f I p PA&B TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OKKOOX. WKDNKKDAV. .111 ,Y 8, mil Il ML kW CH AMP 19 I- KtrtoUNAL irJi hortston Harper of the fedfora baschali team sustained a broken rib In ono of Hi" gnmes at (Srants Pass last week liy biMiiR lilt by a pitched Imlf. ' l fytfa lt.11. Meanly for Aetna Fi- Mvw and jjuroty Upnds. tTrteHrnnnlc Ycporls.'fcll ot the "lUitfwa'ot Btia Andersdn al hi A homo In ynndouver.'and that an oncratlon for plItone will probably bo neees- BftVi-ii'Jl i' J.,0 Corking, tho 6ct nil around photographer In southern Oregon. Always reliable. Negatives made any where, time! or place. Studio 22S Main St. Phono 3 20-J. - !.. D. Mann of Sacramento. Is vis- ItlnK friends In the city for n few days. " i, llolmos Insure homes. ? , R. W.aslotf of .Montague. Cal., Is ntfcndfng to business matters In this city and Jacksonville this week. Kodak finishing and supplies at WYston'u Camera Shop. Over Isis Theater. A sound of Yreka. Cal.. Chinamen arrived' Tuesday nhornoon to make their regular monthly visit with the- Inmates of the Wall Lee laundry. Carkln Taylor, lawyers. (John II. Carklal Glenn O. Taylor), Has- klns-Roydcn Illdg., Main street. ' RosWcll Coffin .'arrived this morn log from Chicago to spend tho sum mer rjsjting his parents, E. V. Cof fin of tilts' city. Mr, Coffin Is enf ployed In'the auditor's department of thn Illinois Central railway. Try"a "Splti" cigar, best Cc clear on tho market. Miss Ina Cochran has returned from a short visit with friends at llutto Falls. Hay for sale. V. II. Evorhard. A "King Spits" cigar la homo made. Try ono, Cc, f Tho concensus of opinion among fight fans In this city was that Wil lie Kltchto should have been given a Sultriness marked today on ac count of the high humidity, and this ofcrnwn nt 1:QQ o'flcqck the. juor- enrjr registered aegrccH, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hopkins of the flno'wy Hullo orchard near Centra1 Point an? visitors In the city today. Screen doors nt Mcdford I.br. Co. Fred Lewis and wlfo of Wollen nro visitors In tho city for a few hour today, Mrs, .lours has another big Inrd sale Saturday, booth S, public market. 3 Col. It. C. Washburn of Table Hock spent Tuesday afternoon In tho city attending the meeting of tiie di rectors ot th ItoRtto lllver Fruit as sociation. -Three or four color fruit labels, your own design as ordered. Sled ford Printing Co. The Seventh company will hold a practbe shoot on their range near this city with tho Ashland company rifle team next Sunday, Order ydur fruit labels of the Mcd ford Printing Co. and keep tho money at home. Police Judge Ray left Tuesday night for Salem on official business and as a consequence all police court business has been postponed until to morrow morning. Fruit labels artistically printed In any and all colors. Med ford Print ing Co. Oeorge Simmons of the Palmer creek country Js spending a few days in the city attending to business mat ters. Walt till Saturday to buy your lard, big sale on at booth 3, public market, 95 Attorney Otis Newbury was a pro fessional visitor In Jacksonville this morning. Until July 15 wc will receive onion for special threo color apple and pear stationery at cut prices reduced front f S.GO to $4.00 with your busi ness card thereon. Mcdford Printing Co. S. D. Holmes of Eagle Point is in the city today attending to business matters. We havo a I3S00 press, recently installed especially for printing fruit FIRE OF YEA POQRMAN CREEK The fir-t forest fire of (lie -emon in this M'etioit neoiir.red .Monday oil t'oormou creek, ' ponr Juc.konvillo, when forty-three uml one-third oord- nf woo) belonging In J'ieree llros, was burned. The fire Marled when brush burning go( ieyond contiol. Fore.-t runner from the Apples:nlo en-operaling with the Jack-on Coun ty Patrol association. Imtlled the flumes. Fifteen acres were burned over. Another liru-li fire i raging nt liosttc Hiver todny, which is outride of ford service jnrisilielinu, mid is being controlled liy the itulrol no ciation nm) stale fire fighter. These two fire. cause the smoky sky. Telephone line- huilt hv the fnre-l service this spring lire now in opera tion, covering- twenty-two mile, n follows Fifteen miles on F.lk creek in the UmiHiin divide, two uml one half miles from Unite Full- to Sun tiom lookout, nnd four miles from AVngncr'.s Hutle to Lous' onlim. Knugvrs lor lookout Miliums, were sent out the first of the mouth. Forest Sukrvisor Kriok-on will leave the first of the week for n I en ilnyV trip of in-pection Unite FnlU ditriet. over the SENATE APPROPRIATES $500,000 EXPOSITION The F. W. Shaplelgh Hardware company has the best and cheapest hose In town. Prices on' everything reduced. t Lorenzo Hamilton, Freeborn Gar ret'son, Farley Johnson, and Myrle Oarnctt left' this morning for Crec eent City, traveling by tandem wheel. They will be Bono two weeks, fishing and swimming in tho old Pa cific. Only one kind of kodak finishing at Weston's Camera Shop, that's tho best. Over Jsls .Theater. Mr. Fred Heed and little daugh ter. Wave, have returned from a vis It with friends and relatives in Klam ath Falls. The finest equipment In Oregon for printing fruit labels. Mcdford Print ing Co. Miss Pes dough of Portland Is visiting her aunt, Mrs. L. E. Enyearf. She will sail July lStli from San Francisco for a visit to the Philip pine Islands. Get It at DoVoe's. A light shower fell over the valley Tuesday afternoon. Just enough to cool the air and lay the dust In the country. ' "'tilt Tho Daglcy Canning company at -latent are paying 34 cents per pound for loganberries delivered Jn bulk, boxes and crates not required. Clean, fresh ripe berries wanted. 93 Manager R.E. Hoko of tho can nery reports loganberries to bo scarce thin year. Ho hag made trips to Gold Hill, Merlin and other points In the valley to securo shipments and hopes to be able to put in a full day's can nlng by the first ot next weok. Groceries at De Voo'b. Tho St. Ann" Altar society of the Catholic church will givo a dance in the 'Natatorjura Friday night, July lOikvfnus'lii hy Ilazolrigg,- and ad n.lMjon CO rents. J ds,: finishing. Jho host, at Wcs- draw In ht fleht with Welsh Toes- labels. Medford Printing Co. day. nnd the result was a disappoint- M' ,,c,cn Uahl h returned from ment to many. n fortnight's visit with friends and relatives at Kluuie, uregon. Mcdford Conservatory reduced pri ces for music Ktssons begin July 1st. Advaaced students will bo taken at the same low price as beginners. Open all summer. 31 Grape street. W. G. Knighton of Eagle Point, left Wednesday on a visit to Hilt, Cal. Arthur W. Clark of the Clark Hcnery company, accompanied by En gineer Ooao. arrived in Medford Wednesday to bid on Pacific highway work. Lance Brothers Tuesday made the record steel head catch of the year, bringing In 18 from 3 to 9 pounds In weight; caught below Dybee bridge. Clairvoyant, Mme. Dreyfus leaves the 18tb Inst. Those desiring val uable adyico, should consult her at obco. Advice by mail $1.00. Colon ial Flats, apartment 2. 92 County (,ommiK'.iiiner ('. t. Harlow of Jo-ephiiie county, has tendered bU resignation n n member of the board, nnd the court wilt tnkc action upon it nt the regular meeting in 'August. Mr. Hnrlow leaves for Ilell inxhnm, Washington, where he' will engage in lniine. ton's Camera Shop, lor Ovr Isis Ttiea- Mr, and Mrs. J. L. Vance and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Pprl and family and Mr. nnd Mr. Pug Isaacs motored to Prospect last .Sunday, re turning by way of Sams Valley. If you want a lithographed fruit label instead of a printed one, soo us.'wo are agents for Schnijtz Litho graph Co. Medford Prjntlng Co. Ri'ft Calvert of (Irant Pass U at tending to Ijiifclnesa matters In the ii city today f I)r. Jyrtlo Lokwopd will limit 1 atriesihaurs during July' nnd Aug her ugust to' 4oiUy, Wednesday and Friday, I to4 V'm. '"' 97 ' J, 0. Itlio of IloHoburg sjient Mon lUy aid Tuogduy In Medford return Mff Mi tils' homo this morning. Call Mitchell for lawn mower trou Mo. Phone 26, fWSgg?W1' ' II 1 11 I J I i I '1 n .1 W ' ; ' W ,",'i)i ir-rrt tmouTAxna ' r,"wi w im-jk 4, U. tht tm-H TEDDY. MBT CANDIDATE (ContlBB from .Page 1) WASHINGTON, July S.IIalf a million dollars to pay expenses of the national government exhibit at the San Francisco exposition was today voted in the sundry civil bill by the senate. It provides for a building and allows not more than I&0.000 for the ubo of tho secretary of war In entertaining foreign guests. Senator Vardaman of Mississippi made a fight on tho appropriation, objecting particularly to tho enter tainment fund. "Tho world ha gone mad on the question ot society," he said. "1 wish we could go back to tho digni fied simplicity of the days when Thomas Jefferson occupied tho white house." DAVIS 6UP DOUBLES ' WON BY ENGLAND IlKltMX, July 8. The neniinu Lawn Tennis a-i)ciatiim today made an official aiiiiououcemeut stntiug that Germany would noto participate in the international tournament for Hie Davis cup, thus contradicting the report current here yestenjay thai a team was to be rent to tliu United Slates to meet Ihe Australians, support, ronj both the .old parties and ) jle;$ed. - 'jl 'JmYcn't got anyihlng to say about tho governorship or anything else concerning politics," said the colonel when he came out of the room. "If J have anyHiing to say later to alter pay p'rcylous statement you 'lll know about it." Somebody handed to tho colonel a newspaper despatch quoting Henry Sayage Landor, of England, as re newing bis attacx on Jtoosevejt's claim to the discovery of a river in South America, "Landor,' the colonel exclaimed, "Is perfectly prepperui absurd ity. No serious scleni'st dreads of accepting hlni as anycilog mora thai a buffoon as an explorer." Colonel Jtoosevelt agreed today to mojfp Jils jip.eeei In IJtou prlgnaly set for July 2i, on August 17. ' .VQTiCti W)U HHWHH MM. Notice Is hereby glveln that the city council will receive sealed bids for the construction pf an eight (H) inch Lateral Hewer on Dakota ave nue, ffffiu Peach street to Newtown tst root. All bids must bo filed with tho undersigned ut tho recorder's office nut later than-tWOC p. in. Tuesday, July 21st 19H, uud must bo accom panied by a certified cluck for flvo tier rent !') of the bid. Plans and spoclcflcatloris govoni- jug the construction of this newer may hv seen at ho cHy piigliieerV offlro. Dated u- Kh, J9IL ELMKII T. I'PSH, llHOtdur or fho City of Medford, On'. ly smoking Mt. Mil. tho btmt U elttur "w 1 1'" muiku, FOLKKSTONK, Knglnud, July 8 I'.ngiuiiil won loiluv the iouiie nnti'ii against lk-lgium in the first preliminary round of the competition Jor the Dwight F. Davis interna tional lawn tennis troliy, and this with their two successes in the sin- gle inatchert yt;stenlny gave Ificm the victory iu (he round. MURDER MYSTERY SOLVED (Continued from t'age 1) SUFFRAGETTES f "TpEEMp in'MUAUTOS' Scotland, uly S .Militant suffriiKoUes made dospvrnto efforts today to attract tho attention of King norg and Queen Mary who are making a tour through Scotland. At Itnlloch lrldn at tin? fuel of Loeji Lomond the women cut down nil the decorations, mud nt D.ilmulr, ten miles from Glnsgow. they aiminged to break out ntlnigo banner lenrlmt tho words, "Yi)tlr Majesty, stop .the forcible fd-illnK. of and torturing o.' women," across tho route as tho pro- cession arrived. At the same tlino one woman armed with a megaphone, howled denunciations of forcible feed ing. Nulther the .king nor the qucon paid tho slightest attention, but tho crowd displayed such a hostile atti tude that thn militant suffragettes beat a hasty retreat. JAILS COST MORE THAN PUBLIC SCHOOLS ST. PAl'L, Mum.. July S. The child born out of wedlock is not ordi narily a defective nor is it necessar ily bad. according to Dr. M. I.. Orosicmunu of the N'utiounl Associa tion for the Stndv and IMuealinii of F.xccptimiiil t'hildreii, wlm spoke to day before the' department of sp. eial education at the convention o the National Educational association. A close study of thousands of cases, he said, had .lisdocil the ttirtliu.' fact thai less than 111 per cent ol the children born to women leading irregular lives were below normal. Dr. (Irossciuaun further dcclaicd there was no such thing as an aver age child. "F.vcry child is mi ex ceptional cliihl, a different child," he siud. "There is no standard liy which to judge litem as 'average'." Statistics have been compiled by Dr. Uro-semuiiu nhowiiiu that the" l'uile.1 States Spends $, 1)0,000.0011 nuiiiially for police courls of justji-c. prisons, ciiarllics nnd corrections and similar forms .of protection against evils, nii;l ojlly .51111.1100,000 for schools ami chprclies uud oilier con structive agciiiif. ..... RECORD BE KN CROP FORECASTS SHOW PROSPERITY WASHINGTON, Jul) S-Tlihiv tnlllloii bushel of wheat wore added to the piopec)n'of the crop diirluu June b) tho e.w client weuthcr coudL ttous. making thu forecast of the crop, as announced today by tho de partment of ngrlculturo P3,0iH,0i) bushels, n new record. The acreage planted to corn this year, was only slightly less than that of Inst ear, while the condition of that crop was ono per rent bettor than tho ten year July nxerago, mak ing the prospects good for n crop es timated by thu department ot ngrl culturo at I'.SCS.OOO.OOO bushels. That would bo better than for tho last five ears. Forecasts of the total production of the nation's principal crops, Inter preted from reports of tho crops on July 1 wero announced by tho de partment of agriculture as follows' Winter wheat, inV.,000.U0i) bush els; spring wheat, StA.no 000 bush els; total wheat crop, 930,0011,000 bushels; corn, 3,SOS,000.000 bushels' oats, 1. 'JIM. 000,000 bushels; barley I'll, 000,000 bushels; white potatoes, 3&ti,000.000 bushels; sweet potatoes, '0.000,0110 bushels; tobacco, 733 000.00 pounds; flax. IS.OOO.OOli bushels; rice. ;3,0A0,000 bushels. RESOLUTE WNNER tjiiiPH whisM-red. Sie Iiout-lit two additional Imttericg on IliU occas ion. Daughter Contradicts Elizabeth f'armnn, 1'J-ycar-pJil daughter of Dr. and MY, ('iirmaii, testified that directly after thu shot wa fireo she yaij npsiairn and saw her mother, hvr unfit and her irnnd mother there. Her niolhcr, she said, wiih in ii ki;jiima. Kljuwood Jlardes, a new witness-, testified just Jieforo the hearing ejosedj (hat ho had e,cii u '.women lie wiih nimble lo identify running nway from the doctor' office shortl" at' ter the shot wiicli kijcl .Mj-x. JJailoy wiih fired. She wore a dark skirt and white shirtwaist, WitiicrfhcH Ics- tifyipg at previous sessions of the impiest swore that Mr, r'armau was thus garbed on Jlio pioht of the mur der, Hho Iiiih iiiiiintained, however, that fhe was ilrenscd in a l.iinoiia npd in her beilriom ut the time of the shooting. In this contention Jim, faiiniui wiih borne out on thu,Hlum (oiay v lier young ilniigliler, Kliabetli, The ilistricl atioiiun- Jiifoiiiicil Hie coroner atler llm liupiesl that lui be. Ilevi'd it ivomiui should ha Immeill alely nicsie, uiol held for tin mur der, Tim vnrviwr iki-ivciciI tiuit lie tvpuM ii'ivw Ijie lestlmoiiy nl.ei a (oday'w Iiioiiimi ami ulubl onler mi iiiii'fcl bi'fiin' bll'l UNIFORM CARD FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL PUPILS KALFf, On;., July 8. Compljing with a resolution piu-M'd by the t'oiiu ly School Superintendents ot their convention hero .last week, State Su perintendent of l'jihlic Instruction Churchill has announced that he v ill prepare in Hie pear future n uniform card record for the pupils of the grades and high schools in district of the second, and third class. The teacher, in addition to recording on these cards the standing of the pu pil in each subject, will also recpid an estimate, of thu pupil's application lo his work, a pole of tip) subject in which he excels', n physical record. ami the lines of work in which In; Ik esjK'cially interested. When the child enters high m-IiooJ thin record, it is believed, will be valuably lo (he teacher and to the parent in planning thu pupil's lir.'h school course, T.t record, in short, will .bo u vocational guide, and will be of aid to the I curli er in assisting the boy or girl in as cerlajuitijr what, kind of work lhe arc bent fitteil for. ON T ME ALLOWANCE NEWPOUT, U. I . July S. -The Tri-Clty Sloop Defiance dovoloKd trouble with her peak haljanl blocks and was forced to leave today's cup yachts trial to her two rltal. A fine heavy weather test of the yachts was promised when the Kosotuto and the Vnnltlo reached the starting lino, four iiiIIch southeast of Predion' licet lightship. A snappy ir.-mllo southwester swept ucrosi tho course and tho sou was covered with whlteenps. TJie courso fo today's race was a Ip ntlle thrash to wlh'dward and 'return. Vniittlii crossed tho lino ilrsl'ln today's- race but Itoroluto won the contest on tluio alloftauoo. The j.iehts crowed the flnlsli luo iu ful laws: Vaiiltlc, 3:43:215 esoluto 3.4 1:01. NOT ENEMY TO BUSINESS (Continued from page I.) FREIGH HANDLERS T TO VOTE ON STRIKE niK'AiIO, Jply H, -Kcprchirit'i-t'vt!n of frcigjit Jiiijidlers, nrU, Unit' gagemeii, wareliojisemeit and Iriiniiiien of sixly-seven fiulnaid liyeH weai of t'bicago were oc'ip;c( today u pre paring an ultimatum to K seal in the board of mnuugcrrf of tho oads. Tiu c.xeciitno ciuiuiiltee of llie vii -pioyes voted ycslerday to take a icf ercndiiiii stril,i vole jn llicir org.iniz.t. lions. A slrikii vote by llm cngjiic ih and firemen of the ftMiilu.iilivnuV U in progress. At the iueejii;g vgslef. day it was decided Hint all thu rail road cmploye.sjwjaild act clher Id the inn I ter of iid)- dcmnnd-(. t TOO M'J'K 'IU CLAHHIFV i'miHAM; 'ViiuiiV niot"oi"o7iiiK pigs; ulso ono loiirig sow. j'hniin M7-H, 1)1 FO HAM; JIk Willi aiwjilbred sows, one jiniliirml bouiofigiio I brendJiiK jc, ;iHrWJiirg, jdtnl. the new lines which are now rlearlj Indicated for the future." The president snld today ho earn estly hoped Mr. Warburg would re consider his decision not to accept the nomlnatllii uud that ho was urg ing hi Ml to do so. He expressed con fidence that Mr. Jones wltild Ihi ton firmed. The senate banking committee had no meet iiM.' today, but an ojiport un ity will be afforded tomorrow for a formal motion to withdraw the ini latioii that Mr. Warburg appear lo be questioned. It wiih said jodav by member the majority probably would oppose ii. .vciin; i iininniin mien cock said no suggestion hail reached him from iidiniiiistratiou officials ior wilhdrawal of thu invilatioii. The nomiiiatioii of Tlionnis D, .lone of Chicago nlso will he lalien mi to morrow. It wiih not certilu today that Mr. Jones would bo approved by a majority. it became known lodav that s-everal STANDISHM ROW COLliAR 'ziovzd CiusitHnKpJyfrJCo.Inc. MtUcn ford, It V or, inn, u WASW.l) W'iru'dT y,m iTtW lienors hum tfll iiwji utr nur ohiiis or iiffrnini; im llHfliebllrK SPECIAL TO WOMEN Tho most economical, plonnalnK uud goruilddal of all antiseptic lit A olubl Antbptlc Toyto to Ana miidlcJnuI nstlaeytle tor douchtw l)i treutlng culurrh, jnllawmutloii or ulceration ol uou, throat, and that cuusei) by fuinlnliio Ills Rhus no wiiml, Vur ten yuan thu Lydlu y. l'l)iliiai;i ModlelnoC.'o.hiu reooniiii(ii)(od I'axlliio In their prlvalo oorresiioiidmieu vtllli women, which pioyuu n HUsiloilty. Woman who huvo bach ourod vy H U "WfU l KWKhi in c,(,id," At ilDiVKl) WQ. (M' bi, w by mull, Via I'uiUiH 'MU Co., llo.don Mm, memhcis of Die eounnillee are not so niueli IiiIcicsUmI lii'lhe piuiii'iui etp iieellopK i)' r, Wnilptru u)i wlli iin.v jiileresl u iiuiy hint' in jii)eiu.n blink ing liousn mid in jis foii;lgiiiivitst- Ineiits. ' K III M I Cf.HVKIiAND, ()., July S. Th estate, said to amount to millions, left by Tinnitus II. White, founder of a sowing, iimclilno rouipnnv, ho died June 22, will iilllliintoly bn used for I'lQVelaudurs In educatlomil mpl calitrr liable work, scjontltln resenrcli, euro of peedy, slfk and Red, apd i ll'i provi) living CiSudltloiiM ot the poor, according to nuiioiiiiceitient mndit to night by F. II. Huff, president '.if n trust rnlupnny which will huV chnrgo of, tho carr) Initial of the piovlslun of the wll. Tho c-Mnto s left to the flvo children of the dot-eased niul at thulr denth U to bo used Iu ph)lau throplc Work, T)ie (inuiunt of the estate was not inude known. HAVEN SHARES FEATURE OF MARKET NKW YOltlC. July S. Now lluven shares wero the featuio of today's early market, by reason of thu an- nouneemeiit (hat the iiovoriinimit pur- noses carrying mil Its dissolution still UBiilipU h ,nuil. Tim. tocl( full a fraction over a point. ' llollld lA.eillllleil' wore, niislll Hllh- Jeolotl to pieMHro. with projiplluced weakness In'MlftVoiir? PaclYie fohirt which sold at 41 St a In" nt 2 '4 imlnlM, while Denver Iniprouunent fixes lost u point, - 't ' -"- -"fr You (Jet the U"M There Is whan .you nmolt (lor. John- lOH'Clgars and pttrjinlio hopin Indus- tries. i i , Wlint About that Vacation for Your Tool? A pair of our low heeled, eiisv com forts will glut tho rcipiticd ret 1 JcOchlmg ft,oo felora ANNOUNCEMENT Hotel Medford COMI'OItT Kill Itooius The Hotel of HKItVK'i: ItCAUTV III Willi Pi Uate Haiti t;tcnlor ,s!erli- ' ' Hot and robl running water, prlwtto phono, sHsini hisil and oiilMldoi windows In all roop'is. , Kxipilslto l)bbynnd Meuanliip. ( K(duiil Cuisine, ' Hptniidld Hamplo Itooms. Tjjc t'oiuinijrelal Traveler makes this his Jiomc, and tho Tourjsls usually piolong their stay. , , . , , Tariff " .., Itoom without private bath, tier day, $1.00 and up. , ,A -. itbom wllh'prhato bath, per ilny1. $2.00 aid up. "" "r-r" hi'i:ci.i it.vi'L's ttv vi:i:k ok month Hotel Holland This rosy hotel luliow open again nnd oil will he At homo thn moment you enter. This hotul lu ptvrtlrularty noted for Its homelike surrounding, nnd lis artistic furaihltijs. ' ,. v , 1ft 1 C i'R.'f Hot and (.'old ruiJAhld'watdV nnd Ilea in hoot In nil room. ' Hates per day: ' ' ltoom without bath, 73c and $ 1 .(10. Itoom with prlvalo shower bath, fl.'-O. ltoom wlfh private bath, $ I. f0 and up. Three rooms left al 1 0.00 per mouth. First come, (Irs..! snrved. Come quick. KPiriAL LOW HATILS JIV WKIvIC Ut MONTH Hotel Moore Clean rooms, clean beds and everything sanitary. Hates per day COo and 75c. I respectfully beg to announce that tho above hotels nro all oper ated under my solo ownership mid management, ami I VIhto Ibuiik )ou for your kind patroungn Iu the uiL mid I hope to,.dcservo suc cess In thu future. .-, Your obedient servant, HMIIi MOIIK He you Plutocrat, Autocrat, Aristocrat or Depioprat makcp no dif ference to us. You nro welcome. DELIGHTFUL NEWfJORT "Tried and True" Im this old rellnblo outing resort, with u wealth of natural scenery, healthful drives, a splendid luuich and mimoroua near-by points of luloroAt; l,glilhou$o, DeVll'a l'iin'ciiow, Real Hocks, etc. SM'ehil lm Iliiiiiij-Trji Season I'aics Wcck-Cinl I 'arcs lo All il'oluls ami vSuimIuj' , , i:,ciiilon I'a ics fioui Alliupy ami (Viiulljs via tho 4 ( The Kvposlliou l.lnc I Dirt DOUBLE DAILY TRAINS- .-1 It! ' ''1,1 ' '' i il -ll' i Vusi V b V. t I ll k' ii I 'i I. I ..'.';..'...,.ll'::.:.?..f::;i),A.M. .IlOQI'.M. .8i0l) A.M. I.cavo Albany, dully I.euvo Albuny, dully oxiopt Huudiiy l.euvo Corvallls, dally .. Leave Corvallls, dully except Hiinday ...., A 1. 10 P, M, Coniiecllous made al Alhnuy and CoivuIHh with H. I. trulns, Hpeclcal Kxciirslon Tialii will Ipavu Newport oycry Huiidiiy oveiilui; lit 1100 j.. in., nihil Coiwillln lOilfi ji, m AIDu;i- IU: Hi p, m, Good Finhiu Htrmima Along tho 0, Si E. At Kll( City. Morrison, Toledo and along llm Yiuiiilim ihor, also mi Ibo Hioliiuihiish uml Haiiilum rivers, on Iho ?ui Knd. Kor Kohlem ilet'rlliiii Newport im un oiiHnj! plucp mil on our hrur Avpl. John V, HidH, Oeiieidl PusM-pgir Agenl, 'oiiiiml, Di cuon, MMMir V, , 3T"V i.' "'" ' ' 1 1 - 'i