Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 17, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
Clear nttI wanner Mux.
Iirj; ii. nr,; lr, Hum. 17.
Ifiirli.fiiurlh Yrar.
Dully .NlMtliYW
Unltnl Slates Continues to Exert In
fliirr.ce fcr Peace and Transfer ot
Power to Constitutionalist Guar
aiilrrs (or Life anil Property
Asked hy Sllllmaii.
Fiiiled Stales continued IimIhv ( '
imI ll Influence, willi (Iriivrul Cur
i mini lo bring about nil iniinoillnlo
ocnllnn of hostilities mill mi agree
incut with the Carbajnl goioriuncnl
for ilic peaceful transfer of. power at
.Mexico Cllv In Hie eoiistltiilioiinlMs.
.IiiIiii It. Hillluinn, M'Mitiuil repro
ciilaliio tif President Wilson with
Curronro, i lied further itiMruo-
limiH urging Iiiiii to Impioss mi Hi
eoullliillnnullt chief Hi" itiMiilill
it v of giving guarantees fur the pro
tection nf tin liios mill iruivitv "f
III Wild llH.ll NllppOlll'll till' lllll'llll
XiiM'iutiii nl. Iteslde. endeavoring to
obtain u general amnesty, rcprescii
lotions mi hi'hiiir of tho clergy in
Mexico now In ilioCuvur wllh tint con
.liluiimiuliM haw been made hy Mr.
Ncguljatn for Trnnfor
,Iiti Cntcllnt, representative here
of Francisco Cnrbnjnl ,llucrln's sue
censor, wim occupied during tin'
forenoon sending ilinpnlclit to Mr.
Coibnjal detailing tint result of his
conferences wilh Secretnry Hrynn
nml llii South American mrlitori.
Definite official advices came
tlirixipli Mr. fiihtcllot that tho com
milon nf lliri'n constitutionalists,
whii'h hnd started from Mexico City
mi Wednesday in tnlk with Cnrranxa,
was authorited In negotiate with him
for the ImiiHfiT of lh government nt
Mexico City. It will probably be two
nr three dnv before tho commission,
nil account of the ill t r runt m! com
inunionlinn, will hi' able to reach
Mil) Itcplldlitlc Claim
On (In outcome nf tin' conference
mill ilia nsMirnnrrs given hy Cnrran
7ii, iih lo mi annuity nml the ml
jiiklnii'iit of claims, will li'irnil
whether icroguition will ln accorded
Cairann hy the United Males lit
once or whether such actum will ho
indefinitely delayed.
Looming up iih mi ullimnlc com
iilii'iitiou in I lii' hiltiiitinn N tin pro
ioimI ri'imilintion hy Cnrrnimt of tho
liniiiii'liil ohlicnlimiN ini'iiirfil hy Ilia
lliii'iln H'k'inu'. Hiiii'o Unit minimi
trillion wax n'i'oniiir.c( dm Irnl hv
lli powiTM of Hiiroii', I'M-ry t'ffoil
will hi' i'cili'(l hy lliem to miiintniii
tin nliihty of thn rhiinm of IliWr
I'AltlK, July 17. fl.'iieuil I'orfitio
Oiux, tho former jireMili'iit ol .Moxieo,
wuH imnlilii),' in prrpn nil ion for hit
ih'pniliiro for Dlnriilx for tho Hum
iner houhoii when tho iiowh euuio that
l'rovlNlomil I'roHiilcnt llnorlii hml k
eiileil to rchlnn. Nollhor tho fonner
ilielulor nor IiIh hoii, l'erfiiio, wouhl
iiinko any oommeiit hut it in known
Hint lio HiiKKCHlod (o ITperlu hoiiio
uioiillm iiko, tlio iidviHiilillity or Vo
I'rivnloly Oeitoral Diux lian often
hliurply oriliolHcri tlio poliity of tho
WiiHliliiKton mhninlHtriitlou hut ho
hiiri for hoiiio tiiuo hchl tho opinion
thut llui'ilu'ti (iHiippi'iirnnco wouhl
i'licllilulo u folulimi of llm Moxlcmi
riW'AflOi July 17. Tiuliii I""
wooil IIoiioiii loiliiy hi'l iimIiIo the
fjll.lllll) vi'hlli'l kIvcii to MIhn fl.mi'.
kIii Jay hy a jury which Imiinl her
hii'iieh of pnmiUo mill hkiiIiinI ii
iner Jlmli'liuHVcr, i'IioIiiiimnIci' for
"Hilly" Humlay. In h tvi)Un (lie
JihIk" vmIiI IIihI llm vvnlli I ww oul
of (ill iimmtiUm Ut llm (Ihiwh 1.11'
Hiw ff Ihv Millm,
Former Dictator Takes His Time
Spends Night at Small Town Wife
In Hysterics Over Delay Jamaica
Mentioned as Port Toward Which
Huerla Is Likely to Sail.
l'i;i:UTO. Mexico, July 17. Clcti
crul Huerla ntoiioil on liln li'lmirnly
Jourimy front Mmlro City to thin port
ninl lumnoil tho nlnlit nt Tlvrra lllnn
rn, in I hi Mnto of Vorn Cnir, tho con.
ti-r of n illntrlct ovorrnn by vuialt
bBinla) of rflvolutlotinrli'i, who linvn
nttori'it llm boat tlmt tluy will never
tot (lit ili'imrllUK former Ulctntor
teach Hut roat,
Umter tlio lnt roiiilltlonfi, Iluerln
roulil not nrrlvo liom lieforo noon nml
It wan tlmiir.lit unlikely by bin walllin:
fnmlly Hint bo wnuM lio In Puerto
Mexico, lieforo Into In (ho nflcrnoon.
II wm u o'rlork HiIk uinrnlnz whon
Iluerln ilopnrteil from Tlerra Hlnnrn,
IiIm train helng irereileil nml follow oil
by troop trnlmi, .No onlor went
Klvou lo Hut eiiKliierm to nttumpi to
uinKn up tlio lout time.
(lenernl lluerta'n failure to hnttili
bin exit from tlio country wan tlio
calico of Kuinr worry to bin wife, wbllo
Heiiora Ulniiuct, wboso buibntul, for
mor mlnlntenof war, I with bin old
chief, wan frlgbtfiicil Into a itnto of
hyutcrlcn by tho delay.
Iteporti from various point alonic
tlio lino Klvo no rcaion to bellovo
that any unpleninnt Incident had oc
curred. Jamaica wan tho port nioit fro
iiii)utly inentloucd aboard tin fur
i'Ikii nblpa nn ho destination ot (len
ernl Iluerln. nltliouitb nit ndnilttod
thut tlio flnnl cbolro of a placo of re
fiiKo lay wltb tlio overthrown prorl-
nlonnl prrnldctit.
MCXICO CITV. July t" Jtlrnrdo
(ioiiiox Aetielo, attorney general of
Hie republic hnn renlcnud.
(lenernl llernander, Rovornor of
l'uehla,aml fntlmr-ln-lnw of Victor
Iluerln, nun of tho oxprenldent, ban
nlno renlKued. Tlio ntnlo IcKUIuturo
npolnted l'rnncl-co Cniueco to Kite
ceod blui.
(IninblluR boiuen In tho capital
woro cloned Inm nli;ht by order of
I'ronldout Cnrbujul, It wai an
nounced Hint no inoro Kumbllmj
would be allowed.
LONDON', July 17. Tho llritMi
mhuirnlty eourt loilny fouml the
HrilUh Hlemuer lueeumiv ivf-poimihlo
for tlio oolliNion on Juno 17 with tho
Not Hi fli'inmii Lloyd Hlemuship Kui
Her Wilhelm H, jnt nflor Hint liner
left Snuthnniplon for Cheihouri; nml
NVW Yoik.
WARIUNiT'rOK, July 17. Adiniu
iHlmlioii officials miw jieneo looming
today on tho horiron if Mevieau
politic. l'Vimoisoo Carhajarrt in
formal statement In tlio Wiihhingloii
government Hint ho Intended lo re
tiro in favor of Canaiua, eonutllu
tionaliHt ohief, nml CarrauxaV an
iiouiiiH'inent that ho wiim willing to
negotiate with tho fedoralu for
peaeeful tiaiiHfer of power In Mux
loo Oily, wax regarded iih praetieully
uNinraiiee thai thn urn of hloodNhed
wim near an end In llm noiiIIioiii re
iiihlln, Tint load ri'iiiiiiui'd In )n I'leiuvil,
however, i'ni'iii'Kolliilloim hehveeu Ihu
MeIiwui fui'lluiiM, CiiiIhiJhI, Hiiit.
lu'ti hiii'ieMnri weeli h iuiii'IhiiihIIdii
of geili'lHl MliHM'Nly fur III" I'oiri'M
tthh'h fWuhl hkIui. Ihu ioihni
Appointment of Receiver to Prose
cute Claims Afplnst Manaqement
of Railroad Asked at Boston In
Supreme Court Suit Is Deslfloed
to Force Restitution for Funds.
1IOSTON', July 17,-The nppolut
luent of n teeeiver, upeeinl uimler
or other nffieliil In proxeenle ehiiuiH
uuifKiitiui; .t:iOII((ll)ll.(l(lll uuuiiiMt ile
fenihint ilireelor nml estnti" of di
reelorn of the Now York, N'ew llnven
Si Ilurlfiml rmlroml, in imkeil in n
foiit filed loiluv in llo' Hiipriine court.
The ni'liou in lirouuht hv Whiiiple,
Sin it fc Ofileii, ii'iuf'Tiiliiiu' minor
it v ttloekhohleri of the coiupmiy.
The Hiiit, in whieh the ntliirneyn
recently iliiumidetl that the ilireetorM
Join, Im ala-it-tiftl o force rcNtilutloti
from tliono rcHpiuisihlc, of fuiuU at
le;ril to luue lieill illi'ltallv expeilileil
in Imililiiii: up Hie New llnven k)m-
JihIko Ilrmlv ifMieil nn order of
notice retiiriinhlo next Friday to
hhow eaimo "why u receiver hIioiiIiI
not ho nppoinleil nml why mi injmie
timi UL'iiimtt the dipoHilioii of the
ilefemhiuts' Klorkn hIioiiIiI not he in-
The lilipilion it in the form of nn
ejpilly entered hv tho nltorueyrt of
the truot will of Olen Strnehnii. They
own fifty fhnres of New Haven
slock nml brim: the nelloii "in he
half of tlieiiihelvci nml nil other
hloekhohlerH of Miid corponitinn,
who mav heconie partien."
The bill of coinplninl deelnrex that
thu ilefemliiulH, on account of
hrench of illreelon' duly, chiefly
through fnuiiiiii; the New Haven to
neipilro Illegally ilH Ibwlou Si Maine
trolley ami Rtenmnhip pitipertiex, nre
hound to pay to tho New Haven
.$102,000,000, "withdrawn therefrom
wrongfully nml for ultra vires am'
illegal purpose." It it alleged that
the Iorhcs reuniting from these no
iuixitionH npproximato .f 102,000 and
Hint under the federal nnti-lruat law
tho New Union in entitled to recover
from tho dcfeudnntH hreefohl that
Mini or $3,000,000,000.
WARHINOTON, July 17. Disobey-
Ing tho orders of bin jthynlclan.
TrcBldont 'Wllsoii today slipped out of
lila room and wont to tho cxocutlvo
office to attend to nomo builncs
which accumulated yesterday, while
ho wnn 111 of nn atark of Indiges
tion, Ho explained to whlto liousa
offletnlH that It got on his nerves to
stay tu his room wbllo thoro was
work to bo dono. Ho did not plan to
receive vltdtors but slgnod a number
of papers.
NOIU'OMC, Vn., July 17. Six
wero killed nml niuoleen wounded
today when nn elect rio excursion
train crushed into a Virginia railway
freight train at a grade crossing near
IIiIk city,
Tho orux of tho situation ap
peared to tho extent of tho quarter
that Purrniuu might ho willing to
grant hi fullen foe.
That all Htiimhliug hloekK would he
put ukldo, however, for tho peaceful
entry of Carranza into tho Mexican
capital wan (ho belief geuerlly ex
preifced, Kecietnry Hrynn wan par
ticularly optimUlio oyer poioiihiliticri
of peace,
"Wuti'hfid wnltlug," ho thought,
had rMiilll'd In hih'cchh.
IViin uxpreioii'd, over tho altitude
Hint Yilhi, tlio iioilheiu military
chief, might lownrd llm new
t in n In llm klliiulloii, paiHally wei
illacouuled liv bin klali'llicilt lllllt
lliuiti was "nil Heed fur iiiil'iiii,illoii
reuurdlui mv kluv la the noilli." Hv
fuTti hi' usiu'i'li'ij lo move his Iron))
fiiuu tMilLiuihuu blulu lowaid Uei-
Uu i'Hy ftrMu Ibv Hut t'vw Jy.
" Today in certain lo he llie
" liolhM dny in the vear, accord-
ing lo a prcdietiou mmlc at 2 4
o'clock hy I'rofehor Hcveridge.
" Yesterday wan the holtot day
up to that lhrtc the lemperntiire
reaching 102. At 2 o'clock thin 4
nfteniooii the lemperntiire
reached 102,-' and Profcwir
" Hevenilge helievei 105 likely
later in the afternoon,
At 2 oVIneP.veMerdiiV it wok
only 0"i, mi if there i a seven- "
dcgice incrciihc after 2 o'clnck,
im there wiim yetcrday, the
ti'inperatiire will reach 100 thix
afternoon, whleli would menu
the Im'IIc-I day In vear. Higher
huiuiilily will make the brat op-
The ieti cream parlorx are do-
ing a rmdihig bimincKH and
inniiv are kreplut; cool in tin
park at A-liluml or in the
Nutaloriuiu Iniikx.
NKVY YOIIK, July 17. One death
nml Mtvcral proilraHonn from tho
heat wnvo were reported In New York
at noon today. At that hour the
temperature waa 8a)eKreea and ris
ing. Morn oppressive than tho heat
wan thn humidity, which holered lte
tweeu 75 and S5 degreon. Thunder
ntoriim worn forecast for tlio nfter
noon. ST. I.OUIS, Mo., uly 17. A high
wind accompanied by rain today
broke tho bent wavethat hnn r,rlpp?d
Ht. l.oula for three weckn.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., July 17
ltaln in various parts of the south
west last night and early today
brought relief from tho excessive
heat that hns prevnlled during tho
Inst thre days.
In many places In Kansas tho rain
was accompanied by severe wind and
electric storms. At Topeka the wind
reached a velocity of CO miles an
hour, blowing down hundreds of
trees. Lightning truck several resi
dences In thnt city but no rerloua
damage resulted.
HKimiNCl, Cnl., July 17. Lassen
Peak U now giving almost dally Hr
fonnnnueH. At (I o'clock this morn
ing tho twentieth eruption shot sky
ward in si pillar ot tiinckcucii sienin.
Tlio phenomena were tio same as de
scribed before and of about equal
NKV YOKK, Julv 17. Following
nn early period of irregularity, to
day'H market ndiUd to its recent
liquidation, with cvleusivo losses in
various minor railways, Tlio clos
ing was steady.
Latest devclopiueuU in tho affairs
of tho New Haven railroad wero re
flected in tho erratlo course pursued
hy llm aloek today, Opening with it
fracillonal ohs, it koon roue a point,
at which a block of 1000 shares
changed hands, I'mm this lowl,
however, Ihu flock soon yielded nil
Its mil milage. Caiuidiaii I'ucifh
rno IVj, hut llm movement among
other lewlcm riilled for little rom
int'iil ciccpl In the cine of IIhIIIiiioic
& Ohio, whirl) kooil fell u point o H
new low iii'oul on kelllng of Ihu
I'liurui'li'r iri'i'iilly noli'd, ly Hit
Hid of Hm llit Jmlf hujgr Ihu Mlfin
IM khuwi'd wuiUd uvlm'Mi
New Complications Arise Mexicans
Prevented From Leavlnfl Country
Refugees Disarmed by Both Fed
eral Authorities and Uncle Sam's
Men Minister's Enemy a Refugee.
VKHA CHV'A. Mexico, July 17.
Lieutenant Colonel Inziinra, Mexican
(ommnnder nt the gap In tho railway.
reported today that new complica
tions bnd arisen In regard to tho re
pair of the tracks. He snld he hnd
received nil order from General Joe
Kefuglo Velaaro, the new minister of
war, to prevent Hie lalng of tho
rails. The gap bad been repaired for
almost half of lis extent when tho or
der was received.
The situation at tho break In the
railway Is said to lte such that a num
ber of Mexicans who deslro to reach
Vera Crux, so as to leave the country,
nre unabla to do so because of tho
Impossibility of transferring their
baggage. Among tho fugitives who
arrived today from Mexico City on
their way to Kurope, wero SMradore
Diaz Mlron, director of tho news
paper Kl Imparclal and Joso Marin
lAtano. formerly minister compart
ment. Christie reported tho matter
to the Mexican federal officers, who
disarmed Lozano and Mlron In spite
of their Indignant protests.
Searched for Arms
When tho train reached tho gap,
Chrlstlo repeated his story to tha
American officers and all tho
Mexicans on tho train were thereupon
searched for arms.
Americans here rccnil that Mlron
and Lozano were amnog tho nio
bitter of the antl-Amerlcan officials
under tho Huerta regime. When
Nelson O'Shaughncssy, former Ameri
can chargo dc'affalres, protested
against personal attacks on htm pub
lished In Kl Imparclal, Mlron threat
ened to avengo himself on tho Amer
ican chargo and allowed It to be be
lieved that ho was prepared to shoot
Mr, O'Shaughncisy was provided
with a personal guard by Qcneral
Huerta because of threats and be
cnuso It was known that Mlron
habitually enrried a revolver.
Pleads for WeaKim
Mlron tnlked freely nbotit tho In
cident In tho train on liln arrival here.
Ho said:
"I pleaded with tho Mexican sold
lers with team in my eyes to leav
my revolver becauso I was going Into
territory held by our alleged enemies
tho Americans. Suroly a onl
armed man Is entitled to carry wea
pons," ho added, pointing to lit
empty sleevo with a smile.
COLUMHUS. N. L, July 17. It
was learned today that tho taking ot
tho port of ralomas by federal Irre
gulars ivus for tho purpose ot export
ing some cattlo from Chihuahua
ranches. Tho 150 Irregulars, under
fieuoral Itoquo Gomez have disap
peared and tho town has been occu
pied by reinforcements sent by Gen
eral Villa from tho Casus 0 ramies
WASHINGTON, July 17. Mr.
Castellot has received ft message
from Provisional President Caihajal
declaring that ho would make no fur
ther appointments of members of tho
cabinet aipl that ho had chocit Gen
eral Yohisco as secretury of war
merely that tho iii'iuy khoidd huvo u
directing head,
"Although tho I'nSlt'd Kliiles can.
not, of coium, ii'coguUo tho Caihn-
Jul government," snld Mr. ('hIcIIoI,
"I know lliiil Mr. Caihajal U aiuluns
In i'toiu good H'IhHoii wlh the
I'Dllcd MlHlfHi Hk well Mk If) hi lug lll
li'lllill mhi'm Id cMh'". lie hiu en
Hm ciHwwMmi miilh u Islk with
Chnmwm dli'il)' In IiW Uwl wi
$20,000 MS
Grand Jury Returns Indictment
Against Doctor's Wife, Alleging
Manslaughter for the Murder of
Mrs. Louise Bailey Pleads Not
MINKOLA, N. V., July 17. Mr
Florence f'armiiii was arraigned in
the supreme, court here today before
Justice Van Sielon on an indictment
returned yesterday, charging her
willi inntchiiighler in the first tie
gree for having cniir-ed the death of
Mrs. Iouic Hiiiley, a nuticnt nf the
lcfeiulant's liifbaml. She pleaded
not guilty nml was given two weeks
In which to change her pirn or de
mur In the indictment.
Counsel for Mrs. Carman suggest
cil that she he liberated under .'J0,
000 hail, and to this District Attor
ney Smith agreed.
The prisoner appeared wan nml
pale when brought from the jnil to
the courtroom. Her hii-hnnd, Dr.
Kdwiu Carman, stood beside her.
When the preliminaries of giving hail
were adjusted, he said he would take
her out of the village at once. The
hail was furnished hy FjiibiVII nan-
dell nml Smith Cox, clo.e friends of
the Cannon's, whereupon Mrs. Car
man was set free. Heavily veiled,
she stepped into a limousine with her
husbnml and started for her home nt
FORT SMITH, Ark., July 17. Re
ports received here toduy stale that
fighting is in progress between ;mion
and nonunion miners at the plant of
the Mammoth Vein Coal company nt
Prairie creek. Oae mine tioulc has
been burned, it is stated, nml another
dynamited. Telephone wires to
Prairie creek nre down and details
are lacking. A strike has been in
progress nt the Prairie Creek mines
for months.
Advices from Huntington say that
mines Nos. 1 and 4 have been de
stroyed by dynamite and fire.
The sheriffs office nt Greenwood
has sent a pose of officers to the
eene of the rioting.
COLUMUUS. Ohio, July 17. After
receiving a telegram from Sheriff
John Anderson ot Ilolmont county to
day in which Anderson reported that
pumps and fans In a half dozen mines
could not bo operated without tho
protection of troops, tho statement
was given out at tho governor's of
fice hat in tho event It Is deemed ad-
vlsablo to send troops, tho authority
ot Uelmont county authorities would
be transferred to the militia.
The telegram while not a formal
demand for troops, Is considered by
Governor Cox as an Intimation thut
thoy needed.
time may he lost in arriving nt a set
(lemeiit. llm tnreo men no lias
chosen have been conspicuous sup
porters of Madero in tho Mexican
congress and have been obscured in
Mexico City duriiii' tho Huerla ad
ministration, Tlicy are cloo friends
of Mr. Cuihujal ami of course inti
mate with Mr. Caiiniia, no naturally
I am hopeful that they will he able
to arrange for the peaceful traukfer
of Ihu government,"
MV, ChmcIo iiiwali'd Hint dining
hU klay In Ihu I'mUd Klulcs In thu
lut llui'ii mmillik iu Iium hicn keuiel'
ly I'luleiivoDiig Ik itiuiHgc fur m
limikfrr of Ihu tfiiv ri i wi'm I ol M
hM I'liy, hut ihMl Ibti UmrUy f
Uwilu hu4 ImIw Alnn44 M4 )iw
NO. 100
Commoner Issues Statement Declar
ing Himself In Favor of Votes for
Women Says Fair Sex Has
Proved Herself Equal (s Every Re
sponsibility Imposed Upoti Her.
WA8IIINOTO.V. July 17. Secro.
tnrr IJrynn In a formal statement I,
suod today, came out for woman suf
frage. Ho declared that ho would
ask no political right for himself that
ho wan not willing to grant his wife,
and announced his Intention of
supporting the proposed state consti
tutional amendment extending tho
franchise to women (o voted upon In
Nebraska next November.
Woman, Mr. Ilryan said, had
proved herself equal to every re
sponsibility imposed upon her, and
would not fall society In this cmer-
gency. Abovo all other arguments
In favor of giving her tho ballot he
placed the right of the mother to a
voice In the moulding of the environ
ment of her children. "The mother,"
tho secretary said, "can Justly claim
the right to employ every weapon
which can bo mado effective for the
protection ot those whose Interest!
she guards and the ballot will put
within her reach all the Instrunent
'allkles of government, Including tho
police power."
BUIement hi Full
The statement folio wg la full:
"The voters of Nebraska, will at
the election next November adopt or
reject a proposed amendment ex
pending suffrage, to woman oa equal
terms with men. As a citizen ot that
stato It will bo my duty to participate
In the decision to bo rendered at tho
polls. I have delayed expressing an
opinion on this subject, partly be
causo I have been seeking Informa
tion, and partly because my time has
been occupied with national questions
upon which tho entire country wan
acting; but now that the issue Is pre
sented In my state I take my posi
tion. I shall support tho amend
ment. I shall ask no political rights
for myself .that I am not willing to
grant to my wife.
"As man and woman are co-tenants
of tho earth and must work out
their destiny together, tho presump
tion Is on the side ot equality ot
treatment In all that pertains to their
Joint life and Its opportunities. The
burden of proof is on those who claim
for ono advantage over tbo other In
determining the conditions undn
whlch both shall live. This claim haa
not been established In tho mntter
of suffrage. On tho contrary, the
objections raised to woman nutfrago
appear to mo to bo Invalid, while tho
arguments advanced In support of
the proposition are, In my Judgment
Answers Objections
"Tho first objection which I re-
membor to have heard was that as
woman can not bear arms sho should
not havo a voice In deciding questions
that might lead to war, or In enact
ing laws that might require an army
for their enforcement, this argu
ment Is soldom offered now, for tho
reason that as civilization advances
(Continued on Page Four.)
"' ' "j7 ja-SVli-ST"TaPW"
CAPE HAITIKN", Haiti, July 17.
General Leon Dnque, with a govenl
ment force, recaptured today frooi
thu reela tlio towu of Pero du Midi
and Milot, and established commu
nications with the column command
ed hv tho president, which was en
gaged another rebel hand on tho
plains of Limouudu,
Another forco of government
(mini tnok Fort IWonvlllo and thuu
began lis march on OiiHiiumlnthu, (ho
principal klroihohl nf Ihu rt4els,
POUT AU VMWfi, llHllUuly IT.
, paiilo whs cHMwd May by rnv
oluliomiry owlhifsk, 4wtiW hy
u itukt4wrHhh iWWt M tlilltssksti :
Ut llm Uh of ike HUim MiMm.
'fU tutu wm liWHt' mummm m
m wiumm ( w