' TAHI! HTX rnnFortn rATTi TRTnuxK. "MwnifOKD, oiJKnoi. Monday, ;irNU ul uni rt 51 WATER LEAKS HILL WINS FIRST LARGE ETSAMSHIP TO PASS THROUGH THE PANAMA CANAL OF -S&E&K&&SG E POISON ROUTED TRUST FOUR 12-11 BY OF CITY'S GOLD LA MONSTERS ONES DRE OR EXITING! OVER HARVESTER MILES IDFORD DEMON RUM TO BETTER AFFAIRS MAIN M M fr i The Moxlrnn tllftlrulty U rnlvpil. All Wooilrow hag to ilo Is to semi Caller nml !.Bh to tlio (rout with n pooil supply of Imsolmll. Nino men jtuiR toy the home hlile, ami throe of thorn lieanvil squnro on tho Ivory. Outside qf that, the Hold Ulll-Meit-fonl Rniue umlny'whs all right. Med font Vrftihod one In tho flrfct. hut Cold Hill doubled that and copped threp In the third and four In tho fifth, while Medford had to he con tent with one more durlnp tho same period. Hut In tho terrlhlo sixth, when l.esh's sore arm weakened, five to-bani;ers and two Texae leaguers netted Medford eight runs. Gentle men hush! Thero was a riot. In the eighth, however, after Teartown hud annexed one more, tho Miners Klommed two. making It a tie, and In the ninth, after Heed had got to first, Lcsh won hla own game by smashing a two-sucker out Into the chapparnl and scoring him. Hut tako It from me, that Hold Hill bunch ban got the world beaten for good live "rooting." A 2ft 'to 0 game would bo worth tho money If you could hear the comedy stuff from tho grand stand and the girls are tho best fans In the bunch. Seore: Medford All. U. II. P. E Coleman 3d ..............5 0 0 10 Allen rf 1 0 0 0 0 Harper 2d 3 - 1 4 1 Coffeen cf 0 0 0 0 0 Antle If 3 12 2 0 Hopkins, 1st 3 1 1 C 1 Ileruclmnn, ct, 3d. ..... 1 1 1 1 Marshall, c .. 5 1 0-00 Sutton rf, 2d ". 12 0 1 Kmcrlck rs ............-' 110 1 Caster p . 1110 38 11 9 24 r Gold Hill All. H. H. P. E. Hlacklngton. rf 4 2 12 0 Upton. If 4 12 0 1 Eddlngg c 4 3 19 0 Miles 3d 5 2 2 11 Miller 1st .3 1 2 10 1 Williams 2d -.4 0 0 2 1 Mosblerss 2 10 11 Porter, cf ...: 3 2 0 10 Heed cf 3 2 0 10 !.osh P 3 0 3 10 ..3C 12 11 2" 5 Score Ity Inning Medford Kuns -100 018 01011 lilts 100 017 000 3 Gold Hill Huns 203 010 02112 Hits 112 120 03111 Suinmnrj Home run. Hlacklngton. Two base hits, Harper. Antle. Sutton Emerlck, Caster, Upton, Losh, 2. Struck out, by Caster. 7: Icsh, 7. llase on balls, off Caster. D; off Lesh. 1. Hit by pitcher, by Lsh, Harper, 2: Hopkins, 2; Hcnlselman; by Cas ter, Hlacklngton, Moshlcr. Porter. Heed. Passed ball, Marshall, wild pitch, Caster. Umpires, Bob Clapp. Karrar. Time of game, two hours, 40 minutes. Jacksonville 2, Medfonl The Jacksonville team defeated tho Medford second team at the county seat Sunday 20 to 3, before a largo crcowd. The Jacksonville team ham mered the ball to all corners of tho lot, while Coffman was holding the Medford team to three lone and tone some runs. A large crowd of Med ford fans attended tho game. Talent Win nm Talent defeated Grunts 1'iim nt Orimtrt I'iixh Sunday afternoon in it will played and exeitiiij: jsiuno, 8 t (J, before a Innio erowd. Shorty lll 8 led In the hitting for the 1'im.s. Several clcmo cU'cjmihw of the urn jure roused tho wrath of the hleaeli eiv. A number of .Medford people joined Hie Talent rooter. TWELVE DROWNED IN 1LAT E 8VIIACUE, N. Y Juno 22 In vestigation of tho launch accident which resulted In the drowning or 12 people In tho Oswego canal last night Is being made under the direction of Coroner Moore. Thoro wtue 20 passengers on tho boat and It was reported toduy that the craft was licensed to earn nut more than ten passengers. Suvuu children are numbered among tho victim.. Three women and two nion woro oUo drowned Only oue or tho children on the boat at I he time of (ho accident was saved. Vim (let (lie Itcst Tborn I when you vtnok tlov, John oh clr uil palroulju homo lutlu (rlM. . . Witb Htxituii trtJil WwJ'oriJ ), .lames Kim:, the ournival vnnko elinnner. who wax nipped by a "gilu monster" Saturday exeninp while he was (jivinp a leotmv on the doadli uess of its liite. is nlio and fairly well at Snored llenit lioiittil tmlnx. Mr. Kinsr. haoked liv a number of citizens, nid lie never heard of a man beinp hit by a h monster and livln" to tell the tale, ami a number of other eitixe'iH aver that tho bile is not much wore tlinit that of a good, lively t'alifornia ilea. Immeilintep after hems yanked into the hadow by the fans of the Kiln he appropriately noured into hU sytem two pint of Front street ex tmet of barb wire, and this aleui: witli the reptile mi-n made -ome-lliiiiff of a maniac out of him mid hard to handle. ' Kinj:, after ho was bitten and ab sorbed the forty-rod liipiid, bid an earthly farewell to a number of ne quaiutnueos, so oerlain wa- he that lie would .soon be in a land where emu lin tbincs do not abide. tlltc Xot at All ratal Ur. Porter .was culled and drocd the wound and bandage! the arm so the blood could not circulate, and the Miake pit win hanked ten deen with the curious. While Kins wa hcinc carried out of the unke pit another death-defytm: youth vvn crawling in, Mr. flila MonMor ht" gi"lily a-lefp in corner. Difference of opinion a to the fa tality of the bite of the reptile caus ed a confusion ot report. Oac fae tion had him djini; four times Sun day afternoon, and the other had him peint: to work pit'-li'mi; hay on the Mike ilanlev ranch this morniu Chief ltitl.-on. who drove eattle for three year on the Oila liver, in Ari zona, told the mo-t blootl-ctinlling verMon of the bite of de.itb. lie -aid he knew a cat that was bitten by one, and pu-y died in her tracks without a chance to emit a meow. He maintained a human had lc-3 chance to Mirvive, and shuddered to even think of it. Chief Mitt-ou al-o declared a whiff of the breath of the gila would cnue long illuc.s. IHfforonres of Opln'ou Pro-eeutor Kelly aettcd Hint In would as ooon he liitteu bv n mint as a uiln mounter, and Hint lie knew a man in New Mexico who -at down ujxm one and did nothing more thai: eu-s a mite ami imply ammonia tr. the afflicted -pot. .Melksi eneyclo IH'dias -tate that there in no authen ticated instance of the bite beiiis fa tal to humans, though it produce- a sore. VIOLATION OF LAW WASHINGTON. Juno 22. Tho su preme court .today affirmed the de cree of tho New York federal court holding organizations of eastern states retail lumber dealers had vio lated tho Sherman anti-trust law by circulating among their members blacklists of wholesalers who sold lumber direct to big consumers. On a question of Jurisdiction sole ly, tho supremo court today affirmed tho Judgment of tho Kentucky court of apjKjalB, which held that tho com monwealth had Jurisdiction to pro ceed against the International Har vester company for violating Its local anti-trust law, although tho company claimed to havo no placo of business In that state. CAUSE OF SUICIDE nEHKEI.EY, Juno 22. Grlovlnc over fancied shortcomings In hor care of her home, Mrs. Paulino Van Yal keubergh Schuster or this city went to the university campus Thursday urteruoon and shot herself in tho right temple. Her body was found a few minutes later by a paisorby, Shu was 28 years or age. a native of itockford, 111., and two little girls, aged four and two years, survive her, Lekldo her husband. Hho had re sided la llerkeloy but little over u year, coming hero float Medford, Ore. Her suicide Is believed to have been tho result of u temporary nieiitul uhcMutlou. Mm. Krhustiir wus well known In Medford und piowlmnt In womini'g club elrules. Hlie rwliled horo with her liusbiiin), Addison rJeliiiulM for uu your, winle lie whs wduilHK JiiMimuvi' ut Die MmII Tilbuno, LUMBER BLACKLST IHHlSBHMMW"- bbbBHHb9BVV 4U JKkI Bwfln BISjBgBJfBBBBBBlBBM. ... .- BBBBHAGHHICSr- VL. BmMmffT 1 fBFsi BBBBBrSEufll&BsMw' BBBHHlili'kBB.BVBflH? ft?m -JHBkW HEe--tjHCS- bbbbbV?w!L .HaT bh bb4l EJKJnSKj-if .tiiiBitl - JLbhbbbBbH jtB sbbLI tw'1-'" bBbbF--!bbbT'bTbbbHbvi i& bbTIjbbbh 'f'-v-v raiVMBBBlBBUBZTjBBH iBBBBWJfl ir BaBrttlSBBffBa " - BlvBBf JP- M IXABbVBE J" I HoflniSMj fflBBBBTaflH '2. : rmFm!Ta T CSIlfe - The vcamship AlHauci, btli;iiiit to tne Prtiiam. Kallro.ul Connany, Is the flrit large vessel to pass throush the Oatun locks of tbr Panama Cniml. It was o. Juns b tint sio was sent through the locks J for the uureose of testluc the electric locomotives that will be used to tw vessel through the loeks. Tho tt was a stiictss. the o:omotlvei the Alll.ni:.- oue and ous-half bou - SCIIKXKCTADV, X. Y., dune "JO. Police boimn today a -earch for Theresa Fati-t, a xixteen year old girl mis-iug from her homo here more Hum three weeks, in the belief that she mij:lit be the victim in Hie Mo hawk llivor niy-tery. According to Mi-- Fau-t's parents i-he won' a pink under-kirt when la-t -eon. A piece of audi a garment was found with the torso taken from the river la-t Friday. While Mi Fau-t wa- only sixteen years old, -he wa- large for her nge. Physi cians .-aid that the tor-o was that of a woman of ws ibly J.i year- of age. Search alo still U being pro-edited for Mi-s Sanili .Meatier, who di-appearcd mi May '2'u T PITTSHUIIGH, Pa.. Juno 22. 'Wo havo no word from Washington about the coming of mediators to settlo the strike and we don't care it wo never hear from them." said Hrld get Kenny, secretary of the Alle gheny Congenial Industrial Union, In charge of the Wcstlnghoiise strike, today. "That's money the government doesn't need to spend," sho added. President E. M. Ilerr of the West Inghouse l.lectrlc and Manufacturing company raid ho had no Information about the mediators. Four thousand pickets surrounded tho Westlnghouso plants today In anticipation of an at tempt to take workmen Into tho shops, but there was no evidence that tho compan) has abandoned Its pol icy of waiting until the old men re turn. INE IIIM.ntKKT, Alberta, June L'2. -Discovery by rc-cuer of filty bod ies in one o) the tunnels of mine Xo. ''() of the I lillcrost Collieries, Ltd., today brought up to 181 the total of recovered dead at the mine, wrecked at the explosion Friday. Kiglily-grave iliggcm worked all day in the little mountain side cem etery just outside the village, and by night it is expected the greater part of the former male population of the mining colony will he tenting tin-re. E WAKIIINOTOK, I). ('., June 22. Invt'stigntmn of all and any trans notions leading up to Hie proposed treaty with Nieaniytm by which the I'uiteil Ktatcx pioposcM (o pay 11, 111111,111)11 for an iiitei'-oeciuiic canal route mid naval hue o'nl to extend a protectorate over that country i piovidei) in the Smith icsoliitiou or dered favoralil.v leporled h the sen die loieiuii iilulioiis coinmillec, I'mIiooIo Home fly smoltliiK Ml Pitt, tlio best t Jclgur on the muricut, THINK MISSING GIRL VICTIM OE MURDERER handling the four thcuvwul ton str.:ashlp erndly nod upvrdlly It took s to pass thiouh th? Ijeks. CANNERY TO START OPERATIONS IN WEEK Active operation of the new K. I). Hoke cannery will begin in a week or tea days, and the tint canning will be Oregon loi:uuherri'rf, accord ing to an aiiiniiiui't'iiiciit made Satur day by K. 1). Moke. Hetween twenty and twenty-five will be employed at firt. After I he loganberry crop will come beans and tomatoes, aero- age being signed up for the-e two products. Practically , II of the ma chinery li.i- been in-tailed, with Hie exception of Hie boiler, which i- due to arrive from Portland today. TAMPICO OIL MEN MUST PAY IN GOLD WASHINGTON, Juno 22 I.ocnl authorities nt Tamplco havo refuted to accept payment ot taes by oil com panies In constitutionalist currency with tho exception ot first payments. Consul Miller reports that oil tnxoi now must bo paid In gold. Consul Hosteller reported from Nogales that all Americans Impris oned by the federals In Tcplc wore released by the constitutionalist gen erals, Obregon and Huclna when Topic was taken. ABE RUEF MUST SERVE MORE OF PRISON TERM SAN QUENTIN, Cal., June 22 Tho state board of prison directors by a vote of four to ouo denied today tho application tor parolo or Abraham Hucr, tho former political boss of Han Francisco who Is serving a fourteen year term in SanQuciillii penitentiary as tho result of a conviction In l'JOS In tho so-called graft prosecution on a charge (f offering a brlbo to a supervisor. According lo tlio rules of tho hoard. Knot's application cannot como up agulu within one voar, except on tho recommendation ur tho warden or a governor's Intervention. With good behavior his term will expire Decem ber, 1919, ORGANIZE WESTERN OREGON GRAWERS PORTLAND. Juno 22. A comblna- Hon of fruit growers of tho Willam ette, Iloguo Itlver nnd Columbia Itiver valleys was effected at tlio Commercial club In Portland today to provide co-operation In cultivating, harvesting, packing, shipping and marketing orchard products. Tho organization will bo Incorpor ated as tho Western Orogon Fruit Distributor!! and will oporatu In co operation with tho North-Pacific Fruit Distributors of Portland and Spokane, organlzod a year ago, SULPHUR CRUST ON SUMMIT MOUNT LASSEN HKDDINO Cal,, Juno 22. A crust of sulphur, from one to four Inehoa deep, wus found on the rocks around tlio now crater ueur tho summit of Mt. Kiusfiu b Prof, J. H, Diller. tho geologist who was Kent by dip United Htutos government to Investi gate tho reront activities or tho old volcano. Prof. Diller suld tlm! larger (Til ler uppeured to bo about 400 feel long und 200 feet wide, In the shupo of mi Irregular ovul und Ihut It mp psieiilly wum eiilurtHntf toward Ihu iioi Hi pouk ut Ihu mouiituMi WVTV r iwutfctyvuwt VlHat-.UrvJt t PRESIDENT THINKS TREATIES WILL PASS WASHlNdTOX, June 'J'J. - Pre-i-dent Wilson believes that when the Columbian and Xieaniuuau treaties are iiuder-tiiod tliev will ho amply Mippoitcd in the seiiale. Ilo made this clear to cullers tndu. hut re fused to go into delails. Tin treat ies tiro pending bel'uie the foreiuu relations committee, hcfoio which Secretary I It. van again npNared to day to continue hi- explanation. There is mimic oppo-ition to the pro-po-ed pa.Miiout of .-J'i,HH),HI0 In Colombia, and to features f the Xicarauuiiu trcatv, whie'i some sena tors contend would wo k unduly to -u-lum the tire-cut uot eminent tlinre v5j5jj5Jm5Jm5j -j j j x X t t ? ? t f ? ? r ? ? ? ? Y Quit Business Sale W! ni'o ioiif; lo quit business nml. wo arc soiling every' thing in Saddles, Harness, Holies, Hliiiikei.s, Hags, .Suit Oasos, Gloves in I'ttet, evei'vlhing in leather, as well as Tents and Poeket Knives. AT BIG REDUCTIONS The goods must he sold regardless of cost, and it will lay you to look the line over. You might see something you want. !Huy Harness now and save money, or get you a new Suit Case or Leather liag. HERMAN BROTHERS r r f t t KHIKKKKHXmOfiMXKwXHTWXMXMJ - ww Patronize Home Industries THESE GOODS ARE MADE IN THE ROGUE RIVER VALLEY. KEE P THE MONEY AT HOME We havo changed our name, hereafter the Mission Furniture "Works will ho known as The Pacific Furniture and Fixture Factory Home of tho "Pacific" Cedar OJlCHt. E, a, TROWBRIDGE, JR, Propriotor IK) South Holly Medford, Oregon, WASHINGTON,, liiim .'-' Seiueh iliu the lecouls of the live UHill IVoh. iileul Wilson has Humiliated for tlm federal re-ervo boaid hcniiu today hi the senate bunking committee, but ilo foimal notion wan taken. FiimuU of the admini-tratiou indicated tboy would picsH for cailv coufiimiilioii of the nominees and M'voial senator seemed satisfied with President Wil son's explanation of how Tlininiis D. .limes of Chicago came to own one share of stock ill the lutci national Harvester company. Tho piooident winle to Senator (liven thai Mr. Jones owned Hie "toek lueielv to nullify as a diteetor and (bat ho on teieil the llaivo-ter hoaiil to eoiieol ennililinits the governmeiil is now figliliug tlirough Hie tlepaitmeiit of justice. Paul M. Wuihurg of New Yoil, also was discussed ul tmlay's nioet iug. Mr. .loiio will have an opiortuu ity lo nppear bofoio Iho committee. Several members went lo hoar from Mr. Jones himself just what his re lations havo been with fiic llarves ter I'limpuiiy. Ple-ldellt WiUoil C.cl a ftulll hi the ciiiifiimaliou of uoailv all llio nun ho nominated, but it wit-, iiuide clear m circle- o-,i to the president toda.v that he Hunks the liniud the best i was pos-ible to get and will stand behind it. PLEADS NOT GUILTY 10 TRIPLE MUHDER!br,S:t,' 'is-jss IU Mll LL IIIUIULhjim.m(i ( nto illjull(,ll(, milu ,. ItOSTON, Juno JJ plea of imt day. guiltv was entered bv l..iivreneo Itob i I'resideut Fnink M. Farrell of Iho in-on, ullcged sla.vcr of three per-ons New York Aineiicniis hjH'ict pint of at (Iruiiil Itaplds, Mich-, when ar vc-terdav in eoiisiillatiou with Coin raigued todav charged with the mur j i-kev, Farrell -aid ho would push lor of police In-peelor Tlioimi F proeeediiiKs to enjoin A Sehulr, who Norton. Itidmt-ou mi eouuuitted , lumped to the llulfalo Federal learn, without hull to (baric- street jail lo from plaviug with it it other learn await a eiuitiiineil bea run; June J7 limn the New York American-. - Medford Iron Works B. 0. Trowbridge, Prop. General Foundry and Machine "Works Pacific 401 ; JJomo 298L. Res. Pac. 5031; Uomo 2271,. Keep Your Money at Home We mako a specialty of Door and Window Km men and Inside Finish. Also Doors and Windows. QUAIJTV TDK IM'JKT. PRICES WONT Factory Corner Klcvcnlh and Kir Bt roots, Medford Sash and Door Co. In the fust lour unlet of the eiiv water n, stein, tlime am .ftttl-'juo Ii'iiIjh u vuiioit sies, uecoidliig lo ('oiiuolliuau (tVortto Poller, wfio, wllli Water SnperlnteudC'ill "( loot no Traiuia, went lo the iuliike Siiuduy mi n tour of lu-peclioii, Ciiiiiiinliuaii Porter will iocoiiiiiicimI at the next Hireling of the city council, lluil a fmee of men ho put on at oueo to repair all hieitU, the eutiin leiiKlli of the pi)o line nt a mutter of (tninl business and piocautloii, Tho l"nt four iiulos are the wortt, aoooidiiiK to tiituko Keeper Dav. It in also likely Hum ioiiio tens Will llO tllkl'll t SOCUIX llll lllCOUU' from the llumllloii raiiolt next voar. This year a l,(tllO bay erp is o. iug to waste, except for the siimll amount out bv Intake Keeper Day at winter food for the family ooiv. Tim liav could bo cul oil' with hut slight daiiKor I" iMilliiling tho oily water supply. T CIIICAUO, Juno W.-llnl Cha-o. who Jumped In Hie 1 tit T I ttlo Fedenil leiiLMie team, will lie cnioiiieil ill ev- I oral Fi'deml league oily from play ling with iiny other loam Hutu tlio 'Chieauo AmerleaiiM. It was said to- 5 " $ ' 2 ? ? Y X y ? ? ? For GALVANIZED TANKS OIL AND WATER and IRRTGATJNG PIPE Oo to J. A. SMITH 128 N. Grape St. Tclephono 890 r 4 -fr" - Tf" -rf (tJ'g(i'-"