v , I. JAGl SEC MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORl). OKMOON". REFUGEES PLAN RETURN 10 CAPITA L EXPECTING PEACE VUllA CKUZ, July 1C Willi tlio ronlRtintlon of General lluerla from iTio (irovlnlonnl presidency thcro l every evidence Among AmcrlCAh nml other refugee hero of nn Immcillnto mnvemrnt to return ti tlio capital nnd mlntn In tlio Interior, where nban;'- oiicd Intoroflts nro awaiting nttcntlon Many Americans who camo to Vera Cm during tlio general cxodiig nnl rofuscil to proceed further pending sotno adjustment of tho affairs of i Mexico, havo expressed their Inten tion of returning to and many nro making actual preparations to lcnvo nt onc$ for their former homes. remanent IVaco That the removal It General HucrU inenna permanent peace to Mexico ?s doubted In some quarters, but It Is generally believed thcro will bo n mibsldonco of antt-Atncrlcan scntl inent and at least a period of relief from tho menaeo of actual revolution. Thcro has been during tho last few days a noticeable growth In tho nutn- moved by tho probahlo resumption of oil shipments from tlio Tamptco tils irlct nnd the consequent ro-eMabllidi- mont of freight nervlec which has been prncllcaclly abandoned tor lnc! of fuel oil. I.Htle Itallnuwl Traffic Since tho American occupation lit tle freight has arrived hero nnd most of that consigned to Interior points Is still In tho customs warehouses). Tho Interruption of rnll traffic by tho fed erals In opening a gap In tho Mexican railroad has prevented tho delivery of any but tho lighter uhlpmcnts and as n result virtually no cargoes from Kuropo or elsewhere havo been con signed to Vera Crux. Mexican railroad officials nro no'v making every posstblo effort to get road restored and arc confident a heavy freight traffic would Immed iately result. The company has kept 400 laborers and a tralnload of raits and tics at the gap for a week and Is ready to push the work at a mo ment's notice. HUERTAS FLIGHT .T GREA VCTORY R WILSON POLICIES TllUKSHAV. JULY 10, 19H nnxlellrs mo by ti meiinn ovrr. Tho Milled Sin ton linn boon wiuihmI by experience mil to t.oi-l loo niiioli." MR WORKING ATIACK MINES STEUnENVlU.E, Ohto, July 1C. Two hundred atrlklng miners were bor of English, Germans and better marched today down from tho hills. class of Mexicans leaving over the cap toward tho Interior. Many of these are owners or managers of ha ciendas and mining properties, who are going back hoping to be ablo to resume business or to repair damage to property occasioned by abandon ment weeks ago. One great impediment to tho busi ness activity of portions of the In terior moro or less untouched by the! ravages of the revolution will be re-J whoro they camped last night, to tho mines at Dradley, Ohio, and at tempted to drive oft The pump men. Sheriff Huscroft with a strong pdrtv of deputies resisted the advance and several shots were tired, but nono of tho attacking party was hurt. Brick., and stones rained on tho deputies, and Deputy Edward Lucas was seriously Injured. Sheriff Ilus LONDON, .Inly lll.-Oouerul Un orta' rvsigiinliou oC tho rovWmiil puwiuVney of Mexico I nnnleo1 in it telory IW President WIImhiV pol icy nnd N welcomed liv the UrilMi pnlilii' nnd in nffiuiul etrles lure n n poxiblo Dotation of the Moxu'nn problem. A m'lU'ofut end to the com plex situation U grvntly desired here on necoiinl of tlio largo HritUli fin nncio! inttMfs-tM in the country. Mot of the London musmpcn, however, express doubt n to whotlier condi tions' will ho bolter under Vomistiano Curarutn than when Oeneral lliiertn was in power in Mexico City. The Pall Mall (Wctte points out thnt if Kmnoiseo Cnrlmjul, the new provisional president, surrenders to (icuonil Cnrriin.ii, as lie is exiH-elcd to do, "it tuny soon he possible to exact reparation from Oeneral Villa tor the murder nt J tin rex t William S. Hcutou, the Scottish niiioher." The Kvctilnj; Slaudard says: "Tho Washington ndniinistrnlion hns won a diplomatic victory. President Wil son has been persistent mid patient in his Hley of iion-reeognlliou of General lliiertn, hut it is likely enough he will he met now by other obstacles just its hard to surmount as was Oeneral lluertn's obstinacy." The Olohc takes much the same view, savins: ''The elimination of General lliiertn is a triumph of sorU, OF RESERVE BOARD WASHINGTON. July 1 - Kftllu.ro of tho Honato to confirm Thomas P. Jones nnd Paul M. Warburg as mem bers of tho federat reserve honnl within tho next week may load to complications which will seriously In-tcrfero-with tho final preparations for launching tho new banking ays tern. The currency net speaks of tho reserve board ns a whole and bestows no powers on different Individual on that board. Tho .question has been raised whether tho thrco members of the board confirmed by the scnoto havo authority to go ahead with tho work of setting tho bank machinery In motion or whether tiiey must wait for the confirmation of tlio other two members. NO LET-UP IN TTO FGH CONFIRM J ONES OF CHICAGO DIAZ FRIENDS PLAN croft finally drove off the strikers lor President jon, but it may be and mado a number of arrests. assumed that his difficulties nnd SAN ANTONIO, Tex., July 16. llcportK that a Junta Is being formed In Kl Paso in tho Interests of Kollx Dlax wero being discussed unofficial ly by army officers') hero today. Tho ..inn It . .nl.l wiiinilnrl n (aunt- " " -f- or revolution against Carranxa and Villa and secure aid of llucrta Irregulars. WASHINGTON, July HI. There wiih no lot-up todav hi Presldont Wilson' fight .fnt tho oinifiiuialiuu of (lie nomination of Tliomas I). Jones of Cliicugo for I ho federal y- servo hourd.( liiliimiltons Hint the iiomitmlioit urijlit ho withdrawn from tlio senate, wero vigorously denied hy white house officials, who thought tho ndmliiistrntioii supporters hud Increased in iiuiubon ooH night. Op ponents of the I'oiifiiiualioit were eoufidout they could heat it; tlio ad ministration Mill was hopeful of vic tory, though hy u slender majority. A loiter indorsing Mr. Jones. signed hy twenty-two large business concerns in Chicago, was made pub llo lit the white house. EXPECT DESERTERS At VERA CRUZ WASHINGTON. July ttl.llrlga dier General Kunslon at Vein Crtm, in it dispatch to Ilia way department today, made no mention of lluertn's plans, hut expressed tho belief that in ooiisciptcnco of the dictator's resig nation, tho deflections from the troops on guard along tho railroad nlnl other deserters would flock io Vent Crux. It was explained at tho war de partment llntl no effort will lib made, to keep huoIi soldiers, out of Vera Crux, At first II was tlio Idou thai they should lie interned, hut later It wiim decided Ihoy would hit permitted to oonio luiro, provided tlioy lay down their mini, JAPAN PLANS LARGE EXPOSITION E mmmmirmmm SKATTMl. Wash.. July HI.- Mar likl Yamitwaki, cimimtssionci' In vlinrgti of tho Japanese govorniuonPs cxliihlt at the Piinama-Pacifio expo sition In Sun I'Vnni'lsco, arrived from Yokolmmii lust night nnd will lonvo tomorrow for San Krauoisco, ".In. pan will have one of tho most pro-trutlom- national exhibits at tho ox posittou," said Mr. Vamawiikl lasl night. "We are utithoiixcd to spend u million government dollars mi the government's display." mn4mn: FROM INDIGESTION WASHINGTON. Jnlv 111. Presi. dont Wilson had u light attack of In digestion today and cancelled hU en gngemeiits. He had arranged to hold two conferences with New York bus. ItlnAU llllill mill U'fia lit Iinvt. Ifinl tillitll congressmen on patronage iuosttous. Tho president attended Srcrrlarv Lane's birthday dinner last night. I'alrentto Horn Hy smoking Mt. Pitt, the best 5c cigar on the market. aw IMMIGRATION BILL EXCLUDES HINDUS FROM AMERICA WASHINGTON, July III. I'niim. oil legislation uffoollilg lh entry of Hindus Into tlio United Slates was before tho house committee on Immi gration for ooimliloriilloii today. Kl' foils hud hceu utitilu several limes recently for it meeting of Hie couu mitteo wlllmut suceoss because of it lack of it (ptoriim. Among the hills lu'foto (ho coin mitten today was one hy llciirohciita live Church of California Io exclude Hindus nnd others. It Ih designed us n onmpromUo to iiieel the wcjtlem opposlllou of lint Inllux of Japauoso, Chinese, Hindus mid oilier Asiatics, Iloprosontatho llnrnett of Ala bama, cliiilniiaii of tho muumltU'e, is dispoHcd lint to raise tho Usuo of Jiimuoso oxoIiihIoii n (his time, on the ground Hint thcro is no necessity for net Ion. lie is, however, in fa vor of keeping out the Hindus, and was ready to urgo their exclusion he fore the counnitlco today, llo de clared that no legislation was con templuled affecting the .iiipitnrsn or Chinese, hecuiixn hn said they weie being kept otlt. 4,l rvr it hill directed at all oilier Aslatlo laborer, not Including tint whites In Asia Minor, hut Including the Hindus, Serbs, AfgluinMans mid m on," said Mr. Hunielt. "I hate no doubt that whatever action the eommltlro lakes will he along (hoe, lines." Tlth Mrdford trad is M4ford mat!. szsatBKsmmmmmmmmmiBmaKapm SSSv4BW4sWBsBWBs4BBBttSbSMBTB.WBVBBWBsWBWBWBVBV.avkSWSVBVSv Sw . ftv Sv .L kw1 BIG DOLLAR DAY EVENT i Friday and Saturday TTIJ1? CA flTNI D I II IT Friday d Saturday July 17th and 18th l.JTlllv IVwlwll iVVwHV July 17th and 18th FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, JULY 17 ANEi 18 We are going to offer the most wonderful $1.00 alues we've ever placed on our counters. We want to make July 17th and 18th memorable days fpr our customers as well as ourselves. Prices will be cut, special values be offered and every effort possible for us will be made to make shopping both profitable and a pleasure. Come to our store on Friday and Saturday and see what $1.00 buys. Men's Fur Hats $1.59, $2.W and $2.5f , Friday and Saturday $1.00 Men's Straw Hats $1.59, $1.75 and $2.$t, Friday and Saturday $1.00 Men's Dress Shirts $1.25, $1.59 and $2.M, Friday and Saturday $1.00 Bachelor Freind Hosiery Friday and Saturday, Six Pair for $1.00 Men's 50c Suspenders Friday and Saturday, Three Pair for $1.00 , COUPON Good for $1 credit on any Man's Oxford in the house on July 17 and 18. Only one coupon to a customer. COUPON flood for $1 credit on any man's unit of Clothes in tlio lioiiHo on .Tuly 17 and 38. On ly one coupon to a customer. A mt ArmL .mre h& li.ir --.. - . - - - L4CL n The Famour E. & W. $125 Shirt Friday and Saturday $1.00 Men's 50c Neckwear Beautiful Line, Friday and Saturday, Three for $1.00 Men's 25c White Handkwchlefi Friday and Saturday, Six for $1.00 Men's 65c Mesh Knit Union Suits Friday and Saturday, Two for $1.00 Men's Night Shirts Extra Quality Size 14VZ to 17, Friday and Saturday $1.00 m 20 yds. Staple Apron Ginghnin.s..$1.00 20 yds. JJest American Calicos $1.00 11 yds. of A. F. C. Dress flingham $1 24 spoons J. & P. Coats Thread $1.00 13 yards Crash Toweling $1.00 20 yds. Cotton Toweling $1.00 8 yds. Stephens Linen Crash $1.00 30 yds. Barnsloy Linen Crash $1.00 Your choice of 25 Ladies' p.00, 1.00. $J.r0 H"i $1.00 One big lot of Ladies' Lawn Waists, values 1.00 up to 1.80, go at $1.00 Olio lot of Ladies' JOiuhroidered Voil Waists $1.00 Plain and Fancy Crepe KiiiionuH, assorted colors, $1.00 Utility Home DrcuKCH ... ... $1,00 The New $1.00 Jioinan Stripe Mercerized Petticoat $1.00 One lot ot'-Middio Blouses , $1.00 Ladies' .') piece Combination Suits up to $2.20 go at $1.00 The. Kayser Ki-button double tip Silk Cloves $1.00 One lot $2.00 Lace Curtains, very special $1.00 One lot $1.25 While JJed Spreads Friday and Sat. $1.00 Choice of Ladies $2.20 and 2.00 Fancy Parasols, Friday and Saturday $1.00 0 pairs of 20c Ladies' Puritan Hose ... .. $1.00 0 pairs of Ladies' Seainless Hurson Hose $1.00 i pairs of Children's 13uster Brown Guaranteed lioso $1 8 pairs of Misses' 20c Black Cotton Hose ...$1.00 11 pairs of Children's 10c lfose $1.00 jXJilo big lot of Ladies' and Children's Shoes ....$1.00 See Window for These One lot of 1,10, 1.20 and 1.J0 Fancy Waste Baskets . . .$1.00 I V A . l i 14MM . Wmf WmhWt W WmWtrr pm AAAAAAAsAstfciVeV4r W -- W - . - - IT -