Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 10, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    ! i
irion HIslf'h'M eto
207 h:und Street JR
Medford Mail Tribune
rlr Miit. JIM; MIh.
ltd. Hum. UU.
i ':
; ,e v
f '
." '.
Kfirlyfnurlli Yar.
Dully -Nlnili Vrwr.
i -" .
$50,000 Ccntrnct for Ashlanil-Talent
Road Let to Firm That Paved Med
tord Street Lowest Price Ever
tllil In Oreiion Asphaltlc Concrete
Is Type of Pavement Chosen.
The Clark & Hcnciy Construction
company, wliu paved mini of tin'
slicctn ill Mcdfnrd. wrn Thursday,
liy uuiiiiliiiiiiiH vulo of llu' county
cnuil, awarded Hid contract for pnv
tpg ii fUi'-iiill" Mention of (lie I'ucifii'
liljiiiwn.v extending not lit from Ah
luilil ttiwiinU Phoenix. There huh
tint oiic other bidder. Iho Wnrrrn
Construction eouipuiiv, iiml mi hut
one Mirii'ly of pavement cuti tin' liliU
Iik Htiiiintvi) lluil for nilmllii' eon
orclo weuiing hiirfuci' placed on
proacut nlil tuiicniliiui fouuiliitiou,
where 1I10 Clnrk-lleueiv lii'l mi tM
I'i'iilN, s against $1.0- for llic War
rcii Construction cnmpiuiv.
Tln Clfirk-llniery hid were iiimiii
ii IhkIh of four-Inch line, with one
Mini otic-liulf inch iisphnltlo concri'lc
wennng surface, or for three mul
one-half, three or tun nnd onclinlf
ineli huso with one nml one-half or
two-inch surface, while the Wnrrcn
hid were for Wnrrenitc, or for four-
iui'h bne ntiil two-iui'h surface.
Acting iimiii tin nihlec of F.ngiu
rer William Oerig, the court ileclileil
to lnv dm much of tin two. inch ns
plmltir eoiicrt'le on the present nine
iiiliiiu foundation at PI cent mh mi
hilile, mul where light foutiiliilion
wn iirccary. to turn two mul a hulf
Inches or iiophnltiti concreto foumlii
lion, covcreil with one mul oiu'-hulf
Inches titplutlllif conerrte wearing
ftuffiiro; where lii'nvlrr fouiulntloti
wi needed, to no tin' three mnl one
hnlf ineheH of tispliiilllo oiincri'lc
fouuiliitiini with tun Inches ii-i1iuttio
ennertte urnrinsr surface nt $1.-11.
A rciluptloii r l'a ''ill P'T yrtl
n niiiih' from lheo prices on re
ilueliou of the macadamized "Jinnl
i!cr" on each side of the pa veil slnp
flout eight fed to -I feel, civil)); a
total width of roml tweuty-fnirr feet,
cm responding to I lie Central Point
A rough estimate places the
munuut u it'll t 'J'A mili'H at lU'j
cent, .11 mile at $1.1. 'I,, ami
niili'N at fl.'J'Vj, milking a total of
iiiiroiiiinli'ly f.'id.lilM).
'I'lic followiti); arc the liiuN receieil,
ami they an the Iiiuch) cither cum
piiuv cvor mnilii in Oregon;
Clurk'tlenrry lllilx
1, l'otir (4) InrlicM of hyilrnulle
conrroto fouiiilntlon of CIiim "II"
roncreto rovoreil with 1 Inches of
ntiilinlllo concreto wcarliiR niirfaco,
9 1 . r, I per miunro ynnl,
2. I'our (4) Indict of hyilrnulle
rouiTcto foiiiiilntlnu ot cliiim "O"
iiiiirriile rovori'il with 1H Inrlicn of
iiMplmlili! roncreto wcnrliiK ntfac).
1 1. Ill per munro ynnl.
:i, I'd ti r (4) Inchon of hyilrnullo
roncreto fouiiilntlon ot rlnsn "II"
concrnto rovoroil with 1 M IneheH of
(Continued on pit no two,)
' - -y
WASHINGTON, July 10,Reore
tury (liiniHon linn rnl'orceil for tho
iirst timo tho new army rc)ulatlouH
lovorpiii),' war cnrrcHpoiiilciitB In Iho
'ciino n't' Ffeil lloult, mi American
wiiler willi fl en e in I FiiiiNton'd lui
Kiiile at Vuru I'rux. Il wan charKCtl
willi mmiliiiK out HeiiHiitloiuil mul ult
imo ilinputiilK'N. Kccrelary (IiiiiIhoii
Iiiia levokcil hlx cicileutiiilK n a cor
ii'ipoiiilcnt with tho fiehl army mul
oiilcicil IiIh ileiiorlalioii to Iho I'nll
cil Klnli'H, An Iho iliNpnlclieH In ipiew
lion iiIho iiviiI'0i IIiu iinvy, Kceic
Inr.y (liiiilhiHi him Nluycil lliu cm'cii
lion' of Mm oiinr whlln Hfcinliiiy
Diuili'U liim iiipiliiiiily i'ur IiivcdII
linlloii, At llu war ili'piiilmi'iil ivn wnlil
Hiii nl'lii'liil irciiil .liiny lloult In
In iii'civillli'il n ii I'leti'liiihl, Oliln
Evacuation of Important West Coast
Seaport Reported American Na
val Vessels In Harbor Guarantee
Armistice Permlttlno Hiierllsts to
Escape and Rebels to Enter.
BAl.TII.I.O, Mexlro, July 10.
fluu) niim, ono of tlin mnt Important
NenportM on tho Mexlcnn went count,
wn nciuiti'il tmlny by feilcrnlii. m
ronlliiK to inlvlrcK lo (Icnernl Cnr
rnnrn. - '
Tlio roi'iiHtltutffinnlliit roiiiumiuler
InvcttltiK tinny iiiiim wim nutliorlrctl to
nKreo lo nu nrmUtlre until the fed
ernU nlioulil leave tint rlty by liontM,
ttio truce liclng lo hmwi proerty ot
iioii'Ciiuiliiitiinlit mul uuiierenury
hlituu liter.
(leueriil Cnrrnnxn lirni nuthorUeil
Alvurmlo lo wnlnlilUh n iniiiilclpnl
Kovnriiiiicnt liuiiieillaliily nt (iunyina.
It In umleriilooil the teruu of nvn.
vuntloii nmioiiuci'il hero In nilvnnte
)cterilny wnrn cnrrleil out, by which
(tin American tiitval vcncln In the
hnrtior Kiinraiilcvil Iho nrmlntlre with
n promlnn nlxi Hint niter It wan ocr
Iho fcilernl KUiihonl would not bom.
Imnl tho uowly citnblliiheil roimtltti
llounlUt gnrrlton,
Cnpluro of (Jiiailnlnjnr
A few additional dulnlli of the
capture of (luadalnjnrn nrrlved to
liny, (lennrnl Obrecon rciiertcd:
"ConrernliiK the dlmtor which
iHifnll Iho roluinn which milled out
of (lundlnjnrn and which wnii met by
tlm forccn of cOnerAl I.uclo lllnpco, I
n'porl Ihoy hno been entirely UU
IhtmiiI. They iimiln n ulinmeful
(IIrIiI. Tho number of killed, Ii
lullioimlblr. to etlmnt. Wo fought
over oiiu 100 kllomelcr. Wo nro
...... ..... .... i
now engngpu wuu m wiinm
bauds which hnve flod to tho moun
tains. All the federal artillery wn
found sciillcred over tho country cov.
ured by the batllo."
ObrcRon snld ho was certain !'
own los the oxtcnt of which wn
still unknown to him, would bo smnll
because of tho feeble federal resis
tance. Ilo said no prominent consti
tutionalist officers wero killed.
POKTLAKI), Or., July 10. TohII
iniiny wiik 1i'$iiii heio loilay in the,
ease of Hie overiuncnt Hf;itiiit W.
l Minaril of I'ortlaml, J. W. l.oj?im
anil K. V. Hellern of Keattle, who are
eharKi'il willi uwiuj; Urn iimiln lo l'
frauil in n solieinu by which thev lo
catoil Hcttlorn on Iho Innil of the
disputed OreKon & (California nrnl.
t'larenco 1,. UeameH, Uuitcil Slates
tlinlrii't attorney, cimsumeil n little
over mi hour in laying tho novvru
iiieut'rt ciiMi before Iho jury.
Tho fiixt witiiesrt to take the h In nil
was Mm. Ilertliu NororoKH of Wauna,
WiihIi, Slu nt ii I eil that nlie hail pahl
n hiiiii of money in Keattlo to i.o
jinn, for wliloli- bhe Inul received in
return neither Inml nor money. She
wan exmnineil hy lienineii and orons
'examined by J. 0. Dennis, attorney
l Vt. lloiihton, who wan originally
iudieled with tlm men, lias hecu
Kruuted u Heparalo trial. Henry J.'
Harper, ono of the nlleeed eonspir
atorri, him pleaded unilly and receiv
ed a tdxly-day term in tho Multno
mah county jail.
LONDON, July 10. Warning that
trouble nmy result from Chlua'H ro
fusnl to sign tho convention In re
gard to what territory shall composo
oiitor and Inner Tibet, wns Issued to
China today by Hlr I'dwurd drey, thn
Urltlsh foreign vecrulury, Hlr KiU
ward, MpeukliiK lu tho huuso of com.
moils laid i
"If China does not nlgn, hut ro.
HorU lo uu aggrcHslvo policy tlm t'on
seiiuniiiim mtiHt liu illBiulrous for
Chluii. Thero rorlttlnly will bu grave
iMniblo on thn IiuIIhii frmitler which
will lo'iulio (lel IIiIIhIii Id (uko
up Iho piHller seiloimly wit Ii lliti gov-
KIHHK-Ill of C'lllHU."
"Provisional Government" Formed at
Belfast hy Ulster Unionists and
Sir Edward Carson Qlvcn Free
Hand to Take Whatever Action Is
Needed Volunteers Recalled.
IIKLI'AHT, Ireland, July 10.
Tho "prntUlomil Kovernmenl"
formed by the Ulster UnlonlKs at
their mcetlnx toduy gave Kir IM
ward (.'arson a free linud lo take
whalewr iictlou ho may think ncees
sury In calling the Ulster voluuleem
lo nrins. The men were declared
ready for uiobllliuitlnn at a iiioment'a
not Ice,
Hlr IMward In n speech said llie
limn bad come for the loyalists of
Ulster to Irnuslniis their words Into
nrtlou, le said somi'tlilllR must be
done to roii)w ih, lirlllsh govern
ment lo make iiji Its mind. Vlster,
ho roucliided, was anxious for peacn
but was not going lo incept pence
with surrender.
LONDON, July I ft. A special dls
patch from Cairo, Kgypt nays the
Aiiglo-IJgypllau members of tho Ul
ster volunteers have received cable
grams calling tlnm back to Ulster.
IIKLI'AHT, Ireland, illy 10. MIL
llary honors were necorded by tho
Ulster volunteers today ta Sir Kd
ward Carson, tho Irish Unionist
leader, when ho arrived with tho
Maniuls of Londonderry, Viscount
Cavlcn-agh, Walter II. !-ong. ltciinld
McNeil and other Unionist members
of purllamcnt to uttenft tho. moctlng
of tbo Ulster provisional government
A Riiard of honor composed of 400
armod volunteers and RO motorcycln
dlspntch riders escorted tho lendeM
(a tho, residence of Captain James
Craig, tho military leader, where
they will remain for a week.
Tho Intentions of tho provisional
government, havo not been disclosed,
but one object of tho meeting Is tho
arrnngoment of an Impresslvo cele
bration of tho 12th of July or
"Orangemen's Day In order to show
tho government and tho peoplo of
Orcftt llrltnln that nothing but tho
absolute exclusion of Ulster from the
operations of tho Irish homo rulo bill
will satisfy us."
Major Oeneral Cecil Mecready ln
command of tho tnllltarfy In tho Del
rn.t district bus been In ronferenco
with Premier Asqulth regarding tbo
situation and tho police have been
Instructed to act with great caro ro
ast o glvo no oxcuso for nn outbreak.
TAMPICO, Mo.v., July 10. den
end JeHiirt t'nrrniirn and bluff left
hero today for San Lulu Potosi, fol
lowed by two military Iruinn bearinj;
11500 troop-?. Tho railroad tracks
wero reported repaired within twenty
fivo miles of San Luis Potosi. The
advance KumU of the eonstitution
alislH, il w said, were already attack
iiiK federal in Iho suburbs of the
With licuvy fighlimr around San
Lnl,s. Potosi already in prof-iess, it
was estimutcd here thai '.20,000 eon
stitutluuallstH soon would umVo 'n
eomhincd ntlack.
WASHINGTON, July 10. On a
miniature mahogany gallows lu tho
department of commerce yesterday
was "hanged'' tho fuslblo plug that
failed to oporato anil caused a boiler
explosion that killed 11 of tho crow
of tho steamer Jefferson off Capo
Henry, Kecretury Hedfleld acted as
chief executioner lit tho "bunging"
ceremonies which wero InUmdeil lo
emplisslie thn necessity for "safety
Now stemnbnut ii'ttulullon worn
mluploil in tho result of Iho eiplolon
om lb JdtftinM,
i'H " .""''sssB
ssssK 9 'sssssSSsr
B, Jsssf
-. .B 1t sSSST
Hl ''?? Fskr
" r"y aw
Jim M: mWl
vxssk i . ' L ssV(wUSv
rSLLtV - "iff .v l CGC,UA Sm
MUs Cevllla J. May. the younger daughter of Mr ami Mrs. Henry May. of
WshIiIukIou. 11 lo be Hie bride of Mr. Wllbelm om Italh. of the Uermuu line
bas-sy stuff. The devotion of Mr. Vow llatb to Mis May was nioit prouounced
tbniUBbuut the entire winter, nnd altbougb repeate.1 Inquiry brought n dfiiUt
of an engagement the starting of Mr. Votu llatb for Genuauy lu the late spring
was regarded generally as merely nn official preliminary due to the recept
order of tho Kmpvror of Germany that dlplomatUU In the scnlco of the empire
first must obtain rcrmUnlon from the Knlscr ln.'forc contracting matrimonial
nlllauces wltti women of n foreign nation. That such icriiilsslon has teeu oh
inliuil U now acknowledged", and the offfclal announcement of the engagement
will be tbo flual preliminary to the latest International matrimonial ull.nuco.
ATLANTA, Ga . July 10 Local
postal and police officials, whoso aid
as been enlisted by Mrs. J. V.
Nelms lu an effort to unravel thn
mystery surrounding tho disappear
ance of her two daughters, Mrs.
Klolso Dennis and Miss lleatrlco
elms, today admitted tho problem Is
still baffling.
Mrs. Nelms stated the nolo from
San Francisco lu which Mrs. DennU
Is said to havii asserted that she bad
killed her sister In Now Orleans and
Intended to kill her brother, Marshal
Nelms, wos typewritten but bore the
written signature "Klolso Nelms
Dennis." She added tbnt sho wns(
convinced her daughter signed It.
A now clement of confusion was
Injected Into tho enso by press dls
pntches today which stated that Vlo
lor Lines, a Nevada lawyer, falil to
havo assisted Mrs. Dennis in obtain-
lug her divorce, married and na.t
moved to Seattlo wttli his family.
Mrs. Nolms, after rending tbeso des
patches, said sho and her daughters
bad believed Innes unmarried, and
that Mm. Dennis woa engaged to
marry him when she loft Atlanta.
MIKKOhA, I'. I., J'llv 10.-Mm.
Florence Corklin Carman, locked up
in Iho Nassau county jil hero as
the alleged nssiiMn of Mrs. Louise
Halley, received a letter toilav from
her Ti-year-old daughter, Klicabelh,
who testified nt tho last r-ession of
the inquest i" 'ffr( to strengllien
an alibi for her mother. The letter
"Dear Mama: Wo nil think of you
always. I don't quile know why you
can't come home. If I don't mc vou
very soon I'll write nnd ask Mr. Pet
tit (the sheriff) whv you do not
coino home.
' "Your loving; dmmliler,
Mrs. Put man will he arraigned for
examination Monday,
m- i" '
In their ixnerlmenU will) Iho pm
ilurllou of steel by tiliclrlu liielhoiU
Iho I'lilted HUlcs Hied t'iirpilll'U
NHM pvHilv4 lHie DlMH ftJVUfOUU,
PK1ITH. Scotland, July 10. A
militant suffragette, utteriuj; mi ex
ultant yell, sprang onto tho footboard
of an automobile in which King
Oeorj;e mul Queen Mary were driving
today through the streets of Perth.
The woman, identified as Khodn
Fleming from (llnsgow, seized the
handle of the door of the royal nuto
mobile before the nstonished police
could net. Two Mlieemen then seized
her nnd it required a score of mount
ed soldiers to hold nt bay the nntr
mob bent on lynching her. Miss
Fleming turned out to be armed only
with n petition ngntn$t tho forcible
feeding of imprisoned sufj'ragetlcs. A
large foivu of lioo was requisition
ed to proteot her from the populace
as she was conveyed to the police
Karlier in the day nt Dundee, the
king and queen had received atten
tions from another suffragette, who
pitched a bundle of papers into their
motor car.
LONDON, July 10 Criticisms of
tbo bloated armaments of tho Euro
pean powers wero directed nt Sir
Kdwnrd Grey, tho llrltlsh foreign sec
retary In tho Houso ot Commons, In
reply, Sir Kdwnrd declared thnt Great
llrltnln bad done her best, but her
direct suggestions to foreign coun
tries as to tho limitation of armu
incuts, had been regardod, ho said,
as attempts to limit their control of
their freedom ot action, und had
been resented accordingly.
Hlr Kdwnrd added that tho most
notable thing In Kuropo during tbo
lust year hud been not tho naval but
tbo military Increase, nnd Great llrl
tain hud been not responsible for
WASHINGTON, July 10.- Jleiir.
Admiral Williiuu II. . Niithcilalid,
vvlin is mining Iho few wim have
INCH from lliu rniiU In u high nl
linn In lliu nut), weiil mi Hie idiri'il
list luil iiy hy klMlutf,
Former Minister of Commerce Says
Roosevelt Has Secret Platform to
Disrupt Nation Says Wilson Is
Guilty of Greatest Crime in His
tory Seizure Unjustifiable. '
VL'UA fllt'Z, July 10.-Queriih
Muheno, former Mexican minister of
commerce nml labor, before depart
ing for Cuba and the Vnited States
nu honrd the INpngue, virulently erit
ic:ed today .the mlirv of the United
Stale toward Mexico. A lie at in
the forward saloon if the French
liner, Senor Mohetio looked through n
iHirlhule Inward the American flag
flying in Vera Cruz nml shook his
fi-t in rage.
He iusisted that he wns in a Msi
lion to produce proofs that there ex
isted a "secret platform" of the pro
gressive party in the United Slote-i,
of which Colonel oevelt was, cog
nizant, .ind in which he concurred,
looking to the disruption of Mexico
mid the iicquiitiou ultimately by the.
United States of all the territory be
tween the Itio Grande nnd Panama.
Ho said that Francisco Kscudcro
who wns minister of forelgu relations
In Venustlano Carranza's cabinet, ha
letters, which to 111 in aro conclusive
evidence of his allegations and de
clared ho hoped to be able to produce
these letters at the proper tlmo.
"And not only wero the leaders of
the progressive party pledged to this
policy," ho added, "but politicians of
both the democratic and republican
parties had promised their secret
support. That President Wilson
himself bad subscribed to this ini
quitous conspiracy la evidenced b)
his attitude toward Mexico. Not a
single American in all tbo hundred
million population of tho United
States can glvo a satisfactory answer
as to why tho troops aro there on
shoro In Vera Cruz."
fl rc test Crime In HMorj
"To show President Wilson's crime
against Mexico the greatest in the
history of modern nntion," is the
announced intention of Senor Mo
liena to the United States. He ar
rived here this morning nu the F-s-pague
from Puerto, Mex., nnd said
lie would not go ashore during the
liner's stay, as Vera Cruz was to
him n disagreeable spectacle under
the existing condition-".
Senor Moheuo nNo announced thnt
he would publish n book explaining
his connection with Mexican polit
ical affairs since the "tragic ten
days," nnd nlso deliver lectures. Hy
these methods and through inter
views in the newspapers, he said he
hoKd to convince the American peo
ple of the enormity of the "crime
committed not only by President
Wilson, but by nil the political fac
tors in the United States, regardless
of party."
Oil Factions Not Guilty
Senor Moheuo added that ho did
not agree with the opinion that the
oil interests wero responsible for the
revolutions in Mexico. Ou the eon-
(Continued on page 3.)
DIXON, 111., July 10. Mrs. Kmma
Mutton and Miss Lillian Uyera wero
held to tbo grand Jury without ball
today ou n chargo of having shot and
killed their brother Kmnuuol Uyors.
Thoro bus beou frequent disagree
ments between tbo brother and tho
sisters, und according to witnesses,
tho two women wont to Dyers' hay
field yesterday and culling tholr
brother to tho roadside, shot him tour
times. The court wan told that euch
of tho sisters fired shots which struck
their brother, but Mrs. Mutton tried
today to shield her youn gslster, Ut
ile Myers, sujlng sho alouo did (ho
It was reporled tho two women
had practiced firing at u mark lu
their orcliurd several days. They
wero lukun lo Iho county Jail ut Mor
ris, II) ers left u wlfu und flvu chll
Hut Id Mkr, I linlr fulhiir, U u
wmllliv um4 ower,
NO. 04
Mnnazino Publisher and Author Ar
rested fcr Ptibllshlno Aeroplane
Photographs of Fortifications at
Panama Canai and Presidio
Technical Defense Offered.
SAN PHAN'CIKCQ, Cnl.f July 10.
Wiitrniils for file arrest of Charier
K. Field, editor of tho Siuwcl Maga
zine, nnd former president of the
Itoheminn club; Hubert J. Fowler, nn
aviator; Riley A. Seolt, n writcryiinl
Flay S, Diihm, n photographer! were
issued today nt the feques'rof John
". Predion, United. "SUiUs district
attorney here. The chnrigninil nil
four is the disclosure ftfntililnry se
crets, nnd the iM'iialtyis. ten yeilr
imprisonment for Mich'ilisVlosure if
mndo nblond and one year if made
in the United Slates.
In April, Sunset published nu ar
ticle entitled, "Cnn the Panama Can
al He Destroyed From the Airf" re
productions of photographs taken
from mi aeroplane and showing some
of the fortifications of the canal
zone and of the Suii-1'rniieNeo Pre
sidio neeonianied the test. As soon
ns n company of the number wns
called to the attention of the war de
partment, it requested Preston to in
vestigate. Mr. Field's defense today wns that
the photographs showed no actual
fortifications, not artillery, hut only
the rmrtlnremcut for a gtui and the
preliminary work for n fori. To this
Mr. Preston replied:
ul think the rase has merit. It
has always fieen nn army regulation
with the force of law forbidding the
taking of photographs or views of
the permanent works of defense,
whether in course of construction or
"Ily the net of Mnrch 3. 11)11,
congress strengthened the regulation
ho thnt it is now n. violation of u
plain statute for nfly civilian to take
or publish photographs of any for
tification, whether complete or in
process of construction.
"Tho war department regards the
enforcement of this law as absolute
ly essential and my instructions nro
emphatic in this case."
NKW YOItK, July 10. Llquldn
tlon becamo moro general lu tho later
dealings. Issues ot Investment rat
ing wero freely sold nnd tho active,
lost showed many substantial losses.
A feature ot the bend division was
tho sale of n Chicago and Eastern
Illinois C per cont at a 20 point do
cllno. Tho closing wag weak.
New Haven Mocks registered a now
low prlco today, falling to 80 after
tho opening of tho market. Now
York, Ontario and Western, con
trolled by New Haven, also sold at Its
lowest price. Severat of tho Qould
Issues established new low records, as
did Chesapeako and Ohio.
Now Haven latqr fell to CO- but
regained part of Its loss,
A striking feature of tho early
session wan tho Inrgo number of
"flat" sales of stocks and bonds, In
dicating that sellers wero waiving In
terest ponding actual delivery of tho
securities, some 10 to 20 duya hence.
This suggested foreign liquidation of
uu enforced or Imperative character,
and was attributed In part to Am
sterdam, Steol was strongest of tho leaders
lu antidilution of a favorable Juno,
statemout. Among specialities only
thn fertilizers nnd Westlnghouso wero
strong, llouds wero easy,
Portland Livestock Markrt
PORTLAND, Or., July 1iV-Urv-stocki
("utiio-lUwipU 'j:i:ii wmU
slighlly l ringer, lm uiu'lmtyt'd.
1 1 ntf" UiTulid L'.Tj; pisiM it
Mylivri I'lIiiM ilk-hi, H.IWtl.m. J
Muli'T mi iit IwwH H uu4m$4