;- .'I PXGB SET lnUT)FOT?T) MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE .111. MM ,M FINAL HONORS TO ADLA! STEVENSON PAID BY ILLINOIS m.OOMINGTOy, 111., .lime 111. With lupines suioikU'(1 ninl the oitj Ornpcil In lunurolnj, llloominjr ton pnld finnl honor toilnv to for mer Vicc-Prcii1rnt Adlni 11 Steven mm. The body Iny in stale in Hip rntnmln of the eourtliono for two hours while thousand filed past. The jirocpi&ion (o thn chiirrh was bended lty a bnml, n troop of the Illinois Na tional Gnnrd and sjirviving members if the Stevenson Keort club, n fa mous mnrchiiur orpniifanlion of the 'ampniRn of 1892, whieli accompan ied the vice-president-elect to the in nuunrntlon at Washington. There followed H00 miners from the McLean county mine, of which ift. Stevenson wn for ranny years president, mem cr of the Hnr association, the mayor and city officials and numerous lo cal organization. The Second Prcbylerin church, the largest in the city, held but a fraction of those assembled. The services were conducted by Rev. J. X. Klliott nud llev. KdKar I). Jonc of nloominptonniul Rev. Martin D. Hardin of Chicago, the latter n xou-in-lnw of Mr. Stevenson. The inter ment at the lMoomini;lon cemetery wnH private. The list of honorary jmllbearcrs included many men prom incut in law, politics and business, headed by James S. Ewinfr, former ambassador to ltclgium and long Mr. Stevenson's Inw partner; former Governor Joseph W. Fifer, Congress man FiUhenry and former Congrcsa inan Sterling. Among those present were former Vice-President Fairbanks, former Oovcroor Francis of Missouri, and Governor and Mrs. Dunne. TOiiEMS . SATURDAY EVENINGS That the Medford merchants have. progressive ideas, is shown by their action in the Merchants association meeting Monday night, when they voted to close all stores on Satur day evenings" during July and Aug ust, provided it enn lie arranged with the merchants who were absent, and n committee was appointed with power to act. ,H jvn also decided that oil; July 4 stores will be closed nil day", ex cepting the nicat markets and gro cery stores, and they will remain open in the morning, the hours to be announced later. The UHSociation will send a dele gate to the htute meeting of the Mer chants' association in La Grande, June 22 to 24, leaving bis selection with the executive committee. The meeting was held in the base ment of the Methodist church, and the banquet was .erved by the ladies of the church. The meetings nud banquets will be dispensed with dur ing the warm months, and the next One will be held (he third Monday in September. MOSTrMCiTORMEO MIDGET IN THE WOULD Tho Fol ey & Burk C a r n I vol Co. with car loads of unmse inent de vices ar rived in M o d f o rd from Red ding, Cal y os terday GLADSTONE FAMILY, PLAYING AT ISIS TONIGHT IN SPECIALTY F EATURING HESITATION WALTZ nnmwiin MmVmVK . X MAI DEMOCRATS NAME MAYOR CURTIS PORTLAND, .Me., June 10. Mayor Oakley S. Curtis of Portland gained the democratic nomination for governor at yesterday's primar ies, according to returns today. Gov ernor William T. Haines, republican, was renominated without opposition. There was no opposition to the re uomination of the four Initio con gressmen, Daniel McGillicuddy. dem ocrat, and Ashcr G. Hinds, John A. Peters and Frank E. Guernsey, republicans. TUBERCULOSIS In addition to plenty of frssn tic tad proper diet those suffering from or wto are predisposed to Tuberculo sa are recomaended to use Eckaun's Alterative to stop night sweats, banUOi fever 'sad hasten recovery. This medl. dae, by reason of Its successful use dur ing the past, warrants the fullest Inves tigation possible by every sufferer. Xctanan's Alterative Is most effica cious In bronchial catarrh and severe throat and lung affections, and In up building the system. It contains no narcotic, nor harmful or habit-form-lag drags. Accept no substitutes. Sold by leading druggists. Write to the Eckman Laboratory. Philadelphia, Pa 'or booklet telling of recoveries. DOWNWARD MOVE IN STOCK NEW YOKK. Juno 1C Tho stock market closed heavy. Prices of stocks suffered because of the un willingness of speculators to buy In view of the uncertain outlook. Pres sure lifted tor a while In tho after noon, but tho downward movement was In progress again at tho clone. REMOVE LEAD F KEEL OF CHALLENGER (lOSPOIlT, England. Juno 1C It Is understood that Chnrlcs K. Nichol son, designer of Sir Thomas Upton's Shamrock IV, purposes to rcmovo about four tons of lead from tho keel of tho new chnllenger for tho America's cup. He thinks this will materially Increase the, speed t X X X X X X X X X X t X Our Juvenile Department Is well Blocked with suitable footwear fit for hot weather wear. l-t iih hIioc jour children's feet correctly. Our prices are always right. At tho Stgn of "fiooo Smocs" OPPOSITK POST OFKICK Wo (live "S. & If. Crccn Stamps Bankers Especially and -Business Men Generally Have Learned to Depend upon Hirsh-Wickwirc-Cos. Hand -Tailored Clothes because they can be thoroughly trusted for honest workmanship and relied upon far correct style, proper balartcc and Every particular that should ue considered when new clothes arc" bought. You II nsver b "railfir-disappoirttscT if ycu'll have us fit you ut this season in one of those handsome new ' Mirsh-Wickwire-Co. suits at $20 upward. Model Clothing Go. Lr. Haih and Dartlett 5ts. i: ! . ,. u S I mOmxj:mk.;x: WSnrrrr9WFVrrrr VWrTTrVVV V VVVVVttVVTVttttVt V VV v V T WW W V MANN'S Watch Us Grow MANN CENTRAL AVE. i NlfAR POBTOPFIOE i We Must Sell Every Dollar of Our Present Stock at Once r M ii I v L - . . : !?. V . " ' 41 ' J iiecn AAA xxrtu f rin tt Ank muad m n We double our present space September 1st. We want to open up with a brand new stock. This is the reason for this sale. BENEFIT BY IT EVERYTHING REDUCED. NOTHING RESERVED. LOOK FOR THE RED TAG Wash Dresses for Hot Weather Women's $3.00 Wnsh Drosses, Women's $1.25 House Dresses now 98c Women's $2.00 Wash Dresses, now now $2.19 Women's $.r.()() Wash Dresses, now Look at These Prices on Women's Suits $1.48 I $3.98 All Suits up to $15.00, now $7.98 All Suits, sold all season at $20.00, new styles, now $9.98 All Suits, sold all season at $25.00, now $13.48 All Suits, sold all season at $.'55.00, now $17.48 New Waists at Great Reductions New White Waists .just received up to $2.50 values eaeh $1.19 ,N c w Li n goi'fi Waists up to $2.50 values, each $1.48 Now Silk Waists latest styles $-1.00 values, now, r arlt $2.19 New Silk CYepo Waists, $5.00 values, each $3.98 Greatest Glove Sale Ever Held in Medford "Ivaysei'V (2 ehisp Chamoisette fl loves, ; now, "a pair 21c Kavsers 1(5 Button I jisW ''Gloves 75 values, now, a pair 44c "KaysorV'lfi Button Silk (Moves, $1.25 val ues, now a pair 89c Women's two ("Hasp Kid Gloves, $1.00 tfnide, now, a pair 69c Parasols Greatly Reduced. Laces Cut Deep. All Ribbons Reduced. and have now spread their tents of aiiiusemcntB, concessions and riding devices, preparatory to amunlng tho people of this vicinity (or a week under tho auspices of tho basehall rub. With tho carnival company Is Kllzabeth, better known as tho llv- Ins doll the leading feature and drawing mnenot with the shows. Kllxubeth Is only 31 years of ago, 27 inches high and 32 pounds In weight, Nature bag endowed this llttlo lady with perfect syinmotncaj rigure and a pleasant chic demeanor, full of life unci vivacity, hor accomplish- menu are many a charming mus. clan and vocalist, a clever dancer, and as a linguist she Is a wonder, spouk- Ihk fluently In six Ungiiants, Hun- Krian, Spanish, Italian, German, J-'reuuk anil HhkIIsIi and It always kIhiJ to eiiterlaln visitors, lie sure tiud mm her In (n living doll pavilion ( o the Perrhj wheel, X ? T T t T T t ? f T ? Save Money on Towels Good Size Baatli Towlcs, sjjeeial ea'eli 6c Heavy Bath Towels 38c grade, each Large Huck Towels, 32ioo grade each 9c 12c Extra Large llath Towels, Heavy weigh 1, IIOc grade, now, each Large Bath Towels 25e grade, each 19c Save Money on Silks Fancy Figured Foulard Silk's, 75 grade, now a yard 44c $1.25 Tub Silks, M inches wido $1.25 grado, now a yard lOxira Ileavv large size Bath Towels, 75c grado each 32-inch Wash Silks, 75c grade, now, a yard 39c '10-inch Ocpo Dccheno $1,75 grado, now n yard 98c -rr- . All si'o; Mersalinc, 75c grade, now, yd. 44c ('heney's Spot Proof Foulards, now, n yard Save Money on Notions Clark's O. N. T. Spool Cotton, 7 for 7tof25c Best Barning Cot ton, now Laces up to 15c values, now aa yard 4c 25c Jlair Jhirrclfes now, each All 5c Notions, now 4c Save Money on Wash Gaods All 10c Notions, now 8c All 15c No! ions, now 12c All 25c Nol ions,' now Now Cotton Gropes iip to 20q values, now a yd. ' ' 12c Now'Rft,iiies up to loc yaluc a yard Best: Dress Prints y now! it yard 4c 21c i ('Hi :i(Mnch I'er- cale iiiadi, selling now, a yard New Ginghams, good Y2y,j grade, now a yard 9c Good Apron (ling ham, CiihI liolorri, now, a yard i '.RiU mXJJl ULJI T X Ni Y T 50c $1.44 89c 19c 19c 12c 5c HtoVl-MMttasJt MulHtf Hy mtlH Ml, Mil, I" k( Co I ir imi Mm tmuv t t 23c