ag!! Ttiuwi TO l.ll' I. ii . iWUt I .1 EX-VICE PRESIDENT A DAY E F E 4 ,r' E 1 IS MEDFQTID MATfJ TflTBUm MTSDFQRD,,, jOWMQQN, MONDAY, JUNK Ifi. MR ADLAI STEINS! CARNIVAL OPENS RECORD FLIGHT FOR GRAND JURY ALIER IH AN PROB STRIKE RIOTS CROSSES Oil HAN SCHEDULE SUPPOSITION COLORADO MINES fi$ ('IIH'A(U), .Iiiiiii I;. Aillnl li. HUUtlllMIIII, vllO'piealllellt nf (In Uliltoil Mutes t!inlli;il Omi ticiolul Clnvoluiul iiilmlillHtiullun, illiul horn Hiilunliiy nlnlil Ml it lioHiillul, itflor nil lllllOHH Of IIOIOIIll llllllllllH. Illx throe rhlhlron wr.i ni lil vdMiln when lll'lllll eilllltl. Mr. HlutoiiMu 1 1 In IiihI Utile u 7 mini of iio. ftlllolYOll II fV( iiiiiiiIIi'm OkII nt (In- ImuImI.Id of hln wife, who ilh'il utioiit nix inmithit UnO. Mr. Htiivommii HUlforoil it nortons lirmilt'lowli mill it iiioiitli mm ho "'"" to t'hleiie.ii from IiIh homo ill Minim Imiloii. Illinois tor In-iiltiiiiiil. W lomlltloti Kriuliiiilly heeiinio tMirim ...I 1... i.iil.iiml II llllHlllllll. Till' I. union or liln ji-iirri nml Urn l'l'" sltu hoitl of I ho InM week roiilrlhiit eil to tlui ftitnl liiriiilimllini or III HIllI'MM. Ilo liccniii'j uuronnrloim Hntunliiy ineriijm: ,mi'l 9 , rvlmil Ion ono'iigli to tertwiilro rolullti. I linn lupfeil, Ho whs iTIii iiiriu'liHIit nl Him onu. , ,i Tito thleo (hlliltvii him nml mIiu wore nl urn: Low In (I. Htitiuiiwni. who nunlvo hi ihnhInIiIii prel.lont of tho IlllttuU tfintu Imiiril of iMtnloim; Mm. Martini llui.llii of UIiIiuko mnl r.l.s t.etltln Hleietumii of llluoiiiliu; ton. l,oii: noil llononil.le Cuieer AiIIhI IS In Ktoimioii. omo vice pnwhleut of tho I'lilli'il Slnlcii. Iiml 11 ImiK nml hunornhlo puhllr rareer Ilo wa lro-proMettt from IM3 to IMi7 iintlor President (Inner t'love Ittml. In iyHl ho nwnin wa noiul 11 tit ml h tho iloinoerittlr party for rt-iroitltli'iu nml run with Wllllnut J, llrioii, tho parly iHiulMnta for proMtleiit. hut wait ilefeate.l. Ill' irte,il im 11 ineuilier of i'i Hth mnl l&tli ronKriwwi. rrnni ISSj to I SMi ho mtrw'il im flrot awilMant pot ninnlur Moimrnl tiniler PieMilenl Cloti'lnml. I If it Intt appearance nn n rnmllilnlo for uhllpofflro wan In I'JuK when ho mum noiiilnntiMl for pitornor of Mil unlit h) tho ileiuoi'rallc part) nml im ilofente'l hjr (.'hitrloa H. Drawn, ro pul.llcau. Ilo wan horn In t'lirlMInn rntiiily. Konltieky, Oilphiir 23. 1S3R of Hi'otcli-ltlhli In U.'.S hU I'lirrnU inntoil to IIIoiiiiiIiikIoii, III Hit nltitilil tlio'pilhlle arlnioM hiul tho IIIIiioIh UnUiimll)'. In isoi! ho urailiiutoit from Cantor CoIIoko, D.iuMlli'. Kentucky, There ho wit n elniwnalo of Kmiiitor Jon lllmikhiirti nml ollmr Koitturky youth who tiitcr lit'omuo pronilnoiii In pud He life Ilo ulctiiillitoit tho i Iomi of liln rolli'Ku cnniir hy iniiroliiK it itiiiiKhlor of lir. W. tlroi'ii, pri'ililiuil of tho rollcRo. Stoty of HU l.lf. Aftor Imitlm; rollimo .Slovimntni ro turnoil to IIIooiiiIiikIoii. III., nml ro.ul lint. Ho Miirt itiliiililoil to the Imr In I.SRS mid hoKim lKil prnrllro nt Miiliiiuoin, III , whrro ho riiiiinlml until IM'.N. Diirliu: thot Ion ynirn ho Imlil Iho offlco of iiiiikIi'i- In iliiin riry for (our nitn nml illutrht nt toriiny for u hIiiiIIiii' porloil. Ill ISUS lin rclllini'il to IIIooiiiIiik Ioii mnl formi'il ii luw piirtni'rohl'i with IiIm roimlii, .Imiiim H. IIwIiik mul for iiiiiii) yoiiiH tho firm nn olio of Iho IxhI huoMi In IlllnoU IurmI rlr lion. HIovi'Iikoii'h polltli'nl rnroor ilnlml from IXfi wliou ho n n innliliiii I In I olrrtor on tho iloiuocrutli lluKot. Ilo iiimlo n t-mivmm or Illinois In ho hiilf of tho McC'lollun ticket, mul unu a roputiitlmi :m a pultlml ointor. In 1 b74 Htuvi'iimin wan nonilnntoil for coiiKri'KH hy tho cri'unlnu'k nml iiiitl-niminpolnt pnrtloH In tho Thir teenth IlllnoU illntrlct nKiilmil (leu. John MiN'uIti ri'pulilk-nu, Tho iloiiiorrntit coiiHlileriMl tho enso hopo Ichii ami illil mil holil oen u ion M'litlmi. Tho oiihiiIiik I'limpalmi wnu oxillltiK mul Htowimuin an olorloil hy ii majority uur (li)iioriil Mc.N'iilla of 123'.! voli'H," In IS70 ho hkiiIii im olooliul to cuiHjroxH for tho huiiio illstrlrt mi tho uri'onlinulc tlckut nlthoiiKli ho wnu mipportiiil hy tho iKuiiociatii wiih dc clliiKil to put up ii cnmllilato, In I SHI HtuviiiiHon I ml tho IIIIiioIh ihiliiKiillou to tho iloiuoi'intlo iintlomil rouvontlmi which mimlnaleil Clroor Clovohtml for primhlnut. In ISU7 ho mih nppoliitiiil n iiuiiulmr of it ioiii iiilHlnn which vIhKoiI Mitropo In mi effort to MM'iiro lutoruittlouiil hliiiulu I In in. MAIN WILL POSTPONE SECOND POLO GAME IIKMI'STKM, li. I.. .Iiiiiii l.'i.-thv-lug to lln inttiiiour nl' ruin nil iijkM. IiiiIIi'iiiIouh iwiu iIiIm ruii'iioou llinl llin kiutiiiiil iiiliiiiiiliiiinl polo yiiiilit, mil lor loiumioiv, lulnlil lie iiialiiiii'il, iiuIiik In llit lli"'i'.v i'iiii- iiiiiuii ui' i iiu nviii. iinwttvi'i'i ir iii luwiilinr plofli1 liy imntn;, I lie iimuo iiiii' In liulili Tho Meilfofil hiiHohnll carnival will opoti Ihlri otonlmJ, ono ilny tiitrllttr Iliiin orlKlmilly iilmiuoil. Tho Koloy i lluili Cm nlwil ioiii ininy iirrlvml horo yontonlny tiftur iiniiii frotn IteildluK, Cnl, w lieio tho rouiliiny plnyoil u hliihly Hiicntwifiil tjiiKiilloini'iit. Tho humlti'i! i'iiiplo)i, of thi) imeiill(iu mo woiMiiK wllh nillU nml iiiulii thin atlei noon o wet Iho viirloint ullniillmiN romly ror Iho iipetiliiK IniilKhl mul Hie iniinano llient proliilneH Hint evci) lliliu: will ho III nhnpo rlxlit up lo tho niliiule. Tho riiinltnl roinpiiny In calil o lie Iho lion) on Iho I'nrlflr i iiiikI mill I'ti'DthliiK uirileil In of tho himt. None of iho iimiiiiI liuleceiit features mo iiirrleil nci'iirilliiK to tho nioiii liern of the hiiNolinlt coimnlttee, it it I there are iimio of tho huiulreit mul one ohjeithimihlo fentunw fomiil with many im-inlleil carnlvalH. The rlilluit iIovIccn cuimlitl of a IVrrU wheel mul KitllopliiK horno t'lirriiliMtl, n InrKo "Imi I" "" flmw or iiiiiKieMrt of womliim will occupy tint i enter of (ho Hoiilliern Pacific lot on I'ronl utriel mul Ihu hnliimo or (ho nllractlnmi will ho Kroupml nroiiml It Thero Ih it cntmrut ! with ilmirliiK frnliiren; I'.llitheth, the IIvIiik .loll, u little Inil) mi hW:h iik n wnll.lmt tlck. 21 jeiirn of iikh mul tofU3nnHl of ninny llnuuUtlc nml immlcnl ncciuiplhihiuiiiti thn trip to Mnr. l'llKrlniii I'roKniM, loimy lurv Intnl. tlui Heof triut nn.l n ntimbor of coikcmIoiih. Ilnhy llelle. thu yotiiiR ormiK ou(nii(? Ik ono of Ihu nttrnctlonn of (ho dhow, puMii'iNltiK (onilmicle mi neiitly hiiimtii iih to cbm connlil eruhlo perplexlly nit (o llio illtMInK linn hetween limn mnl the moiikoy The rrnliher content will loo thU einliit mnl tho winner will ho tin nouiuoil tomorrow. Tho winner will hno tho prlvlleRo or nelccthiK the rnrnlvitl uiicuii OF COASI GATHER AT TACOMA TAt'tl.MA, .ili, .lime li. Hun ilivil or Imlimi repie-inltilixe-t of nil the milt", nf the w-l. mul urtieti lurl I lie Hfli-eiiterH of llie I'mifie Oort'nl. Will luillier lir Tneoiim lotlnv for ii meetiuir wlileli will not eonelinle until Wetlnemluy mhl. Nmi'leeii tiling ill nil llie (t.Mit'oleil to heml ijel-i-iite o llie pow-wow. Many iiuiiilo elutnieler will npeilk nt llm pulilie ineeliiiK (In eM-uiiit.' nl U.I.I Fell. .' Hull, ('liter Tilholit II. till ynxr ohl. mul (In leu! imliiiiii h in it Iiik peiiple, will lell lmt lie reinemlieii o( tho Inmty mmle with (Intel nor Sleveim in 1K.M. IMulip Unwell, mi exeeplionol nnilor, will Inke ror liU milijeel, "(lie lrihi mul the c'xnl Hiile ol' tlit Imlliin." It i prolmhle it ol' leeoni niemhittoiiH will lie ilnilleil nml will Inter he iii'i'iilet lit fit In Sell, lu iIiiiii roiiiim-'iiiner, who will U I'uki'I SohihI iluniitf Hie Hiiiiiiner. Hurry ,1, IMwnriln. well Known In Minlfonl an winner of two I'otirth of .Inly iiiiih. wim piohnhb fntiilly In Jnreil Hftlunlity when his hlK lMmer Sliiiior inclni; enr mimoimuilteil at tho Ittinn City upeoilwit) I'ortlitml, Sm linlny nfturiiiHin. HU ukull U (rar tu roil. Illn ineilinnlclnn, Ilnrry I'oley, Hiiffoieil it liroKeu Job. Tho cur vklililtnl on tho hack turn. Jiml huforo li hh o couio In mi the homo slrotch, throe-elKthH of n ipllo from tho rihiiiIbIiiihI. lit liU ' ilenvor to. HtialKhlon IiIh car for (ho final ImrBl of Hpuiul, llilwunlu lon( complulu control lit trying to pitsu the lltiiUou car, which hail let! by only it fw ynrtlH, lCilwurilH Ih well known In auto ninbllu circles, ami la n raco driver of much oNporlunco In OrcKUit nml Cnllfornla. Ho forniorly whs imiiin Ker of tho Ori'Kou itKoncy of thu Fonl Motor roiupnuy. Ho In now trnvol lui; HiiUiiumi for thu Rtuilohnker Auto luohlli) cmnpnuy. HilwaiilH' face was hu crimhoil In (hat It wiih nlntotit uiirccoKiiUalilu When iimhulaitro ntlenflaiilx renchoil thu oteitiiroil car Ciey fouiul a meat crowil nianHiiil nhmtt It ami fairly hail to fluht a way thrmiBh. Tim mini wiih IiIciiiIIiik frimt IiIh woiimlH ami hluml wiih coiuIiik from hU month ami uoh(iIIh. Koloy. who mtt henhlo I'MtA'iinln, wan almi titkuii from mulur Iho enr. HU IiiiiIh iiio hy no immiiH mm, niuajBtliiK cliiufl) of tho lnokeii loK. KiIiwijiIh hiiH li nirp mnl IhiiHi ill 1 1 -ilieuj Ihu uliiciii (.Uivii joui'rt nlil. NDIANS RACER INJURED I'OIITI.AND, Or., .lime l.'i. Tlml llie HMillliell, piloleil lit Hoy llouiiliUnii, which tell I'otllmut lit t Tliuimliiv in it niee uuilri' Jin miNpleen ol' llie ,em Chili ol' Ainer ieit, lum iiimto ii Nciitulliniiiil Hilil. weatheiiiiu the elietiieiil lorin tlml liimiulil lime oilier hliiili lo wreel.d, nml llicil omitxeil Hie Ciim emle iiiiikc wn Iho theory of llmne who IlllW Mlilllv Irieil to loeille Hie only one or I he four igw Imu" mw muiei'ouiileil ror. , The llieury wiih lliloeil oil mhli lioitiil if pni I leeeiveil In. lay Irotu fiirnii'i-x, wlio nilileil lite hull. ..ui emly I'll. Iny iiioiniiux, well iimJer eiilillol mill tiled In I fie nil. Thc-e ii'purlH lutte liceli iiemoiinllv n riunwl hv the weiireliein. The liul Iomi wn Ip'iiiK Iriwii towithl the IIIOIIIlllllllK. If Hie Hpriiiflelil lln eliKMeil Hie f'llM'mliM, it Ih pnf.llie Hie luijj l Imulotl iii one of (he wII.IcnI mnl ino-t ruLTi'il iiiirln nl' (licton or Malm, liiul if Hit) pilot nml hi uiil, Williur lleiuleiMuii or I'ortlmiil, are miliurl, ll would .n-llilv lill.e Ketetlll ila.tx v I for llu'iii In leueli u center o eoimmiuieiitioii. Searehillj; (Millie were Mill lit woik, howewr, mul llieie wiih eon viilenihle fear Hint the two nem iiniitH hate met wiih Home ii'iiii ueeiileiit. COLLINS OFFERED $25,000 SALARY (IIKAliO, June J.V Milie ( nl Iiih, heioiul liaM'iunii of tint I'ltilu ilelphla Ainerieniif, wiih olfereil yen lenlay, iieeonliu to n hlory irinleil here, the liirjtefit nitlitry eter olfereil ii liiiHi'lmll iilnyer if he u until Join the HrooklMi (eiim of Hut Keilernl leiiKtie. CoIIiiih woiilil not iimiie the I'iiii ! e.xeept lo Hity they were Hot liws lluili t'J'i.lltHl a year. ('..Hint wil.l ho hail, the nuit ler iimler eousiileniliuii. U eon tniet witli Coiinio Muck expirt- nuxl full. Walter Wnnl. wm of Preniileul II. II. Wnnl of the Itrnokl.Mi IVileraN, iniiilit Collhin the ..Ifer. Hit hiiiIiI nut ('nlliiiH ul tint American I comic park hero yctenlity itrtcr the pinie, ami the two went for a lonj; motor idle. E OF POLO PLAYERS NHW YOIHC. Juno I... A radical chaiiKit In Iho line-up or tho American polo cup ilofoi.tlqrit JifrmiHii of Batnr day'H tlcfeat at thn IiiiiiiIk of tho HrltlHh team Kconut mHiircd. Thu new- lllio-up, It la tUpei'lcil, will I'o l.awreneo Waterhuiy, No. I; .1. M. Waterbitry, No. 2; Malcolm Stolen hoii, No. 3, nml Duvorcapx .Mlliurn, hack. TIiIh, It Ik mild, Ih tho KtroiiKimt eoinhlmitlou of plajer.t that thu com mltteo cnu hrliiK forward at thin time. It nicaiiH that throe, inemliora of tho miheittmi "Hit; 1'iiur" will li") In their old positions. II. I'nyno Whltue) cannot roHiiino IiIh pinto on tho i en m hucniibu of lack of condi tion. PLAN NEW MARCH UPON WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON', .limit lo. Auulliei Mil'I'ruuUt inuieli on llie white hnuo Is beiuu' pluuiieit iih the leiult of llie indorsement ol women Miltra)-o hy the I'cilriiitioii of woiuen'ti clubs nt C'liieairo. 1'rer.iilenl Wilson will he iiskctl lo reeeivo u deputation of siiffruno eluli women, headed by Airs. Ilitrtey W. Wiley, Jiluo lid. Tliu leaden, lioio have iiilnihled to Airs. Wiley thu work of AulvettiiK Iho lueinhers of ihu dep tit n t ton wliieh tliey plan hIiiiII Iio emu posed of hevernl linmlreil lepreseulii live chili women fmiu all llie stiites. wtn:x w.vrt'li Tin: fi.ot'K In our Htnren ami fiulorlim for that li(iMeil hour when tiio iluy'b work eiulH, Thu rouHoit Ih reaillly noon, mi tho naturo of their ilutlea too often ilrlft them lulu thu horrors of all ktuil of ornnulc trouhloH poouliiir to women, ciiiuIiik huekiieho, huiulaehoii, nervoiiMiieim ami Iriilahlllty. I.yilla II. Plnkhmii'M VokoIiiIiIu ('oinpounit, a nIiupW re in inly, iiimlo rrom iimU uml hi'lhit) mil)' ho telh'il uimil In mm' t'liiiio llimv lionhlen, TKINIIIAH, (.'olo, Juno lfi Tho I.iim AiiluirtH couHly Kraml Jury ro porleil toiluy for InHtriirtlonn. Thu Kraml Jury, tho iiccoml lo ho called In nix iiionthH, will IwKlit nn Iiivoh Illation Into Iho varlmiH ilUonlcrn which linvo occurred in th" Hmillmrn Colorado utrlko rono, liirludlnK Iho hnttlo nml flro nt l.mtliiw on April 20, tho hnlllo nml flro at Korhe on I Apill 2!1, nml tho il'iitrm.tloti or conl inmpi In thu AKlilliir dlMrlcl the. week liitervprttiiR Ii.Iwimjii the I.ud low lnilUr! and Hie Irmihlc nt l'orlien. I IMIKIII.O. Colo., .Iillli- J!, - Six nt rlli III K rlutl mltiem ilmre.ild with huriilnn .int offleo properly Init (nil, were lo ho tried' til it nonnloii nf tho I'nlled BlalrH tllHtrlct rourt which opened Utility, Tho dufoiiil.intH ro Kilward HllllH.iJitck Hnrthhiiw, Max, Davlil Jeffrey, Cnnno (!er uelll nml Dominic KiiKarc. It In charged thoy wore linpllcatod In tho' iMirnliiK of tho to.l offlco nt IHk Klim, when Iho llpplo of tho South Wvatorn Mlno wag detttroyed. , -j L 1'OILTI.ANI), Jpnu IS. Itcci'lptB for tho week ItnMt been. Cattle, I, VJ7; calvcH, 35; Iiors, 2018: sheep. r.7 18. Caltlo Iiiililn(cil mailer for (he wiek, duo to siild-M-aftOit between feed lot ami eras runs. Hexl grain fed KtecM, 7."0 to 8.00j hay Mecnt, I7.R0 to ,$7.70; bout Krnwi Hteern, 7.2. to 7.f.O (lood call for prlmo dehorned cowh and helfcrn. Ilutchcr Htock nleady ttll down tho Hue. Demand for hops better than hint weok, with fairly Reed number of ro relptn. r,c to 10c hlfihcr. Top ell ItiK nt J7.S5 lo $7.90. Moderate rccclpU of itheep and liiuibH thU weak. Improted demand l"aticy jearlltiKH,, to C 00; old wether. II 25 to $4.50; owe $4.00 to $1.25. Lantirtmilo firm, spring mock itelllniT readily at $0.pi . :: IMPROVED DEMAND IVESTOCK MARKET llMllM.y& t t ? ? ' ? .. s j t V t ! & t I t ? t t ? T & k W. t t T t T t T t ? h Vd a work, and do it well, learn to appreciate things at their real worth. They are not fooled by frilh they demand honest valuta These arc the millions of men all over the earth who find complete, .Ticahhful enjoyment ..J l-.! ...!M.:nn In inif1P Hiirk'tm ana lasting sauswuiuii m "". -" . 4 i i i .:n.F,ol TTim trrch fr.tcrrnnt riernrrtfpn theV roll for themselves, with their own hands, to their in, from ripe, mellow "Bull" Durham tobacco, Dcttcr man any cigarcucs nicy can uujr n.aujf-uiv OEMUING v 1 Bull Durham SMOKING TOBACCO (Enough for forty hand-made cigarettes in each 5-cenl sacXt) At tor FREE wkh ach e tack. EltS.'"'. mSmi Urn. WELCOME The Jackson County Bank Med ford, Oregon i . CAPITAL $100,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS 75,000.00 FOUNDED IN 1888 AND FOR 26 YEARS UNDER THE SAME MANAGEMENT The oft'ifi'ivs and dim-tin's or this hank c.luiu most conllal wi'lconu' to all visiting bankers, their wives and friends, and i-etniust one aiul all tti vail at this hank during their stay in Medt'oHl. IMake this bank your headquarters and .com mand us it' we can servo you. I. VAWTER, President G. R. LINDLEY, Vice - ir 9- r B k. . .zmir'x&F&itte, ww y On the Firing line in cvcrV walk of life votiMl find good old "Hull" Durham. Men of action, men with red blood in their veins, who do the. world's The millions of "Bull" Durham emokcrs arc proud of that mUslin sack, because they know that the Quality is all in the tobacco where it belongs. "Roll vour own" and tinctive form of tobacco enjoyment. 71? 171? An Illustrated Booklet, showing correct rMSEdEt way t0"RollYour Own" Cicarcttc$,and a Book o! dpirctte papers, will both be mailed to you, frte, on postal request. Addre"Bufl" Durham, Dur- haalNC, THE AMEWcAlf TOtACCO COMPAKY' ,.i .:.! nifini ( President H' ti 0. W. M'DONALD, 'Cashier - T. A. FIFER, Asst. Oashior - W V h -l ownltk - suit thci their taste learn this dis A V tu X 1-