Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 22, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    ' 1
Ciilircinliiy fln lifiit'uliijiMK ul'
lltiw (I. Hmillii fnrnicilv ! Mtl-
V.I, nl WiilPa CrVMi. HnttiKlhy. tint
(liuiito l'na I'uiiilt'r ,iva;
Ai''i'iiiUHili'if liv itMlnnviti' of nVi'i-
tllic lirn ft i i t mill vvltli .'iiillii'l.
tliti'iilx mill Hii'ltN limli'il nl liU Ih'miI
llnv. (1. Sinilli m imcinti'il
iiImhiiiI trnlii No. 1 1 mil oil Vlf
Cii'i'k Kuliiiilii) tiiuiiiiiiK, ni'flilv III
I'lillio (nun Ih'Iiik naiiitnlili'il nl tin
ili'nil In uiiiii tin- I'Mli' mil In .11111
ll'llllll III lllll illlll.
I'or yi'in-w tlin IIIiiki' f Wll
Ciii'l; liim Im'i'ii Iiiiii vvllli illaai'iiaiun
unit strllV, mill I'iiiii'Iihi Smith lim
limui lim kIimiii I'unti'f nf imirt' Uihh
lllll) 'lllltllll llllll llIIIIHI'lll'll ill
li'lliMU 'I'lliwi' nrflllrn IMlltllllllltl'tl mi
Siiliinlnv in tin' fnicllilc I'ji'i'lini'iit "!'
Smith from llio rnininiiiiilv, tin1
iri'iuilior lii'tnu liraiiallnrvtl with ftn
mill IiiiiUi'iI uitli ii'rl,, vvhilt nin
Minium with it liiiiinlii lii'riiiniMii
Icil him lulu Hie nullum! iimili mnl
mm fln hunt linn' with tin rml tuhl
lllll fullim iHil(i' (lint Hiry tti'M
hliiiiiic Smith nut Tor jtuiiil,
It i will tlinl mi I'HiIht hiuiik nf
Hie iiltiiM nf Wolf Cruel, I'liiH'Imli'il
In notify Smith In Inivi- tin coitiimi
Hit.v. mill thiil Siiliinlnv iiiotminf it
ri'iiilitnliw' nf (lit cllli'li. rallnl
iiioh him mill Inlil him nf the ilwia
ion. Sinilli u iimkluir .iirmifiiitnt
to nn In (IIi'ihIhIii In ini'iil hi Hifl
Mint iIhubIiIit, who wi'tr iclnnilii'"
fumi Kuni'iH', Hlo'rf tht )nmi-c lml
llllll jlial KNtilllHli'tt flout li xlull'
lillUitll,V. I In loft Ilia Ilium In tin
In train N'n. 1 1, line in Wolf I'rtvk.
fioui lrnnt I'aho nl hIioiiI II
o'i'Iih'I., hiiiI tlio miulHri - i 1 1 t-tt 1 1
tliinblii he waa Icmximu in iaMiiiai
In thtiir warning, hail atlirl hI tin
ilcpol. I to for hi iiiHmiI nl I he ata
IIiih, hiiMnr, hu wim ni"t with n o.
h'.V of iKv Mini olhiT iriilc, mill
II hu hinij-llt li'tilll-i Wllilllt till' ronrli
liolh III" H'riii ami the nlo nf the
oHifih wore .v Win eil hiIIi umirol
. 'lW ntK"'nti'il nirntl n
lillow'i'il into tin1 iiir hv Mic wninm.
with n Ioiiu-UIiiI liorMUliii, mnl
IiIiih i'ii mincil iioii Mir inlnllt'r
tln imiiMKiir uuro n'ntiltil with the
iihiioii nf thi i'oimmimi titrnnlinK
tin' ilHimrlliiit Smith.
".Mh SSITtiirtHil nn in. OtitmliilK,
hili' ho init hi tvifp him! iIhiikIiIki.
who ttu' Hliiwnl IfHiu Nn. l.'i. rrnin
Dhiiiilnlo, liomnor. lit iIioiici In
I'lo-frtitliitt AtlnrH" Millni- hihI Hid
liKriff nfrii'i' in lliU ul.V mill ilr
iiHimli'il intilfi'liiin. Ho vmii. told tn
iiituin to Wolf Crt'i'k uml lliMt tin
of llt'Ofo Hiillhl ho llit'lr In ( llllll
lit! H Hot llloll'olfll lllltllt'l-. Whvn
the irmn lom-hi'il Wnlf Crvik Mr-,
b'nilth niil the ilinmht'T lilt tin1 i-ur.
hill it llicio wii h Is rue mnixil nf
lim nilixuii iinvi'iil mill llic -.liiTilf
mii nut In lphl, Stmlli innliiiiiril In
jinitmiy nn tn fltiuit I'ii-h. A t)i
tniiii imuiic lhmiith Wolf Clock.
Smith mii tminti'il uilh i'iumhiIic.'
lor mil li'ii viiiK' lim iwir. ,lu ax tin'
llllill imlll'il nut nf llu xlntlolt thi
miloinoliili' with tlio olircr li
(In I'liiintv m'iiI lmi in ww, lull
Smith I'i'lt thnl (lici'ii'lioii wiif Hif
hi'lli't' pint nf nlo'. o ii'lnilll'il In
Wnlf Cii'i'k front lln cil nn ilu
nvimliiif Iniiii, hoM'i'r, the oft kits
lniiHililili); thi'io In mi- thnl hi' win.
not moli.ti'i nn hi iimwil.
Tlio ltiv. . (). Sinilh iu l'ii'li.
Ii'iimi iiii'iii'ht'i', fniiui'ilv lillmv llic
inilii in Knui'iii-, Kimmilli Full nml
oilier point in Ihix hltite, nml i a
im'iiilier of the WilliinuMto I'io-Iin-li'iy.
lie ttciil In Wnlf t'u,k mhi-ii
M'iiih no, wheio hu iiomnli'i lliii
Wnlf (Vi'k Oii'hniil liiii'l, n Hihili
iinii ilnn iiImi Known iu "(liconV
lilenl Colony " nml hi' ha het'ii lieml
iiit; hi I'lieimi Inuniil the nh nf
Ihiwo liui'l. Hi itil iVreiiceK with
the eitieiiH nf the loeiiiily (lute ul
ninM fioin the time nf his nrimil
iiieie, llic fillen wlm luiil hi ii' -.nneiw
ulhTini: that Smith hml nl
tui'ki'il the ii'iitliilioii nf (lie Wnll
Creek ieiiih) mnl thnl he wi eon
tiniinlly "luiiuiim them ilcwn." The
nl"o iilli'mfthnl Iiieie were eoniilitinls
lemiiiliiii; (he title In the leultv ulih'li
lie hold. ,
Ahnul a year no Sinilli wa hiu'il
in lim eiieiiit I'liiirl mi. hi eunnilninl
nf Mr. Alien HojieiK nf Wnlf fieek.
wl Iimyi'il Iilfti with havim; "Imi-
ileieil her, ilanneH in (lie mnminl nl
IIMHHI Ih'Iiik anltvil. Tin eiiMi iuh
heanl hefnre .liaise Cnlkiim in Hit
eil nml the jury reiuleiuil a M'lillet
lor the ilainlill, uniin; her $.'iil
WASIIIMITON, .lime ... Tin
Unroll aiile liox will liecoiiie tin
htllllillllil iiiile hot for the enllle
lriiileil Sliilei if I'linyienM I'Hii nml
lime In iM" Hi' Knki'i hill, wlmli
mum fnMihilil. ieiorlei leeenlly In
Hie llnllNe hy the eomimllee nn eimi
UK1', Meiuht ami iiieimiirr.
"The hill," n ihe eiiimnille ie
inil, "ill eliililih oi the iiimii'I'I
a hiniiiler nml more tHhle nun kit.
It Mill Kie Ihe illntrlhllliil enlillileliei
ill Ihe iiili'Klil nf the lm llllll the
KiHile, ami it will niiie Ihe enn
xiiiiier nf hnth the iinlll ami iiimii
tilv o( the limil Mliieli he ha. 'I'll i
nieaiiiii ha leeehnl imelieally
lim niimiimiMi iiiiiovii nf all
hrniieheM nf Ihe aiple Irmle wlileli
ne the Imx iiileml nf the hnirel.
mnl ieiiiMiiintnlio' nf trnit urmver-,
fltlil jnliheU, hnitieiillllllll foeietie-,
honiiU nf limle, kiiiiiki', emmm
nhiu nieieliHiil, iipple hiiiei mnl
exHillei 1 1 "Hi nil irt nf Ihe
I'llileil Slate with -cmrelv it ill
M'lithiK oee, urup iu 'Ninie. It
etlillliif. a Imnlntil liov of the
.iine ilimeiiMioiiM in i'iiTnl nml en
tnimirv ii tliioiiulioiil die I'mteil
State when the apple lm I ueil.
whieh I'liicr Ihe MeMern hhlf nf ihe
The hill pmtiilc for n tnx HI'x
ll'jIH Ini'lie. ItiHHle tinnlirr
iniiil, ifHitNtiilnir 2 1 73 y enJiie
inelieit, Siimlter Iioih -UiiiII he
plainly tiinikoil ,,linrl Imjx," nr
t e ai'tiinl enmeity nf lh ln. Tin
MHiiihinl nf the fruit i mititiiieil In
the ho i fixed ii ml it i teiMirit
lliat Ihe nam nf the Miielv ami the
iimiilier nf uppli ahull he atMinpcil
nil the ho. A Ii' in lion nl llirce
apple I rom tin' miinhi'r i alloweil.
'erliiip Hie inoht rffttleiit carrier of mmniiiiltlnii ii' imiT)' mhitneetif tin- WV n ' ' hum tw '.. r
liMik roniinniiil l' Imm'Ii a Mm k iiiDlnr irinlt of emnnir.inil re-eiil MMnIrl hrltMi hjr mi AiwHiii 'i "t
tnieU tin Im.,'11 (low tn i in lieml if ihe firing line In run Imille. ninuluti frun m i'i nf ti-i--a ii bk ! i
JiihI In time In nlil n ilelin liiiieiit Jilnt iiliout ( retrent fur i.e k f Imlli in 'I'lif itlit' ibiurri:lt Mdri' i '
York lleriilil nml llilt pnpern i nrre-li inleiil. h'l
of nimnutilU'iii
Hit tru k ttnrtliij: I" .nl sir mrj xl ttltti rt fn' -
- -
WaMnnii llerKimin hl a
llmk nl vnnilif llllkuv In Mr. Wil
ll ii few liny ntfn.
Ml i;iiicroii nf Alnakn ha ve
tn I nlilnrniH, after Mililii a nionlli
with Mr. .lettio (liirtio.
Ily A. C. HoMlett.
Tlio Intt time I wrote I wn
atlll at thu home ..f my frloiul Oliver
McCee anit while t hmr Itivro had tlio
ilenmirn of iiieoiltix with ittlte n
mimhur nf hi nHlilHir. nl n Siimla-
Mi (Irrtniili I'ifl nf Knirlmn) i hi hoot plcnlcv Thr were two
the mienl nf her hrnthor, IUImiii hchnolit met at a licdtitlful (Ir xroto
I'rtl nml family. nn tlio hank of I'nw crock, where
Ktlwnnl rter mil hit ne nhout SfiO xxero ctiiicrnpntoil. Th
trip to .lektiirllle Mmiday. iixcrrUi). roinmi'iirftl about 10ao a.
When Buying
Villi for Tito TMowny Coft'co
It's fresh roasted and of ho
best qunlily.
tlon for (hu Weekly .Mall Tribune
and I found nut that M. B. Thomson
and another man had roine In on
Tncniday nlKht nhout midnight with
two loadH of wool and ocouplod n
room at the Sunny Htdu, and when I
looked around a llttlo morn I found
Henry Tom, Win. and Andrew Grl
8om with throe tennis at the Sunny
Klile with their wanons loaded with
KrHln ami cult for thuir ilmou, thoy
had lirouKhl In tholr wool for nh la
ment. I nlwj found Jnmon Cnmtiboll
and IiIk ion of I'bocnlx. thoy had a
hand of ho taking thorn to the
raiiKe nud rallod for mipper; alio It.
II. Dodge of Mini ford and It. It. Itow
former!) of Colorado, and Thursday
wo had Mr. I'holim and K. Tliiirdar-
WAHrllSOTON, IJ C , JlltlO 2 -I'roapertlng
for th. predion imttnly
ha htn lntrmlitniit!y cnrrlod on
for many youni In Yoll county and
elMwhofo In Arknnnii, and taut
.March report woro ree-lved by the
Unltotl Statu (Jeoloitlcal Survey
that tWTorol rich tironiwrt had lioon
leMtd. 0. H. Itoaorn. n Rcologlat
of Hm Survoy, wiih Immedlatut) de
tnlltil to Invent lnt thwe report
and hy taklntx reliable aamile for
namy to determine tlio iirobablo Itn
portanca of the "atrlke." 111b re
port Indlcntos that none of the proa-
peeta are of economical Importance'
and that wbllo aiimll pockoU of ore! a
may poslbly be found In thin region , BlOOu T(H1I InIS
thnro I little chance or developing
a mine.
I'ro)ctlnf Ik most nctlvo In the
illitrlct Houth of Illufftoti and i
Oravolly. two small towns onj
Kourchn river about 30 miles from .
.1 ftt.l Hll.flk.l QaVamI '
Ilia JtUI.IV minim miuuau. .initmi
hundred clnlnm havo baen itaked In
thlx district, although ot only about
a dozen has any attempt at devel
opment work been made. These
irnM.'ct wero vlnltcd by Mr. Rogers
and according to tits report most of
them nhow n o sign f mineraliza
tion, other than a little crystalline
quartz and pyrlto (fool gold). Sev
eral of tho prospect, 1'owevor. are
GtinrmitPcd to rIvo perfect
satisfaction or inpncy
"Wny patronize Sail Pranela
eo, Portland and 'Seattlo
when you can patronize n
home industry that is just as
Reed. Ask your denier for
The Riteway Coffee
Important Mumt
PuU the Right Sort of Vim
Where Most Needed.
Lnranee I)nw lit nmemlio the -fk m. nml wan condurted by llov. M
wiih hU eoiiMii, Harold hhnt nf 0. I)avl the Suntla chool evangel-! (on ot Iehonon. Ore., thoy had been
SINNYrilDI;. Wmh, .111 m J2
llernli' lneaiure ate heliiK irinptetl
In the trAtiiitnit of lillKht-lnfertel
iireliiird. One of the wnrat
wan ihe pear orrhnnt of W I'unk. for
whluli lie paid alto lit J.'.on an aero
two or three enrs nun. Kr tree
wa iitken out by tho root.
Another orrhnnllat would not lot
the worker mi hla promUtxi until
romlncuil the Htnurumtiiit would do
the work and make It enm him more.
A crowd of nhout Mi mmi came
from the iiir valle) mound North
VnKlmn to help. They pay (heir
own expemie, but expvcl to he cnnwl
for while here and donate their
.MetlloHl. nt for the Conp;reatlonal church,
Mr.. Ilanl wa an IJaglo l'ml ami there win quite a aiilrltetl dlneus-
iilr Tnetlay. ,oll btitweon tho leader and nonie of
lr. Invhuer wade a itmlt-- the inenibew of Hie chool, and they)
nnitl ti-it tn Mr. Itafri nf l.enirle lun 0f( juill w,ere they commenced.!
Viilnelny. of Hie uniiio opinion tlll. After the'
l.lnx.l Kreiifh wa mil lmm Irmn rVe cf the. Sunday fchool leson
MullniiT Mnmhiy niacin . ,no regular program commeneed and
Unlpli IVnee nf Central I'l.iiit wh (l fnei c.t(,cial with the sma
ihe Knet of. hi 1-tiH.tti, llennaii ,or ,i,dreu. There were four little
I 'cure, II tew tlaya till week.
Mr. Vie wa a Central I'liiiil xN-
ilnr SatuiiUx.
All the In liner art htiy hayiuit.
I'retl Unit man -pein 'lnuiiluy
with Uenr JUHlnwv. Mr. Iloflimin It-It
I'rhla.v fur WaliiiipttMi,
tots that looked a though they wure
not ouir four years old that rend
ered three different parts and thoy
illd flue. In fnct, fhe whole program
wan well rendered and gome of tlio
........ ".!' . :.....
I'Mimiia were enurei) onainai. une, ,...... n.,. ....-.. tl.
I l'il'" .. aia-ai.
out to look nt the Ilatnmol tract of
land: also O. X. Nelnon and daugh
ter. Miss I.umua, he was out looking
after hl iusiiranre buslne's.
MIm Kranccm, Heath, daughter of
one of our leading merchants, re
turned from a visit to Hugene Thurs
day. ( IIICAOO. .lime 2'.. AH the lnt
cans lit nn l.uku Mieliisnn iu ye-ter-iluyV
tnriii have heen aeeoiiuU'd for,
ju'eoriliiur tn rultert State- life-it ing
erew. The lat two va-dll In reneh
Chienn from MlehicHii Citv. Intl..
urritt'ti loom alter nn exeiiim: ex
To too th litoixl mrsnt to rnnble It to
tltPfMi ntt nlmiilaftMt lnmiiltl t.t In
on truo veins that fill old rrvniu the ml rorpiiiclrn ami to put tho
,, , ,. . ., . ... ,.-, uiikxi rosKins iirsana inio men aciire conui
flMuree or faults by which the strata , ,, pr ,. Cooctoii snotim
tulne ib
are cut and along which gold-bearing , ofjSe,'"u-l?r,ffict ot
solutions. If there were any, might , famotu btooa purifier, 8. h. ri.
have risen. It was claimed that as-1
says made of selected specimens' of
tho ore from thftse proncs showed '
from $: to J 132 a ton In gold. Seven I
of tho most promising prospects'
wore therefore sampled, great care
linlnc taken to cathcr a reliable av-' ,,T'' Rr Mml ttrr tbia hfy
nit tn wlut Is known it auti-totpmla. that
rnnditloD whirr tli rrnuu or ImtHira Mnol
atcumtiiairi ratirr man it can M rrpwtcfu
tiy tb rI arterial tilxxL
K H. 8. baa lunz brtn famom nt a blood
piirlflir. ami Ita action ty rllmtnatlnn t
Half tb tmiDle ruu mret comolaln
wttry mmclra. itaKuant brain, Janslcu
nfrrri. and a wonUrful drilre to tar Jowu
ami Jim iiutt. Jluat ft tbra pof tiavo
tc-n naln: nfrrlnr that panmo.lleallr Uara
up tb nrrrr only tn illn iluwn again, aa
ill tbry mutt. Arolil nerre atlmitloat.
llrar In rolnd that tbla worn-out frt'llox It
due tn poor blooil. tn bactrrla In tb water
you drink; tn !h mnlllplrln( of dnitruc-
cents a ton. and In inon of the sam
plon It Is C cents or low. No more
than n trace of Mirer was found fn
any ot tho samples. Tlio material as
shown by tt.04Ouw.ny4 K.rari.Xrom
oragc samplo of what tho prospector
himself considered his bout' ore. De
spite tho high returns rl.ilmcd, the
until shown bv assay of theKo offlc
i ,.....!..., tn o,. .ra..i. r j h Irritating poUona thit Infnt the Moo!,
lal samples In no case exceeds &- j, one 0f the very implant thlnpt to know,
You ran err X. H X. at anr druir atore.
but takp no other vcallel bloixl purttter.
H. 8. S. It purely a Tegetablo proiluct.
and yon will moke a great mUtake tn have
tome entbutlatt palm 0? a raerrurr. anenlc
nr lodldo of potaih prrparatloa tbat may
it you Irreparable barn.
H. x. K, U nrenaivtl br The fiwlft Seeelflr
i aa . I. ;.. . I.. ."'.
Charlotte 'being ore although rt probably rep- ';; ,-;' Cw" ,!v:f ,"j r KL1
X, , ii 11Z. i 1 r ,,u '""" n','.e fenturos o ,, IHlw,elll.t.r ,i nma. resents fatr well the morage run I trouble write to tn-ir M-tiral tvpt. fot
.Mr ! Mr. Il-iir rW 1 were tIle hoIo tlllnK WM . tHnner. am, , ' t., ' ,1 ' ,, " of the veins - I V2l,cfc U w'" " " 'wur wU,U
and all ag free a the air c brcatho
I A tul t sit. film uminiAil (t Iu itr(tni
,...L !.:... ..!.i. 1 " "" "" - ,.v...
T" -'"i"""'- "y at home. Including v.ur corres
.1 hereiixement. I Mmilonl. After llhiner and nn hour
WANlllNliTOS, .Inn' JJ! I'.iblie
lieuilllgN nn the ,ipilu .itinu nt liill
inmlh tn tetniti llieu iiiieret 111 unin
petiu temuihii line- t til he oin'iiiil
lit Atluutie City helnre nftieiiilH of
the iiileiliile eommeree eoimnilon
nn .Inly '.Ml. The I'umiimi enmil pro
vules iiiiltmiilH liniv leliiin otieli
hnlilitigx only if they prove hut Ihe
eiiuiiniiiiilie they Mine iieiielit Iheie
li. Ollieinihn Ihe law iceifie thev
111111 he given ii tin enr.
WAKIIINimiN. ilmif :
limilll III' Ihe C'lllllli In ol I Hi it in
IUlltMl.'. lellliil In II HI poll mmi.
Ni'iiiml Aitunl I'" I un-lei' blew
mi iii-lim tul iu luwi ii 1 in nn
lil'llli'lll III lllll HI iximll'li 01
1 1 01 k lot' Ihul I'Uipn
WASIIINdTO.V, June -"-'. Seeie
litty MeAiloii iceciuM Imlny ."rtklll
eouinmiimn n I lie. epn,eieuce tiiuu
fioin Mmieone iu lluillnj'tnii, in.
Tlieiti wiih mi elue tn the Identity ul
Ihe Ni'inlei' nf the leentil euiitiihu
tiou fur ihe 0111 lent fieitl yeur.
Nemly 11 hull' million itnlhiix hu
fiiiiiul iU way hnek In ih" yowiniucut
in Ihul m,leiimiK fuhiou Miice
MiiiIimiii' lime,
miTiaiiar m wtwie rtmil .Mtuiim.v. ow ,K oU.M for llM to ,r t0
a.viaan nonnimii hiiii jit, .leiue ,l8ll0rlbo ,t for 0, ,, ln. artotie8 ot
(Inrm, were in Mwlf-m. VtiAmy. KOOl, MlMw ial Southo.n Oregon
..... ..... .r. urn HiiMui. imw . iroi,Cos t chy were on hand that dax
ieiii mr ee 111 me iiriiine 111 tier
inotlier. Mr. Ilutter. nt Itensle.
I'lii'ir iiiiiiiv liu'iiil
them in I heir mi
Seiernl ntt elided the lunernl nf
Mi. I toner- nl lleMfile Salurihty.
Mr. Ilnw wa in MeiltWil Mniuluy.
Steve Smith wit en 1 1 ins: on friunda
here the lul nf the week.
Mr. Iliiumih nml .Mi1-. Itnlney
were ut Ileiifcle Tliuoilny.
.Mi-tN lilu ami Kuln Houston at
tended Ihe funeml nf (liamlnm linger-
SiiIiiiiImv. The Imve petit tlie mojilh iu Mull'oiil.
(iinnl Mutlhew 11ml finuily peut
Ihe week-eml with the T. C. (liiiue
fiimilv nf, Trail.
Mr. nml Mr. Slntr lime moved
In Meiltoid n i-peinl Ihe Mtlnliier.
Tlmrtliiy eveuiiii; theie vvn 11 - I'
ve re hturui nn Dry eieelc nml up
Itugue liver.
with thr.e imeiii;er.
tn i. to.
WAHIIINOTON .luno J2 Heiloiis
hen of tlm 1 1 11 1 It'll revolution ultuii
lion IlilM I'll lined I'tealilelit .iiliiiuir to
tiil.o Ihn field III per wo 11 Hiiilmt tint
iiiisIiIhiiCn iiIihuiiiii fioin thu rnplltil
ilm Kovorniiii'iil will he in the hitiiiU
of u riiiiimlHHlmi whlih will ml with
till' I'UlllllHl
Ciiiiilitliiim in I'uil uiu I'llmn an
M'MI It'll illlfl
Mi Cuelte Tethetnw, nf Ceu
ttul Point, it vitiug: her griiud piu
ont. Mr. nml Mr. (I. Hlfer.
.Mi. 11ml .Mr. .More nf I'lieitie
treet lelt the tiil nf (he week tor
1111 extended visit with llieir ehlldieu
111 Ciilifmniii,
Mis IMtth 'ili t el tuned TiiomIii.x
from I'mlhiml where he penl the
Kto-e Cuimviil week,
Ml. Aiultevvi hu been ipiile iek
ut the home nf her ilituhlei', Mis.
V. J. Miller, the pnt week,
Mr. Crnmliill, nf New Yuik, I vl
iliiiK hi foil, who uvviiH 11 rmu'h nonr
thi plnee, lie will pend oino time
viMtinx leliitive- in (.'iilifuiutji hefuio
letuiuiiiu: Iu hi hmne in- Ihe end.
Althnimh Mr, Cniiulull is S!) yen in
old he i Imle nml henity nml I-
greatly eujnviuj. hi trip vvet,
Mr. nml Mi. X. lliiekimiMi'r 11ml
fuiuilv, reeentlv nf Keillniul, Cnl
ifninin, leli the I11M of the week fur
their uew home iu Seattle. Wlule
lime Ihey vvete the uuotn of llieir
eiiiihiu, Mr. C. C, Si'ott.
The Civle Chili met lit the ehuol
uiiililhriiim Tne-ilnv iilleiiionu. Mr.
Tliinlier ijnve tin intereliu hkeleh
nf the in iNt Ke.vnoliU, nml hint lor
exhibit M'veml piinl nf hu pielnie.
Mr. C. C. Srntl, whit hud keen ome
nl KeMiohl' pielnie iu (he fiiiimn
MuiViin eullni'liuii in New Yolk, nwi
11 ileaeripllve lull, uh tlumi. Mia
Muhul lliHiin uiive 11 piiiuii Nolo nml
Mi. Uinler miir. Mr. Minion vi
1I11I ihe I'luh nml Mi llmli'l vvu
I'llinllnl .1 11 urn mi'iiiliii nml n-
1 In it (i'.h I 'i I he Ilm Ii 1 mil
llllll' I'
or m spent In social converge tin
nuilleiire was called together again
and ur corrospoudent preached n
c,hnrl sermon on thu intensity of
entering the sen fees of the master,
while ouug. The audience In the
forenoon was taken by the arils m
different groups. The cole ctlon
taken fur Sunday hcIuhiI purposes
amounted tn ?V"7. About i 3 wo
sturtett for our .dlfforent Mr,piiK
plates, for while '1 felt ver ninth at
home with tho good people In that
M'ctlon dtlll I was Kltnplv :i so
Joiirner for tho ii'ino being 1 re
malned with my friends until
Wednonln) noon when Ml Vernn
MeCiee, joungett daughter or Mr and
Mrs. Mctioe, accompntited 1 Miss
l'Mmi t'oker. daughter 01 Hubert
I'okor. of Sacramento, t'al mil for
mer!) a resident of tho now famous
Coker lluttv, noithcast of Medforl,
her eoiiHln, started to lake mo to
(Herniate 011 my wny home Mies i
Kdiin Coker who had been there xls-1
Itlug her untie nml mint, had ,1 call I
hy phono to return us her mother 1
was unite unwell, go I the
pleasure of hur co.mpan.v as far ns
When I reached home 1 found that
Prof. W. K. ltiu'hniiau and hU friend
Dr. Montgomery, had guno to Port-
laml to take the examination fori
dentistry, that Mrs. llurhannn and .
rhlldreii had goun-tn llittto Falls to
visit hor mother, Mrs. Kee, that Or
Doll's daughter. Mies Helen, had ,
gone to the Willamette vnllev to visit ,
her grand parents, that Thomas
ltlley. Jr., had gone tn Fort Klamath .
to do homo painting,' that Miss Dot
tle llarulsh had gono to llutle Falls,'
that Mr. Lake had 1110 v oil his famllv
In (iiants Pass, that .1. M Cox hud ,
traded his plate hbtq'for it place be 1
low Ti all and moved there and In
fart them have been so many changes
made that 1 hardly' know where I am
at. ;
On looking uroiiiu after I renched
Inline I round thai Lucy A Counver
had left Ihe money for her sulmrrlp-
lielil ul the i Imul ilmlilnilum Mi"
lIll.V Ill'tlUIIOOIl Mini WIIK lulijilv ill
ll'lllll'll. I Will tllllltl Hllh llllilllllllOIK
lv elio-eii duei tor mnl I". I' Inn
lielk. The huviiiu of mljuimu r p
11 1 v In inlil I e Hie phi) Mi'n. iml W
inlil. 'I l pi' .lit -e. ii'il l' li
ill I'lllU-ll III till lllll1 ap.lil, llllll I'f
A Famijiar Sight
the World Over
Enough "Bull" Durham
b sold in a year to roll
approximately 22,000
cigarettes every minute
of every day.
, a- 'hafjaM 1
THE cepwboy
riding his lone
ly night watch; the .
millionaire at his
club; the toiler inthe
factery: the "chief" in hi
office; the sailor before the mast:
the admiral in his cabin; the soldier
in the barracks: the eeneral in his quar
tets, men of every nation, occupation and class
ajl find complete, healthful enjoyment and lasting
satisaction in Bull" Durham hand-made cigarettes.
Bull Durham
f Enough for forty hand-made cigarettes in each S-cent sack.
Enough ' Bull" Durham is cold in a year to make approximately
12 ?7XLiOiVcijarettcD--asmanyn3nllbrandsof ready-made cigarettes
in this country combined ' and the sales are steadily growing. Proof
that millions of smokers prefer the,
cigarettes 'they roll for themselves.
to their" "own liking, from "Bull"
Durham, to any ready-made kind.
The fresh fragrance and mellow
flavor of "Bull" Durham hand-made
cigarettes ure n revelation, "Roll your own,"
CP17i? An llluitralrtl IJooklct, hIiowIiik correct
I IL.ii 0 .,,oIl y0)r 0vv" Cicartmci, nJ
Aik for rREE booh of
"papers'" with each
Sc sticA.
lliuilc nf rlirnrcttonanen. will both lioniaileil Xosaw.frtf.
jiii I'lim-il lit
III hllji'l HU
in .ii'im 1 1 iimd iiirillii) tm
ll III tl I nllliml.