- - ?i v, mj ai -1 J BRIGADE ENCAMPMENT FOR OREGON MILITIA I'OIITI.ANH, On'., .Inly 10. Mem Iici ol' tin' iiiiiili'iiiillhl'r'M ilt-pinl-luent left hot it lihlny for (li'itiliinl, Oicguii, In nnnliK1'' fur Iho lntinli' ciicmiiiiiicnl m' tin.' Oicgtm iiinl IiImImi imlititi mill leguliir nt my. which will Iii'hiji Miiinliiy mnl iMiiilliiiiit. )ii' leu thus. Aliout li-dll mt'ii will imrlii' ipnti'. Two linttitlliuiH ii' t'lillcil Siiili'n nifiuiliv went due In imii'li (IiiiiIuiiI lull' IimIiij, -ini ili-l itivr mi OM'iliiiiil ItlKti 1 1 inn iiin inner Inn- lllli, WlMllg.Ull. f WASHINGTON, July 10. George T Mnt)', .lr, nf 81111 rrniirlmo ! ranm uiiilmimiiilor to Hlisiiln loiln) wlitm. after ronflrmullon by lint ceii nto. liU credentials went Iwfoio Hco ti'tury llrnn for loiiuiorslKiiliiK. I'liuin (or his dnpnrtuni to HI. Piilors limit nro not complcto E Rnporlod liy Jormi County Ab tract Co., Sixth rim! Kir Hts. Itctil I -Mnli' Trrtlifer Jtlnii County Untitling & ah AniHtiialloii to W. ('. tin mi, N '.4 or lot II niul nil lot to, hlk. 2, llutittnliiw Ailil, ili'i'il ... .. August Km iikk t ux to Olio III", lllllll III M'O. 20, Hl.v HI H It. 4 '., V. I. Frank II Winery it u to Krcd I). Ariimtroug ct ux, NV of UK mul 10 ncrt'it off the K. niitn of hv or ni: mi lot r., roc 23, two. 35 H, It, '.' W. detnl ...... W. II. HIiiKlor, sheriff to Pet er Mniiklus, liiit'l hi noon. I, 7. s. H, 17. IS, wi. 37 H. II. S V . sheriff's deed 10 2J50 10 NOTIIM: I'lllt SKUKU ItlOM. Nutlro Ih IktuIi)' Klnln lluvt tlir ill) iniiiicll will ri'tcho Hrnloil IiIiU (or Hie (otottriulloii of mi t'lulil (S) Ittrli litiirnl Hum or on Diiliol.n nto nun, from I'cni'li Mtrot't to Nivluwn Mrcni. All IiMn niuit Ik (Moil w Itli tin uiutiirtlKiii'il nt lint rvcorilor' o((lc not Intiir tli ii ii r 00 . in. Tucmlny, July SUt l!UI, niul uiiiNt ho aciiiiii IMiiiU'it liy n eel (If till ihccli for flo ior iiit (t,) of tlm I'M. IHuiiN niul Hiwnlcfjcniloini Kovoru Ins tlm tonnlriictliiit or, IhU nwor limy U ii4u nt Iho city lumluocr'n orffQi. Daloil Illy Kill, 111 I I. . Hi.MKit t. roas. lliTorilnr of tho Clt) of Moilfonl, Oro tim:ahu"iiy mAU'r"Mi:NTr.su7- orvliiliiK Arolillfd'H Offlnt. WruIiIiik Ion, 1) C. Juno 37, 11)11 Smml iroiiwi(lH will ln opuneil In thin of. flro nt :i p. in , Aiimut '.'3, 101 1, for llin (otiHtrtirllon roiutiluto (lnclmllu$ incctimilrul i(uliiii'iit' (exeunt lo iilur). HkIiHiik flttiire.' nml n. ironrii'H) of tho I'ulttuI Rfntci i nffkv mul rourtliouto nt .Moilforo, t)n, 'llin-o-Htory mul luiKoiiiunt luilld liiKl'prouiiil nr.'u. r.,r.no unro font; flrHt floor flroiroof; utoiio, ornmuuii tnl torrn rutin, mul lirli-k fncliiKI roiuiHixltlou luof. DrnwhiKH nun uiifii'lflralloiiR tuny lio olitnliivil from tho iMimmllun of tlto nt Muiirunl, Oro.. or ut tdU offlco, In thu dlrrvllon or tlm Hupi'rvMiiK Ar;litict. DrnwIiiK mul Mprclflrntloiifi Mill Im rrnily for ili'lhory nflor July K. 101 1. O. Won ilerotli, HiilmrvUliiK Architect tnn;i: TO CONTIMCTOIW. Bculi'il iiroponnli, ndilrcHr.cil to tho county court of Jncltxon county, Ore Kiin. nml ciiilornoil "I'ropmiiU for n hrlUpo ovor Cviuu CrcoU," for rpmor ItiK ohl iilructwro. for furnmnluc pinna mul Mpcrlflcntlouti, nil tootri, luliur mm luMorhiU uvccDHnry for tho construe Hon of tho coucruto fuiiudnHoni, np pronphca ami fiirulktiliiK mul orcrthiK u coucroto or xtool mipur-Htriiituro (oinplcto for n hlKhwny lirlilo ovor Kvmiri cioiik ucnr tho town of Uokiio Itlvor, JuckHiiii county, OroKon, will ho mcivvil h' thu county court u( until comity unUHioto nt Its nfflro In JnckHouvlllo, Oi o until 10 o'clock n. in. Tut'iuliiy, July SIhI, 1UH, mul nt lluil Hum nml pluco vahl court will luihltoly ol'iiu. mul roml nil hil, Thu hrhlgo will Imvo mi 1R fpot loiiilyt'iiy mij will ho not Iohh'Tiiiiii lti (cot or mora limn U0 foitjii luuK'di with ni'Coiimry wooilou iipiirom'hi'H or illi (IIIh In miiko Iho Juli roiuplnlo mnl roinly for nun. When tho InlilKo Ih couiplcloil mul hofro It Im acroptcil hy tho county cuiiit, two tvu ton roud lollorri run uliiKfPmiilloi or tuiitlniii will ho run own' ho lirhlito in tout II I Inch hil Ih to ho ucnoiiloil iinilor Hi'iilijil cover mul uliiill ho iiceuuipu iilcil hy cuuli, it hhliloiii homl inmlo iiiuhlo In JnrliHoit county, or u cot tllli'il clioi'li inmlo piiyuhlo In tho tiouiHjinr of JiicIimoii county, for mi umiiiiiii t'liuui to ni li'iut f por ont nf Iho nniuiinl hhl, nml no hlil uliiill ho imiNliluicit uiiIkmm r.itth rwll. hoifil or ilii'ili U oiicloiiiM Ihuiovvllhi Niirli lilililyl'ii liohil uliiill ho niiiillllomul I ti it 1 If uciouiDiililiiK hlij Ih ni'i'lM'ti'il Iho unity h(i(ili will Only niiloy lul'i ulnl .IV. mill. k Ilin ItflllllauJ. p.,.. I'M.'. l. ('.' HlF"l I IHiolil iho HOKuiiufiil hhliler 10 1 COURT HOUS NEWS Jeff Was Ifn, f .J ' r:.:: ...::v I VOU OON'Y I . TiiiNK. iv., j,c; ! ' .V l 7'r .jj-r- Av x V" W- w Iiiiiii the lontrnct U nwnnloil fall t.i oxecuto tho untiin wttlitn ton ilayii from tho Onto of notlfkntlon of kucIi awunl, mich cnuli, ImiiuI or rliork ulinlt ho forfi'tto.l to Jnrknou county nml tho mtno tihnll lio Iho iiroporly of until county, A ciri'rpln miri'lv homl will lto ro Miilrvil for tin fiilllifnl iirrfortimiico of thu roulrnct In n um cijunl to ono. hnlf of Iho lotnl ninouut of tho duiii Mil. Tho roinitv court riiorvi tlio rlclit to roji'cl nny or nil hliln, or to ' MA.Itl ll... ..M..1.B..I llM.l.llit.l tlM.t tl9 ' MlAVfl flltl .ll'VMI HIIVUIVU W t' JncKnui comity. V. U. TOU vr:i.i.i:. County JuiIko. w. c. m:i:vi:u. County Coiniuliuiloncr. J, 0. SMITH. County CoimiiliiRlonor. tl. A. (!AHINi:it. County Clnrk, Jarkon County, Oro Kim. jiiiv :iiu, inn, notici:. Notice In hcroliy chen Hint tho Iohii of llutto 1'nllH, Jurkiiou county, Ori'Kon, will tnko up nml cancel wnr rnutH Noh 37 to r.t, luclimlvo, upon prciontntlon of until wnrrojitii to the trcmuintr of alil town, Intercut on unlil warrAiitn will cco front tho Onto or tn flmt puh llivitlon of IhU notlru which Is Juno 30, 1U1I, i:. H, SMITH, Troaiurcr of tho Town of liutto Knll. i.enni: notices. a A. 1'. A. M. A- Work lu M. M. tli'Kroo to r tonlKht, 8:00 p. in A. N. IIIM)i:UltANl), Sue. I)ST LOST Kyo i;latca In r.nso on KnKlo I'oiut roml ucnr Cokxr initio, Klmlur tolttphouo inti. DO To load on Improved ranchee. Interest, 8 iter cent "lDiuf?noe.That Insuree," U. B. BT1N-. Iluy your InsurMe or a taxpayer WHY? STOCK ItANCIIj It Is my husliu'sn to know tho best huy lu Jnrkdon county nml hnvo It optioned ut Iho lowest cash prlco. That best buy today Is u 190 urro stock ranch, top ncros loom full. Ir rigated, now In grnlii mid nICulfn, No butter nlfnlfu laud In JnckHoii count)', tlltrh built covoihn;, 140 ucruH, porfect wntor right, ulouo worth IIO.OOO.OQ. This Iniul lien between (ho Apple Hau tlyui'itml tm foot hills, till bolt tout Iniid, best of rungu, most dc UkIiHiiI clliiiutu, no snow or fog. Modern, now bungalow, tuiriis, fences, corrniis nml oicimnl nil rcmiy, This pliivo slimilil bring $35,000 00 wll sell for $18,0011.00, hulf each. $11000 worth of iimrhliuiry nml stock ttlth pjuri), Idusl homo uinl mi'.t iimi'li. Ilyst hnyo mcr o(i)iid. I'llM Nnl'l lliinl. IIIiIk., Pliiiiic IUII.J J. O. BARNES MEDFOftD MATT TRTftUNK Glad Afterward It t .;ut,V t.MVK.f4T HQIaj ) vO J A i.UitLU ft.c. ' . ..,V... TRICK-, r AN Tum A BI U&S. IMVO " C0 I'UILIVOAV f AUT r V- .. -;g3L'."l'''lffl-l ""w - - ' " ". g FOIl HUNT llOWlKKKKl'INa HOOMH rtHMrKSTTroniliitiaujy (jiT iiUhrd IiouhvKqohIuic roomi. cloiivt. tmutry, tnth mul gnv, louur floor. 72U W. IIIIi. I'Olt UI'.NT KuruUhoa nprttncnt. cIicaii rnM, fully modern, l four T room nparttuont. 1 two rovtu apart I incut, both with prlrato bath; 1 1 throo room apartmont on ground! flour. Colonial Klntf, 217 South' Hlvorsldo. im hi:.vt it?itNisin:i aits. KOIt IlKNT Larxo ilcontnK room, ami modem uounekeoplni: noaru ' nionta, prlcca very rwaionable. Phono S17-U 2S3 South Holly alrcot. IOU It i:T-I'UHNIHHKII ItOOMH I'Oll IICNT Two furuUhcd roouin, ocnthluK luoilcrn. Mro. Myvrs. nt Dniicfji toro. US KOIt HUNT KurnUhed rooms, closo In $1 CD a week, also room mid board. 219 Talent street, just off South Central, phono BG-II. 90 KOIl UKNT looms. $2.00 por week, froo baths, meals 2Dc. family stylo. Tho Coleman. 100S W. Malu. 103 1 Oil SAl.r-T.lVKSTOCK I'Olt SAUJ-Sniall team bay driving marcs, now liarnenn, eheuti. Phono MIO-.U or, call at 317. W. 2ud SUDS KOIt SAI.K llolsteln mid Jorscy rows. Phono 184, Central Point, or ltouto No, 1, box 73. KOIt 8AI.K l'lno llorkshlro bonr. Is a prjzo winner, ring 6K3, or aiN dross V, It, l.antb, Medford, Ort Kou, 90 KOIt SAM: A Jersey cow, eligible to roKlHtry. chenp It sold soon. Ad dress C. Potter, Medford, or phono 2S-I12. 90 FOR SAI.B Choice lot of ouug pigs; also ono )oung sow. Phono 857-11. ' 94 KOIt SALE Pigs with sow; brod sows, omi matured boar of good brooding. F. E. llaruuburg, Mod ford, 11, F. I). No. 4, 95 FOR SAI.lv MISCEIiliANKOUH FOl sXll luimuthold r'iinUUiro ehtali. U. South Central, 9$ FOR BALE liorrles Cull liOU-M. for cnnuliiR. 105 FOR SALE (lood Underwood po wrllor.No,. 4. $50. Ralph llolmvs. Coutrul point, Oregon. 100 KOIt SALE Kino uprtcots. Coll Foothills Orchards. Phono li:tJ ii FOR 8AI.E (luod sucoiid hutid flvo pimsouKcr uuto In good running condition. Cull 721-J. 91 KOU BAI.n- :t0 Vlctroln roco'rds ami iniu lurun lcuthur locker, l'hono 25-111. 94 I'OR HAI.i:- Oxy-Arctyleiio welding, nliiiiitmiiii and rust Iron, nutopui hllo crunk cuwi, gear cuso, u)llmUr nml plultui moIUs Hint hold, J. W tlincily. Kushlon lluniKO, Ursiils Pass, Oro, 10- FOR HAI.H Iluy your wmul now, ho. fnru prlatj go HI. Wo nil all Minis nt wimhI mnl mill bluetts lit Ihu ittHMfi piliM, HmM prlw um W lull, Vullvy Vuvi Co, VH- - - ip -mm-wwTt jfird (- ft Mar JSH C-3a ""-V ' V W0, X r. u .'-"l,-."-l-. , m I W& , m1" f .. ,: K ;m J ' ' Sou siciiA, r en. - f -V'S t5? VU. Vj8feS' ' MEDFOKO, OUKflON, Wasn't an Ostrich Egg - . JWiv.jr- r L.tl.v-i. IIKM WAXTK& MAIjK 'ANTV:i)-KxH'rleticcl tonoi;raphor who can htMtp houku wanted lu law of flic. Apply room 203 Firm Na tion 1 Hank HhlR. IIICIJ- VANTr:i-rFl-3.IAI.K W'ANTKI) You lie woman n mall nml office clerk. Must hnvo fair education, quick Intelllcencu and write, n kooi! hand. I'reIous of flic cxpurlviict dcilrable but not ncrvKiary. 1'erinnnont position with opnortunlt) of iiroiuntlon to rlxht pnrty. Wrlto application! Btntng bkc, education, experience rofttreuce. nddretsliiK A. II. C, cnr Mull Trlbuuo. WANT 2D Woman as cook and hnuNkcepcr for small family on orchard, Itefcrcnces required. Ad dresH Dox M care Mail Tribune. 94 WANTK1 MISCKIMWKOPB WANTKD Ashland or Medford Knr den ncruaKo or bunKnlow, ttxchaiiBe 100 ncres Iior proof fenced. Ad dress box II., enro Mall Trlbuno.95 WANTHI A huor for "a lot 100s 25S feet, with u tvwi room house, water ami berries, situated nt 415 Onk street for $050.00. Klrht pay. incut whatever )ou ran pit), bnl nnco J7 50 per month. Address John ltcter, Jacksonville, Oro. 99 WANTIJD l!no pnrty to buy 15 to 25 ncrus, small part In orchard, balance alfalfa, or vultnblofor al falfa. Ilennett Iineatment Co. 95 WANTIJD Young llo cojotes. Rob Williams, 111 N. Kir St. 98 WANTE.D To buy enrrota h the ton. Phone or address R, W. Hart. Medford Hotel. 119 WANTED To trado good Jersey heirors from tried cows for Dur hania or Herford. Rnrpcburg llros., R. F. I). No. 4, Mi'dford. 95 WANTED Loan or $1000 on close In acreage. Clark Realty Co. WANTED Fresh young milch cow. Phouo 159. 9C WANTED Dead horso, cattlo and hogs promptly removed, free o charge, within 10 mites of city Medford Reduction Co,, phono 237. lOi WANTED Huvo team and hack and will ttiko cuniperH or fishing par ties, reasonable, 921 N. Central avenue. 107 WANTED Uungalow, part cash, uiiiiuiei) )ouiik pears or a-i gnruen land nlosa In. Addiosg V, M, euro Mall Tribune. ' WANTED Horses to posture, good wu,tcr nnd good ginss, close to town, phono 37Q-M. 98 IIHt llCII.V'K FblM?N(,ni I AN(1H Corner' lott will trmlo for simtll lioinc, pay differ oroui'o In monthly pnyinenls or us smue debt. O, J. I.uyno, cuto Nash llnrber shop, 98 IvNCIIANOK-Want to sell or bu unXhlnuY- 1 0 lludor, 111 N, Front t. Phono lo, Nuff Hed. I'Oll TRADE " ror juuutorJ proiwrty or (.'lose III Ul'A'MK-, mm m,'i wll ii riMiiielo iiodm;i V rmmi hou uti'i iwi n in ii'iitrm J'oihi, im III, II, K, It, Nt, if, HiM(urd, (IfiH KOHi .KW K I 7PSa IIK'-W 7" AvV fen r-T -- : s . ZZLZl Sfflir . feV--J- Ar . J, ' .yyKyP'T rfj,mn!-nt )XbJmtyj I SB -s 1 '? X "' 1MK-. 1 3. Ow' , , : : i-- -J- VRTDAY, .TlTLY 10, 1914 - ' ' 1 iHnniiMnimm nn imi itw i ..- --. IU. .. .. J .. L. FOlt IIKNT IIOC!. FOlt UKNT Ono furnlnhed homo and furnlihcd hounekccplui: rooms. 310 North llartlclt St. KOIt 1H.NT Modern unfurnUhed 7 room bunKnlow. 1C I.nurcl vtrec: V. J, Warner. 511 South Onkdnlo. l'hono CJC-M. !S niTKi.vi.sa imtisCTOitv Auto Huppllcs LAIICR AUTO SPRINO CO. Wo are operating the i largest, oldest and best equipped plant In the Pa cific north est. Uso our springs when others fall. Sold under guar antee. 20 North Fifteenth St., Portland, Oro, instruction MR. FRED ALTON HAIGHT Sum mer term. Teacher ot piano und harmony. Tho Halght Music Stu dio. 116 South Laurel St., Phone 17C-R, Printer ana Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped printing office In southern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 North Fir St. Phycsitian nnfl Burgeons DR. F. 0. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians, 41ii-417 Garuett-Corey btdg., phouo 103C-L. Residence 20 South Laurel St. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic phslclan8, 303 Garuett-Corey building. Phouo 904-M. DR, J. J. EMMENS Physlclaa nnd surgeon. Practice limited to oyo, ear, noso and throat, E)cs scien tifically tested and glasses sup plied. Office 228 East Mala St, Hours S;30 a. ni. to 8 p, m. Phouo. Yi, 11. PICIi:L, M, 1). Office Jack.- son County Dank bldg. Office phouo 43-R; residence phono 5S-R, DR. MARTIN C. BARKER Physi cian ana stirgoon. utuce, t'aun block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 110-J. DR. R. W. CLANPY Physician and surgeon. Phonos, office 30, rcsl deuro 7-l-J. Office hours 10 to 12. 2 to 5. DR. S. A. LOCKWOqq Physician and surgeon. MYRTLE 8. LOCI" WOOD. M. D. Practice limited to diseases of women. Offices 232 E, Main. Phones, relduuco, H14-J2; utile al 4. It. J. CONROY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. t)er Hutctiison &. I.nuis dun, 215 V., Main St. Phuuo 77. DR. MO M, M. DOW Ploslcluu und surgeon, Dr, l.du M, Dow Os. Icopnthln physlclnn, of fin ii-4 Ml, Wuik's hltM'k, Phono ItiO, Rwl iluucti the Duty Huspllul. Central I'olnl, fmmmtffir --fMSjii i in Kins IM" n, KIH('ll(li:!)HNi:l( , 1) (Jstr- iivlt coioy nnig, Hours l lu i wnipl Hui)tri4 w. VIhmv, vl'lvi, By IIUSINKSS DIItKCTOIIV Attorncn 1'OnTllll J. NBKF. VM. 1. MKAI.KY Attorne)-at-Law. HooniH 8 and J, Mcdford National Dank bide. A. R. KKAMKS. LAWYEK Oarnett Corey bids. Win. M. Colvig. George M. Roberts CUi.VJO & IIOUEIITS. LAWYERS Medford .National U;nk Dulldlnc. D. F. MULKUY & QEO. W. CHERRY Attorneys at Law. Jackson Coun ty Rank Dulldlng. NEWTON W. UORDEN Attorney at law. room 7, Sparta building, Med ford. Orogon. Transfers EADS TRANSFER & STORAUB CO. Office 42 Korth Front St. Phone 315. Prices right. Service tjuar- tnteeu General Contractors GENERAL CONTRACTORS AND CARPENTERS E s 1 1 in atea fur nished free. Country work a spe cialty. All work gcranteed In prlco and quality. Call or. address 1204 W, 10th, Wright &. Reynolds. 92 Dentists DR, W. M. VAN SCOYOO UK. O. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnett-Corey Illdg., suite 310 Medford, Ore. Phono S5U. Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary pub lic. Uring your work to mo at the sign of tho Mall Tribune. -r CLASSIFIED BUSINESS AND TELEPHONI DIREqTORY A Quick, Handy, reference for Husy People Auto IUmIIck ami Spray Tonka J. W. Mitchell, blacksmlthlag. horseshoeing, wagon work, rub ber tiro work. 22 South Rtver- t sldo btroot ... .Phone 26 The Hulr Store Parisian hnlrdrcssir.B parlors, 429 M. F. & II. building, sham poo, hair dress, scalp treatments, maulcurltig, hair dyng, etc, I slag nmko switches and curls, etc. Elevator servlco.. Phono 157-J lUleU Hay. Flour. Feed. Grata L, R, llrown, Russ Mill, also poultry supplies, 139 South Riverside...., ., Phouo 029 llukery Royal Oakery, bread, pies, cakw). Corner Main aud Giape. UtM KwlHra Osgood & llrown. T. W. Os good. Asso, M, Am, Hoc. 0, K. A, Theo Urown, deputy county surve)or, Medford Nutloasl Uunk lldtf....,..-........Phoe til HIiHlrle Wlrjug, PUtur, Hum-Uwi Houthuru Oreguii Kleetrlo Co., Mania Uwjts, o HmHU Central Avenue . ., ., .....I'lioue 816-Y I'srmvrs Iiui1whi HuhbitN lliothwrs, Full Hue of JnhH IHtru mki. Kr it 4i prlfs oh bwKMM 86 Ksst Wski-,...., ,l'bviM HII PACIfi MVR "Bud" Fisher nURINKSS DIKKCTOKY S Grtoa(0 (JAHHAOK Oct your premlftM cleaned up for the summer. Call on the city garbage wagons for Good service. Phone 32G-U. K. Y. Allen. Kmplormcat Agestcjr We are here to hel people set re liable, competent help. We fur nish help In almost all Knee of business. We make a specialty ot competent men and wives for ranches. We solicit your patron age. Dinner's Real Estate and Employment Dureau, Rooms and 7 Palm Building, Medford. PUone S58. Mrs. Dyrd Caster, Manager, auccesser Chiropractors DR. A. R. HEDGES. Dr. Louise K. Hedges Mechano-Theraplsts, Chiro practors, Spondylothoraplsts. These systems. Including dietetics, cura tive gymnastics, hydro-theraphy, etc., produce results In both acute and chronic diseases. Consulta tion free. Over, Deuel & Co., cor ner Mala and Bartlett. Hours 9 , a. w. to 6, p. . Other hours by appointment. .Phone 170, DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD,, Chiropractor, nerve specialist Rodms 203-204-205. Garnett-Corey bldg. Vapor baths and scientific massage given; needle spray, head and shoulder shower In connection; advice In dietetics, medical gymnastics, hydroptherapy. Lady attendant. Phone, office 543, residence Ml-R. . ' ,.(,., , StcBograpfters ELLA M. GUANYAW Palm block. Steuographlo work douo quickly nnd well. Chinese Laundry On June first, I wilt open a first clnss laundry. A trial will con vIiicq you at uur ability to please. All hand work. Ill Slitng. 123 South Riverside. Phoue....l8 Furultureew and Seeowl HumI Scott Woolf, succeisor to Morr doff & Woolf, complete nous furulshers. Special low price on Axmlulster rugs and furnl ture. 22 South Fir .....Phone 9 quw, AmwHnltloH, Sportl Goefe Swings Gun Htore". tlshlns! tackle, sporting.' gooea. lis Went Malu ,... Ptuise 431 InsurMHcw Auy Kind R. H. McCurdy. write fire, We, xcldent. liability, auto, plt glass, burglary, fliMRy M4. surety bonds, Uparla Handing, . ,.m.. ...... ..M..fM,.M...MM"JMMsg .pe PlumWng atl.$fIJtN Van It, Ptrtrsoir J Utll httM&M MMMMM aMtt fatMMiA Page DriwWr CowpHy, Mrif UAt, Mb.rfiyjsg.' tjfc5 K4uJ uui Km4Uv d, f, KMm:-Cm. I i ; mttninwmW wwW '1 : l ' 'r. M t," i "A m