Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 17, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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li .
Sf??7Jr -t - rrt nrl tt
-3"ho hot wc&lher ot tho last coupla
of days has caimed r.ny number of
Medford people to lo.e ricop. and
noma "not lined to tho heat are under
llio weather with sllRht IndUposltion.
Attorney Uua Newbury made n
trip to incjoiyillti thla ntdrnlnp on
Hplnira' nurca Jiomcs.
Henry "fclny nr. ItbRue, Hlver ".pent
Tuesday In Medford vhdlliiK friends
nud attending to business mnttcr.
Prn.iV lining nf Snn DlrcO. Cat.. U
BpondliiR the week In the Valiey look
(UK nfter bipdiics InlereMs.
A "KIiir SplU" cigar Is homo mado,
Try ,pno, lie.
Gardner Ilullis motored Tuesday
afternoon to the SterlhiK mine ouf
Hesldents of the Hlue Ledge dis
trict' expect to receive, notice by the
first" of llio month of the re-openlng
of tho postofflco at Hutton. At
present they have to ko six miles for
their mall.
galto, tho driver of Sunrlso Sun
day Medford. has somo wood for sale
on ground nt Cojcman creek, $2.5u
per cord. $1.35 per tier. 79
Ms Irena 1'lotner has finished her
school at Buncom and Is home for
the summer vacation.
Judge GeorRe Dunn of Ashland wnH
a business visitor In the city for a
few hours Tuesday moraine
Royal Bakery goods t DoVocs.
Frank Edwards and wife of Hut
ton, Cab, are spending a few days
In the city. Mr. Kdwards with his
partner and Mr. Carnaban of the. Blue
Ledse mine, aro working a rich gold
claim on the Silver Fork with a cy
nnldo plan(.
Tho nev. Weston K. Shields of the
Presbyterian church rentrr.ed this
morning from Chicago and" middle
west points where he attended the
annual convention of the Presbyter
ian church'. He will occupy the pul
pit Sunday morning nnd evening at
his church, telling of tho work or the
assembly at the morning session, and
of the country over which be traveled
nt the evening session.
Call Mitchell for tf wn mqwer trolly
bles.' Phone 26. . .
A. Oudin of Ashland was a busi
ness visitor In the city for a few
hours this morning.'
Mrs. i Burns or llllt. Cab, I
spending a few days in the city vis-'
King friend and relatives.
Carkln '4k Taylor, lawyers. (John
II. Carkln Glenn O.' Taylor), Has-klns-Boyden
Bldg., Main street.
E. M. Drako of San Jose, Cab. Is
spending a few days In the city at
tending to business matters.
S. D. Williams of Grants Pass was
a business visitor In the city for a
few hours Tuesday afternoon.
" F. W. Sbaplclgb Hardware Co.. are
daljj; adding to their well assorted
stock and are selling at elbso prices.
"- 7
Russell, the 9-year-old son of Mr.
nnil Mrs. Clarence Wheeler of 249
South Riverside, who sustained a frac
tured leg In an automobile accident
on July 3, 1913, was operated upon
last Wednesday and the leg rebroken
and straightened. Ho Is Improving
slowly, although not out of danger.
The Infant daughter of Mrs. W. D.
Guernsey died at Ferndale, Wash., on
Tuesday afternoon, June JGth, at the
age of three months. Mrs. Guernse;
will arrive in Medford Thursday af
ternoon at 4 o'clock and tho burial
will take place Immediately.
Milk and cream at DeVoe's.
Will G. Steel, Court Hull, Frank
Isaacs and Jack Dent will leavo for
Crater Ike early Saturday morning,
where Mr. Steel will remain during
tho rest of the season. The Hall Taxi
company Is preparing to do a large
traffic business this summer, Indica
tions nro that the coming season wllf
be the greatest In tho history of the
lake. The rpads vylll bu, In s,uc)i a
condition, ilmt much better Jlmo wl
be mado than heretofore.
V)ip is Smith, thu man that bought
out FlBiniuer? "5
Paul Edwards and Mrs. Edwardi
are visiting with S. Vestal of Eaglo
Point. Mr. Edwards Is with tho
Southern Pacific company In Its
freight traffic department, San Fran
cIbco, Cab
W. B. llcverldgo has returned from
a two' weeks trip Into the mountains
ot this section on a surveying tour.
Screen doors at Medford Lbr. Co. -
Tho work of laying the brick on
the KlkB temple Is progressing rapid
ly. This morning whirling boso
was put on top of the bricks to keen
them wet, tho sun drying out the
tricks rapidly.
J Frank Coleman of Jacksonville
spent Tuesday evening- In tho city
qn. busluuss cqnuec.ted vylth tho car
slval. Fresh llmo. Medford bbr. Co,
"'' t !! "
Uf ItMNM mi
M, a,, W, Watty UfJ
XL.. a. id. Ar
j ". i T vr ' r ' i
SispSS w w w vr-r--m--- w
The fourth dry grass fire ot the
year occurred Tuesday afternoon on
Oakdnie avenue near tho G. K. Mar
shall residence. No damage resulted.
Tlio'poliVe have the! names ot n lutlij
beV' of moto'rcs'cllsts who"hrok tho
speed laws going hi nud from UiVs
Frank Johnson of Portland Is
among tho out-of-town visitors In
the city this week.
George Berry of the Steamboat dis
trict Is spending a few days In the city
attending to b'iilnos matters.
Ilhy4for safe, W. II. Everhard.
Tom Younc of Hucli siient Tuesday
In Medford visiting friends and 'at
tending to business Interest.
Kdlson Marshall returned this
morning' from the University of Ore
gon at Eugene, where nieinieii
the sclioal of Journalism this year.
Home ot Truth, 114 South Cen
tral, meetings Thursday, 3 to 5 p. in.
Bill Coleman, Gerald Sooysmlth,
O. lb Murphy and party or friends
while motoring on West Main street
jate Tuesday night, ran over a black
cat opposite tho Coleman rooming
bouse. The destruction of an omen
of HI luck had a visible effect on the
party, Mr. Coleman Insisting on re
turning and rescuing. When they
arrived the feline was dragging Its
Inlured bodv Into the willows, snuenl
Ing with pain. All expect something
serious to happen today as a result.
Mrs. William Budge will leave this
afternoon for Hotchktss, Colo., to
visit her parents. On the way she
will visit for a few days with her son
Alex at San Francisco, the young man
holding a lucrative position with a
great machine cdmpany.
Clairvoyant. tme. Dreyfus re.
nowned and gifted clalrvojant will
bo located In Medford for a short
time. Consult her on all affairs of
life. 50 cents nnd ?l-00, 9 a. m. to
,2 p. m. 7:00 to 10:00 p. pi., apatt-
ment 9, Colonial Flats. i s
Arthur Young ot Weed. Cab, vis
ited friends aud relatives In this city
the first of tho week.
Mrs. Amy Baker ot Butte Falls Is
spending a few days In the city vis
iting friends and relatives.
J. O. Gcrklng, the Dost all around
photographer in southern Oregon.
Always reliable Negatives mado any
where, tlmo or place. Studio 228
Main St. Phono 320-J.
Mrs. S. S. Smith who has boon vis
iting In Kansas the last two months,
leaves for thla valley next Sunday,
the heat of a middle west summer be
ing Intolerable
mita Gram Whitehead visited in
iiJ7 ... . .
'Jacksonville Tuesday aucrnoon.
. "wr "" """ "
(Continued from age 1)
er's Prairie wn one of exlreme
ImnKliip-i. No nttempt wtii. inntle I"
Mive ibe Imlloyn.
Soon- nfterleuvhig the rocky bill
Mde'fiey plifiiKetl inlo n foret ''
tail block pine. A network or thn-K
umlerftrowiu nnd fullen Iree- disput
ed cerv foot of the way with tbem
iiptil jjtey nrriveil nt the rancor nln-
Follouel Creek Bed
After tlie balloon'ts lamjcil Fr -
day they Marled trying t iul tlu.r
way to a settlement. All day rn
dny, Saturday, Suruluy nud Monday
they wiindcrei! tlirotiIi the truckler
fores-t. eterdy iiuirning they
Rtnifk n creek which I bey decided
lo follow nnd yesterday evening they
ennie wros n path coufinicted by
United Sluten forest rangers.
When they renelied eurlli Fridiy
lliey ilixeovereit that they bail no
mutches inn were forced to subsi-t
on uncooked canned' good-. The
Iwo aeronauts emiiK.'d on tho train
lust night 'uud early today arrived nt
the ranger station. Donnblou win.
the more exhausted of the two, but
neither were in u serious condition.
Land on Table Mountain
They were forced to land on the
slope of Table mountain on ac
count of being iina)le lo pa-, over
:i.. ......i. 'n.Vi.. i.i '.. ,.l,. :.. i.,.i
IIP. it:ai.. aiiu mi t vi-tiiiif ivii
the balloon dragged along the
jagged roeku anil was aijy torn.
Itauger C. I. Hwison teIethoned
to Portland from hu ranker station
tellijfg of the safety of thu two
uerofiauts and an auouiohiln Marled
frufu here iiniiic"IiuL'ly o bring
tiem in.
Members of the Portland ron IVs
tival ucro eoiniuitiv.e, wiiclj voiulucl
ed the race under the uuspiees .i
the Aero Club (if America, were
elated over hu escape from death
of' Uounldson uud Henderson.
I'ruclb'ully i liojiu' uf finding
lliem' ulWe was nbuhdoued yester
day, Kvery one of the four bal
loons in the race 1'iicle Kmii, Mil
lion Popiibitiou Club, KitiiMi City
HI and K)iriugt1e mo) with din
aster unil (heir pilot- uud ufdes li 11'
ruwjy eni'iipi'd with llujr ive.
' l m
VBI. (IJIZ, June J7. lnltli
subjecls vvlio i lived jivic froiu
Meiro Cil iniiy jejmed n v
fel I'liikh l;cjv(;il '0VIoiil
'M'ilt'iil lliM'iln piii) Hr l.loiml
i'lilili'Ht (lie IbilUJi minUlci,
public thus for
1 r v !
The eommiltee having ,in elmi-ge
the enterlninment of guests attend
ing the recent Stnte Hanker' con
vention desire to express U hearty
n)preeiiitioii of the splendid co-op-eraliou
extended by et'Ueit, espe
cially' to Mi llnxelrig; Mr.
Unijihl, George Aiulrvnx and f ill
Inm'Vttwter for the excellent 1111110
nt the bauipiet Monday evening, nnd
to Mr. .1. l- Heddv. Aler. Moe,
Weterluntl. binvton, Tiiiohler, (bid
di. (bites, ItidiiiiMtii, (lhvgov, Ah
eraft, Wortmau, Powell, Court Hull,
Mendor. Hownrd. Kreneli, Dr. Por
ter, Kidd, Stewtnt. Allen. Piii-mui.
Oeoi-ge Stevens. Hardvvell, Mnndy,
Connor, MeCurdy uud- ilie several
officers nud director of loettl bank,
for the ne of their inilo on Men
day and Tuesday nfteruoon.
The guest were men of pnmii
lience nnd iiifliu'iiee, and the good
opinion of the city, the valley and
its people which they utrried home
with tbem, should be 11 valuable as
set to the community thank to the
public-spirited eitixen making it
po-ilile. HKS C. SIIIXnON,
For the Committee.
The ene of the Sterling Mining
Co. vs. S. S. Hulli. in which breach
of eoutruet nnd fraud on the part
of the defendant i alleged, come
up for trial in the circuit court mi
Thursday. A. F. Hegel, leecntly
nominated by the democrat for con-gre-
in the third di-triet with A. K.
Keames uud (leorge II. Durham of
(Iraut Pa represent the plain
tiff. Frank YVnile nnd F. .1. Hlake
ly of Itoi-ehurg, eomplainiug wi(
neses, are here for the trial.
NEW YOKE", June 17. The stock
market eloed steady. Seeulatie
selling cut into values of particular
shares, but the lit generally pre
sented a good front. The tone of
the market became better in the late
dealing, but there were no recover
ies of consequence, (he liM ending
with general small declines.
I.p.SDON. .Juno 17. Colonel Theo
dore Roosevelt appeared before the
Royal Geographical society last night
to tell tho members and many of tho
most conspicuous men In Iondou's
public life how he put U10 "Duvldn
Hlvcr" on tho map of Brazil. Tho
society's thcatro In Burlington Gar
dens was packed to suffocation. Those
anxious to hear the former president
would easily have filled tho largest
hall In Loudon, but ho preferred a
small auditorium where an Intimate
talk would bo possible. Tho result
was that many prominent people who
had come a long distance with the
cherished cards wero unablo to get In.
Large forces ot police wero on
hand to shield Colonel Kooscvolt
against a possiblo suffragetto attuck
Tho heartiest npplauso greeted bis
apimaranco on tho stage,
Douglas William Freshfleld, presi
dent of tho society, Prlnco Louis nf
Battenbcrg, Sir Edward Grey, secre
tary of state for foreign affairs, Karl
Grey, ex-governor general of Canada,
Lord Bryce, Earl Curzon and the
American ambassador, Walter 11.
Page, wero seated on tho platform.
The lecturo wus mainly a repetition
of that delivered at Washington In
He suggcited that tho Itoyat Geo
graphical society send a man to sur
vey the river and promised all asxls
tauco from himself and tho Brazilian
Patronlo Home
By smoking ML Pitt, tho best Cc
cigar on. the market. k
FOIl SALE Six acres of good now
wheat hay within 'i miles' of
town. J f- Cass, phono !)0Q,
4ifc MfWf
WASlONUTOy, .Inijo IT.- -Co-operative
dairies, tanners' mutual ftro
lnsurauro companies, and other simi
lar co-oporntlveMustltutlonn are sub
ject to tho Income tax, A rule to
that effect vsh mode today by tho
treasury department.
One letter circulated by a St. Louis
hardware firm Meelared:
"Ohr sales "Up to date this year
are Just three-fifths of ono per rent
less than the snipe period last year,
and If June business continued to
Increase as It has done so fur, we
will gain this three fifths and prob
ably finish the first half of tho year
with a gain."
SANTO DOMINGO. Ihuninicmi Ue
puhlie, June 17. The lloiuienn gov
ernment toduy asked the 1'lliled
Stale government lor the immediate
withdrawal of the Auienenu consul
nt Puerto Piute on the ground tlm
he hud sided with Die r volution.
EL PASO. Tex., Junu IT. Ceneral
Villa tendered bis resignation to
General Carrnma within the fiscal
weok. It becamu known toduy. To
Villa's messnge the constitutionalist i
commander-in-chief replied asking
who would succeed him.
Following this, Villa's various mili
tary chiefs held a conference nnd sent
u 'round robin" to Carranxa. declar
ing that they would accept none other
than Villa as leader.
The split of today resulted.
General Villa Inst night ordeied nil
commanders of garrisons throughout
the territory he rontrols to report at
Torrcon. This order was accepted
ominously by observers here. His
tory of tho Pascusl Oroico rebellion
against President Madero was ro
vlved. Orozco, as Villa, was n leader
of volunteer troops of Chihuahua
state, and a oonnlar favorite, ted r.
revolution ngnlntt tho former pros! .
(Continued from page !)
way from Tolopollminpo to ilniatlun.
was in no condition to fight when the
mori heavily armed (JuerrCrO, bouhd
south from Ouiymas In chnso, over
hauled her, and Captain Malplco ap
plied to tho America destroyers Perry
nnd Preble which wero following tho
Mexican vesnels. for. n tow to Altnfa,
where tho Tamplcn hoped to take
refuge In shallow water. The Iuwh
of neutrality prevented the American
commanders front complying, but the
Perry, Preble, and the cruiser New
Orleans, which was accnuipiinvlug
them, were able to save many from
drowning, as the Tnmplro sank, nud
to give surgical aid to tho wounded.
After her victory, the (luorrero
headed south fort Mazatlau, where
she will be of great servico to tlu
beleaguered federal garrison thcro In
preventing the army under Oenernl
Obregnn from occupying commanding
dnltleAy fbeUghest dm, most cf flcleat
and economical qiilck-lef vcalkHf
agent made, o!4 or ue
tyBv. ' -s.Jt
CHICAGO, Juno IT. General com.
mission selling drove down wheat
values today to tho lowest prlco In
eight years. Hedging against new
crop shipments was heavy, cables
weio weak and tho crowd continued
to Ignore (ho unfavorable effects of
storms In tho harvest belt. It was
the inmost unanimous opinion that
tho promise of n largo crop was now
virtually certain to be fulfilled. The
opening, which was a shade to one
halt under last night, was followe
by an additional decline nil nrounds
Corn weakened with whent, but re
ceived better support as country of
ferings remained light. Better flel.l
conditions had some Influence with
tho bears. After starting a sixteenth
to uuarter n threo-elghtrt lower, tho
market continued tosng.
In the oats crowd buyers were hard
lo find, Tho downward course of
other grain ruled thu pit.
Covering by shorts lifted provisions
nfter a slight early setback. Offer
lugs wore small.
July wheat opened S2, touched
S2t;,roied SJb,, September wheat
opened and closed" nt SI Mi, with su
Continuation of tho heat wave that
started Hunduv prevailed over the
city and valley today, with llttl-t
hopes of rclh'f within thu next .'It',
hours, according to the weather bu
reau. At lion today the mercury reg
Utcrcd Ufi degrees, and at 1:0
o'clock, was hovering around !i. A
light brcezu from tho north sprang
up. but gave little comfort.
Tho heat of the last few days has
been marked with n high humidity
teaching ill Tuesday, which has made
the heat worn oppressive. Much hay
Is down throughout tho valley and
farmers nr working early nnd IttU
harvesting It.
HAULS, June 17. The iirouniiii of
nthlcliot for the tllympie snimw to
be held ill llerliii in HUH wn seltled
I iv flu. biteriiittiolull Olviillite eon-
gie-v toduv. when the evcutH eho-cu
bv llie couuriisM of ihu luteinulioiiiil
Amateur Alhlelie n-Koeiiilioii in
Auu-.t, 11ILI, were ndopted. (ler
many at the bint moment deoidci) not
to bring forward iU original pro- to eliminate tho tin; of wnr,
the Ntccpleehuo uud tho walking.
The only new nu;;gentiii mnile ul
tin- inectiiig wuh to iuelilde weight
liftiut; in the uthleticx, but tint prop-o-itioii
won rejected.
.. r.
There is no purer Iro than ours. It
lias bevu tested and tr(m In every
possible wuy nud In every Instance
bus been found absolutely puro, It's
the kind of Ico you can safely put
right In tho glass with tho water or
other bovornge, llio kind that you
run out without four, Heller lot us
ho your leu man,
For Quick DollverltH phono CI
llPTTj:, Mont . .hum IT.- Voting
by tho Clipper miners of llutlo on
tho iiuoMlou ot showing tliolr union
cards nt the mines hero began nt U
o'clock nnd will continue Until mtd
night. Tho number uf ballots cast
tho (list hour Indicates that the vot
ing will bo heavy even If the (oniorvu
lives of the union ro'iio to vote, as
thev have announced.
Thu referendum was begun by the
sccodorN ot the union who have re
belted against tho domination or
local nffalrs by tho Western Federa
tion of .Miners. No new movement
to bring about a compromlsu between
the opposing factions wan started to
day. John ('. l.owuey, executive
member of tho Western Federation
of Mlucrs, ban proclaimed his op
position lo such aud llio Mcedrn In
n lengthy statement which reviewed
aliened abuses assert that (hoi Wan!
"homo rule'' of their organlatlou
Blood Troubles Are
Often Hard to Locate
Catarrh, for Example May Be the Cause of Very
Serieus illness.
T IjjMv v ttttKzz
A Sllcht Trouble Often firings. Hcrlau lllooU OUortlr.
A rliruulc rulJ mrL immrllilntf tvront
rciitlllulWlially I'luiplra mvan til ll.r
iitir.iuiainui inratia raiinj f nminaiinn.
Thr iui a ImBitrnl Uli'r Tiotil""H ate
t-ailtjr rorul"J. !ut wtr la itir tmnlls
IVtirrr l II ImatMir Wliat la wrnn- xlth
lt l-t-llll tnarbloal
If rnu will eii Intit any flrc r'aaa nrf
anil sit a Nil It nf H. K H. ti ar en tli
way lo (f Itlne rtd uf IIkxo flial
raua ihknraa an.l dl-ai. Hut 0.'l r
aiifun fturi i'(T tbat uM Irlck uf aouwlliluc
-JMM it paxl."
K H. K. la lakrn Into th t.tooO Jiitt St
naturally at lh mot nourlahlnf fixl li
nrrailt Itt lailuiTw irnr frr uraan In
ttia Ixidr, rooia IhrixiKti all Ilia Vint anil
rtrrka, rnalika all rauroua aurfar lu
atrhaorf Uiflaiuiaalnrr ardla ami ulir
irriraiinR auuttaurra ror arivnai rirnirnia
tti4t rfffrliiall rlfn lha kytUm and
ihha pal an t-ml In all muIwii. K. K M.
draiki uut ibe atouacU vf uuctui accuuiu-
vi: liki;
Get Ready for
during the hot weather.
r.VvM' THA.MP"
The shoo which Is resilient to
ovury slop.
To wall; In a pair.
In to walk oil air.
Pre -Exposition Excursion
1 0) r 1 u m 'itr'AfP"!
y T ICiuciir.uiAsrAl I
1 JJS!liL'-J J
Jw7 v. yr
To (jive pulroiiH mi oppoiluuitv l ''" llu t-'ii-nl progiesH ill-'
idinly uiiiilo in the I'nini'iui KxiomjIoii, il pre e.vpiMiiiou Kxeul'xion'
bus liceii uriuugcil by thoi Koiilheiii Hncilie lor thu uhnro dutiV
$17.00 Round Trip from Medford
Cm i c.iiiilih)f' low hmiiiiI dip In re I mini nil other points
Tickets will lie sold Friday Junu 2(illi ujily and will tin ood (or
roljini on or furu July Olli,
Cull on nrine.l Honlliiiii I'milie Aucnl for lull pii 1 1 la'iilil l
K'HcrvnllmiM, IiiiIii hi lieiliile, elc
JOHN M, SCOTT, fimi'ial ii.siiirr Audit, I'oilliiMil, Ureiiuii
The M'lmo) lionnl o' the .Medford
public. -ohooU held it movllng tnt
uvcriinu. It. .1". Mulliivv .wjih xwoiu
In ih director for the eiisulpg flvu
yenr. II. S. Hliuo vwN'iht'ted eleil;
fur tlw yuv Win minimi pvpmt or
Ibe eleik wni.ioml, liOwlj" uQ.IpIh
nud dbdiuT-enienlH of lji ypjar mid
Mini .i,n,,,-. mi. ...r- ... ;tt'S.Ji ."!'"
lite liniincinl eoudti.oij yf IJje dU
lilct, The icpoit vyn oiilch'd ftuh
IWheil. '
The bill MM. .A. lleiiBhliiniir. ifhniil
nfLieir, tVr ftiiivjiicM hj pnsl venr
to the amount of 171) wm allowed,
uud' It wiin otdoM'd Hint nil. slrael
itktOMiucnt" now thi" he imlil.
It wn deeided by the boiiid, upon
motion uf Mr. Mulkov, to nie puldio
notice of nil I'guhir uintiiitK of the
lionld heiiofti'l'. It " lie' UUHiiiuuMM
li'. ne uf the bun id licit llio iHthllft
I should ulleiiil the meeting...
Utloat, rnlitrt ciilr I'll'". Mi-M mVln
- luttriUW la nilrr Iho fitlrilliti-, r.Htillnr
wua hn rmHi rifintnu in rnitr w at
mUllnil, ul In lr linn u tiuiir la Rt
xntlk lliruugboul In UmIjt In Hi irtr t
Vou will icon rmllis Ha wwjrrdil In
riurix lij lb RbM-ntc of li-ilt-l.s a lrt.1
lit ltJil' niu.ltl"0 ul lliq In, m.l h
Iii uf IhhIII) rrltrf that eti.wa liuw rirtii
I'lfl'lf lli rnllt iiitnu ws Im.IiiI vtllti
Vmi will nmt H. n, H. nn l t sit lni
liir. It It a irniailililo tnnrlf fvr anr
ami nil l.l.xol (rtnllniia. aiull a frl'ina.
rti. lupua. tfllfr. i..uli. iwlla, au. all
olUrr ill'aM reoillilvna of llm bloxt. Ii
Krlal a ill Ira mi anr l.1 tllvtM iifllrt
In 111 l(t tKln Oi., 37.1 Hwlfl lllUx ,
.Mlalila. (U.
!. nnl trlfl wllti uImIuiIm. tinlla i.r anr if IM liur.lo uf "Ju(
twi cuuattfftiu vt h, h. u.
Till: MAUI)
9:1.00, i:i..'io, it 1.(10
While Niihuck nud Mahogany
c3rou feloro
- i vl
i .tt
0 0
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