PAGE FOFR MEPFOftD MATT, TRfRUNK MEDFOttT). OKKOOX. MTKKIUY. .ITNIO M, 11)11. F i-'- r" -M I? AIEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE AN INDKl'BKDKNT KUWSl'AI'RR PUBI.ISHKD KVT.HT AKTHHNOON EXCKPT BUNDAT BT TUB MKUFOIID ritlNTlNQ CO. Tho Democratic Times, Tlio Mtdford Msll, Tho Mcilfonl Tribune. Thu South' rn OrcRonlnn. Tim AsliUml Tribune. omen Mntl Tribune Hullillnc. It-1T-J North Fir treet; telephone 76. Official Taper of the City of MJforJ Official Tnper of Jackeon County. Rnterinl an aerond-elnia matter at Medfunl, Oregon, uniler the aot of March J. 18". BtTBSOHIPTION XATSS One year, by mall. 18.00 One month, by mull .SO Pr month, delivered by carrier In Mcilfonl, Jacksonville and On- tral Point . . .SO Patunlny only, by lnnll, per Vfir 1.00 Weekly, per year - 1.S0 Full inotl Wire AsMtrtnfcd PrvM With Mcdfor Stop-Orer E SARAYEVO, Juno 30. Report from other districts of llosnta today nay that disorders have virtually ceased. The perpetrators of Sunday's out rages art to Ihj tried before the civil courts ami not under martial law. Ncdcljo Gaurlnovlcs, who threw the bomb at tho arch duke and his consort on Sunday, will then bo liable only to Imprisonment for a period ol from flveto ten years on n charge of attempted murder, while Oavrlo I'rln li, who fired the fatal shots, may it 1 said escape with ten years Ituprl Fonmcnt on account of his youth. SEATTLE VOTES UPON C SEATTLE, Wn., Juno .10. -A city election U lioinr l"'l dtodny to pas Umiu (lie new city charter Milniiitti'd liy the fifteen freeholder who were chosen lat Mm eli for the rtunM,,,P The freeholders w ere recommended to provide for the roiiiini-Mon form of government, but intend llie elinrter tirnvidcs for :i city manager elected liy a council of thirty lueinhen. who or hliall be chneu by tiic whole citv, hut hi.- duties nre'to be largely social. The prnpo.tni In re-loru the wurd fc.Vctt'm Jm met with hot opposition, the lubor union,'- being lined up solid ly ugninitt it, a well n. one faction of the .ooinli'-t. Seventv-five thousand iHThons nre regiMcred, but the vote i expected to be onlv half tlux total. CHICAGO, June 30. The run on the North Avenuo State Hank ceasel last night and thero wero 50 per wins awaiting their turns today to ro lluco their deposits. During the run tho bank paid out 1300.00. JACK, NEVILLE PRAISED BL H. CHANDLER EGAN "1 have been beaten In golf many times before," gold II. Chandler Egan lust night upon his return from .Seat tie whero ho was runner up In tho pacific coast championship, "hut never by such good golf as put up by Juelc Nevlllo of California. In the 3,0 holes he mado 142, two under a -I per hole, and that golf would beat any amateur In this country." Although defeated for btcllar hon ors Egau returned with silver cuds Ho received ono for runner up, a Ki'coml for the lowest quallfj- Ing coru and third for the long est drive in a special driving compe- lltloii, Tlio formor amateur chum plon mudo n drive of ,"J0 yards. CELEBJIATE FORTY-FOURTH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr, and Mm. Chariot Paul of Med ford celebrated their iltli weddliiK nnnlvcraury Ktiuday, IiuvIiik been tuurrled in Sacrameiito, California. Juno 2S, H'(Jy, Mr. and Mm. Tom Muffutt entertained at dinner for tho l(ipy iiloneur'coiiplo and lutur took tlieui uiiu -10 mlln auto trip throiiKh tjio villi ny which wa ttrcutly enjyyed. fr. and Mm, Puul cuiuu orlulnully from lluttliiun, Mliuumotu, Mf. Paul htvIiik fuur eur in tho Civil war 'llb tlio Kccoiid Mliiiumolu. Upon Ijiclr arrival n Judd'oiivllln. Mr. I (nil IV daiiKliler won uuldenlully khoi when plioiiiK w Jlli a OcrrliiKcr plulol Hint Mlli'd. Tin Iruucdt u imuI a HHM WlWllutl I III' lli"' C DISORDERS CEAS BOSNIA I UIKinil QIAUCtifiP m& f ENTRY ON BONDS VAXCOt'VKU, R. C. June 30. t'nder a general dispensation from tho American becretnry of labor tho two Hindu slme girls who nrriwM on tho Kmpross of Russian May !? t and were refused admission to the United States b officials of tho Vnlted States Immigration service have been allowed entry on bonds. Tho chil dren, .aged 14 and seen oars re spectively, were .brought over from Caluctta by two missionaries. Rev. K. O. Eaton and .Mrs. Katon, who planned to put thorn In n university maintained at Pasadena by the Pente costal Church of tho Naareno In or der to train them for missionary ser vice In India. When the Empress of Russia sailed on her outbound voyago two ooks ago the children were still aboard, but were taken off at Vic toria pending tho result of nn ap peal sent to Washington. A pa thetic feature of the case of the younger child Is that she was rescued from a life of degradation in a Hindu temple In Calcutta, where she hud been held for Immoral purposes. TO EXTERMINATE RATS IN SOUTHERN STATES XKW OKI.KANS. I.t . Juno 30. State iiiul citv health iiuthnritie. were ti-tir td.ty rcmriitnrv to the in mtgtirutinu of tlie firt vvlioenlc campaign in the hi-torv of the Miuth for the c.stcrntiuntiou of nil- in order to prevent the prend of bu bonic plague. Two ones of the di-en-e recently liavo been discovered in the indus trial home of the Volunteers of Am erica in Xevv Orleans. One innn died, another is ill and twenty. eiaht in mates of the plnce hnve been isolated. With the homo ns a radius of a rone extending four blocks in every direc tion, the plnns nre for the construc tion of a concrete harrier nrouuil the entire area and for a rat drive to wards the center. ASHLAND MAN COMES TO MEDF0RD-BUYS CREAMERY The Mcdford creamery has been sold by Mrs. W. A. Chnppcll to A. A. Moody of Ashland who takes charge July 1. Mr. Chnppell, lately deceased mads a fine trade and a worthy reputation during his brief ownerpshlp. Mr. Moody has had wldo experience in the dairy and creamery business having operated for IS years In Troy, X. Y., and was recently with Kent Ilros. creamery nt Eugene. The new management bellovo that Mcdford and tho rich country tribu tary thereto Is sustaining a great loss by the present method of shipping a large per cent of Its cream to dis tant markets while our own merch ants are obliged to send out of tho stato many thousands of dollars to purchase California butter which doej not compare In excellency with our own product. Mr. Moody will be assisted by ono of the most expert buttermakers on the coast and he guarantees a first class home product. This building up of a strong home creamery will add much to the pros perity of tho Medford district and tho dairymen who will lend their assis tance. JACKSONVILLE TEAM BEATS MEDFORD SECOND TEAM The .Mcdford second team won their tpcond game of the soason Sun day afternoon when they outcluxcd and outgeneraled tho Jacksonville Guards on tho latters' ground win ulnK the game In the sixth liinlui; when Thumiis took a heut and biiiumIi ul tho spliero for it, home run with thu bases full. Tho scoru was 1S-S, Mclntru tore u liniment loo'so la his arm whllo warming up but en tared thu game und pitched flmt-luss ball for tho guards. Cleveland 1 leav ed for thu locals und feont Mvcu to tho bunch In succeksion. OBITUARY NOTH Ulud Juno 30. .Minnie, wlfo of Albert Noth, Hr , of Chilton, Wis mid mother of Alboil I". Noth of Med ford, Ore., Or. It. K. .Votli, American Culls, ;daho, and Ilermuu Noth. Mnlud. Idaho. Hlio cumo to Medford Junii lull, to visit her sou with tho hopu of butiitfiiliiK bur health, am) paskoil awuy lifter u short llluuss. HMo wus u iiatlvo of KiiIiIomwIk, Wis., iikimI 67 y wrx, llireo nioiillis mid id dus. Tho bod) Mill bo prepiiriHl for ihli tiiiiii io iii-r idd lioinu fur iiirlu) mi IiIIIoii. UlUUlUll). GIRLS PERMTTED HUMS REASONS OF PEACE PROPOSAL MKXIt'O CITY, June .10. Kohor to INtowirKuU. ncting foreign mi" Uter, bus tien out u memorandum bertiiug on tho MHteinent of the Mei enn delegates to the Niagara Kails mcdiuiion onnfetvnee, inldiced to the American ilchitiito and first utnde public from Niagara Kail- Juno l". in it ho briwrs out oertwin pus sniiiw, which wre not included in I lie -tutciucul hs iitfiuid at Xiuxmri Kails. The object of the memorandum, it wa- -aid, whs to combat the pio-po-nU prtv-i'iileil by tho Anierican dolepito which were -aid to bo tan tmnouut to reducing oleotoml lihvrt.x in Me.ieo to a -ham n the elections would bo held under piv un in laor ol t arratua. lln, it wn n retted would be hud for Mexico, and for the United Slate-, ns wel as tor t nrruiir.u. as it would cau-o bad ficlini: between the two peoples and Currnnxn wtmUl always bo re viirdcd as the nominee and subordi nate of tlio American !ovmuienl. l'roxsuN Rejected Kor this n'ti-on, it is -luted, the Mexican delegate- rejected the pro posals in ipio-tiou without even con--ultint: their own Koveruuieiit for thev could not ctMiutenuiiee auv ar rangement enabling the Wu-hiiiKton government to put in n president in Mexico. The Mexican delegate- in the docu ment nsk why the soxornnient at Washington objects to the establish ment of a neutral provisional govern ment which tho Mexican dolegnlos had accepted. The onlv an-wer lho -ay, can be tlmt the Washington government does not rto-ire electoral liberty in Mexico. I're-idcnt Wil-on. they n-ert luis eoii-tautly alleged the welfare of the Mexican people to be the reHon for his attitude, and the delegates said they thought the Mexican people should be consulted ns to what they regarded ns their welfare and not have it forced on tbem. Wiuit .Veulrnl (o eminent The Mexican di'legnles dciiiiil thai the advunce of llic rexolntion proved national Kinlimont in Mexico favor- oil t arranra n- -laits collecting two third- of the country'- inhabitant were coiuioiuii. init even -apposing that national -eutiiiiHiit favored Cnrrnnzu, his election, they pointed out, was certain under n neutral government and there wn- no ncees. -ity for putting him in through a provisional government under bis in fluenee. If Carrnnzn wer (Heeled at a free election, thev jwinted out, he might be a -ucce-ful and repo't- nble )ro-ident capHhle of tuuufviug the coiinlr), but if put in hv Wsli iugton, they nrgiinl he would be hampered by di-ercdit and acoiiscd by popular clamor of treason anil perpetual -uhordinatiou to the onler of the white hou-e. If the Wn-hington government in sisted on its proposals, th, delegnte contended, tho negotiations would fail and civil trife in Mexico would con tinue mid even if the revolutionary armies were victorious, it would be onlv at the cot of much suffering mid blood-hed. Thev -aid it wu unbecouiing to the government of a great civilized people -ueh n- Uie Americans to accept re-pousiliility for these horror-, wlien the sninp re sult could be nltniiicd by an honor nblo and peaceful oxen-ixe of the ballot. TO KLAMATH FALLS JlfiV I'OUItTH $10 00 round trip by auto stngo. Will tuke five or more pasHengers at this jirlce. I.eavo either Friday evening or early Saturday morning lleturn Sunday evening. Court Hull, Manager Hall Taxi company. . (Paid Adv.) I. O. O. V, .Vol In-. Hlg (lino WednoKduy night nt It. II. Kncauipmont No. 31). Installation, lloyul Iurilo degree. All inenihorH plenMi nttond. m O I'. notici:. Notice Jh herohy glvon that tho town or llutto Fulls, Jackson county. Oregon, will tuko up and cancel war. rants Nos. :J7 to .11, liuluslvo, upon presentation of said wan ants to tho treasurer of mild town, Interest on mild warrants will ceaMi from tho date or tuo first nnli- licatlon of this iiotlro vslildi m Juno :io, inn, flKO. W. IIAKKCIt. Treusuror of the Town of llutto I'alls John A. Perl UNDERTAKER lastly Assistant jwh, Ji a in i;rr Auihulsuui Hiili Ovum Cumitr REJECTION AAA NS IANCE MK.XICO CITY. Juno 10, Now reached Mexico Citv toduv that Kinil- inuo Zapata, tho souiliHrn, i evolution nry lender, had published a decree ic- jecling any allegiuuce to Venutiano Cnrmnnt and -xyiiur tlmt lit cou-ti tutioimli-t chief luul iofued to ac cept the "plnn of Ayahi" the otntinul ararinn progtttm of the -outhem lead . Zupatii i -aid lo hnve dcclaicil that he intend- to extend hi- opera tions along the we-teru const ol Mexico a- far u Sonorn mid tlmt he will fight Cni-raiirn "I'oiever." The inloriiiulion was brought to Mexico City by persons who urrived from town- under the control of he follower- of Zapata u the state of Morclos, WASHINGTON. Juno .III.-The Cherokee Nation, larui'-t of the live eivilixcil tribun, will ho distiphed us a nation at midnight nud tribal ftniiU tuuouuting to ?il00.IH0 will bo divided among ils 41,000 uicn.hcr. Com niNsloner SHI-, of tho Indian olfiec today called for tho rc-ignntiou ol all Cherokee official-. The tlis-ulii-tiou of I be tribe is in ncord with t e Mliov of tho Indinn office. I'lidor tho law It wan Intended that tho five cIvIIIjumI trllios should dls Milvo ns UHtlotiH In I'.'Oi;. Congress however, oxteiidod that time In tho discretion of tho Indian office Tho Seminole nation practical!) has been dlsolved. Senator Owen of Okln- hoiiKi Is n ineiiiber of the ('In roko nation and wilt receive ns hl por tlou of tho tribal funds about $!". MARTIAL LAW CONTROLS CAPITOL OF BOHEMIA SAWAYKVt), Mo-nut, June .lii.-- The night pa oil rpiictlv in Ihi- iiv Siv pcr-ons were nrte-teil for -light offense-. Muitiul law wa- still n force today. Mi:ill(lltl STDItlLS 'M)si: O.V .ICI.V tTII All the storoK nfid offices of Mcd ford will be doied-all il.ij and even ing Saturday, July Itli. For the coinenlepco of patrons, the grocery stores and meat markets will remain open Friday evening. There will be no deliveries uiadf) Saturdav. Good Reasons Why dclicloush light and wholenoiuc food Is baked with Crescent Baking Powder The prolonged action of Its two power units Insure thorough leaven ing. Your cakes can't full with TltMdCI-JNT" vocit ;no i;it has it CicMcnt .Mfg. Co,, Seal lie ilXc per lb. i5SSS2) irw ry-ai lli SUMMER RESORT ROGUE RIVER RANCH 1(1 .Miles From .Medfoiil I'l.Ni: I'lHIII.N'd IIiwiIm und 'IViiiiN Itates $1.50 per day, $7,pi0 per week. I'asseuger rntea l.'t.TiO ono wny, liy Cruter l.uko Auto Ktngo For Further luforiiiiitloii Wrlto 1MU, It. OI'OVKi: Trail, (lie. Grater Lake Season Now Open Itoiiml Trip, tflH.llll; One Way, $10,110 Auto singo It ayes Aludfurd Unlet K u. m., Ilolluud llnlul at xiHTi. Nast Hotel at H 10 on Moudios, Wcdinm diiys iiird Frlilavs, ruturnlug on Tuus dns, Thursilii) ami HiitiiiduyH. Hide trip jmmuuiKiiM (iirrled to nil (mini uloug klugn route Long tinning car dips lo other imlnu it spcidult). COURT HAM IOI. IIM,I,TAM CO, NY ALLEG m CARRANZA CHEROKEE NATION DISSOLVES. MIDNIGHT THEATRE l UKMIil.t: TOII.W Bernards Empire Attractions Thlco People, ,10 Minute Act IVatuiliig Utile t'niuMc Most Clever Child Performer Colic Heels Itc-t tJccliM'd Pliolopbt) Adiiil Ion IIM1 CciiIn Coming 'lliuis(lii) cti,t)M:i,iici;. i tu iv mcvico nlinat(Hl t uiiooils PAGE THEATRE Summer Season TONIGHT Photo Plav THE RUBY CIRCLE Special IViilmc Florence Lawreiten DISENCHANTMENT Fortl Slrrliitn COMEDY PACE THEATRE ORCHESTRA Mr. Harry Howell, Oirrclor Special Popular Programme ADULTS 10c CHILDREN 5c Every Eveninn 7:15 o'clock 300 Is tho Number uf tho Medford Taxi Co. Offlro Wilson's Cigar Store. First Dour West First .National Hank o. v. mvi:hs .V .1. C. CASS Proprietors FOR HIRE Private Auto ! drive my own enr and jjiw oml .st'i'Mrc nt REASONABLE PRICES E. A. GRAY 25-R5 OR 882-R There Is Nothing Ilcllcr and None Quito So (lood as VELVET ICE CREAM For vur ocrsston. Individual molds for special occasions, .Special prices for churches and lodges, I'roprit dollvcrlos. White's Velvet Ice Cream Factory Vat Hiilldlng Flu. no IHLH ISIS Patronize Home Industries THESE GOODS ARE MADE IN THE ROGUE RIVER VALLEY. KEE P THE MONEY AT HOME Wc lutva tiluiiiud our imtiif, heiuaftei' the Mission Kiiriijlura Woi-Ich will h know'iiaH The Pacific Furniture and Fixture Factory rifiitio r I lin "Pacific" C'ddar (JlKirll. E. 0, TROWBRIDGE, JR, Proprietor llli BoijlJi Holly Medford, Oiugon, MRS. JI. L. XEAOH Export Ooraotioro !)'J() North Jlnrtlott. Phono 00a aI. K L E I N CO it LOTIIES maim; in mciii'okh Next door to Klrst National uptulrs Mt:ill)ltl TAII.OItH Hank, WESTON'S CAMERA SHOP JOS I'kst Main Stivcl .Mcdford Tlic Onlv lOxi'hisivp ('omiiiprcial IMiotoraplitM-M in Southern Oregon Nepali ves Matle any time or place liy appoint ment Phone AVe'll do II7-.I (lit res I E. D. WESTON, Prop. 1 Allis Chalmers Revolving Screen 'JO feel over all, weight (! tons al FOR SALE CHEAP 1 16 11. P. Vertical Steam Engine Heavy Type MEDFORD IRON WORKS The Latest in the Jewelry World Ik n vnrv Useful. Iiinnb MARTIN M:itTiii: Medford Iron Works 13. O. TrowhridKo, Prop. Oonoral Koiindiy and .Maohiiio VorkH I?ain'l()1j Home 2981 j. licH. Pac. 00.'H; Jlomo 227Ij. Keep Your Money at Home Wo iiiako a K)0(!ially of Door liiHidc KiniHli, Also Doorn am QUAIJTV TIIH IIKS'I' jfnulnry Conicr Medford Sash JUNE BRIDEGROOMS Musi lio properly nlllrctl. A I'irHl-cliisH hnrlior shop In mio iif llio iit'i'PH.silics. Try SUMMILKVILLE'S BARBER SHOP $5,000 STOCK OF TIROS ON HAND UNITED STATES REPUBLIC MIOHELIN and GOODYEAR. Call and j,ret our prjee.H. CRATER LAKE MOTOR CAR CO. Dry Cleaning Department Of SUNRISE LAUNDRY l'r Stcniii mid I liy Cleaning und All Kind of ljr Work Cleaned MpoiiKnd and nud I'rcttied I'rci'ed Hull M ll.'Jfi up toe op Nut ,7f up 3fc up Skill CO up S5e up Overcoat ........ 1.00 up f0c. up Wulst ,() up SCe up Dross ...M.....MnMMN .7f up Cine up ('loves, kid II) (Moves, long 30 (cut Clonued HpoiiKod nud mid I'rcsand I'rrKo.J Suit It.'jfi CUc Coat .60 :6c Vest ... .:.'. 10c Trousers fill 3fto Oicrront 1 ou fidu Italueonl 75 dent's Hull ITesicd U'lokl)-, $1.60 per Mouth tin: t'o.MitiNATHi.v vnnri.v l nn lndciciiii piece of Jewelry mado up In silver. koIiI filled und solid gold to he Morn with the late t)le drcssus. Till: III.ACK ItS'A.MItl. Itlt IMIOI'S iH'iiilaiiis and Heck pieces are the hits tlili jour." i:ver)liody loiiklun nt llumi, must every one Is liii)lng them, nn: M.vcintii: clasp piece of Jotter. While nut iiiniiulto It l very J. REDDY i'ostei'fici: GALVANIZED TANKS OIL AND WATI'JIt and TliltiaATINO VIPK Clo lo J. A. SMITH 128 N. Qrape St. Tclupliono H!M) and Window Wiiidow'H, lYimit!H ii ml i'Kkjiijh uiflirr n'culli mid Kir Blrooln, and Door Co, i ( jl w.