w Orefiw Hfstrxrfral Sodifc 'W Smnrirf Slreff Medtord Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Vnlr Mm. IMS Mln. nt ltd. Hum. 21, !. IIMHWMMiMBI t. ft i7 V if ! 'P.: " A A. .Mi L: . . .!.. vy v h' rl ' Forty-fourth Ytnr. ., jliillyNlnHi Yimr. m CARMAN'S UFE WARBURG QUITS F THREATENED BY RESERVE BOARD j FAIR UNKNOWN TO AVOID QUIZ I Pttllnilelplilan Adds Mystery to Dnlley Murder Case hy Telllnii of Strmifjc Actions of Another's Wife Who Sought to Kill Physician Went Into Hysterics at Sight of Carman. rilKKI'OKT, K. V., July 7. Pri vale iiml county detective continued today their tiivcMli'iittiui nf the ntur ilcr of Mrs. limine Malley, who wx mi mysteriously shot while In tint of fice ..f Mr. IMwin Curmnii. Tln in- iinl into llii- murder, niljniiriii'il -lenlay, N In ln returned tomorrow, piovidcil tin' mutter i iml taken nut if lln iininiTH IiiiiuU by the urn ml jury. Dr. I'nrtiinii said today In wclcnm ii !li. nrrlviil ItiMt night of tin chief if it detective iigeuay iiml Ii'ih men, "If Hi" I'Hiiiity Iiml nut luri'il tin llimi I Would IlllVe dolie "11 wlll'll tlm linpicl was concluded," Iiii niiiiI. "Dining tin Interviews this nniil mnl liirt Hiilinrilliiiiti'H have Iiml with my wife Ihcy illil llii'lr bcl, jtit u tho I'limijy authorities iliil. to rnal;o her change Iut tiry. 1 believe she ha told lli' whole truth. Tin1 detective chief l welcome nt our house nl miv time. I hope Iiii inn fiml tin' person who murdered Mr. Halley mid I Mill give him all the hcli I ponslbly rnu." Thrrntcnei1 Hy Woman I'lllUliKM'IIIA July 7, -John Howe T thh city, rr)nrli'il to have i'i'ihoiM'il I)alil Kennedy of Free Mirt that a wiunnu with whom Howe wih cmltiug hail tlirrnti'iiril to kill Mr. fiiniiiiii, was fomul here loduv mul ronfirmiMl the story tolil hy Dr. Carman to deleclivci. Mowc, In business tier, said thai summer before Inst he Invited a Free port man ami his wife to an oullng mi (Irrat .South Urtv. 1 1. I In his mo torlioat. I In would not give Ihrir mime. "V lauili'il at an Maud," Howe Haiti, 'mul ran aero David lCriiiii'ily ami Dr. Ciinnim. ''I knew them both. The moment we haw them the woman in our piuly screamed ami ran buck to he liuiit. Ilcr IiuhIiiiihI remained, hiiiiIm'i ami nonplussed liy his wife's iietinn. ! ran to the hunt after her. I found her on a Heal in hys teric. Kim wan screaming, 'Thai mini ruiiieil my husband ami ruiueil men. I am going to kill him if it taken a lifetliuo.' Site picked up n paper knife shaped like a danger ami Marled to leave lite limit. I caught hohl nf her nttil kept her liaek ami iiMkeil whiuii she meant. 'Dr. Car man,' him Haiti." efllr) Fvplmiiitloii Howe said the woman refused to explain her aelioiiH. When her Iiuh IiiiihI nunc ahoanl the parly returneil to IVecporl, "Neither one of them spoke of Die lueiili'iit again," daiil Hone. "I iliil not hy to Iiml out the reiiHou for it. ami never nnvo it another IIioiikIiI until thin iniinlcr oceurieil." Ilowo telephoned Kennedy of the Incident anil Ihu hitler rem I led it ami Hiild In) woiilil notify the police. Howe almt unid ho hail a lelephoue iiiohniiku from Kreeporl tmlav Unit de tcclivcH had liono lo (he woiiianV hiuiHe, hut did not find her at home. DENTAL CURRICULUM HOCHICSTKIt, N. Y July 7. in IiIh aiiniiul uddrosu hoforo tho Nu tlonal Dental uiHorlntlon , which nponod Hi ol-litooiith iinmiut convon Hon hero today President Humor 0. Ilrown, of CoIuhiIhim, Ohio, declared tho dontal coIIoko curriculum ahould ho Inureuiod, luhtriictlon rocolvod In more of our dontul collogv In hlHtoloK)'. tuiutor lolotfy mul iyitooK)'t o meiiKur," ho mild, "Hint tho present iirmlimto In not Ntifflcloiitly Vur.ed to coimldur It u preparatory rourno whloh would admit lo morn advanced work. Thu preliminary oiliicutloiwil luiiulriininiiU for mutrlculHtloii idiould ho udvuiini'l mid thoi o l no heller way (u iiccnni. plUh UiIm limn lo liuvo npeclflo r. illrnliieiilM llirori'iuiileil nlu our rurloiiK lly UCHlttl bw," New York Memhtr of Federal Bank Sends In Resignation When Senate Banking Committee Begins Exam ination of Board Appolntrrs President Requests Reconsideration WAMIINflTON, July 7 I'nul M. WiirliurK of New York toilny form ally rctli'i!i'd I'renlileiit WIIhoii o withdraw IiIh nouitmillon lo ho a mninlMir of tho federal renervo Imnril. The preiiltteiit wilt do o loilny. Mr. Wnrhuri:, a niemher of tho ImnUliiK Iioiiho of ICiihn, l.oh anil rompaiiy. wan noiiiliiateil for a four )enr term When the peiinle hnnk Ini; rommtltee lio:itn examining per nonnlly all tlm flvn inndlilnten noinl unteit, Mr. WnrhurK luillrnteil Im did not wIhIi o he ipieiitloaed It)' the coin inlttio an a roiidUlou to Inklnc Ilia niioliitmeiit. Todny ho railed tho while hoiuie office liy lelephoiui and reipifttled tho prcnldciit lo withdraw hi nomination. There wan no Intimation who (tin prcMldrnl mlitht rhoono lo fill tho place. Tho cliann In ponmiell, however, will tint further delay tho actual oritariltatlou of tho now cur rency v) ittem. Tho denote Inn nlrady confine.! W. V. (I. Hardline. A. C. Miller and ('harlcii H. Ilamlln a nieinhera of tho board, and they, with Secretary MrAdoo and Comptroller William, who Reno an member ex-offlclo, con dtttute a ipiorum, which now may proceed with tho work. Ijiter tiHiilay Mr. Warhunr rom miiuirateil with while Iioiikc nffielaU ami I're-ideiit WiIhoii heat him a lei eram anklnu' that he reconsider his ileelinallou lo Hcrvo on the hoan!. .Senator llitehcoek of the ncuale haukiiiK eommitlre,' nhout the mime time, received a telegram from Mr, Wnilnirjr ileelinini; lo appear liefore the eouimittee. NI'.W YOIIK, July 7 I'nul M. Warliiiri: nald today that ho did not caro to iIIkcum at thin time hi withdrawal from tho federal reervo hoard. SALEM APPEALS TO SAI.I'.M. Miiki.. July 7. -Mayor I Iiii ley made puhlie todnv a telegram iveeiveil from Ihe iiiavor of San I'rmielheo, auiiouiieitij that lie tip pealoil to Ihe people of that eily for eoiilrihiitioUH for Ihe lelief of the fire mifferern here. A reiptest that eaeh do all in hN power to have tho Hiiudry eivil hill ameudeil in Ihe Culled Stutek xeunte ho that an appropriation of $200,001) recommended liy j'roHiilent Wilson for the relief of Ihe firo ufferern here, inii.'ht he provided hy eouuiem, was telegraphed loilay to every New Kiiir lauil Heuator hy John II. Tivtiau, ehaiinmii of tho executive hoard of the relief eouimittee, A request was sent lo thu senate iippropiialions committee. Weather Predictions I'Oim.AND, Or., July 7. OrfKon mid WashiuKloui Fair tonight, proli ahly Hhowerx lomoriow; cooler Wed nesday, e.veepl near (he count ; south westerly winds, Idaho -Touif-ht ami Wednesday partly cloudy, prohahly blunversj cooler Wednesday. WASHINGTON, July 7. Carran zu' action In dismissing Qonorul l'o llpo Angeles from tho coiistltutloiiul Ul army with Its prospects or another break with Vlllu, vv,an tho principal topic of iIIhcuhhIoii toduy iiiiioiik cousiltiitloiiiillHts iiKcuts hero. Charles A. Douglas, (lenural Carran ii'h niiinsiil, declared openly that Angola must bo removed from thu hltiiiillou hoforo peura could ho hmiiKht about between Ciirraiiiu unit Villa, AicorilliiK lo olio piirwiniil iiKHmuKo fioiit Vlllu, rw.'lvtid liero toduy from CARRANZA DISMISSES GEN. ANGELES wili MEDFORD, Mff'4-H4HH'M "iDnvvarb, (Tbrfetian JUT THE . v 1 " - HUERTA'S TROOPS IN OPEN REVOLT VKItA CUUZ, Mexico, July 7. Hrluadlcr Oenerol Kuimton mado pub. He todhy cople of teleKrnm ex rhanRed lat nlRht kotweeu the. American army headquarters and l.toutenunt Colonel Izunia, coinniund- or of too Mexican federal out post. In hU dispatch, Izunrn italtl: "I'artloiiH of my Infantry nutpoat linn revolted and I nm unahlu to re dliro thoin to order." Tho i:encrnl sold ho notlflod (Ion ernl Funiton becauno ho denlred (o prevent alarm iiiiioiik thu American outpoRtH In tho event of thu iiiutliioiin troop neeklnc to enter tho American lines or of an action occurrlni; ju their vicinity. (leneral KuiiRton nsstircd Ituiua that tho federal deserters would 1h arrested promptly if they npproachod tho American outpoatn. Tho extent of tho revolt wan un known to headquarter hut It vva he llovod that It affected only a hiiuiII portion of (ho Mexican force In front of the Auiorlran Hues, Colonel Uunia col cloce enoiiKli to tho flceltiK outpost r.outh west of Tejlrla thin mornliiK to warrant him In attacking tho inutlnecrs hut they did not stop to resist, replying only with a dcattorliiK firo. NKW YOIIK, July 7. Tho pulilio funeral and demonstration planned for Saturday hy niiarehists and oth ers in honor of llm three men ami tho woman killed liv the homli ex plosion 'of July , has heen enllcd oi r Torroon, differences between hlmsolf and Currunxa mo being satisfactorily udJiiHtod. No mention was uiuilu of (lenerul Angeles. Ponding tho outcome of thu Tor reon conference, Carranza's agents continued their waiting for hU do (Ulon as to (ho proposed conference with lluortu's delegates, Juan K. Uniutdl, socrelury of tho coimlltu llonalUt party, who leronlly started for Moxloo on u confldimllal inUuloii. riilurneil loduy, Ills frlemU nrwl him not to Join Currmira Iihimiiho ol Ills rtvoivnil support of Vlllu, FUN N REPORTS OKIMOtf, '.IVKHDAY, JULY 7, ION. M I I '. It f I mhi I ? DOCTOR SAYS HE MlTST -.H .4.Hl M4UI4 I KKW YOIIK, Julv ".- Stocks iiiov- j ed in an irregular manner for Ihe , preiiter i wirt of todays m'hsiii. with marked fluctuation in the Goulds. In the later operations fairly Inrve transaction in the speculative favor ites resulted in a general recovery, willi net ains of a point or heller. The closing was strong. Most stocks of speculative import ance were unchanged, as to quoted values in today's early dealings, hut showed mi inclination to recede later. Speeial issues were again prominent. United States Kpresf, Mexican Pe troleum, American Tohaeeo, Stude- haker and Central Leather preferred rising 3 to I',, points. Ontario fc Western and Ciinmlinn 1'aeifie de clined a point, while Hock Island re corded a new low price at IVi. Ad vices from Paris pointing to the suc cess of the new r'reneh loan cxeilcil no influence heie. OF BUBONIC PLAGUE NUW Oltl.HANS, I.n July 7. Another cuho of bubonlo plnKiio wan announced Into today hy tho federal health official. John Jackson, aid eur old negro hoy dlod July 2 nt his homo about three, mllus from thu ori ginal Infected district, llactorlolo Ktcal experlmentH riwo positive evi dence of this dlscauo. It Is tho sec ond death since the outbreak of tho (llbcano. PIIILADKLPIIIA, July 7.-The steamship Great Noilheru, built for tho Gieul Noitheiu Slennisliip coin puny to ply helweeii Porltaiid, As. lot in mul Kau Francisco, was launch ed today ni the ("rump shipyard. The vessel was ehiisteiii'd hy Mrs. I!. M. Lncey, wife of ('. I'. Lucey, iniuiue Miipei'liileiidelit of Ihe Hcnnisilp coin puny. The (Iti'iil Noi Ilium Ik frj'i feel long mul will he Jilted up lur liolli iiivni'r Mild 1'ivlnht sfiviviS . I 1 llrf.14 J STRONG RECOVER STOCK mm NEGRO DEAD 5IMK AMI v r A Solbter." GO SLOW. 144 I l-MI II f-- . TO BE CANDIDATE AGAINST JOHNSON ST. PAl'!, Minn., July 7. While the pommitlee on resolutions labored with such questions ns sex hygiene, tho pence movement, n federal board of education, and while speakers pleaded for better .salaries mid penr sions for teaehers, political workers of the National Kdueatioii associa tion, the annual convention of which is in progress here, continued the nr (ivities today in n campaign for the presidency sueh as haft nevjr marked a previous session of the convention Sunirise was created at hcadquap ters when friends of Dr. David Starr Jordan of I.elaud Stanford university announced Hint their candidate wculd insist that his iiamo bo withdrawn from tho race if a fight were made in committees by supporters of. Dr. Johnson, Uoekhill, S. C., the chief opponent of Dr. Jordan, No sooner had the possible with drawal of Dr. Jordan been announced than administration supporters sug gested Ihe presentation of tho name of Dr. Jame.s ltaker, president emeri tus of the state university of Colo rado, as an eleventh hour candidate lo oppose Dr. Johnson. A high offi cer of the association stated that sueh a move might bo expected. KLAMATH PALLS. Ore., July 7. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Clopton, of Ilonunin, Ore., wero Indicted hy tho county grand Jury hero toduy on a charge of betting firo to tho Uanania postofflco last winter. LOTS OF MONEY PARIS, July 7. Although tho Hank pf Franco has not mado any of ficial announcement It wis reported on tho llnurso today that tho public had applied for moro thau forty times tho amount of tho Issue mado today of 1101,000,000 of tho new govern, ment 3 Hi Por cent loan. If this should prove true, tho application liuvo amounted to more than Ihu on. the national debt of France, Tho limn on lis admission la the lloitrso toduy Immediately roso from U, iho prlco of Issitu, to Ul.US. Tlm Kuiiorul market did not repoml syni pslliKl'lcully us Is iiuuul whn guv- 1 t f t I t . M DAN REFUSES CONCLUDE 1 BETWEEN V A i IIARRANZA Conference at Torreon Renorted to Have Come to an End Villa to Come to Saltillo to Seal Bend of Allegiance Carranra's Currency Issue Is Point of Conflict. TOIlllKO.V, Coahulla, Mexico, July 7. Tho Carranza-Vllla conference' rame to a close lata last night. No statement concerning It transactions wa lumied other than five polna at dUctmslon had been settled. ' HALTILLO, Mexico, July 7. fien ral Villa will come to Saltillo and by a Krronal viMl eal a bond of friend hlp and alleftlanco to Rtmeral Car' rama, according to a report received today hy hlph official at Carrnnza's lieadipiartcr. Mission .Successful It wa aascrtcd hero that tbo con ferences of the t-onimlMlotiera, ropre aentlng Villa and Carranza, which met at Torreon to smooth out tho difficulties which existed between the two chief had been entirely success ful and It was said that Villa would accompany the Carranza commission on Its return to Saltillo. This lat ter report could not be confirmed of ficially, but there Is a spirit apparent'. In official circles here which would seem to confirm that the mission of the, delegates sent to Torreon had been successful. It was reported that regular traf fic between ifaltlllo and Torreon would bo resumed within the next few days. Kndlnfc Km-prise EL PASO, Tex., July 7.7 Heports of tiio sudden ending of tbo confer ence at Torreon designed to settle the Internal disagreement of the con stitutionalists was received as a ur prise by observers hero today. Tho amicable tono Qf all expressions from the south was not reflected at this point where Carranza and Villa agents still wero In conflict over mat ter pertaining to Carranza's cur fency Issue, which has thrown the revolutionary quarrel Into tho Amer ican courts. Santiago Winfleld, named In em bezzlement warrant Issued at Wash ington, camo to HI Paso from Juarez today and gave himself up to the local police. Ho gave bond, and his nttornoy said ho would go to Wash ington, waiving any stato extradition. Winfleld was the messenger from Washington to Kl Paso for tho issue of constitutionalist flat money over tho possession of which tho Carranza and Villa faction have disagreed. E STEERAGE PASSENGERS I.lVKltPOOL, Kngland, July 7. Tho chamber of commerce, hero today started a movement with the object of making thu Insurance of steerage passengers on ocean line compul sory. Tho advocate of this policy contended that thoro would bo no difficulty In slightly Increasing the passage rates for emigrants in order to cover tho cost of tho Insurance, and that such a step would obviate tho necessity of making uppeals to tho public for funds in tho case of dis asters. IN SUNNY FRANCE ornmont loans aro so well received, probably bocauso capital iu Franco is under tho apprehension that heavy special tiles aro likely to bo Imposed. So great wus tho eagerness of the public, especially among tho small Investors, that crowds assembled ut dawn formed lines outsldo tbo Hank of Franco and other public offices, where subscriptions wero received. As It whs known that many people would bo dliappolnted by not being able o get part nf tho now Issue, a eoiiulderuhlo trudo was driven Iu selling positions near thu door. Home or t lie pluies sold for as muck hs from do euuu to ft, no. nt WELSH MEETS Battle Waned for Linhtweipjit Cham pionship Odds Favor Welsh at Ringside First Half of Battle in Challenger's Favor Ritchie's Blows Dodged. PLA.HH LONDON, July 7. Frcddlo Welsh was Riven tho decision on points at tho end of 20 rounds by Referee Corrt. i LONDON', Jiilvj7. Fred Welsh, lihtwriliL champion 'fit Kngland, nnd Willie Hitrlne, lightweight cham pion of Ihe world, arrived in Lon don today from their training camps nt Porlhcnnl, Wales, mid Hriliton, reflectively, for their fight tonight in tho trrent nrenn of Olympia, In the wet end of London, lioth boxers declared themselve confident of winning tho championship and both said they felt in the pink of condi tion. Their looks bore out their (.tnteinents. Welsh I Favorite, Welsh was favorite in the Letting by n slight margin,, probably due to tho anpport which hU'WeNh com patriots JiRvt-' been giving him) nt t. aril iff, where most of the betting has been five and n half to five, in his fnvor. I?e v. John Hervey Bou dicr is to act as master of cere monicH nt the match, the Bishop of Stepney having objected to the Rev. Kvcrard Digby'n officiating. Eugene Corri is to be the referee. Father Houdier, Tienr of. St. Mieh 'ner Anglicnn chiirrh.-!liHglnnr n popular, burly clergyman wh oen rournge bis parishioners to box and to play football nnd cricket. Welsh the Heavier The two men weighed in at Olvm pia this nftcruoon, when Rit-hTo scaled 134 pounds, while Welsh ;va just able to get within the stipulated limit of lt." pounds. 'Father" Houdier climbed through the rope3 shortly before 8 o'clock in his clerical garb and announced thy names of the contestants in the first of the preliminary bouts. The great revival of interest in pugilism in Great llritain was evi denced by the big nssemblngo of all clashes which congregated in tho great arena of Olympia. The i.ews papcrs had predicted n largo at tendance of women, but thoro w.h only a small sprinkling of bridifc dresses in the cheaper seats around the sides of the arena, vvhiih filled first before lime was called. Few Womca Present Uefore tho three preliminary bouts had been finished Ihe majority of Ihi prominent Loudon sporting men hnit gathered about the rin, as well as '200 or 301) Americans, some1 of them well known. There were not moro than 10J women altogether, most of them in evening dress,, who occupied thu sec tion reserved for members of tho rovnl family and prominent society people during Hie show. Welsh entered the ring at ArtS nmid lusty singing of the Welefi hymn, "God of Our Fathers," by (Continued on pact I.) PROBE ATTEMPT TO POiCOUPLE UOCUKSJEH, N. Y., July 7. Dis trict Attornoy Horace Fitch began to day a John Dee Investigation Into an alleged attempt to poison Mr, and Mrs. Andrew M. Muttlalles at Esat Uloomtlold. Knough poison to affect a regi ment was placed In tho Matrlslles' well, according to County Bacteriolo gist Sanderson, who examined water taken from It. Mr. and Mrs, Matrlalles wer mar ried six weeks ago. It Is Intimated that an aged suitor for Mrs. MatrlsL les' hu'nil, who was rejected, Is sus pected, and a warrant for his armt Is expected. At midnight, July 2, MstrlalkM kiHtrd. a noUm l his yril mh4 mm ihhh runnliiK away, Ih Dm mawhu usntltlis of Ike phni wort Mm tk slwut Um wf ffi BEFORE LONDON CROWD f 4 It il I V E"oimbw -j-7ff; yni -Uti 1,1, mi,wii. fruii'ilvmViilliKiyir,'', ..'' " ,if