Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 16, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Tlicro seems to lo been n nils-
iinilerolninlltiK on the nart of n nntn-
Iber bf riutntslh rl'Knrtllng the. Mnto
law roqttlrlns the llslitltiR of auto
jnhtns, tin hotir heloro sun un, and
tin hour, nfter .sitmlown Spme nr
,fio nnxt'quii to' keen Iho law. ftccortllnR
to Chief Hlltson tlmt tltey Ilnht their
licirttflghts whllfc the. sttif Is Mill shln-
iwj. Tbcitih set today M 7 S.
Tboreforo to comWy with tho law It
i would not he necessary to light ujt
intil RHSf.1 Vic inn 'rises' In the
fjiiornlhrf a! '4:37'' About half past
three, tlio lights coiili lx) turned out
Holmes Insures homes. ?
A. K. Heanies has returned from
n business trip to San KrantUeo.
Hill Haines or Wntklns, Oropon, Is
a business visitor In tho city toilny
No hurry nt all. Just any old
time. We always novo $15 suits nt
7.ri0. Will H. Wilson. 74
Attorney A. C. HoiiRh of tlrants
Pass was a Medford visitor Tuesday.
Attorney W. P. Mealey was a busi
ness visitor In tho county seat for
few hours Mtataiy afternoon, H
Salto, tho driv4r,(of SuarW' Laun
dny Hertford, Ms5 home wood' lor sate
on ground aVlCwart Sreelr'.. S.58i
per cord, tl.3S!$cV'tter. 79J
Jnmes Whltcomb bt Tillamook. Is
transacting business matters In the
galley this week. .
Ray Holt,of AMiland spent Monday
zndrnlnR In the rJty on business.
If you cannot, come In before
I he Fourth eome'ln. afterward. Wc
are always hero with the Reed.
Will H. Wilson. 74.
Colonel Tenswald, writing from the
military encampment at Fort Stev
ens. reports that everything Is pro
gressing fine, and all the Medford
soldiers are in good health.
F. W. Carnnhan and wlfo expect
to learo after tho Fourth of Juty for
the niuo Ledge district.
A "King Spttx'' cigar Is homo tnado.
Try one. 5c.
Jack Smith spent Sunday in Grants
Pas YUltfnK with friends ind'rela
tires. . .
Wilbur Scott of San Francisco
sjient -Monday In Medford aitondlng
to business Interests.
If you cannot como In yourself to
get a suit-just send' one of the boys.
If it does not fit wo wll exchange It,
Wo always hoithem. Don't burr.
Will It! Wllsfan. f""!Hr
E.V. Carter of Ashlnnd snent
Monday and Tuesday In Medford at
tending the slate bankers' conven
Ernest Charter of Coos Bay Is tt
business visitor Jn the city for a fow
Royal Tlakery goods at DoVoes.
Mrs. Capltola Spending of Kvam
creek Is visiting relatives in this
city for a few days.
Miss Gloria Turnbull of Montaguo
Cal., Is spending a few days In thin
city visiting friends and relatives.
Wo always have lGc collars for Gc,
GOc suspenders for 15c. No hurry.
Will H. Wilson. 1
"Chick" Wilson, a former resident
of this city now of Vancouver, I). C.
returned Monday for a few weeks
visit with old friends.
Frank Dean of Roseburg spent
Monday afternoon In Medford at
tending to business matters. '
Call Mitchell for tewn mower troii
bles. Phono SC. '
n. R. Bell of Central Point was n
business vlsltbr in tho city for a few
bourn this morning.
Carkln & Taylor, lawyers. (John
II. Carkln, Olonn O. Taylor), Ha-
klns-Boyden Bldg., Main streot
During the cool of Monday evening
a number of jeople took a trolley ride
to tho city reservoir for a breath of
fresh air,
All trimmed and untrlmmed hats
very much underprlced. Ahrons. 74
F. U. Hill of Prlnevllle, a promt
nent stockman of that section, Ib i
business visitor in the valley till
F. W. Shaplelgh Hardware Co., are
dally adding to their well assorted
stock and are Belling at close prices.
Lee Sutton and Earl Ulrlch have
returned to their stock ranch on
Union creek after a week In tho city
vUltlns 'friends and relatives.
Roy Green of Ruch Is a business
visitor In the city this week,
In. taking in the separate altrac-
tlong'of the carnival no one should
fall to visit tho Pilgrim's Progress
j show. H Is a fun prolucer from
' start, to flnsh.
The iiew Golflne corduroy lints on
sale, 11.40. .Ahrous. 74
A, 8. Cross bf Albany is among the
out-ofrtbVu yls(tors In tho city this
i , Um Tain
Den Taiwan of Klamath Falls I
the week In tho city and
tUfRdlng to business matters.
in i i im
' vmvmM,TAm.mmm
1 ' m
Mrs. Hnttlo Whitman has returned
to her homo In Fargo, N. D. after a
winter's siny In Medford.
-iMk nhdcreim fit DeVoo'aV
trs. M. K. Smith has . returned.
from Hollywood. Cal., where she
spent" the' winter vlsltlitg "her daugh
ter, Mrs. G. F. llergesch -and is at
homo. .122 West Tenth street.
Every article In the store reduced
nt tho stock reduclug sale. Ahrens,
The regular mid' month meeting bf
the city coiiucll .will Ixj held thU
eienlnu In the fell1 hall, tho urinal-
nl btisinra to cbhie before the hod)
being the Siskiyou Height water
question. h ,
Screen doors at Medford Lbr. Co.
Mcrfe Garnett and Gordon Mills.
yotitg boys of this city narrbwly es-
cnitcd drowiilnc iu tho Rogue river
at Gold Ray Sunday when a row boat
In which they were riding capslxed.
Garnett who could swim, succeeded
in reaching shore, and Mills being un
able to swim was In a perilous posi
tion when Garnett plunged In again
and pulled hi in ashore.
A drumer's sample line of para
sols on sale one-half price. Ahrens.
Chnrlle Young Is expected to re
turn home tho end of the wek from
a hunting trln on Coffee creek.
f Fresh. lime.. Medrord Lbr. Co.
James Doolaiv of Vancouver.
Wnsh.i is InTiha'cltv for a fnn ila
"atteh'dfnp tOjbuslness matters.
, Tailored suits, values to 37.u0 on
sale at J19.S5. Ahrens. 74
Warnings have been sent out by
bankers of California, for mer
chants and bankers to look out for
a couple of clover forgers who are
headed for Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Lcovcr of Cen
tral Point spent Sunday In Medford
visiting friends and relatives.
Charlie Nickell Is attending to
business matters In Berkeley. Cal.,
going direct from the Rose Show bt
Hay for sale. W. II. Everhard.
J. O. Gerklng, the best alt around
photographer In southern Oregon.
Always reliable. Negatives made anv
where, time or place. Studio 228
Main St. Phono 320-J.
Haroo or Trutn. li4 South Cen
tral, meetings Thursday, 3 to 5 p. m
Clairvoyant, Mtne. Dreyfus re.
nowned and gifted clairvoyant will
be located in Medford for a short
time. Consult her on all affairs of
life, ("0 cents and $1.00, 9 a. in. to
2 p. m. 7:00 to 10:00 p. m., apart
ment 9. .Colonial Flats. 78
sHtrre elected president
(Coatlnoed rrnai yaj 1.)
in;; nil the Oregon representative) in
conjures to vote for the amendment
to the federal rexerve hanking law,
regiilnlin the IeMit of Mivings
funds nt (he private banks of the
different Milieu.
Banquet nt Metlfortl
Jloiiiluy evening the viMtorx were
the Kest of the Medford limikers tit
u biinqut't nt the Medford hotel. W.
it. Gore of tho Medford National
hank neted ns loa-tinuMer. (IimhI
fellouship, (ui).". mid hfcliPii with
n layer of clones made up the eve
C. C. Beelinnn of Jacksonville, Hie
pioneer banker of honllieni Oregon,
told the linniiiict crowd of early
bunking days in southern Orifin,
when dfpONiidrH paid (he liaiikor fiir
InkiiltliSlr'nin'ney, ami tfi-oveil the
mo'.t entertaining fpenker of the
eveniiijr, with his reminiscence- of
the edd 'ilny.
0. C. riiitpiiinii of Portland poke
from the hlundHiint of u noii-hniikcr.
K. V. Curler of ,Uhlnud. K. O
Crawford of Portland, A. C. White
man anil, others MKlce on general
subjectg mill coinlilionH.
A miisieal program with ntimherx
by Mm. Hiiiliduy-lIuiL'hl. Alls. Hor
I'iioe Huzelrig, Will Vnwter and
George Andrews was given,
lainrlieon at Ahhland
At noon today the dclenles left
tlie Hfedford hotel in aiitifs for Ash
land, where they will he Honed
luncheon in Chautauqua park, uud
in the evening will bu driven back to
thin city in time to hike the north
hound trains for their Iioidi'h.
The Ifoue IJiver valley, glorious
ill itw summer garb, and iho city of
Medford, twenty yearn ahead of the
uvurage Orcgoii clly, viiiitt'd for the
first time by many of the kIiiIo hunk-
ere, mid eastern hanking reprcHenln-
livcr', won praises trom nil. Tu
jrogrw.iveiits8 of (he city made it
l routes t appeal to tin cabttiiKTs
Hide AroilHd Valley
Monday nfttinlnon the ilelegitk
iimtored over Ihe M-enii' upotn of the
valley uud lelunied eutliiihiiiHtic in
Ihl-ir priiU'M. The n'ghl, cool after
an ideal slimmer day, wax milrveled
at by thrie iron! the middle wcxt and
The convention, froin a nodal and
('durational m-iiki1, wa a hiiitcms,
and tho Medford linnkeN were coin
lilhiieiilcd hlfthlv ('))' Ihcir clf'oHx,
The ilith'Kiili'A will let urn In Ilifir
Imuil's wllh ii Wiiria po( In lln-ii
lii'uilu fo' siaillicrii Oregon, Mnlfdlil
mid Ihe lngiii lllwr valley
Why Hi
(M h Ml siHokii, (UtV, JnliHiOM,
tary Bryan was still hopeful today of
the ultimate success of mediation
deplte the developments nt tho Nla
gaia conference. When he went to
the cabinet meeting the secretary of
state said he still believed tho situa
tion would so shape Itself that the
constitutionalists would participate In
the mediation proceedings In some
The general opinion In offlchl cir
cle was that mediation was again
confronted with a erlod of delay and
uncertainty, but that another step
would be worked out soon.
Former United Slates Senator
Charles A. Towne announced toda
tliu conclusion of hU mission In
Washington In connection with the
Mexican mediation situation. He Is
sued a statement declaring his firm
had been "retained to give emphasis
In proper quarters of the sincere de
termination on the part of the Mexi
can delegations nt Niagara that In
the Institution of a provisional gov
ernment the presidency should not be
bestowed on a pronounced adherent
of Carranza but that a man should
bo chosen whose neutral attitude
would be a guarantee that tho re
storation of order would be based on
n united Mexican nation rattier than
on tho will of a victorious faction.
My firm, having performed Its duty,
has now no further rannectlon with
tho matter."
When shown a despatch tatlng
Huerta had not authorised him as
his representative. Mr. Towne said.
"I expected that."
Alex Martin, Jr., of Eugene, is at
tending tho convention and wo un
derstand from n rellablo source that
after having carried away ono side of
his garage, knocked down two panels
of fence, killed a neighbor's dog and
two of his own chickens with his au
tomobile, he has now purchased a
K. N. k K. Brundage, Is hero at
tending tho Oregon Bankers' conven
tion, that Is Frank1 D. Brundage, as
slstant manager of the big Interna
tional bankers of Now York, and
Ulpzlg. Asldp from K. X. C IC's
letters of credit and travelers checks,
ho carries plenty of tho real coin
Ho enjoys an unusually large ac
quaintance from the Atlantic to tho
Pacific and Is always aglow with
good cheer and a welcome guest nt
any convention. Knauth, Nachod &
Kuhne, was founded In Leipzig, (lor
many, In 1702 and Its Now York of-
ftco was established In 18.'2.
DKNVKH, Colo., June II!. The
city council adopted today rcHnTii
lions threatening thrbiigh itx police
power to "lake riuch steps iik an
neceMnry for adequate water nrv-
iee," unless by June 22 steps are
taken to relievo a threatened wuler
famine, and n coiltroverny over wit
ter rental adjusted. Shortage of
the water supply is An id to lie dun
lo broken conduits pf the Denver
Unluri Water I'otupnny.
The best tennis match of the year
and one of the best tennis matches
ever seen in southern Oregon was
staged at the Golf and Country club
Sunday afternoon when Egan and
Bingham defeated Conner apd Deck
with 10-8, 3-G, 10-8.
The winning team will moet Clark
and Patterson in the double finals
probably Saturday, Tumy and llulil
being put out handily by the latter
pair Sunday 6-2, U-3.
First Baptist Church
Theio will he n biiecinl service li
Thursday evening, when liH'iiU'iabcix
of Urn church and iMingregalioii am
rcqucxtcd to 1n present. The pastor
will give a HHcla study On Iho
fli eat Tribulation." Khali the church
go through ilT Sunday Inonilag Her
nloii, ''JbmlepH HeWiily Weekh": eVu.
niiig, "The 1'annisla, the Kpihiimy,
Iho ApiihaliijtsecH," Part of tliu chil
ilrcn'rt exi'N'of will he repealed Hun
day livening by ieiilnl,
P'ilWWMH I ll
ViiH M lli llet
Thi) re when you mnok (Utr John
uti Ikhtm mid putrviilru Iiuiiih Imius.
MEDFORD, OR1500NUKSjAY..irNI'l 10, Ifllj
LONDON, .lime lit. Never hefme
have Mtoh precautions been taken In
guard mouthers of Ihe royal family
from the suffragettes as were taken
todiiy nl Iho Ascot race onuiso. The
opening of the leading society tace
meeting found mare than 1000 Lou
don nolieeineii and hundteds of do-
toclies from Senlhuid Vatd us
semhlcil on iho historic course im re
infoiomenls for the tegular lleik-
shire eoanly tioltee lorce, winch hud
been uiohUised iu full strength.
The siv-milo mute front Windsor
ensile to Ihe coarse was lined all
Ihe way by policemen.
The militant... in suite of till"
Uiiecit's threat to cancel the rest ol
the seasen: social engagements,
showed themsolu's mure determined
than ever to obtain publicity for
their cause by attacking the king.
The iiiramicinrals for uiiitrding the
entrance lo ihe rowtl iuclosiire on
the race course were more stringent
than eer. Kvcrp upplicntit for a
ticket had lo lie ntiohed for by some
responsible official.
The track was eluselv guarded and
I In. n urrn trinlit mils lo iirevent it It
iiuitiilhorired poriins from reaching
it. For Heveral davs and nights men
accompanied hy walclulos. hnxe mi
t rolled the course uud alarm guns
lime heeit placed in position around
Ihe stands nml lawns.
A large contingent of resident
Americans were among those invited
to the roynl ineloure. These includ
ed Walter llincs Page, the American
ambassador, and Mrs. 'ne, with the
members of (he embassy stuff; Mrs.
Nicholas Longuorth, I'hiliu .1. lloose
velt, Mr. mid Mr. Cornelius it Voder
hilt and Colonel Kdwnrd M. Utilise
of Texas.
in AI 97
' This afternoon at 1:3 the mer
cury registered S7 degrees, tho hot-
lest day of the year. At noon not n
breath of air stirred, tho flag on the
weather bureau polo hanging lltnp
About 1:00 o'clock a light brees
sprang up from the north. Monday
the temperature roso to '.f. degrees
A continuation of tho warm weath'it
Is predicted for thn proncnt.
WAKIILVOTON, June 111. The
senate passed todiiy the diplomatic'
uud consular appropriation lull, car
rying $ l.:i.VJ,ll()ll, nml Iho pension
appropriation of .fltitl,l)illt(()ii(), ami
thou took up the Indian appropria
tion bill.
, i
l ".
.' t
,Ne.w ork
Dl'llAaO, Albania, Juno l(!.
Aiiother nltnck tin the Albania capi
tal was made today by MtiKHttlnmu In
surgents when heavy nrtlllerv was
brouHht lo bear on the dofondlim
roreo eommaiided by Ptlnco William.
The Kims uf the nttmklng force
wore soon located In do vicinity of
minimi and tho artlllerj men Iu the
garrison uuiekly toittid tho range
isiimsms IfcMPs iqi ii i '! wiwi 'KaawsOiiiMhMJilTiMijiMft
--1,rMVA'-:-f'""-T" - ' ' ",r -IM.- ..'W
Hi Hi Y wja X
HI i , H
Hff IWHwHjiflLB 1
PJbm .PkSS'm m iK Si I nil
K Mr 'i jtmvibT -W jr-l li'BH ill f 1 1- i I tHdrifT 1 1 1
II JSkStiJt mm
II No rremiums Required "
1 1 to Hold Camel Smokers 20c
H I Camels choice Turkish and domestic tobaccos
II I blended into the most delightful smoke money can vfjSMA
H I buy 1 A finer cigarette to lit your taste has never rnvi'Mi "3
Camels choice Turkish and domestic tobaccos
blended into the most delightful smoke money can
buyl A finer cigarette to lit your taste has never
yet seen the light of dayl
Smooth, even, delicate a cigarette that iha not have
thai cigarctly lailel Camels will not bite your tongue
and will not parch your throat.
You ct more than your money's worth In Cameli, 20 for 10c,
so don't look for premiums or coupons. The cost of the
tobaccos prohibits their uia
II jour JiaUr tan'l tupotytoa, ttnj tOe ft I pmrltaf or I 00 fmra
taitan ol 10 tmckafi i30O iliatnf), pn.fur pr.Hilt, Alfr m.i.
int I pathitf. If you Jon' I llnJ CAMf.LS at tptttnltJ. ftum ihm
ein.r a pitmagti una um will ttlunii )nur monir.
R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Wimton-Sak-, N. C.
: s ---- ' ' - : ' .
Oregon Bankers' Association ...
iiiotluloMMlKnl'i'tfimrd tho I ravclor. IJt'wuiRo of jlicji cBtiillislif(l ropiilnlittii
they uv vetullly cn.sliqil by hunks, ltnldls, niilroidH mill niorvhuiMfi l" 11"' IikIi
csr stniKlinr tlirotilioui ihn civilized vh11. IhsiiciI in (li'inuiiiimlioiiH nl'IO.OO,
$20.00, 0.00 and $I00.(K).
letlers litto Iwoii kiioMiinll ihit Ilia
Imnks nml Imtikcis of tlio lilulicst M.iiiiIIuk. LIITniltK MW. I.SHli;i I.N hTi;m.itn, i'ii...n,
.MAllKS AM) l()I.J-.ltH. '
li'ORKlUN DltAFTS and
Funds by Mail, Telegraph or Cable
Wc ftlinll bo pleased lo ncihI fall pmllt iiIiuh In icanl In any of Iho ilcpailincnlN
ti ill (line all ('oiiCMMiinlcniit tthlili no.)' Icinl tit an imtciislon of M-nlio lo one llciiln or
Ibdiniciit tit licW illatloiih,
FRANK D, BRUNDAQE, AHaifitanL Manager
Tito opposing forces thou ongnuod la
a brisk attlllory duel, '
Detrieitii'teuis of hlitcJncliMs frulu
thn Ipteriirttloual fleet lying tilt tho
roast took up posllttlus In ti tirluli
hothood (if thb torolgu legiitliiiis uud
cmisiilnten nml also encld bnrtl
ciidea atiiund Iho ro.vnl palace,
Several Austrian tin potto hunt do
slitDors slutted catly In tho day for
Setttatl to etuhiirk Kit) (I MivIIhmiiI
trlliQMmtin hi al lo Prlnto William's
gttveriiinunt, to iclntorco tho gitrrl
ton tit tho rnpltnl.
SAN KUANCISCO, l al., .tunc 10,
Miss Nlurgitrct O'Dniiovau Ut'iii
diim.hlcf of O'DoitoMiti Itu-sn, fn.
oiih lush pnticol and icvoltiliotn I,
wns mat tied hero vtlciila In Will
taut II Cole ol llil oils Mi - Ho
enmo ft mil New Yolk lor Hit it
uoilil for many llcuiilct, Our nirresJMiiiUriilH utc
COMAIKIH'IAIif'llKniTS, . ' "?
WARIIIN11TON, .Iiiiio Ills-Hrst
Lieutenant Kt uul C. Mt'Cttuo of tho
Kit si Infantry Iiiih heon iIIhuiInskiI
ft'opt tho ititny b) miter tit, thn uoh.
dent, after cojivlQllott 1y eolirt innr
llul tit llbllOlttllllt hluiHolf fttim his
position (riKitiniitly at Akalriix, Cal ,
without piirmlsiilou or authority.
Lloittoitutit Mil'tiiio In frbtii'NMirtisl.u
and Hetvcd flvo years as an ifullHiid
mini licfoiti Ills appointment Its mi
uud lloulettaiit In October
LokiiI blanks lot ssm t thi Mstl
Vrlhuttn Offlp f
4 j
"' - ,' -
iloncil, Wo
lo I ho cMiili.
jv :
wmsmr i
put ulpjiujthylm Iiohik,
; vmwM9KPmmffiiv
4 4-