1 PAGE .T70T7R RtEDFORT) MATL TRTT3UNE. MEDTORP. OREO ON, WEDNESDAY, .TULY 1, 101 MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE AN INDKPBNDKNT NKWHI'APKK rUBUMIBU KVKHT AFTERNOON BXCKPT (SUNDAY UT TUB MKuronu IMUNTINQ CO. Th Demoerntla Tlm, Tlia Mtdfonl Mall, Th Medford Tribune. Thn South trn OrtKonln, Th AnhUtiJ Tribune. Offlcn Mall Tribune Dulldlnff, 11-XMt North Kir atrent; telephone 7&. Offlrlnl tier of the City of Medford. Utflelal Taper of Jackson Countr. Rntered aa aecond-rlaaa matter at Medford, OrfKon, under the act of March 1, Ut. VaSOKXTTIOV 1ATM One year, by mail ...15.00 One month, by mall .SO I'er month, delivered by carrier In Medford, Jackaonvllle and Cen tral Point .SO RuturOny only, by mall, per year. 3.00 Weekly, per year ....,- 1.(0 Pull Tcasctl Wlro Associated lrcss WKh Mc-for Stop-OTer NEW CANNERY READY FOR LOGAN BERRIES R. D. I toko, manager of the Hoktt cannery ald this morning that all tho machinery hail been Installed, and that he was ready to can logan berries, tho first lot of which la ex pected to bo brought In tomorrow. The canning of loganberries will bo In full swing next week. They will come In In lots of from flvo to -! boxes, and can be handled by a small force. Manager Hoke said this morning that tho cannery would bo running full blast by August 1. at the latest, when tho tomatoes and beans would be ready. Considerable acreage. In tlieso two products have been signed up. He expect to put on a forco of from -0 to 25 then to handlo tho crop. Pears will also be handled. A number of people have Inspected tho new cannery since Its completion and all visitors are welcome Manager Hoke anticipates a most successful year. STOCKS ARE HIGHER NEW YORK, July 1. Representa tlve stocks moved with sonio uncer tainty today but a few of tho minor issue- la the special group were higher. Dealings were restricted, the professional element showing lit tle disposition to make new commit ments in view of Impending develop ments. The close was heavy. Conditions abroad wero probably responsible for the moderate setback registered in today's 'early dealings In International mucs. The dead lock In the Mexican negotiations exerted an Influence. Losses did not exceed fractions and in most casei recoveries ensued. The only gains of nolo wero Atlantic Coast Line, Ilrooklyn Rapid Transit and Llgget and Meyers preferred which ad vanced a point. Trading wan fairly actlvo with Indications of some in vestment. ONLY ONE OF IHREE t ' Mi' t i a IINLEY OK THAMKS, July 1. Only one of three American entrants lor. tlm Diuuioiid Sculls Hiirvived lo rliiy the first round of (lie eontcxt. Jiinu'rt U. Ayer of the Union Kent dull, Ilontou, easily dipoiH'd of It. (Jonld of New Zealand and Jemis CoJIuge, Cambridge, but Willinm Tu dor Gardiner Mimimhcil to Q. C. Fripp mid J'uiil Withinptun to J, Ijiwrrnce Tumi, in the lutter enwi lifter n iriot oxcilin-r 1'iiiUli in which Hie American ciiinu within mi ace of overtaking Die KiiKlMiuiiiii at lli' iiniHliiii line. Hubert Dibble of Trouto nleo won hi race, frmiHiuj; beautifully tluoiilH "lit, In the next nerien of heut, Ayer meelK (lie Italian, Sinixugliii, nlm lo ilny defenti'd Hie Knlirdi crack, K. 1), 1'. Pinks, and Dibble ineel Tuna, liSIERliNlis CARRY ARMS OPENLY P LONDON, July 1. VMer vulini Iwtrx Imvp been notified necoplnitr In ll)H llelfuht llclut, iat Hid lime lui Hlijvt'd wlieii on an order J'nmi tlieli' cimniiHiiiliiiK ofilcurrt (ho men may wvy nrw (ifMly Mini that nny jil Itwi'l l w'lro Hw arm or lli vnluit luArri hn Hiny In nirryiiitr ilinu in Mwlt mMh !il older l l'i U trhn- t AFRICANELEPHANTS T I E WASIUXOTOX, . C, July 1 Carl K. Akeley, African explorer, In a communication to the National Geo graphic society, in Washington, D. C tells of an elephant "first-aid hrt gade," made of the female elephants of a herd, which not only attempted to give auceor to their wounded "aul tan" but went on "patrol duty" In an effort to punish his assailant. While hunting elephants In Uganda Mr. Akeley came upon a herd In a clearing, rounded up in close forma tion, conscious of the presence of an unseen enemy, "There wero about 25 elephants, mostly cows, and Just as I was on tho point ot backing off to a safer distance, thinking there Here no big bulls in the lot, a fine pair of tusks appeared on tho near side," ho says. "A clump of bushes offered cover for a near approach, and I went in quickly to within 20 yards of him, and as his front l"g wa. thrust forward offering a good op portunity for a heart shot, I fired both barrels ot the double rlflo In quick succession. Help for WoHndcil "All was commotion ns I seized my second rifle and, seeing there was no direct charge, retreated some GO yards to the top or an ant hill, from which I could sec what waa going on. I then witnessed a scene such as I had heard described and which I had been keen to verify. A number of rqws were clustered about the bull, for ho had fallen 30 yards from where he was shot, and with their tusks and trunks were doing their best to get him upon his feet; tho remain der of tho cows wero doing their best to get him upon his feet; the remainder ot cows were doing patrol duty, rushing about in an Increas ing circle, searching for the source ot tho trouble. That meant me, so I retired to a safe distance and waited for the atmosphere to clear. This bull stood II feet and four inches high at the shoulders, and tbo tusks weighed 95 and 110 pounds respectively, while the clrcumferenco of tho front foot at tho solo was C7V4 Inches, tho largest recorded, I believe. "It Is generally understood that largo bull clophauts are moro fre quently to be found apart from the herds, but our experience does not bear this out. Threo bulls that we have shot, having tusks each weigh ing over 100 poands, haro been herd hulls. 'We have found tho largo old bulls enjoying the society and protec tion of largo herds of cows and young animals. One splendid old bull well known In Urganda, who has been seen by many hunters, Is so well pro tected by a largo herd ot most ag xresalve cows, who chargo at tho slightest Intimation of danger, that ho still survives. These old bulls aro very rare, for when one has dovelopcd tusks of r.O pounds ho becomes the target for very hunter, native or white, who sets eyes upon him; thus It is only tho moro crafty or timid Individuals that, seeking the protec tion of large herds or clinging to tho moro inaccessible regions, such as denso forests, manage to survive to a ripe old ago and develop a full growth of Ivory. A Narrow Kfccno "At another tlmo, I was watching a herd from an ant hill, when from the cows there was a low, ominous rumble llko distant thunder, which was plain talk and meant trouble. A hasty glance around convinced u that there wns but one thing to do, to stand and meet the chargo from tho elevation where wo were and from which we could see. If wo tried to escape to one side or to the forest wo could not see them over the high grass boforo thoy were upon nt, They charged toward us, came half way and stopped. They had lost tho wind, but Immediately caught U again, and roaring and Bcreanin? with redoubled energy camn Into view over a slight rise. It was J disconcerting spectacle. Tliolr great ears at full spread, trunks thrashing wildly, a roaring Bcreamlug mass, -10 tons of frantic femalo elephant veil gcance. I remember that I felt IjoincHlek. A rlflo shot stopped the leader, but, encouraged by tho others, she came, on, only to bo knocked down by tho second shot. The others crowded about her, sniffed nnd bolted. Tho old cow slowly regained lipr fcot and staggered away, while wo In deep gratitude returned to camp," 10 KLAMATH FALLS Ji'i,v rooiiTii $10.00 round trip by aulo stuge, Will luloi fvo or moro miuont:uni ut (bin price, l-euvo either Trliluy uvuuIdk or emly Hutiiplwy itiornliitf. Ilelurn Hunduy hvhiIiik, Court Hull, UMiiuKHf lfn Tuxl nmipuny, ' (J'ttld Ail v.J FORM E YINJUNL IE AVERAGE MONTH ACCORDING 10 WEATHER MAN June was an avcrago mouth this year In tho Hoguo river valley. The rainfall was .00 as against an aver age for 25 years ot,."9S. Tho moan maximum was 7(3.9, an against an average of 77 nml.t'hqtyean maximum 47 as ugalmu.'tho nVerugu of -IS. Dato .Max, Mln. l'ro. Char. 1 5$ iV. . ... Clear 2 -S2 51 ....'. Clear a cs r.i ;.V I't. Cly 4... -..57 A" '.17 Cloudy 5 5S 37- .17 Cloudy C....... 68 VI .04 Cloudy 7... -6 4S .08 - ..Clear J t'. 8 16 Clem 9 .......74 4S Clear ;i0 SO 40 lt. Cldy. 11 7 51 I't. Cldy 12 77 50 .0.1 I't. Cldy. 13... .S5 41 ..... Clear 14 95 4S Clear 15................ys 54 ..... Clear lt..l........0C 57 ..... Clear 1 ".... 94 57 ..... Clear 1S............S9 53 ..... Clea- 19. S3 50 I't. Cldy -0..... 70 51 Cloudy '-'1 .(. 77 39 ..... Clear -U.. 70 43 I't. Cldy. 23. . 04 54 .015 Cloudy 24 70 54 .03 Cloudy 25 71 52 .OS I't. Cldy. 20 S3 43 Clear 27 S7 4S Clear 2S 94 49 Clear 29 9 4 53 Clear 30 9S 55 Clear Temperature mean maximum, 7S.9; mean minimum, 4S.S: mean, G3..t; maximum, 9S; date, 30; minimum, 37; date, 5; greatest dally range, 47, Juno 14, Precipitation, total, .ftti Inches. Greatest In 21 hours, .17; date, 4 and 5. Number of days with .01 Inch or moro precipitation, S; clear. 10; partly cloudy. 7; cloudy, 7, Date of hall, June 4. UNITED STATES EXPRESS GOES 00T OF BUSINESS XKW YORK, July 1. While the United Stntes Kxpress company cean es today to be n traiHporlatiou com pany, none of the 15,0111) employes wilt be out of employment, nn the business of tho company will be transferred by other companies, nit transacted by other companies, which linve taken over practically nil of the mileage ojernted. Of the 15,000 employe-, of the Un ited States Kxpre1"! company. whoe salaries nKRrvgniu $(1,000,000 n year 14,000 will continue in the oitious they have held. CITV TUKASUItlWS XOTICK. Notlco Is horeby given that the city ot Medford, Jackson county, Ore gon, will tako up and cancel tho fol lowing Improvement Bends: No.'s 0259 and 02G0, dated August 1, 1910. No.'s 900 and 907, dated August 1. 1911. No.'s 1445 and 1440, dated Feb ruary 1, 1912. Also, Water main Improvement Hondo No.'s G to 10 Inclusive of ser ies "H", dated February 1, 1912. Interest on tho abovo named bonds will cease at the next semi-annual In terest paying period, August 1, 1914. Dated July 1. 1914. 89 OUS H. SAMUKLS. City Treasurer. Mi:iroui STOKKK Wlfif, cm)hi: o.v ,iur,Y ith ll thol stores and ofices of Mod- loru win e cjouoii an ,uay and, even ing Saturday, July 4lh. For the convenience of patrons, tho grocery stores and meat markets will remain open Friday evening. There will bo no deliveries made Saturday. 9S I. O. O. V. Notice. Illg tlmo Wednesday night nt R. R encampment .No. 30. Installation, Roynl I'urplo degree. All mombors please attend. 87 C. P. notici:. Notlco Is hereby given that the town of Mutto Fulls, Jackson county, Oregon, will take up nnd cancel war rants Noh, 37 lu 51, Inclusive upon presentation of said wurrsutM lo tho trouNiinir of suld town. interest on said warrants will ceu ho from the data or tuu first pub lication of this notice which Is Juno 30, J914. K. JJ, SMITH, Treasurer of tho Town of IJulUi Full, John A. Perl UNDERTAKER hf AM-UUAt W H, HAKTMOT f'bfcMM N, 7 Ht 47-Ji AmiIiimm Hrrk lhiuig Vvhhh BOMB AWATED E Y VIKX.VA, July 1. Tho conspiracy ngalnst the lives of Arch Duke Krnn cls Ferdinand and the Duchess of Huhenborg wan so welt planned that It would have been Impossible for tlietn to escape from Homiln nllve. ac cording to some members of the late Arch Uiike'a suite, who returned hero today. Tho officiate say that two clock work bomb uere found beneath the tabic on whlelv lu'lielieou was await lug the urch ducaUparty on tho re turn lo tlie city unit. A similar in fernal machine also wns discovered In the chimney of the room occu pied by tho Duchess ot lluhtmherg at Ulje, a -watering place, a few mllen from Sarajevo, and n woman wns caught with seven bombs In her pos session. The bullet which killed thn arch duke was nn exploslvu one. It hag been ascertained by tho au thorities that (lavrlo 1'rliulp, tho ni sassln, Is the son ot the proprietor of a hotel at Sarajevo and passed lib 20th year, so that hn may bo sent enced to death for tho crime. OLD FASHIONED FOURTH AI TALENT Talent will feature an old fashion ed Fourth of July as the setting for an all day basket picnic lu an exten sive oak grove on the west border of town, known an Weldener park. lleglunlng with a salute at G a. m. the festivities of the day really start with all the old time comedy contests and athletic events running from 10 o'clock until noon. These Include with the sack, bar rel! and other foot races, special dashes and a otato race for running ponies. For tho benefit of those who can not bring basket luncheons thore will be lunch stand accommodations lo endeavor to provide for tho hungry and thirsty. After tho noon luncheon thn com mittee hope to huvri 'President Wilson and Secretary llryan at the grounds for short addresses, tho only diffi culty Is In securing a release for Sec retary llryan from, the Chatrlauqua authorities. President Wilson Is much Interested In the Talent cele bration, hut naturally hates to como without llryan, who Is to explain his Mexican policy If he can got awny. The big feature of thn day for the fans will be tho ball game nt 2 o'clock In tho ball park, two blocks from the grovo between Talent and (lold Hill, lloth teams are working1 hard In pre paration for this contest and the (lold Hill fans aro organizing a formidable delegation of rooters from their town to accompany tho team to Talent. A fast game Is assured as the managers of the two teams have anuoiinccJ their Intention to Sfcuren crack nut side umpire and suspend dobate. Immediately nt tbo closo ot tho ball gamo tho gay and festive greasod pig seven times greasier than even your grandfather knew him Is to bo turned loose on thu diamond and the flower of thn valley's pig fighters will ondeavor'to catch and hold him. En tries ore free and open to all. Following the ball gamo from 4:30 to suppertlmo numerous Midway or Pike stunts have been provided for children ot nil ages, In tho shady grove. A big open air dancing platform lias been erected In tbo centor of the park under the oak trees, whoro thn air always In motion from tho foot hills may fan thoso who enjoy danc ing, both afternoon and night. A huge celebration bonfire your dad remembers when they always had one will be lighted after dark nnd there will bo n military baud concert for those who are not dancing. Taxis and truckn will run to tho celebration and for tho accommoda tion of all who wish to stay for the entire celebration the Southorn Paci fic will run a xpcclul, south from Tal ent to Ashland at 11:31 p, m., from Talent to Grants Puk Including all Intermediate points leaving Talent nr 12:50 o'clock a, pi. "ltb Medford train 1 Medford mad '""shingles' Why buy shinnies (hut aro shipped lu when you can get a bettor grudo thnt aro mnilu ut homo of heart wood siiKhar plio7 Tho old fashioned iliukus that lusted so Ionic were inado if sugliur plno, I liav'o moved tho inlllo to lliilto Falls, riuiiilntf on u big seulu and chii supply any unioiuit, These uhliiKlus are on sulo In Medford ut tho Kiist Hide Wood Yurd, PIioiiu 77'W. HT, JAHI.ll, Mil J.V'JMi MAN GRAND DUK MAN QUARTERS MUST BELIEVE IT M. t,. ' Wlieji Well Known Mfilfonf People Tell It kt Plainly When public endorsement Is made by a representative, cttlxen of Med ford the proof Is positive, You must believe It, Read thin testimony. Kvery 'sufferer of kidney backache, every man, woman or child with kid ney trouble will do well to read the follewing: Mrs. William Charley, 305 N. Ornpe St., Medford, Ore., sas: "I hud, nni eh palu In the small of my back and sumctiineH I could hardly bond; or strnlKhteu. At night the trouble, bothered me, too and often I piu)iln't sleep- 1 tried plasters and liniments but nothing helped me, Wliwn almost discouraged, I board of Dean's Kidney Pills. In lesi tluip tv6 weeks after I began taking tli'cu, HOI, unil 'Pfitlt better. 1 used In nil f boxes of (loan's Kidney Pills tfiey made mo well. Dean's Kidney Pills so completely cured mo of kid ney trouble that I have hud no sign of It for over three- years," Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply nsk for n kidney remedy- get Doan's Kidney Pills - the same that Mrs. Charley had. Foster-Mllburu Co.. Props , lluffnlo. N. Y. ISIS THEATRE l : . i VAfltKVIM.i: TODAY Bernards Empire Attractions Three People, 3 Minute Act Featuring Utile li ankle Most Clever Child Performer Four lloelx IteM Ureiccil Phohipl.-t) Ailiid-dou lll.tr. IViil Cuming Tlnirxlny fOI.OMIl, IIKi:.. 1,1 Mt IV MHMI'O Animate! Ctirtixtiii PAGEUP Enlfrc Change of Proornmme TONIGHT WHEM THEY GREW JEALOUS Comedy Drama of Domrstlc Life' SOPHIE 0FTHE FILMS Cemeily with Victoria Fortk, Eddie Lyons anil Lee Morrjan Feature. Bison TRAGEDY OF WHISPERING CREEK Pauline Bush nnd M unlock MacQuarrle PAGE THEATRE ORCHESTRA Seven Pieces Mr. Harry Howell, Director Special Popular Prorjramme The Coolest Place In Medforil ADULTS 10c CHILDREN 5c Every Evenlnn 7:15 o'clock STAR THEATRE FRIDAY AND HAT j'JIDAV .ll'I.V Tllllll) AND I'DCRTII The Multiple Mnsterplocu Hearts of Oak lly Jnmeu A. Ilerue Author of "8horo Acres," "Way Down Knst," Ktc. Direction of tho SehuberlH and Will. Ilrndy Starting on tho nlKht or JULY 4 and ns a permanent feature every evening thereafter CABARET STRING ORCHESTRA In tho l.ntest Popular BelertloiiH, ItnKH, Tuiikos, Ho n kb nnd ClnssleM IIICK.VI'ri ADMIKSION 10 CHNTH Special Note MlnitlUK with Wednesday. July Kill, wo will show I'loliiiian's Famoiu Players series on Wednesday nnd Thursday Instead of Friday nnd Hut- urduy um nt present, A en I urn n week. W Bhow PATIlifi DAILY iuy, imcnpl Friday. Mvvry lj' U IUrV 0110 I J very MRS. H. L. LEAOH Kxport Oovsotlflro 320 North Bnrtlott. Phono fi(50 M. SUMMER RESORT ROGUK RIVER RANCH Jill MIIck IVoni .Medford ni: riMiiiNN Hunt nnd TeimU Kates $1.50 per day, 17.50 per week, Passenger rates $3 50 one way, by Crater l.nke Auto Stngo For Further Information Wrllu p.t i, it. epiivki: Trull, Om FOR HIRE Private Auto 1 tlrivo iny own hip mill guv wuu .siM'vioo fit REASONABLE PRICES E. A. GRAY 2C-R5 OR 882-R Crater Lake Season Now Open Hound Tilp, flH.Uiis Due Way, 910.0(1 Auto tai;o !caeit M'dford Hotel S n in, Holland Hotel at S OTi, Nn'i Hotel at S 10 on Mouda), WedueH da and lrldan. rclurnluK on Tne da) , Thurnday and Hntunlun. Kldn trip pnnneuKer carried to ull pidnU alone Mage route. I.oiik toiirliiK car tilpit to other polnlH a Mpcclalt). COURT HALL Mtllt. IIAI.I. TM CD. $5,000 STOCK OF TIRES ON HAND UNITED STATES REPUBLIC MIOHELIN and GOODYEAR. Otll ami get our )rit'e.s. CRATER LAKE MOTOR CAR CO. There In Nothing Retire anil Noiir Quito Ho J(mm1 na VELVET ICE CREAM Kor 'oory o.ccahjn. Individual mobU for Mpeclal orranlom. Hpeclal price for churcliea and lodKei. I'ropmt dollvorlei, White's Velvet Ice Cream Factory Nat lliilldlmt Phono 4Ht.lt THE GLORIOUS FOURTH "Will lip H'lelmilt'd in Yimous lown.s in Oregon ninl llio I If "SUNSIT , I lOGOtMisKAlIAl I Tho Exposition Lino l!)lf LOW ROUND TRIP FARES between retlford nnd Asliliiiitl Oranls Puss and ledl'ord $1,110 KoHobiirg nnd Ornnls Pnss WVJ'l Asliland and 0 rants J'nss $i.S(T AVilli eorresponding low fares between nil ollior imints, will onablo ovoryono lo spend tbo Ji'tmrth wiiero desired SALE DATES AND LIMITS Tielcels will be sold .Inly :!l and 'lib belween all sla lions in Oregon wliere ibe ono way Tare does not 'exceed (1.00; and will be good Tor return on or bo foro July (lib Call on nearest H, I', Agonl for full Inforiiuitioii as lo fares, irain Hebediilcs, tfo, iliiiuiM,Hi'(il(,((i)Mirfil PaHseiigei'Agl,, l,oHlniul,Oi, WESTON'S CAMERA SHOP 120S lOn.sl Main Klh-ut IMctlfonl Tito Only Kxi'IiihIvo CmiiiiKM'i'inl I'liDlognipliPi'H in Stiiillici'ii Oi'okoh NcilivcH MiuIp any linio ip )iltit,i hy apiiiiiilini'iil PIhmio 1I7-.I AVoMI ilo Hip pphI. E. D. WESTON, Prop. Dry Cleaning Department ot SUNRISE LAUNDRY For Steam mid Dry Cleaning ami All Kind of Dye Work T.a1le Cleaned flponied and and Preutod Preined Hutt .- -I l3S up GOc up Con t ...... .76 up aSaup Hklrt ............... .&fl up &c up Overcoat .......- 1.00 up 60o up WaUl ......... .f-0 up :6c up Dre ...... ,76 up 60n up (lloveii, Kid M .10 (lluve, Ion it 30 (lenu Ole.ined Hponrtd and anil Premnd Prnid Hull .. ..... 11.25 ftOo Coat wwwwmim. .60 36e Veal .............. .35 10o Trotunri .60 16c Overcoat .................... 1.00 60a Itatucoat ..M..MM..nM. ,76 Cent' Hull Prauod Weekly, 11.60 per Month, Heinz Pickling Vinegar For pultlnn, up nil kinds of pickets ninl especially (or lalile use We carry this in bulk Give It a Trial MARSH & BENNETT Second Door List of First National Dank. Phone 252 Remember No Deliveries Made Saturday. July 4 y .ill