Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 08, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
I'nlr today nml Tlitirdty
Max. DO; MIii. (10) Hum. JW.
i ..
Korty-fourtli Year.
Dully Nlnlli Yenr.
NO. 92
i t
! i
-t ,
p1' tr-.
' i
v r
t f ;
Detrclaohone Installed Tells ol Being
Employed tiy Mrs. Carman An
other Witness Saw Woman Qarlied
ns Doctor's Wife Run Away From
Window Alter Slioetlmj Patient.
IMttiu Ciiimuu, wife il' Dr. Cimiinn,
wi mrosleil HlU iiflernoiui Tor lint
nmnliT (i)' .lr,lfillrv. Mix. Ciirmnu
mid Inkon Into cu-lodv nt her home,
where ,MVm. Iluilcy, n pnlienl of her
lnilinii', viti iiiyxlfrimiily "hut on
tin night of .limu 110. A charge of
iniinliT wiim lodge ngnliiNt her.
lu-tnllril Pf-terlnpliuut
(IiihIhii IIiiImmiuiiiiII, innuugcr of I hi'
iMcc lio ilivl-luii of it compiiny which
iniiiiufiicturcH telephone dot icon In re
cord tnnversiitinus, ttn the fir I uil.
iiimm luiliiy tit tin' rcHiunpliuii nf iln'
liiiiii'il Into the ili'ntli uf Mrs. l.nulo
K. Hnllcy, iiiynleriiiiiily nhot n week
ago Titi'Nilny night In Iln office nf
Dr. IMmIii Cnriiiiin. ,
It wits Ili)lhHiiniiiltV company tlm
lnlitllcd n trlcnliono tlevlcit in Dr.'
CtrinnnV office mniio limn lirforn llio
inurtlrr, h tlio (i nl cr of Mm. Cnniiiin.
Tim witness tnlil tmlny uf the first
mil nf Mr. Cnrinnn nt hi office. She
first nh nlm wiih n dreuutker, thru
nilinillril luir Identity, lluil kIiii liinl
limit.' dniucMle trouble nml wanted
In lienrVliitt went mi in Iht Inujhaiu&i
office. T lit witness mini iirrmigo
inriitH for llio rrnliil of I ho instru
ment were made Mny ID.
On Did same diiy Mn, rnnunn
made )tn to tnkti her husband
nwity for two duy white the instru
ment was being inslullctl. .
ltolniuiult miiIiI Min. Canaan luul
tnlil liiiu iilimil Mceint: n mihr ki
Dr. Cimiiiin. "Hlio mild mIid wii
iiimiI," liu went on, "when hlu snw
Unit ki-s, hut ulin nlum-l broke llio
window liy knocking nil it."
.Mm. Cnimnn told liiiu further, ho
unlit, that hn know her huhiind met
ninny women lintli in his homo nml
nut Mile, nml she linked Urn nitncHM
Wlll'llicr lit) (MMllll fllllllHll ill'lt'flitl'H
In fnllutv liiiu, Hint wild t'luiiliulit'
nlly kIiii winihl nut cut n ilit out, tm
uri'iiiint nf her iliiuhler.
Tim ttiliiehij kiiIiI uiiixnf hix iiitrii
ini'iitit tviiH Inslulli'il nml tlml Inter
Mr. Curmmi Inlil hlin he hiul hern
leeiiiif, in n illnry it reounl uf ev
I'lythlujr hint hennl nter the iiiHtru
Intnl. Hint milil ulnt luul mmiio ililli
fully In lifttrliiif nil Hint went on in
the tlni'lur'ri uftien liirniiHC the due
tnr nilil his wiuiii'h'h nilieulK niiine
I Continued on pte J.)
WASHINGTON. .July 8.- Cnlunel
Frmik h. Denny, rollreil from tlio
minimi yoipH. wiih nlmortt iiiHtmilly
killeil enrly toilny when ho full over
n huliiNtruilu u IiIh homo n the floor
helniv. Tlio report to tlm pnlioo ttulil
ho wiih walking' lu IiIh ttltiep.
Colout'l Di'iiuv'ri family helluvo ho
wiih Hout'il wiih un attack of voiIIko,
wiih wli'lvli ho wiih Huhjotil, nml fell
wlilo niuviiiK aliont tlm limine, llo
Hlriick IiIh lieail on n iiiiii'hlo top tuliln
un thu Intvur lloor of hU Iioiiho,
ciiihIiIiik IiIh hUiiII.
Colonel Denny wiih unit of (lie
hlurm nenlvrH hi n row lu Hut mnilno
eiipH linen yciii'H iiki In which II
wiih t'lmiKeil (hut u iiiiiuher nf Hluff
nffleern In WiihIiIiimIihi were I'unliull.
Iii llio I'nrpN, i-'orinor Hecivlnry
Mnyni1 uf tlm nnvy ilcpailmcnl, ufler
mi IiivcxIIkiiIIoii, nnlcrcil nil llio i'
licci-H coiicenicil n iIIhIiiiiI puhh,
HeiulfiiK Colonel Denny In Hun Finn
i'Iki-ii, IJiirJv (i IiIh iii)iiiIiiIh!iuI!iiii
I'H'nIiIiiiI WlUnii rcliiMicil )enuy n
WiihIiIuhIiiii, Culont'l Denny wit
timiiliiciil In lm ncliil uiul uliih Die
cf Ihv imj'iltil I
Colonel Spends Day In Consultation
With Progressive Leaders Says
He Has Nothing to Say at This
Time Question Still an Open One,
With T. R. Holdlnn Out.
NKW YOIIIC. .Inly 8.IW I wo
liuiirn Inilny Iln immeiivi' leinlfr
ur New York htitte uie.l every imm
inent nl their enuuiiiiiiil In iinluee
Colnnel ItuitMfVell lu nrfii Hint lie
wnultl nreipt (lie iiiiiuiuiilioti for
(juvenior. After it twin nil over Col
iiinil HoiKet ell xnhl he liml nnthiiijr
In ny nl IIiIm time, nml wouhl nut
i'Iiihiu'i' lii previous hluleunntH ile
eliuintr ( run. Il mum uuilertnol
(lint (he iiieliiiu wim tttill uu open
one, ttilh iht Iiiiiel I'onliuuiuif In
nIiiiiiI out nlnlli"! the triiHMitl tlutl
lie heml tint htnle tiekel.
NKW YOltIC, Jiilv 8. Wlirtlirr
rolnuel ItooMevell will ueeepl the pro-
urexxlvu notuiuiitiu for governor of
Kctr Ynrk mny w ileoMeil loilii" itl
incvliiiK nt ro:nioivi untinunl lieinl
iiunrlerx ln nf the uluttt lemlept.
Dele'itliuiiH of proureKrtlveN en did to
New York frnm nriuiiH pnrU of the
hlnlo In ure Colonel Kooxewll to
lake Ihe jiouiiunlioii. Thuy hiiIiI
frnnkly lln'.V luul n oilier enmlliliile,
nml luul no even ennxlilereil uuotlier
nntne for tlm Intnl of I ho tiekel. Tin)
ennfen'tien wiim to lie in Ht""lon nev
eml hourn nml Coloui'l llooievell wnx
eoiifrnutetl ttilh lint nltcninlivn of
either renncnllni: lu hrml lint ticket
or ileeluiliur to heed tint tirj;enl plens
nf virtually nil lint prominent lender
uf hi party lu the Mate.
Although ho luul Mtltl Kovotnl tlinen
llutt ho ttonhl not nreept the noinin
nlinu, he uiIiuIIh that IiIh tleuiuN hitvo
iniiilit little liupreHHiiin on hii polit
ical ithsocinlen.
Colonel HuuM'volt'rt pinillou xviih
reinforeoil hy tin utlitmlo of mo-
Kri'tfMiveH in oilier Mule. Kter .iiif
hit return from l!nroH ho luul been
reeeivii.K l.lterM nml lotriiiiirt
proicRhiviw in nil pnrU of the eoiiu
try, uruini; him nut to neeeiit the
nomination. In mhiio raxet it Iiiih heen
eluii-Reil that Ihe New York lontlorn
lire ttilllnr to inn llio ehunces of in
Jnrinn tlio parly in the nation for tlio
nkti of milking it piotl xhottiii),' in
this hi ale.
AmoiiK thoxo who tulkeil with CuU
ouel Knnsevelt wns Clnieuco V,
Dnilue, t'huinniui of thu progressive
Male committee nf Colorado, who U
trying to indiici; the colonel In visit
Colorado nml make nt leant one
.IuiIkIiik frnm tint roiiiuIa which
emanated from tlio counnol room the
ilelmto wah it Ihely olio, with Colonel
ItooMtvolt on olio hIiIo and everybody
eluo on thu othor. flcorno W. 1'er
kliiH unit purhnpH 30 othem attended
thu conforunt-o. Colonel Kooxovoll
win told Hint In hi own party thero
wn.i an overwhelming demand for
him to lead thu party nml ntraw
vottm taken In various nectlona of
tlio dtnta woro siibmlttod to hint In
an effort to provu that ho would naln
(Continued on paKO two,)
LAIIKDO, Tox July S.Tho con
Btltutlonitll.tH nro unlikely to accept
tho offer of tho NlaKura moillatortt
for u confeiouco with roprcsentatlvvs
of lluertu to nrritnito a provisional
oKuvornmunt lu Mexico, This an
nouncement, romluK from uuipioit
tlonublo snurcuH, reuched tho border
It wbh said by orrlvulu hero Hint
thu Koiiorals or llio rouslltutloiinllst
army to whom thu iiuMlou was null
milted for uilvlcu by (lenerul Car
ruimi, with lh tucuptlon of (lenerul
Ohri'Koii'M illvlnlun, who Imvn not )t
hud I linn o ruporli slrotiKly opposoil
liny such roiifeiininti,
I'unaiiru's Hiiswitr iIuvIIiiIiik In rnn.
ftir lius nut ( hvu wnl to Hiu
Aboro I hown Mrs. IxiuUc
tmBtmlF: ' Fmfe.- u?mZi&&L
"mirntk .i-t '. 'mmm -"
1Mb ... jl .: jy&riF ' "' "
VBV BraaBaaBaiiBaBMaaiMlW
mmnmmaimmmmlimmimSmmimmli mr.
In whote office he wnn ktlletl by bullet fired through window.
OTTAWA. Ont , July 8. KlRht
nieniborit of the Stefatuaon Arctic ex
IK'tlltlon, who ttern bel loved to bo on
U'ranevll Idnnd, off tlio coait of
Alatkn, with tlio ret of tlio Knrluk
party, which wim roported unfu inoru
thun a month oko, tiro now thought
to be lout, nccordliiK to a report
uttafrtl 1 l lit I it In ii f l nrliiik
,, rw,.,;.t.a ,0I,BW ,,, Ca,,.
tain Ilartlctt in Nome, llartlutt
commanded thu Knrluk.
Thu provtotiH report from which it
wits Inferred that tlio wholo party
had rvachotl WraiiKell lelaud, neglect
ed to mention two parties ot four,
which tot out ten ilayn after tlio Kur
luk ttatik ono for llcrlaud Ulaatl
ami tlio other for an unknown uliore,
illmly tllncernlblo through tint Arctic
ulKht Neither ot thcmi pitrtleit had
been hoard from,
Tlio lUiiportlitR party which ac
companied thu flmt party returned
and reported that pronronH baa been
vtopHtl by open water throo miles
from aboro. I'our men weru left
with provlHlon on tlio oiIko of thu leu
wultlntt for it chanco to laud. That
wits tho luHt heard of tlicni.
The uecuiul party was seen a week
later by an exploring expedition from
tlio main party, which reported that
Houchftt'H bunds woro froxen and ho
ttoomotl to bo In poor shape, but that
ho roftmod offers ot nBslstanco ami
transportation back to en in p. That
was tho last heard ot tho second
fuotliators, but no doubt was ex
prennotl by thoio In closo touch with
tho Blfuntlon as to what that answer
would bo, Bceordliits to travelers
from Bftlllllo.
Thu coiiBtltutloiiullst poMltlon, U
was said, Is that nu uKrotiineut to uc
copt n provisional Kovornmeut must
caiuo tho tiutbreuk uf other rovolu
tloimry movomonls, They pointed to
tho hniHtulnKs followliiK Mudoro's
UKrueuoiit to allow Do l.n llarra lo
bticomu provUluiiul president, nml
ilocluro I Imt thu mticomout fur a pro
suns tjflvernmeiit would scuiculy
liKVn heoil oiilcied Into with tho fnl
lowers of Unci tit hiifurii u ihnenii new
riivnliilloiiiiry luuvuiumits wnultl
sptliiu ill) In us niuiiy dlffeivnl juurt-tfi
Halley. well knowu oclrtr woman of He
-"' ' -i-'J-i-.-jar -
IWXVKIt, Colo.. July 8. The slnte
Htipn-ine court totlny held Hint the
Denver city liontU for ilnviug n tun
nt'l through the eontiuentnl divide, to
he UfOtl ly the Denver & Snlt I.:tko
railroad, were uuconsljtuthiutil on
the (.'round Hint it would lend public
credit to u private enterprise.
At it Kpeeinl election Inst February
the eleetorn of Denver authorized the
NNunure of .fll.OOO.OOO city bonds to
drive the tunnel, tho road to contrib
ute $1,500,000. lu tin nreeinent he
tween the city nml the rond, the hit
ler wiih to meet the interest payment
on the bunds mid provide for their
redemption. In llio ;ircemcnt tin
eily was pven Ihe rh;ht to uxe
NOOALKS, Sonorn, Mexico, July S.
In a message to C'arrnnca dttted yes
terday nt Ahullleo, Jalisco, General
ObroRon reports tin Important consti
tutionalist victory lu front of (!uad
lnjara. "Wo hnvu destroyed a federal col
umn that left Ouadiilajarn to meet us.
Tho flclit lusted :t hours. At this
tlmo tho enemy Is flcoliiK lu dlor-
tler, Icavlntr ten trains of artillery
and ammunition. (lenornt DleRiiez Is
In rear of (luadalajara, and I bellovu
nan of tho enemy will escnpo. Obro
l-OND DU I.AC, VU., July 8,
l.ouis Sonntatr, Heeietury uf the Wis
coiinin AHhonialiou at Miuler Flinii.
ln'i'H, nml imllett'il hy u federal u'liind
jury In lutvii nu cIiiiikch uf violation
uf Hut Hheniimi nnlilrul law, wiih
niniliicd hel'nut I'nllt'il KIiiIch CimiiI
I'oiiiiiiUi.ouci' lny l .Morn hero In
ilny hiiiI huiiinl nter I'm dial In Him
IViIcihI ciwiI ii IH'rt iloiucs uuiler
hand, of I'WO,
mpstcad, f. I., und Dr. Kdtvln Carman,
ST. PAUL, Minn., July 8. With
harmony In tho ranks ot the National
Kducatlon association assured as a
result of thu withdrawal from the
presidential raco ot Dr. David U.
Johnson of Ilockhlll, S. C, and L. II.
Aldermnn, Portland, OreRon, In favor
of Dr. David Starr Jordan, tho con
vention today put aside political ac
tivity and planned today meetings for
thu discussion ot tho different phases
of tho present system of education.
Supporters of tho Oregon man Is
sued a statement lato last night,
shortly after Dr. Johnson had made
known his retirement trim the con
test, nnnouuclng they had "at the
urgent request of Mr. Alderman,
withdrawn bis name and bavo united
with others lu maklui; unanimous tho
choice of Dr. Jordan."
Several committees submitted ro
ports to their various departments to
day and speakers discussed ualarles,
mental tests for rhclldren, school
gnrdens, use of moving; pictures In
schools, sox hygiene and numerous
other problems.
Segregation of mentally dotlclent
children wits recoemmonded In n
pnpor read by Dr. Fruukllu W, nar
rows of Iluffalo, N. Y medical In
spector of schools, boforo tho de
partment ot special edticactlon.
WARI1IN0TON, July 8. Support-
intf the udmiiiixtrutiuu miti-tntxt .pro
grnpi lu some particulars and onpos
ing it in others, tt delegation of bus
iness men, repre-cutin; the Chiuugo
Association of Commerce, conferred
mure than uu hour today with Presi
dent WiUon,
The conference luul lo do with
particulars of Ihe peiidiiij; miti-lrusl
hills, The Chicago dtlcpitlon udvo
filled ertlnhllhhini; u trade commis
hlou broader in wopo in omi re
kpccIh Hum Hint iiionci u the
Mint land hill and lonKcr In scope in
oilier rcpecs, They iiImi supituilcil
a iriivllui lo nialiit Illegal ccilaln
mifnlr InixincMt pmcllccs,
Hpeilkiiiuf mi thu labor CM'iiinlloil
I'liliistt uf I hit Chi Inn hill, Iht i)chl
dt'Hl (old Ihv Lmiiii' wen l wm In
1HUC WffiN
Reconstruction of Constitutionalist
Governmental Machinery in Chi
huahua Follows Settlement of Car-ranza-Villa
Feud Old Officials
Restored to Power.
KU PASO. Tex., July K. llccon
structlon of the constitutionalist gov
ernmental machinery In Chihuahua
will begin Immediately as a result of
tho settlement of tho Carranza-Yilln
dispute. Carranza officials, ousted
from office In Juarez and other Chi
huahua cities by tho Villa faction
wiicu tlio division oecamo pro
nounced, will be reinstated, was the
statement made today by Carranza
agents here. Such action would
mean tho restoring ot federal tele
graph and railway lines In Chihuahua
to the control of Carranza appointees.
Most of these men aro among tho 21
Carranza officials held as virtual
prltoncrs In Chihuahua City by tho
Villa authorities slnco the breach.
As a result of Internal peace ne
gotiations, at least three Carranza of
ficials will resign, owing t0ihe de
mands made by Villa's delegates to
the conference. Isldro Fnbela, min
ister of communication In tho Car
ranza cabinet; Alfredo Hrcceda, ont
of Carrania's special agents In .Wash
ington and General Isldro Trevlnos,
chief ot staff to the constitutionalist
leader, will bo rcmortil.-aecordlng to
well Informed constitutionalists In
El Paso. It Is reported that Itafael
Xubaran. special representative or
Carranza In Washington, also may re
sign, as tho Villa faction Is bitter
agalpst him. In return tor these
concessions on Carra nut's part. Villa
has acknowledged absolute subordi
nation to him, according to messages
from Torreon. Whether General Fe
lipe Angeles, chlct or artillery undc
Villa, will be expelled from tho con
stitutionalist ranks by Carrania's or
der still was a matter or conjecturo
among other ructions here.
hlto on tho surrnco everything
seems peaceable, there Is growing
convictions on both sides hero that
tho adjustment Is only temporary.
Villa Is sending his brigades north
ward rrom Torreon ostensibly to re
NOOALKS, Solium, Mex., July 8.
Oenernl Alvurmlo, the constitutional
ist commander in front of (luayman,
reported Hint Ihe entire fifth biittnl
ion of the federal garrison nt Hint
ort luul deserted nml pine over to
thu eonstitulioniilit forces. The
battalion consisted of (UI0 men, time
ly Yaoui Indians, who luul been un
der L'ommnntl of Mnjor l'ublo Mulut
of tho federal tinny.
Alvtirndo added Hint he had assur
ances that two more battalions of
the OuttymiiH garrison wero prepar
ing to desert.
tended to IokuIIxu Hie existence nml
operations of labor unions and siiuU
lar organizations ns sucli. Tho Chi
cago men replied they would improve
of such a provision if nnlhiiu; ulsu
wero provided.
The tlelegiitiou favored a railroad
securities hill, hut opposed a t'caliiie
of Ihe Newluudii I rude commission
hill, uliich would make nil corpora
tions render iiimuul reports In tho
cnuiiuUxinii. They Ihniicjit Hint Hiich
icporls shoiihl only hu iiiiulu when
paillcnlaily iMlcil hy the coiiuuU.
l'icxidcnt Wilson proiulxed lm del.
I'Kiillnii he would dy In irnnio u
coiifcifiice lu'lwccn Hum mid renin.
willilllvo CiivImkIoii f Willi Ulld,
who I'riiinc.l ln (iHilo ('phihiImIiih 4I
MM l WSkd Ik luMfrtl,
"a ad
President Wilson Says Country Needs
Experience and Ability of Caftata
of Industry in Carryiflf Out Great
Financial Reform UnicftakM hy
the Currency Bill. ' j.
WASHINGTON, July 3. Declaring
It would be unfnJrto ( regard, the
democratic .parly am Uie pn'omy or
big or little bulHCprldent Wit
son today gave out a statwnt In
support ot Paul Warbtirg'-rfffvNew
York and Thomas D. Jones or Chica
go, his nominees for tho federal re
servo board.
President Wilton's statement fol
llws: Not Kneiny to HhxIiics"
"It would bo particularly unralr to
tho democratic party and to the sen
ate Itself to regard It as the enemy
or business, big or little. I am sure
that It does not regard a man as an
object ot suspicion merely because ho
has been connected with big business
enterprises. It knows that the bust
new ot tho country has bewT pro
moted chiefly In recent years by oa
terprlses organized on a groat Ml
and that the vast majority ot th
men connected with what we ka
co mo to call big business are ttattest,
Incorruptlvo and patrietle. The
country may bo certain that ti is
UsrnieHibers or the senate a u
Is clear to all thoughtful mea that
those who have tried to make biff
business what It ought to be, are the
men to bo encouraged ant! honored,
whenever they respond without re
serve to tho call ot public service.
KxKrienre Demanded
"I predict with the greatest confi
dence that nothing done by the demo
cratic majority ot ihe Bonate ot the
United States will bo or a sort to
throw suspicion on such men. Mr.
Jones and .Mr. Warburg, In manifest
ing their willingness to make per
gonal sacrifices and put their great
oxpcrlcnco and ability at the service
of tho government without thought
ot personal advantage In the organi
zation or a great reform which prom
ises to bo so serviceable to the na
tion, aro setting an example of pa
triotism and or public spirit which
tho (wholo country admires. It Is
tho obvious business of statesmanship
at this turning point In our develop
ment to recognize ability and charac
ter, wherever It has-been displayed
and unite every torco ror the up
building ot legltlmato business along
(Continued on page two.)
WASIIINOTON, July 8. A pro
let ittfiiinsl the proposed NienriiKuun
treaty wiih eontuinetl hi it mesuKO
from President Molendest of Kttlva-
dor, luudo liubliu todnv hv Senator
Smith of Michigan, who laid it before
the foreign relations qommittey.
"Wu uro informetl Hint llio ener
Kctitt nroti'bt Hint my Koverument has
set forth lo tlio deimVtment of sule.
through the legation in Wiiuhlnr(ou
maiu(niniii); (hut the proposed Nica
ruKunn treaty wronjes Hiu riht8 liud
iulerc'sts of Snlvtulore, in (he Day ef
Fouseca, ha, not been brought to
tho knowledge of the neuate," it suld, ,
"In (hut sense, wo nxk Hie cowuHt
leu to rcipiite from Ike dsparlwwit
uf stulo Hut iliplomntli) currwMMd
uiiett lTKanliii)f nitld iiroleMt and lo
take II Into coiioldttrulion before 4
cldliiu' up 1 1 im)l(itr J44YW4rl
foi in lliut Ininorftbltt MnmHmUft
our dith)Hialio awtt-jMrH Uh !
liiiclid In Isnd nnr vet l Mk
Mlnl. Hml thu jwiwIrHMMtl wf Ik hh
liumuty nf. XUiMUffw muf jtiKm'i '
lhat ht Mtdiv hhI imjU Ik u
H'j,llltw mtftttiUm,
A. t
r'l,lHjflTillH trpfw n
( tirijimtmHm)Hi