Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 13, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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The Talent club defeated the Klani
nth Falls club 76 in a hard gnmo at
Klamath Falla Sunday.
Judge Wm. M. Colvlg of the Souths
em Pacific Is visiting Medford 10
eurlng right of way ror additional
trackage facilities at Vorncls elding.
So n. 31. McCurdy for Aetna Fi
delity and Surety Bonds.
Leon n. Harris, travelling manager
for Stewnrt and company Is In Mod-1
ford socking fruit consignment.
Charles. S. llolnllne, son-in-law of
tlio Rev, !:. O. Eldrldgo, Is making
Med ford n brief business visit.
Over 1915,000,000.00 back of our
flro policies, Holmes tho Insurnnco
A. C. Howlctt and wife of Eagle
1'olnt has returned from a visit to
Fort Klamath.
Untrimmed shapes, values up tn
J 7. CO, on salo $1.98. Ahrcns.
Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Morrlssy, Mr.
nnd Mr. 1. 1), Hrowncll, Mr. and Mr.
W. R. Scearco and Misses Phcbc
Urowncll and Haxcl Roagcr of Orland
Calif., aro tho members of a party of
tourists that arrived in Med ford Sun
J. O. Oerklng, the beat all around
photographer la southern Oregon
Always reliable. Negatives made any-
wbore. time or place. Studio 228
Main at. Phone. 320-J.
K, C. tlrandeberry, an Albany bua.
ncss man was among Medford friends
Trimmed hats, values to $12.50.
on salo $4.98. Ahrens.
H. M. Carpenter of Los Angclci
was a Mod ford visitor Sunday.
Kodak finishing: and supplies at
Weston's Camera Shop. OTer Isis
Mrs. F. 11. Tappan, Mrs. G. P. Lan-
gcr, Mrs. E. Ellis, Miss A. P. Taplcy.
and Mr. F. IL Robinson ot Boston
wero in this city Sunday.
Parasols on salo one-halt price
H. W. Phillips, a St. Paul business
man, spent Sunday in this cl.y
Carkln Taylor, lawyers. (John
H. Carkln, Glenn O. Taylor). Has-
ktns-Beydea Bldg., Main street.
Bob Taylor, E. X. Campbell and R.
Lewing were among the successful
fishermen at Rogue river Sunday,
Gotham gold stripe ink hose, all
the sew atoades, $1.00 pr. Ahrens.
Walter lieu, Dwight Phlpps and
Dolpb Phlpps returned Sunday from
a fishing trip at Fish Lake. They
report splendid fishing. Tho fourth
member of their party was Mark
Leonard, who camo down to Med
ford after their horses which broka
their picket ropes ran home. Since
the dam was taken out the water has
gono down leaving stretches along
tho bank that Is covered with high
green grass affording good feed for
teams. This removes the most ser
ious objection to Fish lake as a sum
mer camp, as formerly the scarcity of
feed kept many campers away.
Try a "SplU" cigar, best Sc cigar
on the market. "
M. B, James, a Portland business
man, arrived in Medford Sunday.
Hay ror sale. W. H. Everhard.
R. Welch waa down from Spokane
yesterday on business.
All wash dresses much underprjeed
George H. Clarke, a business man
or Lincoln, Nob., Is In Medford this
A "King 8pltz" cigar Is bom made.
Try one, Cp.
John Owens of Wisconsin Is visit
lug Medford friends today.
-The F. W. Shaplelgh Hardware
company has the best and cheapest
hose In towu. Prices on everything
Mr, and Mrs. L. Stott of Pasadena,
Calif., are Medford visitors this week.
S. F. Owen and W. P. Blako wero
among those down from Portlaud this
week attending business Interests.
You cannot afforc to tiuy your
tailored suit until you boo our line
felling one-half prlco and less.
L, C. Judklns ot Lob Angeles ar
rived In Medford Sunday on business.
Only one kind ot kodak finishing
at Weston'a Camera Shop, that's the
best. OVer His Theater.
A, O. Freel, a former resident of
the ciy. Is visiting friends hero this
week, Ills home is at Oregon City.
Tlio finest equipment In Oregon for
printing fruit labels. Medford Print
ing Co.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Frailer of Mad
ison, Wis., uro the guests this week
of Prof, and Mrs. C. R. Bowman, Mon
day Prof. Brown and" Mr. Frazlcr
spent at Ashland atteudlng Chautau
qua. New green pasture with shade and
running water, O. W. Isaacs, Cyi-IU.
del It at DeVoe's. "
a-g-g l 1
i--i i,tii,ii,iiiii
Week 4 McGowan Co.
tmm A, K. Orr T-M
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert L.
Marshall of Olene, Klnmatlt county,
n son, Mr. nnd Mrs. Marshall were
former residents of Medford.
Order your fruit labels ot tho Med
ford Printing Co. aud keep tho money
at homo.
Sunday proved on of tho success
ful days this year for fishermen at
Roguo river. Nearly every one that
fished was successful. Soino salmon
wero caught but tho greater part of
tho catch was steclhead. Among
thoso flailing at Rogue river wero
Pug tsaacs, Claud Mots, Claud Mon
tis, Otto Jeldncss. Floyd Rlppy, Bill
Blgham, John Uutlqr, A Powell, T. E.
Daniels and T. II. E. Hathaway. The
water was perfectly clear, tho river
low enough, tho fish ravenous. In
tho smaller rivers good catches of
brook trout were made.
Page theatre tonight 10c.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Webb nnd
Miss Hello Smith leit Sunday on a
visit to Oakland, Cat.
Groceries at Do Voo's.
Mose Bnrkdull, Mugsy McGraw and
party have returned from Crescent
City and Eureka.
Kodak finishing tho best, at Wes
ton's Camera Shop. Over lata Thea
ter. Leon Hasklns, Fred Strang nnd
Ben Plymato left Sunday for New
port. Cool, comfortable Page theatre
Arthur Perry left Monday for tho
Blue Ledge country to spend a fort
night In tho mountains.
Screen doors at Medford Lbr. Co.
A. E. Reames waa a business visitor
at Grants Pass Monday.
Dr. Myrtle Lockwood will limit her
office hours during July aud August
to Monday, Wednesday and Friday,
2 to i p. m. 97
Ned and George Vilas wore mem
bers of a camping party that left
Sunday for the Josephine county
Hear the popular music at the
Fred H. Mcars returned from
Grants Pass Monday, where ho gave n
patriotic address.
Reduced prices on all garments
during July and August. Mrs. My
ers, dressmaker at Deuel's store. 0Sm
Rev. W. B. Hamilton was down
from Grants Pass Monday.
It you want a lithographed fruit
label instead of a printed one, see
us, we are agents for Scbmltz Litho
graph Co. Medford Printing Co.
Every day many camping parties
leave for tho hills. The fishing Is at
Its best in the mountain streams, and
there are many camps on Butte creek.
Big Butte, tho Applegate and upper
Rogue river. Crater Lake and Pcr-
ican Bay have many campers. Jose
phine Caves, more difficult to reach
than most scenic places have been
visited several times, and thero are
several camps at Colestlne. Little
mountain climbing will be done until
lata In the summer.
Best photoplays at tho Page.
Mike Womack has returned from
Grants Pass where ho has mining in
terests. We have a $3500 press, recently
Installed especially for -printing fruit
labels. Medford Printing Co.
O. W. Barnes wa a business visi
tor from Berkeley, Calif., Sunday.
Arthur Grist, a business man ot
Marshalltown. Iowa, In visiting Med
ford for a few days.
Fruit labels artistically printed In
any and all colors. Medford Print
ing Co.
W. E. Hammel was over from
Eagle Point Monday on business.
Until July IS we will receive orders
for special three color apple and pear
stationery at cut prices reduced
from $8.50 to $4.00 with your busi
ness card thereon. Medford Printing
Charles Stcnnett ot Ashland 14
spending tho week In Medford visiting
his son, A. F. Stennett
Change of program Page tonight.
A peculiar cloud formation formed
over the western part of the valley
Sunday afternoon. It was said to be
a thunderhead at close range, the
samo billowy kind or cloud that is
often seen above tho hills, only per
fectly white because of the sunlight.
A thunder storm developed and a
cloud burst struck tho hills back of
Jacksonville. Qua Newbury who was
In the region at the time says that
the creeks reached the same height
they ever attain at high water. Large
hall stones fell covering tho ground
to a depth of a half inch. Some hall
fell at Table Rock and between Jack
sonville and Medford but no damage
was done to fruit or crops.
Medford Conservatory reduced pri
ces for music lessons begin July 1st.
Advanced students will be taken at
tho same low price as beginners.
Open all summer. 31 Grape street.
lien Mitchell of Portland was A
business visitor In Medford Monday.
Page theatre, coolest placo In Med
ford. '
J. Lachrnan
llnrrlcon Peter wa. down from
Portland Monday on business.
Mrs. Goo. V. Palmer of Alpha, 111.
1 the guest of Mrs. C. R. Bowman
'this week.
O. X, Anderson, an Ashland busi
ness man, spent Monday In Medford.
Prof, t.elnnd Beverldgn predict
varmer weather for tomorrow.
Miss ttwln Kliule, daughter of Col,
Klnilo of Senttle, W'nsn., Is a .visi
tor to this city and a guest ot Mr.
and Mrs. Honry Motx,
II, C. Mackny, the photographer,
left Monday on a month's vacation
at Klamath Falls.
Ed White of tho Antelope alley,
was a Medford vlstor Monday.
Grass tiro along tho McAndrawu
ranch, southeast of Medford, camo
near destroying the grntn crop.
Prompt action by volunteer flro
fighters kept the damage within half
an acre of grain, nltheugn tho fenco
was destroyed.
Clairvoyant, Mme. Dreyfus leaves
tho ISth Inst. Those desiring val
uable advice, Mtoulrt consult her at
once. Advice by mall $1.00. Col
onial Flats, apartment 2.
Flvo water users bavo been fined
recently for Irrigating rrom an open
hose. In ono enso where tho flno
was not paid, tho water has been
turned off.
H. X. Moo leaves Mondny on n
month's trip cast to buy merchandise
for the coming season.
LOS ANGELES, July 13. With
the arrest ot Loroy O, Hughes, federal
officers said today they had circum
vented an opium smt-ggtlng plot In
which a gang of men and at least ono
woman had counterfeited cashier's
checks for nn nmount aggregating
$10,000 to get cash to flnanco their
contraband traffic.
In addition to Hughes. Henry W
Fauser, an automobllo racing driver,
his wife, Helen Coughlen Fauser, An
ton Volk, Paul Grimm and Oscar
Miles, aro In tho San Diego county
WASHINGTON, July 13. Senator
Smith today Introduced a resolution
for Investigating of published corre
spondence relating to tho Mexican
mhrogllo In which "agents of tlvu
president ot tho t'nltod States have
been represented as nrrordlng ndvlco
to tho agents of the rebellion ugnlnst
the government of Mexlra Intended
to eunbtn the revolutionists to cvndo
tho orders of tho President of the
United Htntes against tho shipment ot
arms and munitions r war Into Mexico."
BUFFALO, N. Y., July 13. He
velvet for the United Stntcs Light
& Ilentinir company, rnpitnliztil nt
Sfl.OOO.OOO. were nptMiinteij today.
The rompnny lins n plant jiere nnd
hendnunrters nt Xingnra Fnlls.
The complaint was made liy Fred
erick It. Humpngo, one of the bonnl
ot managers of the company, who
declared that the directors were
practicing fraud in the conduct of
the business nnd Hint their method
would brinjr on insolvency in n lim
ited period.
Patronize Home
By smoking Mt. Pitt, the best Cc
cigar on tho market
WASHINGTON, July 13. Sovcn
hundred marines today were ordered
assembled at Guantuanamo, Cuba, to
be held In readiness for servlco In
revolution-torn Haiti and 3ju Do
mingo. Why Jfot
Get the best smoke, Gov. Johnson,
and also patronize home.
FOR RENT Furnished modern flvo
room cottage, $12.50 per month.
109 N, Riverside nvenuo, phono
C34-Y. 101
FOR KENT Furnished house keep
Ing rooms, ground floor, 220 K.
Grape street, phono 22C-J. 101
LOST Will tho person who by mis
take took a silver bandied umbrel
la Inltluled "M. E." from tho Meth
odist church, Fifth and Bartlett,
Sunday evening, kindly return
samo to Rev. E. O. Eldrldgo, 502
Fruit, grain ami vegetable nre
being brought in exery day In the
Comtneivinl eliih exhibit, (lenernlly
.ponkinr. Medford oolo lire not
n u uro the club hut over n hundred
visitors some days, mid u good ex
hibit of ntliii't-t i splendid nil
vertNing nt n minimum cost,
X. D. Hnipliy of Tnlent, box or
extra fancy large Karly Wheeler
We.sterlund orchards, hnskct of
extra fancy Hlciihcim apricots.
Mrs. It, V. Fanpihnr, Medford,
Ion-pound table' beets.
Mr. Collins Table Hock, two bun
dles club wheat.
Upton Bros., Central Point, oats,
eight feet tall.
It. It. Wilson, Griffin 'Greek, oats,
extra heavy. .
I). Hurfonl, Sams Valley, fancy
H. II. Clark, Central Point, fancy
Any who hnve snved groin to be
Heil for the San Francisco fair,
please udvise by phone or letter.
SIOUX CITV, la., July 1H. Fire
today destroyed the terminal ele-
vntor here, emtMiii; n loss of .fl'JO,
000. The telegraph wires of tlio As
soeinted Press nnd both commercial
companies were destroyed, euttinc
the city off from communication for
several hours.
Yoh Get the fleet
Thero la when you smok Gov. John
son cigars and patronlio homo Indus
tries. '
New Heater Gives Heat and No Smoke
Paul's Electric
have the cxclustvo showing of
Lighting Fixtures of tho J. C.
English company or Pprtland.
Hotel Medford, Sacred Heart
Hospital, First National Bank
and a number of tho best resi
dences nro lighted with English
Private Auto
I drive my own car and
give good service at
25R5 OR 882-R
N. Riverside.
LOST Sunday afternoon, bale of
binding twine probably on North
Central or on road by Fair grounds
which crosses Central Point road
and also McAndrew'a ford. Finder
please return to or notify B. L.
Dodge, Jr and receive reward. 97
WANTED Experienced Medford
teacher wants children to tutor.
Cal or phono for particulars. 903
W. Eleventh street, phono 801-L.
of Ban Francisco
transacted business In Medford Mon
day, Sheriff William Blnglor was In
Medford Monday on official busi
ness. White's Velvet Ice cream for Sun
day, Flavor, crushed strawberry,
tun Pit) mil, chocolate uttd vnnllu, Hpe.
t'UI Pliu'iipplt) sliurberl, Phono 4 81 II,
FOR SALE Cheap, 130C acre stock
ranch, ten miles north of Medford,
II. M. Scott, 14S N, try street. 101
Fresh Meat
We have rented Stalls 33
and 14 in the public market
and will supply meat oi! all
kinds at tlio right jirices.
WANTED High school girl wants to
enro for children by day or hour.
Phono 217-M. 97
WANTED Girl or mlddlu-agod worn
an for general liousowork. Apply
J, Tribune. 97
FOR HALE Burros, buck and har
ness cheap, M, A, Ruder, 114 N
Front. 97
WANTISD 10 rords absolutely first
clans oak body wood, Mco Pr.
Claucy, 101
208 East Main Street
The Only Exclusive
Commercial Photographers
in Southern Oregon
Negatives Made any time or
placo by appointment
Phono l'17-.T
We'll io,,Ihj rvnt
E, D, WKiJOK, Prop,
To the Editer:
In tho Issues or July 7th nud 8th
ot tho Mall Trlhmto 1 liuvo read with
Interest Mr. Phlpps' correspondence
wit tho Standard Oil company tola
tlvo to tho smokeless orchard heater,
ulvo a suggestion for a covering to
prevent against frost.
1 am glad that thought Ik bolii'i
directed along theno lines beciuiso I
'helluva that agitation ts bound to
Improve our present vystem of frost
protection', and the valley needs tho
Improxeiuoiit, Wo lose too much
money uvory year by front.
In Southern California where they
hiiva tho llfo ot the tree nt Htnko.
iiIho a wider rnutfo of temperature
to combat, they have given this sub
ject a grentdeal ot thought. Indi
vidual and government men hno
tried overr kind of device Including
ulectrlc heating which has proved too
expensive, and covering tho trees did
not work out well, also coal beaten.
Oil tiurtilnc henters limo nrovoii
to be tho most economical and effec
tive. Heaters nro mndo which will
protect against a 20 degree drop of
temperature below freeilng. Thesu
heaters burn tho samo oil wo use In
our valley and their burning tlnt-i
ranges from six to twenty four hours,
Tlio cost Is not excessive.
A henter Is Just Mug put on tho
market which burns heavy oil with
no smoke and gives n great bent.
If you want to refer any of jour
readers why are lutcrcHtcd in this
subject tn tho writer, ho will bo glad
to tell them tho rout, nnd tho de
tails of an ndequato orchard heal,
tug equipment, such as will easily
take cam of tho comparatively small
drop In lomporaluro In tho Itogtiu
lllvor Valley.
Yours ery truly,
American Can Co,
San Francisco, Calif.
Expert Corsotiero
32G North Bartlett.
Phone 5G3 M.
PORTLAND, Ore, July 13 - (V
Do, receipts IIMUI, market steady,
Prime light 0.75 a 7 00s prime heavy
ii.tiO a ti.r.r.; good n ii o0; nn
dlum it.'.T. a tl.nn; heirers it. CO a 7.00;
cows, prime ft.AO a 0.00; bulls 1 00
a COO; prime veal caUes T.dO a S.00;
heity veal calves 7.00 r.3a,
Hogs receipt 1S3I: market 2 On
higher than Saturday's rinse, Prime,
light S M it S.r.O; medium 8. IB a X 30
smooth heavy 7.90 k; rough
heavy 7 B0 n 7. SO,
Sheep receipts 3,0Rit, market stea
dy. Spring lambs C7B a i.tiO; weth
ers 4 3B n 4 7B; ewes 1.1)0 n -t.'JS)
SearllngH 1 GO n fi 00,
ed In tho prlon of Santiago Tliilleln
loo, Most of Iho WcIIiiih, It Is said
wero officials.
Rheumatic Throat
Is Common Trouble
Should Bo Treated in Blood
To Prevent Recurrence.
SALTILLO, July 13, VM Laredo
Two hundred nud thirty persons
wero reported executed In Mexlci
City I'rlday night by lluerin, accord
lug to news from tho south receiv
ed hero by tho coiistltutlouallstM to
lny. Ono hundred and seventy ot theso
went said to bavo been put to death
In tho federal prison nud sixty exerut-
Ytifrf r nrrriifiil Ktr tint t(vi
Mtrat In tlif llit Imi in iirrtriit lUHr
InmMttt trltiiu, lli I.Ui.l mutt be lull In
MiWt, nn I"1"! Ft-mnlr H H. M , II
Itintlrlirr ill the (llllrlluti nf hx IxMlr til
nriiuilli the Irritant ur ttt iinxlurt
nl In ulliinilatr Ihrlr rirrrlUu lirmili
tl- ett'l'T rhtuir,
iilirtimniir tr mril H lUnrrroiK
Inilli'alliui, It Hiram thai th. Iiloxl I
letiliM wild inr "ill" arM llian Hi it.
llrjr rati unHr, ami may lima i-i in
arrliitia srnrral illihultnr
'111 artlrn or H X, H. allimitalra cellular
artWItr. II hinil ll arrumtilailuii i,r
Irrltanla In lural wl, II rnaMr ili
nrwrlra lo uiilr iiulrkU tlm iin rr.l
Mmxt In m'lar MiiriMiut lUinr.
Iir Hit rrau.n uilf arlit Dial Km
llinxtt an raajr 'try In Ha lii-alu I.ihh
lliniirnri, la arnltrrrd ailil rllmliialnl, In
othi-r wunla, K H. H, prMrnla rtirmili' ei.ii.
illllolia hr rnaMliiK all lli umrtiiia llnlui
of tht I.Mtjr in tvrrrlK liralllijr nmriia, ll
liirturiirf U ahunn In liuiknl lniiriT
ni'iil df ti inurtilal lul, whrrl Hi
hmklllfn ii f ruler ti llilct, raillt !
Tlorallna la utrrivnir. H. H. H, well
illlntril Mlllt walrr, uirana a IiIim.I ImIH,
alnrr It la torlnxur In an aluiuarh ami at
one ! Into llif IiIimxI.
H, H 4. la frr tif all mln'rala an1 rxt
latna Ing rr.llnn uuU't"ll ouJucle lit
Hrll luilanrnt licatlli.
uii ran srl ll at anr driiit Ut. tit At
not ait'i'l anjlliliiif rlM, 'ni'r la ilanr
In iitMlltutra. H H It, Ii irirrt imlr lr
n HKltl lHriai I'u, M". MwKl IlliU .
Atlanta, ll ir llnllral kri will U
jiiiii frr IntlriKllun In intll kii anr aulijxt
i.r iitiMxt iiiturOrra Writ iiMtajr.
What About that Vacation for Your Feet?
A pnlrof our low-heeled, easy rum
forts will glut tho reunited ret,
.'III Miles lYoni Mrdfonl
fink nsiti.vo
IUaU ami Tenuis
Hatos 11. GO por day. 97.&0 per week.
Passenger rates $3.50 ono way, by
(rater Lake Auto Stago
For Further Information Wrlto
V.Wh it. epdyki:
Trail, Orv.
Hkv SBllllllllllllllllllISlllllllllllllSlBllllllllllllllH.
irg s
8ioc lor
Millions of smokers
prefer the cigarettes
they, roll for themselves
from ripe, mellow
Bull Durham
to any ready-made cigarettes they can buy.
(Enough for Forty Hand-made cigarette In Each 5-ceet Sack)
"Bull" Durham hand-madecigarettes are a.
distinctive form of tobacco enjoyment. Their
smoothness, mildness and freshness arc a
revelation. Their rich fragrance and mellow
flavor afford complete, healthful and. lasting;
Roll your own" ,and ,
enjov the most satisfying
luxury in die, world.
PPPP An IlIustratccTBooklct,
MTXSriEt showini; correct way to
"Roll Your Own" CljrarcttcB. and a
Hook of cigarette papers, will both
be mailed to you frti on postal rcqucit,
Address "Hull" Durham, Durham.
N, C,
A$k for FREE
hookof "papw"
with maeh Be mcA
rjtt L - 94M mfttlt