Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 17, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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ASHLAND, 'Inly "- 'I''"' nni'"'"!
lilllj) Ml' III l'llllllt'UIIlll (MMIII
ilitn invimU 11 'Ium with (In iip"
Ihmikiiii'ii 'r llii I'xti'lli' (Iniy
puny in two oonri'rU mi WVilnt'Mliiy.
, TIiIm iirffiiiiliilluii i'ihinIkIh if '"
llnt'xtii iiimii'l mill 11 n'litlrr. tin' Hrnt
mimed Ih'Iiik llii' mitr In tin' iihitihI
(int. Aflil.t Hum the ri'inllnif !
tlniiH, nil uf winch went mniMiiilly
kimiiI, tliu riili'ilnlniiiriit wh wholly
inxlninientnl. Home extra nwi'i-t Iiii
I11I1I1W, by wiiy nf fi M'i with l,,ir
ili'iiUrly ri'liohi'il.
I'rournm l.arKrly Musical
There' Iiii been hiiiiih etunimmt,
inlhi-r limn erillelmi, t11il-tl In lluv
i'lri-inihli(iu'i Unit Hi" promm thi-
... ...... I. ,.1... l...l .. ..i.
M'UMin him IM'HI mriniiniiiinjji.v line
hii'iii'iil llm rjiifiine of hciivy nrtll.
Ifiv lii itorfentil nrntnry. Httf iiilel
Ipi'lunl KintM rnnin mindly lilpli, mill
it Ih iiii I'lH'ii (iit"tliin wlicllii'i' it
nuiiM li 1 hct'ii Im'Hit In pii'liniiun
hiiinf nf lint nniHinil imlcn nil nf
which Imtn lirrii riijnyi'il for kiiIi
ciillhiK tiruliiry "r tin I)"1 which
inlttht provoke I'iniiii. The program
iinntlicr season inny mil In the nthcr
extreme nml lie filled with nriitnriciil
tlflltM, thllH l' filing up tin good
tiling iiK'imnrc Tor inrtifciirn. Musicnl
rrelioiiN throughout the cnuron have
lircn of wide rnngo, cIiih.Ic nml nth
erwUe, HClUlnirlltlll mill ntllllllltlc,
oiuliie nml guy, A exiteelril Ih
jiihltcr singer tli-n'iin the humor-
iniK wild n liiUh Jiiiinl. It In rnthcr
n fnr cry from Mnm'iiKni' iiitcrniin
ahtc iiitcrnicjtii In "my OM Ivrtiliicliy
lloinr" uf the 1'nhtcriiin Hrlnil, or
funii 11 ilcliciile WiiKiiertmi courto.
killou to Mich i roliut iirinliictitiii
(not hy Tiiiinlinncr) iin "A I fulfil
liny," lirloti;iii o the Mixturule
cliifoificntinii, The 11I111 wiih to jrnl
ifv nil liihtcn mnl that uan nccoinp.
Mnlfont )ij )lMrtrl
TJjttpfilny nflcrnoon wh rccrcl
for:.Mfilfon tnlriit in n hrJcf pm.
prmn of iiiiihIc nml recitation. In.
ciilriitnlly, the Suinlny tehool nf the
Chrixtlinr chinch of the miiiic city
plcnti'cil in Climilmiipm urnvr. The
iniiin Vxcurnloii cnnie in n Hcciilnr
H-cinl, hut the Sumtiiy rliol rnu
tinKtiit nrricil in kohI conchcx nt
tiiclicil to the rruhir nrthoilox tun.
tur. Mvtlfonl people were nut in
McncroiiH iiiiiulirrM. (niiHuiuch tin
their program hn heretofore heen
priiitnl in tit cm- column, it in not nv
pcntcil here. Approximately n iloon
oclcctioiu were bivcii, uiuler the iji
Miction nf Mr. (IcraM Taillninler,
whuhe rcpiitulioii iik a pimiikt mnl in
xtruclor ix more llinii xtntcwiilc.
Carllou JmieH wim (he Molini"t, Mr.
(I. T. WlNoii, rrmter, mnl Mr. I'..l
M. AmlrewH, vocalit. The latter whh
luuiiriliiitrly rvcnjiiUcl iih iiii old
time fiMorile here, mnl the remaining
talent nil the irorain fillcil into
their iph'cUu placcn hy nhccr force
of merit mhletl to a wimiiiiK perxon
nlily. Tlienc urlistri met with it must
hearty reception.
nun i:eur.onM Arrlic
Mcilfonl never iIoch hu tiling hy
liahcH. Ah tu the utciiilmice on
Tliui-Mliiy it is only iiecpi.wiry In
xlulc Hint Add liailu'i'rt were puniilcil
tor the ccuiiouUt, Thcoo were all
mioii ilixpoxeil of, Am'iIp fiom the
uiaiii crowd otherh eiiine on the rcir
ular liniii nml hy the auto route. The
paily wan pviMittiilly eoinlueled hy
.Ino. M, Scott, cciiernl ticket aKcnt,
mnl I-'reil IIiiiimhi, iihHihtant hiipriiu.
teiiilcnt, of the IIiich in Oregon, who
lnoii(lit iiIoiik A, S. ltuMiiihmim alr-o
flum Mcilfonl, rcpiehcntiut; tho liar
riaiaii lines in the Itopie iier valley,
who will held iik ii hnlnne condi
tlnncll upuu tho kooiI conduct uf the
railway official mnl their protege.
In addition (o IiiiiIkch, the Mcilfonl
1, isilorn nihil illnplnycil iiennunth
lieniiiijf (ho IcKcnd, "Second Annual
Convention Tri-Stale Pacific flood
KoailM AhKociiilion July 'J7'JH, lilt I,
Mcilfonl, JackNon County, Oii'kou."
Auniml ClrciiK (it en
Tim nliinax of iitliklii trniniui;
mnl i)K allied fmU uud fmiuicH, with
iciiclicil Tliurxiluy evening in thu mi
iiiutl 'iitiiiiiH." Over 'JOO lioyn mnl
kjiIh, from tl to 1(1, took part in Prof,
l.iilimurpVi uYmniiht ration, vof what
can he. iiccomplihheil in pliyn'cnl cuU
turn hy careful anil pcrxihtcnt train
iiiK. Tliuru weio contortlonihlH,
llipillihriHiH, mill II llOht Of htlllltM in
the way of a ilcxlrou cxhihilioii of
what mill ho uccniiiplixhcil hy u kiiiiu
iippllcallon of the principle of phy.
hicul IrnliiiiiK. I'ruf. I.iiriiuurn Iiiih
coacheil tliimn cIhxxch fur the pilot
two year, and each iihhciuhly v It
innnc iciicwcd Inleie! Ill llin work,
'Hie iillt'iiiliiiuiu visibly hit fni Hi tint
iincil nf Unit new Clmiilaiiijiiu Inithl
iti(f ,
MWI'OHTi II. I . July 17. 'IV
itivv n' U Aihi'Ihii flip u imlli'il
LONDON, July 17. -tliinlioMl"
Hin It M nml litn miuiHKer "Jim" Iludt
ley, milil loilny (liny liitemlcil to iimko
n further effort to nrraimn n return
fight with Oconto Cnriciitlcr, tho
l-'rfliirli henvywiilulit, nhn yentonlny
wan nwnnled tho dcrUlon nl Olymiiln,
whiiii ho wan illmiuntlried In the tlxth
round for hitting the, Kranclimnn
wlillo ho wh mi thn Kroiimt,
Tint AhirlrMii lifi..p ilnrlnril I,..
wh wIIIIiir (u incot tho Frenchman J
nuywiiern nmi nt nny time nml would
prefer Hint tho winner ulioiild tnko
tho cnllrc purro or khIo inonoy.
ltUini riuritmlirNpli
Kinlth todny nuaerted that tin never
w until (Icht npnln tioturo a (Ineuni
toKrnpli. Ilo until till eye were wciu
nml ho had to wear Klmnoi In tho tun
llRht. I.t nlnht tho glnro of thn
IIkIiU piunloil him mnl ho tlioiiR'jt
thin poMllily Imil iomothlnR to do
with hi. itrlkltiK Ciirpontlor whllo thi
Krenchuinn whn down.
Huilth IncUtd Hint oven If liU kuvo
touched L'arpentlor It wn unlntcii.
tlounl nml tho hlow did nut hurt til
opponent. Any other hoxer, ho inlil,
would Imvo contlnuoil tho flitlit.
At to hlow which knocked htm down
In thn fourth round. Huilth inld thnl
mine u nun n imiu iiiin, n uui nui
put him out nml ho had nliuply ro-
inaliieil ilown to kmii tlio licnetll or
the rot,
Mnkr l-Vrniftl l'rlet
While rcalliltiK that It la liopclcioi,
lluckloy la maklne a format protest
attalnat tho referee' dccUlon on tho
Kround that It had liceu arranged for
the oeromli to remain out of tho rliiR
until tho refcreo had Riven lit del
loii. Denoliniupi, tho rreiirhman'i
inanaRer, llucktey point out. disre
garded thli arraneemenl and Jumped
Into the rltiR liiuncdlatcly ho saw,
there wa a clianro of winning tho
limit on a technicality.
Tho boxliiR oxperta of evening
newspapers aro as divided In opinion
In respect to tho force of tho foul
blow Riven by Smith as wcro thuio of
tho imirnltiR newspapers. Men with
actual ring experience such as Fred
Welsh, tho llRlitwel8ht champion,
however, say that Carpoutlor waa not
hurt and that tho accno which fol
lowed tho foul hlow was tho result
of quick slmultnncotif working of tho
brain of tho Frenchman and his sec
onds, KiiRcnn Corrl, tho referee, It la
admitted hy all. did tho only thing
posslblo after Ucschaiups had claimed
a foul,
.Not Intentional Foul
In their editorial comments on tho
match all tho newspapers doclarc that
It wan clear Smith did not make, any
'Intentional attempt to strike a foul
"If Huilth wants a return match
right away ho Is not going to en
counter tho slightest dlfdcurlty,"
said Carpoutlor' manager later In
tho day. "It I Carpoutlor'a wish aa
It Is my wish that tho white chain
plon of tho world should retain tho
championship not by a mere fluko o
disqualification but by right of su
periority In boxing."
Doth sides thus hae put them
Holies on record as eagerly desiring
an early return match and tho only
bur to such a meeting appears to bu
thn urrangoiuont uf n suitable, purs-j.
Deschumps, commenting on what
ho termed tho disappointing end or
yesterday's fight, snld both ho and
Carpentler wore dissatisfied with thu
result. Ho added:
lloUt Anxious for Fight
"Carpoutlor personally wanted thn
fight to proeeod, but I thought tho
blow ho received from Smith whllo ho
was down would havo proved detri
mental had tho fight gone on. It
knoekud all tho brllluucy out of tho
French boy,
"t'lirpentlor la qulto ready and ln
deed iiiixloim to moot 'Quiiboat' Smith
ngaln, lie regrets that ho waa sot
allowed tu win tho championship on
n clean, straightforward knockout,
fur ho hud Smith beaten nlmost fro:n
tho start. Carpoutlor Is sorry hi
opponent gave hint n foul blow that
put an end to thn match,"
When qucHtlonod ns to what iii
meant by "n return match right
away," CnriHmtlor'H manager ox
plained lhat tho Fronrh boxor would
bo ablo to fight Smith again only
after ho had fulfilled Ills muslo hall
cngHgoinonlH. Ilo contlnueil:
"Thesu will keop Carpoutlor busy
until Soptomhor, but ho la moru than
willing to arrange u dato In Docom
bor or January."
Then Deschainpa addoilt "On con.
illtlmi (hat ii slilo bet u( f K0,uu0 oach
ho putted,''
Tim Mukc for la. I night's match
won paid mcr loday, Ciiipeiiliwr If
celt In H nlifiik fui irlltlll), while
Hiickliiy ii'celvcil 1 11,(100 mi Ih'IiiiII'
uf Hmlllii who was not pii'-inl.
(1st hu ht hmVp, iluii Jokw),
u4 iv Mrtmiw tow, '
Another Hiiriey in the hope nf re
claiming u portion of Tiilo hike wiih
uimle vcli'iiluy hy Project Kugincer
J. IC, C'mup mnl uHHltiintH. Another
oxpnmu1 of liivu lu'il tower than the
gi!iiinl level of tin; heil wiih dlicov
cad! hy llie cuuipiihti, nyM the Kliim
nth N'oilllwoilcrii.
Nearly 100,00(1 iicic of laud me
rovercil hy the wnlera of Tiile hike,
Koniit with (weuty-lwo feet and mmiio
with only a few feet, hut the uienige
depth of water Iiiih been ctiiiintel lit
ten feel. Three yearn ago lliu I,oh(
Hiier ditcrxiou dam wa huilt to li
veil j uatcrn from the hike nml into
Klamath river. Since then the lei el
of Tide lake Iiiih dropped about three
or four feet hy evaporation. Ilvup
oration might lower it much more in
j ear to come, hut to lower the level
enough to reclaim probably 10,000
nnre in a few car is thu plan of
Kugincer I'liinp.
"I tune not eieu the fiiiii(cl Iiom'S
nf wholly draining Tule lake," miid
Mr. ('iiuip In! evening. "There nnt
iipproxiimilelv 1,000,000 acre feet uf
water in the lake, nml even if tho
hnikeu lava could lie made to take up
some, there Ih no enough of tlje lava
o coiiMime all the water. However,
it Ih my hope to make the broken i
lava take up a cniiHilcrublc part ofj
the water, mnl if the lake is lowered
....I.. .. r e....i ii.... ..i. .., ...
"iu. ii nn iiii, nun, nun uii l it ill
he taken up hy eiuporntioii, will ef
fect the reclamation of enough land
to proiide home for tlioiixnmlH of
Thu U. K. 'weuther bureau and tin)
forest service are going to woik han 1
In hand In tho future believing that
mutual benefit tuny bo obtained. Tim
weather bureau will furnish tho rang
era and fire-guards with forecasts of
the weather, warning them of heavy
rains, winds and dry periods,
"Thn rangcrg hnvo heretofore been
working In tho dark," said Professor
lloverldge, "They did not Unof
when they could slacken up on tlielr
patrol becauso of approaching rain,
or when they woud have to double
It becuuse of hard winds that inako
forest fire so hard to control. Here
after thn weathor forecaster will fur
nish the forest fcrvlco with prcdlr.
lion o that they may bo prepared
for rain, wind, or a long dry period
"For Instance, this morning," he
contlnuoil, "I gave Mr. Foster of tho
forest service a prediction of a high
wind In tho hills, as well as hot
weather for two or three da) a. Con
sequently ho will see that tho flro
guard Is doubled and thn patrol more
Thn forest .service will assist the
agricultural bureau hero by giving
them statistics as to what part of the
hill land surrounding Med ford Is suit
able for agriculture.
' I.OXDON. Julv 17. The American
and Ilritlhh niin!tcrx nt Peking, ac
cording to thn lime corrcpondciit
Ihere, haie lodged a Htnuig foimal
protect with the Chiucxc goierumi'iit
ngniiiht lircache of the treaty hy Mui
governor of t'hekiaug pnniiiee
through the imposition of exorbitant
tnxrx on American uud IlritMi mer-
cluiml e.
HOOII HI V Kit, Or., July 17. Hy n
vole of 10.2 to 'J8 the people of
llooil ttiier county TucMlay author
ired a bond isuc of $?.',000 for com
plrlion of the Columbia river high
way in Hood Hivcr county. All of
the twelie precinct in the county,
with the single exception of Dee, a
thinly Hipiilalcd district, voted big
miijoritU'H for the bond.
Uftnutta wr all
Liiif Sufferers
Would too like tp know mor about s
rvmrtlr for I.uni Troutilo which li
broufht about omnr comcllr rmTrrlrt
Th aakrr of Krkmtn's AltfiilUr sr
ta rclpt of mtuj tnWr won.lrrful rv
ports, snd will ( nksiM to farwaril to
jou roplrs of oiltlnal Ivltrr and alo
booklrt on dirt and proixr rsr to
rrcotrrlnf balth. ItiTritlialr tbla raf
lfll Muaaurbsnna At., I'hlla., I'a.
"Mr lr Bin Vtr two ytsti I wi
sfRlrtfd wltb brnorrhtcra of the tunc,
sod In t'ebruarr of 11U 1 was takrn with
a sTrr sttark of pnrumanl. Whfn I
MfOTSitd Mfllrlrntlr to walk about th
bout wat Irft wllh frlxhtful backing
coucb. which no nrdlrlns I had taken
rouM alUtlat. II waa at this llmr,
Mnb. 1002. that I atarti! taking lk.
stin'a Alleratl. In a abort llmr mr
rouah was sous ami I wa prououurrd
writ I cannot apeak too hlibly for tb
good It bss don."
(Ma-ntd) IIOWAItt) U KI.OTX.
(AIo abtirctlatrd: nnir en rrturt )
Kckman'a Alttrttlv ha been provrn s
nianT jrars' teat to be moat rfflcacloua
for arrr Throat and l.uns Affrclkim.
nronclillli, Ilronchlal Asthma, tttulilmrn
Oolda and In uihulldln thi aratrm
Contains no narrollc. potion or habit,
forming drura. Atk for tionkkl telling
nf rfroTrrlr an.l wrltn tn Kckman
aboritory, I'blladrlphla. 1., for rvl
dtnro. Kor aal br all leading drugglata
ASHLAND, July 17.- Mayor John
miii Iiiih appointed Kd J. Kuicr uud
f. II. Wuthon ii delegates to the
tri-Mntc good nmd convention to
he held nt Medford July J7 nml 128.
Thin will ho the Inrge-l meeting that
ha ever taken place in the valley
for boo-ting purine. Delegnten
will ho prc-eut repre-euting different
tow nn in the three Mate. The com
mercial clubs in the different cities
are putting forth eicry effort In lime
a reprecentittive present.
The purM)e o.the meeting i to
forward all pnijeett for the better
ment of the roiul throughout the
three htnte Wachlngton, Oregon
mid Califilniin. Already these elates
an gaining the (end in their roud
huilding progrcMtvene and are re
gunlcd na criteribux to follow after
hy the other Mate. The Medford
people uud Commercial club are pre
paring to give tiie iMtor a royal
HAUKAMCNTO, Cal , July 17. -Tho
record day of the season for fruit
shipments off thn Hacramcnto river
w'ae reached yesterday when tho total
ran to nearly 40 cars, of which 30
wcro Uartlett pears and four wcro
plum. Last Tuesday tho shipments
wcro nearer HO cars.
Of the shipments off tho ftacM
mento river, 75 per cent wcro through
this city and the romalndcr through
Antloch, Today shipments reached
20 cars out of Hacramcnto and An
tloch and four each out of Hood and
Walnut drove. Harry Adams, traf
fic manager of tho California Fruit
Distributors, believes that shipments
will reduce from this tlmo on from
tho river district.
Fruit prices In New York yester
day wcro somewhat erratic. Uart
lett pears brought 12. SO per box,
llurbank plums went for 85 cents;
Tragedies for $1.30; Germans for
$1.22; Wkksons for ST, cents, and
Diamonds for $1.35. Crawford
peaches sold for 70 cents and Thomp
son seedless grapes for $1.45.
Utterly Wsra Out
Getting the Blood in Order
Is Required By Most
If you think you bar gone to amaih and
nt onljr for the d I tear J. try B. 8. H. for the
blood. It will aurprtar you, to know what
ran t done for health ooc tb blood l
releoard of th rift of bod waite that
keep It from rxrrclilng IU full mesaure of
bodily repair.
If you feci played out, go to ny drug
atore and aik for s bottle of 8. H. K. Here
la a remedy that gets at work In a twink
ling; It Jutt naturally ruahea right Into
your blood, catters germ rlgbt and left,
up and down and aldeway.
You feel better at once, not from a stlm
ulant, not from tbe action of drugs, but
from tbe rational effect of a natural medi.
The Ingredient In R. R. P. serve tbe
artlre purjHe of so atlmulatlng tbe cellular
llMuea of the body that tbey pick out from
Ibe blood their own easentlal nutriment and
thua repair work begin at once. Tb relief
Is general all over tbe ayatem.
Do not neglect to get a bottle of S.8,8.
loday. It will make yon feel better In Jiut
a tew minute. It la prepared only In tbe
laboratory of Tbe Swift Hpeclfic Co., MO
Kwlft Hide.. Atlanta, Ga. Head for tbelr
free book telling of tbe many atrange con.
dltlon that afflict tbe human family br
reaaon of Imporerltbed blood.
1 Hupmobile Runabout . . . $250
1 Flanders Studebaker Runabout . ' 300
1 Horse, Buggy and Harness all in
good condition .... 85
1 Horse, Buggy and Harness . . 135
1 Motor Cycle (Indian) ... 65
Wo want to reduce stock and Imvo niadu big re
ductions in priced. , ' ' '
JJ51-I0 A-Orado Stutlolmkor Hug?y $103.00
$115 good Wtudobalcor Uuggy S02.00
$85 good Studubakur Muggy fOO.OO
.Ji..ft Vortical Lift-mid Draw Out Champion Mow
ers $52.50
0-foot Draw Cut Cliainnion Mowors $55.00
0-foot Uig Draw Cut Champion Mowors $00.00
H-foot Kolf-Diiinp Clmnijiion Kakos $:i..00
10-foot Bolf-Dump Champion Hakt'H $.S5.00
Now ITomu Bowing Machines $37.50
Medford Implement Co.
"" 20 for I
UaW C 1
f Quality tJ
f Not S
No premiums or coupons with Camel Cigarettes,
cojt of the tobacco prohibits their use.
am ssBissA A
Camels 20 for 10c, x blend of
choice quality Turkish and domes
tie tobaccos.
Camels are smooth and even.
They do not leave that dgarclly
taste, neither can they bite your
tongue or parch your throat.
VbBbbS '
II ini ittllt If 'I ltff T. tf'i lit In
tut StW ' M far film tl W s.
IHI cw tr.rfiivi. pf.f ffif.'..
Alltr -.. M Mlt. " f '''
l(. wnu a. rrpr. j.rHf rvn...
IU nhtr lm tKiattf ul at
1)1 ttltni rrar mttj.
Wbuj'Smssi, N. C.
You May Have Enough Money
for your present needs but look ahead Into the future,
nnd you will see tho wisdom of a surplus fund Do tbe
right thing now start an account with us and de
posit your money regularly.
4 Interest paid on savings accounts.
"I had no idea this Oil Cook Stove would bake
bread and cook everything just like my steel range.
But it docs. And best of all my kitchen stays cool
these hot days. Besides, there's no coal or wood or
ashes to lug. Oh, I'm delighted with it."
New ' Perfection
It bakes, broils, roasts and toasts perfectly. It
docs all that any wood or coal stove can do and at
less cost. It doesn't smoke; doesn't taint tho food.
Clean, safe, convenient! Ask to eco it at your
"Tried and Truo" ts this old Tollable outing resort, with a woalth
of natural scenery, healthful drives, a splondld beach uud uumerotin
near-by points of Interest: Lighthouse, Uuvlt'a Puuchbowt, Seal
UocKu, etc.
Special Low ltouiMl.Trlp Setihoit Karen
WoeV-Kiul l-'iufs to All I'oluta iinil Sunday
i:curslon Fares from Albany and CorvulUsi
vlu tlio
4 x a .v '
Tlio i:iK)ltiou Lino 1 1 i n
Leavo Albany, dully - 7;3U A. M,
l,eao Albany, dally except Sunday UUO l. M.
Leavo Corvollls, dally - 8j00 A. M,
Leave Corvullls, dally except (Sunday ,.......,li4y 1', M,
Coniiui'llona nmde ut Albany and forvallla with H, V. trains,
RlKJclrul Kseurslon Tialn will av Newport evry HnnMay yHlNg
ut 0:00 p, in., urlvu Corvullls IQilC p. ih Albany 10MS p. w.
Good Flailing 8tram Along th O.VK,
At Clk City. MorrlsoH, ThIh1u and uUiwt tliu Ya'iulHa rlvw, uim(0i
(lie llrvlUubusk mh4 Ktlw rlvrrs, (iH lH Ww.'l. ,"-
'0t lldvra ilvMiriblNX wprt as mu hhUhu pkm vM m m '
iiwir AkvhIi ,'. - '
..ii r ii . . 1 1 n i rrl1"1
h n '