Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 10, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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" 'I IS'
Ily A. C- Ilowlntt.
ANIII,ANI, July 10. Tin, Hnulli
I'm Oi'i'noii .Mining ConnicKH In In
M'HnliUI Iii'IC, Mi'llfol'tl Ik lcll'Mt-
i'iI liy n iliiiln.v of nut fiuin Hlun
I.imIki1. Tint lnllnwlii Im lint put
Inly It 1'toui itnt
AlllllI'MN of Wl'h'UIIII', MilVlM' lllllll
moi, Akliluiiil,
lti'Hioii, r. .1, NVmuiiii) Mi'il
limit It. H. Tn lur. Yreknj U. H.
Illiiuelmrd, Omul I'iim.
AiIiIii'nn, Al Mm tin, llfililiiifr,
"(liK'P in Cilllioillill."
Aililri'nN, W. I), Kuillu'il, him'IP
ttuy, ciicrnl iciiiiiikri,
.MiinIo, i:ikn' iintili'l.
AiIiIii'hn, I'rcBlilcnl l.urn,
AiMm'xm, H. II. IMwhiiI, Omuls
I'iihn, "I'lnn-r Miuliiir lit Southern
Ort"Kuii." (Iviirinl iIUi-iiwhIoii or llm
Aililri'H, K. T. Kliiuli'N, Ahlilnuil,
"Thu Prnxprrlnr. I tin luiMirliiut-i In
llm Mlnliiir IntliiKtry." )Im'UnIiiu
led by J. II. Hivinnu of (lol.l Hill.
"(Iriinlli', Iim Dnvi'litpini'iil, I Hi-.,
II. IViiiiInIiiii. A"IiIiiiiiI.
Aililrrnt, l'rofi'Hiir II. M. I'nrU,
urvalliN. "Itiimiu of .Mine, lis
WijrW mill lrinnu."
Aililrmn. W. J. Witmr. Wiildn
"Wiiajn Mini .Sulu of I'hitinuui."
ltllllll.N IMII'lllIU'.
AiIiIii'in, linn, W. A. Ili'iinl, Snr
inmrulo, "Irrlj-ullun, Kifluuiiitinii
mill I'm- of Soil Ailji nt to Mining
July to I'niKrnm
Aililit'KM, (.'. I,. MmiKtim, (IriuiN
I'iim, ".Mincriil Iniltiftlry of Jimrilf
inn t.'uunty,"
AililrcKi, A. I.. I.tiinli,
"Minimi lutWtry of
(Iriirrnl iti-i'tc-loti.
AililrrM, Hon. I'. Mi'N. Hiiuiillou,
niinernlnKM, 'nli;..nilii, "Mining Do
whipuifut of Ciilifumiii,"
Aililn-M, I'riif. Milnrr Holier!,
ili'iin of fnllrtro of Mine, Uiilvcoity
of Wiihliluuton, Smith'.
Sonu, MIL' iiunrti'l.
Aililrr.H, ('. 'roi'lilrl, Yud.ii,
"Mineral lleMiiirvi'i of SiUyiiu
t'ountv." l)i.riiNiiin.
AililnM, Hon. I J. I'. l!otiii, "lr
riut inn and Iti'iduuintiou."
Aililrii, on. II. A. Wotrnii, Knli'iii,
"Hluo Sky Uv, llx Kftwl on ll.o
Mlniiiir ln.ltihiry." l)iMMilu.
Aililromt, V. II. Ilurr, Mcdfnnl,
".Mi'lulltirgiriil Fiilhiri'M in Houthtrn
Orcijun mill Northern Ciilifiiriiln,
Their Prevention mid Curv."
Aililrc-H, f. 1. Wiiinoii, AnIiIiiiiiI,
"t'lny, Knolin, Their Development
mnl rnilitliliiV
Dr. J. R KiiMy, (limit I'nsn,
WASHINGTON. July 10 -Sucre
tary Wilson of lliu ilopurtniuitt of
labor In pleased nt rotort ho U ro
itIvIiik which Inillcute inm thti nunc
!tr of AuiPrlrnn clllinu nmlRratlnR
to Cfttimla li d(irroAIUK. For nov
orl im the tldo t emlKratlon
nrroiiii tha northern bonier of tint
t'nllml Ktntoa grow to audi nropor
tloiu hh to cnimn anxiety to govnrn
inont offlcluln mul othem. During
1912, 97,ttM Aniorlrnn cltliom wont
to Cniiaila whllo the numher return.
Iiir from that country to the United
SlntoK wiih only .18,317.
When ho hcratuo Kccrotiiry of lub
or, Mr. WIIrou ortloroil that dniuirt
mental Inillotliu kIvIiik facta an to
the productM, rPHourntH and iilcnl
charnctarlMtlrH i)f nil thu atntc hn
wtiit to Aniorlrnn ronldenla of Cauiiila,
In ronpoiiHo mnny lniiilrlra for inoro
Hpotlflo Information bowui to conui
For thu II nmntliM ondliiK May .11,
ll'lt. It U ataUtil at inu ilopnrtiuont,
liN.MQlt .nllltnna nf llila rnunli
oer ntn thu Dominion, whllo 44,127
AmerlraiiH rvturuod to tho United
Hurry V I'onlcr, formui- city ituul
iii'itr, ami wall Kiiohii In ciiKlunurliiK
vliolea, haa aohhhln pretty homo on
thu omit oml of Mian Mtrt'i't to Dr. I.
J. ICmiuona, who in Kim uiaaoaaloit
liiut week, Mr llir lull thU week
fur (ho Impurlal nlloy, Cn., mIivhi
ho liaa ai'cui(ii mi iiwIiiuci Iiik I1'1"1,
Hon, ami Mra, Filler ami duiilier
Ivuvu iivxl wirnU (jc i; C'cnlru.
Tim laht limn Iml I wmlc for llm
Mull Trillium I Inul uivcu it lith'f
nkcli'li of Iho llihl two iluyH pro
cci'illiiuH ut Ihi' I'clihrutliui ki omul
ul Fori Klamnlli. The otlmi' tun
iluyM piociH'illiiKH went ahuiit lite
Niiniit with Hip itxri'iillon of on Ilic
thlnl ilnv (hoy hinl In eoiii'i'tiou with
llm oilier lliintH Hut rupturinc of a
(eriifieil pi. He wiih nut Hmply a
pV Iml a Ki'iiulm Imc Ihiil woulil
witlxh ui'iir one hundred ami twenty
Ho poumlx liml wiih eoveiei) all
over with a fiexli euat of (,'iciihe anil
the propiiKiltliiu mih lo allow the one
nho enimlit hliu In huvit him iim IiU
prir.e. Ami when he wiih turned Iooho
then the fun eouiuii'iieeil iimoii the
hoVK mul miiiiil' men. One would
"inh hliu ami then another mnl one
would fall on hliu mnl frith him hv
Hut ear or front lev ami find lilm-
M'lf well uieiiKeil Iml no Imt.'. Iml
finally three, of the cowboy iirmnjj
eil to heiid It tin off mi that lie would
inn iiL'iiiiint our of them ami Hut
had on their eh up with leut: uoutH
wool ami one or them Mraddli'd him
anil liv wi i li ctr In l- him llidil lietwpfii
IiIk kiieen mmiiiKnl to Imld him fiiH.
lake the fair or .Inly celebration m
u whole It nun crv uooil mnl the
liiiekiiiir I'onlest wiih ttiuiply fine, the
rliler are eutilleil to rrrat creilit for
their effoitn to make, (he exhibition
iim I'oiiil iim it wax, am) the inauiiKintr
roiniiilttre Milely am eutilleil con
xlderable creilil, Tlinri wcrn heverul
caili priren awn rood from $ lo f KID
uml llm hmlncM men mul women of
the town hboweil uooil judgment when
they contributed hi liberullv to moot
the cxpennr. Saturday moiuliit; we.
that in our mui in law mul ilinichter,
I Id llot mnl wife, MImm Mabi'l Warn
"Icy, Mm. Howled mid iliumliter
llnllle and mvxrlf lieklde tun lriin.
Kitm hlurted in Kil Ho.mV auto mul
in about two nod a half hourx we
Inmleil xufc in Klamnlli FiiIIk where
wo enw unite n iiumber of the Med
ford iM'iinlt'. a few thai we reeovnix
eil iim AmIiIiiuiI immiiiId mid Mm. How
lelt Maid that dic auw Mr. Wcina of
I 'nude I'oltit. but there wiih Hiieh a
jam that it wiih hard for me to M'e
lor miii kuoir Hint I nut little like
Zaeliiiriim of old, miiiiII in Ntatun.
After iliuuer p nil went out to the
roiieo unuimlM mul were liiylilv en
tnrlaiued for the afternoon. The
perfoniinurii wan on a larger eale
that what it wan nt Ft. Klamath and
they had mum ery fine horn mul
they hhuwrd off to it uooil niUnii
tuKr The rnrliitr Mcrmci! to be on
lint Hpuiro lo n senlanl old man
mid UN a rule wna unite iiitfrehtini;.
There wiih ono iiiIhIimp, a cnwRtrl by
the uiinie of MifllnnU whllo ridliif
one of the riicrH had her fuddle turn
on the IioiWm hide hi that iht fell
off but fortunatclv wan unhurt.
The bucking bull appeared to be the
moot iittrnetive animal on Iho urouml
for iim u rule about the time the rider
lit in the Hinlille he would bu liiiiitlni:
for u hoft hMit to fall on, but in
Hum ciiho tho rider htnyed with him
Hevcral HeeondM, but Iho moot lunch
able fluiit wan the half mile nice by
eighteen cowbovx on clubd'cu wilil
horMpH. Tho rule wns they wero to
uo to (ho corral, catch' tho homo den.
taunted by tho number drawn mul
with tho Uhhistani'it of one man each,
brill" thu lioroi lo the tilnco in front
of thu Krand Maml, bridle mul Hiidille
nun mul he ready to immnt in it dh'i'
Ifieil lime. Well now r nil thu time
they did hnxc, muhii of them would
lay down mid they would Imvo to i
hiiibllo mnt bridle them the hot they
could mid when tho sicnul whk m'
t'll to inouilt lllld hturt ninne wmilit
hanlly $ in (ho huddle before they
would bo on the irrouiul. and the
hon.o would be off. Kiivli man wiih
riiiilred to ride around thu hulf milit
track with his loll hand to the nolo
unit tho ono who caiuo out firM won
tho fit prlit of iFJ3, second .fl.",
Iiiiril 9U1, each dny, Tho huckiiiK
contest Iherowim If nnythiu inoro
Inttiri'nUiijf tliaii nt V. Klamuth be.
caiihO Ihero wem inoro rid cm am
mom noted Iuu-m-h. I uiimt invution
the mnuiier in which Ihev mauaun to
hold tho luickcrrt while tbuv Hiiddln
them, thoy iih ii'iiiIo niu Kcntlc but
when thoy uttumnt to nut on iho sad.
ilia tho hoi-Mi an it mil' iicIh ulv hi
one mini nits thoro with bis Iioimi and
hiiiIin Iho broncho up lo thu burn of
bin Middle uml then urahx Iho linr..
by both emx, then rciiehuM over uiul
ini .. . I.. .1.1 ..a i .1 .
'' ui'iii in nun oi ineiii Willi III
tooth mul iim a ruin thu horn) will
hold Mill until ho in Middled unit Iho
biiL'ciivou U mounted. Then Iho lm.
tcr ropo Ik cut Ioomj uml thu fun
uoinmuuci'H uml ununily thu rider
Mluyn with hi. Miiddlc. Hull h'o Hint
I mil uctliiiir loo Iihil- ulmiIii mi will
"lop ior HUH time.
I mn M'udlnt,- with (his mi aillele
Hint wiih Hint to KukIu Point mid
lorwurded to mo hem fioiu Trull k.
Inu un.uccoiiut of u S. K. plcuiu Ihov
hiul on Sunday Juno '.'H, '
Mi iv'liiiuiilli, July 7, IIM I.
Von Act lh HmI
Tlmra It whan you iiuok Oov, Juhu
ion rlitara am) palroiilio hum Imlui
Mr, ChnmberH' mother mul bin
iiephuiv cmuit up to vIniI IiihI week.
IiiIiii Seihtr, Cull Jueknou mul
Howard Fox cnim: hoiuu from Khun
alh county IiihI week,
Itecililh .loiii'M Hpent putt of IiihI
weok with Allci; Sinllli,
Hrmidpii FilmomlHoii felt 1'ioni u
liuiil of wood it few iluyH iiirii. cut
liiiU" IiIm lieml uml icmluriiiK him mi-
coiiMcliniK for a, few mlnutcH. lie
inaiiuucil lo walk homo uml Mm.
Fallon Ncciuj (Iml hoiih'IIiIii wiih
wronir went nfter (lie Icain. We
urc ilinl to m'u Hint ho In able to bo
up now.
Mr. uml Mm. T, M. Feelor of
Proipeet are cMiim,' their brother
ami family ut IIiIh place.
Mr. mpl Mm. Win. dray of Call
fornlii cniiio hum Sunday ami nfter
lUIlhijj with .rm. SloMiut for u
few iIiivn moveil to the l'oern Iiohhi.
in the miiiIIicihI part of town.
MchHm. I ox, KneuiK, CluHpill,
Wnlker, llrnlunrd. O'llrien mul mui
left for Klamath county Siimluv af
ternoon. Fvcrelte Abbott took llieiu
in Iho waon in far an Cat Hill.
' rmnk Kneelnud left TiicmIuv for
Kojrnn Hitcr to nlteml to Mr. Day'n
f n nn Iheer for a few iiioiiIIih.
MIhh Alice Smith and Harve Mur
ihy chaperoned bv their renprclive
iniilhem went to Medford WedncH.
KverMine, cxceiit neihaim the
Table tloek ball lenin, Hceincd to en
joy themselteH here Suturdiiv. There
wiih uUo u fairly food crowd mid a
ory tcry iutercntinu' ball iame be
tween the V. & K. If. It. boyw mid
Iho team here.
Tho Children' I)y oiercliei at
Trail, Intt Humlay, fully niol tho cx
lieclatlona of tho people.
A record crowd, a Reed program,
a pood dinner, and a perfect day, all
vlnw with each other to inako It alio
Thu llttln tola nil did thumrulvoj
credit, and tho older onea deacrro
honorahlu inonllon.
A duut by MUa Vcrda nnd Matter
Autumn Mnch, alio a rrndlnR by
Mica Lynch worn wull rendered and
much appreciated,
Mlaa Kuth Warner gave a beauti
ful aelectlon of "WhliitllnR In Heav
en." and MUa Kfflo Ouman In "A
Volco From n Far Country." wai at
her bet.
Mra. J. i:, McDonald cavn a anlcn-
did rendition of a "CuttlnK From Wll.
IU," entitled. "Tho Golden Scolder."
accompanied by a most beautiful
Tho crowning event of tho day wa(
n atar drill, plven by It younj; ladles,
dreiicd In white (Jreecan robea, with
(lowing hair, nnd whllo crowna. Tho
drill lamed nearly an hour, and waa
perfectly given.
Tho marching wag moit difficult.
and faarlnatlng, and tho sours wore
porlra)ed In motion.
It wag unanimously pronounced ai
tho beat over wltneiiod. and manv
roquchta have been received, to ro
cat It.
Tho Sunday acbool la growing very
fai.t. with ninny now promises for at
tendance. Tho aupcrlntondcnt and
nrhool will bo glad to wolconio all
who ran attend,
Don't Fail
to try our noon-day lunch. Everything
U Just llko mothor used to make.
Tho bett la nono too good, why
tako chances? Order your Ico cream
nnd aherbeta, whoro you know tho
bust of materials aro used In tholr
AHIII.ANU, July 10, Climitfiti'iua
nttmidnneo la at Ita zonlth, Tho Cist
tout wna erected on thu urouuda to
day, a record-breaker In thla respect.
Knusani took poasosalon of thu
town yesterday, and tho sunflower
wag much In evidence aa the. symbol
of Kansas Day. A permanent organ
linllon waa offectcd, Jnyhawkcra
having been present from all parts of
tho vallc)'. They nlcntckcd In tli.i
park and extolled tho glories of blood
ing Kansas, both from rostrum and
nt opeu.alr meetings,
Tho nrgaiUntlon Is In the 200 class
and growing rapidly. C. F. Orci-r
wan elected president and V. C. Fdg
ItiRton, secretary; S. 8. Hmltli. of
Medford, vice-president.
The W. C. T. V. scored a biicccm
al Its demonstration Thursday after
noon. Preceding a masterly exposi
tion of tho tenets of tho union at the
tabcrnaclo, which wus crowded to
capacity, gaily decked anion con-
vocd speakers and other visitors on
a tour throughout the beauty spots of
tho city. Mra. Lillian Mltcbncr was
the chief speaker and waa applauded
to the echo. The union kecpa "open
house" In park, having a
largo tent eauluncd with reading
matter, easy chairs and other acces
sories. A great many visitors make
thla tent tholr headquarters.
Delegates to the Mining Congress
nro taking an actlvo Intorcat In tho
Chautauqua exercises and citizens In
general aro vying with each other
In tho entertainment of visiting
guests, Thcro are drives to neigh
boring springs, resorts, trim tin the
canyon and hikes afield for tho inoro
athletically Inclined.
Tho Christian Scientists also havo
a largo tent In tho park, furnished
with ovcry requisite, telcphono aerv
Ico and writing materials being
thrown In gratis. All theso accom
modations aro most thankfully re
ceived liy a grateful public
Intcrea In tho Southern Oregon
Normal Is not being overlooked. Hen
Sheldon, or Medford, Is on tho
grounds dally Ho Is omnipresent
and never losca a chanco to clinch
an argument In favor of the educa
tional Institution which for years
made Ashland an Intellectual center
for aouthcru Oregon but northern
California aa well. This morning
lien was overheard preaching tho
gospol of normal rehabilitation to no
less than a dozen auditors at ono and
tho samo time. It made no differ
ence that a minority of his hearers
wero non-residents of tho state, as
this proved no handicap In furnishing
facta and figures In behalf of h.
school that aro Incontrovertible. His
slogan Is "that ft pays to advertise"
both at homo and abroad, and In this
particular ho Is a nastmastcr In tho
art of handing out convincing "hot
(AhIiIiiiiiI Ilcconl.)
Axhluuil will delay no longer (ban
ticci'MHnry hereiifter in the mutter of
taking over properties which her cit-
Izciih ilcHirc to give nil in lieu of the
payment of paving lieiH. The coun
cil voted TueKilny ni!it to uppninl
a committee of three. 111111111101'' (Im
city altonicy, (o cuiiviih iho matter
Anblaud ban comiKtrntitelv few
properties, where the coil of street
improvement wcciIh (ho value of
tho property or in ho high that the
property owner prefer to jjivo up hi
property rather I linn Winnie the
payment for improvement",
Tho citv Ik nut lit nil niuti.iim In
rlnke up lhee proM'rliM, but figure
unit where kucu notion ik neccntinry
or dcireil by the property owner it
MiDiild be done a hioii nn (KitHible
in onler to obviate the payment of
tnxcM on the properties mnny of
which have delinuuent taxcx nko.
The city imvrt no Htalc or eountv
tnxca on properties it owiim.
In Iho roume of dmeuhHiuii of Hun
matter Mnvor .Tohncou aaunllv re
marked Hint Medford adopted tlila
poliny Home time nco nnd declared
hIio now owns J8 per cent of Iho
property nlonj,' which hIio Iirh InJd
puvemontf. Tho mnyor unyii ho him
1111 old friend who hud forty-nino lot
in n bunch 11 1 Medford, mid ho let
lliem k to (ho city when it pnved nil
nround Ihcm nnd tnxed Jilm $18000.
The dlHCIIAHioil enmn 1111 nvnt- llm
dlHHinilion of ft nmnll point of ground
on lown Hlreet nnd tho Hotilovnrd. It
belong to tho denomlimtion of the
Afclliodrnt ?!oiillt, An AiMimwT,
waiitH to Ini iLror.HKHf, h
in paid tn bo nil it lit Worths
t-ily hnh n jmvln llMT' of WJ
ngnniHt it nml there nro Inxem dn
tho nmoiint nt nlwiii'l ,.'l'.n.t;' .'
longer iim city de!nykinU d
ifift irrnnfm ftlm lit Utt f.A.iM iti
-.. miu MIA flt-ll IM'VUllvn Mk
ia nixurd Hint (lie city nhould
nuiro it nt oneo ati,l (Huh ell&fuifsti
tho luxes. w
Tlth Medford traito is Medford na.
i good oil atovc docs all that
ivood or coal stove will do
and doca it quicker and easier.
There is no wood, coal or ashes
to lug.
That means light work and a clean
kitchen. The
LB. rs B
IVihi A asasasasi
S?ff COL
1 iw a ni crti. r,.uj
c-a.r..w,ar.i. 1,
. Nw ' Perfection
burns kerosene, the clean, cheap fuel It is scia
tiiically constructed. The chimneys direct a coav
centrated heat just under the cooking utensils.
And the heat can be regulated just like a
gas range. The New Perfection is
ideal stove for borne, camp or
bungalow. It doesn't over
heat the kitchen; doesn't
smoke; doesn't taint the food.
Ask to sec it at your dealer's.
Standard Oil Company
Sunkist Orange
With the Different Flavor
Ask for "Sunkist Valencia"
Special today Froxon Kgg-Nog , ., r .J,'I',' M"r
r- "h 'Offlco l'liono 100. Grngw I'liono II 10
Crater Lake
Auto Service to Crater Lake
I.cavo Mod ford Mondays, Wednes
days und Fridays.
J.v. Medford Hotel 8:00 a.m.
bv. Holland Hotel 8:05 a.m.
Lv. Nash Hotel 8:10 a.m.
l.v. KaBlo Point..- . 8:50 a.m.
I.V. Iterhv . o.-tn ...
I.v. McCloud 10.05 a.m.
Arrive at Prospect 11:20 a.m.
iv, prospect 12.M5 p.m.
ArrlVO at Cralor I.bVo J.oa ,
Iteturn trip not run on schedule time.
Hates for aldo pnsseueera
Hetw'n Medford 6 Kaulo Point J 1.35
Derby .. 2.25
' " " McCloud 3.50
" Prospect ,. G.50
Union Creek.. G.75
" " Prntnr I11U in Aft
Itound trip to Crator t.ako ,. "isioo
v non no side passenRcra on
Uorliy route, will go by Trail
by aKcla arraupomont. Faro
to Trail . 3 00
Parties wIshliiB to Ko fishing up
Koruo Itlver cau go up ono day and
return tho mnt.
COl'ItT HAM,, lr.
The Valencia Sun
kist is the California
Summer Orange- a
sweet, juicy, luscious
fruit, ripened en tke tree.
Ensy to peel, and practically
Some arc dark in exterior appear
ance, some lighter in color. But
all are a deep red inside and spark
ling with healthful juice.
Or-'nces are picked in California every
day in the year, and the Late Valencia is
one of the very finest ever crown. -
Glove-picked, tissue-wrapped, shipped right
from the tree you cet it trah with the real
iree-ripened tiavcr.
Don't buy merely "oranges." Buy tho
California Fruit
Growers Exchange
139 N. CUik Sireat, CHICAGO
Sunkist VaJencias. Sec what you are
missinc in not gcttinc this btand.
Try These Lemons, Too
Use Sunkist Lemons to serve with fish
and meats. Use the juice wherever you now
use vinegar. These are tho best faking and
tho best )emon3 sold. Juicy, fully flavored
and practically seedless. There's a vast
difference in different brands of lemons.
Try "Sunkist" and see.
Beautiful Rogers Silver in
Exchange for Wrappers
Go buy a dozen each oi Sunkist oranges
and Lemons and save the wrappers
bearing the Sunkist trademark. Then
send in the coupon below and find A
out how to exchange the wrap- F p h
pcrs for beautiful Rogers Wftv!Z
Silverware , Exchange
for your
table. T UII u this coupon rA wo m
eon ion pur complimentary to
pare roclpa book, thowlnc nvr 1IJ
Wsiwai nt Htinr CkhLI.i .- -
--,- -.. ,! wrunirci n
Imoiti. Vnil jr(t Ua u... .... Hi
rrsitsMl nrmlum KAnk riL.h t&it. - t ..
t,.ri. s..uT j;.:.. 7..V1" :,?.?" v.?"
rcr. bcaU UJ coapoa or call at above address.
What About that Vacation for Your Feet?
A pair of our low-hoelod, easy eonj.
foils will bIvo thu rei ulred rest.
ggggBBBBBBBBa- Vflggaaj gmmmmmmmmmga.
VsS-tS its sTs - - -- - -- --
AVo want to rctlueo stock and havo iimdo big rc
tluutions in prices.
$U0 A-Orado Stndobakor Buggv $103.00
$lli) good Studtibakor Buggy .' $92.00
$&" good Stndobakov Bnggy , $66.00
l-ft Vortical Lift and Draw Out' Champion Afow-
ur A.a.till
n-foot Draw Out Chanmion Mowors.,
fl-root Big Draw Out Champion Mowers.,
9-foot Solf-Dimm Plummirm l?nlfnsT
10-foot SoIC-Dmii) OJiiuiipiun Kiikoti "!..".'."sjt35.00
Now iroino Sowing Machine $37.50
Medford Implement Co.