gTfj'-V fi --J! i. ir- affUSfft-..- Medford Mail Tribune sssssb WEATHER Fair, wanner Mat, W)j Mln, 37 ltd. Hum. M. SECOND EDITION 1 i ,i V Kurty-fourth Yvitr. Dully Nlhlti Yrnr, LOSS OF L E Captain Kendall, Skipper of IH-Fatcd Steamer, First Wltness-Storstad Owners State Captain Signalled by Whistling That Vessel Was Golnij Ahead. qwr.iir.c, Juno in. iiiiiiiin Kin' .lull, skipper f the Kmpr"n nf Ire IiiihI, was llic first witness' called to iluy n tin' opening of tin govrrn im'tit'rt Investigation inlii III" vHW Inn lii'hviTii his steamer unit tin1 Storstiid, in Hm' lower HI. Lawrence rivi-r. mill lln loss of morn (hull n ioiiihi. ch. Although Kendall Mill IIiiiimmI rtum llii luiuriri Im re eeived in lln disaster, hi refused n sent iitnl fni'i'il llm court "'it liw feet. Kcmlnll Trll of Wreck (lplllill Kendall Htllil Oiril In wits first notified tif tlm presence or an other steamer she was about six miles iiwny, lint Hint llm weather wiim flue mid cli'iir nml there wuh then tin danger T a collision. Wlii'it ln noticed lilt; lunik of mist coin lug off llit1 south shore nml Dim Ktor. Mod's lights getting illm, In Haiti liu Mopped ship nml run full speed nstcrn. "Finally," he "aid, "I heard a pro longed blast from I lie oIIiit ship lit (lie midst nf my three bltiMs, from nlioiil two tointH on my Mntboard bow, I blew two lonir blast to let llic utlirr chip know I tun! Mopped, mnl In return I got mm long blast rroin her. Thru 1 gave two more, lint got no reply. "I sighted his forward mnht nhenil nml itreen nml rnl light only nlmiit Hill feet nwn.T. Nh wan hearing fit righl ancles to my course ntnl going fnM, nM tlm fontit nl her how showed. Her eiipliiln initHt httvo rut hrr helm liiinl nporl." The rxnmlnntion of witness's wn pteeeilnl liv the introiliii'tioit of hrirf "iiinuiiirieM of the fuels hv counsel icpic-ciitiug the owners of the ei. scis. Ktorstad'i) Htnlrinrut f'ntinsol for Ihr Storstud ileehtreil lluil when she first sighted Hie Cut pres the lot tec was off the Slor stud's port. Two minutes Inter the fog shut ilowu. The Storslud sig nalled by whistling she wuh under wnv mnl I. it pine her course, heading west hy south. Thrlr Mutement centinues: '"iVhen Hm captain got n ileek Inter he saw tlm must lights of the Empress Ihrco points lo purl. He iiiiiiifiliuti'lv ordered full steam astern. The vessels woio then nhout HIKI feet npnrl, The grern light of tint Empress appeared, Tlneo min ute Inter tlm vessels onuie together. The miiriter of tlm KlorHtml lieiml n hull from I ho Ktiiprexn telling' him lo keep jjolnj; nhentl. I lo Tiiul nnli'mil thirt, hut lie I'iMilil not keep I he ml liei'n iiotii in tLn Kinpri'-tn wouinl. Hiomtnit Hwiiiik Aromttl "Tlm Slorhtml nn nwuii nrouiul tiulil hIii' wuh pnritllel with Iho liner, nml (he Slorntnd'n mitHter wnx ufritlil liin hhip wouhl ho Hi ruck on llin Htnr lioiinl niile. He miiile it cmnptolo oir. ek mnl in tint iiiemitiuiu KmprexH of Irehiuil iliHiippenri'il. AIkiiiI ten ininuU'rt nflerwniil lint iniihter if th Hloinluil lifitril u ehortiH of urii'K mnl pmeeedt'il towunl them with eitre, h four IiouIh rrmly lo lituueh. The SIoimIiiiI'h ImntH unveil Hiiverul linn ilreil of tlm KnipreHs' survivurH mnl inunneil entirely duo Hmpress hunt on IIh trip Imok to tlm kitho of the wreek mill ntiothor purtiiillv. PlllhADKU'lllA, Juno 10. Tlm hoily of Wiii'K'u MeCnrtick, huvoii yniti'rt ohl, who iliriitppeitieil Mil cell I'.', mnl for whoao reeou'i-" it ruwuiil of .t.VIOl) wui ol'fuieil, wiim foiiinl loiluy in Hm Ih'liuwuo ilver. An uiiele of Hid hoy iiimlo Iho iili'iilifii'iiHini. Whllu Hm pollen hold Hm hy umi ili'iilh liy iiei'lilt'iil, It vviim Imllevi'il ttlirii he illNiippi'iueil ho mt Hm Ui' Hm ( lihliuiiviK. Them wuh niiow on Hm uiuilhit nl Hit' Illm Hm ehlhl uii)ht'il( mill liu vtnid hli hunU ttlieii IiikI fc'i'il TIii'mi wtie iiiUOmh .li. i liu lniil.i ,k,iki lililll litilllL'. DE THOUSAND IS m MPfiFSS FOND RIVER WILSON TUNES I! SENATE UP TO SPEEDY ACT ON President Hopes lo Force Anti-Trust Prouram Tlirounh by First of Au gust, So Congress May Adjourn Appropriation Bills Are Rushed Through. WAHIIINOTON, Juno Ifi. I'roitl-ili-nt WIUoii was hopeful toiluy Hint tlio nilmlnlNtratluit trtiKt IikIIuIIoii priiRrnm will ln pni'tl i eoiu:roi nmy itiljotiru by tlm mnl of July. Ho wiu oilmUllo nit n remit or a rote rercnrii Imlny wllli Keimlor Jnnion of Ketittioky ntnl tlm ciiuforonco Iniit ulKlit with other Bcuatorit nml tlm clinlriiinu of workliiR coinmlttecn. Tlm prriltlonl expoeu tlm rnllroml iwciirltlox ami tlm ouiitlbiu nut l-t rum IiIIIh to Imi reporteil out of rommltten within tho next two woiikt. Ix-nilern Ituili Work Tho prenlilenl'a nttltudn or.nln nny ndjournmenl wrtliout onortliiK th (runt hllln had nn Imiiindlalo ef fect nt tlm ruiiltol. Tho leadem hit Kan hurnliii! work on tho appropria tion IiIIIh and tunliiK "P tlm IcrUIo tlvo mai'lilnery all alone Iho lino. Mont of tho iM-natom nro eitKcr for a iiild'iummer ndjotirnment. Doino. emtio lettdor Kern unld ho thought tho trtut progritui could lo dlpood of no onKfPM could adjourn before August I, jit'i' ho vxpecfod no oppoil tlon from ttie'reiiutillcami. Tho only mranuro on tho procram, tho enactment of which will bo In nlited upon, 'am tho antMruit bill already pitiMul hy tho houiio or simi lar uteaitiri'ii. lYnjrram I rorrnl It wan Reuorally OKrecd at tho con fvronco that coiiKreit ahould bo kept In lomilon until tho ontl-truu pro urntu la put throiiHh. dopllo th' nuxlrty In conRroiti for an early ad journment, Tho president In otitlln liiK hi poiiltlnn told tho lanator Hint whllo ho alio wai anxious for an early ndjotirnment, yet ho strong ly felt that tho anti-trust program should bo enacted during tho present session. That rapid progress was being nutdo on tho ami-trust bills now under consideration by senate committees was tho report ntado to tho president by tho democratic leaders and It was generally con coded by tho conferorees that there kIiouI.I he llttlo difficulty In getting tlmso monniiroit reported to tho son atu and passed by that body. CAMDEN APPOINTED FltANKKOIIT, Ky., Juno 10. (loveruor MeCreery toilny higned tlm eoiumlrisiiiu of Johnson N Cittudeu of Vei-rttiille.s ns United Htnlert hoiiii tor from Kentueky, to fill Iho vn eiini'y ciiuiPil by tho recent death of Kenutor 0. Hnulley. CniCAflO, Juno 10. The story of Hm "dovil bnby" of Hull Houso wuh told hy tho heml of Hint social cen ter, Jauo Addiims, to tho convention of tho (Icuerul Federation of Wont cii'h Clulm hero today, Tho story was told in commotion with n plea that clubwomen extend tho hand of fellowship to iimuiitrmit women, os pcuially tho older women. Miss Ad ilams said that tho origin of fairy stories seems to liavo been with prim itive women who invented them to in fluniico to ip'iitlcr ways their brutal lords mid masters, "There wns, of course, no devil bnby, hut such oiirrencv did Hm story havo that for six weeks Hm oidluary millvitins of Hull HoiiNO wuio utmost suspciiilfil, while wo explained to hundreds of iuuiirnut liupiiiers that It was nil a fairy story," suld Miss Aihlmus, "Finally wo placed ilclcc lives u wmk ami wo found I wo ci slims, Tho llallun version was Ilia! a I'IiiInIIiiii nM iiiii 1 1 led nn iilhi'Mi uliii, lit Hm ciiliiiliinlliiii of mt iissmilt mi his wife, Into tliiwn it siii'ieil plc line mid iIciIhiiiI HihI Iui winild lulhvi- huf it uVWI lu lh huwn Hjuu JANfADDAMS TELLS OF DEVlfBABY MEDFORD, NO COMPROMISE WITH AGITATORS BY BUTTE UNION Western Federation Throws Down the Gauntlet to Disaffected Miners Says Contracts With Mine Owners Will Be Lived Up To-I. W. W. Blamed for Riots and Disorder. IIIJTTI:, Mont.. Juno 1C Declar ing that ho would liuvo nothing to compromlHo and that tlm llutto mln orn' union No. 1 of tlm Western Federation of Minora was tho only organization that would do uusliiosi In llutto, John C. I.ownoy, meinour of tho cxccutlto hoard of tlm Western IVderatlou In u formal stateinont this afternoon throw down tho gauntlet lo tho disaffected faction and de clared an unrelenting warfaro on the part of tho federation against any faction of minora Him attempted to sol up an Independent organliatlou. Me up to Agni-inentM Lowney said tlm union, holding the cnutraet with tho mining compa nies, would Insist on a full carrying out of their agreement. Ho Insisted that a lawlesit element from tho out- sldo wns primarily responsibly for tho destruction of property and that tho men who Joined with tho mob lost Saturday was composed of minors who for months had failed to pay any dues Into tho union. Ha ststcd that tho butchers, plumbers and scr otal other unions In llutto had as sessed themselves as much for tho bopeflt of tho striking copper minors In Michigan as had tho miners' union, ho statement declares that theio was no action on tho part of tho unlou that' could not bo remedied from within Its ranks. Tho statement concluded with tho declaration that the Western Federa tion of Miners and tho Mlncworkcr of America, are about to merge Into one great miners' organization and theso organliatlons would tolorato union men hero voting in favor of tho opon shop, lllamo for the In flamed public sontlmcnt among tho miners Is laid at tho door of tho In dustrial Workers of tho World lead ers hero, J i CrMs r.xtrte Toulgtit !owney's statement. It Is feared, may preclpltato n tonight when tho unlou will hold Its regular mooting Largo nu inborn of men aro being sworn In by Sheriff Drlscoll as do putlcs for emergency duly. Mayor Duncan who has returned, Is prepared again to clone all imloona on a mo nient'ii uotlco. Governor Stewart dopartcd for Helena boforo tho Low noy stntomont wn Issued, under tho Impression that efforts were afoot to reach a compromise. ADMIT FREE FOODSTUFFS TO VERA CRUZ DURING JUNE I St WAKHIKflTOK, Juno 10. Tho htnlo uVpiirtmciit Iiiik decided to ad mit nil fouoVliiffri free to Vera frur. until Juno -r. Tho exemption will itiuilv to foniUlnfl'rt Kent from I'll". eign porU iih well nt from tho milieu Mutes. his wife. 'And when a child was born,' ran tho story, 1I it was" a dovil with horns and hoofs mid tail complete ' "' "Tho JowMi version differed lint little," continued Miss Addams. "It concerned a father whoso wife had homo hint seven ilauuhters. and on tho upprouch of tho eighth, ho swore ho would rather have a devil In Iho lmuso than another daughler. Tho story, liko that of tho ItuliiiiH, con eluded with Iho birth of tho dovil huby. In both eases Iho frightened parents had brought tho imp to Hull House." Miss Adilams .explained thai tho stories, like Iho old I a liy uloreis, or Muutcil in Iho iirimilivo inliuls of wo men who tlcolrcd to Influence their men folk or their daughters, Tho saciih'go ol Iho Italian version or Iho biutallly of Hm JewUh, Iho speaker skid, iiilaileil the rcltihulioij nf it devil child, Tlm detectives ftuiiul (hill Immigrant inollicrs were trying lo iifisniulii I heir iluiighlcis iiuuIiikI iiiiuilhiiiliuy. or doublfiil Ciiiilijiit. iv ilia .ji I A.til ii.v lluiiii ullli IwjtlIHK filugctiy, ORPXION, TCKKDAY, .JUNK 10, 10M KHITISII CIIALLKXCJKK SHOWS M'KKD. JPjp' . 'tit, " CTSSWBiBBJBJPPPJSJPBBBBBBBBBBBBBbSK ssssssssssssh PtOTOORAPM OP THE SHAMROCK EC 3HOWING HER. ENORMOUS nv MAST (K50FEET; This photograph of the Shamrock IV. shows the Urlllih vbaltetiger In her foil rlcglng. In a raec with the old Shamrock a few days ago the new yscht made a splendid showing and slioweU her superiority ou all points. WOMAN NAMED BY PRESIDENT 10 LAND OFFICE JOB WASHINGTON. June 111. John H. San ford of I'kiah, Cal., was nom iifaled today by President Wilon to he register of the United Stale land office in San FraneNeo, mnl Mri. draco II. Caukin of Sonouin, was nnmiuntetl receiver of public mon eys, San Francisco. SAN FKANTISrO, Cn., June 1G. John It. Sauford, nominated by the president to laud register office here, is editor and proprietor of Hie L'kialt Dispatch-Democrat. In point of service he N the oldest mouilier of Iho state legislature. Mrs. Oraee H. Caukin, nominated to ho receiver of public, moneys here, will he, if .lio is confirmed by Ihe senate, the firnt woman in Califor nia to hold nn appointive offico un der the Wilson administration. At present she is secrelnry of the demo cratio California central committee. Mrs. Caukin is known us tho orig iunl Wilson woman in northern Cali fornia. She was organizer, secretary mid general factotum of tho Wom an's Wilson league. ES TO INFLUENCE ELECTION WASHINGTON, Juno 1C Charges that tho United States kept Ite ma rines lu Nlcaraugua to Influence tho recent presidential election and that tho Bluto department has boon act ing In tho Interests of American bankers, coutulued lu a resolution In troduced today by Senator Smith of Michigan were referred to tho sou uto foreign relullous committee, Tlm resolution charges that the state department through Its, control of Nlriiraguan customs houses, bus forced the republic to redeem at pur 10,860,000 of bunds issued by .elayu, later repudiated mid brought In at abou UD pur cent of their Tuca Vsll, by llruwn Urolheis mid Mltsuiuu mid company, Ahmilwu bunkers, lulir- riwj lu Nrtfuiiu flHiuviuir. ED MARIN TZXi' zr .77 1 T ICT TRIAL SALEM, Or., Juno 10. Tho con viction of J. K. HoMiicr, editor of the Silverton Journal, in the Mute circuit court hero several months ago for criminally libelling tho prioress of the Heiiedicliuo convent of Mount Angel, was affirmed by the state supremo court hero today. I locator's offense consisted in the publication of nn ar ticle in n pamphlet with relation to an alleged escape from tho convent of Miss Mary Laseuan. According to the article, Miss lsenan came to the Christ inn church of Silverton in June lust, year nml told tho pastor and four of his parishioners Hint filio had been kidnaped in Portland and made n prisoner in tho convent. During her incarceration, it was stated, sho was abused hy the priests and tho mother superior. MKADOWllKOOK, Juno 1C Tho throngs began to Bttrgo In after 3 o'clock and by A o'clock few seats wero vacant. Tho American players began warming up shortly after 4 o'clock. First porled: Tho Americana do fendod tho north goal. Milburn got tho ball and ran It down tho field un til Cheapo cut In and carried It back again. Cheapo lost tho sphere In mldflold and Mllburn drovo for a goal but missed. Tomkluson picked It out from under La Montagn'o'a pouy and scored. Tho Kngllsh team scored a second goal almost Immediately. This tlmo Darrott drovo It over, Up and down tlm field tho ball passed. It was evident (but tho cup defenders wore using all that was lu them. Tho bell rang without either sldu boliiK ublo to score ugalu, Kcoro at end of tho first periods Kiiulaiid, 3j America, 0, Hecoud period! It was announced that Larry Wutorbiiry, had fouled Captain IUrrU by hookliiK bli imi. let In (he first period. Th iliHlurlwl hair h Mnl irttiii any rulUN u'uru of lb AwsrJfsUi, COR UPHOLD EDITOR'S CONV SLVERTON ENGLAND AGAN H IN SI D UK PARIS Buildings in Various Parts of City Collapse Streets a Scene of Deso latlon and Ruin Several Streets Sink With Buildinns When Under mined by Floods. PAULS. June 10. Severn!" more buildings pollniweil in various parts of Pnris today, owing to subsidences of the soil, cnused by yesterday's terrific storm niul n number of per sons were injured. The list of dead known today wns officially staled to be eight, but ns more person were reMirted miinjr, the search of the debris was continued. Three bodies were recovered today from it deep hole at the junction of the Win' du Havre an.! the lloulevnr-1 Ilnu-Mimn near the Saint Lira re xfu tioti. The courtyard of u hotel in the Hue Pierre Ginier nt Motitmrntro fell in today, but there was no disu nities. In another locality tho walls or ft building under eoni-tnictiolt col lap-til mid two workumu were injured severely. Scene of Devastation Parts of Paris presented scene: of devastation today with gaping notes in home or tnc main moroMgtua as tho result of vetcrdnvfaiLwrpuii btorm. The population of.lm.oU city was deprived of wnlefgm hml electricity, cut off us a precaution ary measure against Goods, cxplos ions, and fires. Several lives nro known to have been Inst through vehicle fulling into cavities, but the exact mimh'.'r of deml was not known, ns sonio bodies were believed to havo disap peared into the sewers. Heavy rnins toilny ndded to tho difficulties of searching for bodies. Stret Collnrwen ' ' A street collapsed early today in the northern district of Montmurtro behind tho great cemetery, not fnr from tho other cave-in. People in tho vicinity scurried nwny ns the ground began to sink, nnd all man aged to escape. When communication with the sub urbs had been partially restored to day it wns learned taut fmit nnd vegetable growers hod suffered enor mous damage from the storm. Knin ceased later in the day, hut the weather continued threatening. MULKEY ELECTED BY MAJORITY OF 509 Attorney II. F. Mulkey mado a runaway race of tho school election for director, polling 509 ot the 513 votes cast. Dr. Kecne, Mrs. J. F Itcddy, George K. Marshall and O. O Uoggs each received one. Tho votn was tho largest cast In a Medford school election. SAT Mllburn drovo tho ball and La Montagno passed It on almost for a goal, but Lockctt blocked It a few feet from tho posts, Tho Kngllsh' team ran it up tho field where Har- rett scored a goal. Mllburn just saved another Kngllsh goal by a brilliant backhand ctroko. Tho Americans displayed better teamwork than on Saturday and wura surer with tho mallet, Mllburn, Do ing on his regular posl'llou at back, seemed to glvo tho four moro stam ina. Total scoro at end second porled: Kugland, 3; America, minus 4. Third peried: After tho drlvo-ln tho players milled arduud tho Amor lean guul until Mllburr- hit tho ball to mid-field, Ilarret lifted tho bull over three American pluyora, Cheapo uUo lofting, just misted a coal, Mil. burn broke his mallet and left hi tenia weakened while he rode to ike hoards for a now one, Mlllmrii's d. (eiue of the komI was Ihe feature or Hm kuiihi, Neither uhle had mirwd until Hie rhukber Hided Toful score, end ot hnt iwrMt KHKluud, 2 AwwUa, tuw , WN POLO NO. 74 SHUTE ELECTED PRESIDENT OF Association Concludes Annual Ses sion by Election of Officers Re ports of Prospects In Stale Opti misticBumper Crops and Geetl Prices in Prospect. The Strife Hankers' association doted its ninth annual session lit the Page theater this morning with the cleption of officefs ntnl Hie read ing itC tho financial reports from six districU of the stntc of Oregon. The busineiH of Hie year wns closed nml this uftenipou the viiliiifr delegates ami southern Oregon bankers nro basking in the shade mid cool nf Cliautnmpin parky AhIiIiiiiiI, tho giies fit of that city. Optimism marked Hm report of the bankers on crop and financial conditiops for Hie year, Icavenctl with' conHvrVni.m. One wnil of pessimism was sounded from the dis trict) comprising; Marion, llcntou, Polk, Lincoln nnd Lfnn counties the heart nf tho tiios-duiek belt. There the farms had maintained the hiirtiucss life, lumber wns in n bad way, real estate wns wor, mercan tile btiiueHS wits just fair, the de mand for money was active nail the banks wero holding Jowh jlke Joahs. ThiVeport ninkos note iMlw:tlefeat opviiutr goo rfmi8 'eefiwm hib wk,of the fannerW'jbttlaxM.werv i. ''.;..!.. i i. t.;"..'.2.. "' c it.l llic iiigiirsi in me uiMurj- tit inc state. j. I'rosperkr PtHctl Iteort4- from tho two sections of eastern Oregon, where the principal products are wheat, wool nnd stock, show nit nctive condition, with prospects for n buuier crop, gooij prices and plenty of money with which to move the crop. Tho rcorti show Hint those sections whcret lumber and dairying are the principal pursuits, there is a down ward tendency in business nnd tho spirits of the community. E V. Cnrter of Ashland reported on the condition in southern Oregon from the eastern boundary of Itko county to tho Pacific, and north to Douglas county. Crops and busi ness prosH-ets wero good, with de velopment moves under way, and while conditions hud not been up to expectations in some quarters there had been a steady increase, nnd the people wero working on progressive ideas. The district embracing Hood River, the second largest fruit dis trict in the state, also showed an op timistic tone for tho coming full. Officers for Coining Year The nominntiit; committee pre sented tho following list for the slate officers, nnd American Hankers' as sociation officers, which was ap proved without tt dissenting vote, W. II. Qoro of tho Medford National bank being named state vice-president- of tho American Hunkers' as sociation. President, A. ('. Shiito of Hills boro. Vice-president, J. M. I'oormau ot Woodbum. Secretary, J. L. Hartmau of Port land, re-elected. Treasurer, W. II. Ileuuelt of Klamath Falls. Executive council American Hank ers' association, It. W. bchuntt ot Portland. Executive commit too F. L. Mey ers of La Grande, W. 0. Tail of Til lamook, William Haiu of Albany, Mux' Vogt of, Tho Dalles, mid W. Q. Vassal of Dallas. No convention city wns chosen for next year, an iuvitut'mu being receive cd from Klamntli Fnlbt. ' ' Tho morning session of the eoiir, vention also passcif n resolution ask (Continued on pax I.) L AT NOflALKH, Honors, Mmkw, Juse ID -Colonel Juun Cabral, tk slllutlauulUt army efflsr rrlJ Ut fiulwral illspatckM Id HW Clly, W have I-wih wtHwr4 MtU tutttlf4 hi 'Mri;iu I m(lHt wRf4 UfMMfl J& fr OkjM l (NHt r MMssiPstsV'asv HsUJLltl til udliiiLfy jtjiiLiyiiL TT,jf 'W '''yp s P -A STATE BANKERS CABRA MING MILAN iU n M A 1 1 V Hit 1 '.'il ' il iM NUtfl lliv uvj Bm vim ivmwi i '