.lCR SKVftS IS COOPER GUILTY OF n ijflj UE A, MRD.FOUT) MAIfi TKimW,, MIODKOIMK OH KAON, FlflDAY, .MflV a, Ml- As a Schemer Jeff Is Certainly a fonder By "Bud" Fisher iS ? r : NI1W YORK, July a.-J-Wllllnm II Cdiipor, riiriilnrl)' licml or (ho New York Contriil llouliy cu inii, litnrgi'il with iinIiik thii iiiiiIIh lo (III fti'unt niiino NOD Inioslnrn out of $ 17 ft ,Hiii, wit round KOllty today ly a Jury In (ho ftiiloml court. .Many of lil vIctluiH worn officer mill 011- llik'il men In Ilia I'nlli'il HIiiIcm nnny mill iijnrliio rorpa, Keiituitcit was i. forrcd. It '- -T ... notice. Nollro In hereby given Hint town of llulln Full, Jiuiisnu counly, Orison, will mko up inn! cancel wnr runt .Vox 117 to 51, inclusive, upon UiH0llliitloii of utihl wnirnul to lilt) triiniirrr of suld ton. Interest on mild warrant will cense from I tu Onto of tint first tmli Mention or till uotlru which 1 Juno no, it) it. j:. i:. smith. Treasurer or tho Town of Hullo Fall .Vrtiit i: to 1 1 5i jTXt'rTTi i ffT Ht'iiliMl i0ioxrtln, niMreHxM lit tho County Court or Jackson count v. Ore gon, mill omlomod "Proposal! tor roving Hie Ashluml-Moilfonl oel ni or (ho Fnclflr Highway In JucUon counly," will I mi received !' Ihocoun. I) court or Jneksoii roiiuly nt It of llro In tho courthouse, Jiickonvo, Ori'Kon, until 3 oYlork p. in., or tho nth tiny nr July, mil, nml nt Hint llnio ninl plneu Mill hi publicly opened mill mini. All proposal in nut lii tntiiln upon lilnuk form to Ih obtained rroni tint (.into IiIkIimii) engineer nl hiit officii, Mciironl National Hunk building, Medforil, Oregon, iiiiint slvtt llm nrlri'it proposed, hoiti In wilting uml fluure, nml mum br- signed hy tho bidder wltli hfH mlilro Knrh hid I to ho presenled under neuled cover nml shall ho accompa nied by rnh, n bidder's bond iiihiIo purnlilx to Jackson roiinly. or n cer tified check made pnyablo lo lb county Judge ot Jackson county. Jor nu ntuoiiol (ual la nt leant flvo wr tent ot tho ninount or aald Mil, nml no hlil khftlt ho considered utiles niirh cash, homl, or check lit enclosed IhuiKMllh. Hurh bidders homl hnll b ronilllloncil tlmt If said hlil tin nc- ci-pti'il tho pnrty bidding will duly outer into nml execute tlm routrnrt. Hhoiihl tho ucceful bidder to whom tho routrncl Is awarded (nil to on eitlo tho same within leu dna (not Including Hiimtny) from iho ilnto or notification ot such award, such rash, bond, or check shall U forfeited lo Ja'rksou county nml the sanio shall ho lhr proix-rty or tho wunty. All oth. rr rah, homlM ami cetllfloil rlmrk will he rolurncil In tho unmirceiirut hlililer who xiihmlltixl the untn. A rorpornto miroty homl will tm r iiiiuit (or tlm fnltlitiil pcrrormntto; or the routrnrt In n tuui equal to nun liuU or tho lotnl nuiount or tho hid. All hid nro lo ho rnmpnrcd on tlm lial or tho itnte hlxliwny' rnitl nixr'ii ctlinnto or Iho iunn(ltlr of work in lo done m followm 47,000 iiitre ynnU or pavliiK. Tho rori'KoliiK iunnlllle ore nt protlmnla only, ImiIiik rIvdii n n lum In (nr Iho coiypnrlon of hlds, nnn the county court or Jtckon rouiily (loon not exprcmly or by Impllcntlon nurro Hint tint nctunl nuinuut of work will rorrenpoilil therewith, hut re. MTU' tho rlKht to lurreiiiie or do rrcnuo tho ninount o( nny rln or portion ot Iho work that tuny tip ilcniueil nereamry or expedient by ttir Ktnte hlKhwny eiiKlnccr or OruKon. I'lntin may ho noen nmt torm or npr-rltlrntloii nml routrncl may bo oh. tallied nt tho ilnlo hlaliwav enci. iiwr'i otdco. Mi'dford Nntlonnl llnnn hulldliiK. Med ford. OreRon. Thn rlcht l renorveil to reject nny mid nil propound, or to nccept Iho proponnl deemed bout tor Jncknon iiiunty, V. I. TOIJ VKI.l.U. County Jtnlfco. W. C. I.KKVKK, County CouiinlHiiloiier. J. C HMITII, . County Coiunilimlunur. Qpiiuly Court, Jncknon County, Ore .Ron. IIIJNItY I., IIOWMIY. Hlnto HlKhwny CiiKlueor. (1. A. HAUDNKit. County Clerk, JnrliHou Counly. .InckfonvHIo, Oregon. Juno 27. 1011. netici: to ro.vrnAtrroHH. Hivlinl propoHiilH, nildremieil lo Iho county court nf .iHekiiou county, Oro. koii. nml ondorxeil "I'roponnln tor a hrlilso innr ICuiiim Creeli," (or retiinv. Iiik old Mlriicturo, tor (urnmriiiiK piunn jm nun MpcriiicntiotiH, nil loom, innor nnn t lunterliiU imrnniinry (or Ihu conniruc. $, Hon o( Iho concrete roumlnllonri, up ii pronchcH mid rtirnlNhliiK nmt erectlnt; u concrete or Hteel miper-xtrurture rmiiploln tor u hlnhwny brldKo over f.vaiin crook near tho (own o( Komio Itlver, Jncknon county, Oiokoii, will Ikj received by tho counly court o( mild county uml utiito nt Hh office in JurkMouvlllo, Oro., until 10 o'clock u in. Tuoadny, July JIhI, I'JH, nml nt thill tlmn nml plnco Knlil rnurt will publicly open nml rend nil hlilx. Tho hrlilgo will Imvo an IS root roudwny nml will luive ouo Mpim not tqoxceed Mil root In leiiRth with ncroxtmry wooden npproncheH or dirt HIIh to uiiilio tho Job complete, nml riinily tor uho. "When tho hrldKo In completed mill hororo It Im iici'iipliul by tho county court,, two ton Ion roml rullunt run iiIi'ik pnmllol or Imuloiu will bo run over tho brldKo to tout It Kncli hid In to ho presented under unnloil cover nml hIihII hn urcompiw nlod hy rnuli, t lilddem homl iiimlo piiynblo to Jncknon counly. or n cor H(lnil check iimdo piouhlo to tho tronmiror or Jurkaou county, (or an iitnouiit oiiuiil to nt leiut U pur cent of tho nuiount hid, nml no hid hIiiiII ho rniiuldcrcil uiiIchh nucli ciihIi, bond or (heck U eneloneil Ihvrowitht hiicIi blildor'n homl uluill ho romlltlomid Hint If uccoiiipmiliiK hlil ho urcopled Hiu pnrty blddlnK will duly enter Into nml iikKCiito Iho roiilritrt, Hhoulil tho MUcceNxful bidder In whom (ho contract U iiwuplod full t oxocitlo Iho mi hid within tun titty from the ditto or nollfliullou or auiit word, aut'h I'mh, homl or chei'li ulinll bo foi felled In JmiiKoii counly uml (lie m Hie liul )'o Iho luoprly nf wklil t-Hity, A vuii'MiiMv uivly luiid wl by ro m To CT RICH AMD B'4Vlk M " A MOTOr CA JSRU TW ' 'JJ tAtrcS'Kr pV 1 1 j ---rtli& 4T Jt r JSJU Jk" OSUJWl ' - x7!k 3. ' 4Ewy i-ffi. sr-'-!si(Jui7 Jr; mm (in. j.ih ,-tini' - ' h mtmmmmw THC WCrM)Anfti GO .b f N (v i G - I J "'M !B A-i. AN0 JUST UAMfe ound 1 )'b &9 tfOOO OHlCV. ) J i - ' CoV 6ut a kick uiidou. I 'V I ft IB 1 op ytifr - ? - - JAJ1 "" K lulled tor Iho (nlthful pertoriiinucc or Iho routrncl In n niiiii eitml lo one. halt or Iho lotnl nuiount ot tho mini hid. Tlie county court revorvc tho rlKht to reject nny or nil hid, or In arrept tho proKiial deemed bvt (or Jncknon county. ! U, TO I' vki.i.i:. County JudKO. W. C I.KKVCIt. Comity Coiniiillonvr. J. C. HMITII, County CoiiimUtouor. (I. A. UAItDNKIt, County Clerk, JnrkMin Counly, Oro (ton. July 2nd. I'Jll. TIIKAKIMtY DKI'AHTMHNT. Hup. TVlalnK Architect' Office, WnaliliiK- ton, I). C, Juno 27, I'JH- rnlcd propoanla will he opened In thla of fice nt .1 p. in., AiiKiut 'ii, 1UH. (or tho roiiMructlnn rotnplrtit (Inrludlun mechnnlcnl eijulpiuolit (except ele vntor), IlKhtlni: (luturen. nml np. proncliea) uf tho I'liltotl Hlnloa pon office- nnd rourthoune nl Medforn. Oro. TbjrcO'itory und huieuiuul bultd. Iiik; uround nrvu. S.COO njtinro (eet: riral (loor fireproof, atone, ornamen tal lerrn coltn, and brltlc (iicIiik: compoHtlou roof. Drnwiiica nn aperlllcntlona may ho olitnlned from Iho ciiilodlnti of alto tit MviKord, Oro., or nt thl office, In tho dltrretlon of Iho Htiporvlnlui, Architect. Drnwinita mid HpecKlcntlomi will ho ready (or dolhery nflcr July S. lit 1 1. O. Won. dcrolh, KtiporvUlm; Architect. FOIl HUNT IllltMSIIHII AITS. FOIt HKNT LarK" aleeplUK rooms, and modern hoiisokeupliiK npart nifnta, prices very rennonnble. I'hono 517-L. 522 South Holly atreot. FOIt HK.NT KlIlt.NIHHiai llOOMH FOIt HICNT Fiirulnhod kioiii.i, cIoko In $1.50 11 week, nlso room uml hoard. 219 Tnluiii Direct. Juul oH South Central, phono r. r. -1 1 . ;ir. FOIt HKNTHooinn. $2.00 p,u7wroiT freq hnlha, menla 25c. family stylo, ThtfCiiluuinn, 1005 W, Main. 103 FOIt HKNT Furnliiheil rooma wllh hot und cold ruuuliiR water, aleop Iiik porcbuH, CottiiKo Kosldcnro, fiul W. lOtb Ht. 90 FOIt HKNT IIODHKHKKI'lNd HOO.MH FOIt HKNT Two romrortably fur nlHhed hoitKokcoplu; rooma, closet, pautry, bulb uml cub, lower floor. 729 W. Mth, FOIt HKNT FitrnUhoit apartment, clump rat oh, fully modern, 1 four room apartment, 1 two room upurt uioiit, both with private hath; 1 three room apartment on ground floor. Colonial Flat, 217 South Hlvoralilo. WHY? For Trnilo 80 or 100 nrroH for cIoho In much or city property, honvloul timber ail Jacont to Medford, boat uml most uc ceaslblo wood land In counly, kooiI hoK proposition, excellent runun, this will ttrbw In valuo, Just 5 ',4 mlloa from Medfoiil, $29,00 an ucro. Iluvo 200 Uvr of wood cut 011 place, kooiI roud, cun limi four (Ivr to load. Your chiiuco now, Iluvo 120 acre I09111 aoll IrrlKMlud for aide. liHlf-iiro $4500, J. C. BARNES room nr. rurnlnhcd .V. I lolly HO FOIt HKNT Modern Tlvo rurnUhed roltnKe, clone In. I'hono 133-Y. DO I'Olt HKNT Modern Ince. cant aldo, 4'Jtt-Y. alx room cot- J 10. IMiou. JO TO HKNT l-'oiir room rurnUhed home, modern; nlo two tiufur nUhed rooma. 717 Norili Illvcr aldo. 90 1 l-Olt HKNT ITvo room modern bun. Kalow, sun. alccplitR porch, ahndo irrca, nlco lawn, -cut cheap. S'.'O Vvl 12lb. 90 FOIt HUNT Ono rurntahed house nnd furnished housokwplng rooms. 310 North Harnett St. FOIt HKNT Cool, now bunsulow. basement, aleoplnc porch, modern, summer homo. $11. 00; nlso fur nished house. Harne. 501 First National Hank HldK. S9 FOIt HKNT-Slx room house, mod ern, one block from city park, barn, $12. fill per mouth, wnlcr paid, 71S W. Alnln. 92 FOIt HKNT 1 room bouse. $.V00 per month. Hold Hay Henlly Co. FOIt HKNT -10 room houso renr of Fiirmora & FrullKrtiwora bank, aullnhlo for liunlncfH, real csialo, hoarding or roemlnr: houso. Hold Hay Henlly Co., t'.ih and Fir. FOIt HKNT MIMl'KMiAXKOl'M FOIt HKNT HnncheJ, Itireo nnd itmall. ulfalfu and Karden lnnda. Hold ituy iteally Co., Cth and Fir. FOIt HKNT Only hotel In town of 1000, 10 rooms furnished. Ad dress 11., enro Mnll Trlhuno. 1X1 II SAI.K IIOUHKH FOIt HALK--I room Iioiibo and lot $700, $100 raah mid $15.00 pur month. Hold Huy Ilealty So. FOIt 8AI.K C-AH.H UNI8 FOIt .SALIJ-Fnrnt. 193 ucres flvo miles north of Kajiln I'olnt on I. .t i:. railroad und on Crater Lnko nuln road, 15 acren In crop, K00 mill trees, six i;ood BprlimH, two Kood wolla, now aovon room house, out hulldliiK, two bnrua, Ideal Iiok nml cattle raiiKO. It sold soon crpp BQoa with plaeo, $30 per ucro, Ouo'lialf ensli, tuilanco torma, I'hono .or wrllo F. J. Ay res, KukIo Point, Oregon. 91 FOH SALK Hunch.es, iutu trucia, town property, rrom $5 por acre, iipwurdauii C'and 10 years tlmn. Hold Huy' Itenlty Co., Sixth and Fir. , FOIt H.iLK MlHCKl.l.ANKOUH F() H HA I ,K Ox y-A cotyTe no wol d Tiu?7 aluminum mid cnsl Iron, uutotuo bllo crank case, near case, cylinder und piston welds that hold. J, W (lit)oHy, Fashion OantKO, (limits Pass, Oro. 102 Fit HALK B stamp mill. $500,00, other mlnliiK uinrliliicry cheap on easy terms. Hold Hay Httully Co. .''. ' : v f ".'i t 1 $ ( t i To lan.'sH Iwprevad ranchM. jHlireat I far cant "iBsur Jiiro That luiure." II. H. HTIN Hn your luiumAM er laiyajrw IT) It ltHNT -Two home, cloio In. atrect. KOIt HAM- SIIKCKI.MXKOfS h'OH "BAM-: --Knncy Hriltxcnburr: ni plea. Itobort Dutton 10th Ht. 1022 WVh SO FOIt HAI.B Hood ccond crop nlfnl fn $12.00 por Ion delivered. I'hono Jncki-onvlllo 51 -I'M. 91 KOII RA1.K Hcna. alo youiiK tur. kra. ducka nnd pullcta. O. Colllni. It. I. O. Np( 1. Mrdford. phono 501-H5. 90 FOIt 8AI.K Horrlca Call 395..M. for cannlnp. 10S FOR BALK Iluy your wood now br roro prices go up. Wo sell all klnda or wood und mill blocks nl , tho lowest price. Hpeclal prlco on I 1 rnr Inti. Vnllev Kuel Co. US' 1 1. ... I FOIt BALK -Fruit Jars, quarts, 50c ' per dozen. -15 soutn centrni. 'J 1 roil BALK One road roller, paso I line, 'or one-third prlco. nearly now. Cold Hay Hcalty Co. FOIt 8AI.R MVRSTOCK I'Olt SALK Good trusty young horao with or without buRRy. now. Hox 1, Tolo, Ore. 92 FOIt SALK Home, works aliiRlo or double. Address hox 21, It. It. 3, or phono 597-K2. S3 FOH SALK (Initio homo, perfectly safe fr ladles or children, will drlo single or double, cheap. I'hono 097-HI. J0 FOIt SALK lloldluln and Jersey cows. I'hono IK I. Cvnlrnl Point, or ltoulo No. 1, box 73. "iTTT T-T. : - HUM' WANT!'.;; MA1.K WANTKI) Kxporlonced stenoKrnphor whit ran keep hooka wnutMl In law ortlce. Apply room 203 Flrat Na tional Hank HldK. WANTKI) TontiiRters nnd laborers 011 Iho Pacific blRhwny. Apply to J. W. Rweouoy Conutructlon Co., Hlsklyou, Oregon. WANTKI) Minors at Urnden mine, Hold IHU, Oregon, for contrart work. Oold Huy Iteally Co. 1IKLP WANTED -FIOIALK WANTKI) BlronK, youiiR Rlrl ror cook's helper at ranch limine. Ad dress Palmer Investment Co., Mall Trlhuno HldR., phonu CGt-ll. 90 WANTKDnirl to do housework mornltiRs ilurlim summer, lnqulro 1327 HoiUly avenue or phono 310.J arter 0 n. in. "0 WANTED MIKCEIAi.tnitOU8 WANTED Wagon tank lu good con dltlon. Muat bo Imrguln. Hox 222, care Mull Trlhuno. 90 WANTED At once, second bund cash roKlaler, Wslblo typewriter, good Ford auto. Medford Creum ory. 1 WANTED- Team o( lunch horses or mules lo rent ouo mouth with op tion or huyliiR. L, W, Ktmmor. 1017 Weal Main St. 89 WANTED Dead horso, cattlo and hogs promptly removed, rroo o (iinrgo, within 10 miles of city Medford Hcilm-Hou Co., phono 237 10'j WANTED Havu team nnd hnek und will lake camper or flailing I""" (lea, ruuiouublu, 1)21 N. Central avenue, 107 WANTED- IHiiikiiIiiw. arl rash, bHlHiiru youiiK l''i or A 1 HrnnH IshiI tiow lu. Adilirf V, M, tar Mull Trlbvuv WAXTKI) 5IlCinj.l?irOUS IIUBIMvSH IlIIiKCTUIlr llLHI.M-- l)lM;iUIU XVANTKD llowea lo paaturo, cood water and cood crasa, close to town, phono 370-M. 98 .MO.N'i:V TO LOAN TO LOAN I bavo money to loan, preferably flnt mortKnca 011 Mcd ford brick mcreantllo buIldlnRH. Would rather loan in nmounta o( l.'.OOO and up. It. H. McCurdy. Insurance nny kind. I'liono l-a, . Siutrta Illdff. I IOK 1LCII.X(JF. FOIt KXCHANOK Close In slclttly enrden tract homo for bungalow. Might pay llttlo difference. An drei M. T . care Mall Tribune, FOH TRADE For Mcarord property or close lu acrcacc, an aero with complcto modern 9 room home and barn In Central Point. Hox ill. It. F. D. No. 2, Mcdrord, Oro gon. IIUHINKHJ DlltKCTOHY Auto Hiippllca LAIIKlt AUTO SPRING CO. V aro operating tho largest, oldest and best equipped plant lu tho Pa cific northwest. Via our springs when others fall. Sold under guar antee. 2ii North Fifteenth St., Portland, Oro. Attorneys PORTER J. NKFF. VM. P. MEALKY Attornoy8-at-Law, Rooms 8 and V, Medford National Hank bldg. A. B. REAMES. LAWYER Gnrnctt Corey bldg. Win. M. ColvlB. George M. Roberts COLVIH & ROHERTS. LAWYERS Medford .National Hunk Ilulldlng. 11. F. MULKKY & GEO. W. CHERRY Attorneys nt law, Jackson Coun ty Hunk Hulldlng. NEWTON W. HORDKN Attorney at law, room 1, Spartu building, Med ford, Oregon. tiiMructloii MR. FRED ALTON IIAIGIIT Sum mer term. Teacher ot piano and harmony. Tho HnlRht Music Stu dio, llti South Laurel St., Phons 170-11, Printers ana Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. hns tho best equipped printing orrico lu Houtboru Oregon; book binding, looso leaf letlgcrs, billing systoms, etc. l'orthuid prices. 27 North Fir St. Transtera EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. OHlco 12 North Front St. Phouo 315. Prices right. Service guar anteed. c.-r,-, ' ..r ssrs.-i , , ; (iartingo UARHAGE Get your promise cleaned un for tho aummer. Call on tho city gnrbnge wagons for good service. Phone 32C-L. F. Y. Allen. 1.7. . A Si".-.- l.7S3.at,-r;-JS.KSSXSS (lencial Conliiuioi HKNKHAL CONTHACTOHH AND CARPE.NTKItH -K a 1 1 m ales fur nlshfil fief. Country work a apu. linlly. All work ttuniniileed In prlco nnd ituulliy Cull or iiitdro ISUI W tOlll, Wrluhlai lle)liulil. Drntlitii lMiyolclnns mhiI nurReonn nit. uit. w. M. VAN C. VAN 8COYOC SCOYOO c. Dentists Garnett'Corey Hide., ilodford. Ore. I'hono aulto SiC. 310 Kniploymcnt ARrncy ; ve aro hero to holt people got re-i liable, competent help. We (ur-i nlsh help In almost all lines of business. Wo make a spec'alty of I comnotont men nnd wires for ranches. Wo solicit your patron age. lllttner's Heal Estate and Employment Ilureau, Rooms G and 7 Palm nulldlnc. Medford. Phone S5S. Mrs. liyrd Caster, Manager, successor. Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary pub lic, llrlng your work to mo nt the sign or tho Mnll Tribune. Chiropractor DR. A. R. HEDGES, Dr. Loutso E. Hodges MechanoThorapIsts, Chiro practors, Spondylothcrnplsts. Thcsa systems, Including dietetics, cura tive gymnastics, bydrd-thcrapby, etc.. produco results In both ucuto mid chronic diseases. Consults-! Hon free. Over Deuel & Co., cor-i iter Main and Dartlett. Hours 9 a. m. to G p. in. Other hours by appointment. Phouo 170. DR. It. J. LOCKWOOD,, Chiropractor, nerve speeialUl Rooms 203-201-205. Garnett-Corey bldg. Vapor baths and scientific massage given; ncedlo spray, head and shouldor shower In connection; ndvlco in dietetics, medical gymnastics, liydroptherupy. Lady attendant. Phone, office 513, residence 511-R. Slcnogrnpncrs ELLA M. GUANYAWPalm block Stenographic work dou quickly and woll. CLASSIFIED BUSINESS AND TELEPHONE DIRECTORY A Quirk, Handy, reference, for Iluy People Auto IIoiIIcm nml 8irjr Tanks J. W. Mitchell, blackBtnlthlng, horseshoeing, wagon work, rub ber tiro work. 22 South River side street Phone 26 The llnlr Stoiti I'arlslan balrdress:r.e porlors, 42D M. F. & II. building, sham poo, hair dross, scalp treatments, manicuring, hair dying, etc. I also mnka switches nnd curls, otc. Elevator sorvlco..Phouo 1G7-J Haled Hay, Flour, Feed, Grata L. D. Drown, Ruaa Mill, also poultry supplies. 139 South Riverside... ....,..Phouo G89 Hakery Royal Hakery, bread, plea, cakea. Coruor Mulu and Grape. Phouo 37 Civil Engineers Oagood & Hrowu. T. W. Os good, Abdo, M, Am, Soe. 0. B. A. Theo Urowu, deputy county aurveyor. Modfonl Nat'.oual Hunk I) Id ....... ,.l'houo 202 Kleclrle Wiring, Fhturtu, Huppliea Southern Oregon Klaetrlo Co,, Mittda Lamp, 6 South Oeutral Avenue... , .,..l'how 2 16-Y Farnier iHiplcHieHts Hubbard Hrolhur, FhII line of John Dfcie makes, For H rial prlco on biigglea. 391 Ksit MIH . ,..l'ku til 1 DH. V. Q. CAHLOW, DH. EVA MAINS CAHLOW Osteopathic physicians, 41G--U7 Garnett'Corey bills., phone 103U-L. llesldence 2G Houth Iarel St. DR. W. W. HOWARD Oateopalhlc physicians, 303 Garnett-Corey building. Phone 901-M. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, noso nnd throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses sup plied, orrico 22S East Main St. Hours 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. in. Phoae. E. R. PICKEL, M. D. OIHco Jack son County Dank bldg. Office phone 13-R; residence paooe BS-R. DR. MARTIN O. HARDER Physi cian and surgeon. Office Palm block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hours 10 to 12. 1 to 1. Phone 110-J. DR. It. W. CLANCY Physician and surgeon. Phones, office 36, resi dence 721-J. Office hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician mid surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Practice limited to diseases ot women. Offices 232 E. Main. Phones, residence. 814-J2; office 811. R. J. CONROY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Over Hutchison & Lu ma rten, 21G E. Main St. Phone 77. DR. MC M. M. DOW Physician and surgeon. Dr. Lydla S. Dow Os teopathia physician, offices 3-1 St. Mark's block, Phono 1C0. Rest dcuco tho Dow Hospital. Central Point. E. K1RCHGESSNER. M. D. Gar-nctt-Corey Uldg. Hours 10 to 3, except Sundays. Phone, office, 828. robldenro. 828. (,'IiIiicmj Imiiudry On Juno first. I will open a first class,lnundry. A trial will eon vinco you of our ability to please. All baud work. HI Shlng, 123 South Rlvoralde. Phoue..:.....l89 Furniture New nd Second Ilawd Scott W00U, successor to Mor dorr & Wooir, complote hous furnlsliors. Special low prices on Axmlnlstor ruga and furni ture 22 South Fir. Phoaa 9 Guns, Ammunition, SportltHC floeaVl Ewlugs Uuu Store, flsblug taoklo. aportlug goods. 112 West Malu ........,.....,.....I'k0Bj 431 InMiirnuce Any Kind R. II. McCurdy. write lire, Mr. accident, liability, auto, ylat glass, burglary, fidelity and surety boudt, Sparta Building, PtioBaj Ul Plumbing ami HtNtHuy Van R, I'eiuun. 28 Nartk H ru pe rMo M Ileal Ktnle, I.omhs and JMVtajiwajiitl Page Drwsler CompaHy, firm lands, aub.dvUUtHS, M Ha MalMf. .....n....,.. y.,ikftHa) III HlMiitt MA Htowy (tHrUm iJruyv.IMi,.,miHMMMMuirwMm Lw -3 M a , I M?ffMl 'I'twaiMWiiitwitttjiwwtajilitiiiMif IJH