Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 30, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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.Medtord'rt population will celebrate
thv Nnllon'a Itlrtlulny Saturday lip
1 tvvceii Grants 1'nss, Tulcut, Huttc
J I'nllR, Klamath Kails, trout streams,
1 nml stnylnn-nt-hoiue. Hanks, public
j offices, and barber shops will observe
holiday hours. The Fourth coiuIuk
on Sunday places two Idle day In a
row for business house. This will
I'rcd firlffin relumed Sunday troui
l.os Anuotcfl where be has been since
last November, nrtliiR as a super and B'v dork, etc.. a chance for a two
Inking small leads In moving picture ,,n "tF. and quite a number of
Mayings. Ho will make boxes fori 'lc ln"ie are ueinjs planned
n.o uiiirr.1f nrrhiiMi ncnln thu'tn Grants rnss ami Talent nro
,..w .....-....-. v. ........ --r. ,
mnkiiiR a strong in it for .Mcdniru s
patronape. j,
Kodak finishing the best. nlAvcs
J. O. Clorklnp, the best all around
photographer In southern Oregon.
Always reliable. Negatives made any
where, time or plnco. Studio 228
Main St. 1'hono 320-J.
A number of wanderers who have
been In the city the 2 1-hour limit,
were marched out of town last nigh
by the police. Tramp travel Is par
ticularly heavy right now. owing to
the annual north bound travel to the
harvest fields of eastern Washington
nnd Oregon.
Holmes Insures homes.
Colo Holmes Is figuring on walk
ing Into the HIuo Ledge district for
his vacation.
Order your fruit labels of the Sled
ford Printing Co. and keep the money
at home.
H. Chandler Kgan returned Mon
day nftcrnoon from Seattle, whero he
played In tho Northwest (Jolt asso
ciation tourney and lost the coast tltta
to Jack Neville, the California golfer.
Mr, Kgan speaks In the highest terms
of Neville's ability, nnd was highly
pleased with the meet.
Fresh llmo. Med font Co.
Charles S. !cbo and wife spent
Monday in Grants l'nsg on business
and pleasure.
Carkln & Taylor, lawyers. (John
It. Carkln, Glenn O. Taylor), Has-klns-noyden
Hide, Main street.
Tho Pacific & Eastern will run ex
cursions to Ituttc Falls next Satur
day nnd Sunday, round trip faro $1.
giving city folks a chance to spend
tho Foqrlh in the cool of the moun
tains. A band of 23 pieces will be
on hand, and bcscball will be fur
nished by the Huttc Falls and Table
Itock teams.
Milk and cream nt DeVoo's.
It. W. Hub! leaves this afternoon
to spend n day fishing on the Little
llutte. He will be the guest of II.
II. Trouson.
The finest equipment In Oregon for
printing fruit labels. Medford Print
ing Co.
There will be no meeting of the
city council tonight, as supposed in
some quarters. Next Tuesday will be
tho first in tho month, and tho regu
lar, meeting day.
Hay for sale. W. II. Eterbard.
Two moro carloads of apple box
material arrived Monday and are be
ing hauled to tho various orchards
They were shipped from Weed, Cal.
Many will wonder at this with great
timber belts in a commercial stone'
A "King Spitz" cigar Is homo made.
Try ono, 5c
Great masses of billowy white
clouds, a peculiarity of wetern skies,
banked the summit of Itoxy Ann Mon
day afternoon. They are supposed to
forecast the coming of wind, accord
ing to pioneer traditions, and sonn
concern was felt among orchardlsts
for fear, pears would be blown off tho
trees. At sunset tho clouds wru
streaked across the heavens, and the
dying colors of the setting sun re
flected upon them made a pretty pic
ture that attracted'nttentlon. The
twilight colors were of attractive
beauty. f
$3000.01) to loan on ranch or In
come property. 11. A. Holmes, tho
Insurance Man.
A decision from Judge F. M. Calkins
of the circuit court In the suit of At
torney W. K. Phlpps against the city
contesting tho newer assessment for
District No. lit, Is expected shortly
Argument on nu amended complaint
between City At'ornoy McC'nbe and
Attorney I'hlpps is scheduled for thU
Try n "Spits" cigar, best Cc cigar
on tho market,
Milton Schuhard who has been
spending hljj vacation In Seattle vis
iting friends and relatives Is ex
pelled to return thu last of the
Only one kind of kodak flnlbhlng
nt Weston's Camera Shop, that's tho
best. Over lsig Tiicater.
Mrs. Charles Murra loft Sunday to
visit frlonds and rolotlvos in Klam
ath Fulls until after the Fourth.
If you want a lithographed fruit
label instead of n printed one, Me
us, we nro agents for Schmltz Lltho
Brnph Co. Medford 'Printing 'o.
P. J. Coffeei! of Philadelphia ar
rived Monday afternoon to spend the
summer visiting his puionts In this
Mmo. Dreyfus gives advice on all
ton's Camera Shop. Over lsis Tiie.i-
ter. ; ,
Miss Gladys Hollo or MoitAj;uc.
Cat., who has been spending tbutlast
slv months with her parents . re
turned to Medford Monday etonlm?
for.n visit with friends in this ety.
Dr. Myrtle IJocknood will Hmjt her
.office hours during July nnd August
to Monday, Wednesday and Friday,
2 to I p. m. 97
Councilman V. J. Kmerlck and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Wllllnni
Stewart left Tuesday for .i two
month's auto tour In Wyoming nnd
Idaho and Yellowstone Park. They
expect to return about September I.
Tho last cut In prices of the sen
son, $3 to 12 hats. $3.1,. Others
as low ns 50c. Home Millinery. 1101
West Ninth street, 87
Karl Ulrlch has returned to his
stock ranch on I'nlon creek.
George Wood In, nrrcsted Monday
morning charged with tho theft of
$.10 from the hiding place or the Stag
saloon was bound over to tho grand
Jury yesterday afternoon In Justlco
Taylor's court, .tinder $.100 bonds.
Pending the furnishing of bonds
Woodln Is held In the county J.ill. He
made a general denial or tho charges.
A watch Identified ns Woodln's was
round in the saloon.
Medford Creamery butter, ask your
dealer. SC
There Is a strong suspicion among
fight fans or this city that tho Fred
die Andrews, who was sparring with
Ad Wolgast when he broke his arm
Monday afternoon in training tor tho
Fourth or July bout with Joo Hlvers.
,nt Los Angeles, is none other than
Freddie Anderson, brother ol Ilud
Anderson. Last summer Freddie
made a couple or appearances In short
bouts there under a non de plume,
and Is just the kind or a boxer ono
would break an arm upon. Mojo
narkdull, who sold Wolgast a ranch
near haste Point last fall, and was
hoodwinked in the deal, was stunned
with grief nt the news of tho nccl
dent to the e-lighlwelght champion.
Choose that Fourth of July dress,
or hat from our vast assortment at
stock reducing prices. Ahrens, SO
Miss lone Flynn nnd Miss Fabrlck
visited for a few hours in Phoenix
last Sunday.
Royal Bakery goods at DcVoes.
The Iloston Ideal Opera company.
a musical organization composed en
tirely of Medford people that hns
been playing In Arizona towns for tho
last three months, havo completed
their engagement and will return tomorrow-
nftcrnoon, according to word
received In this city Monday Art
H urges will come In n couplo of
weeks, going to Denver as Medford
delegate to the grand lodge of the
Klks next month. Those returning
are: .Mr. and Mrs. Hob Ilurgcss. Mrs
A. C. liurgcss nnd son Italph. W. F.
Qulsenberry, Charles Hazelrltfg and
, wife, Frank Burgess, Miss Dorothy
Wicks nnd Wilson Walte.
Kabo corsets arc the secret or good
drets. All the new models. Ahrens.
John M, Root hns-returued from i
business trip to Portland,
Special prices on all umlerniusllns
Ahrens. S
Charles Palm and wire will leave
about July 10 for their summer homo
on lVllcaii Hay,
Screen doors nt Medford Lbr. Co.
Call Mitchell for lawn mower trou
bles. Phono 2fi.
Mrs. Mary Greening of Itogue Hlvcr
Is visiting tho family of A. L. John
son on Grifrin creek for n few days.
The Hen Hur lodge Is giving i
dance at tho smalt hnll'nt the Nat
The mercury registered a maxi
mum of U5 degrees Monday after
noon. Tho Commercial club lher
moiueter showed ft? nt 2 o'clock today.
Fruit labels nrtlMlcully printed In
any and all colors. Medrord Print
ing Co.
A. T. Luudgren of tho Hlue l.edgo
district Is In tho clcty for a few days.
Medford Conservatory, reduced
pricos tor music lessons hcylunlu,;
July 1st. Advanced students will be
taken nt the same low price ns be
ginners. Open all summer. 31
Grape street.
Trimmed hats values to $12. SO on
sale. $!.!$. Ahrens. SG
See IJ. H. McCurdy 'tor Aetna Fi
delity nnd Surety Hands.
We have a $3"00 press, recently
Installed especially tor printing Yrutt
labels. .Medford Printing Co.
In affairs or life that barrio you
much bcncllt can bo derived by con
sulting a reliable clairvoyant. Mine.
Dreyfus answers your spoken or
mental questions, tells your most
secret thoughts. Advice on love,
buslnct, sH.'culatian, mining, etc .
hidden secrets revealed, draws pic
tures nnd other wonderful things.
Strictly confidential. Colonial Flnts.
apartment' 2. !)1
Three or rour color rrull labels,
your own design ns ordered. Med-
ford Printing Co.
Mark Finney, well Known through'
out the Uuguuirlvor valley, was nr
rested nt Jacksonville eniiy tub)
morning, and Is hold upon u charge
ot having entered and robbed HrownV
saloon In the county seat or ease
goods, Illi preliminary limiting Is
being held this afternoon before Jus
tice of tho !! IUh nt .lnctwonvHlo.
Flunoy Isilloged to have taken the
Keys of his brother Huck. who Is u
bartender In the smUh.m while he vuti
asleep Monday ulKht nud none to the
saloon nud opened the door, nnd a
lu the net of taking the goods when
caught, Thefts from the bar have
been noted for some time and Mondav
night it was devided toset a trap,
Into which Finney walked.
Catching Mark FlHney was some
thing ot n surprise, ami Just how the
regular prowler secured ontinnco vtns
a mvstery. Thu keys he bad were
Identified ns tho.o of his brother,
with whom he roomed.
Finney formerly worked In this
city, nml has lived for ninny curg in
this section.
i (Continued from pas 1.1
to the proMilcnt a-; a preliminary to
the Mpccflie of the Miifrnsiit.
IWntim; the wijrrnvcd re-olutmn,; intermittent showers prevailing nil
America, the Hodman Waiminnker
trans-Atlantic flyer, rose from the
water lust night with ten muscngcrs,
anil established niintltur weight-carrying
record for hydro-nuroplaues.
The flight was not nu extended one.
lu fact it was nut Intondeddiy Llcuten
ant Porte who had Invited the special
correspondent of New 'ork, llostou
and London dnjllc- to take a "taT
ride on the water.
While planing along nt tlyln
speed the America struck a swell
which bounced her Into the air tor
the bettor part ot a hundred yards
Lieutenant Porte said he could have
flown at any time but had no Inten
tion of doing so with any such cargo
Weather conditions continued most
discouraging, a thirty mile wind nnd
U. S. WILL NOT INTERVENE President itunlmi, directing the hIoko
IN SAN OOMINOO TROUBLE "' ,v"v ' i . """""'
, .only about 200 soldiers. Iletween
righting apells, thu coiilhiilniits fra-
WASIIINGTON, Juno 30 There
will be no American Intervention In
San Domingo as lung as lives and
property of foielgueis nro not teck
lessly endangered by the contending
factious. Administration officials In
dlrnlod tonight tho.v thutmht the wnr
ring forces in the hjlniul lepubllo hud
I,., .hi uiirfl.'l.ntllf u'lii-neil u hen Ihe
.Vl'll ! .,,,, If ...... .. ..... .. ...-
American gunboat Machlnw uod her.
rour Inch guns to quint the nitlllory ,
of President llordiis which v-ns bom-'
bnrdliiK the rebel town of Puoilii
Only u compauitheh small num
ber of the nyu'dlo Inhabitants ate
said to bo Involti'd lu the fklitlim.
A Dominium guuhont recently de
strnyed the customs limine nt Akiiii
(l(t.v miles west or Han Hoiiilimn,
American officials ehuigiid with col
leiilou nud luliiilnlrtt nt Imi or Domin
ican customs gave warning that ioicIi
attacks tdmtihl nut ho repeated.
Pmtiior wanted In high Kiado nud profllnblu telnlt biMlmms,
Young man with hiiHluess education pieterred, but no objection to
Indy partner. Will sell (or $,'oo, half luteiesl tactual Inventory,)
A tld i ess,
Otic Mitel Vol tiiiiln, I'uithtiiil, Oivgon,
the law
Until July 15 wo will receive orders
tor special three color apple mid pear
stationery at cut prices reduced
from $8.50 to $1.60 with your bus!
neks card thereon. , Modroul Printing
O. L. Davidson and wile who hav4
been bpendlng their honeymoon (u
the north, are l.o;ilug the date or
their return social. Tliev wore nun-
urrnirs or lire, no mistakes when her1 poted to return Monday afternoon,
utivico is loiiowud, uo cents $1.00
limits written. Colonial Flats, apart
ment 2. KG
s ! . , , - r
The Salvation Army, consisting of
a captain and a lasslo with equip
ment consisting or tt bass drum and a
tambourine invaded the city Monday
afternoon, and drew up battle lines
oil "Haymarket Squaro." Thoy en
countered a solid wall of cxcesslvo
bashfulnc-ss on tho purl or citizens,
for everyone stood ucross the street,
and listened. A 15 minutes bom
bardment or "Hallelujah's" falling to
dislodge, the army moved on. Tho
bass drum was put down lor contri
butions, but who could throw j dime
across the street?
Kabo front late corsets $2,00 to
$0.00. Ahrens. 8C
Deer are roportcsl. to bo plentiful
In the lower reaches of tho Slsklyous
for this season or the year, with both
Oregon and California gamo wardens
wuiLiiniK nuu wajiin turyviojaiors of
Mm In if ' ' '
Weeks & McGovvan Co.
t Trwmf'w'PAK'f'pn
lAf AJUt
Day Ionm mi
KIM y, W', Weks lUJy
rtMtm A, JC. On H7H-M1
nud friends were waiting tor 'them
with the iibiiul serenading apparatus,
hut were disappointed.
Kodak riiiUhlng and supplies at
, Weston's I'auirtn Shop Over Jsls
Piosih tiling Attorney K K Kelly
Is ulioiidliix (o official Ijiialnusu In
Jucksoiitilhi this uftuniooii.
! Heo our large hstuit inept, of I'sim-
mu bats, (iolrlno corduroy hu ut
less trl'es tliun elkuwlieiu Ahrens
XIr. Klli I.oguii replied to the ehnn;c
that the Chicago convention liml been
packed in fiivor of the Miffrngv re-n-lulion.
"The women over the -ciih un- hold
out their liuntl to us" niil -he.
"Kight million workiui; women liuve
their eye on the rcult of thi re-o-
lutioii today."
Father of. Daughter .,
''Mr. l're-iilent, on the eve tif the
Fourth of July, when the dcchirutiou
of your forenithern -till rinjri it-
juhilaut note iiruiuid the world, what
more fitting hour nnd time I or our
pre-ident, the father of daughter-
to give hi voice nnd iutlueiice to our
.Mr-. A. V. Ikekin of llloomfielil, X.
J., prc-cnled u tclcxnuii from the
Women's 1'oliticnl Union of New
''The women of your home Mule
feel confident you will not fnil llicni,"
lle "did to the ireiilent.
Mr-. Wiley Mtkc hrielly nud intro
dueed .Mi. Dorr, who mntle the prin
cipal plea of the Miffnigi!.
Speech of .Suffniglt
'.Since our liisl vinil to the white
lioiii-e," Miid .Mr. Dorr, "you have re
ceded from that iniMtiou. You lone
initiated nud curried through eon
Krcrt un extremely important piece ot
Ici-lution, without waiting for pait.v
iiihtruetion-i. In fju-j, M curried it
through in the fuee of poilivc in-
stnictioiH to the contrary, wnllen m
the plulfonn on which you were elec
ted. Your justification rented mi tin
fact Unit u certain situation uul
eliiui-cil nud n changed 'i(iialiou cull
ed for u eliungcil policy. W'e Mihuiit
thut the xilmitioii in icgurd to woman
Miffrnxu has ehiiiiged hilulel niuee
the lbiltiinore plutlonu wit written.''
After reviewing the Krovvih of milf
rnge jii the ttiite mid pending legin
lutioii in fongies to eufnuii-limu wo
men, Mr. Dorr trnid: "It wn, ex
tremely kind of you to receive thi-. ile
piilntioii, hut uo have renelied the
point where we iiie'not xiitinfivd with
kindncnn nud toleration.
"We want action. V, Iheniforc,
nek you lo niiMver n plain question;
'What nri you goiiitf In do non, in
Ihii prccfiension of cuiign-.-, Jor
vvinnn uul'l'yiiju' Are you JJiinr to
u-e your powerful inlliii'uco to hxluec
eongrc . pU the JIjiide-JnHtow
resolution Y ' "
l'ntronlo Home
Ily siiioltln Mt. Pitt, tho best? Cc
cigar on'ho piarket. ,
With Mndforrf irsae is Medford niartit
dov. (ilonii Curtlns would not hnve
permitted the Atnerlrn to leave the
shore tonight oit fur his anxletv ti
test out tliB nety ydrojboards. Arte
waltlng nil' day fie declared ror n run
this evening, "rain shine or cyclone '
The tifefiil load carried tonight
was more thun l'uu pounds, or about
throe hundred more than pruilomt
carried. Porte-started out with a
usoful load of a "tun but after u short
run put off one passenger who weigh
ed more than sen pounds.
Finds Hcrtlth hi Lyditi E. ,
Pinklmm's Vegetable j
Creston, Iovviu "I sutTered with fi
male tnuililes from the lime I came into
womanhood until 1
had taken l.ytllti l.
Pinkham'M Vegetn
lile Compound. I
would have mliiH If
I ovnrworkiul or
lifted enythiiu:
heavy, nnd I would
1h so weak and ner-'
vous ntul lit so much
misery that I would
lw pnistrnted. A
frt.tnl liil.l (ii.t i.l.nt '
your mctliclno had done for li r and I
tried it. It made niojitroofrnnd healthy
ami our home is now happy with a baby i
loy. I am very glad that I took l.ytlln
K. Pinkhnm's Vegetable ComMuud and ,
do all I can to recommend it" -Mrs. A.
U. Hoscamp, 501 E. llovvnnl Street, j
Creston, Iovviu
Tons of Itoot.M nml Herbs j
nre useil annually In the insnnfactunt
of I.ydia V.. Pinkhnm's Vcgi-tnltle Com-
pound, which Is known from kvii to ,
ocean as the staiidurtl remedy for
female ills. i
For forty yenrs thLs famous root and
herb medicine has been pre-einhiitntly
successful in controlling the diseases of
women. Merit nlotic could havo stood
this test of time. i
If you liimi tint hlllitesl iloulii
Hint I.yillu I!. I'lnUlminV VeKiiii
Mt t'onipiMinil will help yon, vviitti
to LyiHiiK.I'liililmm .MfiMoliieCu.
(coiilltlentliil) l,yiiii,Mitjo.,rorniI
lvi: Your IhIIit will lntoMiieil, ,
r.ii(l nml mioviereil by u vvimiaii,
liml held lu Mrk't coiillilcticc.
t tivinutr
I till Itooliis
Hotel MccUord
The Hotel of
Hituviri: itiMirrv
lt Willi Pilvnle Math
Klevutor Sei vlio
Hot nud citbl ruiiiilni wnter, private phonw, (uuui luxtt mid uiitshtn
wltidivws lu all looms.
Kvcptlslle ltbby and .Mtminuliio.
Kxcelliut Culsluo.
Sideudld Hnloio llooios,
The Commercial Tiaveler mukea this bin homo nud tho To milts
usually prolong their stay.
Tin Iff
Itoom without private hulh. per day, $1. On nud up.
Itooin with private IkiIIi, per day, $1.00 nml up,
Motel Holland
Thiu cosy Hotel Is now open again and you will tut at home the
liiiiiiieiK you enter
This hotel if particularly noted tor Us homnllke stininindliiRii,
nud Its artlsllc rtirnlsbliiKN.
Hoi and told running water ami steam boat In all rooms.
Kates per day :
Itoom without limn, ":,c ami II on
Itoom with private shower Imlli. $1.1.'..
Itoom with private buth. f I .'id ami up.
Hotel Moore
Clmin rooms, clean Urdu and every thing sanitary.
IIhIos ter day oOo and 7fr.
I rtpeetfully beg to aunoiiure that the above hotels are all opur
nliMl under my sole owuorshlp and manauement. and I wish to thank
mo for your kind pntroungo lu the past and I hope to deserve sue
cess lu thu future.
Your obodlsut servant,
i:mil .vioiiit
Oiir latest references, any lueiober of the bankers' convention.
True IID.sTlTW.ITY Is thus exiieed.
Wclrtitne the coming, uud spin! the parliug guest "
5J X X" Z"2 ' X ' w25 ! 'Z5 Z'
Ilolilmni iia itn itrltiieinl -ee f i
So it run ttrry hour in ciciv
home Iji.iiIi,; triib tc isrr .d-
.in of
Supremo Sodiiu
Itle nl jioir deiilrrH
A Surprise Box FREE
f'olivri 1 1 rn.L (mm t uicl.r
of 'iiiiirrnio'' rfl,cr or
uLri, :imI if (nir drrflrr dimit
ttipply yoii mill n mrptite Im nf
Siipreuir" Ritcd Dentin
fillitm-i' Ik'IoivI, mall llirm
direct In ii I it iv ill If rni t
once by .i 1 1 jm,i, yliM.liJltly
Three Color
Apple and Pear
In addition to plenty of frckb air
sud proper diet, those sutteriiiK from
or who sre predisposed to TnbercuIo
sis sre recommended to use Cckmati's
Alterative to stop night sweats, banish
fever and hasun recovery. This modi
cine, by reason of its nucceuf id use dur
In! the past, warrants the fullest laves
tieatlon postlblo by every sufferer
Kckmsu'a AlUrutlve is most eftics
tious in bronchial cstarrh sud severe
throat and lung affections, and lu up
bnlldliiK the syiteui. It ioiitslui no
iisrrotics, nor iiariiifnl or habit form'
liitf driiki. Accept uo tubstltiitei. Hold
by Uaaiiitf drugniits. Writs to thv
KckHisn Laboratory, Philadelphia, Vik.,
qi booklet tliiiijf of rt'ovrn.
I Oku.on I
UQM.r'itwt.'m x
depeiids Jurc' upon your kiiI;Ih
K u tiaiii i a r -at handicap.
Do sine o r i,e lire rlKht
See Dr. Rickert Now
III! lt,(HVS now
Nolle l,U Out Dciid".
Hi wn TrmJii tyHuiyn J v
For a few days only we will receive orders for Letter
heads and Envelopes printed in three colors with your name
and address or business card thereon, (hats sell regularly for
$8.50 per 1000, for envelopes-
$4.00 Per 1000
We pre enabled to make this price by making a run of
50,000 or'mjjre. Orders must be in by July 15.
Everv ehvcloDC carries the leirend. "Gateway to Crater
X Late, Oregon's Greatest Scenic Wonder" and "Buy Your
1915 lickets via Oregon with Medford Stopover.
Place your order at once.
Medford Printing Co.
27 North Fir Street
? '
riwwjjt-' nUgjawK.!