k 07 tf,w(lfr ei.... ch Medford Mail Tribune i SECOND EDITION WEATHER Fair Mat. 80- Mitt. no lle. Hum. 21. i.. I r P. 'Mr ., '.JL fv bt " T' -' . - t h Yonr. Ynr, rivoMlla Stretch North of Ashlnnd In Be Done liy Contractor Central Polnt-Mcdford Concrete Granitoid Pnvrnirnt Compleleil Connection With Medford Made at Noon. Mlitn wore opened Thursday nt Jacksonville, fur lint pnvliig of fhn . mill- of Hit 1'nrlflc lirxttwny between I'hnoiilx ntnl AnlilnnrT. Contrnctur ur" permitted Id (urnlitli tliolr own specifications unit must Kiinrnnten tint IMiemcut lulil Mr Mm year. Tim specif leulluus cull (or 10 feet of hard surfuco iu KiMt-nl w( mi eight (not shuuhler on fitrli side a ngnlnst n four fool shoulder on tint (Vntrnl Point-, Medford iiiTiiiint. Illiln went hiiliinlttotl mioii liotli widths, Htiilo lllghwny T.iiKliicor II. I llowlhy. Division KuKlnoer KlllrlilK". nml Win HcrlK, consulting engineer for .InckMin roiiut)', nil members of Hid cniinly court, nml ropri'enlntlic or i lot inmnclliu: rontrnctnrs wero present. Tim bids worn tabulated nml derision Mill do uiitilii Inter. Although il will tttkd a dnv's work to figure out lint i'(iiiiiiirnlivi merit of llit IiIiIn, ensoul luxif cltiiu Iiows tlmt Hut lowest prices ever nindo In kituthcrit Oregon were Mil. both for Wnrrenlle, Tnpekn mill iihphallie ion errte. lint two bidder eouiHtlid, Clark A. Ilcitrrv Construction com pany nml llio Wnrrcn Construction i'oiiiiany. I'nch finn submitted scv 'nil scls of (.pcclfienllous nml hid thereon. It seems probable llint Hie contract will lie let at price not lo exceed $1 Mr square vurd. Tim remenl granitoid pavement be twemi Central I'oltit nml Medford wan wnnpleted Thursday noon, connection being mnilo with the Itlvorsldo avenuo pnvomont Thin makes n paved high wit) from nny pnrt of Mmlfonl to Con Irnl Point. Tim roncrrln mixer l being moved south of Mi'ilfonl on tho Mmlfonl I'hoenlx roml nml paving operations begin Frldny. A rccoml mltntr In iluo wlililn n rok to work north from Ihu lonth I'lnl of thU runil wcctlon. L IN STOCK MARKET NI'.W YOHIC, Jtilv Kr l" Hit'iili'i pail of IoiIuj'm Ht'Ktlon Stun Omit hlockK lunonil tint wt'iikni'HN of I he (IuiiIiIk mill few other ItV th'lr ilUplity of Inilepemleii Htrenlli. In lint final ilrnllnjr. Iiowexer, remiwetl wenkneMH in lower plleeil iMKiieK nil .ettleil lint eiiilrii M. Tint elot.Ii siih lieiwy, Uitily tlcnlliiKH were notiililit for tint niiiiiher of low piieert reeonlnl. New I lu veil roll lo IfJ-Yi ami the (loiilil HPi'iiritiprt iikiiIh iK'clini'il mile Hliiiillnlly on nioilernlo offering. MUNHiiri l'lipll'Iu nml Denver pie IVireil lost two or moro points. Hoek IhImiiiI I'ollntoinlrt joined tint lint of Ihhuoh to rejri.tliir lowent iiiotiitloim mill OlieHitpenko & Ohio repented tU lotvext Hcllluir piiec. In tint netlvu list copperM, New York (Vitlrnl mnl Hnlliimiro & Ohio ilixplnyeil preHMin', uhllit lli'inllnj;, tint lluriimiinti nml United Slnti'H Kteul went up nominal fl'llt'lillllrf. L NKW YOHIC, July l. Anollier oitlhriink nuiniiK piiHoiiei'rt in Hie pen llenliiry ul Illiiekwell'ri Mimd on. mined today iim u deque) In mm IiihI iiIkIiI, In wlileli Nuvernl koeperM went hut upon mul lindly Innl. Tim lion Itln tmlny Iiiipiuii('il in lint Inilnr fliop tlii'iu it Jim u'iik hIiiiIi'iI liy Mm i eh -i'U nml lliu power lieliliiK iih mil. Hix iliiKlniilei iieiu put Imel; In llu'lr i'i'IIh, II iiiiM xnlil lliiil liu pilitniii'iK inn lluli'il mm n iihIi'hI iiilm.1 Hie ie I'inml of lliu iiiillioillli'H jo ii'Muii etnliiy'ti nnljultw It) ood MuntliiiK' Forty-fourth Unity Nlnlli OPEN BIDS FOR PAVING SECTION PACIHCHIGHWAY NEW PRICES I Constitutionalists Capture Second Larrjest City In Mexico Guaymas to Be Evacuated Funston Ex clinii(cs Courtesies With Federal Commantlrr Near Vera Cruz. NOdAI.IJfl, ArU .Tilly 0 (liiailn. Injiirn, jiccoihI InrK-tsl ctty of Mexico. linn fiilli'ii liitforo tint nllnck of (It'll urul Alvnro OlinT.oit. ncconllm; to Itiforninllon rccolvcil liy roiiHtltnilon ulUt offldnU hum ttxrny. (Iitnymnii, enpurt of tho lnto of Honorn, whlrh Inu holil out for moif tliiin n year, In tihout lo txt itvncimtiMl, nrcenlliw: lo Hki Hfliint Moiiim of liiforiiuillon Vi:il. CW July 9 llrlr.mlltr (lenernl Kuuilun today mndit it trip lo lint Knp In Hut rnllrond wlutro lut ron ferred briefly with l.ltmtoiiniil Colouiil litiii-n, t'ommniuli'r or tho Moilcun feditrnl Irooim. On hl return tho American K"ii ertil unlit iiuIIiIiik Importnni hnd !eeu illnruimed hut Hint In hint thnuked Colonel I tun in for rrwrnl recent cotirtcitloN extomleil to Atnerlrnn. mich n tint return of two mnrlun who hnd wmiilontd out of tho lines. i:plnlnx ltccnt Trip (lenornl l'liimton nlio cxplnlnod tlmt n rt'eont trip of n mnnll mountol pnrty from tint American garrlion at HI Tojnr to Medllllnn, n vlllai?" within tint federal llnon Colonel lxunn ycntordny called Hut attention of tho American nulhorlllen to thli incident, JtliiK In regretted lt oc currenrii n tmcli lUorrmonlM wero lluhlo to hrltiK nhotit itu unncccMnry rlnuli mid lom of llfn. When tint Irnln henrlni? (ienornl l'liimton reached the nap tint federal commninlor and nn nlde enmo throuRh tho American llneis nna tho confer eneo wot held on bonrd tho corered flat enr nt the hend of the train In which (iftiernl l'umton hnd nuido tin Journey In rouipnny "itli Itenr Ad miral Sir Clirlttopher Crmldock, tho llrltUh nnvnl rammander, who wan on hl wny lo Mexico City ItrllMi (Iimnl for CupKnl Admlrnl Crnddock nnld ho wnn ko Iiik to confer with Hlr Lionel Cnrden, Hut llrlllih inlulntor, and II wna re ported hero tmlny Hint ho Intended lo dlnciiHit Hut ndvtitn-illlty of vend Iiik Urltliili k'unllou uunrdn to Mexico City. Amerlrnn mid other tnieni;eri who arrived hero today from the cnpltul hrntiKht no confirmation of the report Hint (lenornl Huertn'n wlfo mid fount othor niomhora of hi family nlrendy hnd left Mexico City. Thity tntd thoy believed Senora Ilurr In wiu nt III thorn nnd they nlno dc cliirud that (lenernl lluerln wn seek Iiik lo prevent the depnrturo of tho fmulllc of hi offlclnln WASHINGTON, July IkThirty xix uieiiilieiH of tho Nntionnl Ahooci itlion of Hunk rommlHHionerri eon furred with the preciilent nnd heere Inry of the treiisury tmlny with re Kurd to lci;iNlutiuu needed iu mmiy xlutes lo iiiuke posHilile jlut mcmlier bliip of Htule hiinkx iu Ihu federal iu- Herve H.VHlem WASHINGTON, Julv .-0ili-mlstiu views nf husiuess coudiliouH were pieseuteil In I'leshleut Wilson tmlny by Henry Kurd, tint Detroit maiiiifuelurer, ilui'lujr an hour's con ference at the white house. Mr. Kurd told tho president he saw nn evidence of any suit of bunlucss de pression, psyohnloulciil ur oilier wise, mnl said thai In his opinion hiiNu"K was ui'lthij heller nil Ihu lime, ' "Tlii'io Is absolutely iinllilnif winny tvllh hiulueMN' Mr. I'uitl luhl Ihu iii'i.ilriil. "Tim only limihht is Hml kPllIU pcojilo svt'M Vlu)Uif, If OBREGDN K GUADALAJARA H A AN CONFER WITH PRESIDENT NO HARD TIMES SAYS HENRY FORD MEDFORD. ACTIVE HGHT Tl New York Banker Reconsiders Re fusal to Serve on Federal Reserve Board No Opposition Amonu the Democrats Will Not Appear Be fore Senate Committee. WA8IIIN0TON, July l.-Hy 11 vole of heven o four the ciuile ImnkinK rommitlen Inilny lejecled tit luuiiiiiMliiui of Thmiiiix I), .loncn of CliieiiKO iih 11 meiiiher of Ihe federal reserve Inuiril. Aetinti nil (he luuiiiu- iitlou of I'iiiiI M. Wiirlmrc ot .New York win indefinitely postponed. WASHINGTON, .Inly II. -I'mil W'irliiirj;, n New York liiiuker, lint reeniisldered liin reiptest Hint I're-i-dent Wilfiui withdruw IiIk nuiiiiun- tutu nn ineinher of the federal re nerve hoiird, on the condition Hint he will not have to appear hefure the xeiiiilo hnnkini; I'unimitlee to. he enis exmniut'il. After reeeipl nf u lelej-ram from Mr, Wnrhurt; tndav it wax xnid hv officiiilH eliir-o to the president that nn netie fiIil would lut inadit for Hut eoufinnntion. Il whh deelnred Hint hIiouIiI Hie hnukiiiK emnmittee fail to repott (lie nomiiiiitiou favor ahly, the tiresident exiK-elM the cell ule UK 11 whole, to net. No llcmormllc OpitoHlllon Mr. Warburg') telegram to preHideut wiik not pvett ijul, after iN receipt officials at the hut the while house xuid Hie name would not be withdrawn. The telegram follow ed 11 x i-it by Senators Thnmun and Shafroth to Ihe while, houe. Thoy are under! ood to hnvo told Hie prehiilent that no demoeralH would oppone Hie iioiiiliintlou or .Mr. Ytur- linr. The hilunlioii ns to Hie nomination of Tlinmn) 1). Jones of Cliicujjo re mnineil uuehauged, A letter from the Chicago delega tion of liUHineiK men received vexter day liy Ihe prccideut iinlerini: Mr. Wilxou'H Htatement iu mippurt of Mr. Wiiiliuri: nml Mr. Jones wan made pttldio at the white houte. 1'l-eHlileiit Appnne-1 "No mora hopeful, helpful, finer words ever hnvo emuo from the white limine, nml we believe they will meet with the nation's hearty approval," Haiti the letter. The Wurhurir niiminntioit was dis euiscd only informally today liy the committee. It link up iu detail Hut nomination of Thomas I). Jones of Chicago. NuUoii I'utor-N Wnrburtf Speaklui; of his IriBlutonco thnt Tnul WnrlnirK Iki confirmed, ('resident Wtlon today vald ho ticlleved tho country wan In favor or tho npoplnt mont nnd that ho wautd contluuo to stand behind his noinlueo, Tho prcHlilent explained his mip port of Mr, Jones by naylne; that ho hnd known him for mora than 20 years nnd that on Many matters ho (runted Mr, ones' JtulKineut better than ho did his own, but did not In cludo political qucHtlotiB Iu that cateitory, however, FOG CAUSES POSTPONEMENT OF YACHT TRIAL RACE NnWI'OHT, II. r., July i). The Ihree American cup yachts lteolulc, Yauitii) nml Defiance weio fo)himnd in Ncwitort harhoi' todav mul the ro- uattu eommlltee at l'J :'.)() declared the contest postponed until tumor row. everyone Would only cheer up and alteiid to tlic!r business this calamity talk would slop Immedialely." Tint pichident and Mr. l'onl dis itusscil Hut trust hills In a general way, as well as Ihe business nituii lion. Officials cluse lo the president said hi) was ((i cully eiirmiiaged by his talk with Mr, r'onl ami that hv had In'i'ii furlher klieuuHieiicd in his ileleniiliuilloii In pinli the Irimt pin mum dm Iiik Ihu piesciit cloii nf miiiKU'SS, Air. rnnl lefuxi'il In ilUcims his cull, kU)liiK Hml talk uf huliii's de pimiuii wiis iiuwoilliy u( ilvnlal, 8 WAGED FOR WARBURG OliMOOON, TIll.'R.SDAY, SCENE AT INQUEST PR.EDWirt CARMMt". OF THOMAS UPTON LONDON, uly 3. Criminal prone cullon of Sir Thomas Upton, Hit chairman of his co-directors In Up ton's. Limited, was suRRettcd by Sir Arthur .Markham, n liberal member. In n question addrensed to the attor ney ccncral appearing In today's par liamentary papers. The question, the -tnttlng of which was toBtpaued by arrangement, nskn, whether In view of Justice. DarlliiK'' ntntcmcnt thnt the defendants In Hut army cantc-en scandal caso wero act ing on a system which was encour aged by the directorate of the com pany, tho attorney general "has laid tho pattern In the caso before the pub lic prosecutor with a view to crimi nal proceedings for fraud and bribery against Sir Thomas l.lptou nnd hi co-directors." The question aroo out of ihe re cent conviction of nino army offi cers nnd eight civilian employes of Llptou, Limited, on churgog ot re ceiving nnd giving bribes to Influence tho allotment of supply contracts for tho army canteens. HUERTA PURCHASES NURSRY STOCK KOOlIKSTKlt. N Y., July It. Vic torlauo lluertn Is tlio owner ot n con signment of soveral hundred fruit trees awaiting shipment from hero to Mexico. Tho trees wero purchased at a suburban numcry sometime ngo, and hnvo since been hsmicd from ono depot to another seeking a railroad which would guarantee delivery. Tho I.uckawauna accepted tho ship meat today but at owner's risk. ALBANIAN REBELS E ATIIKN8, Grecco, July 0. Couflr mutloii of the capture of tho Import nut town ot Korltsa In Southern Al bania by Albanian Mussulman Insur gents was received hero today, The flKhtliiK laktmt Ihree days ufler which tho Albanian Kemniiiiit Iroopn look to fllKhumul the Dutch officers In cniiiiimiiil proceeded U Avlouu, It wiu ut flrct reported Hint Hut until nariUou, Incliiilliitf Miisit fordid! of Hicis, hud bveu cupluicd by Hiu In-suiifciiU, URGE CRIMINAL PROSECUTION ,JlTLV I), 10H. INTO THE MURDER OP Ills '.IIS.f4ilf M t?. f un ', court ,irn vvA' 't mliity GCORGEM-LT.W- Fi EOF E FRISCO SYSTEM ST. I.Ol'IS, Mo., July P. l-'ore- eloMire of n mortgage nf .0S,000. 000 on the St. Unix & Sail Fran-cim-o railroad was asked in the Unit ed Stutc-i district court here tol.iy by Hie Guaranty Trust company of New York. The 'Frisco now U in the hands of receivers, i Tiie tetition asks that the mnrtapc he declared a valid lieu against the proK-rly which it covers, which lu eludes n Inre part of (lie 'Friseo sjtcm. The mortgage was given to secure n series of refunding -1 per cent bonds, issued iu 11)01. The petition says that the accrued interest on tho bunds is $l.:i7:i,000. I.oomN Johnson of cininel for the 'Frisco receivers, this afternoon wild the filinj- of the foreclosure pe tition by tho Gunranty Tnwt eom pnny was principally n protective Mep taken in behalf of the holders of the underlying bonds, on which an interest default occurred on July 1. The filinj; of the petition, he wild, is nn indication Hint reorganization is near. NORFOLK, Va., July 9. A heavy steel caisson, modeled after tho now dreadnought Pennsylvania and used as a target, was co badly damaged to day by a now navy sholl during n test, that It was tukon to do lock. Tho now oxploslva Is ctosely guarded by tho navy and details of tliu let probably never will bo mado public. Joint S. Owens, head of Hie great lumber mniiufaoturiug enterprise ut Kan Claire, Wis,, hearing his name, owner of (lie redwood timber belt iu Del Norte county, California, near Crescent City, and other extensive timber holdings, u expected to arrive in Medford today or tomoiiow to vikit his suns ami to inspect Ihu Hail timber tract at Hullo Falls his com puny recently purchased, mnl decide upon future plans, which euntcmphite Hm eiimlh'ii of a I'leut lumber man ufurliiilng pliiul, either ut Medford ur near Hullo Fulls. ORELO M0RTGA6 UPON BIG LUMBER MILL A POSSIBILITY II U icpoilcil Unit Ihu HiTllOlt ofjlier ll will he it ciluiis blow In ht mill nt Wed I'm il, .Hij.lnjiuK vi.,husiucs inter. ) f Wdfwd, MRS. LOUISE BAILEY COROMER. COROROlt tiOBTOfi- ROLAHO LAMB. CHIEF Of POLICE FAMOUS BOARD WALK AT QUEBEC RUINED BY FI QUKHKO, July D.-Tho hoard walk on Dafferin Terrace, Quebec's fuiuoiiK thorouijhfare, overlooking the St. Lawrence river, caught fire today and for a lime threatened the Chateau Fronleaac bote!. At 3 o'clock the fire was still rag ing, but tho firemen seemed to be gcttiiu- the upper hand. More than .100 feet of the terrace collaps-ed and it was feared stone wnlls overlooking Champlnin Ward, n tenement district, would soon f.ill. Tho fire was gettiiiK bevond eon- trol of the firemen. At 2 o'clock two houses wero on firo and the flumes were again entiaj- their way toward the Chateau Frontenac. Oae-thinl of the terrace had been destroyed and four Iioum's partly de ftroyed when the flames were finally checked. NEW HAVEN SHARES NEW LOW RECORD NKW YORK, Julv II. -New Haven railroad hlmres fell to a new low record today, selhu at 02a4 kooii after tho opeuin;- of Hie Mock mar ket. The previous low price was u'llH. mado a few days ago. The company's differences with tho fed eral government in connection with Hie lloston eV Maine road are believ ed to be responsible for renewed liquidation in New Haven -docks. New Haven fell to UKS later but recovered n substantial fraction hv midday. era! hundred men, depends upon se etirui" n Miilaliht site of 100 acres at a reusonablo price. Several such kites are iu contemplation. The prleo nf one of tho mot available plong both the I'ueifiu & Kaslern mul Southern I'aeifio railroads was rais ed from .f!(ll an a ore to .'()(), wicu Hie owner dikcuvercd what Jt wn wanted for, a price Ihe Owens' regard as prohibitivu mid unreasonable. Tint more patriotic Wlixcus of Dagle I'oiut have ulfcii'il to ilonale u kiln f i en If ihe mill Is crcclcil llieic. If Ihu null uiiih Into Him Urn NO. D3 MRS CARMAN BREAKS DOWN IN PRISON CELL Accused Woman Taken to Warden's Office, But Refuses to Go to Bed New Witnesses Discovered Lit tle Evidence Against Physician's Wife Affidavit Contradicts Story. MINKOLA, h. I., July f. Tt is not nt nil certain Hint there will hn enough evidence fur an- Indictment against Mrs, Florence jjCarinnn of Fro-port, charged -with tkemnrdcr of Afrs, Louisit Hailcr, in Hie office of Dr. F.dwin ('nrmnn. Tin was the opinion Hint AWatnnt District At tornev Weeks expressed vtodny. Mrs. CannnnVicjfiie was expected to como up before! the grand jury Into today, but, according o Mr. Weeks, the number of witnesses to bo examined precludes the tosibility of mi indictment today. "It is not unlikely," sold llio ns silant district attorney, "l:mt wtien Mrs. Cannnn apjtears before Coroner Norton, who will then be acting iu the capacity of justieo of the jtence, she will bo disflinn'cd.' At that time Mrs. Carman's attorney will hnvo a right to cross examine the witness's who testify against the prisoner. Dr. Canaan found his wife in bet ter spirits when he visited her in jail here today. She seemed to have re covered her composure. HirakN Down In Cell After her huband departed Mrs. Cnrmnn broko down in her cell and her condition became mi acute that the prison authorities were alarmed nnd called in -the itrtff Jiys-ieinti. Shu was taken to the warden's of fice, where she lay down on a couch and became quieter after sedatives had been given her. She refused, however, to go to bed. George Levy, nttonic for Mm. Cannnn, said today that he had dis. covered two new witnesses whose testimony he considered extremely valuable. He also said ho had in formation thnt two of the witnesses wlioo testimony had been involun tary in causim- the arrest of Mrs. Canaan, had been far from the Car man home nt the time of the murder. Contradicts Testimony George Levy, counsel for Mrs. Cnr mau, obtained today a feven-pngu affidavit from Miss Flora Itnynor, who was with HI wood Itardcs, an in sunuice agent, on tho night of th murder. It was llnnlcs' testiutou.t that he had seen u woman running away from the window of Dr. Car man's office after the shot was fired tlmt was tho direct cause of Mrs. Canuau's arrest. Miss ltnyiiort af fidavit contradicts important parts of Uardes' story. Meyer Newman, who said that a friend of his, now in Kansas City, spirited away a pistol for Mrs. Car ituui, was arrested, charged with car rying a pistol today, District Attorney Smith and coun sel for Mrs. Cannuii agreed this af ternoon to postpone, the examination of Mrs. Cannnn, set for next Mon day, until a week from next Monday. WASHINGTON, July D. Tho forty-two American and Puerto Hie mi refugees who wero rescued Fiteito l'lata Junei 10 by 'United States sailors and revenue jOiitter men wero exttnsed to the fire of Liotli Dominican federals and Lcislistns, uccording to nu official report re. ueivcil here today. The firing was, ho heavy Juno 25 that tho removal had to he poilponeil, hut the next day boats fiuin the battleship South Carolina made Hut rcoic. Ilulletn fell all about them, hut (h refuses were Imulcd aboard Hut revenue cut ler Algonquin wild none Injtiied, COLON QUARANTINES NEW ORLEANS SHIPMENTS -swssisMasNsasraa COLON, July P. -'i'h wlryi. Hiuillles here Ijhvh luumA n tjwt miliiiii mi ul) Hriivul turn )td Or HAITIAN MEDTOBULLETS ,-Hi: M i 1 j ' i H .'y& tfvca -ivy immiws- r " tjlii vUlV"11 II