Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 01, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    tl CLJ
"(on Hlslonrinnf (tatfik,
207 Second Street 0z
Medford Mail Tribune
Mat. )H; Mln. nj llrl. Hum.
I'orlir-foilrlh Ysr.
Dully Ninth Yrwr,
NO. 87.
..J w-r
Says Situation at Favorable as Pos
sible Until Factions net Together
British Flee Mexico City Hueda
Says Half People of Capital Wll
Die Before He Resluns Office.
WAKIIINOTOX, July I. After n
oonfiiitnou with Heoreliiry llrvmi,
I'liHlill'Ilt Wilson IllltllOlii'd Iho
ulutrmeut today that tiiu Mexican
iliiiilmi wa ii h favorable iim It run
I itil tin; Mexican tactions got to-
uelhor. Further, Iho pieMldcnt ic-
I'll I'll III dlriCUNrt Hut Mrxiirnii hilllll
tlori, While no fcltttnucul wiim nmitn tit
tli ulnti' limine legiihllng Iho iccpsm
nl' tho iiii'illiilliiu conference, official
U lu-o to I ho president Kiiid lit wiim
1mt ioMrnl that lluortn, Ciirriuixn
mill ilia would agree on n definite
titan fur settling li" Iittt't tint uffairri
h Mexico,
'IV iiirnlitcnt llll Ik hopeful tliat
'mill iitlun will bring aliont wni'i mill
In- believe that It already Iiiih accom
pli hod much good. Ftrxt Clly
il ( union, llrilinh inlnMrr in Mexteo
( ilv, Iiiim advised the rmbnmy here
that a special train hearing llritlh
nfiigroM will lonvo Mexico City !
lav Tho plan to carry rrfugroii to
1'iirrlo Mexico Iiiih horn abandoned
ami limy wilt ho taken lo Writ Crux.
Tar llrilMi niiIijccU nre leaving the
Mi xii'iin capital on the iiilvioo of I ho
llnlihli minlMer.
KKA CHUZ, Julv !. "Ilefore. 1
it -iijii, half tlin Kniiln of Mexico City
will ilio with mr," N llio nmuik
J'lr-iili'iit Vli'turlnno lliu'ttn Is
irrditrd wllh hitting iiiiiuV to friend
on Mniiilay while, siding in it Mexieu
il fitfu at ton.
I Inert it's Family Iti-malim
The parly huh illKriiHHing tho of
fitlx of tin mediators at Xiitgnrit
1 .ilU to fiiiit a solution of Iho .Moxi
i an prohloiii. (loiioral lluorln wiim
nun o grim iiinl Inoitiirii Ihait iixintl
utiil mIiowciI lilllu of hi nt'iuihloiiu'il
When tlio pnsfcongero who nrnvril
l.or,i loilay loft Iho oapllal yoatordny,
(hiiornl lluerla's family wan Mill
l'iiiililiiliiuialilH in iMiKMOMNion of
Tnxpait Juno 'JO mode it itouiountrit
inn iigiiiuM AlilFncaiiM in that port.
They niiirohoil tlio sired sheuting:
"Itoalh lo tlio American.' .So ono
wu hint.
Kt' I ''T ' HbbbKEbbI
fefl-i" H MUyutli i. i , -HPT t? x ISm , -il'SB
t$tl '.yy--l''$' ?----KI, uMkv. ' ''jliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiEsMKplRMMSHIiHiiiiiH
HiiiiiiiiiiiHHiliiiiiiiiiiiiiPliKT Ec?''1 ' !PiiiiiiiHlliiiiHIiiHiHPxr viiliiHB 4t iRv-7;
liiiiiiHIHiHIEiiiiiiiiiiHrJPt?!-B BBBJIIFF h - 'IBBftWP jHHBrf jSt -
t iXjBBBBT jir j " JiilHIiliiillHHMB ' ' Jf" !5MH
California Peak Bursts Forth In Stu
pendous Display Volcanic Ash
Falls Thirteen Miles Distance
Sulphur Odor Preceptible 20 Miles
Off Fourteenth Eruption.
OojMUliirti I0)0
NIAOAUA I'AI.I.S, Out., July 1.
I'laiix for Iho imiiioiliato n ooiialiu
of Moiliatliin lirKoliatioiiH worn mhiio
what ilixlurhoil today liy Iho hiirkos
linn of (ho Cnllril StutuM Kovorniuont
that hiioIi u iiiovo iiilnht ho intorpiotoil
n x a illiiruptioii of thu proccciliiik'".
The Wiihlilimtun iiihniuiHl ration ho
hovoM ho ilopitrltiro of Iho inoiliatoo
ami iIoIokiiIox mlht fail lo inlhioiioo
Iho ooiihlihillonaliHlK to hurry tholr
iloh'Katori lo Iho propiiMoil Inforuutl
rinifoionoo with Iho lluorln oomiiiltf.
Jiihtico I.atuur ooiivoyoil loilay tint
imvH of Iho WiiHliiiiKlou ovoruiumtt
lo AmhaNNiiilor Da Oiimn ami MIiiIhI
or Niioii, aflor which hnlh iliplomalK
oniicollod tholr roMurrattou for lnnlh
anil biiiil (hoy would not depart until
oiaorrow. Tlio modialorrf oxplalnod
Unit Iho roooHH did not nlK'nlfv mi ml
jiiuruniout, hut I hoy lliouht I hoy
onuhl ho of inoto Horvioo In WiiMhiuK
lou mill oIhowIioio In forwariliiiK Iho
poaoo proKi'iiiu.
censorship fees
IIKItl.lN, July J. MuvIiik nlrturo
Him coiicoriK InvliiilliiK tho fnrulKii
niuiiuuldM, iIdIiik hilnlnoini In 1'ruHnlu
inick today UKHlUNt un lnorouuo lit
mikurihln fovM iiinl ilnolliioil lo nffnr
a inoio rllum for liiioctloii hy Iho
iiimorn, The iiitniiructiirurM uy Iho
in it mm U mo ureal (hut It vs III ruin
mlr hiuliiimi mill nnihithly ilrlto nut
II tiitvit Iho lroiiKut firm. Oim
iniimny ulon m It wiiul.l liuvii In
) M ttdUltfvUMt ftUOU it )W,
rOllTI.AM), Oro. July J - Ik-foro
rutor-Ktato Cuiniiicrctt I'oiiiiiiImIoiiop
A. II. I'iirIi, tlio complalnunt' aldo or
tint Aktnrlu rnto cnu honrliiR w
oomploli'il today unit tlio rnllroniU
lioRnit offorliiK lontlmony ntiil ex
Itlliltt to dofond their poiltlnn that
no rhniiKn nhould ho itindo In oxltt
IttK rntoii In traimportlnK Rralu nut!
othor coiiiuiodltlcs from tlio Interior.
Antorln, which already has t runs-con-tlnontnl
rntr, lit oookliiK to olitaln
thu lower rutoH onjnyod by portu
rlamioit iih tormliwili".
Thu font ii ro of tlio hearing wan tho
rovoliitlnn of (ho financial operations
ot tho Kpoknuo, I'ortlnud ami Soattlo
railway in rolntlou to tho parent com
pHiilon, thu (treat Northern and tho
Norllioru l'aclflc. On crona exami
nation, 0, II, (loorco, HtntUtlrlau
for thu Bpokano, l'oitlutid and Hcnttlu
lino, tiald that nf tho 180,000,000
IioiiiIh iHMtiod liy liln road, 173,000,
000 had lioo u taken over by tlio (Ireat
Northern and thu Northern l'aclflo
at 70 renta on tho dollar. UotorrltiK
tu thu financial oporatloiiB ot thu
OroKou Trunk Hallway, which was
built on money ndvaucud by thu Spo
kauo, rortlnud and Bcattlo railway.
Mr. (leorKo Mtatod that thu former
lino had piled up a deficit ut $702,
.'0r. Attorney ', 8. Fulton tmUod
thu wltneHu If ho had nut heard that
thla plocu of rullroadliiK was thu
Kreatcwt crluio In railroad liUtory,
but wltuo8 replied negatively,
"Hut that iicoountH for hoiuu ot thu
doflcIlT" thu attorney urKod.
"You can look at It that way, I
Huppouo," Mr, Ocoi'Ko ropllod. Mr.
(loorno contended that tho OroKon
Trunk railroad had not parallolud thu
DoBchutcH railway, thu lliirrlmau
lino, but liiHUted that thu lattor had
paralleled thu Mill lino Into Central
BATH, I.O. Moxloo. .Inlv 1. donor.
nl Ciiininru nriivoil hero loilay iiinl
houaii uropiiialloiirt to iviuotn hU
mipllal lo Mniiloio.y. In wiim iinniiu
pniiloil hy It. Ciiuovii of llavmiii, tho
iilnlinw o ho n ii'iuoMi'iilnlivo of llm
lllill'll HI II I OH ll'IMllll0lt of Nllllll
mill OooiKit (' C(irollioi, wiiu Iiiim
iii'loil lit Ihul nijmrily, 'J'lioy jmnoil
I'nnuiiru ut Al"iiltity u( nielli.
WASIHXdTON', July l.-Srimlur
l)aihnnr Thooilon, tho Ilnition ren
lutioiiixt loader, has boon killed in u
lialtlo with filly of hi follower near
tho Dominican frontier. Captain
Khrrlo of tho eruifor Wnihinj;tou to
day m reporloil Iiih iufonuatiou front
two moiuhors of tho llaition cabinet.
Capo, llaitirn is iptiet and Mill in
pusM'Kslon of (lie Kovornment forven.
Itohclrt hold tho outlying territory and
liavo muilo'kovenil iitlncks on pivcru
moiit outpoMH. Ono (lermiin oruit-or
i-i ut Capo llnilion. All sorvioo on
Iho American railroad between Ciio
lliiillou mid Halhoua Iiiih ceased ow-
iiiL' to coutiuiioil interruption. Des
ullury litlitiiif; Iiiik boon report od
around I'ucrlu Plata. Dominican l(c:
public, where the relic In htill hold thu
rity, iiecnnliiig to n report fnun Cap
tut ltucHoll on thu battlo.-hip Sonlh
Prchidonl Mordas' forces however,
havo lundo new (rcnchcri about hix
hundred yinU untitli of (ho main
poxiliou of tho rebels, havo burned Iho
rmiiiK rooonlly ooenpted mill nuppos
ed to ho inoviuK elo-er in on tlio oily.
Foil hupplicii in tho honiood uity urn
WA8IIINOTO.V, Jtily 1. Secretary
DauloU' faiiioug ordor Imulnhlnt; In
toxlcantu from tho navy wont Into
effect today. It nut only abolishes
thu traditional "wluo moas" o( tho
officers, but bura nil alcoholic llquura
frunt ovory ship and ah oro atutlon of
tho navy.
HokIuiiIiik today any officer round
In ioaaeMlou of alcohollu liquor on
board ship or at any naval utatlou
will bo Kullly ot misconduct Com
inaiidliiK offlcera will ho hold directly
roaponilblo for thu onforcomciit of
tho "dry odlct."
VII'.N'NA, .J ii In I. - I'miVor I'nui
cN CIiVomIcL nf m inoillriil liiculty
of llm Vlciiim Uilvi'iMly, iiinl a hico
lnlll fdr Inloiiuil miinpliiiiili., uiih
cilimiiiiiii'il loiluy ii procciil in Honiu
u ulU'iitt KIiik I'clvr.
Tho rcKulnr ipiartcrly Us lie of tho
telephone directory linn Just hvun
turned out by tho job department of
tho Medford Printing company and Is
bolnc delivered today in thu business
district ot tho city. Thu entire do
Ihery will be completed by tho last
ot thu week. A totnl of over 5000
nnmeg aro contained In thu bnok.
which Included all exchanges In tho
Hokiio river valloy.
Tho Medford section of tho direc
tory tdiuwg an Increufco of about 100
nnuics over tho preceding Issue, which
ran only bo construed aa an Indica
tion ot an Improvement In buslnoiss
conditions generally In thu city. Thu
tolcphono company havo designated
present lastio tho "ltltio Hook" of Med
ford, following a campaign ot news
paper advertising which resulted in
many additions in subscribers. Thu
adjustment In tolcphono rates or
dered by the railroad commission ot
thu statu has had practically no effect
in tho number ot subscribers, ac
cording tu Managur Vanco, ns a steady
Incroaso has been experienced in tlio
pan fuw months, notwithstanding
Iho rato adjustment being up boforo
tho commission, and tho generally ac
cepted belief that an Incroaso would
bo ordered. In fact, there was a do
elded falling oft In tho number of
subscribers up to about n year ago,
slnco which time thu rato mutter has
boon boforo thu rocmmlsslou and tho
Incroaso has como In tho past fow
mouths while tho question ot rates
was up fur adjustment.
Contrary to thu general bollof, nil
rates havo not boon increased, ac
cording to tho tolophono company,
but rather a readjustment offcrtod
ly tho commission, based on tho valtio
and class of service furnished. Many
ratoH remain as before, about 10 per
cent of thu total were reduced and
a maximum of only 25 rents per
month added to any rusldonco rato
and 50 cents on business rates. Ac
cording to thu statement Issued by
tho commission, Iho rates ns aduplud
will u no wlso allow thu company
to pay lis (axes, depreciation and
npiirulliiK expenses on (ho Invest
inont of oven u slrntlu plant, wllh all
duplications oxcluded, which It woul.l
appear, menus Hint a kooiI many
IlloiuniiiU uf dollar uf Inlupliiiuu lie
VcMuii'iil In Medford iiiIkH m well
bti In Iho cmp heap m fur n lis
mull) ispMcity s I'oiiicriivil,
I'ostnl receipts ot tho Medford
postofflco for tho fiscal joar, that
ended Juno 30, show n substantial
Incroaso over last year, tho total of
tho stamp gales for 191 1 being within
SHOO o! 1911 rocclpts tho banner
soar In tho office's history.
Tho stamp sales for 19U aggregato
S:9,5:'C.'J9, an Incroaso of J 1373. US.
over last year when tho receipts wero
J2S,153."2. Last year's stamps sulci
showed n decreaso over 1912. Tho
rtso nnd fall ot stamp sales nro con
sidered tho surest barometer of the
prosjHirlty of a community.
1'tsi Septetubor. low tldo In stamp
calcs for the jear. was reached with
10350.10 for tho quarter. In tho Do.
comber quarter tho total was swelled
to SSG02.S0, which Includes tho
holiday business. Kor tho first
quarter ot 1914, ending March 31.
tho receipts wero 17445.57, and for
tho quarter that ended yesterday
Tho deposits In tho nostal savings
bank have been a round SS000 thu
entire year.
Auuouuuiuu; that the rotrenclimout'
policy put into effect humo inoiilhs
ago had been tcnuiiuitcd, tho Santa
Fo ruilroad itmroaseil today tlie work1?
Ufi houru of 1,000 men in thu chops
at Hits point from forty lo fifty-fivo
n week. Tho inereiiKo in work'
time applied to till departments uf
tho hllOIW.
W'ASIIIXOTOX, July J. Di-cour-
tioil, hut uiulauuloil by l'rident
WilMin'.-. ilccliiiation to u-e hw in
fluence for oinrvKional nclion on
ii constitutional nmendment for wo
man suffrage, loaders of tho votes
for women light turned their honvy
artillery in the dirootion of the house
ruIe- committee touny only to find
that n meeting culled to vote on the
jrondeH-Ifriftow ntneuiluicut had
been postponed until August 1.
Aooonliti" (o plans, the committee
was to meet ami vote on n Fpcoml
rule providing lime for ilclmlc on the
uinoudmont in tlie hotf-e at litis se-
j-ion of congress. W'lien tho Miff-
mi'-ts rcuched tho enpitol they were
MirprUed lo find I lie eoiumittoe rrom
empty nnd (hut tlio meeting had been
postponed, t ennui; n coup by their
enemies, the MiffrngiMx posted sen
tinels to wntcli the eommittou room
and dipiiteh others lo appeal lo in
dividual members lo have a meeting.
HAM.MOXDSI'Oin', X. Y July I
Flying oxer a mon-utvd courxe,
Amerion. tho (odiuaii Wauumnkor
trnus-Atluutio flying Inmt, developed
today n speed of sixty miles an hour.
TliU wniittninod with tho motors
throttled to l'.'OO revolutions n min
ute n ugaimt iv possible KIOII mini
mum, iho kst was made tit (hi
speed to offset n lack of somo 1100
pounds of loud.
UBD UMJFP, Cal July 1. After
less than 24 hours of quiescence,
Lassen I'cak burst forth early today
in a stuilenduous eruption tho 14th
In tho scries that began May 20. No
flames were seen, but the rast plume
ot blackcncif steam from the crater
wared a mile high In tho sky and vol
canic ash fell at Macomber Flats, 13
miles distance.
For a little less than an hour tho
Inverted cono of soaring gases main
tained the well known volcanic out
line. First from tho mouth of tho
crater Itself stood up a vertical shaft
of Jet black ash. As tho shaft rose
It mushroomed outward, keeping at
its heart tho black coro of ash, but
beginning to shado into whites nnd
greys at the edges, and. finally fan
ning outward over the sky In a vast
panoply of gloom.
High a tlio Mountain
The air was clear today and from
tho moment the eruption began at
5:45 a. m. until tho spreading cloud
of smoko obscured vision, tho phe
nomenon could be observed with pre
cision. So great was tho forco of the erup
tion that tho height ot the cloud
seemed to equal tho distance from
tho mouth ot tho crater to the plateau
at tho baso ot tho peak proper. It
was almost as It one mountain had
been stood atop ot the other.
At this distance there was the ap
pearance ot what seemed A thin sheet
ot gases hissing from a crevice or
fissure on tho north slopo, distinct
from the main crater Itself. Two
eruptions seemed to bo going on at
thu tamo time.
Of tho length of this tissuro or Its
Io8ltlon with relation to tho malu
crater wero Indelcrmlnato today but
Judging from appearances, tho new
vent wns of considerable length.
'Sulphur Odor l"erceptlbIo
Tho truo volcanic nature of the
eruption, as determined by J. S. 1)11
ler of tho United States geological
survey, was further emphasized to
day by tho strong stench ot sulphur
percoptiblo at Volta and at Viola, 22
miles down tho wind to tho north.
No ashes fell at tho United States for
est station at Mineral, which lafup r
tho wind.
These last two successivo eruptions
of the peak emphasised tho warning
given hy Mr. Dlller, after his recon
naissance, that nothing could bo pro.
dieted ot tho tuturo behavior ot thu
volcano. It might bo absolutely quiet,
or it might give off lesser eruptions,
gradually dwindling away, or it
might blow Its head oft In convul
sions. Thus far the outburst havo been
progressively vlolont. That ot yes
tcrday Was catdly tho most marked ot
tho series up to that tlrao and today's
far overtopped yesterday's In grand
eur and duration.
So far as Is known, nobody was
within tho danger zone last night or
this morning. Tho district U sparse
ly populated and thoso living iu tho
littlo hamlets 20 miles or moro away
aro thus far In no approhonslou,
Munzanlta Lake, a small body at
tho base ot Lassen l'cak proper and
13 miles from tho summit, Is re
ported to havo fallen three tout slnco
jestorday's eruption.
HOISi:, Iduliu, July I. The pin.
hihitioii I'lircY won hi thu ilcinocinl
In coiivonlioii when ii plunk ilcohir
Ing for Iho siihiililoii nf ii cimi
lioiliil miit'lliliilelit ii'nlihilliig llm
iiiiiiiiiHii'liiro or mjiIu uf iiiliufriHiiiu
lhiioM in Hip sliilc un ihIoiiIciI, J '.'J
Iu 00,
LONDON', July J. ".Mr. Mmooni
contemplates being ublu lo telephone
from Cniiuuvoii, Wale, In .S'inv York
be I'u ru Iho end of lhi your," wii
Iho kliiloiuciit minlo loilay by Iia mini
tiger of thu company in Uglifying be
fmu thu Dominion llovul ('umiiiii.nlon
on Impel jut eiiiiiiiiiiulciiliiiii, lie ml'
ileil l tin I Mr. Miti'eoiil nl.o onlii'lpal
I'll IliemuUlg the fcpecil of llio wm
lew In III lee hundred wunU ii mill-ulv.
NI'AV YOHIC, July 1.-Colonel
Itoosuyult ciiino buck from I'ilUbiug
today after UU speech there lut
night attacking Ihu WiUou uiliuinbi
(ration, lie unhl lie felt fine, not
willikliindiug liU long ypm-h H'nl the
fact (hut Jim iIM lint H'Hru Willi Hiiil
ulglil. ''It mi nllileti' U h lilfle vir'irh.
ei or out of oo4Uwi Uh Jdwh'
feel rigid, before Im put1 M k
euloiii'l, "bill uhi'ii lltu khhwi Im mi h
in uliiuht. Iluwur, "hv 44H
fthoulilji't liU Iu i'llvef nmAUr