Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 13, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
Max. H.1j Mln. HO; Hum. 3j
I'Wi .oil; I'nlr and warmer.
," X '
4$$'; y
Kurtv. fourth Yr,
DullyNlnlti Ymr,
Interstate Commerce Commliiton Asserts Stockholders Were Rohlietl of
From Sixty Millions to Ninety Mllllonsand Advises Law Suits Analnst
Mornan Estate, Rockefeller ami Olhrr Directors to Recover Money
llletially Siiunmlecetl Civil anil Criminal Action Favored Evidence
Sent to District Attorneys of Three States.
WASHINGTON, .Inly i:i. "film,
hull negligence" imhI "one r lli
moM glaring instance ir niiiluduih
(trillion revealed In nil tlm ItUtoiy
if American railroading," !"'
term tlu Interstate cnniuicrcu com
mitinii i'iiilrtl Imliiy I" rt mii lii:r
In tlit senate mi iN itm'sllgiiliou of
New Haven riiilniiiil fiiiunclul it'
fairs. Tin' oniuinlsstnii's conclusion limy
ln hhiiiiiiiI lip this way:
l.illH ( New IlllVt'll sli.eklloldel
from llii' lift itf their dileelor v ill
mugo from IIO,000,(IIM to 1111,(10(1,.
mm. Sitils lo recover the mum.
should lie ill fount eases.
Mnny of llii' Irunsiit'llniis, charm
Icrlrcd ii h violations of I lie laws of
New York, Rhode Island mnl Mil.
iiiliiii'lli, mnl tin' federal nuti
liut laws, hnvo lici'ii triMirti'il lo ihe
uulhuviHc of the slnlc nml III.
federal department of jtiitioe.
Ultimo Morgau-ltockrfcllcr
Tim depreciation of the lloslou &
Maine begun when II"' "Mclleti-Mo.-guu-ltockrfcllcr
management" conn
into control.
Joint I, llillunl nml tho Hilton'
i'oniimiv worn mrn'lv ngencie of
tin' New Haven, llillunl never iic.I
n dollar of hi own money, nml
burned his hooks mnl pnHrs. It wns
not llii' understanding of the Now
Ilium board Hint ho should Ink
"All the assets of tin llilliiiil com.
jMiny belong to New lluvcn stock
holders, nml iv milt liy Hid ru'lont.l
ngnlust llillunl nml those wh.i par
ticipated In the transactions should
lie maintained,"
Dummy corporations nml llftr
uc, which the report says in tin'
New lluvcn was frctpicut, nrc con
demned in numi'iiNiiri'il tenns.
Tim system of lulcilnckitig direct
ors Is condemned iim it existed on
llic New I In veil nml in general. The
comiulxxion xii.vri it fotiml most ev
ery other Interest wits lictter repre
sented on the New Haven lionnl lliun
the u vertigo stockholders.
HT. I.OI'IH. July in Tho bullooa
"Knn I'ruticliro 1015" Inmlcil uluvim
iiiIIi'h HOiithuuHt of Mcl.eaniilioro, tt
lluoln nt 10 o'clock Btincuy moruluK.
nrconlliiK to n teleKrnm rocolvoil to
ilny from K. H. Colo, the pilot.
Mclrfinniuoro Ih ntut)'.flvo mlloi
outlmNt of Ht I.ouIh nml tho balloon
covormt nhout 10(1 iiillen In mi nlr
All oIkIU lialloonn that itnrtoil from
lioro last Saturday noon now huvo
hcon heard from, nml tho wluuor of
tho national elimination rnro to vol
ect tho third Aiuorlcnn ontrnut to
tlm liituriiatonal race that will lni-t
from KniitM City' noxt Octolior Ih tho
balloon "(ioodycnr" Tho balloon
liiuili'il nt Conntunco, Kentucky, nhout
thrcu huiiilroil mlloi from Ht, IiiiIh.
Tlm (Wo athor ontrnnta for tho
Intornatloiinl raco aro tho men who
won Nut and Buroiul placo In tho last
Iniormitlonul rnco U. II. Upboh of
Akron, Ohio, and II, R, llonoywoll, or
Ht. l.ouli.
limiMN', July i:i. Two (Iitiiimii
fcnlilici'rt illci mnl ovit KID nllii'i inn
ill Imliiy from MiiiiHlrokii liy Mliicli
lliny wi'in iiffVr-li'ii j'ruli'hlay ilniliiK
inlllliiiy nuuiiMivi'iN n I'Vmikl'nil mi
Oder, TIih hi'uIIut vviih llm lmlli'l
tttjivilvuvi'i) In (Jviiiiuny IhU )iu;
I'leniilent Mellen'i iIciIIiikh willi
fnrincr Pollen liiNM'rlnr llyrnei of
New Voik in llm WVnli'lii'nler rniU
run. I triiiiHiielion were lirnmliil iih
'Vorrunt nml hiiIjim Till. Tin
uiuouul llli'Kiilly eMmti'il hlmulil he
Tho nurcliiiM' of lllmile UIiiikI
Irolley liui'H mnl I'oimhtixi' hlriini
flllktl svf tleKeriheil Hi exltniiiint
nml wiiMcful,
All Ihe IrmiHnetintix, tin coiiniiii
hiou ImliN, went collKUUlUluleil Willi
llm olijecl of H'ltlui: up n nnuptete
tiuuHpurluliou iiiinnMily In New
KukIihiiI ill inllltlou of the feilernl
Si'tcrnl leum or Huh niiliire me
briefly Hummurii'il:
llleul l)nliiilcH
"Overpiilil IVrry nml Thorno in
coiiiiiii-Miinx, !l(i;i,7.'(l.
'Illepilly Kpeut in ohtniuiue WckI
eheoler fnilii'hli elimiKeH, l,.VJI,
"In the llillunl trniiMU'tion, i!,
7IH,7(li. "The money with wliieli llillunl
neipiin'il-tlu' 1 r,7."). mlililionnl xliurcH
of coimnon Hlock nml TiJHil HlmrcH or
pn'ferreil nlock of tho IIokIoii &
Mnlno llnitroiiil eompany wni film
lithril liy lit New KiikIuiiiI NnviK'n
Hon company. ThU Mock wan
lurucil hnck to the imviuntiou com-
pany for tl'O.dH'.1. It wottlil Meem
Hint u unit hy htockholilern for the
recovery of tin profit which i junt
ly duo the navigation compnitv. if
any unit mailr by Itillanl in the
trniwiii't(onn iuvohimr thc-'o ailili
tional hliurcn, cniilil In mainlalueil.
"If any expenditures wen iniuli in
violation of the nnti-trut Iiiwh o
the Unileil Stales, arc not Hitch ex.
pemlilurert ultra vires f Ami isn't
the IckiiI o1iialiou of Hie ilirccton
to Malisfy out of their nun fortunes
any loss which results to the com.
"llireclnr cannol, without nc
couutahilily, deplete n cotporatc
treasury in vcuiun's which un in
violation of the laws of Hie laud."
bIsIg shells '
I.ONDONDIOIlltV, Ireland, July 13.
Tho OruiiKumcn hero hcKnu the
colobratlou of tho nnnlvemnry of tho
bnttlo of tho lloyiio with n cannon,
utlo durhiR which they projected their
explosives so that thuy burt over tho
nnliIoncoH In tho Catholic uocllon of
tho city.
Tho untlonnlUtR, bollnvliiK tho ran
ununila to bo tho preluilo to aRKros.
hIvo action on tho part of tho Ornmto.
men, orKniilnnl for orono, but u;
till noon no collUlou botwoou tho
IinrtlcH had taken placo
While tho OraiiRemon wore attend.
Iiik church on Sunday omUho police
wero biiHy KiiardliiK their pomioHilonB,
tho natloualUt voluim'om auccoodoil
in brliiKliiK Into tho city two nutomo
bllo IoiuIh of rltlt'H.
Tho rlflt'H had boon landed nt tho
entrance to I.oiiRh Hwllly In tho north
of Ireland by n paiisln uteumor from
Amurlrn uiulor tho nones of tho crow
of ulotllla of dontroycra lying In tho
"" "
HANTO DOMINdO, Dominican Ho
public, July 1 a. Hands of revolti'
Honnrles suffered defeat by Domin
ican Koyeniiiiiuit yesterday nt Hun
('i lnlol'ol nhout ulKhtouu miles from
llm dly of Hiiulo Domluito, us well Hi
ut lluulii (litis ili'l Heylm, uml Hum-
r" . , ,MJIU
Home rolluf from tho lntcno
heat Hint ban prevailed over
r Missouri nml Kaunas d urine tho
laxt two days wns Indicated to 4
if day. CooIIiik breeze wero re-
ported nt a number of pttlnt .
4 l.iHl nlKht wn tho liotlcut
of the year In Kaunas. At To-
pclot It was the wnrmeKt nli'.hl of r
July In tho twenty-elKht yenrs
llm Toieka wentlnv Miircau has
4- In In exlutenro, a minimum
temperature of 77 degrees belnr.
- recorded. A sIlRht llmildcmlMNii
early today cnuneil mo mercury
to drop several denrees at To.
Ni:V YOltK. July 13 Liquidation
of Intentato lusues ofter temporary
firmness, was .tho feature of today's
mar'sct. Canadian Pacific decllnod
flvo points on heavy offorlngi. Tho
cloio a weak.
Tho new week brought little chancn
Hie undertone nKaln Bhowlnc weak
lies In minor Imucr, nllo lnrel
ment shares held firm Gould secur
ities, Ontario and Western and Wet
tern Maryland wero lower, but MU
sturt Pacific convertible fives Inclined
toward Improvement Chesapeake and
Ohio, ono of last week's heavy fea.
ttiros, lost another point, while New
Haven advanced a point. In the pe
dal uroup there wro such counter
movements ns a ono point loss In
United Htates Rubber and a rain nt
as much for dry Roods preferred.
SellltiR of New York Central, which
broko 1 6-8, and further liquidation
In minor securities caused tho list to
say under last week's closing price.
Tho decline was concurrent with tho
publication of tho Interstate com
merce commission's conaomnatlon of
tho former Now Haven manaRemeut.
WASHINGTON. Julv lll.-In the
belief (hut methods ucil in cxhiliilinn
timber jvsourccH mnl tho rewtorntton
of itonnul mnl heallliy conditions in
the iinliiHtiieM which convert timber
into tisnblo prolnil vitally concern
the publm, Secretaries Kcimclil nml
Ilouhlon bnvo comnlcleil iiluus for u
joint sillily hy their ilcpniltiienti of
Hie supply nml exploitation ot tltc
ooitntry'H tiuiber.
One of (ho conditions which make
Hie Ntudv of immediate importance.
accordim; to an uuuouucemenl today,
U the fact that tho otaiuliiiK timber,
esimnled at about three thousnuil bil
lion feet, is lieiiijj n'duccil of its
hluuipiiKe nt the ralo of npproxi
umlely sixty billion feet annually.
In suite of Hifc hunted timber hip-
ply, lumbermen nrc sani lo no un
able to market much of tho oorer
irrailcH. It is cMimntctl that from
one-third to one-half of the material
in tho lives is left in the woods or
burned in lumber mills. Some of this
wnslo is believed to be incventuble.
mid much more, it is hoped, can he
saved under Improved conditions ol
marketing ami use of wood.
LONDON, July 13. rhu maiinKor
of tho Mexican rullwuyu cabled to
day that Provisional Presidunt Iluer
la's Kovurnmeul had ordered him to
lU't'onstrui't tho portion of the lino
nnnr Vera ('run, wliieli wan destroyed
hy Hid Mvslrun federal troop when
tho illy of Vera Crux un oceiipM
hy lliu Amviiwus,
OI1KC10N, MONDAY, .1VLY i:i, 1011
Only Terms of Absolute Surrender
Will Be Discussed with Huerta
Deleifates, Sa!$ Constitutionalist
Chief Carbaal to Sever Connec
tion With Administration.
WASHINGTON, Juty 13. Ooncrnl
Carrunzu formnlly notified the Pnlt-
ed Htates today that be would enRaco
In no mediation with the Huerta dele
Kates, whatever, nml would accent
only terms of absolute surrender.
MKXICO CITY. July 13. Author
Itatlvo quarters hero o.:ay declared
that unless a quick nKrcemeut Is
reuched between the cnnteudlnR fa"
lions In Mexico. I ranclsco Cnrbajal,
minister of forclun affairs, will sever
bis connection with the administra
tion. VKIIA CItUZ. July 13. Four hun
dred laborers, actlnR under order
from Mexico City, started work todar
retialrlnu tho two mllo Rao In tho
Mexican railway connectlnR Vera
Cms with tho capital and tho rusblitR
of the work Is believed hero to Indi
cate a possibility that the first train
to puns over tho repaired road may
be a special ronreylng General Hucru
sud his family to the coast Tho Rap,
which has been without rails since
April 21, will be restored, to worklnR
order within two days at the most.
NKWPOHT, If. I., July W.- How
the nntionh' foreign lndicv often
lunik's on the action nml discretion of
a nnval officer commanding u war
ship in n faraway port was dis
cussed by Secretnry Dauiefs here
today nt the opeuiut; of the naval
war college. He pictured the duties
of the naval ottlcer in the role of
diplomat, recalled incidents in which
commanders of American warship
in forc'tRii ports had onened new
chupterri in Ainerieun history, mnl
uracil officers at the collect nml
marine ol'fieer to train themselves
in international law uml the Inn
gimp's in preparation for such emer
gencies. Tho spenker recalled the demand
made for n salute of the stars and
striH's by Hear Admiral Mnvo at
Tampieo ns an example of how the
action of a naval officer In a for
eign country precipitated "an issue
not contemplated in diplomatic chan
nels, uml irrevocably committed his
"overumeut to a policy of action in
support of his demand."
Perry's achievement in the openine.
of Japan to commerce, Dewey's bril
liant victory nml his ndiiiiuiM ration
in Philippine waters, ami finally
Hear Admiral Fletcher's occupation
of Vera Crux were pointed to v the
secretary as conspicuous instnuees
of the double service required of the
American naval officer abroad.
"There is very recent proof Hint
Perry was a true prophet when he
foresaw friciuKhip between the
United Slates and Japan. In the
present Mexican trouble the Japan
ese have been scniiutlous to prevent
the shipment of anus by Japanese
OLY.MPIA, Wash., July III. Scnu
tor Wesley L. Jones of North Ynk-
imn today filed with Seorcltiry of
Stale I, M. Howell his declaration of
cmidlilaoy to succeed himself in Hit
United Sltitcs senate, His declarn-
lion s llm second lo ho 11 led for
Untied Stales senator, J. A, Falconer
having I'llcil mi Ihe pi'ojicnivc
llcki'l previously, Hcimlor Junes
will liuvc tin iiiioHloii in llm repub
lican pi hum lc for ihe iioiuliiiillon,
w fur hu known.
NKWPOKT. It. !., July 13.
Over a thirty mile triangular
course, tho America's cup yachts
wero sent nwny In a contest to-
day that promised to be little
more than a drifting match. V
4- Tho startliiR time: Itesolute 4-
12:15. IK; Vanltlo 12:15:18;
Deflanro 12:15:30.
Kesoluto roundoff the first 4
mark at 2:07:30; Vanltlo 211:
30; Deflanro 2: 15:52. 4
ST. PKTF.ltSnniO, July Kl.-De-tnils
renebed here today in n dis
patch to the Courier of n probably
fatal nllack on the mystic lay monk,
(Jrcpiry Knsputiu, who-c influence
over the emperor is said to be very
Ifnsptitin, who has been one of the
ino-t nromlnent figures in Hus.ia in
recent years, was viitin hi native
vilhiKePokrovsky, in the province
of Tobolsk, Siberia, when n womnn,
a strniiRcr to the locality, approach
ed him, prelendini: to be n hejrgnr.
After acco-tins: him, she stabbed him
in the abdomen with a Ioiik military'
The assnilaul was nrretel and
eonfesed she had waited two weeks
for the opportunity. She snid she
hud decided to kill the monk becau-e
he was n false prophet ami was lead
ing everybody in I(uln nftray.
Doctors wlio examined, the monks
wound declared it was liekly to prove
SAN FHAXCISCO, Cnl., July 13.
Kiglit more arrests were made to
day in Ihe ualioual emupniRii which
the government instituted two years
ago against medicul quack who vio
lated the pool al laws by fraudulent
advertisements. Postal inspectors
said that in all between .100 mnl 3."0
arrests had been made frem coast
to coast. Sixteen more warrants re
main to serve ot (he twenlv-four re
turned Inst week. In all cases the
ehargo is use of the United States
mails to defraud.
Among the names made public to-
tlay was that of J. II. llyal, an au-
tomolulo dealer, accused of conduct
ing n fraudulent business under the
alias of a Chinese herb doctor.
Tho state authorities are working
independently along the same lines
nml earlier this year closed many of
the more notorious "mue.uuis of an
atomy," both in litis city1 and else
PITTSHUKfl, Pn., July 13. The
strike in the Westinghouso factories
was formally ended todav when ap
proximately 8000 men mid women
returned to the. shops. All plants
wero placed on full time mid nil of
the strikers were taken back with the
exception of -M)0 or 300 whose places
had been filled.
PKP.KSKILL, N. V., July 13.
Captain .lames II, Ten llyck, HI year
of age, champion oarsman of the
woihl more than fifty years ago,
tumbled ilowiiHlairs mid wits per
liapit filially ilijuieil in Ills home in
IhU village Hitiiilay. lie U heiul of
n family of oh i mum of inleniulfoiiul
Minority Stockholders Demand That
Directors Join Them in Suit to Re
cover $125,000,000 Misspent Funds
Morgan, Rockefeller and Led
yard Asked to Refund Sums.
IIOSTON, July HI Whipple,
Senrs & Oyden, attorneys, represent
ing minority stockholder of the New
York, New Haven & Hartford rail
road, have diiunmled Hint the direct
or join their clients in the suit lo
recover about .JPJ.,imH,(inil alleged
to have been wasted by the mniinge
The uit, width it i said will he
filed this week, is to be directed
ngainst the c.Mutc of J. P. Morgan
and Wllinm Rockefeller, Lewis Cass
Icdvard and others, who were mem
hers of the New Haven directorate
at the time thnt trnnnclion that
have been the subjects of inquiry by
tho interstate commerce commission
were made. In u letter to the direct
ors mnde public today, the attorneys
refer to the testimony concerning
New Haven investments, which nrov-
ed unprofitable, brought out hy the
interstate commerce commission.
'We, therefore, in behalf of our
clients," the letter rends, "reseet
fully demand Hint you institute
proper legal proceedings to enforce
the liability of directors to the cor
ponitiou which we have Munted out,
and such other liability as mav be
dielosed ns a result of a careful
and thorough nvestigntion of the
company's nf fairs.''
Notice of the proo-al of the min
ority stockholders to file such tt suit
was given several weeks atn.
FRF.KPOItT, X. Y., July 13. Over
the highways of Long Island, a route
of twenty miles, detectives on foot
and in automobiles followed today
the cold tmil of Dr. Kdwiu Canuan,
made twelve days ago, in the faint
hope that somewhere along the coun
try roads they might find tho revol
ver with which Mrs. Louise Hailey
was shot to death in his office on
June 30. The detective? took the
path that Dr. Canuan says he fol
lowed the day after Mrs. llailey's
Mrs. Canaan, locked up on an ac
cusation of murder, spent the day in
preparation for nu ordeal before tho
grand jury tomorrow or Weduesdny,
when sho will bo permitted to testify
ns to her movements on the night of
the crime. She will waive immunity.
District Attorney Smith announced,
before reaching the juryroont.
NEW YORK, July 13. -Tho first
hot Sunday of the suuunei' drew
thouauds to the water side for re
lief with the result thai ten drown
ings were reported to the police dur
ini' the duv and night. Two young
bo, died in sight of thousands in
Prospect park lake, Hrooklyn,
through the cupsking of n boat.
More than lflO.OOO persons, ninny
of them mothers with babies, were
held at Coney Island until early
morning because of a blowout of n
transformer, which supplies power lo
the trolley enx-s and elevuted roads
running to lite beach rcsott. Thous
ands of persons sat or slept on the
beach front till daylight.
I. t
M'llAKXO, July 13,-Tlm impnr.
(ant Alhiiiilaii (own of lleiil, thirty
miles iiorlltciist nf llm port of Av
lovu, win cnpliiit'il today by Ih" Al
banian MilMiilHiHIt luMiiueiil vh
I ciin liy look KuiIIm,
NO. !X
Five Thousand Ulsterltes Parade
Upon Anniversary of Battle of the
Boyne-No Clashes With Nation
al'sts Extensive Precautions Are
Taken to Avert Trouble.
DRUMTIKO, Ireland, July 13. The
Orangemen's demonstration hero to
day culminated in n scene of im
mense. "iithitHiasiu around the plat
form where Sir Kdwnrd Carson,
Ilible in hand, pledgiM the covenant
ers never to surrender lo coercion,
lo remain loyal to the throne and
never to waver in their support of
their lenders in tho fight ngalnt
home rule.
Sir Kdwnrd Corson, in jx speech
which evoked tremendous enthusi
asm, served on tho Hritisn govern
ment Hint unles It was prepared to
leave Ulster alone it would very
shortly find the Ulste.mcu recogniz
ing no government except the provin
cial government of Ulster. He said
he had been given to act, and if nee
essnry that meant he was to exercise
his powers without regard to conse
quences to himself. The Ulster men,
he added, were not going to give
way and were bound to win, because
God would defend the right.
' Sir Edward Carson offered the
government the alternative of giv
ing Ulster a clean-cut out ot hem
rule or of coming to fight the UMer
lnen. These, he Mid, were the only
possible alternatives. CIster, he con
cluded, were clalmlnx only Justice
and It It did not get It from the
government, It would take It, for It
self. Itlrul Factions Separate
The Nationalist rpixrtcr of Ilelfnt
was carefully avoided by the demon
strators mid on no occasion during
the procession did the rival factions
come into contact. So little did the
authorities expect trouble that they
depended entirely on the local olieo
force to keep order.. All the mili
tary were confined to barracks, ns is
usually the cnc during political
A great crowd of tourists, includ
ing many Americans, canto to see tho
procession and to hear the speeches
which were tv prelude to resolutions
calling on the Ulster leaders to take
what steps they considered neces
sary to prevent Ulster coining under
the authority of the Dublin parlia
ment. Carson Hero of HTf
Sir F.dwurd Carson was tho hero
of tho day. Buttons - bearing his
portrait were worn by nearly every
mutt in the preclusion, while great
canvitsses spread across the htreets
in the unionist section' of the city
bore his likeness.
Throughout the province of Ulster
and notably in Londonderry exten
sive precautions were taken by the
authorities against possible clashes
between the orgmiixed forces of the
Protestants and Catholics.
ATLANTA, 0u., Julv 13. An up-,
penl to the Nobles of tiu Mystii
Shrine throughout North America o
aid in tho search for her missing,
daughters, Mrs. Kloino Dennis and
Mtsa Ilcatrico Nelms, vviih, issued.
hcru today by Mrs, John Niduiij,
Mrs. Nelms also invoked Hie, assist,
mice of club women of tliu qountry
to tho sumo end.
Explaining Iter nctiott in calling on
tliu Shriuers for licit), Mrs. Nelms
said Unit her husband on his death
bed iuid given Mrs. Dennis his Shriu
crs pin ami that Mrs, DeittiU after
ward gavo this pin to Victor fanes,
who, situ said, told her that lie wits
u member of (lie order,
There were no additional devslHi
niciils here today In ooiihwiHwi wlik
llm ilixHiicrnnce of llm twu womm,
DcU'clives made careful xtmmllm
of all Wwrs sinl r4)rrs'Mm4M (m ;
Ike KtijwK Inwe, mh vlfaH &
cover somtblutf wUfh MtiJtJ Htm
Mtfkt ixi (Us Mt4ry J m
. it'1
i t