Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 27, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    t-. iiy
Hotel Mcdford
. .
.MWWPwii spy i mi smi w'i i ' i g ' i VjjV. rfA fwk
HVi NlWiHlWr Jfrs' "' ' s,,,1,c oiilorttiitiiMl on Mr. Walter Hnwne nml Mr. H. 11.
BV' 21 'MWU TncMlny afternoon at llioir country Troutm Imvo returned from n fi-lt-
BJfLl homo iii honor of her daughter Lor- iiur trip to Willintn-on Ciecfc. Mim"
BriHflFPrr mine' 7th bnihdn.v. (Inine were W. V. 11. t'nmpbell, 1.. McOnrnmck
jH played, nftor which refro1imeiil nud Prank Madden motored, on to
HT woro orvol. Special fenture of Klnmnth Falls and will return the
All communications rIiouM bo Iq
l)j Friday. Address society editor,
or phono S2-J.
A most clnlmrnto reccptton was
licltl Wednesday evening at tho
Masonic hnll by tho Itoamcs chapter
of tho Eastern Star, to honor Mrs.
Nclllo McUowan nowly elected worthy
inntron of tho Mate of Oregon. Mrs.
McRowan has held many office In
tho order and this last Is tbo lilglies'
In tho order.
Tho hnll was beautifully decorate 1
with many hanging baskets and roses
and ferns. Klowcrs were placed In
every concolvablo placo In tho room.
Tho decorating committee consisted
of Mrs. Enola Hamilton, Mrs Kate
Young, Mrs. Wm. Woodford, Mrs. It.
V. Stearns, Mrs. Maud Newbury.
Tho reception committee was In
charge of Mrs. Enola Hamilton, wor
thy matron, Mr. J. V. Lawrence,
worthy patron, and Past Mntrons
Mesdamei Ijumsdcn, Hutchison, Mc
(lowan, Vawtor, Plckcl, Vnrner..
Weeks, Woodford, Merrick, Ilargravo,
and Past Patrons Vawtcr, Lumsden,
Wdrner, McGowan and SummcrvlHo.
After congratulations the guests
were Invited to the banquet room
which was a surprise to many. The
decorating committee consisted of
Mtaidamcs Matthews, Perry, Orr.
O'Brien, Weeks. Purdln, Uutler. KII
wood and Messrs. Perry, Hates aud
Hoggs, who had worked for days mak
ing forty-flvo dorcn hand painted yel
low and black butterflies which were
suspended from the celling with fine
threads, making tho most p'.easliv;
effect. Tables were decorated with
Tho chairman of tho committee for
tho evening was Mrs. John Lawrence
ond tbo chairman of tho auxiliary
coinmlttco was Mrs. F. Maud Ilar
gravo who with their numerous assis
tants had prepared a delightful lunch,
and were obliged to reset the tables
up hero were oxer two hundred pres
ent. The most distinguished guests wera
two grand officers, Mrs. Edna Hob
nett, grand Martha, Central Point,
and Mrs. F. Maud Margrave, grand
Adah, Mcdford, Mrs. Crokcr, past
grand matron, Ashland, Mr. and Mr.
Chisum, past grand matron and pa
tron, lloswell, New Mexico, .and most
of tho officers and past officers of
Central Point, Ashland and Jackson
ville chapters.
Tho program was In charge of Miss
Venlta Hamilton and consisted of a
vocal solo by Herbert Alford accom
panied by Curler llrondon, n quartet
coriiposcd of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gore,
Mri and Mrs. CJcorgo Andrews and
Mrs. Frank Isaacs, a reading by Mrs.
Johu Carklu, with musical accompani
ment by Miss Venlta Hamilton.
Mrs. John Lawrence made a speech
giving an outllno of tho work done by
.Mrs. .McGowan and presented her
wltVa diamond pendent, a gift from
tlii chapter In appreciation of bur
Tho Philothca Sunday school class
of the Methodist church held a pic
nic Wednesday evening at tho re
servoir which was followed by a busi
ness meeting when the following of
ficers wore elected: President, Miss
May Philips, vice-president, Mrs, nil
tint; secretary-treasurer, Miss Ituth
Armstrong; teacher, Mrs. II. I Van
Tho class members are Misses Mnt
tin Vroman, Efflu lturch, May I'blpps,
Mary Hess, N'aunu Mntuoy, Illaneh
Darby, Ituth Armstrong, Alice Darby,
Itoso Fielder, Mcsdameti I. on Spring
er, Ida Hilton, Uernice Kunssmnii,
Myrtle Forbes. Graco Wood aud Mary
To colohrnto their paper wedding
Mr, 11 ml Mrs. George Irtitmimn Qiitur
tnlned Thursday ovonlng. A num.
her of paper gifts wore presented
tho'ni and a plenraut avrnlng was
spout In music and games. Tho
guests wero Mr. and Mrs, Don
Springer, itosdftmcB A, S. Hilton, K,
W. Carder, Misses Alice Forbes, Vir
ginia Carder, Messrs. lien Forbes and
) Carder.
JMIvs I-elln Ueblcy entertained n
few of lior girl friends Wednesday td
celiunilu her eleventh birthday. The
nfMuoon w as spent playing games
which reficsliineuts were
fouiiwii berry, Helen Herbert, Lois
, imidv iiirnvMi nviu tximtv
QUini Hartley. Ojml Cull
rf"IHW riv Alien.
kJM llm Kwlrfy Jim returned
tnk Ml fttfkM (.'., tOiwn bt
taut Jjmmi iim mH Uhihw f"
lj i
with eight lighted candle, nlo the
fuor. Mi. StolUe wn- n i-leil
in entertaining (lie little folk by tbe
Miwe fnrpenter and. MeKuy. Those
eniovinir .tlie oeen.ion, ineludetl Mil
.In-il Nve. Kliznlieth Welch, Kuth
Stoerkmnn, Mnrerlln Alirens Junn
itu Oriffeii, Kmtnn Jniuex, K-tlier
WrtkcfieM. Kobert Stoltxe it ml I.or-
rnine Stollze.
Mrs. Itlley D. Henson, SOS Tripp
street, entertained the Gleaners'
nible Study club Wednesday after
noon. After tho lesson study, music
was enjoyed after which refreshments
were served Miss Mary Hello Henson,
assisting her mother In tho serving.
Thoso present were Mrs. Eugene
Whipple, Mrs. J. E. Conrad, Mrs.
Itobcrt L. Taylor, Mrs. James Stevens.
Mrs. Earnest Hlce.
The Queen Father circle of the
MclhntlNt church were in charge of
the "Home Coining" Wednesday nf
tcrnoon, when n mn-teal program
was gien and refreshment served
Thoe on Ibe inrrmn were Mri,
Kinieyiile, Mr. Uliton nml Mi'-e-Manrgnret
Vnn Scoyoe, Omce Kin-
leiile and Virginia Cimler.
An cnjoynlde "Social Night" win
gixeu Iy the Mimi.c I.iwlge Tue-dny.
which wni unii'-imlly well attended.
The fir-t of tlie evening w fui
in cards ami after refreshment
were erveil there was tlnncing. The
commitlre in ebarge was Mc-r, .
X. Wnterx, Van Horn nml A. uar-
There will he n meeting Monday
Afternoon' nt 2210 o'clock nt the li
brary of the Library ilepartment of
the Greater Mwlfonl Club nml nil
members who are intcrcxled in the
work of Hint ilepartment are iiskcd
to he present, as plan will ge made
for the work of the coming year.
A KunrisV hreakfnsl wa held nt
the reservoir Friday morning nftei
nn enrly "hike." Those in the par
ty were Misses Mary Frowbridge.
Marion Ftcushuw, Virginia Carter,
Alice Forbes nml Mr. Forbes.
Miss Jcannettc Patterson entor
talned a few of her friends Friday
night with a slumber party. Those
present were: Hazle Antle, Merce
des Harber. Laura Gates, Ilabo Pur
dln aud Mildred Wicks.
Mr. nml Mrs. E. F. Outline enter
tniued nt dinner Siiudav evening lit
the country liome "Sandyliurt" in
honor of Mr. nml Mrs. Frank Oliver,
who have recently come to Meilfonl
from Portland.
Mrs. Wm. Gerlg and Miss Mildred
Gerlg left Thursday for Portland
where they went to meet Mrs. Gerlg'c
'son. who Is returning from college at
Arkansas and will siend the summer
Mrs. Stewart Patterson was host
ess at dinner Thursday evening when
her guests were Mr. and Mrs. S. V.
Hcckwlth. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hnmlll.
Mrs. Stewart Clark and Mr. Donald
A i(leannt afternoon at cauls
wnn .spent nt tlie Country club Wed
iicmIiiv when Mr. Stewart Palter-
son held the highest score nt hiidgo
nml Miss Dm nth v Daggett at rliiiiu.
Mrs. I). (. (iiienieov who came
last Thurxduy to nttciul the liicernl
of her little grandson, Dennis Xecvul
fliienn-cy, loft for her home in Stur-liiiek-,
Wash,, Tui'Hlay.
The Colony club held n literary
inpctinj? FiTiluy iiflernooii nt the
Iniiilo' of Mrs. Fred Hopkins u
Hnouv Unite Oiehanl.
Sir. und .Mrs. Will Stewart aud Mr.
and Mrs. V. .1. Enieiick leuve the flr'i
of July for un auto tour of Idaho and
Tim Home Mission society of the
M E. church South will meet In the
pastor's study Wednesday afternoon.
Mis Hiinicc McLaughlin -.vlio has
been vixiting in Mcdfoiil Iiiih icltiru-
i'il to her home in Oniuts I'iihs.
Paul Iteddy, who has been nt-
tending college U Hjioltuun, ulso re
turned this vwftik. '
Mrs. HlHtitou (Irlffls relumed litis
uiik from u visit In Hiokiini.
Miss Helen HuhJ U vsiik fiii(H
Hi llidiJIu.
Mr. Stanton (Iriffis entertained at
dinner Tuesday in lienor Mr. P. 0.
Kerr of New York. The other guestS
were Messt-4. A. S. V. Carpenter,
Leonard Carpenter mill ' Donald
Miss Millmrn who has been the
guest of Miss Jennet te SnlnuV for
several months at Seven' Oaks, left
this week for her homo in Phila
delphia. Tlie Mullo club was entertained
this week by .Mrs. W. I. Vnwter
and Mesdames Warren, 1 Infer and
Hollis were guests of tlie club.
'Tlie tallies Aid of tlie Presbyter
inn church will hold their hi-t meet
ing of the summer Tuesday after
noon in the ehnpcl.
Miss Hazel Under left this week
for Herkeley, Calif., where she will
attend .summer school nt the I'liivcr-
sity of California.
Miss I.ueile Talbott who has been
the guest of her uncle, Mr. O. W.
Talbot, returned Thursday to her
home in Seattle.
'Miss Helen Hale of Portland ar
rived in Mcdford Fiidav and is the
guest f Mrs. Ilarrv Foster on Sis
kiyou He'ghts.
Mr. and Mrs. C. 5L Kill nml Mr.
nml Mrs.'F. K. Merrick have return
er fnun 'nn-'niito trip Into northern
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Wine'-'
have returned to their home in Itoe
burg nfter visiting fiietid in the val
ley. Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Page nml
family have taken iiossessjou of
their new home on Sikiou Heights.
Misses Frances nml Mildred taw
ler of Kiishville. Ills., aic the gue-ls
of their brother, Mr. O. II. Lawler.
Mr. nml Mr-. Claude Ackermnn of
Itiveroide, Calif., nre the guests of
Mr. and Mr. Jlnlpli Cowgell.
Mrs. Howling nnd Miss lowlm of
Sacramento, California, are the
gue-t of Mrs. ,. P. Keddv.
Miss Frances, Heath Iiiin returned
from Eugene, where she hns bren n
student nt the. I. of 0.
Mrs. II. Von der Helleii of Wellen
has been the guest this week of her
daughter Mr. Kvanson.
Mrs. Edmund Hurke nee Mis Mu
hle Iturke entertained informally at
supper Silndny evening.
Mr. Fred Kelly and bride have re
turned from San Francisco, having
inado the trip liv auto.
'Miss Minnie Xewbury has return
ed from Eugene where she has been
attending university.
Miss Ruth Merrick left W'cdues
day for l,o Angeles where she will
spend the summer.
Mr. und Mrs. Michael Itruss nml
children uie spending sowml months
in ilie mountains.
MUs llntlie Hunch of Oakland.
Calif., is the guest of .Mr. und Mrs.
II. W. Heyuohls.
'.Miss Thcone Cnrkin left this week
for Herkeley where she will nlteiii'
summer school.
Miss Violet I Iowa id has relumed
to Poillaml after an c.icudcil visit
in ilut vnllcy.
Mrs. J. V Fiisscluiuu nml Utile
ihiughler liavu ictuincil fnun a vii.
in t'oiviillis; "
m m
'Mrs-. C. P. Murray lenvcs todiij
for Khiiuiilh I'alls to visit her sister,
Mrs. I'n i ro,
Miss heiie Sullivan bus i el in und
fmiu Mi" I'uiveisity of Oregon at
Miss May Kcnll of Albany is Ilie
gtloM of Imr IhoIIiit, Mr, K. L. lieu
,MIm Miijiim Uicmk ut Anlilmul m
vlvilliig fihiuh In Mulfonl,
Jfrr H ('. Kimtiicr m n m
jiucs her jicr Ah". Himlli.
Miirguerile Itr.ii k l .i lili.eleen .wmr old Ciitlfornln ulrl wli. lul detcileil
ll extern wnmrii swlmmersi In Sill run! eiont. S!n ulil simiii M tempt to sli
i,i.. i:....U.ii tin r it ffil nirrmli iKrfrHtisl US inioiuei i unioiiimn -iis u.i
. - .11. il. ,'- . t trilM r : wl aaittut
:. .It KlrL s I.- ei . a Ui,ji!j!,OM WHWl m'
jsrsriKi --. i - ac -c
Miss Miihle .luno lcjt Kriilur for.
Seattle wiierr Ii WiM iili1 Jliej
summer, iflturrrfwe' nlwt SlfhTitflther;
Mi- Helen Daniel of (lien
isitiug friends in Mcdford.
Dr. K. I!. Seehv li.,s
from a I rip to Xew v,,ik
tel it rued
- 1
Fletcher l.luu rolurned to
land Sunday after spending n
days In this vicinity looking niter bis;
business Interests.
Mr. nnd Mrs. F. C Smith wero tho
guests of friends at Talent Suudny
Mrs. Pauline Hii. .fcud fiowoti
lllnos arrived from Salem Sunday
and will visit with relatives IUIiik
here for srveraf wn-ks.'
Johnnie llrmd left for Wued, Cal.. I
the first of the week where li'i will
Siend tho summer with his brother
Miss Mollloito or It uiii has been
the guest of Mrs. II M. Collins scv ,
eral days this wnok.
Mlmm Elsie Miller and Vera liav
idFon of Gold Hill rn the guests
or Miss Adu Elmer Tuesday ami
Mrs. W. C. Lang and Mrs. M. M.
Taylor bavo returnml from a visit
with Mr. and Mrs. Wllbcr Cameron
of Applegate.
About 70 momhirx of the Jarkson ;
vllle Sunday sohooln. together with)
th! Kiich Sunday nriiool. enjoyed a
filcnlc pit tbo hank of Applegate on
Thursday. Ilarnum x wood truel
con -
veyed tho party to nml from tbo
Lawrence Luy of Wellen Is spend
Ing the week In to n .with rolntlvee
Charles King and wife of Marsh-1 Why will women continue to sufTcrdfty
field wore guests at the homo of H. ' In nnd day out or drag out r sickly, half
M. Collins Suiidn Mr. King wnH hearted existence, missing tliree-fourths
formerly a ihoiiiImt of the Goisl ottyotlK.yilimtjimcmfitul
Auto company of Jaeksonvlllo. J "uh in fltt U VUMwm Vcjftabl-
Mr. aud Mrs. Louis llrowu or'TT, u, , ., i .
Talent spent Tues.lay with Mr. nnd I ""'''n0""1 ".irUmlh! "
. ' .. nrd remedy for femnlo Ills, and bus re-
.Mrs. i-. u. siuiin. Intoredthelu'altliof Uiousambi of women
Mrs. Ella Cook Is spondlng the i w,ft Imvo Jwcn troubled with such all
week with Mrs, lllalnn Kluiu or Med- I munts ns displacements, Intlumrnutlon,
ford. I ulceration, tumors, Irregularities, etc.
Tho Friday Afternoon club wero I lf y0 w0lll 8,,fcn ndrke nrllo lo
tho gucHlH or Mis Major Wilnu of J.ydla V.. Pink bum Medicine Co. (confl
King btreet nt Medroid HiIh week. dentlul) Lrnii,Mus, Your letter will
Dnnuld It. CIiiim. has returned le opened, read and niinere4 by a
from Fort Stephen- where bo wont "au uud held lu strict couQdeuce.
The Latest in the .Jewelry World
i""" .mlfiiilu
ouiry oiio
IV c,
l a ion I urn piece r Jewelry. Wlillo not impeuslvo It Is wry
linillier ami Hull -tlie le.ltl
the life i.r ilir
ptciiMM and Oism toil tat.
with the Oregon m'.titln nnd reports
a very pleonaut sojourn.
.Miss Anna WVnUt cxitects to re
turn (n San Jose, (nl., this week nf
ter spending n month with relnthci.
Win. Heneff bus retuined from
Portland where he underwent medi
cal treatment.
Mlim ll MrCulh and Mrs. E. J
Kubll sin'iit Wednesday afternoon In
etoi'etl to Health by Lydia
E. Pinkham'a Vegeta
ble Compound.
Flor 'ncr, So. Dakota-" I used to Iks
wry sui. eviry month vitit beurlnK
unwn pains ami
backache, And nud
liuntlncbu n gool
deal of the time nnd
very little appetite.
The ixilns were so
bad that I used to
sit right down on tho
floor nid cry, bo
causo It hurt tiw so
und I could not do
any work at those
times. An old wo-
man jidvised me to try Lydin E. Pink
ham's Vegetable ComOund and I got a
lKttle. I felt letter tho next month so
I took threo moro bottles of It nnd Kot
1 Wfli ,0 i couid work n tlie time. 1
1 1. ...... A.O.MI tt-.rvin itftin atifTittl lltrs T Alii
IJWjAI UVt'l Jf WUlllittl iiiwbihivib ssnw w
i will try Lydin k. nnKiinms vejjeiauiu
Compound." Mrs. V. W. Lanhkno,
Koine No. 1, Florence, South Dakota.
Is an liidespenslbbt piece of Jewelry made up
III silver, gold filled aud solid gold to hu
worn with tho lute nt) lo drosses,
Itl.WK I'VtMI.'l. I.'.tlt lllllll's!
iiiul iiiif.l olf.ri, urn llu lillu Ililn
"?J2i yenr. Everybody Is looking nt Ilium, mint
Is buying tlioiu,
Kill Itooon
t.icuttiir Sen lee
Hot and cold running water, pilvnle phutie, sleum heat aud outside
windows lu nil rooms.
EmiuIkUu Lobby nml Motinuliio.
Evccll'iut Cuisine.
Splendid Hamplo Itooms.
The t'ommereliil Tuvveler lunken this his homo mid tho Tourists
usually pinlmiK their stay.
Itooni without iirtvnto hiith. per day, 9 1 .HO and up.
Itooiu with private bath, per day, 11! mi ami up,
Hi'i:r!.i, iivikh nv week oh mo.niii
This coxy hotel Is now open again nud )u will he nt homo the
moment )ou enter
This hotel U particularly noted tor Its homelike surroundings,
nud Its artistic furnishings.
Hot and cold running water and steam bent lu nil rooms,
Hates per day:
ltoom without lintli. TT.o nud 11.00.
Itonm with private shower bath. $1.2.'.
ltoom wltli private bnth, $1 '() and up.
spi:clIi LOW HATES nv WEEK oh month
Clean rooms, clean beds nnd everything sanitary.
Hales per day Allc mid T&e.
I respectfully beg to iiunoiniro that the above hotels are all oper
ated under my Mile ownership nnd management, nnd I wMi to tlinuk
you for our kind patronage In tbo pant and I hnp to dcicrvn sue
reus In the future.
Your obedient servant,
Our latest references, any member of the bunkers' rouwuillnn,
' True HOSPITALITY U thus exprecd:
Welcome the coming, nud speed the parting guest."
A Charming Resort by the Sea,
Smiles, and Bids You Welcome
"WVlfonip to Ihm" hospitality, hop health and hpi'vp-
rcstorors; to her eomforluhle hotels, rooming houses
.mil camps; to her luscious sea roods, to her halhing
and delightfully diversified recreations.
Leave Albany at 7:110 a. in. daily.
Leave Albany at 1:00 p. m. daily, except. Sunday.
CI really reduce the expense of a visit lo Newport.
I uouTta f I
The Cipoiltlou X.lii 1913
Sunday, June 28th
I lOCOINtfllAirAl I
I M?."T" I
Tho L'xposlllou Lino lit in
Special Train Leaves Medford at 8:20 a. m
This h Out openliig nxciirslnu of the Setisou to L'olestlu nud Special
will ntop nt nil poluln hitween Oruiits Pars nud Aiibhiud going ahil
Round Trip Fare From Medford $1.10
You will enjoy llm ildo nud tbo cool In vll fins Munlo of Ibo SlnlilyuiiH
naming, box hall, Hhoollug gnlleiy, svvIiikii nml bund uiiiHle. IlleeU
(oaiiieii mid nil burning ImiiuiiiliVim
A Most Delihtrul Daylight Rjde
Oiimo )niiii-eCN anil bilug llm dillilicn'
'Hie will enjoy Ibo lulling
I'n 1 1 1'iiilliiilars f mijii any il. AHnt
JOHN M. IK'O'IT. He)e, ';i, hiukci- AK'Oll PlIllllllHl, DH'KOII
The Hntl or
III Willi Pi hale Until
Stop at the first Southern Ta
cifie or ('. & 10, office and aslc for
illustrated pamphlet on "New
port." JOHN M. SCOTT
(leneral Passenger Agent,
Portland, Oregon.
; AAAti.