., jmrmmtm!K , ?c - ;j;.iw:jmi?oisyrMwawiip -V- -ra PAflfct-lfXNTII' MDDFORB MATT, T1RIBUKE. MIWDiTOttT:); OREGON, HtTDAY, .WT.iY 10, I OH ; 8r.. 4 i I J . H I' . u '- -luiii.. ; .. . J - VAN INDKPJtNDKNT NRWHPAI'Ktl ttiCCKPT HUNUAT JJT T11K MHOVOnD I'llINTINQ CO. ' Th IHmocratlo Tlmfs, The Mulfonl Mall, TIia Meilfnrd Tribune. The South ern Oreiconlan, Tha Ashland Tribune. Office Mull Tribune Dulldtnir, itt7zt North. Mr ktreet; telephone 7. Official Paper of the Cltr of Medford. OMIolal I'eper of Jackson County. Sntered m eecond-cUM metier t Medfont. Oregon, under Ue act of aarcn a, asi. lUlKUrTIOR KAXM One jeer, by tnnii , , , m One month, liy mn .50 Per month, delivered by carrier tn airamni, jacxsonviiia una uen tral Point .SO Saturday only, by mall, per vr. 5.00 Weekly, per y" , ,- - ,, , l.SO Full Leased Wire Associated Press With Mcdfor Stop-Orer RIGHT OF WAY 1 (Front the Siskiyou News) J. r, Churchill and Solon 11. Wil liams, wlio soMiQ tlmo ago were ni polntcd ly tho county hoard of supcr visors to obtain tho right of way for tho state highway from tho Oregon lino south tu for as Gazelle,, have com pleted their work as far as Horn lirook, and Tuesday Mr. Wl'Jlanu riled their report with tho board cov ering tho rotito from tho stato lino as fur south as Ilornbrook. Tho repor. is substantially as follews: To the Hon. Hoard of Supervisors, Siskiyou County, Cal. your committee nppolnted to secure rights-of-way for tho Califor nia state highway from Yrcka to Ilornbrook, beg leave to report as follews: To Mrs. Dora K. Marlow wo roc ommend the payment of 1250 as dam ages; to Thomag Hcrblg, $300; to Jano Transau, $300; to T. Jones 150; to Mrs. Ilertha Hoopcnparncr ?:60; to John Solus, Jr.. $150, to Jntcpli Sllva, $250: to Gasper Alves, $7570; to Manuel Perry, $100. Wo recommend that condemnation Biilta bo commenced In the following cases: Mary A. O'N'cIl estate, Knima J'anlannl, Thomas McCaullcy, Marga ret Miles, William Trice estate, E. L. Ha.ll. and S. D. Prathcr. Your commlttco havo worked dili gently to secure for your board tlic-e rights-of-way at as small a cost ni posklble to the county, and at tho eanto tlmo the rights of tho parties in Interest havo not been overlooked. Whero real damage exists ivc hao recommended that reasonable cash payments be made. Wo havo at all times taken into consideration the fact that the con struction of tho stato highway will enhance tho value along its route. Tho state highway commission havo publicly stated and the division engineer assured tho writer that a toon as the rights-of-way are secured construction will begin so that early in 1915 Siskiyou county will have Its share of tho highway in ubcablo con illtlcm. Tho early completion of tho high- xvay can only be assured by tho hearty tu-oporallon of your board and earn est deslro on tho part of each and every member to help In every way possible. Tho Imiucdinto beneficial result to tli county us a wholo can nlroad) bo estimated at tills time. Wo all want rood roads and the example of a wel-1iiilt iKriiiHfioiil highway north nml mjiiU) through our county wilt be 1111 object lesson to all of our citizens that will au alien in them a deslro for better roads In their own liuiued lulu sections. T)o district attorney Is ready and wllllim to begin proceedings In case where It Is necessary to condeijin at once and tho superior Judge will try time cases as soou as they are pre sented to him, Very respectfully submitted, 1 J. 1 CIIUItClllMi. SOI.ON II. WIJ.UAMS. Mr. Williams says the right of Way for tho eight and u qun.rt.ur miles froti) Ilornbrook to tho stato line cost Just $-r. Tho grading for that sec tion will lie completed in CO or 70 days, PROHIBITION THE ISSUE IN MANITOBA ELECTION WIKN'II'KO, Man., July 10. A hi Iter political campaign in which liiotfroHHH'cs opiiokiiig Hid govern ment of Kir Itcdiuiiiui llolilin, htoml (hi ti pin tl'01 m of prohibition, initiu (Ivo'iiiid ielVieinliii ami roiiiniUor (SlHCiilH, cu4iiali'j in m eceJo h4)t, itolilhi, uliii Inn. Imeii in ol fkv for Ili'ltTII Al'lllw, ( kllplolllil W VM Umr JiiIvkU, I Medford mail tribune PACIFIC HIGHWAY SISKIYOU COUNTY THEDBNS OFREBELSCLOSE ON MEXICO CITY Villa From the Ncrth, Qbrcflon on the West, Gonzales on the East, to Begin Aggressive Campaign Upon Metropolis Few Fortified Towns Still to Be Captured. KL PASO. Tex.. July 10. Tito pocdy movement of (icncrnl Villii 11 riny southward mint l. minimum City to rcutue Hie campaign iii-itint Mexico (Yiy xvn predicted hero to ilny, follow injur tit' receipt of advices from Torroon Hint the internal jmw.c conference was finally ended and n report of ii tronlmolioiw boon would ho eixon to llie jm"-. Willi Gumlnlnjnm in coiirdltutton alit hnmU ami San I.uis l'olo.-i hq- siojjod ,y IC revolutionists there, rcuiaiu only two or throe, Hints of defense for llie federals between Hie national capital and the southern edge of Hie territory controlled by Hie revolutionist. Ou the ent, ucncnil I'ahlo Oonrnlci' witli nn nrmy of 20,000 inoii, hold dominion fnun Hie bonier to San, Luis l'otnxi, twenty-four hours ly rail fntn Mexico City. Where IftmiinnmN Arc In the ccnlcr, nrnoml Villa's di- vUion occupie- the ooipitry fnun .luare; lo Apuiw Calieulo, eij:hleeii hour Iraxel from the capital city of jroxiru. To the we-t, General Ohreiui lias stretched hit line as far as Guada lajnniP second largest city in Hie re public, and within mx hour' rijle hy railroad to the central goal. Once San Luis 1'oIom i captured the throe military diiioiw of Hie rotistitutionnli-.t'-' forces will con- vorac on Mexeo City, necordiu? to assertions made in KI I'a-o today hy both Cnrrnnui and Villa followers. When this combination is effected. (10,000 men will he available for the movement against the ultimate pm). It was predicted here that thi con centration will inke place at Celaya, Mate or utiunnjuiilo. mid emht hours' ride from Mexico City. This Hiut is a junction of national mil ways from Guadalajara, Amtns Cal ieutn mid San I.ui- l'oto.-i. To Tnkc rorllflctl Ton in jiciorc trie mrce nnnie. nrnvc there, two or three Mronjily fortified towns held by HttertnV troops, in cludini; Guanajuato and Silao, tmi-t he captured. From CoIaa, the meet ing Kiint, the combined armies would have before them only one fortified city. This is Querctnro, forty mile-, from Mexico Citv, nml the place where Iluerta, nccordinir to j:oncral belief, intends to make his In I f-tand. Gcnonil Obrcon has udvi-cd Gen eral C'nrniimi that his troops in ink inp Guadalajara cnptiircd fifteen troop trains and eiijhi cannon. Ob rogon htalcd nUo that xeven inaehiiit' puns, jdenty of rifles and ammuni tion mid two carloads of cannon ammunition were abandoned ly the enemy. FOURTH DEATH FROM PLAGUE. NEW ORLEANS NBW OflLKANK, Ii.. Jul 10. Another death from bubonic plague was announced today, making a lo'tal of four cases ami three dunlin, since Hie outbreak of the disease hero .June 27. Todny'rt victim wan Leon "do Jean, a negro boy, wljo was fojiud ill at his homq 011 July !" and i.c-inoi ei) in an 'isolation honpilnl for olmcrwi tion. STANPABD 0JL CUTS REFINED. PETROLEUM NKV VOltK', July 1Q. The Slan dard Oil company of New Voile to day announced a J0-poiut reduction 111 rouncii pciroiciun, miiiig ciimis $1,110, tanks $1.00 mid siiiinlaid white New Vork and I'lijladulpliia 8.10 cents jar gallon. COST $400,00 FOR MILITIA DURING CALUMET STRIKE LATINO, Midi., July 10 Main- tainiiig the militia 111 the coppui coiuilry during the strike last winter i!ot the stute IO.'i.OOO, it wiu nii iiouneeil today. ! 1 I rikllCIIIICII, Our flrfct auto stugu will k-uvo Nash Hotel ior Jlybce's bridge ut f. 111. Hunilay morula, lurtles hjnIiIiik to soiii Imniiiillnlol)'. UAl,U 'mi uo, TRAIN BAND LOOT EXPRESS II Katy Flyer Held Up In Missouri by Masked Robbers and Track walker Captured and Taken Away to Prevent Identification Jewelry and Silver Reported Stolen. ST. MUMS., -Mo., duly marked hunditH who held 10. Two up the McMboitud "Katy fher' on the Mis souri, Kansas. & Texas railroad near Matron, Mo., sity miles norlliwo.-t of St. I.ouis, la.-t uiylil, captured a track-walker, who surpiiM'd them as thoy were roliliin the train, and took him away with thorn to prevent him spying on their departure. The bandits are uppood to liuo hoarded Hie train at MuUoti. Iiooketl Into Two ltetdcr After tho train had ptuo a short iiiMnnce, .101111 Miaiiioy, tho engin eer, hoard a noi-o behind him, and tiinnii, looked down Hie liarreU ol two revolvers. "He loti! mo lo slou the Imin," said the engineer, "and I stopcd. Then they told the fireman to run back and uncouple the tram between the last express car and the firet passenger car." The fireman did as he was told, ami the bandits forced the engineer to run the engine mid express cars to u point near Klondike, ou tho ricr hank. They entered the Amer ican Kvpre.s ear and forced tho ex press messenger. J. G. Nicholson, to stand with hi.s face to the wall while Hiev blew both floors from the nfe. Trnck-Wnikcr 11 Prisoner While this work was going on. n trackwalker, Miid to be William Christopher, appeared. The robbers announced they would tnke him pris oner. As the train first topped nt the f'onuuauii 01 llie namilis, mo roil-,. iluetor, A. I. Mudd. and Wltlinsr Glass, train auditor, K't off to Icani the trouble. "We were greeted with a fu-illade of t.lio(s," said Mudd. "and were told lo stay in the coaches. We staid in. 1 thought I saw five or mx men, but of this I am not Hsilive." The engineer, the fireman and the cxpr's messenger say there were inly two robbers. The bandits made no effort to molest the passengers, whom tliey warned to keep their heads inside the windows. Jewelry Alone Taken The expros, me-senyer refused lo discuss the robbery, saying that the mlos of the company enforced il ence on him. Ho fur as known, noth ing was taken except the contents of the express Mile. Mudd said he nw several pieces of jewelry on the floor of the expros car after the robbery. N. T. ISroivn, general agent hero for the American Kxprc company, -aid there was no money in tho ex rcss Mifc, but that there wore it few packages of jewelry. Hie aluc of which he would not elimate. Kmil Alumina, constable, said the train crew told him the bandits car ried away a sack of mIut weighing fifty xiiiuds. GRAND JUT PROBES CHICAGO, July in.-Tho first sjicelal grand Jury to Investigate Uiq closing of tho La Sullo Street Trust and Hnviugtt liank and the other Lori-iiier-Munilay concerns Involved In the bank's troubles was called today hy Maclay Hoyne, state's nttoniej. Tho federal grand Jury to Investigate tho bunk wds ordered Imiianellcd July 13 PRESIDENT TAKES LONG WALK AlflUT CAPITAL WASHINGTON, July 10. I'rcsi dent Wilson look it long walk lodav about tho business streets of the cao iti, iijingluig frcipienllv with the crowds nml hiopiuiig t look into shop windows. John A. Perl UNDERTAKER Lady Assistant m 8, HAIITMJTT I'honwi M. 47 b 47-39 AihIihUbo ftivnlr Deuutr Coroa MRS. H. L. LEAOH Expert CorsetUre 2 NoHh T?nrtltt. PIiojio m M, K PRISONER USE OF CONCRETE E IT The Medford-Central Point section of the Taeifio highway will bo upon for conevul traffic AiumM 0, Huts uiviug tlto oeiuent the rouuisilo olutnoe to sot. Watchmen are employed to watch the highway, hut It is iliipiw. sihlo to guard oxory scotion, Jolio A. Poll and Cleorgo Hilton, who removed barricades and toio off a bridge, will bo arrested, and County Altoino.x Kelly asserts that nil violations will ho xigorously prosecuted.' Kngiuccr Kiltredgo lias1 iUuOd the following public stuteinent : "Wo wish to call the attention of the tn.xpu.xors in general to the fuel that there arc a few of their number who seem to disregard tho county's good and our efforts to lav a good paxciuont. Those people 1110 damag ing the paxciuont hy driving onto the oouoioto before it gels set. Tlie.x hao disregarded road clpsnl ign and remoxed barricades in aider to get onto tho now pavement. "Wo oocl a section in front ol Mr. llatileys place to go to pieces under hcaxy and continued traffic, and lately two automobiles carrying taxpayers of Jackson county delib erately remoxed h.mioailes near the Pacific & Kastorn Kailway company's cressing: mid roxo across the mvo ment. "We luixe ciiilcaxorcd lo iiiako I lie passing of local traffic as easy as Hssihlc, and, although our Icmporarx roads hao been disagreeable (o pass over, nearlx exerv rcsiilciil along the Central Point to Med ford section hits been able to get in and out, either hx his own efforts or ours. With twi exceptions all of the residents along the road bine co-operated with its in an effort to make a good pavement nnd to keep off the pavement until the "road clo-ed" signs were re moxed. regardless of thoir ihtmiiuiI opinions as to the hiirdnos of the paxcuieat, and for this wo nrc verx grateful. "Mnay H'OpIe who nre not "ainiliar with concrete when laid in a thin slab wonder at the length of time tliev nre kept off the pavement when it look so hard, nml doiilitle-s tho-e who dis regard orders do not realm that the concrete can be ruined just as cftcct uallv when tho surface is hard, hut nexv, us when it is soft. The onlx difference is that in HfPift concrete a track is left on the" surface, indi cating tho damage, nhile in tho older concrete which is hardened on top the crack is made on the under side of the pavement and does not show on top, since the surface is in com pression. "Tlic.se cracks nre of the xvorst mi sihle nature, for the bond nml ce menting finalities in the adjoining particles are lost and Hie uidor side of tho pavement idiaHorod. Months later, under heavy nml continuous traffic, pot hole develop on the sur face over those shuttered places, nml then Hes same taxpayers who caused the damage during lij fir! three or four weeks aTler laving are Hie loudest in dcfainipg comjrcic nnd those vxho laid It. And with all duo respect for the opinions of the auto isls and farmers regarding the set ting (pmlilics of eemenl, it in to be remembered that the Mute liighvxnv engineer, and not llie travelers, is held responsible for the pavement, and therefore his orders, and not the inclinations or each individual, should he followed. "Until the entire road will be opened, poo-dc Imxclj'ig but w ecu Mcdrord ami Central Point will iiml the temporary road extending north ward from Central avenue mid load ing into the pacific highway at Mr lk'ihon' place, fo he piito service able Tim lariners along this route have vcrv kindly opened tins route to Hie public during the construction of llie highway. "The highway department knovvH and nppieeiiites the fucL that Un people of the c(ijmy as 11. whole arc co-operating with then) ill every way possible am) realize that, the public is just as indignant nt the vandalism of the few us those in chargo arc. "P. A. KITTUDKOK." LeKal blanks toi sat a,t th, M TrlhuriM offlcs tf Wood, Shingles. Shakes Leave your orders at tho Ku t Hide wood Yurd for tho winter's Hiiiily at reunion prices. Delivered uuy tlmu. G. l-'AKKi: nil i:UHt..Muiii Street L. EI N X)lt LOTHES ,MAI)i: JN ,MKI'(MH K(ul dnor to I'lrst Knljorm) Jlmik, iimliilr "' Mi;j;ruiJM tam,ouh HIGHWAY RFFOR SETTING RUINS TO OF WASHINGTON, July JO. -Piesl. dent Wilson will nmlto no unuilim tlon fur tho federal reserve board In place of Paul Warburg of New York, until tlio t-oimtu takes definite action on his iiamo, Mr. Wilson nxpects Minus to plnoo the reHpuiiHlblllty 011 the senate for leaving tho board In complete. That Is the president's position In his fight with the semtto over Mr, Warburg's nomination, as oxprosded today by officials In his confidence. Mr. Warburg has finally decided that ho will not upicar per sonally before the bunking rotniulttce lo lie cross oxntulnod, and tho presi dent Is hacking lilm In Hint stand 1 The nomination of Thomas li Jones, which the hanking commlttco has voted to report ndvorxoly. Is In a different position. A fight for his confirmation may be conducted In a minority report. AT WASHINGTON, Jul 10 V ty phoou which raised the hcavlcut sea in tho harbor at Guam In cars and caused considerable damage to crept was reported tudny In despatches to tho navy department from Captain William Maxwell, commander of the naval station and governor of Guam No lives were, lost, A shortage o' rice and corn Is expected lo result. Helping Kidneys By Clearing Blood A Function Greatly Assisted By a Wcll-Known Remedy. Mif! nAilr trill li lntrt.1 ( mAl rlmrljr lin.lrr.lnlHl why finilinU 11 f iirllic U 1 linporlnni In t Itn iim uf H. S S. (1, purlfjr Hi" lilixl. I,, nclMi la a ilnmlinl In th nijrliil nt (Iiia I.I.kxI rrr. Dial mli' iii (ha cisilnicll iImhih t Urn IMnrjt, All ihv IiI.m.I fri.m all urrr the ImmI mint I siM thf.Hitl, iho klilnrja, Thry set Inters ami SMjjrrr. Ami rnnintlns In what thry allciw (11 pax out In lt urlnr, U1II1 a lo Mimnlllr ami malrrlala. Ilia hrallh if Hi klclnrra ami the iualltr nt lUn IUimmI la ilrlrrtnlnnL The ralaljllc tnrnj forcnt hjr S. K, H, la ilu.mi Id Ilia urin. It la aliui ilmimairalil In Hi akin. Ami aa t)ir l.'-l roatliuif In cri lliroiuh the lltloi; the ilumlnslln naiirr at M. H K , actios aa It iVx-a Ihrmiitli all Ihx arrnnm (( rUmlnatlon, alxrw a markni iWrraa nf illarattf inanlfrlatlcn aa itrm ntlralr hjr urlnr analjiala Thl aaWt anrr It a grrat rrlkf In Din lliliirra, TUo Nxljr waatra art) inorn rrnlr illatritxitri! lo lh rinUDclnrlra, Ihrlr rlliiiliull'Xi la at I in iilalnl bjr Hut lunle arin adurilril the llrrr, luaca, skin auil kUhir;. Thin, In raara of rhrnmitlim, rialltla, rhnuilc aor throat, huaklliraa of Titter. Iirunehltta. aalli. ma ami tlvs myrlat ut nlli-T rrnrt tnillr. Hon of wrak kdlnry artlnn, Drnf purlfr 1 j'i'ir iiiisxi wiwi a. p. H., 11 win rnanir the HaatjiM, In ffliillpl thr rrllular slrtDk'lll and itkbIii the normal h'alih H H. K. la iirrpnrrit lir Tbr Kwlfl Hprrlnr Co AST Hwlfi Ill8 AlJsnia. (la., ami II Ton hTe anr ilf-ntaraliif nr r.liitnaa linni Imulilr. wrllg lu, their ilcUlral lriU tut titv nitrite. ' 1 a " 1 ' " . 11 11' TWO CRUISE5 Ltafiaf Sm Fraadua by tbo largo Crujajnjr Sramlilps "CINClNNATr, FEB. S AND "CLEVELANP". FEB- 22 pott f call Includa UU ! Ill San Dl.ao CiMalliantClnclnnall). lliafrrof kolhuubaa laxiiMlaavblU to lha w UclpU cillaiof Ilia w of 1.1. Duration EachCrtiiso 135 Days Coat $QnA "ft Imlurllna all n.r ""T" 9UU sapantaa abuaril and uluil Writ for lllutltattJ HookUt HAMBURG -AMERICAN LINE I SlMttaa Si.. 3a Fi,,iIk Of Unl f raft am- WILSON CONFIRMATION BANK BOARD a v.fc-&""nr5sr?arf. ' v.hdi-- - aw SBv - , -i - You May Have Enough Money for yoir, present needs hut look hIiuuiI Into tho future, ninl you will see tho wisdom of a surplus fund Do tho riKht thliiK now start an Account, with us nml do posit your money roKUlnrly. Jpturcst paid 011 mivJiikn uicoiuits OVER 98 VCARa UNOKff ONr MANAOeMCHr H IHBMaWMaVMPMpX FRECKLES Now Is the Tlmo to Get Itld of Tlmeo Ugly Npols There's no limner tho slluhtimt iieod of fooling nslunuod of your fruokloH, as the ptescrlptlun otltlnn double RtruiiHlli -U guaranteed to u move those homely spots, Hlmply got an ounce of othlno double strength riom any dniHHlst and apply a little of It night nnd morning and you should noon sou that oven thu worst ficcldos have biv gun to disappear, while, thu lighter ones have vanished cutltoly. It Is seldom that moid than an ounce I needed to completely clour the skill nml gain n beautiful clear complex ion. Ho sure to nsl for thu doulilo strength othlno as this Is sold under guarantee nt money back If It falbl to reuiovn freckles, $5,000 STOCK OFTIRESON HAND UNITED STATES REPUBLIC MICHELIN and GOODYEAR. Call and got our pricca. CRATER LAKE MOTOR CAR CO. For Your Chiltlrou'a Hoalth Snider's Filtered Milk Frro Dclivorv. IMiom 201-.I-:i The Popular Drink RITEWAY COFFEE It's IJoaHlftl Daily in Mi'il ford. JL's IMondcd iu Bedford. Jt'.s tli(5 best in Med ford. Why not use Medford C-'uf-feo7 If you ox peel, (o huild up your town, use lioino pro duels. Ask your grocer and insist ou lilt riiviMluitf you The Riteway Coffee UNION FEED AND LIVERY STABLE FULL EQUIPPED LIVERY STABLE AMBULANCE SERVICE 112 South Itivorsido Phono Jf0 GAUNYAW & BOSTWICK Propj'iotor. l.'VJiJ.1 M.'i'in CMI i'..ll -It 4iL. IJ J)l -x.m I aisaaT ,m .atSii m,a, JJLgM I ISIS THEATRE I Ulvj Pliotoplnvs l'lldny iiuli Sat 111 ilny Adventures of . Knllil.v.i No. II IN PATHS t'VGliK lllugraph Drama l IIIIAI. I.IIK . . A, Comedy Urania t'oniliiK Siniibiy Till: TATTOO MAItIC Two Parts STAR THEATRE .Xloiiilii) and TticKituy "War Is Hell" A beautiful I111111I colored film of warfare of the future. tiii: iia'itm: in tin: ami Truly nn extraordinary pktuie. Nothing 1 1 lo Jt ever shown here. I tie AllMI.SSIO.V liH: PAGEUP Hummer Sen-no fool, comfortable, well veutlltned TOM GUT l A I'IMtSIAN I.UI;J:N Itouiuutlc drama, two arts With Mildred Wright ON Till: CIIUsS.IIOAItli Ol' Drama, two paria With l.e.ih llnlrd y.lTK A.MUXU'A.V WAIIItlOlt A screamlut; comedy Written ami produced hy ICInr. UngKot 1'Aei: TiitiATitt: oiK.incMriiA (Seven pieces) Mr. Harry Howell, director Sxt-lil .Xliiliul I'locrnm The CiKilcat I'lncc In .Xleilforil Adults Hie Children Ku i:ery evening 7 13 o'clock IT Theatre TiiiiIkIU Only TIIIMM'ltMi: Two reel Domino, linllni feature vi:.cii:,.ci; Majestlo nn; i;o ' iu Amerlriin rijiii- . A(;itjK,Tii;,ji.j,;; ICe) alone comedy aiialeni: INIieSTHV , Don't nilsn It Hie Always lOq i. Fresh Meat We have rented Stalls IM and 1 1 in llie puhlie market and will supply meat of all kinds nl II10 rihi prices. Hanley&Garleton WESTON'S CAMERA SHOP 208 l&Mt WiiIj), Sf-ix-ul; Medlordi a'JiOO.jlyjldjivoJ'a CoiHiiiereial ' JMiologntphdis1 in Southern Oregon Negatives Made, juiy, tiuio.oi' IiIiiQft hy HlU'oljuJiumjt . , Phone I I7-.I (Wo'II Oo'lho njM t, , E, D, WUrsfTp Pro). v A -i I i