Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 08, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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nnHtomjHsm tribukb, ifBMroBD, omanoN, Wednesday, july 8, ioir
'I- K
S j
&. '
Mil ,
Engineer Llljegran Slates Thai Re
moving Soot Will Destroy Benefic
ial Effect, as Pure Dry Jtent Will
Go Stralfltit Ui Has Patented
Tree Protector.
To tli IMHi.r:
lit view t.r Atiiniii-v W. K. I'lilpi"'
couimuiiifiitlitii to inul from tint
Hlmiilurd Oil cotiipnii.v, "Seeking Or
chard Heating I'mveiitiiig Hoot Do
Mrtielloii," iin iiiliinicil In yester
iluy'V Mull Tilbuiic, which, f any Hi"
leant, U n very worthy effort, lint I
ft'iir Mr. I'hlpp will flml tin (sunt
fice) lioiil will not lender Hut desired
frost preventing irmilli, by reason of
Ihr pure, elenn lint I being mill mil
inrled by Roof, will rn I m n M might up
Ihroilgh'n ht'ill pindiicrd funnel. like
1 luo. Tjii stittcmcut run bit veilflcd
Ity iiollng lli action of sparks lit n
firn. They will raise wry rapidly In
tlm center to considerable IicIkIiI, or
lit n point wIiitc (lit temperature Ihm
been cipiuliicd by tlm I'ontiict of mill
nlr. If ii licut distributor euld Im
urd, something Illcc tint loiig-uritird
revolving garden sprinkler Hint would
in like iniiniirr distribute tlm wiinn
nir illioclly iimlrr each tree, much
les licut would be mptircd, but I mil
MTV tlllc)l ill llotlllt IIS III itN I'lMIII-
oiiiir outcome. Wlrile the soot t un
desirable in nuiiiy ways, it will re.
tunl llio nirly nun heat from tin'
I'liillnl plants, ninl possibly retard
the brut in ll vertical nrogn'.
Again referring to tin action of
lii'iit, I Iiiivp nolii'i'il in warm trefoil,
such n Dctttli volley, also tlm I'uiin
iiiiint nllry of Cnliforuin, nt limes
wbrii llmrti 1 no general wind, tlnr
ing the warm purl of t lie tiny, miihII
whirlwinds; rc very much in evi-
dciira nil over tlm volley. w.lby
oni-fourth of n mile opart, which rnn
h distinctly seen by the whltu dust
(horai) Hint unirU Hn haH and
extent of Hut w)itilwiin), tlmt tuna
iuutc nt iiImmiI I ho mi mo elevation
us the niirniiinillntr moiintiiiiiM, where
tin' iluxt in blrntlnl with thu molcr
nir, ninl gniduully scllles buck to
o i Hi. This hIiiii.Iv to show tlm
iicliuu of iiiicoiiI rolled brut, nil or
which tlm witter iiirutnllv scrtitinUrd
ninl sifted hiiinc lime nci In hopcK of
fiiiiliiiK Noinclbitii; Hint would prevail!
front ninl ho within nxing cot.
The tree protrctor, uh herrwlth
kllowii, Ia lltn result of tnv rffortn in
Ihi line. An will lie. notiecil, it Iiiih
ii ennopy ninl curliiiii which prevent
"-ct - --"-
LONDON, July 8. Tho brlof re
plto lit tho lullltuiic itttrfritRrltra og.
(Hon ttttdod toitny w lieu Mm. Cmiiio.
Hun l'onkliurt rrnttmed couimand of
llio force or tho Wounin'a Horlnl
ami l'ultlcnl union, nt her London
IteadtiiiRrtors. Mr. l'mtkliurnt, who
rc'Occiiiil tho office nt noon, wait
howover, pcruilttod to remain In ac
tive command of tho militant for
only brlof norlod. '
When aha omcrKud from her head.
iliiiirtexH to ko to Itinch tho pollco
pouncod on her and took her to Hoi
loway Jail.
Hlmultancoimly with tho rc-np.
pcaranco of Mr, l'nnlihurt. a vlo
lent Mcotto wan created In tho loiitrnl
rrlmlnal court, whoro Mra. II. P,
Alyco Hall, MUa Clrnco lloem, MIk
Julia JamcKon and MUh Kllon Anno
( wcro broiiRltt up for trial for con
' (piracy, Tho chargo aKaltiHt t licut
wan "cnniplrliiK with othora mull
clotiMly to commit damano and Injury
nnd to apoll certain nut I ami or.
noiiiil property of tho Htibjocta of our
lord, tho king."
llio prlHonora Itnd boon nrroMtud
durliiK n raid on a Went Knd flat oil
May 'i. In their roonin wuro found
n now Hlimpiiol Kronnilo, colla of
(tthti anil plaiii of hatiaoR with Ml
HtriiotlnitH how to reach tltoiit mid aa
to tho UHital inuvumonta of tho police
In tho vicinity,
Minn Itoo and Mrn, Hull, when
hrntiifht into court, tuirroutttlcd by
womun wardenu, nifimoil lo plead.
They throw papera and puna from
Ilia prlionor'a miclontiro mid Hhoutud
a commentary on their treutiiioiit on
llollowity Jail, Two policnmmi and
flvo women attuudniitH utarted to
rarry (ham out of court lo thu colla
below, When (bo JiiiIko decided to
prowxiil with tho trial In tint nUuiico
of the two woiiidh, Mm, Hall throw
horaulf on the floor mid kicked auv
cral policeman and It ooj noiiiu min
ute to rHiovo her, Thu oilier
rwiinr plnHded not Ktillly,
ft4 W ft NUM U MH
TrfVMfftM. , a W
illf .;
the, mpltl cxcIiiiiiki' of brut mill colli
ill fuel, it unuirrvcn the licut intlin-
tiott from Ihn mirth, which ill cointuji
ill coiitiutt with the citnopy, fornix n
licnvy ilrw Unit in ttirn liiirunlfivtt the
fiohtrrUtini; projHMlliM of tliu elm
opy inn curtulii, llnm pruilliciii); n
uluilliir rcMilt Hem on a wimlow kImhm,
covered with moisture on the luiilc
when thu rnoiii in wanner tliiiu out
I find uiiiile o miihII wurkiiiir model,
two fret in ilinmrtcr. hhowcil it lo (lie
hlcliol uiilborily In Huliliuir fiost
(hut won ever in lhi Milloy, who wiik
iniieh ptciiNcil with It ninl ndxl-cd hc
eiiiiiiK of putciil, which I Iiiim', April
U2, HUH. ! tried n 'JO-foot diiimrtcr
prttci)tor In South Medford over n
iienr lr mid held buck ll dceiccH of
cold from 4 to (i u. in., nnd held buck
1(1 decree of bent nt H u. in.
However, it bus not proved wbul ll
will do in n rcnl frrere, but in tlutt
ern n his'rr citn be provided, Hint
will ho of Ilit cot, Mich uh n Miinll
electric lienter, cot ponsibly M ccnU
euch, connected fnuu tree to tree, nnd
oHrnted from uny coiitrutrnt point,
llio locul residence In fnct, it enn bp
nrrnueeil to work nutomutlcully mid
no nrrmiBvd Hint the colder it p'U
the more bent will he lunied on.
nm plmiuliii; Mich it coutrivuncc nt
thin time, nnd re my wny clear for
hiitipifnctory rrult.
If .Mr. I'hitMw, jir nity one ele. dp
,iirt to tnke thin matter tip with the
writer, ho will bo plcncd to tdmw
thu working model mid other daln.
UcHjK'ctfiillv Mtbmiiled,
K. W. lillJMIItA.V. '
Medford, July $
"Oiiiur, lite Tcntiuiikcr," to he pie
hciitcd here July under the iiiik.
picex of tho Drniitu Icnpie, is uititpir
in llio wny of pliin. Mr. Tttlly, in
hpircd by the liubuiyul, uiiide c.
tciiilvc rcscit rch into thu timcn of
Ontitr Khnyyiim, tho I'crhinn poct-m-lrolojjer,
mid hm Hiiccecdcd-iii pro
diiciiiK u dmum of truly lVn-iuu ben
timrtit mid bcuiity.
Little h known of the life of Omiif
Khuyyitit), and Hint little in told by
it hchoolmnto of hix, who Inter becume
viiler to the httltun. He wn bunt in
KuUhiiptir, in the hitter Itulf of the
eleventh, mid died in Hie firxt ipiur
ter of thu twelfth century When
ipillc u boy he went to htudy iindur
the tutelupo of u wise old (null of
Nuitdiiiptir mid fonued it cltisc
frididnhlp (hero with two other Mil
dentH. They pledKed (hciithelveH, in
the milliner of hinull JmyH Hut wmhj
oxer, to hliitre whitlever (,'ood foittiue
eucli mlKht Iiho in Inter life with the
olliern. And mi, when the writer of
the chronicle hcciimo vixicr, Oiunr
mid bin friend did claim it finite of
h kooiI fortune mul were uinnted
it, Oinur'ahkiuK "to let mu live in
u coiner tiinlur life hhiiilow of your
fortune, to Hprcml vvitlo the iiilviiii
liiKCH of hcience und piny for ,our
lotiK' llfo mul pioHHrity." Wliich he
did. And died mul wiih buiicd there
oiitNitle ii KUldon, "mid tree. Iiiden
willt t'niit Htretclicd tlteii' bouulia over
Hit) pii'den wnll mid dropped their
zlowera niton IiIh tomb,"
' Tully IniD (iikvu thib hlcndcr hinds
mid built iimmi It with hU ImiiKlnn
tion a tlrmuit Hint Iiiih ciiukIiI IiIh
midlcuci'K mid foreed from llieiu
well-merited Ntoiuiri of upplniihu,
HQHI'OIIT, Jply H, Im,i.iiiIIIi
or riiuiiiirouk- IV, Hir Tlionnu l.i
Ion' idiulluiixdi' for llio Ameili'a'w
cup, bcumi loduy. The ili'vliinr c
pccU lhu( tlm jhdi will hu irmly In
atuit for Iter vi)'hki' Hcnw Hi At
luillhi vty wnek fiww May, J
y A. C. Ifowlctt.
When wo arrlvod In Fort Klamath
nuioiiK tlm flmt oiick wo met that wo
knew wan JnmcH ItliiKcr and Thomas
Itllny, pur HiikIu I'olnt palntera, and
affnr HpnndliiR a uliurt llmo with them
and nicetliiR a few frlendi of former
nciiualntnnco, amoitK whom was Al-
ffrod (Inrdeii, he I riintilm; a ittov-
ItiK Plcturo allow, and oatlitR a
hearty Ntiper, ltd lloyt brotiKht bin
car attain and wo all ntartcd H)?aln,
thin time for tho coolirntlon Rrouuda,
for tho people of Fort Klamath do
thltiK on a larRii scale. They bad
planned to have a relobrntfon to lait
four da) a anil had over)thlnK ar
ranged for a Reed time. The Kround
are altpatcd In tho lower part of the
town near a grovo of (root that af
ford n nice ahndo, but tho grounda
projier arc on a pralrln and a largo
tract In onclored with a hlch board
fnnco ao that It can bo uacd for a
buobalt' grounda aa well ai for other
purpoKci. They bavo a raco track,
all around tho otititdo of the oncloa
urn with a grand aland altuatod to
(hat one can ace all around the track.
Hut I am getting oft my aubrct art
I atarted to tell what I aaw oa the
ground. Tho reader will renumber
that wo did not reach J. K. In lime
to ace anything of tho flral dar'a
program except at night when the
Indiana were to glvn a war dance, and
thli wan given InMdo of tho cncloo
ure, In fact, over) thing except tho
home racing and balloon aaccnnon
waa luldo and tho toll waa only 2f
cent per bead for admlnilon. Tltoy
bad In connection with thla war dance
tho V. K. brat band to make mualc
to broak tho monotony. Well after
everything waa In readlnena tho In
dian of the Warm Spring tribe.
about 40 or fin canto onto tbo arena
aW drenKd In their fluvtt contunic
wllb their trlnkcta. belli and rcath-
era and tho performance commenced.
Thero I a nttlte a dlfferenco In their
way of dancing, especially tho war
danco and tho danco of tho white
people, but one thing that I noticed
waa that each ono of them ao far ai
I could ae kept tho atop to a dot.
They aeemrd to havo their leaden
who gave direction with their long
pblca all decoratod with paper and
Mirer and gold trlmlngt. They each
danced alone, no hugging tho other
fclfow'a girl, and they danced In a
circle With occasionally tho four
leader would Jump otiUldo of 'the
circle. Thero waa a bunch of. what
appeared to bn aquawg would aquat
In groupa nnd otto of them would
heat on on Indian drum which con
lt of a atroug hoop braced with
two atlcka placed at right angle td
each other and tho whoop Is cov
ered with a pleco of rawhldo while
wet and then dried which antwera
very well aa a dcum and tho rest of
tho mtiilc la mado by tho ludlaua
lltomiiclu's, a kind of a slug song of
a nolte. That lanted for about an
hour, thl ended tho flmt day's per
formanrn. Tho next morning they had a ball
garao and a balloon ascension sched
uled but neither came off on time,
but they both did In the afternoon.
Tho first-thing In tho afternoon waa
tho homo races, the track waa In fine
condition with tho exception of tho
dual, for tho land here Is putitmy and
when dry. very light. There did
not acorn to be very much excitement
about tlm racca (or thero watt but
few except saddlo horscn, so wo
would put that down aa rather tamo.
Then canto tho bucking contest.
Thoro woro about 12 or 11 horses
that woro entered and tho rider who
waa Judged tho best ono and rodo ac
cording to tho rulos wa to havo a
prlie of a hundred dollar buckaroo
outtlt consisting of saddlo, bridle,
spurs, quirt, bakamore, chups and1
roefa and tho uocon'd best was to re
celvo a Hinaller prize. Hut tltoy had
certain rule that they must follpw,
and among tbo rulos waa tho rldor
muni keep hla foot out from under
tho horaoa bolly and not catch hla
spiira In tho cinch, havo ono hand
hold tho bailor atrap and tho other
hand In tho air. They generally
held their bat In onu hand and used
It natft whip striking ttto home over
tho head. Thero woro a few of tho
rldom who woro thrown off mid ono
man waa stunned for n (ow moments.
Ono man mado a flno ride but ubout
the tlmo that ho reached tho gato
his spur broke loose ami off ho camo
while another pulled his boot off
with hla Hpur and almost retched tho
ground when ho regained hla posi
tion In Ii'Ih vaddto whllo auother had
his homo buck completely from un
der hint and ho lit, on bin foot,
Theso bucking contest seemed to
bu tho mom exciting performance of
the occasion. Thl waa followed by
a ball, game, but thoy aro so common
that liioy uttract but little attention.
Hut I must tloso for this Hum a
my letter U gutting too long, Ttio
next 1 1 mo will e about our vUlt
to the Indian camp where thero were
moral hundred of them together mul
gavo a genuluv war ilsiit'o,
Hut before I close I wish lo thank
Ike resdur of lb Kaglids for III
WaMy wwpllwM Ik-My iivo puht
-: rr. rr. : : rr-
It, I'. Dean will begin boadlng
wheat the first of next week,
Mndford iiilcel Krldny were J. It
ftowe, O. H. Illackford, Hay Kelly,
Karl Taylor, John HUly and wife,
I'tiul Lnkc and wife, Mlxa I'hknrd nnd
Minn McNnsser.
Itnv, Oastler of Central I'olnt wait
a pleasant guest on Hfcnlc avenuo
thl week.
A neat atimmur homo Is being
erected on tho Hllllngham -property
which adds to the appearance of this
Frank Thompklna nnd wlfn nr
spending tbo cntlro clmutatKiua sea
son In Ashland.
Dr. and Frank Itay wcro transact
ing business In thl district Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. 1', Hoaglund ro
turned from a motor trip to Lake-
view after visiting for eevcral weeks
with Mr Hoagtand's sister.
Tho J. W. and It. W. Klden faml-
llea and Miss Hose Jones aro camp
ing In the Chautauqua grounds for
two weeks,
Dr. and Mrs. Whlto of Denver aro
ataylng a few day with D. W. Stone
and family. Tuesday, Crater Lake
was the program, after their visit,
will leave for California resorts.
Mrs. John McKcc and son of Al
buquerque, and William McKco of
Itoswcll, Now Mexico, arlved Monday
ovenlng to remain for the summer
with Mm. Frank McKee.
Fourth of July Deings:
II, J. Taylor and lamlly and John
Williams and family picnicked at
Lane creek.
Ram Murray and family nnd party
of friends woro picnickers al Mr
Murray's mine In Willow creek can
yon. The resident of Sccntc Heights or
chard wcro guests of Mr. and Mrs.
John Rlsty.
Karl Heft and family and Hoy
Nichols and wlfo celebrated In Tal
ent. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Porter of Gold
Hill spent Saturday with Mrs. Hoag
land. Paul Lake and O. 8. Mack ford fam
ilies picnicked In the Illackford
The fanners in Htm tied ion nre
tbniiigli with their liny crops und
bending nnd binding work Him week.
Mr. MeKinnit hit botipht n new
binder and is cultiti grain for the
farmers in Hun section.
Some of our neighbors xi-itcd
Tntil for.jbe Fourth of July celebra
tion mid they all 'hud a mo-.t enjoy
able time. The program wits good
and with home racing and broncho
busting and the dmfen at night. Trail
ought to bo proud or its Fourth.
1'erry CtmjMiuiti last his pume on
the Fourth on the ntnd to Truil with
fifty dollnrs in it. Mr. Cox of I-ons
Urnucli found it and nd timed it the
sainc day with many tliunks from
Mr. Chupmnn.
Jnsper Hodgrrs of llcnglc inude it
Iiumiicoh iit to Mctlford on Mou
day. A few of the neighbors in Autiocli
are going o Crater Itke to work
during the Milliliter months.
Mr. und Mrs. John Anderson of
llnudoii arc iMting with Mrs. An
domon's sinter, Mrs. W. 0. JolitiMni
of Antiocl.
Cluy Conlcy hits been helping
Cluttde Chnpmuu with his bay crop.
(Thu nick crusher is bctni? moved
todnv (Tuesdnv) from Autiocli to the
Hybeo bridge to crush river rock for
the government mud.
July 7 Hunt to Mr. and Mrs. Hcrt
Cliuiminn, a baby girl. Itoth mother
mid buby are doing well mid Hcrt is
tcplUlg so high he only touchcn
the ground in the high pluecr..
Mr, mid Mrs. Oscar Kodgcrs and
family Mted Moitilay evening with
their dutiMlilcr, Mrs. Percy Chnpinmi,
mid had a pleasant time with imtxio
mul hinging,
Mr. Moody of Heagle is wot king
for Supervisor Grieves on the l'roi
pect -Crater Luke nmd.
mo during the last 39 years that I
havo been writing. regularly for tho
Mall Tribune nnd Its predecessors,
for during that time I havo written
from ono to flvo articles for publica
tion ovcry week and aut now patt KS
yearn old. Who can beat that rec
Fort Klamath. Ore., July 3, 1914.
Ixptrt Oomtltrt
82G North Bartlett.
Phono 603 M.
Next tw tu First Nlul Nsuk,
ummwv uutm
(hi Pft
BBBsVasssssssssHvr afSBMBBBBBBr '
is only one of our many brands, but like
quality biggest quantity of its kind sold.
We tell the big brawny men of this
country that DIXIE QUEEN is the best
tobacco for them and they know they
can bank on that statement.
Wonderful richness makes DIXIE
QUEEN a lasting chew. Burns slow in the
pipe because Plug Cut is the right form
lor smoking. ' ' ,
Go to it today.
Sold everywhere in convenient 5c foil
packages also in 10c pouches and 50c
lunch boxes.
Three Color
Apple and Pear
For a few days only we will receive orders for Letter
heads and Envelopes printed in three colors with your name
and address or business card thereon, thats sell regularly for
$8.50 per 1000, for envelopes
$4.00 Per 1000
We are enabled to make this price by making a run of
50,000 or more. Orders must be in by July 15.
Every envelope carries the legend. "Gateway to Crater
Lake, Oregon's Greatest Scenic Wonder" and "Buy Your
1915 Tickets via Oregon with Medford Stopover."
Place your order at once.
Medford Printing Co.
27 North Fir Street
We're Hammering Away
At This Fact
DIXIE OUEEN is the best tobacco
in the world for big, strong, manly
men. It is made purposely to please
this kind of men. It is a juicy, full
bodied tobacco that thoroughly satisfies
a powerful man's tobacco hunger.
DIXIE QUEEN is pure old Burley
tobacco, naturally aged for three Jto
five years so as to bring out all its
mellow, healthful richness and honest
Plug Cut Tobaooo
Take the case of the blacksmith.
When he wants tobacco satisfaction,
he cannot get it out of "flat," insipid
mixtures. He has got to have a man's
size, real old natural he-tobacc9,f
We have the greatest , tobacco
organization in the world and arc
in business to stay in business -by
riving the best values. DIXIE QUEEN
. sJJPBtVw
all it is the "highest
mmH wk
bbbssI OB'il I NT J6jass'tf aanlTB
IMteliill if
. a
' i