"f " fl . z 1 " k( nt i a WTCPFOTIT) MXTO TRfBUNTC, MEDFORD, OliWIOX, WKDNKRDAY, .THNM 17, 101-f PAcnijf'pfniTiE (N ERSITY 10 MAKE COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL SURVEY OF VALLEY Quito n 1irK'i crowd nttomlcM Hin number of cnndldnlcs fordlrnctor wn ncliool election hero Mondny hut tho tuinll, If, I). Mill wng rlrctcd for n thrco yenr torm In plnro of Mr. 3onr wlionn tlmo expired till month, wm - "- :.r. - : - I - ASHLAND NOTES FLOUNCE ROCK FL0UCELETS i.jMiaiwF UNIV NEWS EROM COUNTRY CORRESPONDENTS" I II l iW W-HMlHHlH - - V r. W u Possibilities of Rofiuc nivcr Country to Bo Forecnstr-il In n Lnro Way -Resources ami Possible Develop - men! to Bn Ascertained Great Fu - tor. In- t)n,i !,., II.. CI.-UUIl.. lure (or Rrnlon by Use Electricity, UNivniiHiTV or om:no.v, Htilli), .limit 17, Collilllltllin til llnitini rltnr tnllny nut itinoiiK flmt to ri'cclvo hivcfillciilliiii nt i Imi Hid bund of Ih) ili'purtinviit of coniniur clnl nml tntl tint rial siirviiy of Hid now hcliool of niiiiiiiurcn at Mm University of Ori'Kon. Tho oxpurtu nro to KtHitir mini ilnln, nml put In nvnllnltlo form I In? furls nml (Ittiirm wlilrh Imvo to ilo with ttii) rut uro o( IliU rich nml inrtlto section of Oregon, Tho Idea In, firm to form nut tho futiiro pn mIIiIIIHc of llui section In n law way, and then to mnkn ilovolopnicnt pnitdblo li' tho placing of tho corrnct nml vrrlfh'il Information n thn band whero It will do thn mint i;ooil, Thin In not to ho cnnfnsud with thn nlil fashioned "boosllnis" or "axploltlits" It Is, Inslond, scientific preparation for a campaign of development which consist of deed, not of words, (ilmit INtmilltlllClrt IJien this oarly In thn snrvny Ihcro hattt appeared koiiiii giant polblll He, growing out of llio fuel Hint a wealth of rhrnii w liter power la avail ahlit In Ihl valley. Investigation of Hi In point la now taking two Inter cullnt: ilitvt'lopiiinntv. ('no Involve thn best mean of npplylnK surplus power Io agriculture, n problem most pertinent In tlilri forlllo region, nml another In thn pomtlhlllty of creating nn entlro now jmlualry which, In II self, woulil Justify thn erection of vnul li)ilro-ilii:irc plnutH. Thn Imliutry which It under con ulilerntlon It thn innnufnrluro of ni trogen from thn nlr. Thorn nro not too mnity place In thn worhl where great quantities of 1 1 mo rock of t rlghl iialltlc nrn locntnt niljncont Io ndeuiiato water power to make nlhle hn establishment of thl Industry. I'rofemor 0. I Htnfford. of thn ilepnrtuienl of cliomlilry of tho t'ulyunlty of Oregon, lian iiimln x liimivo InventlRallorn Into thn nltro Knit huliulry of Norwny, nml linn nrocloil cUhornln experimental M' pftrntim nl tho Unlvorlly, hy inennv of which ho nctunlly iimke nltroRon from thn nlr In hi laboratory. Thn world xupply of nltroKon, be n)n, I rnpldly nhlftlim from tho untiirnl nllroReii hod of Chlln to tho hjilro elritrlr plant of Norway, mid ho bellitxe Hint OreKou I In n condition to Ket ii InrKo nbnre of Hid profit of till movement. t'llllnllou of Clortrlilly Tho other linn of tuvi'tlnntlon con. hltH of tho collection of nxnet fart nml flRiiro from nil placon tho world unr whern oleclrlc owor U ppllod Io thn ptirpo-e of nKrlctilturi), Tim follow Iiik data to roRnrd to thn lit III xallou of elect rlo pnwvr In Idnho, for tho purponn of Irrluntlon, hrntliiK, IIkIiIIiir power nml domoHtli; pur poneit, nml In Italy ll ttucceuMful np pllcncllon Io idowliiK mid other heavy farm work, nro rIvoii out today by thn Itouornhln II. II. filler, director of the department' In the Mlulilol.il federal reilama. Hon project, or Idaho, 17,700 ncrot or the land U Irrlpated by pumpluR water to It, I ho power for pumpliiK hnvliiK boon rcctircd In rounvctlnii with tho main work of tho project. Ah thn period when pumping for Ir rigating U limited, tho dopnrliunut find ItHoU with ii great mirphiH or energy for tho moot of thn your To murkot HiIh, low raten have boon uiiiiln throughout tho adjacent din trlcl. tho piirpimo being to miikn tho hy.iiHcn tnko euro or n part of thn ex piuiHOH Incurred lu oreclliiB tho pow vr plnnt nml tliu effect n imvliiR In the cot of Irrigating tho IiiihIh, Kill tile Heating Irrigating IiorIii about April 1, mid I entirely flnlidied hy October ill, During tho earlier ami latter piirlH of till koiihou tho UHi) In light Tie pro ject being In mi ngrlciiltural region, there nro no manufacturing iutnroHU of moment to help In coiiHiiiuptlou of power, Tho department Iiiih been ((impelled to dltitrlbuto tho energy Ihroiiiihout tho rural vocllouu and to Ihu urban coiuiiiuuIHon, for tho iiho of lighting, for ilnuioHtli! imrpoKoN, and for beating rimhlunco, For boating, u rate of l u kilo watt iiioulli Iiiih been ildopted during tho winter period, TIiIh figure linn been found mifflcleiitly low In liuliico ii liirgn iiumbnr of roNhlonco mid mmiy public building to adopt elec tric healing II In oMIiiimIoiI (but tho rate iiiakeH (ho rnt of healing up. preclubly litttM llniil llio nit or heat ing by mean of coal In that dUlrlcl. Kkcepl fur llil' heating ruin, Ihn cIihiko iiimlo for elcclilclty furnUliol hy llui KUvnriiiiiKiit In -aid Id ho xuf flclent Io iuy npnrnllMK o-peime of Ihu plMiil, or IIihI U. Him i0iorllnu mIii tiiurn. mid h f tlr iio"iIIiiii of Hm llltlllllnllMIICU Hllll MOIIIU (HDfll l('lHt' Tlv yovvMiiuvut III1! lu iu uv H"k, im pnrpi. i..,Ihk io kii to coiiipniihm or Kronpn of form, (1lM, lMvn n,n.ui.ni ', TT p"lM"M,1m,r" B,W pl,,roMt for liontlni:, IIkIiIIiik. (Intlrmm mid power , The, fiiitimn rati i rn emit pr I il. ...... I..... ri'l... l . i ' IIHMllll MT IIIMI, I llll lirHl -. IKMir i .. i,ull,iu u .....n r..,,.. r,.- ui. wnlt hour, nml U 14 for tlm noxt 25 houm, Tho iinwiT mto vnrleii no- rnnlliiK Io conmntiptloii, If n cunto titer tnkcH flvlt llloiittn nn liU mak lotiil, nml IiIh tolnl iino Ih 2500 kilo wnlt hour In ouo month, hi hour lino per month In r.OO, Willi t III- intix, llui rnle In fliiro out. Heient lep'irlM Imllrnln (lint In llnly plow Ink Is lining nui'cenfiilly iloiin hy elerlrli) 'iier?y, An Itinlniirn Klveti In Hint nt IIiikkIo KiiiIIIm, whom 711 ncreN worn plowoil, tho uro mid lom of olnrtrlcll) In tho work n. KrecntliiK .'l.'.HMl kllowntl hour. Tho plowlnc In ilona Io n ilnptli of 1 1 to Hi IiicIich, thn purpoiii) helny to riilxn uniixeil noil to tnu roKlou of root action At Otmo Vnrotietn the plouliiR with nnlmnlri win put nt IS .10 pur ticro n it minimum, nml f ."..70 im n uinxlmuiiii with ulenin nl II HO nn ncro, nml with olec'trlc en erny, 13 pur arm, Thn mto nl which iloctrlc otiortsy I Inknu for thU uo U put nt three rcnti n kllowntt hour. In other illtrlcU thn rhnrKo fur elec tricity ruiin n IiIkIi ii four cent n kllowntt hour. Tho plowliiK iloiio hy (ho Itnllnnn n hy uiontiN of n cnptnn ilovlcn. rnhln to ilrnw (ho plow, nml electric motor to opomto (ho wlmlliiK mn chine. Tho plow n worn on wheoli nnil nrrniiKotl In KniiRn. In till work, It win fotiml Hint nhout SJ ncre could ho plowoil without ihlft tuts tho (tnllonory plnnt. MUST OBEY LAW SAI.K.M, Or., Juno 17. StnliiiK Hint mi iiijiiueliou iiroeeCiluiK wit not Hid proper rciucdv, llio Mipiomo eourt, in nn optiiinii wriltru liy .In tieo Monro, nffirmi'il llio circuit eourt of Mulluoumh eoiinty in Hie ciixo ( J. (I. Slieroil el nl., mipelliintp, n. the xluto rnilioml eoinmNxiou. Shcnnl mill n number of oilier I'oillnml iommliou meieliunlM in- htitntcil n hiiiI Io rcntriiiii the mil- loiiil eoinmixNion nierehmiU' net. Iuihki'iI hy the Inot legislature, on the ground Hint tt wil void. The nel iroiieil thill it t'oimuix'.ion inerelinnl iiiiiM procure n lit'cuto nml give u lioml he fine IrilllHiietini; biiiillChh. For violation of the net, it vvn provided, eiiiiiiiinl iiiiixei'iilioiiH iniglil hv hrought. The eoml held that the de fendants had iiileipmlo nml oompleto remeily lit law, nt. the iiiotiou of validity o the net could ho talked hi ilcfciiM' in ii criminal notion, nml Hint In Mich oaxi'N eiiiily woulil not inter fere. PRAYsTolsiol HUSBAND TO LIFE NKW YOltlC, Juno 17 Tho body of Mnrk II, Hutch, n wenlthy dry gomlH merchnnt, who died muldenly In New Unveti ycnterday, following tho Ynln-llarvard hiiMohall game, wna brought to (hi city early today hy hit wlfo. She rcfiiMod to tudleve Hint ho I dead, mid nfflrin her belief Hint her faith and. prnycra will bring him ou of thn "condition" hi which ho Iiiih fallen. Two ph)HclaiiH, following Mr, llurch'H cnllnpho In Now Haven after a third Htrokn of parnl)U pro iioiiucnd hint dead, hut Mrn, llureh would not ncopt theti verdict, nml In kImIdiI that tho body bo tnkoit Io Now York. Hurch'H city homo wa reachud nf. tor midnight. Tho body wiih daced on a couch, the wlfo cautioning tho boa iiiih o handle It with gentlo euro, Kho horbolf placed pillow about It, ami when It hud been iUhpohciI to her Hatlfacllou it urvlco of prayor wut. begun. LONDON, .lone 17. J. KuhI'h ;l ymil'-ohl l.le-Ahcil twin Imlnv Hie loyal JI1111I cup, one ol llio imi-l coveleil pilri'M at Ihu A"cnl nice iuccIIiih', IIiiuIciI huh kccnml nml Hoi.eywiiDil llilnl, A llelil nl' I well lylivn DUiiiciH liiiiicil out lor the men, which wax nter m ililnnce ol omen I'mlmix, Kill )itiU. Tim i'iii 1 tulucil Ml ;'')0( In tthb'h I Mddi-d f77MI lllld 11 Ht't' tlUkv ui fjvv MWi (Kiom tlm TidiiigH.) It will lake iiliout xlxly iluyH Io (tit slni led on Hie iielunf coiihlruetioii vvoik on llio ).iiiiig. Firt llio IioihIh iiiiihI he hoIiI, Then the detail Iiiiim nml hpccilictitioiiH iiiiihI ho made. Filly or xlxlv ilnyw iiiiihI iieoeHKanly ho foiimiiueil ill I horns iicliiiiiiiary multeiM, It Ih OHliiunteil Hid plant eau he It nl 1 1 in iihout four iiioiiIIim nf. tec work in begun, Inuring iiufoie- rooii ilelayH, MiH Minnie .luekxoii, ilnughler of Mr. nml Mrn, I), II. .IiicIihou of HiIk illy, U homi) for Hie Heliool vncnlioii HCMoii. She Ih pitiHiiiug a i-ouixe of j-ltuty nt llti' Hlnlo iinlveiity nl Ku iicrx, nml Iiiik I'ompleteil her jiinioi year. A ery pretty nml iiiiiior.im woi. dint; occurred Hominy morning, .111110 1 1, nt tho homo of the MiHOM Klhel mid HlnneliD Davenport on llargii dine xlreet, when Minx Mlnnehe Dnv euport and .1. Murray Murphy were, iiiiiltil in mariiago hy Itev. Vv. T. Van Keoy, I. K. .Smith has jiiodnccil homo lieaio on his Woolen htreet property which are womlerM, They tire of llio fiictpmol' variety mid were planlcil in January nml withstood all the ftimlH of -piiii'. mid llio eolil nml wet weather following. He wiyn Ih'm vn rielv linen better, porhnpN, in I hin lo cality limn any other, owiu to being xo lintily mid froxtproof nml Hh early inaluiily. W. A. Ilentil, tho general manager of the Saeraiueiito llevrlopiuetit as Hoeialiou, will aililri'HH the mining emigre-h 011 irtigntiou, reelmualioii mid 1110 of Hie ko'iIh adjacent (o llio mining .eetioii of Oregon, lie is one of tho hcM-poMcd men in California, 11 welt an Hie licail of the great Sae- ramcnlo a-xiiciiilinn. Much of Hie reclamation work in tho Sacramento valley has been done through hin ef fort. Prom Ilif Weekly (larctte-Timc of Corvallii wo learn of the wedding of Alv in Wheeler ami Minn Alfredo M. Smith Monday afternoon. Alvin Wheeler wnx a former AMilnml high M'hotd student ami grmluuteil with thcVlii of M'J. He in attemliug the CorvnllU hcIiooI. Afhlmid friend wi-h (hem it hmuiv inalriinoiiinl voy- I WILLOW SPRINGS TWIGLETS I 1 Mrs, 1'rank McKee nnd family pic nicked nl thn river Hiindny. I). W. Stone and wife returned I'rldny from Portland whero they nt tended thn It ouo PeMlval, Much needed work on thn old lngn rond I ncnrlng completion. Mr. "Herbert Clark of the Wnnldo orchard I entertaining gncHt3 thU wook. Al Wnltorn nnd fntnlly wero in Medfonl ono day thin week. Mr. KiirIIhIi of Med ford pont Sat urday nnd Sunday with !nn Stone. Karl Taylor pent Sundny In Mud ford. Harold (loodmnnrmn of Whcoiuln In v lulling hi nnclt), William Tack lam. .In me It. Itowo returned from Portland nfler upending Hie week ut the lloho Show. Il;ilard Kelly mid Merrill llo.-tglaitd wore Mcdford gucstH Sunday, Thn (irnngu will havo a picnic nt Knucfl creek Satnrdny, Juno 20 liver) otto romo nnd Join our Jolly crowd and upend thn day lit tbe'hllla Thn Tit) lor mid Slnty fnmlllei were delightfully entertained at din ner nt Ihu homo of Mr. mid Mrn. Warner of Central Point Sunday. Mr. and Mr. J. P. Ilongland will lento Tuesday for l.nkovlow, Ore.. mid axpert to remain for hovornl weokH. At tho hcIiooI lncetlng Mondny nf lornoon Mr. Parker wna elected di rector, Hiicceedlng John Slsty, Mr, Carlnon wnti re-elected clerk and other Important IiuhIucsh waa trim Hiictnil, Tho MJsKes Poro and lllnckford MerH. Henry IHIny. Armlno lwl. Karl Ohenchnln and John llrown. wore callora on Sunday at Scenic HolghtH orchard. A Jolly entertainment wna spent at tho Urn 11 g meeting hint Saturday evening, tlm ladled mid gontloinen ap pearing an children, Kach recited a liurwory rhyiuo and Uitby Kllicl Dean played tho flint nml IiihI pleruri who learned on tho piano. Idttlo Mluttlu MuKooh mother allowed her to bring lemons for IiuiioiihiIu and Kitty l'lck ard brought (ho KlngnrmiapH, tho ret worn well Hiipplled with candy, poji- corn and peaiiutM, On tho wholo Hit ovonlug wna u great ucce. JUNE BRIDEGROOMS f MiikI Ih properly iiflirnl, A rirnl'i'lnHH Imrhui'Kliop Ih oho ir llii iu'whhHIph, Try SLIMMKRVIIJ.K'S BARBEK SHOP Mr, and Mm. Irwin nml xinnll daiigbler, and Mr Hcorgo Went wero paHOinger on tho ttngo Tucuday inornlng hound for Mcdford, Tho road workurn wlm wont 11110 tho Pork lino, returned Wediiuiiday to OrlnvcH' camp. Hoy Vaughn went to work nt tho Mnimflelil buiiRalow Thurday for Mr. Fennlor. MnrJory Kmklna pnt Tuc-Kdny with Ora Dllnworth, Charley Walker went to tho vnlloy Tuemlny. A Reed lzed Jiiitirri of cnltlo wore taken over tho mountain Io Klnmnth HiIh week. They will break tho road although wagon havo already been cronnlng, Mr. II. K.-1'oton went to Mcd ford Thiirmlay to tny until Haturdny. Upt koii Harold, look her to Derby and from there alio went on tho train. Mr, nml Mr. ItlchnnUon nlo wont to Medfonl Thurnlny. They drove through, Paul Peyton I nr.rr working for Mr. I-Vmitnr nt tho Mmufleld plnco. Mr. und Mr. Vaughn started to Mcdford Friday morning. Mm. Vaughn expect to tay a 'couple of week and visit her daughter, Mrp. Hid NIcboM. Wo havo had itomn flno rnln In Hit section recently and crops look flno. Mr. Mansfield and family motored down to tho hntchery Friday to fish. Mm. Cordon nml daughter, Clara mid Tcmln Gordon ramo up Saturday to Mcnd tho Hummer with Mr, nnd Mr. Vlnront. Mr Vincent met them at Derby station. It. i:. Peyton went Io thn station Haturdny to meet his wife nnd bring her homo. Mr nnd Mm. Peelor nnd Mr. and Mm. H!Biiclmril spent Saturday fish ing, down tho river. Mrs. Dltsworth hns received word Hint her dnughtcr. Ha Lytic,-Is now In North Platte, Nob., their old homo. visiting numerous friends and rela tive. Mis I.ytlo, accompanied by her sister, will probably couiu homo thU summer. John Cirlcvo. has qulto a forco at work and Is building somo flno look ing pieces of road. They aro work ing near Mr. Hlglnbothanr ranch. Port Illglnbothatu and family spent Sunday biting relatives at Itcd Illankct. " Several auto went up toward Pro spect Saturday night. Judging front their hilarity, tlioy must havo been Jo)rldern. Win. Von dor Hellcn nnd family npent tho week end visiting Nyct nnd Phlpp. There were 10 or 13 automobile parties KtH'tit Sunday In the vlrlnltv of Prospect. Tho road nro pretty good now. Children' Day 'will bo observed Sunday, Juno 31, at tho I.aurelhurst hcliool house nt 3 p. nt. ! BUTTE FALLS IUBBLES. Mr. nnd Mrs. Kay Spencer left Wednemlny for l.odgo Polo whor they will camp for thn Hummer Al lelic Maboney went with them to stay for a few dit)s. Mm. Ituchauan of Kaglo Point Ih visiting her mother. Mm. Keo wltllo Dr. Iliichanau la In Portland Mr, Cochran of Southern Califor nia Is visiting his cousin, Mrs, l.aurn Stewart: ho la nlo looking for 11 lo cation before Heading for hi family Mm. Merle llrulnnrd left Snturda with her little daughter to mnko mi extended inlt vvlthMicr aunt lu For est drove. Miss Doltlo Harnlfilt of Kngle Point emtio up Thumday to bo hoiuokeeper for her father while Mrs, llnritlsli went to Kaglo Point for a few dayi. MIh I.ela Peelor left Saturday for CorvalllH (o attend tho Hummer school nt that place, Miss Vert lllgby of lloguo Klver canio up ThurhHay o Hpcnd ft few days viHltlng friends here. Mm. Uraco St rat ton loft htbt week to bo gone some time. Jim SttmniorvHlo of lloguo ltlver canio In Friday to tako IiIh tint Ion at Momiulto again tills aummor. Wo aro sorry to hear that hla family will not ho with him. W, 11, Parker, O. H, Morrla mid L. A. Wright loft Tuesday for a ev- oral day'a sojourn In und near Med- ford. Mr. and Mm. Kdntotidsou, with their granddaughter, Mllllo I'atloit, spent a fow daya of last week with (heir mm on lit ranch above hero, Mrs, W, W. I'arKor'H brother l visiting tboin at preaout. SHINGLES Why buy shlnglus that aro shlppod lu when you can Kt a better (trade that aro iiiadu at lionm of heart wood miKlmr plnal Tho old fashioned "hakes (hut lunlod so long wcro inudo 'if sughsr pine, I Iihvm liwivud llio 111III0 o llultv Palis, running on 11 bin iIb und can supply any amouul 'J'hey shliikii'i r on s lit Mvdfuril at lli KsM M Wood Yni I'howM C7T.W. UT, iHH, HHlVtM.K MAN h 1L '$&. v& If you will merely use Crisco properly there will be.no need to mix any butter with it. Your Crisco cake will be as nice as the more expensive cake you formerly made with butter. Crisco cake stays fresh and moist longer. (Clip Thin Recipe) Eggless - Bu tterless - Milkless Cake 25c i cupful Cfico 2 cupful brown sucir 2 eupfiilt water 1 cupful icrdcd raiiint 1 traipoonful Hit 2 tcaipoonfuli pnvrdcrrd cinnamon 1 traipoonful pondered cloc , i traipoonful nutmeg ; ira.poonful pomlercil mice 2 teaionomuli luking tixix A cupfuli flour 1 teaipoonful baking powder 14 cupful chopped nut meatt 3 tahtcipoonfuli warm water Put the CrUco into a saucepan, add sucar, water, raisins, salt and spices and boil for three minutes. Cool and when cold add the flour. liakinc powder, soda dissolved in the warm.) water and the nut meats. Mix and turn into a Criscocd and floured cake tin and bake in a slow oven for one and a half hours. m S m. BBBsW ikBsss sssssssssssr 1V - sssssss v Jjbt srsa I 1 We use pure, ripe old Burley leaf in DIXIE QUEEN." We care fully age it for three to five years so as to bring out its full richness. The process can't be hurried. So you sec no other tobacco can be the same as DIXIE QUEEN, and DIXIE QUEEN itself can never vary in quality. DIXIE QUUEN is Plug Cut-just right for the slowest, coolest smoke and the longest lasting chew. No matter what tobacco you may be using now, just try DIXIE QUEEN for a week, and see if DIXIE QUEEN doesn't give you greater satisfaction, day in and duy out, working or resting, chewing or smoking, outdoors or in doors. Hy the end of the week you'll bo a permanent user of DIXIE QUEEN. Sold everywhere in convenient 5u foil pack ages ulo 11 JOu pouches and 50u luuuh boxes, THr AMKHI0AH TOUAOOO COMPANY Have you made a Crisco cake? It rcnlly it at dclicnte and rich as a butter cako besides being to economical. Try this recipe; or make your own favorite cake, using Crisco in place of butter. Use one-fifth less , Crisco than butter and add salt. ' I ,Sfcr?ll vire. .T3r.- -MS . DIXIE QUEEH Plug TCuf Tobacco, We've spent fifty dollars creating tobacco brands. And we know that the reason DIXIE QUEEN pleases the hearty smoker and chewer is because its quality is honest andjtsjyalue.the biggest. Free Cook Book Abnokof250rccincsandvalitablcculinary information by Marion Harris Neil, Cook cry Editor, Ladies' Home Journal, wijl be sent upon rerpicst. The quality edi tion (regular price 25c) containing 615 Neil recipes and a "Calendar of Dinners" will be sent upon receipt of five 2-ccnt stamps to those answering this adver tisement. For cither book, address Dc partntcnt 100, The Procter &: Gamble Co., Cincinnati. j $vfirr2Sisttttr -Ritjhtjrjp Among the j Live Wires , & The hardy lads who y hold down the lineman's job are keen for a tobacco . . that has a rich, mellow flavor K something that's man -size and all there something that makes a he-man feel like a live And that is w years and millions of -tlRQCaP 1 wax Eiipiiil MWk 11 $t tf&fflwvm 4 r w U I i