'if r'11 - ! It l,v I PAGE FOUR MEnFORD MATL TRTBUNK METVFOIW, ORKCION, TUESDAY., ,1,11N11 Jfi, 1.01 A4.l . MEDFORD mail tribune AW INDKI'ISNIIKNT NCWlXl'Kll , PUHLlRIIICI) KVKIIT AKTKIINOON BXCI3IT MONDAY HT THK MRUrOHU NlINTIKd CO. The Dciriocrntle Timet), Th Hertford Mll, The MnJforJ Tribune, Tlin South rn OrcRnnlan, Tli Aahlnml Trlbuno. Office Mull Trlbunn Uiilldlne. 3S-17-1I North Fir itrcct; telephone 75. Offlrlftl IVtpor or th City or Mtdford. Offlclnl Caper Of Jnckaon Count. Kntered ns second-cls matter at HtHlfonl. Orecon, under tb act of .March 1. im. THE GOAT SYMBOL OF PROSPERITY vBBomiPTioa bam On yrar. by mall , ', nan One month, by mall ! - .60 .SO Ptr month, rtollveroil by carrier in Meriford, Jnckiomlllo and Cn trat Point , . ftilunlay only, by mall. rrr year. S.O0 Weekly, per year -, -,,, 1.80 FhH 1eased Wlro AsvoelatwlPrcM WHh Mwlfor Stop-OTC FEDERAL IK NOT NEEDED TO QUELL BUHE RlffTS WASHINGTON, Juno 1C Senator Myers nnd Ilcprcsentatlrcs Sout nnd Kvnus of Montana wont to the whlta house today in connection with the reqnext of Governor Stewart, that President Wilson send federal troops to quell disorder at Hullo bet wet? a members of tho Western federation of Minora nnd the Industrial Workers of the World. In view of the apparent quiet con ditions of Butto today, tho Montana delegation did not prcs for the Im mediate fending of, troops, hut made an ohKaRomcnt to seo President Wil son tomorrow and discuss the entire idtnntlori with hint. Tho request for federal troeps: camo aa a feurprl?o to the president and to tho Montana delegation. Senator Walsh Is at present In Mon tana and'lt Aa? hopee hero that ho might bo heard frp nidurlng tho day. Assistant Secretary of War Drcck cnrldgo was expected to Inform tho president today what troops would be available in service In Montant should federal Intcrfcrcnco become necessary. Governor Stewart In his ti'k'Rram to tho preildcnt said' there ore only S00 militiamen In Montana and that ho feared serious trouble within tho next few days. TTIE goat, since time immemorial, has been libeled as the emblem of everything evil in contradistinction It the sheep, symbol of excellence and purity. Moth char acterizations arc satires on the observations of the an cients. "What a travesty the sheep with its stupidity is on purity i The goat ranks as one of man's best friends. 1 the alleys and shims of the great cities, on the dreary wastes of the desert or on the barren and brushy mountain top, the goat is equally at home, a sturdv rustler for himself. a source of meat, drink and clothing for his owner. In Jackson county the goat has been the mortgage Jitter for many a pioneer fanner, an aid in clearing laud, a reclaimer ot the lores! as well as of exhausted soils, a provider of food for his table and a steady yieldcr of rev enue. Tho Jackson county goat is the Angora and should be a much greater economic factor in this section than at present. The Angora s history is as old as that of human ity. The breell was distinct even in the days of Abraham. The name came from the village of Angora, in Asia Minor, where Paul established one of the Western Christian churches. The raising of Angoras is a success only in a few coun tries, Turkey in Asia, South Africa and sections of the United States. Transplanted elsewhere, !he Angora has not proven a success. The census stat ist ics show f 1,700,000 Angoras in Turkey, ;?,000.000 in South Africa and S0U,()00 in the United States. Angoras were introduced in America in ISl!). For litany years? the industry languished. In HKK) it was revived, with federal aid. The Angora is valuable for the production of mohair, for meat and as a destroyer of brush and fertilizer of laud. Nowhere does this goat thrive better, multiply faster or produce finer quality of mohair than in southern Oregon. The average fleece is from three pounds up. some as high as twelve pounds. The average price is from '2o cents to V I cents a pound. and by many preferred to mutton, free from the stron flavor ot most goat meat. The average annual yield from a flock of Angoras in Jackson county is placed by goat raisers at $2.u0 a head, including fleece and kids. The goals cost little or nothing to keep, assist materially in reclaiming brush land, and the income .yielded generally regarded as " velvet " by the raiser,-the only expense being the protection of the flock fronioyotes. Every farmer -whose property includes or adjoins the ,i.:il .l...i.i ...1,1 .. n,v..i- ,,r ... .. i...:i.i .... i.:,. 1.....1. Mini, ciiuwui mm i iiui-rv "i .iviilmiius tw mum 1111 ills iijiuu HAL CHASE LEAVES mmT It is Just Natural To Admire Babies nw JHH.fr 'Jii.vtft'.y.i i.u: v;r Our nUruMlo imtinn Impel Imp for tlm cooIiik infant. And nl tlio mmi tlm.i tho a 11 It 1 0 1 of mnllu'rhttfld la enrr l-etoro ik. Ti know wlmt to do tlmt will niM to II10 ptiyitU-nl comfort of cxiwtniii motherhood I u mill Jot ttiAl Ima Inter rMt'd moat women of nil I linen. Onn of tho ronl lip)tut thlnr.a li nn oxUrnnl j -' CHICAGO, Juno tfi - C'linrloa A. Comlskey, president or tlm ChlenRO, American I.eaRUo club ndmltlod to-, dny that llnl Ohndo had not I (led him lu would lo.io tho While Sox "In ten dt8." Tho (Irst hnomtm had nn Intorxlow wit), i.nuUI.'.iv. hut .1 1.1 not nv tm u-mii.i ini.. !.. ii,,rri.. ' abdominal nwllMtloit Kold In nuwt not sn ho would Join tho lluffnlo llnw ,ot,, Ulll,,.r lnp ,,, f .MuWt, I etlornls. ComlsKo) pained tlm Idea that Oibso wuH ki'Iub Into buslnen. Chao liluifolf refused to miiko nity statement, rnun lVdernl Leauuo hendqunrterH, Iiouomt ramp tho In- rormatUiu tlmt 1m w.is prnctlrulty suro to be with tho lluffnlo ten in within a fortnight WOMAN GOULD HARDLY STAND Because of Terrible Back, ache. Relieved by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound. rhlladelphtn, Pa. "" iTuireretl from ill'jilnct'iiu-ntantHiillnminntloii, anil Imd such palna in my a id i5, and tcrrihlo backachn no that I could hardly stiuvl. I took six txHtlon of I.ydln I, riukhnm'ti VcRPtnblo Com pound, nnd now I can do any amount of work, sloop good, cat pood, nnd don't Imvn ( n bit of trouble. I recommend I.yllaK. 1 The flesh is considered oiiiimI tit tinitinii I ' lnKnnm vcBotabio Compound to 1 it nihil ib (niismiiu-i iqu.u 10 niuiion, .,,,-,,,,...,. J FisiiKit, 1W2 Juniata Street, rhiladol- j'uia, in. Another Wonmn'H Cnsc. rrovWcnco, R. I. I cannot .ipeak too hldhly of your Writable Compound m it has dono wonders for mo and I would not bo without It. I had n dis placement, bearing down. nnd Imckncho, until I could hardly stand and was thor oughly run down when I took Lydia K. ti:.!.!... tr.........i.i.. r .i t r'rkml ' 'i h.ivo Kimnii ho nwnr KMiid- inotiivr, lm In th ir ounmr dii)"!i rvllfd Umiii thin ivmmly id who ivcnm tuftiit It to lliolr omii iltiiiHlilMrn tint It rrrtiilnly iiuiKt be hnt He lutiuu lnl rittix They lmo u-hM u for Ha llct InlluoiKO llll thv inuw Ivh. -or1a, llo mvnU nnd ImiiIoiih nn It ;iiiii to nrfuril rofU'f from tlm ntniln nnd uu hi nfU'ii iinnucctMiirll) vuwrv ihitliu; tho khIo.1 of rxiwlnnry. A IKtlo Ihi 111MW by UrttOttcM Itrr.M. Intor Co.. 300 iJimur UMk. AH-uiln. .. lifrrn In iimliv iIhh tlmt wotnti IIIlo to rt-ftd itlniul. II rxfir tv t Hly to III r'luf from mu-n ! rirjln dim tu tlwlr ixiu'l.n Inn ult l i' t,i inotnlne rvKiK-i. rxVlnit of Lr.jU uua tiuny t'Hur dlttrvnivv ' e Jfc - .'j.. I INW" Don't Juggle with Your feyes lime them touted to dUiour tholr Hpeclnl li'MUlri'iinnlH b olio Mkllled In this partUular mlunu. ski: DR. RICKERT lie Kiiiiwh Hun Suite !.' lint OimicI'h (Ireen TradliiK Stniiipi fllven EiliSTaS of Today ni. luvaLiiu 1 wurs 111 n iociui ctory nil ilay awork o you account as well as his ranch, for county is n symbol bf i)ros)erit3. the ijoat iu dackson DRY mm AGAIN MISSING nirntOlT, Mich.. Juno 1C After workliiK'on tho caso all nlsht mem hers of tho 'pollco department aald foday they wcro without a cluo as to tho wbcrenboulu of tho Itov. Louis It. I'ntmont, tho Wcstvlllo, 111., "dry" worker, who disappeared last night from his temporary home here, vrhcro he had been staying slneo his al leged kidnapping In Illinois in March. Tho milliliter' wlfo and (fiends also suld the lmd heard ndthlng from lil m sinco lid attended church Services last mcnlng an'd started for his r opining ' plnco Several' miles nway. Mr. I'atmont nnd his wlfo havo been llvlnt; iu Detroit most of tho tlmo ulnro ho wuii found In a collar of n house near Columbia, III., where ho Insisted ho had been held In captivity. Ills disappearance at that tlmo re sulted In u uat'ou-ttldo search, and when ho was found lio save out a bviuatlonol account of his abduction nnd al!ej!od harsh treutmont. SOUTHERN OREGON'S OPPORTUNITY FTXANCTAL and business demessions have in the pasjl invariably increased mining activities, and history is vindicating' itself in this respect in the increased activity in the mining; business and the demand for gold-bearin'ir mining; properties. Some high authorities attribute the present depression in business to the marked decrease in the world s output of gold, which has been placed at between ten and twenty per cent. J 11 any event, there is at present an active demand for mining; property all over the gold-bearing; areas of the United States. Southern Oregon as a gold-bearing field has had but little intelligent development or investigation. Its surface indications uncovered iu Nevada or any well-known or exploited field would inevitably cause a stampede and a mining boom. The mining operations so far conducted in this section have always' been on the smallest scale and with no attempt at the economy prac ticed in the larger fields when' that element is the only factor that enables the business to .succeed. Xn southern Oregon the small operator has been fairlv successnu wicnoui me employment 01 large capital or mining skill, and within the past few months there has been a marked increase in the production of dividend-paying ores. (Si-eat credit is due to the Rays for the development of the Jkaden mine, which has now a payroll that is making prosperity for the community surrounding it, and which is returning handsome dividends to its owners. Southern Oregon should take advantage of the in creased activity in mining by organisation and getting its properties before the investing public, which is at this lime displaying so much interest in niining properties. I irivti 1 permission to iubll.ili my name and I iik of your Vegetable Compound to lone beside doinir m v houviw can see what it ha Jono for me, you spe manyoimyirieiKU." .Mrs.Aiinii.iAW BON, 12G Lippltt St., Providence, It. I. Danger Signals to Women arc what orio phyilcian called backache, headache, nervousness, and tho blues. In many cases they nro symptoms of somo female dornngement ornn inflam matory, ulcerative condition, which may la overcome hv taking Lydin K, Pink ham's Vecctublo Compound. Thousands of American women willingly testify to its virtue. nro d-'iunndlni; three ohmi. Hals In dak I in; powder. I'nr It). Krlliilillll) 11.nl i:ni. ouiy. The) i;ot them In Crescent Baking Powder IIr hi'nlthful. mailo to. ralie tho doiiRh and huh lulu the rnhe until food I bnkid. Hi nee U Is reliable rfr&S'kt MEDIATORS REST ' t j. FOR THREE DAYS WASIIINOTON. Juno Hi. Temp u'rury susiionsion of fonnal confer Hicos at .NJngara Tulls, ntuoiiK tho mediators und tho American und iiuorta dolvKutos during tho nhsonco of tho Ardent I no miniiliitor, gavo rrenldtint Wilson und Kocrotary j4ryn MddltloHul lima today for con r(rllH of iiidii to ho HiiKKontt'd far th prnvlonii jirctldoncy in JiWii'O, aovvriiiiii( officials worn wild (h tie wtpviiiHied oim (If f MM4l Ih KMIlNg MUHlfi or elxlbf litrHKh MHHtllUllOHIlllH 0KVIII III w-iOHi; MMir NlMJM' lk PHMlilH( HH4 M ism putitUutt f fwmm m tw FROM TALENT 15-2 T CAPTURE ENTIRE GOVERNMENT CLINTON', M June lO.-Tliu li- SE,: ELIZABETH The Living Doll "MOST PKR-FOU.MMI) AVOrAN IX TIIK WOlffil). Age 21; height 27 inches; weight ',1'J, pounds. m specially con pavilion next, to Ferris Wheel. Speaks six languages 1 1 ungarian, ( ler mnn, J'Yench, Kalian, Span ish and I'higlish. 1 See hei striictcd ISIS THEATRE II CiiIn r nt lb. At Viiur (Jrncer nii:Sl'i:NT AIFU CO.. Seuttlo, Wn. JnLJH (illAXTS PASS, Juno 1(1. Omul I'm.)., hy liutiiuiviififc out sesciitet'iiimior iiufesiion nmiiot ho Btllled mily lifl-. mid inkinc nilviintJi'C ot huvtu ,y (ho tlifeo hnmcliCH ol koiiiii clior", bluiiKlitert'il Talent ycnlenlny on tliu lultt'iV loiuids hv ii heme )t 15 to . Onlioiii pitched one of hi be I (,'iiiiiCM. Jin did not isbiiu ii hiulu piihM, i'niiiifd four, mid itlt lionIi luk iii" llniij," i-tiMV iilter Clruulw J 'mm Kino him n miwii-iiiii mltmitiiu in Hit' very fiM imiln, hold Tiilent to ulna tuiiilleiiil lutx. Uu iccchi'd ox- C'l'lll'l Kt'JMM I, 'JVnilii' Imliin iy Mill', rnnljimi mill lluK'll Wood IVnliiml III" mi I in I. Tin (iihIkv mnl Im'IIikitiiiiI kic I'lHl buni'Uimi Jfllllll'll'll lllM'D HHiiv lni) u ilmihlM. I'milimi tmir iiiili)i nnrl SVmHtHM Jmuilliiii, J'hiIImi) mill liny ( not turd tm ImI)'' JwnJmr lliii ilmi iiiilnirlu iinlti vu.lniibii Kkin niml t In ' ini'iit Ifgirihttiu', jiiiliciat mill i'xec utivv foiiiliiiiiiii; for its Kolution, ile ('li)ii'il Jiiiues H. Woertemlyltu of Lm AiIk'Io.h, In an mldiox-i ut tlio mi tiifiuil emifeieiico of luiidcix mid unrKerH of the pioliibilion piirly lii'ie toilny, .Mr, W'oorli'iidyKo iIimiIihim) (hi! Ilijuor (piuklion lU'uimiilcil polit. icil ptuly iiolliui. 'A law o bo i'lficllo inii li ml iniiiktitii'il by mi mliiiiriihliiiinm ln- VOllllll I" III" lie hiiiiI, "In lil! liiiiiincr, proliilmimi mwuU mi ml- liill.listuiliou of hu o.t:iiimiiit by n jiollllnil puily Hint lielliitff in llml K'l'unii. Jl 1" iiii-.Hilc (dlii'iHl.i" midrtille 'l'mliiy 'iiu: (.IiMniem: ka.mii.v In mi I'u tin r uiiuko of Ait I'Vutiir urliiK the llesllatton U'nltz Kort. Minuto Act l'llltliplll)H 'Till: .NAVAJO JILAXKI'T Two I'ait Inilluii itoniaiuo, Kntlro Oust Jliido up of Indians i-atiii: wiinirriv'.N'O. au X'OWH,.-' yr.it'.T,m:i' IMIkoii Coiii'uily Coming I'Vlihiy I'KIIII.S Ol IMULI.Ni: NO. "Jl RIIKUMATISM Alb GONE "KVpJIiik fluo thin morn Im; ilmnK sun' I tell you, Smith. If you ever K)t tint rhuumatlHiii, you want to gut it pacKiiKe of Mrcilol Klicumatism IMwdcrs They knoilc tlio rheuinn- thin every tlmo. mid by slim nlatlii tho hciretloim and cllmluntliiK uric ucld and other impurltlcH tnoy lend to en H ho rheumatlKiu to com pluKly diM.ippear." You can misoiuioiy uoponn upon UiIh romedy. it hours tho oudoryomunt of tlm American Drug und I'resH Asunclatlon, and our posi tive KUH,rnnleo. Why iiuffor any louuor. . I'rlco fiOc. Tor snlo by J.llO.V II. IIAKKIVK KxcIiihIvu AKoncy John A, Perl UNDKITAKEK h4y AMlMSHt Choosing the Bride s Silver It tmiHt bo trim Iu wolnlit mid (IimiUchs niul bn cornet In pittorn, it should boar tho mark of it wolMinown mulior mid eoiuo fioni u Dtoro of chiiractor, It Is HoiuuthliiK bought for n llfo-tlmu to bo flllod In uml iiiiipllflud hh tho x-ars m on, hot the h'JvoiIIhIiu; In thin ;luwspapor Imlp you In your uhoko. AilvorlNm ro duyllnht ihoii. 'I'll id in ii do koihI on tlnlr iroiiiliiH mid tlio unit tholr uilvurllnluK pot jii"Ml to.imijio kulvi hut ip build himliiiv, r , UJ1. ii. ... .,,.,. u. .......... ...i. tt i I lairj iiiu imihiiih, iiwiiriiiii'iu m inn iiominiii lOKiUud Ii Dm lIKitl ullvor I...I,,-.. I.. II... .UI..I.I !,.,.,! .. II IMI ! ll (WlHiRl HlHlllliK Hllver ulllill linn bimn MHO ..yijyy i,hi"" irM m niiw, n iih niu fm lory l;i Uiv tfpilii I'H-h of li MARTIN J. REDDY i . it y,i f .'li- Meet mo at. the Sign of I lit Pear, where we will cash our checks, writu our letters, do our hanking business and then attend the Or egon State Hankers Convention. " .r. '. In the Entire Universe A' 5W .ir VPI lfflll cn-v-.j s'tja C yiBll'FI $r$& -NL-- v Thero I no purer lio than oiirn. It li.m bi'uu tenti'd and Irlrd In every pofultdo way and Iu ntery InUnuro haa Im'cii foil It it nbunlutely pure. It'a tho kind of Iro )iiu ran rnftdy put rluht hi tho kIuhk with tho watur or other bovernKO, tint kind that )oii ran eat without fear. Hotter let ua bo uiir I en mail. Tor Quirk l)ellvurl riiomt CI H. WEINHARD'S ICE DEPOT S 3 . -i. . -4- S0 .Jt..r3i. -- -r. , -. A jurv of half million has found a verdict iu favor of the h'ord. More than five hundred thousand Kurds sold inl'OjWprld-wide use have earned a reputation for serviceali)'lity and economy unparalleled in the motor - ear world f'i!ir In tho prlcu of tho Kurd runabout; tha teur'lni: nir la fOlli f, o. b. Medtord, coiuplatit with i'iiitinii(!iit. (let cntnloR and particular! from C. E. GATES si'AiiTA neif.uiNo. Miauoiii), oiik. I"T I I I I II I III I I IIHII 11 "-"." "30 " JSt .".-C '.rCZZZSZta Closing Out Buggies AVe are going out of Ilia huggy Imsinchs auih offer some of Iho-host bargains over given in the valloy At Cost and Below We have a big line of llnggicM and Spring Wagons, all of which tint included in the sale, and invito every Mjiwiinvlm in figuring on a new vulilolo 1j "'ill iiml loolc the lliiiMivi'i'iiml get the prlcdH, mmw