHiuuir i
tihustu KirlunH
CiimIIu Itock
Upi(H Soda HpriUKU
.Moit '
Hhiista Mountain liomu
Weelc End Fares
To soveial of tho nbovo points fipin (Jlumlulu to Ashland IniliiHlyy,
Call on iiomoHt Hoiithujn Pacific imonl for speolflu Information as
to fares, train yorvlro, etc., to uny of tho nbovo points.
JOHN M. KCO'IT, Oeneinl PnHht-UKer Affenl, Poillimd, Oregon,
4 ;,
"" ' t tVi'.''"'-s" '"" ''l- '
... , - M I ' '