Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 18, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    ' v-'ftt
5TS..W 3U
j Medford Mail Tribune
Fair Mat. Kl.T) Mln. 57!
ltd. Until, in per cent.
Knrtr-fourlh Ymr.
Dally Nlnlli Vr.
NO. 301
s f .
In Interview In Which He Propounds
mill Answers His Own Queries,
Hutrln Says Ho Quits to Restore
Pence to Republic and Goes to
Leave New Government Clear Field
I'tUUTO Mi: XI CO, Mexico. Jul)
In. - It im announced today (hut
Oeiioral lliiurtn hml ilnrlitiil lo ilnpait
from thU jMirt on board Ilia (lormnn
tiriilntr Dresden, General Illniu'uct
ulniuntrommn)lng Iilm.
When former President lliiirtn lis I
nIiiimmI hiiiI dressed lilituelf In n lilto
null, lm called n number of nos
littpur men Into III 11 rnllruml car. I In
appeared to lm In ono of hi grimly
K'Hllltl IllOOlt.
One of lliii correspondent started
lo ask n question lint the general In
terrupted nliiK:
Interview lllnief
"No, no, ln not do thnt. I want
this to lm ono of Kioto qucllun nml
answer lutenlows and I ntu going to
do tiolh tli questioning nml answer-
llIK lll)lolf,"
llimrtn blow th ii Minnkn from hi
rlgnreto toward tliu retting while
miiimi of tlm American correspondents
wcro bring told by an Interpreter
Hlinl they were nxpr-ctr-il not to do.
The general llirn continued;
"Yen, Ilka men In the madhouse,
do, I nut going to Nik in)' ohii que.
Hon and then answer them. Yon
! know tho answers."
lie Unit mkad hit 'Interviewers' to
write down tho tint (juration as fol
low t,
Why He itr-lgwnl
-Why did I resign"
III reply, which ho also Insisted
should ho written down, hid:
"I relcned tho presidency because
I believed (Tint nfter having ar
mime,! International nffnlr my duty
ns to give thl Usl proof of my do
otlon to tho ona "t tho republic.
Also I wit convinced thnt my resig
nation would sono n n moans of
ronolllntloii between nil tho von of
the republic."
Tho second self-asked question
wait :
"Why are you leaving t 1i country
while ou nro mill nhlo to aervo bur?"
It hhi answered its follow'
".My departure- from tho nntlnunl
territory hn no other cause tlnin to
leave the now government nu ample
fluid for action. I nlao hellovo my
cnutliiuancn hero would glvn rlo lo
conjectures which would result In
prejudicing tho proceedings of tho
now government, I doclaro to thu
world Hint tltn lino of conduct 1 lime,
iilwit) followed, Imd no other object
Hum my heartiest dcslro for tho pa
cKlnillon of thu country.''
Kllent nit United State
General llucrln dropped hli cigar
ette unit turned to lonvo. "Hut Gen
eral " began ono corrcHpondont.
(Continued on pM 3.)
DOUGLAS, Aria,, July 18. CoiihII
tullnnullsts under General Alvarado
occupied Ounymas ut dnybreak today,
according to uuofflcliil advices re
reived hero, They revolved nn ova
tion, Kutruutu was iiiiulo today partly
hticuuso It U tho anniversary of tho
death of lluulto Juarox, who promtil
Kitted the Mexican coiiBtltutlon, Tho
dny wau given over to festivities ut
(lunymiiH and throughout Bonoru pub
lie offlceH were closed, Meniurlul
mtrvlcriH wore hold In nearly nil
Hovornl h ii ml rod fedoral sympa
thisers liavo loft Douglus within n
week and uro unlet o he assembling
In tho mountains, An outbreak is
Constlltitlonallst Forco Under Jesus
Carranza to Prevent Outbreak at
Capital Caruaal Orders Evacua
tion ot San Luis Potosl hy Federal
Forces Peace Commission Meets.
MONTI-:ili:r, Mm., July 18.-H.-v
eral llnillHniiil lionp were ordered
loduy to iimri'li lo Mexico City !
remly lo preherMi unler there in eui
of nu uullireiik.
The trHiii nnlered lo miireh
touiiid llie emiiliil me under Nun
mimii of tleiierul Jcmim t'nrrunzn,
hrnllier of llie lirnl ehicl' of the eon
MiliilioiinllxU nml who Iiiih Iteeu op
ernliii); in (he tieii;libiirliood or Pa
eliueii, whieh id only u few lioiir
ride by inilrond from Moxieo City.
CnuotitutionnliHt offieiul elnim lo
have ;t",(l(ll) lo .'18,00(1 lrooM within
twenty-four liotim hy mil of tliu eii
ilul. To Iteolure IVnre
WA.SIIISdTON', July 18. To
ileinoiihtrntn that the new pro iniotittl
coverumciit ill Mexico wixhe to re
ntora enrn without further liluoil
Klied, i'niueixeo Cuiliiijnl. IliierluV
nuccenHor, oniercd llie fcilernl force
to evneuiile Kim l.uW I'otoni, one of
llie lurKC cilie in cenlrul Mexico.
Oencrul Cnrrnnm, tliu rmixlitu
liounliht chief. Iiiih cut n couitnU
itimi lo Celuyii to meet the three eom
iiiUiiiiirrN Hent from Mexico I'ilv )'
Carliiijul, ilh nuttiorily lo nrrm'o
for I lm Irnuxfer of nuthority lo the
KNruntlnn .iUIi'il
TIichp ndviee were received Imliiy
ut the Mexican cmhiiMiy hv Senator
Joe ('iihtrllol, mioiiiiI repreheulu-
Ine hern of I'rchiilcnt ( nrluijul. Mr.
t'ltKtellot Niiiil (hut rinee llie cnuMi-
luliouiilixt force hml nrriu'd in
front of Sun l.uix l'otosi, nml there
uiiL-ht he ilifficullicrt in arnumiiiK n
KiisMiihiiui of hostilities, it wan deem
ed more eoueiiieii( lo iivi the city
to (he cnnittitulinuuliM without con
flict ami iiinuiffM nl the hiiuie lime
the williiiKiicx f the Carliajnl piv-
ermiiciil in urrniiKo pence, lie hml
rcccixeil no definite inl'iyiiiatimi,
howexer, im to whether the evnciiu
lion hud oceiirred iih yd.
riiofficiul ivporl fii'iii Miilumorns
hit iiIrIiI imlicule (hat the iVtlcraN
hml depnrlcd.
ltlUII.MO.NM), Vn., July 18. - lllch
uiond today hncauio n city of reftiRO
for ilcrerter from tho navy by order
of .Major AIiikIIo. who told l.leiitenant
II, K, I'nrtion. U. 8. N In Juatlco
Urutchfleld'H court, that tho lllch
uiond imllco would never arrest
another dcitcrtor until tho lloutanaiit'ii
clinrKK to (lovernor Ktuart, thnt Hall
01 on leave hero wcro "hounded1'
wan withdrawn and upolnKUod for.
JiihIIcu Urutchflold ordered nllcuod
deHortera rolenicd,
MKXICO (MTV, July 18. Several
stale governor iippoiuleil hy 1'icsi
lent Mudero nml deposed hy (Icnernl
lliicitn, have jiint urrivcil in thu capi
tal or have hceu rclcasotl from pris
ons whom they wcro confined for
mnnv months. All of them huvc
heon in uloun enmmuiiieiiliou with the
uoiiHlitulionalitit loadcrri ami sulil to
day that until Cnrnuua urrives here
no stops will ho taken to cstablinh a
provislonul Kovorniiicnt.
As Hie Imllc of thu Cnrrniun forces
II I'll HOW ill Run I.ulu Pilnul nml Hie
rulroiul from thero to (his inly is in
Itood condition, it Is Koimrally ex
peelcil Unit ('a tin n ma nii'd his troops
will iKHicotully enlvr the loUcrul cap
I'OUTsMOl Til, riinl.u..l. is.
.shamrock IV, Sir Tlmum-, l.ip
Ion' cluillcnjrcr t..r the Amenca'j.
up, turner cMiMi.v oi me sicain
vueht hnn, Milled today for bill-
mouth, whence lie will iut for the
I'liilcil State.
Shiunek IV hu heeii lieil tit u
ketch for her voyage ncro8 the At
hiulio nml will enrry oulv hull' of
her nicin ercw of Ihiily men.
ChurliM I-. KichoUou, the diiner,
Willium P. Hiirlou, who I to he'llie
inein skipper, nml t'nplnin Tinner
who will net iih skipper iluiiii).' the
xoynge, will he on liourd of (lie yiitch.
The icniniiulei' of llie crow will he
on Kir Thomiifc' tenia yntch, Klin,
which will net n- eoinoy nml uill
in ciiho of neeeftnilv tow the Sham
rock IV.
The problem of Kettiii the Shnni
roek ueroa the Atlnulio uiulec her
own h f x i I h i almost un ureiit iih that
of racing her, nml the sliip's liuilder
nml crew have hceu huy with prep
iirutioiiK since tho luxt trial fipiu.
Tho Millie iiiust which looks so
lari;e hy conlint-t with tin MiiallVmll.
has liccn Miorlcucil hy Hie rcmovnl
of the topniiwi, nml n second smnll
must creeled fur nft to carry n siunll
iiiuzcn pail. In ciiho of hml wenthcr
the Kliutock can said with only her
foresail nml he small mixxcu sail.
The two bonis will ho on the souther
ly course nml will slop for rest ami
Htipplies ut (he Ar.nrtw, Tlicie the
complement of men of the .slinuitock
will ho flhiflcd
ital 80IIUI Uuic next week.
Cai'iiinzii is Hiiiil o have ordcrcil
.apatu nml the 'other ohioftuiiiH in
the south not to make nny attempt
lo cuter the capital,
VKUACKUZ, July 18. Aimnijr the
Mcxicnii refugees who arrived here
(oduy fioiu the capital were Kuvhptu
(leroslieln, former minister of justice
in llueitn'a' enhuicli Ucucrul Javier
tie Mouvc, olio of thu federal coin
utiiudoitt in the defense of Torrcouj
Jose lKiineio l.iimiutoiiio, a nephew
of the ficerctniy of the Ircasurv un
der l'rewiilcnt l'orfirm Diuzj sevcrnl
l'cdoinl officers of minor importance
nml other tjiippoilers of Uiior(ii,
mkiS ..jag'ul?MFilifal . . .;.i .-. umnaif "NBBtt4B I
Hk j r4 ' - siH - X'i I v f v ,i$mm
nar ' r vy.nm imt r iMmc i
w VST JV.'ff w. im T. .Zi Ti1 &Jm
PORTLAND. Or. July 1. To
show Unit !'. Minimi of Porllnml
hml miiile filings on ipiaitcr section
of Hie Oregon & California railroad
land Kiiuit, ion since deeded to other
parties, federal counsel in the Pnit
cd Stales district court here today
iiilroiluccd thirly-live certified .cop
ies of nffiduvits made hy Miimul.
Minntil, with J. V. Logon nml K. J.
Sellers of Tnconin, is on trial
ehnr;;cd with inistisiui; the mails for
the purpose of dcfruiiiliin- home
steaders. Certified copies of deeds for the
hinds filed on hv Minimi also were
procutcd, showiuir (hut the lumlx
had hceu jive h tho piveinment or
hy tho ruilroiiil nml the Union Trust
Company of New Voik, which hold
a $17,0(io,000 innrlu'iKu n the :rnut,
to purcluiNcrri eat'-. before the dates
of Minatd's ntlid.iviU. Ilcnrv 1'.
llnrpcr of Tncoma. rcccntlv pardon
ed after conviction in order to tes
tify for the government, wns recalled
to thu stand, for a few minutes to
nuswer ipicstious regarding his mill
ing nml limber Ims'iucss lcliitimis
with Sellers ami Logan,
FORT SMITH. Aik., Julv 18. On
application of William P. Kilcy of
Now yrk, the Kansas City d
Memphis railroad, with hcadqnaitci-H
nt Rogers, Ark., was plneed in the
hands of receivers today. 'I ho rond
is otipitnlixcd nt 11,000,(100. Judge
l' A. lloiimaiw uiiuicd J. 1-). Felker
president and O. O. Dismau gcuerul
iniumgor, as receivers,
WASHINGTON. Julv IS. General
Villa eommunieiited mill the state
department todnv olfering a euunin
tce of tho lives mid protection of the
properly of Aweriean ami other for
eigners along th border of Hip states
where lie is in pownr. Villa's mes
sage was rfiMirttnl Uy Consul Kd-
wards from HI Pas.o, who ulso tele-! that re,M.rt of the fall of
l.u Pnlumnx wen belh-ved to lie un
true. I'dwanls reiMirt ilmt only a
small hnml of wuue 100 robbers took
part in the Initio, that Hie eotistitu
tionuii'.t force wore not annihilated
ami Hint Hie oily still is in their
KL PASO, Tex., 'July IS.-Ooneml
Villa and his staff left today for
Chihuahua after paiug a sjmrt visit
to the border ton or Juarez, oppo-i
m . .1.1 . .. I. . ..! 1 .1.1 I
plans had not been eompleiod for t!u
no nits poini. ii wus hhiii nun
movement of the northern
tmop toward Mexico City.
I'llll.ADKI.l'UIA. July IS. S:corouor announced that tho man's
deaths and more than two score pro?, stomach contained poison enough to
tratlona from the heat woro reported, kill ten men. Duwson wus hla wlfe'b
In this city Krldav. third husband.
Will H. Part-v of Seattle is rcgis
lored at the Mcdi'oid and is en route
for I.os Angeles ami other southern
California points. Mr. Parry, long
cditor-iu-ehiof of the Seattle Post-
lutolligeueor, 1ms in recent years
been engaged in redeeming tide flat
lands nml establishing largo irriga
tion systems. Mr. Parry, on behalf
of Seattle, Imd charge of the Alaskan
railway hill at Washington, being
present nud active during tho various
stages of progress of that measure.
Speaking of Senator Chamberlain of
Oregon, whoso liiiino tho jnen&ure
wenrs, Mr. Parry said
"George V., Clminhciluiu s n grout
senator. Tho affabililv, industry
nud coiiriige (hat endears him to the
Oregon people has brought him lo Hie
forelrout m tho lulled States sen
ate. Not nuiro than two or threo
soiuilora uro referred to by follow-
iiii I iv i n unn n nl liii i fiiiiii v liiiiii
iv no. uHimHii uiuLHiiuomnu
Accused Woman, Out on $20,000 Bail,
Denounces Detectives Asserts
She Is Not "Insanely Jealous," But
Merely Curious as to How Much ot
a "Renular Devil" Husband Was.
FKEKI'OKT. X. V July 18.
Plans for tho immediate future occu-
'pied the attention of Mrs. Carman,
relcnicd vestcnlay from the county
jail nt Mineoln in fJO.OOO bail to
, th s fall, under a grand jury in
dictment clinrging manslaiighler in
the lirst degree in connection with
the murder of Mrs. litiise llailey.
Willi her hii-band, Dr. Kdwin Cnr-m.-iii
nml Dr. Elizabeth, Jlrs. Carman
planned to itart today or tomorrow
on an automobile tour to Philadel
phia. Atlantic City and the Delaware
.Water Gap.
In a statement, Mrs. Carman told
,for the first time her jtory the
storv she sought to tell the county
grand jury, but which that body re
fused to hear.
The statement, besides detailing
her movements on the night of the
murder of Mrs. Itailcy in her hus
band's offiee, contains n denuncia
tion of the detectives employed by
llie district attorney and declaration
that she has no fear of conviction
"unless they frame me up."
Mrs. Carman said that it was not
true that she was ''insanely jealous.
ns the ncwMipcn lend people to be
lieve." She explained she was mere
ly curious, saying that "the fact of
the mnttcr is thnt I had been on nil
inerous occasions with tnv husband
ut various affairs, and had tunny a
good time with him. Kill on such oc
casions cople would joke him about
his 'many girls' nml hint that the
doctor was 'n regular devil.' I simp
ly made up my mind io find out what
wus the truth in tluwo remarks, not
because I was insanely jealous, but
becau.-o I wanted to find out I was
"People often said to him in my
presence: 'You have a cinch, doctor.
Voit can go out at all hours of the
. t Jp , Uue of e ,,
.p Jn offi.o wn m mo f
can seo
what's going on nud what you nn
doing.' And so 1 put m the telephone
dev ice."
1'OHTI.A.VD, Ore., July IS. Start-
I Hag revelations wcro promised by the
I Iollco at an Inquest to bo hold hero
today into tho death of George 3.
Dawson, aged 59, who died at hU
homo Wednesday after eating. Hla
wife, Mrs. Johanna Dawson, also 59
years old, was arrested late yesterday
; ag material witness, hariy today the
uiemhers us Chamberlain is.
"One indication of the respect nud
esteem accorded linn is the ottice
room nhsignineiit which gives him one
of the four offices opening directly
into tho senate chamber. I do not
know the men opposing Chamberlain
for ro-olectiou, but I feel Oregon has
in Chamberlain a senator valuable
not for Oregon ' alone, but for the
whole Puoifio const, and um there
fore hopeful Hint your people will re
turn hiui.
"It is very rare that a senator ac
quires the commanding influence in
many years that your seuior senator
onjoys even now."
The above, coming from tho for
mer editor of tliu big republican Se
attle, daily and a man familiar with
legislative conditions is worthy tho
serious attention of Hie people of Or-cgou.
George Making Great Efforts to
Bring About Settlement of kish
Home Rule CrisisWill Throw In
fluence at Proper Meftwit ftr
Compromise Acreement.
HONDON, July 18. King George
who has beet: making great efforts lo
bring about n settlement of tho Irish
home rule crisis, decided this morn
ing to postpone until Inter in the day
his propoed visit to lite great Hrit
ish fleet now lying nt Spithead. This
he did that he might he in Loudon
to receive early reports of develop
ments in the conferences going on
between the various party lenders.
It is understood that when the op
Mrlunc moment arrives his majesty
will throw his influence toward the
side looking for nn amicable settle
ment. Settlement Near
The belief prevails thnt such a set
tlement is not far off nml the Liver
pool Post, ono of the best informed
newspapers pn the government hide,
goes so far as lo say:
"There is really an arranged set
tlement of the Irish question. De
tails have yet to be adjusted, hut
the broad facts can bo regarded us
Other authorities do not go quite
so far but satisfy themselves with
the statement, "there is a newer ap
proach to a settlement."
The government! s believed to have
offered tho unionists in case they
agree to abandon their demand for
a "clean out" of the province of Ul
ster out of tho operations of the
Irish home rule bill, to arrange thnt
the whole of Ulster,, with the excep
tion of tho county of Tyrone, which
hns n great Catholic majority, should
voto ns an entity on tho question of
exclusion from the homo rulo gov
ernment. The unionists demand Hint
Tyrone shall be included in this ar
rangement nml this has been causo
of the deadlock.
, liTmIer With King
Premier Asquith and Augiistino
Hirrell, sccretnry of stnto for Ireland,
who nro carrying on the negotiations
on behalf of the cabinet, have re
mained in town for the week end.
The premier today had another uu
dienco with the king. Tho rest of
tho cabinet mini-ters scattered over
Hie country for their weekly holi
day. I
NBW YORK. July 18 Tho all
vor trophy symbollu of vtcltory In thu
Olympic games, won in tho 1913
games by America, was brought hero
today by James I. Sullivan, sojrotnry
of tho American Amateur Athletic
Union, who arrived today from Iarlf.
It has thus far been hold by Prance.
Knglaud, Denmark, Gorman, Swodou
and tho United States.
Speaking of tho Increased Interest
taken In athletics throughout Europi,
Secretary Sullivan said that Amorlcau
training methods wcro botag rapidly
ndoptod and (hat ho held tho promUo
of tho attendant of at least 100
forolgn athletes at the Panama games
lu San Fruncisco next year.
During tho lust two months Secre
tary Sullivan and 12 other Amorlcun
delegates bavo taken part lu tho
Paris conference and meeting of tho
International Federation at Lyons,
Franco, at which tho rules governing
nil future Olympic meets were dis
cussed and altered In many Import
uut points and In noarly ovary tu
stance In accord with tho suggestions
ot tho American delegation,
"1'ructlcully all the Amor lean
rules woro adopted aud after the,
first of noxt January uniform rule
will be operation, over all tin'
world," said Mr. Sullivan.
1 1
n 1
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