4 ' . ,5 . r PITTOUR1 MEDFORD MATTJ TRrBIINTS. MEDTTORD. 'OUECION, TUI2SDAY, .TUIYV 7, 1i)t I. j'1 vs ll' ' ' feo" i" II. I Medford mail tribune an INHldWclSFuiCtfTi hkvkpaprr' PUHt-mnHD- mvkkt ,jkiiki- Hivisnr aktkrnuwn KXCKPT HUNDAT lir TUB mkui'ouu nuNTiNa co, The Domoorntlo Tlmn, The Medford 1 Mall, The McJford Tribune. The 8oulh m nrcROiilen, The AehUnct Trlbun. orrice Melt Tribune Hullillnit, lE-IT'U North Kir street: telenhtme It. Offlelst Paper ot lh Cltr of Medford. orriclel Paper of Jacksoa Countr. Kntered nn eecond-clem matter at Medford. Oregon, under the act ot March I, 1I7. BUBSCBUPTIOV ATM One rear, by innll,,. ,, ,16.80 One month, by mall , .SO, Pr month, delivered by carrier In Meiirora, JticKsonvme ana cen tral Point ,. .8ft Saturday only, by mall, per year S.00 Weekly, per year .. , - ... ISO Full Icnseil Wife AmorlMctl Press Wkh Mcdfor Stop-Orer II SCHOOL TO REOPEN What pnnni.-C! (ii be Ihe lutycd ninl imfl complete preimrtitory school for liny in Ihe northwest, wllcn 51 opoint Tor lis fir Icnn on September 2.1. IDL'I. I hat of the Ili?-liO Scolt school, m! untcd four miles from Yamhill, Or., oil the newly electrified stom of tlin Southern Pacific railroad. Tho koIiooI c.-talo comprises over 300 ncros and is owned tind ocrnted tinilur Ihu aupicc of tho Kpixcopal diocese of Oregon. Fully one-half of the acreage itt under cultivation, Gardens fruit orchards and one of the larger walnut proves in Oregon is part of tho sehol estate. The main school hull, which will lie fiiii-hi'd hy July 1. is a throo Mory t-trurturo rovcrinjr ground SOx 3 'JO feci, beinjr made- of tile and con crete, and in absolutely fireproof. It will co t abut $20,000 when finMiod. Tho IlisJmp Scott school will fill n loiifr-feJt want for an up-to-date and competent boarding pcliool for boys ill .Oregon. The boanl of tnis. tees efTthe f-choo) arc: Might llcv. the .llwhon of (ho Diocese; llcv. A. A. Morrison, l'h. D., rector of Trinity church, Portland, Or.; llcv. J. K. II. Simpson, rector St. Mark's church. Portland; llcv. C. . Robinson, rec tor St Paul'-a church, Oregon City: C N. IIw;iiiS treanurer Portland Hail way, Lifrht & Power Co.; J. W. flunong, icc-proi.ident Portland Plnurimr Mills, and John K. Kolloek, attorney, Portland, Or. T 10 INSANE MUNI J. (.'. Hamlin, alias J. C. Kogon., the borne thief, waH committed to. the iiir fume asjlum hy Judge Ton Velio TiiCfday after cxnmiiialiou by Dr. J. W. Ilobinson. Hamlin rented a honc and middle of (ho livery firm of Poycr Ilros at Kogitc llivcr, Wednes day, and rode the nuitnal to Wolf Creek, where he undertook to difose of the animal. lly ncculiur coinci dent (lie man to whom he offered the horse and Raddle for tho um of $: Wax Scott Iloyer, a brother of the Jloguo llivcr firm. He at once rocog- irizcil tho liorxo iih coming from the Itojiuc. llivcr htahle, and Mi-pectin;; cniokednoK, telephoned to liU bioth klATH0illU GET RULES SUSPENDED WASHINGTON, July 7. Permi Hjiui ag heat today by ho war ik parliiu'iit to Honolulu for the cm liHikatlou of l.")0 hoilu' ciicr 10 tulvo pasxau on the armv (lanr-pott Sliernian for San KnuieiitVit. WHieu Ihu Sherman ariivid in Honolulu from Manila, ho had room for hut thirty more paiuii;;ein un der i)i fcdunil regulations for wifoty il Mca. IlealixiiiK that llicv would Jfuvo to remain in II011I11I11 'nnotlior luonlh awniliii 11 traus)or(, the moji ilppeafejl lo , army officarn, who cmhlcd i) 'ciucht to WiiHhititu for leimi4Hi'u io allpw tho Sherman to rr.v 220 iiigeii;ir 111 cxetos of rttKulatioux. PRINCETON COACH TO TRAIN NORTH CAROLINA iiAii:i(iu, .v. g .juiy 7. t. n. ffnmvUnn, Iivd nMefi( f Ihu I'ul. wlty of N'tjikjCHroHiiii, hhhiuh'mI ImUy tlwlAlrilmSiH'illiul, hind km I'tck'nt PHietoii In 4 i'jir, n(p Itipm ('u'jiilHhuiii, heml lii'ld "Mrich M I'rUM'fioii in ltUI-12. Ium! km miMf4 lo j'imi'li Hie luu mul tnwi' lMl ik I'olwr it) n( NmmIj TKmKh E wl AND WN E VOLKKSTONB, HnRland. July 7 Although a deionileiit view of KnR lnud'8 chances of llftlnR tho l)vvlRl)t h Davis Intornatlonal lawn tonnU trophy thin year Is taken by tho Khr 1111 press anil tho sporting public, much Interest was dfoplajed lu tho prcllmlnnry round between Knglntul and Itclgluiu down Tor dcrhlon hero today, tomorrow and Thursday. TIo Knglleh team Is composed ot J, C Pnrko, II. Uopcr nnrrctt, A. It. F. Klngtcoto and T. M. Mavropordato. Tho DlKlan team consists of V. Dc Iloran, captain, W. II. Duvlvler, L. Trasonstor and A. G. Wnteon. Tlio eelcctlon of tho KnstllMt play era has heen much criticised. Parke, It Is, polntctl out, procd a creat dls Appointment nt tho Dcchonham try outs, where tho tennis papers declare ho was "distressingly out ot form," team. II. Hopcr Barrett and his part The judges, however, find It Im practicable to leave him out ot tlto ncr at tho saina meeting were badly beaten In the doubles. Kingscotc whose stylo na vary, graceful, lacked accuracy and strength: wbllo Mavro gordato did not distinguish himself. Many of the Icadiui; critics ex pressed dinappolntmcnt Iwcausc V. 0. l.ow, who brilliantly defeated Norman K. llrookes of Australia, did not ob tain a place on tho Kngllsh ten in. In caso tho Knglisli team should win from Ilclglum It wilt meet the French team at Wimbledon on July 11, 13 and It. Tho tint singles match In the prc llmlnnry round between Kngland and Belgium in the Davis cup tourna ment wont to Kngland today, T. M. Mavrogordato, defeating D. P. I)e- bordmnn by C-l, 6-3, G-l. J. C. Parke gate Kngland her sec ond victory In tho singles by defeat ing tho Belgian, A. (. Watson, -:. C-2, C-3. Tho double nil bo played tomorrow. DOWNWARD SLANT INHIH CHICAGO. July 7. Cool weather in tho north we.-1 tending to avert n f-prend of black rust gave tho wheat market today a downward slant. There wn also gossip that the gov ernment crop reiKiri would be bear irth. Disappointment at the compar ative indifference .-hown in Liter pool concerning yesterday' strength here, counted, too, against the bulls. After, opening Vm to 'e lower, the market continued to do-cend. Haiti in Missouri made the corn market easy Trade was rather light. The ojieuing, which ranged from off to h shade advance, was followed by a slight furl llcri decline. Paying on the part of the leading houses put some firmness into oats. Offerings camo maiulv from pit traders. Provisions held steady. Higher prices for hogs afforded a basis for support. t : BIRMINGHAM IRON RATES UNREASONABLE WASHINGTON, July 7 lu the so. called llirmingham pig iron case. the iiitcrptalu commerce conunii-ioii today held (hat existing rates oil, pig iron from, tint Kirmingham disirinl In Louisville, Chicago and Ilo-ion by rail and water were uurca-oimlile. No change was ordered on propm- tionul rates on Ohio to river cro- iugs. i Hxisling rail and waicr intci to interior New Kngland were pro- tipuurcd uurciisoimble, and icaoiir ) . .. . ... .. i aitKmie im roriiann, ,Mi'.; ripnug field, Mass., and Lowell, Mas., were preenbrd, with icduclious to inter ior Niu Kngland points, "T FEDERALS SEIZE AT SAN I'ltANClBCO, Cul., July 7 A wlrolcs mi'tisuge to Cnptuln I-'reilo-rlck Jebsou or this city , owner of the Mexlcun Kclioonor Halwidor. notified him tlmt the Kulvudor had been Milled by thu feduraU ut (Juavnms ami ll( HhcrUr Ollhertp Almedu wh JoadliiK hor with-his omi iitrfiaKj dM), siipiwudly ron.lKiicd to KhIIiim t'nu, Ihu PmcKIc lormluus of Ihu 'IV huMfi(epi, railway. Cm HI III Minn liit'rprl Him ihw. mai(o is oImiiik ' Monro I hut I ha nn- I'llUllllll Hf flUIIWIIUS, lfl piti(l SINGLES HUSTON TENNISPRELIMENARY L TO ACT WATER SCHEDULE Adjiiitiucut of tho Siskiyou Height water controversy, steps toward im provement in tltt? water system and the inereiisluy; of tho supply accord ine to the phuis of Counoilmau Medynxki, and vacations to city em plojes, ill he the )riueipul mattert eominir heforo the oitv oouueil nt tho regular iiicvtiiH tonight. In reganl to the Siskiyou Heiahl.s water rales, it is expected that n compromise will he reached, the oitv receding from its tdnud firt adopted. Many of the properly owners gave tho riuht of way nenw.s their laud, iiH)n tho understanding that thev wore to receive water nt city rate. Tho matter was referred at tho hist mooting to u committee of th whole, which is expected to report. The economy policy of the ndmiu itrntiou early in the year wiped out the two week-' vacation on pay to city workers, and some oC Ihu coun cil arc now favorable to grunting n week's vacation on pay, but not two weeks. The vacation decree effects policemen, firemen and nil emploves of all department, and will be dis- CtlCll. Councilman Mcdynki will seek au thorization for the expenditure of be tween 100 and $100 for repainno leaks in the city pipes near tin in take, rclimbering the (iOO-foot tunnel and delating the intake viilw. so as to increase the water supply in the neighborhood of a million gallons. Tho regular batch of monthly bilU and routine business will bo trans acted. A E NKW MKOKOltl), Ma-.. July 7. The aid of the state department in obtaining tho relea-c of Juan Ve lasco, a wealthy Mexican cotton manufacturer, who i reported to be held for random by a band of Zap nti'tas, was invoked today by John K. Funinns of this city, United States representative of the Velasco fnctories. Fumans in a me.ssase to Secretary Pryan said that Velasco whs threatened with torture unlets n rnn-om f 1,000,000 pcos was paid. CONTRWnOLD NICKEL ON DOLLAR KANSAS CITY1, Mo., Jury 7. Three construction empauios who jbnilt Ihe Kansas City, Mexico & Orient railway, and which went into bankruptcy with tho road, were nnc lioned off today for ." cents on the dollar. Heiijniuiu S. Hanuou of New York City, representing the stockholders' committee, bought nil three compan ies for an aggregate of $ l.'i.OOO. CHICAGO. July 7. - A special grand Jury to Investigate thu col- lupto wl tho Lu Hallo Street Trust and BavingB Hank, today was ordered by Judge Hrenteno, chief Justice of the criminal court of Qool; county. PROFESSOR MEEK DEAD VICTIM OF SCIENCE CHICAGO, July 7. A i-tiin of his eiiihiisjasm for science, Professor Selh Kugene Meek assistant curator of zoloiy at the Field Museum of Natural History here, is dead todii) o illness lirouglit on liy exposuro during an expedition in .Mexico, Pro fessor Meek was an authority on lip. tishus and reptiles of (his hemis phere. He was n member of the United Slates fish commission. DULUTH POLICE SEEK FORGER WHO ESCAPED ni'MTII, Minn., July 7.- -The u. Jico and county oiticdrs are hunting today for Hurry W. Gucil, confessed forger, who escaped fiom n room in Ihe St. LoiiN county ciiiIIioiino late yo.eiiay; after Im hud pleaded lfiiilly,o iorgery, ' Uncil lin gouu inidur the ulifi-H'M f Alfred If. KIkwhiI, F. W. Cum ron, II. AIIh'iI HUiMfiiri mid J', W. Allen, Why Not (IH ho licit itiunliK, Gov, Johiirmi, ufid lilKti I'ultoHi Uywy, I COUNCt UPON SUBURBAN TO PLAY DE ORO FOR THREE-CUSHION TITLE UGblL-: - I m BH BBBBBBB, BBBB vb v wlBr' Bh 1 W "! SlwV BBBH W I - -T "KMVjBBBj v 1' J ? iFVIbbbV yi bbbH Ueorjru W. ilooro bus challungnl Alfredo Ho Oro fur the Jortlnn Lam bert trophy, emblematic of the ehiui' plonsblp of the World, at thrro-ctndilon rarrom billiard., and has drosltiM $11KI In stipiHHt of bis cb.illcngc with tho rtrunswlck-ltalke-Collendor Company. Moore Is ttie holder of tho record of 13. the highest ruu ever made at three ctmhlnns. TO DEFEND BRITAIN T LONDON, July 7 As a dofcne agal!it atai-kH by air craft the Mrl tlsh government todnv decided to dot the coasts of tbe llrltlsh Isles with n series of towers, each armed with two iiulch-flrlug guns of spccla'l de sign. complete rlrclu of tuners N to bo erected nriiund naval stations such as Portsmouth and llosyth and at oilier specially fencrablc points. JOPLIN TRAINMEN STRIKE FOR MORE PAY PITTS HI IK!, Kan.. July 7.--One hundred ninl fifty traiumcii of the Jopliu & Pittsburg railwa, an In terurbaii line which connects Pitts, burg mid Jopliu with several other cities in this section, striutk for higher wages today mid tied up Ihe road. Till: IIA.VCi: OF DKATII at tiii: isis tii i:ati:k I!ceauno of Richard's Indolent habits, Mabel refuses to marry him. To show his ability to mnkn nood, the boy loaves for ono of tho South Sea Islands as secretary lo tho (J. H. cote huI. Itlcbard. meota Sahkl, a native dancing girl. Shortly afterwards, he makes her his wife according to the iintlwi rites. Hulil;!' heart almost breaks when Itlcbard later lolls hur he must return humc. Although he promises to return shortly, Ihe boy forgets Hahkl when he mots .Mabel u-Hiu his return to tliu nlatus. Mabel agrees to marry Itlcbard. On tho Island of Maultnlu, Hahkl, with bur new-born babe In her arms, wults for her lover's return. Laii(;baum, a theatrical manager, co i lies to tho Island and sees Hahkl dancing before Imr child. Tho man Induces her to como to Amurlra and go on tho utiiKe. Hecausi) It will take Imr near Itlcbard, Hahkl leaves Iter home. Naliaku, hor sister, goes with her, Thu iiluht lioforo their wedding, Itlcbard and Malml go to tho theater. Itlcbard Is thunderstruck when he dlsvera Hahkl on tho stage. The weird ilnnco scores a tremendous sue less, Hahkl Is compelled to respond to tho dumand for an encore. Just as the music commences, bur eyes rail upon Itlcbard, Intuition tells her he has proven faithless Hahkl throws herself Into the damn, holding the audlenco spellbound, At the climax, she raises her knife and pluiiKes It Into hor heart. Conster nation relKiis when It lu discovered that the "Dnpco oft Death'.' Jms ended In grim nmllty. Itlcbard hastens to the dressing room. ' Ha clasps Hahkl In his arm's just ns shn breathes her last. Nub nk ii urlnily places his child )n tho man's arms, Thus Miihol find him. The rnnioriio.strlclten.iimn tolls her the ilroisdfii story. Filled wltii pity, Mabel lakes thu Infant from Hlcliurd's arms and prppilsp to love It us thuiiKh It were lipr own. John A. Perl UNDERTAKE L1 Asslsuut WH, IIKTIrf T m ELERS SHOULD T A. S. Ilosenlmuni, who returned on Tuesday from Pot (land and as a i suit of his experiences saN thai if tho people of Jaeksou county who traxel umko it it praolieo to place it few Juekson ooitiitv booklets in (heir suit eases or grips ami leave u lw in tho oliM'tviilInu oars or Pulhuuu, wheio thev will ho road hv tho through travelers, much good will re sult. Leaving Poitlaml last niylil, Mr. llosonbaum left si of the Jaok miii county booklets in tho ohervn tiou ear. This mondng tin passen gers wen asking tho potters and lirakomou when thev would roach tho llogtu llivcr valley. Tho brakeiuon tinned several of tho iiupiiiers over lo .Mr, lloxonbiium mid found them anxious to leuru of the valley, uud was husv from Graiils Pass to Med- ford pointing out the different sec tions mid telling id' crops olimalo, hunting, fi'hiug, mineral, water uud other resources. Tho booklets can ho had for tho asking at tho Southern Pacific pus--euuer of I ice. It is udveilisiug that costs us nothing ami can but result in much good. NOT GUILTY PLEAS BY PLUMBERS' TRUST DKS MOINF.S, la.. Jnlv 7.- Pleas of not guiltv were today entered in federal court before Judge Smith McPhotxnu for each of tho Ihlrly- six officials and members of the National Association of Master Plumbers, recently indicted on charges of conpirucv in ro-trnint of trndn in violation of tho Shcnimr; ant-trust law. None of tho defendants appeared in court in person, tho pleas being tendered by counsel. Judge Me Phprsiui set the ones for trial on December 8. The federal grand jury indictments were returned Juuo I last. All of Ihe defendants are at liberty on bond. They reside in Iowa, Illinoi. Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota. Missouri and Nebraska. Government Tests Ilorcnt governmaih. tests of linking pow ders disclose, tho tact that Aluminum Compounds a used In Baking Powders ALL (JllOCCItS are morn wholesome than Cream ot Tartar or Tar taric Arid used III the, old time Trust powders. Wrllo uu lor copy of If. H. llullclln No. III.'! Dcpt. 'of Agriculture. Always iniu price, 2.'c pound, CUKSCIJNT .MFG. ( Hcalllc, Wash. SUMMER RESORT ROGUE RIVER RANCH tlO .xuies Froui Medfonl FINK FISHING 1 louts mill Tennis Hates 1. 50 per day, 17.50 per week. Passenger rates I3.C0 ono way, by Crater Lake Auto Htago For -Further Information Wrlto PAIL II, OI'DVKK Trail, Ore. FOR HIRE Private Auto drive my own car and give good sorvico at REASONABLE FRIGES E. A. GRAY 25-R5 OR 882-R SEE THE Hughes Electric Ranges AT Paul's Electric Store RIBUTE JACKSON CITY BOOKLETS mz MRS. H. L. LKAOH Export Coratlre; 82U North Burtlott. Phono fitfJt M. Iv L E I N Will LOTHES MAUL' IN ML'DFOUI) Next duor to First National Dank, upstairs Mi:iroltl TAII.OItH 300 Is thu Number ut tho Medford Taxi Co. Office Wilson's rii;ar Ploro, First Door West First National lluuk O, V. MYKIIH .VJ J. C. CAKH I'rtiprletors OUR PROCESS IS THOROUGH Kvorj garment cleaned by im Is made sanitary and clean with our Moilcm E(iiipmcnt and lixpcriencotl Help Wit are uhle lo glvo you service Hint Is only sislblu to got lu tin larKer cities, I'hono a 1 1. Wo will call. Crater Lake Auto Service to CraterLake l.vo Mitilforil Mondnvs. Wmlnos. days and Frldns. I.v. .Medford Motel K.00 a.m. I.v Holland Hotel S.0.'. a.m. I.v. Nash Hotel . ... N:I0 a.m. I.v. Kaulo Point . .... K: Till a.m. I.v. Derby 9:30 a.m. I.v. McCloud . . 10. 05 a m Arrive at Prospect . . 11:30 ant I.v. Prospect -13: IG p.m. Arrive at Crater Lake . . 1:30 p.m. Itcturn trip not run on schedule time. Hates for side passenKers Iletw'u Medford ft Caclo Point f I 3.'. " " Derby . 3 3fi MrUloud . ... a.30 " Prospect .. 5.60 Piilon Creek n.73 Crater I.nke lu.00 Hound trip to Crater Lake IH.II0 When no side pnssonKers on Derby route, will ko by Trail by sin-rial arrnuKomeut. Fare to Trail 3.00 Parlies wishing to go fishing up ItoKiiu Hlvvr can go up one duy and return ttio next. HALL TAXI CO. COI UT HALL, .Mgr. Of flio Phone Hill. (Jsnmc Pliouo UKI The Popular Drink RITEWAY COFFEE ('s Ifoi'islt'tl Uaily in Mod ford. It's ISIciidcd in Mcdl'm-d. .It's the IickI. in AlfMliord. Wliy not uhu iMotllord Cul- f(!07 Jf you cxixjct to build up your town, iiho Iioiiio ro duclH. ilc your grocer and insist on lii.s .sending you The Riteway Coffee WESTON'S CAMERA SHOP 208 East Alain Street Medford Tlio Only lOxcliiHive C'ommorcinl .PliolograplierH in Roiilliern Oregon NegallveH Made any llmo or jdaee liy ajipoinliuout fliruio M7-.I We'll do Ilia mi V 1 liBctmsivr ?$0$ STAR THEATRfe Wiilno-day and Thuisday Drtnlol Piolnuiiil Offers thu American Actor WILLIAM FAHM'M In the KMpilsllo Production "TIIH ItCDKMPriON OF DAVID COHSON" Kpeclal Auitmentod Accompnnliumit III Ceiili AilmMoii III i'eH ISIS THEATRE Photoplay Tucdny and Weilnesdiiy The Dance of Death Kalcm two reel Fonture. Featuring Alice .lolro I'ATIIi; WCCKLV NO. lid .M.xtnfiA's iii:iii:i.lion Comedy, With Alice U'nuliluirn and William Wadsvvorlh lleii 'I'hnr-diiy AM.MATKD CAHTtMLMH Coming I'Hilay ,MVi:NTCItlnC KATIII.VV Ml, II PAGE i THEATRE J i NP.MMCIl 8LSON Cool, Coinfortnldi, Well Veutllntril Monday wuil Tuoday I'cnluro Till: SUA COAST OF lUHIK.MIA ItOAIS AND ItO.XCItS Comedy PfltHCIT OF HATH Drama WHKN SMALT. WVKA Sterling Coined)' PACK TIIKATKIt OIICIMTItA Heven Pieces Mr. Harry llownll, Director Aulli I lie Cblldrro .1e Ctory Kieiilug Tll.1 O'Clork Coming Wi'docMbiy. and TburiMlny .MI.'IH'IIA.NT OF VIINK.C In Four Parts No Ch-iiiRv In AdmlMilon for This lllg Prndiictlou Wood, Shingles, Shakes Unvo your orders at tho L'ast flldo Wood Yard for tho winter's supply at reduced prices,. Delivered any 1 1 mo, (1. FAHKK .111 tlnst .Main Sticcl Every Day Is Fish Day Provided you have (he I'lrjli, and our l)iiniiii's i.s to Hiip- ply ihe fish at all iimcH, and we do it. Clioiei.'.st on Ihe niarkel, ineluding ROGUE RIVER SALMON The bent thai Mwiuis. '.Pry il and see. MEDFORD FISH & POULTRY MARKET UNION FEED AND LIVERY STABLE PULL EQUIPPED ii " .f i 'i it", LIVERY STABLUS AMBULANCE SERVICE 312 South Rivei'Mido Phono 3.r0 GAUNYAW & BOSTWICK lJrciir!v(vrt r h, ( ririHivn, roii i