.-m; '. jfcmi-n . viv ' WEDFORD WTATTJ TTtTBUNK MEDflORfl, ftftEfJON, FRIDAY, .ttTJ.Y 3. 10H. PACE FIVE & jkw Nf , IMX ,iH . J T A t: . 4 '' 'ft K IOCAL AND L PERSONAL A iiiimliiir of loml Unlit fmin nro mirier (ho linnronnloii Hint Wllllo Kltchlo mill rrodillu Wnlnh will flltht their cIiiiiiiiIimihIiIi buttle III l.iiMiloti tomorrow, They will rlimli July 7, liinlouil, Thorn in not n hull, liny hnltln f " IWKlllntle lniiort illicit n tint Uijltml HOilon tomorrow, A cool, ilAtlKlitfnl tlmu uny oven I nit nt tlui I'l'K". t routs, NW Mrn. Burnh Hitll of AMiluiul spout Thurnilny nftornooii In Mnlfortl vln ItliiK Mm. KiiIkIiI of Jiielinnn itnml. J, O. (Irklnn, I lin Host nit nronntJ ihntoitritihor In noiithorn Oroiton. Alwnyn ptllnlitu NoKiillvon mnilo iiiiv wlwr, tliim or plnco. Htmllo 228 Mull) Ht. Phono aun-J. At lint iiiokIIiik ol tint school hoitril next Tuemlny uVenliiK, ii connle or MuMiulfH In tlui timclihiK coins will lin rllh'il, runneil Ii)' tin' failure or toucher to nriopt ponllloun offered. I'UKU Theater, lOlll, Willi VI'llll- luted, eomforlnhl". !' renin, HU .MIhn Itulli Merrick In tlnltliirf Mouiln iiml relitllvoa In I .oh AiikIii iliirlmt tli ii slimmer iiiontlin Holme Inniire homo. J. W. I.Iiik lin returned from (told Hill, where In linn hcen pulnt Init Urn loiiut) IuIiIku neronn tho Hok.hu. 'I'l'l" wurlt U rninit'il, unil lie will I'l'iiln mi the rl or lil tnlntliiK tiiiitriirt the Iiml of lin Week. A uinl, ilollKlitriil limit miy even. Iiik nt Ihn Pmkc, I" rent. N'J J K. Klein loft Thursday for I'ntiil rum to ntlond In hiinlucnn mitl niml I lin iinlloiml linllilny, Kodak flnUlilUK oml iiiillen at Wontoii'n Cmuem Hho. Over Inl Tln-Mor. A numher or Moilford niolorcy cllntn wll enter Uki mmI roiitonln nt tlruiitn I'nnn, Celebrate (lin roiirth at the I'nito. lo ceiitn. ' A. (I. Krwln or Kiikihik Id aiiioiik llio out or town vUltorn In (tut city tinUy. Cnrkln St Taylor, tawyorn. (John II. Carkln, OUttin O. Tnylor), IU klnlloyitnn Uldit., Main trrot. II. W Ituhl mitt Jnrk Merrill mid party or frliMuU left thin inorntiiK by nulo for Klaiuatli Kitll via Crntur l.uki, ri'turiiliiK tlio rimt ol tlio wiMik. A roul, ilillKlitful tlino any vw ItiK nt Ihn rn, 10 rontii. Sl Mr. anil Mr. W. I guUnnbiiry ami llttln ilaiiKlitrr mnl NVIIton Wnltr rt'turui'il Tlnirly uvwiIiik from tlm uiitliwrt wlmr tliy lmt bfon with tlio lloiton lilval Oporu cuinpniiy. Milk nml cream nl DoVoo. Tlio r'Kiilr niKrilnK of tlm Klki w lictcl Tlnir(lny oviMiliiit. tlio fmiu'il Hchultxi'l bnml Klvluu nolio tloim mnl fooil of (Icrtumi itirnl ho If) K nTVril. I'uri TIiphIit, cool, wull vent!. IntKil, romfortnbln. Ill cntii. S9 A brink lliunilor uliuwvr full ovt tin vnllt-y Thumitiiy nftoruoii, tlio Meno riuitur Im'Iiik In Urn Coknr lliilln, I'liiM'iiU, nml Orllflu rri'oK illHlrlrtN, Mi'ilfunl nTclvi'il n i:oul howir, UioiikIi not In tlm illroct pntli uf tint itortu; tint iltut wan Inl I on country rontln, mnl Karilfiin kImi n miicli uooilt'il ilroncliliiK. Whllo lint utorm wan In proKromt IIrIiIiiIiik mnl thiiiuttir wan vxpcrli'iircil, nn I li'loprnph mnl liiliipbouit win' mu( lrtt MllKlitl-. Tlm powtir rompmiy rurrunt inltcrt'il n tlmtt or two. Tlm itorin i-ooli'il off tint nlr. Hut mort'tiry ilroppliiK from t3 lo X'2 In mi hour, mnl Ihi'ii In' k mi to nonr nKiiln. Thu ri'lntlvo liumlillly wim IiIrIi. Mitilfonl Crt'iiiiniry Inittnr. Try II. I'D North hoiiml msniiiK'r Irnlua on tho .Soutlmrn I'urlflc Thurmliiy ovuii Iiik woro Utliiitil by n frolf.lit ilorall illicit on tint oilier ulilo or thu Hlnkl yutiH. A t ruin mmpoNfil of ompty rominm to Ito umil In hnmllliiK tho Fourth of July trntflc, mnl for tho i:ikn uxmimloii, with ulilit trucktil n: (IranlH I'uah mnl thin city, A cool, riullKlttful tlino uny ovmi 1nt ut tlio I'iikv, l contn. KU ' Arthur Allilor, u Hchooltoiiclior whh riuoil $11 mnl rontii ninountliiK to Imlf n dollar lioforu I'ollcu Judo (luy ror KpiKidliiK on IiIh iiiotorryclo on AVt-Mt Mnlu Htrmit, 'Alldur Iiml no Htiilo llcuimo, mnl wan told lo Kol nuo, nr lie proHvuulud undor tho Ktntu Inw, Lout your hit tmiKlit tlio ncIiooI ai Wlmitr mid Iikh bun trnnHfurrml to (Irirrin crook. Thli It tlio fourth fluu for vlolntlon of tho city upooil Jiik InwH In four dayg. Try a "fipllx" clgnr, bout Co clam on tlio nmrkut. A rouplo of hllnrloiiM Konta from tlio HfNklyou iIIvIhIoii of thu Pnclflo lilKliwuy woro kIvoii tho cliolco. of iiiiiKIiik Iokh iioIho or KoltluK out of town by tho pollro thin iiftonioon. Tlioy ilucldml (o roiuiiln In tlio city, llllllllll'lll'IIII'M i.in. Weeks & McGowan Co. UMDIETAX1I8 UAl AmMuI IHf 1Imm HUT 1NIM r, W. WmIm IWMI l'oui A, H. Orr 7M - 41 ('iiliihmtn tlui fotirlli nt Uki I'iiko, 10 contn, , N0 Atloruoy II, V, .Miillioy InavrH III (ho nioriiliiK for l.uko rrcnk wlmro ho will ilnllvtir tho I'ouitli of July orn Hon liny for unto. V. II. Kvorhanl. Tho iinuld proKrnm ut tlm 1'iiKn Thi'iititr tomorrow will connlut r popular nnd pntrlollc milncllonti, I'iiko Tlnuilnr, cool, wull vnnll. Inti'il, romrorliililo, III roiitn. HV II. (I. Wi-lfior of Km kIi. Point In iillnuUtiiK to liimlfii'KH In tho city to. day, A "Klni; Kpltx" cigar In homo mnilo Try oiiit, rc, T V llnrimit of (Irmit I'liim In n IiiinIiii'iih vlnltor In tlm city, Cnlt'hrnto tho I'oiirlli m tint I'hkc 10 cnuin. NH J. H. MunRrovi) mid fumlly or MontiiKUn, ('nl , ro In tin city for n low dnyn ulny. Thu I', HIniplclKh llnrdwnnt company Iiiih dm himt mid chcapcMt Iioki. In low it. I'rkt'K on nvirylhliiK reduced, tleorRo IHco or Hoimhiirr. npent tin- flrnt of the week hi Meilforil on Illinium" I'nr.e Theliler, cool, Well Nt'tltl- liiled, romforlnhlit, III ciintn, KU Or J. K. Iteddy Ih In tlm city vln ItltiK hln rnmlly. He nnyn rapid proKremi In IicIiik made coiitriirllin; tint (Irantn I'nmt-Cretrent City rail road, 1120,0110 of tlm I'.MIU.OOO due from city boiuU Iiiih Immmi receded Only one kind of kodak flulnlilni: nt Wettou'n t'nmera Hhop, Hi1'h Hik liiml. (her lln Thealer. The pollcit received liollflitillon from Anlilnuil thin inorultiK Hint n until wan held In that city IhivIiik In bin pomitndou Kooiln of which be could Kite no clwir nrcount of- Ho claimed hit round Ihefu, and xald he nold n luillc hntidbuR. mid n hracp let n thin city. t'ltlehrntit tlm I'oiirlli nt tlm I'ako, 10 ceiitn. hU 1'riil llarneltiirK In nKudliiK a rw dnyn In the city lifter HiilnbliiK th hn) Iiik on the homo ranch Tho fluent equipment In OroRon for Printline fruit label. Medford Print Iiik Co. .Vint week the vacation nennon will he In full hlant In thin locality and a half a doieli partlen will lente for tin; hlltn and nlreamn. Celebrate (ho fourth at tint I'ako, 10 rttntn. SU Attorney W, K. I'hlppn nxtnt Thiirndny afternoon In Jarknouvllle nttetidltiK to leitnl uiattcm, KwlmmliiK and dnncliiK July 4 nt Nat. l.awtenco Ituken went to (Irantn I'ap (hln uioriilmt when hit will play with tho Central I'olitl band (h.t third and Fourth, roturnlnK homo Hn turd ay eVeti'iiR. Pace Theater, cool, well ventl luted, comfortable. 10 contn. KU Wilbur Cornotlun han returned from a three month may In Ban FraucUro. (let It at !kWn. All Ori'Kory of Wutklnn, OrcKon, In npendlnK a few dna In the city on bunlnenn. A cool, dellKlitful time nny eu- Iiik at the Pnce. 10 ceiitn. .SU Tint Meilfortl liaMtlmll to.im will Oton Mn throe Kuuie nerlen with (Irantn I'nnn thin afternoon. Hod Pernod of tlm Sau'l-'raurUcu pitch- Idk ntaff will heave one of the Katiion, HwlmmliiK mid dmicliiK July 4 at Nat. Thchoft broke Into u box cur near tho Medrord (Irocory campiiny wnro hoiinit Thiirnday iilnht mid ntolo h box of whltkey Trntiipn art) blamed for ho Job. Thu Pauley CnniiliiK company nt Talent nro iii)Iiik :U centn per pound lor loKuuberrlen delivered In hulk, boxen mid crnten not required, Cleun, fienh rlpo berrlen wanted. A3 Court Hull loft today on hln reu lar trip to Crater I .a I.e. Deep cut In price on now touU, Kunolluo nloven. Valley Second Hand Move. KU J, C, ItoKern In hold In tho county Jnll on a churKo or homo itculliiK. ItoKern la alleKod to hnvo rented n homo from tho lloyor Hron., livery stable nt Hokuo Hlver, nrtorwnrdi tryliiK to sell It lo Scott lloyor, at WoK'h creek, a brother of tho iiinn from whom ho rented tint animal. Hln HiiHplclonn woro nrounod mid ho hold ItoKern until ho hoard from hln brother. Orocorlon nt Do Voo'n. Sornenut Put Mcko nbUted bin bmo or oporntloim to tho wont end or tho city hint nlKht, mid lay In wall lor nK)vdurfl catching one, who wan told to roport to Police Judno (lay thin afternoon, Kodak (InlnhhiR tho boat, nt Wen lon'n Camera Shop. Over Inln Thoa lor, !:, A, tllldroth or llutto FiiIIh In In thu city today attending tho uieothiK of tho forontry norvlco IIiIh after noon, when r a intern will bo kIvoii their ntatlonn for tho your, Othur bunluenH will bo Irumactud, l I I'l HU II J, n . "Ji'i . . i ". u i . i t TOO !,ATK ixi CMHHIKT I.OHr (ientloiiuii'n Uold watch bo Iwoon Pronpoct hiiiI Natural brlduc PluHiit nvo nt Pionpoct power liouno or Callfurjila-Oriiifoii Power conipMiiy'n office, Hullahln re ward, M The poiilofrlco will obnoreJiollilnV liouin tomorrow, l)r, Myrtle. Lock wood will limit her offlco bourn durltiK JuJy nnd AtiKimt lo Momlny, Wodncndny mid Friday, 2 lo i p. in. 97 ir you want a llthoKruphod fruit label limtfad of n printed one, nco un, wo nro iiKontn for HchiiilU Mtho Krnph Co, Medford Printline 'o. II. C. Koulner In up from (Iriiuln Pann for n few dnyn vlnltliiK hln fum lly over tho Fourth. Koynl Tlnkory xoodi nt DoVocn. Order your fruit lubein of tho Med ford PrfnilntfCo. mid hoop tho money nt homo. Mm. (leorKo Fry nnd diuip.htor, Imve returned from (Iruutn I'nnn to their boiimntend near Trail. Until Jul)' If' wo will rocelvo ordow for npoclnl threit color upplo mid pear ntntlonery at cut prlcen roducoil from H no to $1 00 with your hunt Hern card thereon. Mvdford Prlntlnf; Co. Henntor II. Von der Hellen of Wei ten wun ii Medford vlnltor Friday, Curl nnd (leorKo Von ditr Hellen wero tlnltor Thurnday. Hcreeti doom nt Medford I.br. Co, Call Mitchell for uwn mower troii hlun. Phono 20, Kco II II. McCurdy for Aetna Fi delity nml Kurety lloudn. In affalm of life Hint Uifflo you much iMiueflt can bo derived by con nullliii: u reliable clulrvoynut. Mine. Dreyfun nunwem' your npoken or menial ijtieniloun, (elln your mom necret thoiiKhtn. Advlcn on lovo, hiinliieiH, MMculntlou, inlulni;, etc, hidden necrntn revealed, ilruwn pic liiren nnd other wonderful thliiKn. Hlrhtly rouridetillnl, Colonial Flam, apartment 2 1 I CHICAGO PUBLIC UTILITIES OWNED BY SIX PERSONS MVtntlnuvd from pc l.t II. It. n if lin mnl compiiny, Hie SI. Iuiin mnl Stui Fruiiethco, nml enter prinoH neiirer home ore fri'th in the miuiU uf the public. The ii'purl wuh onlered liy the city coilliell mnl will he eoiiMtilercil by Ihe committee on km, oil nnd el ectric liejlt. Pn'iiilinti l.lt AiheiilM-rn. All bunlnenn men who aro to pro poro ropy for nn ml In the Jarknon County Fn.tr Premium l.lnt plcnno iTnvii It ready early Monday morn Ins. 89 Why Not (let thu boat niuoko, Gov. Johnnon, nnd nlao pntronlro homo. System Awakens With Pure Blot In Mind and Body lh Change it Wonderful. AfUr II" OcprtuliiD, (tie Hfullon, tb dfplr uirr muiic tilmM Ultorilrr, It U line lo Vi up lo wUt K. H. K. lit accom. idUtiHl (or you iftrr few Utj" uir. It iut ibe urrtn and IUxhI In lurraixir: II nruutM the ctlluUr actlvlly of ttie llrrr, IMnfjii, lunc. and othrr cicrvtory orsmn to rroiovit frui tbo lilooj ib ttoUjr wnitra I tut cautn urarly all ilfknrt. 'lltli uiraua tUat all ilmrnr, all brraklng dawn ( Ilia tUnur. U rtirtird and rrpalr von encini. n. n. n. uaa aucu mnurutv ua all loral rll a lo irfrrm their mutual wrlfar aod afford trox-r rrlatlvr aialit anrr lo each vtlirr. Mor atlfutloa U Miif tftu to ralalrtU' turUlrtne tliao rrr Ufor aud 8. H, H. i uu of tha blbrit actiltYt nrnia In tbln Hue, Tor many yrar ixoiile rrllnl uhu lurrcury, lodUU of jKiHih. ar arnle catliartlrn aud "doc" aa rfuirdU-a for Mood atrkiiraa, but now ilia purr, vrcttabla H. H. H. It thflr aaftttuarU. "fcv.aoia Vou ran Pt 8. S. H la any drug ator. but latltt UKtn barlus It. The crrat Hwlft Uboratory u Atlanta, Oa., prepare thin faaoui bloo purlDvr. and you abould take no chance by nr milling; anyona to mvm. wend aub.iliutf. And If your blood con. dltUn la nuch that you would like to con. ' npflallit without chaw, addn-Ha FIRE NOTICE Until Jlio jmssaRo of n Imildiiiif oruiiiiiitco safo Kuai'din tho lives of chiltU rcn m AuHltom and propor ly roKiilatiiiK Imiltlini? eon- structiQii and property haz ards, X will ho glad to fur nish without charge and upon request in writing to any person or persons such information as may he de sired hv which conditions may he made more safe aud fire danger lessened. Ad dress all eoiumuuieatious to F. H. C0WLES Wt'luwiy Orcrwrd, Medford I M''Mn-f"''l''' - --.w.t.' At the Churches . ta-"- w Tnlcnt llfliit Itov, Mrn. MucCuIIoiikIi, II. A. pan tor. MoriihiK wornhlp II n. in. Kcn wornhlp K p, in. lUiplUt llev, It. W. MncCulloiiKh, I'll I), pnntor. MornliiK wornhlp II a. in. Comiiiiirilon mid recoptloii or now mvmbern with (irinoii. Hlhlo ncliool Ii. !.'.. II. Y, P. V. 7 p. m. Union nervlcii nt tho Pronbylerlan church. Ion l.otliernn Ken lef u iim Zioti l.tilheni, -" 1 2 W. I'oiirlli hired, will be eomluetcil in Ocriiinn nml Knylihli nl 11 n. m. I lible School ut 10 ii. m. Kellli-lllllllllll I'Olltcrejsiiliowil llieel inif nfler Ihe inorninjf service. Ko eVellilur hen lee. Come nml woifchip. Flrol (linrrh of ChrM, Krlrntlnl Kunilay norvlco ul 1 1 o'clock. Sub ject "Ood." Wediiondny eveiilm; titntlmonlnl moetliiK at H o'clock. All nro cordlully Invited. Hundny ncliool nl 10 o'clock. All under tho Ki of 20 ure welcome. ItendliiK room In church edlllco, iiZ North Onkdiile aeuiii, In open from 130 to 4:30 dally, except ftun dnyn mid holidays. V. V. T. V. Mrn. Mlnnlo llender nnd Mm. Nan. nle Woolf attended tho (I. A. It. con etitlon held nl Tillamook, Ore. Juno C, 17 mnl I ft. Mrn. Hender Kavo u EVERY WOMAN MAY HAVE BEAUTIFUL GLORIOUS HAIR GROWING ON HER OWN HEAD No woman can decornto her bend with inlmi hair In tho nhapo of rats, puffn, nwltcbcn nnd Irannformntlonn nnd mako It appear natural. lalr KrowlnR on the ncalp It adornn In the only kind that alway looks right. There In a grace and beauty In nat tural bnlr which In not to be niln taken Newbro'n llerplctde pormlts the luxuriant crowth or beautiful hair. It oradtcatcn tho dandruff, preterven tho hair and Riven It thu life and bright ncn of true hair health. F.vcry woman may have Ixjautlful, WB I.IKK TO FIT "' The t Come Again Idea In always uppcrmont when we're fitting you with Wulk-Ovcr footwear. Come In and e our fine lino of oxfords, tlio Ideal shoo for bot w wither. &el& ng ANNOUNCEMENT Hotel COMIX)UT IIM Itooins ' Klcvntor Scrlco Hot nnd cold running water, private phone, steam heat and ontnldo windows In all rooms. Kxqulslto Lobby nnd Mczzanlno. Kxcolleut Cuisine. Splendid Snmplo Uooiuh, Thu Commercial Traveler makc3 this hln homo and tho Tourists usually prolong their stay, , Tnrirr Koom without private bath, per day, $1.00 nnd up. Itoom with private bath, per day, $2.00 and up. NIWIAh IUTKS 11V WKBK OK MONTH Hotel This cozy hotel la now opon again and you will bo at 'homo tho moment you enter. This hotel Is particularly noted for Its homollko surroundings, and ttu artistic furnishings. Hot and cold running water nnd steam heat la all rooms, ' Hales per day: Koom without bath, 7Qo and $1.00. Ilooni with private shower bath, $1.25. Itoom with prlvato bath, $1.G0 aud up. We have two rooms ut Hotel Holland at $12,30 per month each, SIMCCIAIi LOW IUTKS 1Y WKKK OH MONTH Hotel Clean rooms, clean beds and everything sanitary. Hates por day &0o nnd 75c. I reapoctrully beg to announce that the ubovo hotels aro all opor atod under my nolo ownership and management, mid I wlh to thank you for your kind patroungo in thu past and I hope lo doner vo suc cess lu tho future. Yuur obedient servant, KMIh MOIIH lie you Plutocrat, Autocrat, Arllorra or Democrat makes no dlf fvrviicti to un, You mil welcome, Hiio roport or Hut convention nnd thnlr'trlp AVudncndny -nfternoon at tho rcKular corpn mcotltiK. Mrn. llender brouKht back n Tlllnmook clmcno nnd nt tho clow or Wcdncn dny'n meeting nho nnd Mrn. Woolf Invited tho W. It, C, ladlcn nnd tho Post momborn to b Tillamook chw;no lunch that wnn thorouRhly enjoyed by nil prenent. Flrt (lirMInn Church Tho norvlcen will be beneficial to ...... ..., ...... ...Ill ..Ml.. .I.n f.ll,.W- III! Ulltl JU1I Will tllljl' till ,,-,.,"- nhlp, Kperlal miinlr, MornlnK ner- mon, i no iviiirijcmii ni viuu uumuiu not by Obnorvntlon," Come! We want you, KvcnlnK will be In a union meet ing nt tho Prenbytcrlan' church, Hundny nchool nt 'J; 15. I'nrentn brim? your children, C. B. Society meet at 7 p, m. All inemlxirn should be prenent, npce la) bunluonji. Mid-week prnyer meeting Thurnday evetiliiK H o'clock. Wo will try nml mako It plennuut for you nt nil our norvlcen. IIAItllY B. TUCKKIt. MlnUter McthiMlInt BiIncoimiI Meilforil MelhoiliHt Kpiteopnl chiireh, corner of Bnrllell mnl Fourth ttreiti, B. 'Olio Khlriile pnntor. KeniccH Hiinilny m follewH: prench me 11 n. in. Sulijcct, "Wluit Our Fntherx Hnvc Tolil IV." Kvrnitif:, ITiiion M-niee in thu I'reKbjterimi ehureh. Hlimlny School, ilielnililiK inllllt lliblc pIumxph for men, women nnd yomiK hnlieH. -F.tvortli IcfiKiie tl:l" 1 1. in. 1'rnvcr roi'ftiiitf 'I'lmnnlitv IIFHPK'IOi: Klorloun hair growlns on her own head. There Is no secret about It use Newbro'n Hcrplclde. Send 10c In pontage for sample and book on thu Care or tho Hair to The llerplcldo Co., Dept. It.. Detroit, Mich. Ncwbro's llerplcldo In 50c and $1.00 sizes Is sold by alt dealers who guarantee It to do all that I claimed. If you are not satlifled your money will be refunded. Applications may bo obtained at the best barber shops and hair drens InR parlors. THE HARD . TO FIT $ KM), ft. 50, 95.00 "Qooa iFu" s 8ioe glor. Medford Tho Hotel or SKHVICB 1IKAUTV 40 With PrliatelUlh Holland Moore (vrnlu 8 o'clock TIiciiic, "The Itc lijfloiiM Kiiln of Iloniif l.lle," H.xccllcnt mimic by cliorun olioir, under Ihn direction of F, C. Kilnieniln. KjK'fiiil fciiliirc for .Sunday. I'roilfylcrlnn I'rcnchiiiK nt J I n. m. Kiibjccl, "Tho Church of Ihe Living 'Ontl." rjnndny Krlionl nt 1(1 n, m. Kinder-' Kiiticii nt 11 n. in. Union Horvirci nt 8 Ii. m. in the I'rewliyti'rinn church. All churches unite in n piitriolic ncrviee. The -Itli of .1 nl v oiiirlit not to be r::-ti t wliolh" iTt V . foiiiicst HMUI.T1 USE PKAM. OB. A good oil stove cooks just as well as a wood or coal range and docs it quicker and cheaper. It saves your lime and strength for there's no wood, coal or ashes to lug. The New .Perfection OIL COOK STOVE burns kerosene the clean, cheap, cacily-handled fuel. Its hlue flame gives an intense heat and you can regulate it to uny degree you want just like a gas range. It doesn't smoke nor taint the food. An ideal summer stove because it doesn't over-heat the kitchen. Many use it the year 'round. Dealers everywhere. Standard Oil Company iCahTornU) Closing Out Buggies "We are going out of the buggy business and offer some of the best bargains ever given in the valley At Cost and Below "We have a big lino of Buggies and Spring "Wagons, all of which are included in the sale, and invite cvory person who is figuring on a new vehicle to call and look the line over and get the prices. Hubbard Brothers You've Been looking For a good, practical, closely spaced pig aud hog fence close enough to hold the small pigs and strong enough for the large ones. Here's tho ono that will do it to perfection, and it's PAGE WIRE PENCE C " ' IHU aUtl Style 1028 1 Tensile Higher grade steel wiro than is found in any other make of fence. Extra close spacings at tho bottom. Plenty of fence for all sized hogs. This is just one of the many styles wo carry for special purposes. "DTrect'frnrfwttoyou.'''" We Pay th Frtlgtit' K GADDIS & DIXON "THE PAGI FENCE MIM" MKDFOUI) ouKaox ill ileM(trc, hut ii inltl of (lie iluy hIioiiIiI he given to I lie tlmttylit of, llio IIiIiikh Hint mnke for pnlriotlnnl. TIiIm service n n call to ihe thltiir tlmt mnke for ProtrntniitUin ntnl Pcmoe rnpy, for litierty of foiiHclcncp. nml for Propria. l)r, U. V. .MucCuU IoiikIi will mnke tho ndiironff, nnd nil pnNtOM ttill take part in the nervier. Hpecinl inimip by tlio Qiinrlelte. (lood Coni,'rcKntlnniil linxitiK. All are conliiilly invited. Y. P. K. (r. nt 7 p. m. Men' eluss nt 10 n. m. Tfip modem siave for ihe farm r Medford wiMiiPACla jutorvrittj. JL'-""JU.Vllw I "V Tv ; 7S Strength 11,350 lbs. V ' fit