I IMtiB TWO MEOTORD MATL TRU.ITNK, aiNnVOM), OKIOTON. FRIDAY, dULY H, 1M. fe- "t '."' -. rv r i f -A" "!. . I; I RAIN ROBBERS GET AWAY FROM PURSUING ro ES lKNI)tiRTON Ore, July 3k Pause In the lllun Mounlnliis today c&ntlnued their searfclf for tho two or rtosslbly three hlRhwaymcn who escaped yesterday nfter holding up Orctfori-Waslilnfiton ltnllroad and Navigation train No. G near Mencham, OreRon. Tho hody of tho highway- man who was killed wac posltirolv Identified today as Hugh Whitney, the' notorious desperado, on whoso head had been set a price of nearly $5000. Although It was thought possible thai (ho robbers may havo escaped In a brown automobile, which was seen In tho vicinity a few hours before the hold-up, tho general opinion was that tho bandits had struck directly Into the mountain fastness, cither afoot or on horses. Secral trails found lato yesterday were found to havo been made by persons other than tho robbers. fteorgo McDuffoy, deputy sheriff of Ilcppncr, Oregon, a passencer on the train, who killed Whitney and wounded another of tho robbers, was pronounced out of danger. He re ceived a flesh wound over tho heart when ho opened fire on two of the robbers in a chair car. Whitney had operated in Montana, Idaho and Wyoming. He was only St years old. He was believed to be tho slayer of Conductor Kldd on the Oregon Short Line near Dubois, Idaho, in 1911. NEWS OM COUNTRY CORRESPONDENTS .k EAGLE POINT EAGLETS By A. C. Hewlett DRAMA LEAGUE ORGAN AT PUBLIC LIBRARY Two numbers of "The Drama" ha been received at the public library. "The Drama' is a quarterly published by The Drama Leaguo of America edited by Theodore Hinckley of Chi cajto University. Each number of "The Drama" contains a complete play, with seme account of tho play write and other interesting material. The plays are chosen from various countries and many schools, giving an Introduction to tho most signifi cant features of modern dramatic rt. The aim of "The Drama" is to sup ply, in an inexpensive, yet attractivo form, the material which tho many drama readers and appreciative play goers of today require. In so doing It hopes to intensify tho interest of this group In plat literature and to increaso Its numbers by selecting only plays of unusual merit and b dlwiiMlng only those movements and publications that are really worthy, It hopes to raise tho stand ard of present-day drama criticism and drama demand. Drama League members will find this publication a valuable addition to their own libraries. The price is IS. 00 a year to Leaguo members, 13,00 to non-members. Volumes V and VI of the Drama Leaguo series of plays havo recently been added to tho Drama Leaguo shelf at the public library. Volume V Is "Mary Goes First," by Henry Arthur Jones, an enter taining bit of high comedy. Tho sixth Jssuo is A. K. Thomas's de lightful comedy of American life, "Her Husband's Wife." to which Walter Prlrhard En ton contributes the futroductlon. RECORD PEAR CROP KENNEWICK VALLEY KENNEWICK, Wash.. July 3. According to present indications tbo local Fruit Exchauge will begin the shlpplug of liartlott pears actively in carload lots by July 10, Extremely favorablo weather In this valley dur ing tho last 10 days has greatly hastened the growth. There Is plen ty of stock which now measures two Inches In diameter. Tho quality of the Dartlott pears in this section will be tho finest ever, and 'owing to tho' excellent quality it Is pMmated tho exchange will move out at loast 2f carloads, which will be 90 per cent of tho pears In tho Keunewlck-IMchland valleys this year, as jiraetlcally of the penrs are con troHwl by Independent growers, who have been highly pleased with tho rrf rendered by tho oxchaugo as a atftlllMK HKeHcy. MHWOMO H'WHm WILft VIJHK ON J I'M' 4TII All the stores and offices or Med fr4 will - oIwmM all day and even lM ftUwr4y, July 4th, 1 tw Hivlttee of patrons, the jrtM and Hiaat warkwts will HW Friday vvwnInk, Thers vttt I p MiVafitM Mmt fiaturdsy, In writing up tho account of the Sunday school picnic nt Table Hock of June 2 1st, I omitted to mention the nnmes of Elmer Robinson, Anna llohlnson, Mary Hoblnson, John Cas tor. May Wilson and Thomas Vestal who wore members of the Iteeso crock Sunday school. . David Pence of Elk creek, tho road supervisor of that district, was In town last week cottlng supplies for his family and tor tho road work. Mrs. Mary Campbell of Derby was a guest at tho Sunny Sldo last Fri day on her way home from Medford. Mr. Davis and son, formerly of Persist hut now of Derby wcro pleas ant caltcra nt the Sunny Sldo last Saturday. Harry (llppcrt of Ilutto Falls came out Saturday to havo an old wagon repaired. Henry Peck of Lake crock was a visitor Inst Saturday and took homo with him two rolls of wire fencing. Those good old fashioned German citizens upon Butte creek, havo been taking out quite a lot of wire fenc ing thts season that shows that they, at least, aro prospering In builnese. J. S. Quackcnbush and wife, tho foreman of tho A. Corbln orchard, were In for new supplies Saturday. I.ast Saturday Ed S. Wolfcr was delivering some fine strawberries In this town, and while here renewed his subscription to the Dally Mall Tri bune. Last Sunday morning as I returned from church I met, at tho Sunny Sid? Miss Helen Yockcy. the bookkeeper of the Medford Publishing company, who wo always meet in tho Mall Tri bune office, Miss Ethel Curry. Miss Jerry Hukes. another member of the .Mall Trlbuuo force, Mrs. Yockcy and Mrs. nukes, all of Medford, who had come out in Miss Helen Yockey's car they said for a good dinner. On tho way out they run Into a mud hole, caused by the overflow of tho Irrigation ditch and the result was they had to get out and lift out a wheel of tho machine, but got out all O. K. with a llttlo of tho mud still adherring to their clothes but after they arrived at the Sunny Side a "change of some of the outside ap parel and a little rubbing with a brush, etc.. effaced all marks of the disaster. I also found Mr, Sullivan, the superintendent of tho Roguo Lands and Improvement company, bis wife and two daughters, also tbac Indcfataglble attorney. Gus Newbury, and wife of Medford, they also had called for dinner. Just after din ner, that Is the first table was through Dr. Holt called, but before his ar rival C. E. Johnson and your cor respondent had ate our dinner and started for Reese creek for Sunday school whero wo met quite a num ber of good people of that section. At the close of tho school tho Chris tian Endeavor met and wns presided over by Mrs. Jcttle Clarno In a very ablo and impressive manner and everything showed that tho people of that section aro thinking of some thing a scale higher than the danco and Sunday ball game. Monday morning Mrs. Hewlett, our daughter llnttle, Mablo Wamslcy and your correspondent started by team for Prospect at 3:1C a. in, with Jud Edsall as driver, arriving at tho latter place at 10:15 a. m. whero wo wcro met by our son-in-law C. K Hoyt, of Fort Klamath with his seven passenger car and takon on to his place, arriving there at 4 o'clock p. m. Wo found tho roads in a very good condition, and being still Im proved for wo passed several gangs of men at work on tho roads In dif ferent places. They aro making some ary material changes along the old Alfred Gordon place, whero Mr. Mans field Is putting up a very Ino resl uencc. I noticed considerable Im provement In different places. At Trail Mr. Ash has been making sev eral changes and put up two new, buildings. "When wo reached Pro spect, or rather tho trail leading down to tho Mill Creole falls, wo met Mr. Hoyt and his cousin's wife, Mrs. Steven Hoyt and son, formerly of California, they had gone down tho canyon to take a look at tho falls and after eating a good hearty dlnnor wo started. Dut before I get too far on my subject I must say something about tho town of Prospect for it has been greatly changed since I was there before. They havo torn away the old barn that has been slaudlng for the Just 40 years and put up a new one, tore nwt' tho old store and erected u now one and James Grieve and wfo, tho proprietors, aro kept busy with tho store and hotel, hut everything looks fresh and clean. Hut 1 must stop for this tlino, hut the next time will suy more about what a saw on the road and what I tec here. Fort Klamath, June 30, 14, TABLE ROCK TABLETS Two grnlu binders urc busy In this community hancstlug the golden grain. Mtss Francis Aiken tho Prospcc "school nm'nm" Is visiting friends In this vicinity. A. h. Scnbruok made a business trip to Medford last Wednesday. John Vincent and wife of Jackson ville and J. A. Kllburn of Central Point, spent Sunday here with rela tives. At a meeting of the "Arrow Heads" last Saturday evening, it was decided to discontinue regular meetings un til September and In tho mount Imo to nave the annual "potlntch" and also put on a play some time during tho summer. Koss Kline, deputy Inspector, Is do ing some good work In our orchards this week. He says that when it comes to thorough work In blight cut ting, Sam' Collins of this place Is u with any of them. Tho local ball team were Intending to get tho scalps of tho Central Point bunch last Sunday, but tho Pointers evidently got wlso for they failed to show tip. However, as a number of fans had gathered to watch tho game a second tenm wns picked from the crowd nud n very Interesting game played. Miss Mao Nealon was surprised last week when she read In tho Mnll Tribune Hint she had been elected to teach tho Sixth grado In tho Wash ington school nt Medford, as she Is engaged to teach tho Sams Valley school for ttio next year, she did not accept tho position. Hog pardon Father Howlett wo did not Intend to mean that you were piggish, but rather thought wo were handing you n boquct, a man of your ago with such a healthy appetite should be proud of It. The Table Kock ball team will play at llutte Falls July Fourth. A large number of our population will go along to root for tho team and tj celebrate tho Fourth In tho cool mountain air. Mrs. Iteesc had tho misfortune of wrenching her back one day last week. Dr. Dow soon eased tho pain to tho extent that sho is able to ba about her household duties. Mrs. Earl May was operated on for nppcndlcltis last Monday at tho Sacred Heart hospital and at tho present ttme Is getting along about as well as could bo expected. Tho person who took the two sil ver forks by mistake nt tho Chil dren's Day picnic will confer a favor on tho owner If thoy will leavo them at the Table Rock storo. Wc arc sorry to report that Grand ma Vincent was stricken with paraly sis last Wednesday and nt this time Is in a critical condition. MQURNERSCROWD CHAPEL FOR LAST VIEW OR ARCHDUK E VIENNA, July 3. Crowds of inoin'tiera visited toda tho chapel of the HottnirK. where tho coffins eon talnlm; tho bodice of the Arch DitUo Francis Fordlntuul nnd tho U'lchOss of HoheubetK lay In state. A con- tlnuous procession, marched past the cntfnlques. Euiperor Francis Joseph left tlu surhurbnn pnlaco at Schoanbrunn early today for tho Itotburg. As he passed th'rough tho streets, thous ands of people cltucreil him. Although tho court chapel was not opened until S oVlock tho crowds began to nssvmblo outside before dawn. Tho bodies lay In sliver coffins, or namented with gold. That of tho arch duKo was decorated with gold bauds and oak leaves while that of tho duchess was coveted with lilies l.lto ruiuiIh formed u giuirij of lumor. In front of tho coffin reposed two wreaths hearing t ftu slmplu Inscrip tion; "Buflo, Mv,' Urnst." Thoy wro from tho nrch duho's children. Other floral offerings muuiiorluit Mivcrnl hundred were placed In apart moiiti ndjulnlug the chnpul, Masses were Hld nt nil tho attaint of tin chapel Iriini 8 o'clock In I ho morning until noon, At 10 o'clock tho court choir entered and snug tho "Mlserero" nnd from noon until I o'clock tho bolls of tho city churches tolled. .CICHESTERSmW c&xiML i'liiIVr i ,4 ni 'i4 rv.'vv If, m, Mit.l lik llwi wIHmk. ' ft maM WMftftSIS ,,ilk..MMlt.Htl.",M"k m n by ORiiTinwis i vruwur rf MRS. H. L. LEAOH Export Coraotloro 2( Noi'lli Bnrltott. Phono rM JM. 300 Is tho Nmithur of tho Medford Taxi Co. (Uflon Wilson's Cluar Htoru. First Door West I'M tit National Hiuilc O. V. MVKIIH .V .1, C. OASS l'm"'h,ttiiK WOMEN WHO ARE ALWAYS TIRED May Find Help Letter. m Thi it . yjfj. t .Mi:ii.-oiti. (iiti:io.. AN iyviWT.MK.NT IX DIAMONDS Itoiiulies direful tluiuclil nud the proper ronfl demo In a turn, to warrant absolute satlsiui unit. To note the proper roiiiintrl'oii on must IlispiMt (hem from a laige nud well minded stook, such us I ant aide to lion. In this way mi lircoiuo thoroughly familiar utth values nud feel as sured of safe and economical builng thruugh luy binding guarantee. Mliiiooiiil Setting ami Engiatlng Done lleif. MARTIN J. REDDY tin: ,ii;wi:u;u vggfe. .NKAIt IMWTOI'I'lt'i: 2 Js- Js J J J J Js- J J J J J J J J J Js J J Js. j- J J J .J J J J J J CASH TALKS! WMBSsh IbPI w if FIRST FOURTH OF JULY VICTIM DIES AT CHICAGO CHICAGO, Julv :.-Jolin Sullmtji, need ,11, became Cliicngo'a firM Fourth of July victim today, when lie died of bunis cniiocd by explod ing firework. Dm'I Be Misled if You Have Lung Trouble K JOU have lung Trouble, do Dot tie iltlni br rrrjorts of i!lmTrira nf if?- rtnea to rtllcto tint fTr-tlon. No i-Wtlc Swan Creek, Mich. " I cannot speak too highly of your medicine. When through noRlcct or Overwork 1 net run j down nnd my appe tite u poor nnd I havo that weak. Inn puM, always tired fcellnjr, I pet n bol-UoofLydlnE.rink-1mm 's Vegetable Compound, nnd it builds me up, givci me strength, and re stores mo to perfect health npiln. It Is truly n gTeat bless ing to women, and I cannot speak too highly of It. I take pleasure in recom mending it to others." Mrs. ANNtB Camf.kon, R.F.D., No, 1, Swan Creek, Michigan. Another Sufferer Itcllcvctl. Hebron, Mc.. "Before taking your remedies I waa all run down, discour aged and had female weakness. I took Lydla E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com pound and used tho Sanative Wash, and find today that I am nn entirely new woman, ready nnd willing to do my housework now, where before taking your meillctno it was a dread. I try to impress upon tho minds of all ailing women I meet the benefits thoy can derive from your medicines." Mrs. Charles Kowe, K. F. D., No. 1, Hebron, Maine. If you vrnut h nodal nrtvlcei writ to Lydiu n. Pinklinm MotU Iclno Co., (confidential) Lyim, Matt.s. Your letter wll Io opened, rcntl nml answered ! a wnmuij and held lu ulrJct confidence. tnuinl tjr report of itlwTnr f pu rlttca to rtllcto tint ffrrllon. No l-rld bus yet brra found. Kckinnn'n Allen tirr, Unwrter, In a uirillcliir for tlirrxt sod tunc trouble wlilcli bat ten uc- rrurally uih lu duiit ro-. If tva r lo in Sick. It mlebt b urUo fur jrou btnrtlt to Jou. itrd utl or lbl Von Oct flitf tttt Thers when you smok (Jar, John son dean and polronlie lioiy Indus- (tr It taertt sad It aw unjr be of ling die: 3U3 KuMitli Are.. New Ynrk. "iSrntleiarai Hp jear sn lt An THt I w taken to HI. Hrntir1' llfxpltnl to Ik) treated for llrouebltl ami ronxrat rl lunc. Aflrr eirrral wrek' trrntinciit I waa mlrlxeil br th doetnr to en to a eonralefcent unltarlum. but conMnot l admitted because llir iloctnr at tbe but pllil. after a tuorough xaialoatl"ii, tl. cUred mr et lins Trmiblr, and rare mn a rertlfleatr to that effrrt. I bownl the rertlOeate to l'allifr Htark, and be ad Tlteti me to take llrkman'a Alleratlre. I lx.k tli- Alternlirn falthfiillr aa U reetrd. and aoon found mjraelf fren from nlaht reata and ferrr. and craduallr xot better. I hare not taken the Altrratlre now for two y-nr. and can trutbfutlr T I am well. I fell better and am stronger tbau before my alrkiiena." (Amdatlt) MAUY KOH1IAMKR. lAlwre abbreviated: more ou reiuet.) Ilckinan'a Alterative ba been proren tif many year' tent to be Inont efSrarlvn for M-TTe Throat and I.nuc AtTerllona, llromliltli. Ilrotieblil Aathraa. htubUirn Cold nnd In miliiiltdliiK tbe arttnn. C'onlilnt no narcollm, M,orm or hublt formlna dniei. A,k for liooklrt telllnK of rtrorerleK. ud write to Hekinnn I-1lxiratnrr, I'blladelphla. !'., for evi dence. Fur la br U leading drunelata iuavTSiHaCSr ? aaaa-LaLSJXMfaraaaaaaa! 811119 aHrnlllaaH YOUR EFFICIENCY depends largely upon your cvchIkIk. Myo strain In a great handicap, ISo suro your eyes nro right. See Dr. Rickert Now in; knows how .Suite l-'J Over Hrurl'M Green Trading Htninpfl Glvuii sT4slBsaflBiitt r --9NNjiTh'- " T-- .M gTJJMiahpPV' sI.Brr N-TBsBsJiaK3- TWO CRUIHS LvUf Ssa FraaciKt by tbe Urge Crulilnf Stcamahlps "CINCINNATI", FEB. 8 ANO "CLEVELAND", FEB, 22 Part H UtWe a vltlt to Ilia Btn UU Eafitln ICllutll, llkntrarvcf ktti uuioi IfwItMiu vUh to Ui pinti(U clllaf lb world. Duration Each Cruise 135 Days fVut IQAA . U.luJina 7W bu til uur dHd W Will forJIIuUteltJMeoUtt HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE , 'BtajIWtmWQVwi Uiuloi' AiiHjjict'S EPISCOPAL DIOCESE OP OREGON PALL TFAiM OPKNS September 23, 1914 Oi'mmicr Sfhool and CVjIIcc I'rcpanitoi'y courKcs. Hcliool cstntc compi'iKUK 100 arivH di' itji'tilo land, (yViinpIoio tfym naHiiiii), Kwimmin pool, in door and outdoor athlolirH, Library, Htudy liall.H, r-onipc-tciit iiiHlriiction in all braiiHicK. Hond Uw ralcH and booklets -'Wlicrn boyn nro tniiniid to tliink," AUi;('hh BI8HOP 0OOTT SCHOOL yaiiiiiiii, Ort'goji i t t ? J t r t r t t t T t I BIG REDUCTION IN BUGGIES MOWERS, RAKES AND SEWING MACHINES Wo waul to ri'dnco stock antl have inadt' bi ic diictions in prifcs. $110 A-drado Sttidcbakcr Hu'v .. .. J? I O.'t.OO $11,") good Studt-bakfi' I.iikjtv ,fl2.00 $ST good .StiitlobaktM' Himgy . .. . $(.MM l''-t't Vortical Lift and Draw Cut Champion Mow ers S52.50 fi-foot Draw Cut Cliainpiou MowtM'H $55.00 5-foot Dig Draw Cut Champion Mowors $00,00 JM'oot Solf-Diimp Champion Unices JjWJ.OO 10-foot .Sfir-Dump Cliainpiou Unites $,'15.00 Now Home ,Seving iMaehines $l7.50 Medford Implement Co. A ? ? ? ? ? ? T r r ? ? y y y t y y y y y y y y y z I5 ! t-It' t it J t ! t w tt ! t t ! t t ! ! ! ! ! ! ! C v ! t S Three Color Apple and Pear Stationery bV"SH r. fiswSsm Ss2'X "J 5 X ! X ! J X t y y y y T T y y y t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y T y y y y y y y y t T y f y t y y y y y y t For a few days onjy ye wjll receive orders for Letter heads and Envelopes printed in three colors with your name and address or business card thereon, thats sell regularly for $8.50 per 1000, for envelopes $4.00 Per 1000 (, hWc are enabled to rnake this price by making a run of 50,000 br niQre, Qrdcr$ must be in by July 15. Every envelope carries the legend, "Gateway to. Crater Lake, Oregon Greatest Scenic Wonder" and "Buy Your 1915 Tickets via Oregon with Medford Stopover." Place your order at once. ? y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y t y y y t y y y y y y y y y y j y y y y y y Medford Printing Co. 27 North Fir Street i n i 4X-,f 1 Wjtrlw, I .4""S":"5'4!'S,;";;((.ff