-,' , 1 2)i, SECOND EDITldN rStr" T" MEDFORD. OTlKflOfr, TWONUAY, .7tfN10 21), M NO. Bo Dully Nlnlti Yr. ' "" w . 1 . . . i . . SERVIAN STUDENT ASSASSINATES Kg. OF AUSTRIAN THRONE AND CONSORT WHILE DRIVING i ! ii i " ' ' ' ' """ . MARTIAL LAW FOLLOWS DUAL Young Aitaitln Shoot with Deadly Aim from Ambush Killing Arch Duko Francis Ferdinand and Duchess of Hohenlierg First At (mint with iomb Failed. SAHVF.VO, llomiin, Juno 20. Murliiil law win proclaimed today, both in Die city mill the iliMrlfit of Saryevn In ioiirM,"'"r" "' "' ,,',',' iiiilinii yfcierdity of Afehdukc Fran cis Ferdinand' and Hie Ihi'1i"h of llitliih'r'v( Death nuiHkrt of llii' nrcli duke mnl tin duchess were taken today nml the bodies placed on ii cntafiihiue In H' rliiin of lln paliipp nml surrounded Itv ti mnguinelrnt display of wreath ihmI iiIIiit flurul emblems fruiii nil putts of lln' I'oiiiitry. Htory of Murder According to tint nciul-offielnl re jMitt of I lie tragedy when Cnvrio Priii-lp, tin' young nsnolii, fired the fnliil shot, Firld Marshal Oiknr Polirpk, governor of Homln, was pated In the nreh duke's motor cur. Count Francis Von Hnrrnch wax sluijiling on the footboard of (lie car ni'titiK iih n hIiMjI to the occupant of whom lio constituted lilm-lf the hMM-iii bodyguard lifter the bomb liml been lliruuit n short time before ItV Ncdeljo Onbrinovips. The arch illlk,wn Jnkim. with Hip i'oihiI nliu.it hi irc(niitloiiK when the iiKrlx of several shot rang "t. TIip nlm of tlio nMnin was no trim Hint eneh of Hip builds inflict 1 ii uiorliil wound. .Neither I'ttcrrd Wont For mi Inbuilt tlio nttuek Field Mar-dial Potlorek thought llu inch duke nml tin' duplies seated opposite him liml again escaped. Neither Hip wrt'li ilnkp nor the duchess uttered n sound hut it moment nflcrwnnl it wnn MTU Hint they hail been hit. I.iputi'iimit Colonel F.rik Mnrli. utio liml Iit'oit wounded hy Hip hoiiih in tin fiit nllnek, wan today pro uouiiocd out of danger, while Hip in jury HiiHtuiiu'il hy Count Von Hon. Wnhlcck I miIi! to ho insignificant. Tin- crowd anil students inmlp sov nil pffortH to piiulxh Hut Si-rlis hut I lu lioopw wcip palli'il in mul iiiatii laiui'il onlpr. flnhiliKiviokn it wiih Irarni'il loilay hail Iippii oxpolU'd from Saraynuovo two yen i h ntt" hut hail liriii poniiit IpiI iici'iilly to rt'luru tliroucli Hip infhiPiii'P of Biu'lalinlH, Home Hprvinu htuilcntH hi'iv, when Ihpy lu'iiiil Hip Hvrt of Hip iihsiikhI. niitioii, hlieiilcil: "Thmik (1ml, wp in-ill not ilo It iiumi'lvpn," Tlipy upiii urri'Nti'il n h iippoinplii'i'M of tin' JlHllHsillH. LEVER BILL TO STOP GAMBLING WAHIIINOTON, Jan.! '.'O. Tlio I,ovor hill, (1cilunU to ollinlniWe kuiu hlliiK fvatnrvii In cotton oxcIiiiiikph wiih piinmuV by tlio houno today S4 to. ASSASSINATION N COTTON PASSES at. Tim r.bvur bill Ik a Rututltutft for tlio HniJUi hill tht inod tlio uimli), Tlio oiinato bjll would prohibit tlio umi of tlio until for contraoU that do i... not moot coiulltloim of Htandurd W Kriuli'n and commorclul illfforoncoH, Tliut In not In (ho l.ovur hill, Tlio Hoiiutn would not tux contrncta for ful urn delivery. Tlio houno hill lov. Iih i lux of unit runt a i6uud on nil t'ontiui'lH for futuro dfllrory thut do not iimot klundurd kiuiIph uud rani inorrlul xritdpii en nut out In tha hill. ThU ur of umi nml u pouiid U lie liimlnd to bn prohlhllory, uiiiuuntliig ui ffiiH) u toiiliuil. Tlicro ru iiiMiihi-r of otlmr iuhvUIoiik on dunl Iiik In (Hilton fiiiiHim ili'nlr.nud In idimliiulo irflw on Ilia Npw Vmk una Nwvy UrlNNi tfi'lmi'B, Medford SERVIAN HATRED OF Evidence Shows Double Assassina tion One of Most Careful Planned Crimes Ever Carried Out Against RoyaltyWill have Contrary Ef fect to Intended Tension of Races. LONDON, uno :. Kvnry des patch from Hm-nyovn and Vlpiina hroiiKht additional ovldpnro that Hip axniiMnntlnii of Archdiikti I'rnncln Kprdliimid mid tlio Duclicm of Hon ihiI'itk wiih nun of tlio moHt cnrcfull)' planiMid rrluiPH ovnr rarrlpd nut nKalimt royalty. Indication from tlio mono of tlio trmccdy liow tha' It wn 1'iiKlnpprcd hy ktoiiii po. KPxiiInK morn innturo orKanltatlon ability than that of tho youthful ai nliin. In itpnt'rally llionr.bt In Aiutrla and Hungary that tho plot, torn had tholr hpadipiartpra In IIpI Kradn, tlio Hervlan capital, Hrnrlan llattat Cailo flervlan hatred of Aiutrlami. which alwaya haa bvon violent, ha hern fo niontnl by tho nowapapera In Itel Krado and by acltalnra throiiRh Servla and 5f o I a", who Iibvp holpod to In flaino jho Mlnda of tho atudenta and to Indiieo tlwm to aarrlflco their live In thn elrthat they will ro down to hUlory aa patrlota. Yeiterday'a rrluio nccmajlkoly to have a contrary effect to thtdelred by la author. I'vra befor the hodlea of the murd pri'd couple havn UMn Intorrod, tho A ii tr Ian aiithorltlva aro contemplat InR doveri' nienaurea acalnut tho Korbiln Auitrla and Ilonnla. Thcao mcaiurn aro likely (tirthnr to em bitter tho relation! between tho rountrlca aa well aa thoio butweon Auatrla and Itula, tho protector of all tho .Sorb. Arch Duko Fordlnand It U aikprtod today, wa well awnre of tho dangor ho wa runnlni; ilur Iiir hi lour of llonnln, which ho un dertook n limpector Reneral ot tho force of tho empire. Thin title wa conferred on lilm lost year by Km peror Francl Joncph. Ill chief tatlc wa to Innperl tho Atutrlau army which guarded tho Servian frontier durhiK tho recent Ualknn wari and prevented encroachment by Servian troop, luclir Hharcil Danger Tho Bvrvlun mlnUtor told Arch Duko Frnuci Fordlnand of tho peril of hi vlult to Sarayeco at tho rci out tlmo and Implored him even If ho limlnted on going tbero hlnmelf at lenit to leavo tho ductie at hom(. When tho Duche of llononberg wa Inforuiod, howovor, of tho dan gerou naturo of tho Journey, tho arch duko wit about to taka alio aal.l hor placo wit at hor huDband's nldo. When tho nrch duko and tha duch p arrived Saturday at Raroyovo Mflino lgna of hoHtlllty wero bown h tho Serb portion of tho natlvo iiopu lutlou, JiiHt Imforo tho couplo paod through tho city tho authorities sue cwded In getting rid or a great till play of Rervlon flog which tho poo plo had holHted Imttoud of (lying tho AtiKtrlan colors. Feollnit. howovor, wna carried to tho extroma whon nt n Houston of tho UoHiilan dlot, called to exprc sor row at tho death of tho arch duko, four Borvlan deputies apponrod in light suits In contrast to tho somhro black of their follow deputies. Tho plan of tho aisasslu contom- (ConttnuiiJ ob pace I.) AUSTRIA REAL CAUSE OF CRIME MEDIATION'S FAILURE IS FEARED WA8IIIN0T0X, Juno 20. Doaplto contlnuod exprouiloii of hopo that tho plan for Mpxlcun mediation will not full, couldiruhlo upiuehemilon whs hIiowii loduy In official quarter CfliiHliliirublu alKiilflcunco wa at tichinl to tho furl thut tho mediation conferoHco pluna to luku a wees un Icnm (hero I woiuo doflnltu umtir Hiiro from (!urruuu hy tomorrow thut III hhU will niDut Ihu lliicrlu ilelti' U HHil reprentullvi, of Ihu Unltial Mluu on plmm for u prv Hlunul KovuruninNl niilllm"! In Hio rtWMt ifvwv, THE LATE ARCH DUKE FRANCIS FERDINAND, HEIR TO THE AUSTRIAN THRONE, AND HIS CONSORT WHO WERE ASSISSANIATED, THE EMPEROR FRANZ JOSEPH AND JWfe' 5& s-Lri STATE TROOPS TO AT WESTINGHOUSE I'lTTKIIlUin, l'a., June '-'O. Sher iff (leorpo Hichnriln today railed .on the oTiHe for miilMniiee In the Weit inghoiiHO xtrike and Troop (3 of the stale enuatnhulary, under Captain I.. 0. AiIiiiuh, wa onlerpil to eiitaiu ut (Irecnahuri; for Kant l'itUhur. Thoy Hiunild reach that place by five p. in. Sheriff Itieliiinlfi peooiially vihit- cil F.iihI I'tthlmrc after the outbreak Hirt inorniii; when incji were prevented hy piekelK from cntcrinc the eleetrio works nml two hundred I mon bwtteh mid Signal men, who had returned to work ft few hours earlier struck npiin. The streets wero thronged with exclled Mrikcrs when the news reached them that tho troopers were on their way. sociEiiToli" JEWS TO PALESTINE ROdlK&TKIt, X. V., Juno UO. A inillion ilollnr society to help K"t Jews hack Jo l'alestiuo amy bo or piuixcd. This was suggested todav to the onnveutioii of the Federation 01 Amerienn Kiouinls, in a letter fiom the l'alestiuo bureau of the .ion e coutivo eoimnittee, higiu'ir hy Dr. .1. Itupplu at Jaffa in the llolylaud. yaquiIInsTll NOOAT.KS, Arlr., Juno SO. Thorn, na Farrell and T. J. Jones, Aineri enns enrryiiifr money to pay workmen nt tho Sun Xnvier mine, wero set upon and killed hy Vmpii Indians near Lit Colorado, neeordiii) to in fonimllon reaehin hero loday. Tho atlaek was uiado Juno U.'. Xo de tails wow given. Carranitt'B lutest reply to tho mediator asking for time In coiihuH hU Bouoral who participated In tho plan of (luudulupo before agreeliiK to outer tho proponed pouco confer fiico, wa paid hero not to liuvo Reached th. uiedlulor, but thut It probably would gut to Nlimara Full by tomorrow iiioiiiIiik. I.iiU Culireru, ouo of Curruiuu'ii ugi'iiU liPre, auld loduy ho hollnvtul liiH Beiierul would yield In tho wllu of (lit) lifted Hlale umi Ibe Invllu Hon of Ihu iiMidlulor Mflor ho liml t'vuiullvd wh hU oulvf, (7?A V AyvO'HHB2cvC(H1V' r .- miBBiaii SUPPRESS Mail Tribune THU HOTBUiaa . THE IMPERIAL PALPCZ. AT VTEUTtA . r ; .rMTM17trvCiil iaJk) V 1 w tf -i J rioting I3HKM L&mL' Mil vKki Kj-.H.?bbbbbID' i "- TTSBiVHPJialSHHf I 1 BHBbMbI Ba4M -. .liBBBBBBBl aBBBBBn I atHpc ufv'' lsMi' B i i vv. 73B, k A IBtt a I5F i iL - ' TTaHI'ar i 'VHsVBf.V 't, .laLariL? tHm-iZ'tUtt k fi "l rzt i r VvWkV: WHkTVS . "' " LLLJi i " 't ylliwl(lkflBs yg.-J . :E yxrfjjura-v-pi . aof.,vYV7i J rrWM Rt act rHAHnV ( AT BUBAPEOTH . Tim liofburc. tho Inncrlal Palace at Vienna. Is n magnificent and costly residence. tit Austrian Prlncos alnco tho thirteenth century. The Iloyal Palace, at Budapest was erected In 1748-1771, and hero the Umperor nnd King divide his tlmo with tho official residence at Vienna. Schonbrunn 1'rilaco ' the summer residence of Austria's ruler and Is situated nbout ono hundred and fifty miles from Vienna,-ln a Ycautlful and plcturcsrjuo country. LA SALLE FAILURE L CHICAGO, June 120. Charles II. Mnmlny, vice-iuesident of the Lit Salle utreet Trut and Savings Hank, in llio hands of u receiver, aid today members of his family had more than $1,000,001) on deport when the hank closed. lie said'it was ali-urd for uiiyoup to think ho had tried to wreck the institution when hi own family's fortunes, were involved. He said ho hcleived the hank was sol vent the day it closed, lie denied there had been a split between Wil liam l.orimcr and himself. Official nnuouncement of Ihe bank's condition ns reported by Daniel V. Ilarkiu. examiner, to the Slate auditor, was made today. Xotes duo tho hank to the amount of $1. 710,081 were branded as "desperate and of no value." Xotes for $7011, (187 were called "slow nnd doubtful," while the "good" notes aggregate only $78 1, '.W.. Thes'e, items nlone indicated a failure for approximate ly .f.'.oOO.OnO. TY 1UTFAI.O, X. V., June 20, Ty Cobb of the Detroit American base hall team uud incident (lilmore of llio Federal League arrived here lo ilay ami held u conference. Nolwilh Ktaiidiui; numerous denial It wiih re mrtci the Del roil player was con cen sidering: an ol'IVc In Jiiuip In Hie new league. I'rcfchlciit (lilmore aflcv Hie nnlVr ciii'o miiil that haschall In ocneiiil wiih iIUi'Ukm'iI umi liml t lii cull wiih en llicly a nocjul one. (In ilt'iijcil liml any iiilviuii'i'ii liml been nimle In Cohh li'lnllvc in jiiliiiiiu mul Jniiniig Hie IVili'liil Lcnuiii' nml miiil Hie uljcii wuy fio( luUvJ, 2.500.000 OS J Jff1 mjMWBKt V2-----------. ENLACE, , rS-Sf-. &ZO LtlL. WASHINGTON, Juno 20.-1)1. putod appropriations lelween tho house and senato In tho diplomatic hill wore finally settled today. One hundred and fifty thousand dollars for nn ombassy building In Mexico City; ono hundred thousand for one at Tokio; ono and forty thousand for it legation at Oerne; seventy-ftvo thousand for American participation In tho conference of American gtates at Santiago, Chile, In September, and forty thousand dollars each for American participation In tho Inter national congress against alcoholism and tho Inter-parlhimcntary union wero ngreed on. CHAMBERLAIN RESOLUTION TO RECRUIT THE ARMY WASHINGTON', Juno 20. The Cliamhetiniu resolution nuthoriziug the president to recruit tho army t" war strength, exceeding statutory limitation, was favorably ieported,to ilav bv Hie senato military commit tee. KIi PASO, Texas, Juno 20,. Luck of ammunition has blocked General Villa' march toward Mexico City Villa, fresh from hi victory last week nt .acatorii, hut returned to Torreou, bringing hi entire urmy with him. Tho relation of tho northern nine uiuiuiunder wim (Imierul Cur ruimu, In tho opinion of uncut hero loduy, iiiiquotloiiuhly cuiood the ubumloniuuut of ihu cuniiHlgu, Tho much illnusKcd C'urruiiU'Vlllu I'SlruiiKiHiient bus icaihed a bltliln point, (hey uikeiledi I a Hint Ihe run klltullotmlM toniw')cr-IU'Ckf hut APPROPRIATIONS FOR EMBASSIES VILLAABANDONSATTACKONCAPIiAL THE ROYAL RESIDENCES 1 TS.Li 1 1 'l ij, i "t; A .irnCf -rfl I T" ' 'Win I MaM . ' It has been the Home DULLEST STOCK MARKET IN YEARS NEW YORK, June 20. Today's stock market was probably the dull est with one exception, in more (imp a score of years, fhe elosins was irregulnr. Tho market opened with a eontinu nuee of the lethan;ie,eonditious which dominated tho grea.ter piirt of thej month s ojierutions. tnitetl Dry goods ijreferryd,, with a .sjale of one hundred shares, sold, nt (". n gain of five points. Contrary to, expeetu tious in Mime itiarters the asasina tiou of Aiutria'n, heir was without apparent effect in Loudon, although political complication aro feared. Domestic news included reports from Western railroads indicating a mark ed increase of toamwe. WASHINGTON COURTS UPHOLD ABATEMENT LAW OLY.M1MA, Yu June 20. The supreme court in it decision rendered today upheld tho constitutionality of tho red liuht abatement law euueted by the last legislature. declined to allow Villa to Import cartridge for hi men umi shelU for hi artillery through tho port of Tumplco. This port, barf tho only eutrywuy for munition which tho lovoliillouUt muy iim), us Hut border I still closed to them hy tho em hurgo of tho Fulled Htule border putrul. At Zurutt'iu Vlllu shot uway prac tlciilly nil tho curgo of tho Antlll.t which luiidud ut Tuuiplci), urcordliitf lo hi iepieeiilullvu here. Cur ruiiKu mini, howeviii', duciuro lbt Vlllu did not net ihu Anlllu uiumuiii Hon Willi ll (lie) deenio 4II I IH MuuU'iey. WEATHER Mn, Mln. (Us ltd. Hum. lii MT Wilt, , .... HMHOTMMB FEAR OF REVOLT Meeting Held to Arrange Plans fer Final Defense Hucrta's Hold en Army Weakening and Insurrectlefl Feared 5000 Soldiers at Zacate cas eDserted Comrades Sltnatiefl. MEXICO CITV, June 20.-' U view of the existiii); eomlitfop in .Mexico, Sir Lionel Cnrden, British minister, today mlvsed nil Hritish subjeds temporarily lo K'inWtlu'nntitry. He snid Hint tlm filiprliiRe fAfifA' uHe'' in tin? operation of tntinwHjprow iii more ncute daily ami that tho trains probably soon would stop run- nin?, which would make difficult the departure of jiersons in the interior. VERA CIHJZ. Juno 29. Tho fear that tho spread of disaffection among the Mexican federal troop might re sult in an uprising In Mexico City caused tho British residents tboro to hold a meeting Saturday night to ar range final plan for the defense of tji-conceatratfen district. ., AJ-3MlIkh-rfu4$Nea wh.rtl(,her, IN MEXICO CITY ALARMSBRITISH t4ay and wha:had;"'atlele1L. tMVtMa MlnK, said the ceneral.eMifca ex- "P ', Wfmuml (fcere was that PrevMaiiaW it$ nt Priwden't; Hucrta's hold on the lt aa-, tlwpf In tjij capital woa wavering and mrir' prejtUtcd jb vunrWne or a re volt of the federal army within a week or ten daya. ltavolt at Zaratrcsm Sonic of tho refugees declared the federal defeat" at Zacatecas to be par tlajly duo to tho revolt ot 5000 fed eral soldfcrs under iho command of General Medina Uarron. These men aru said to' haVe fired on their own comrad.es. the situation at the front Is de. clarod so .desperate that General HUfcrta is said to have orderod Gen eral Joaquin Mass, a son of hi brother-in-law, to remain In the cap ital instead ot returning to take the command nt Queretaro, where ef forts aro being made to face tho ad vance ot General Villa's army. Two regiments ot federals were sent to Querataro from tho capital on Saturday. Those who saw them passing through tho streets assert that tho ranks wero tilled with boys and soldiers taken from tho hospitals beforo their wounds wero half healed. haitIIbeTs ' meet reverse CAPE IIATIEN, Haiti. Juno 20. Fighting continued In the north ot Haiti today when the Haltton gov ernment troops commanded by Presi dent Orestes amor recaptured from tho rebels tho town ot Grande Riv iera, and continued their march on Qoartler Morlu. Three attacks by rebols on Fort Liberie wero repulsed hy the govern ment troops in possession ot that Place, Gonoral Dorsllfen," one of tho robot leaders, was killed du,rlng a fight at Lassalo Munt-Orgaulsp. EXTEND APPROPRIATION BILLS Ti WEEKS WAHIIINOTON, Juuo 20. Demo cratic Leader Fuderwood asked tlio housu loduy to pas it speclul resolu tion extending all current appropria tion bills from July 1 to July IS, Tho fluuuco ymtr cud June 30, anil' under such u resolution t lie wmo rates of expenditure would be luw fill for two week morn. Wkllu Ihu motion wu temporarily Moth), Icudr.i iluclurvd tint eouiwttlOM M utipuly meusurf wu Hi luMfci )' r mm vxpmilvH) Wmh-M wiv tw m I". . ! -? i it ' S" Jt n ' !' ' .1 )W i vi V WT1